THOUGHT FOR TODAY Of people this is sadly trues The more they talk the less they do. ; The Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Increasing cloudiness Friday followed by a few showers, winds southerly tonight, be- coming light Friday, cooler. THIRTY PAGES Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy VOL. 89--NO. 93 OSHAWA, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1960 Authorized as Second Ciass Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa U.S. Proposes Armed Force | Level Checks GENEVA (Reuters) -- The|cluded provisions that disarma-|verification system which in United States today proposed, ai ment measures should correspond |cluded unscheduled on-site in- four - point plan for verifying, control measures and control sPections A 0} oy toe American and Soviet armed force a) levels. measures Showd not be carried Russia would keep one another Russia accepted some general out he ofe there was agreement|informed periodically of troop aspects of the proposal, but critj-|°", disarmament measures. = 'levels and the general location of cized details a | But Zorin criticized Eaton's|contingents of more than 500: Te S. Del ot Fred X Eat proposal for verification of men. 5. Delegate Frederick laton armed force levels every three ' RL a unveiled the plan at the 10-nation months. This had nothing to if Selection of arose hii unis = disarmament conference. jith disarmament, he said. |be checked would be made a [with : i f {random to prevent any cheating. Soviet Delegate Valerian Zorin| The Soviet delegate said Eat-| Navy personnel would be ,veri- promised to study the proposal. yn's plan might prove useful after - while ships are in port He said many of the considera-/the conference agreed on a plan| 5 i i tions outlined by Eaton '"'do not|for complete disarmament. | Eaton was trying pice again to raise any objections." These in| Eaton outlined a four - point|talk Russia into buckling down to - negotiations on a specific pro- Daylight Saving 4, Lone Rhee Sees Rule Crumbling 7 SEOUL (Reuters)--While Pres-| But Dr. John M. Chang, the op-|tial law to the capital and other ##, ident Syngman Rhee pondered position leader who was vice-/major Korean cities. ; his crumbling administration, ri-|president until his defeat in the| There were no reports of res val political parties met today|March 15 elections, said the|,.wed violence as troops and po- and decided to hold an emer-jonly real settlement was new|jjce patrolled the cities, But tem gency session Friday of South presidential elections. sion mounted as the bodies of Korea's National Assembly. | Chang, whose democratic party|demonstrators shot by police The 85-year-old president was claims the elections were rigged were turned over to weeping, almost alone as he sought to ap-|by the ruling Liberals, said Pres-| wailing relatives. pease his people and restore or-|ident Eisenhower "through his| der in riot-torn Seoul and other | goodwill" could bring peace to|AT LEAST 1,000 SHOT major cities. [South Korea without directly in-| With at least 1,000 persons shot Both his cabinet and the cen-|terfering in the country's affairs. during the riots, the known death tral committee of his ruling Lib-| The 85 - year - old president's|toll stood at 147. Hundreds more eral party resigned today and ac-|opposition also declared that his|still were in critical condition in yeDle 4 Teshonshiily or fis promise of redress for those with|hospitals or in their homes. Epis yuence i "|"major grievances" was insuf-| Vice-President John M. Chan greds of aul} goverment demon ficient. The promise came in the|leader of the opposition Dg ; "|wake of bloody anti-government cratic party, declared there PARK CHAN IL QUITS? riots Tuesday that brought mar-\would be no compromise in his party's demand for new elections. : South Korea. Tension mounted meeting this morning at Rhee's following Tuesday's disorders residence in Seoul. Ambassador McConaughy pressed the U.S. demand for more democracy in that brought martial law to the major Korean cities. tions started. roop-cut proposal today mainly|the future .of racial of nine disarmament and control] measures. He invited them to pick any one for negotiations. | Zorin formally rejected the en-| U.S, AMBASSADOR Walter tire list Wednesday complaining) p, McConaughy, left, talks to the measures concentrated too| Republic of Korea President By THE CANADIAN PRESS Regina will go on MST per- > | Most municipalities in eight of(manently Sunday. This was ap- The conference has een dead: renes will proved last fall by the yoters. |locked on how to start up nego Canadas 10 provinces wi jurn Most Ontario municipalities|tiations ever since it convened| their clocks ahead an hour after 1 ues) rg Offs idni Stat i cwitc will observe the Daylight time| March 15. Today's meeting was| midnight Saturday in a switch to A the first of seven sessions before cross-Can-|, ~~ a ie until June 7. ada survey shows that for most|21€@ municipalities and StLITL Do t,0 pn mene 1 1g th icipalit'es. Daylight| Thomas and Sarnia. Chatham, 10 of Bou of the, aye nd neighbors will revert to/hoped the heads of government time will begin shortly after mid- an : {will agree at their summit talks igiit and' ond. Oct. 30 period lard time Sept. 4 and Bt.| yh pnd For oihor it wil omas and Sarnia Sept. 25. In| end Sept. 25. Anwim wif at the beginning , = |because Zorin | Pail » y pi on Standard time. They have port Arthur, Fort William and this issue Wednesday Western of- leader. lsws forbidding Daylight time. Windsor and its nearby commu. | iCials said Zorin appeared to be The Yukon and Northwest Ter- nities of Wheatley and Tilbury! his field ritories also will stick to Stand-|ywill stay on Standard time. in this field. ard time. | Most Quebec municipalities| In British Columbia and New- plan Daylight time April 24-Oct. Italian Girl | much on controls and were| Syngman Rhee during their » H - i ol | Daylight time. period from April 24-Oct, 30. Ex the conference adjourns April 29 Northern Ontario, the community| Alberta and Prince Edward Is-/Standard time foundland Daylight time is man-|30. | practice varies awidely.| five Communist deleations a list "'shop-worn." | A Canadian' Press ceptions are Chatham and eight of Bruce Mines will return to land will remain all year round|,; October. sition United party. datory. It is optional in the re-| US. maining provinces. For most of Among the states where daylight | B.C., Daylight time will continue|/time will be observed are Cali- until Sept 25. |fornia, Wig con sin, Minnesota, In Saskatchewan some centres New Hampshire, Vermont, Mas- A . , Maine, IHlinois, ve found the reason for a 17-|(racial segregation). f York," New Jersey and Rhode Is-(year-old Italian girl's illness ard Time. Eastern Saskatchewan and. Washin, B:C., also willjwhich had baffled experts for|We fs in the Central zone and west-| operate on Daylight time. years--she has two hearts, ernment ern Saskatchewan in the Mount-| In some states, the change is| The girl, Carmela Di Felice, gin zone. only partial. who lives in France with her| Unconfirmed newspaper reports said Rhee had also accepted the resignation of his chief secretary, Park Chan Il, a man with con- Fire Destroys "Anything short of that would never solve the fundamental question," he told a press com Verwoerd Return Seen Imminent CAPETOWN (Reuters) -- The|Negroes urged by Sauer reflected in Paris on a way to get negotia- White government faced pressure ® from an opposition political party | Eaton challenged Russia on the today to clear up confusion overiappointed cabinet chairman in| NEW YORK (CP)--The state p _ segregation the ahsence of Prime Minister{commission of investigation was| concentrated nn caused by the nation's acting Hendrik Verwoerd, still recover-|told today that Canadian cities The demand for a clarifying fered when a white farmer tried state gambling '"'network." inting something could be done statement was made by Harry|to assassinate him April 9. | Lawrence, chairman of the Pro- |gressive party--a small break- away group from the main oppo- He referred to a speech Tues- day by acting cabinet chairman Paul Sauer who said there must be an important change in the PARIS (Reuters)--Doctors here practical application of apartheid Lawrence told a party meeting 'edhesday might the gov- should make clear {whether the 'new approach" 'to siderable influence in Korean pol- itics. Liberal (government) party members of the National Assem- bly and Democratic (opposition) members decided on the emer- ference after the announcement of the cabinet's resignation, | Chang lost his bid for re-elec. A 100-year-old barn, in the|tion last month to Lee Ki-poong, Harmony-Rossland road area,|Rhee's Liberal party running gency meeting to seek ways of(Was destroyed by fire early to-mate. Rhee, running unopposed settling the unrest and ending|day. Owner of the barn was|for his fourth term after the |the crisis. | Russell Lindsey. death of the Democratic party Meanwhile, four major hos-| SIX cows, a bull and five calves|candidate, piled up the biggest | pitals here turned away hundreds died in the fire. Two cows be-|vote of his career in the election, of would - be blood donors who|ionged to the tenant, Stan Swerd-| The election was the principal were offering blood to- the in. | figer, a General Motors of Can-|issue behind the uprisings. The jured. |ada, Ltd., employee, who lives|Democrats have charged Rhee's | Following the resignations Rhee/on the farm with his wife and|Liberals with rigging the voting |summoned six senior "neutral" |seven children. |and widespread ballot box stuff- t mbling K | politicians to his residence--| Mr. Swerdfiger estimated his/ing to insure a Liberal in power | New York state bookies have|guarded by troops, tanks and|own loss at $500. He was burned should the aged president not live Verwoerd was expected to be contacts with "a number of cities barbed-wire barricades -- to dis-lout in a Tyrone fire about ajout his term. Chang defeated Lee able to give full attention to his|in the Canadian provinces of On-| cys the erisis. Iyear ago. lin the 1956 election. : f tario and Quebec," said Daniel] -- - xu nt -- duties in about a week. | : A hair _---- . |D. Moynihan, special commission| Sauer's speech was followed by|, gent. The commission has| a statement in Parliament by EX-| opened a public hearing into ternal Affairs Minister Ericigambling operations. Louwl He said the government's|" Moynihan did not name the apartheid policy remained basic-| cities. He showed two large maps ally unchanged. to the hearing, one depicting the Meanwhile, the number of Ne-|15.state gambling network and| groes arrested in raids since the other the. econtacts befween Monday mounted to at least 1,200(hbookies in a siring of northern] with Wednesday's roundup if 550| New York stale communities| in Negro townships. {from Erie and Niagara Falls on The raids were organized by|the west to Washington and Rens- Oshawa Barn Bookmaking Network In Canada its official views. Sauer, minister of lands, was| ing in hospital from injuries suf-|are hooked into a smooth, 15- " GARBLED CABLE HELPS SUICIDE HULL, England (AP)--The wrong three-letter word in a cable was blamed Wednesday as the final straw leading to the suicide of a 37-year-old woman. A coroner's inquest heard testimony that the woman suspected her husband, a trawler skipper, of infidelity. She heard him say in his sleep "Five times since we were married, the next time will be six." While she brooded, the sailor sent her flowers and fruit and a cable which said "To our new happiness, yours, Sid." It came garbled, signed "Six."" LAST-DITCH BATTLE amily. wag 'admiicd o a Venezuelan Revolt Snuffed of breath--the trouble that had| CARACAS (AP) -- The rebel afflicted her for as long as she could remember. | Doctors back home in Bari, | Italy, had diagnosed heart trouble stronghold in San Cristobal crumbled today under the threat of a battle with troops and tanks of President Romulo Betancourt's and prescribed injections. But the French doctors went a| army. The rebel leader was in flight with his aides. step further--they x-rayed her. | They discovered that Carmela Jesus Maria Castro Leon, the ambitious former general in the| has two hearts, one on each side of her body. Even more remark-| Venezuelan air force who led the rebel troops across the border able, one heart--the left one--has| from Columbia on Wednesday, ap- Betancourt told tne nation in a broadcast Wednesday night that the rebellion led by an ambitious retired general had failed and would be crushed within hours, Major military, political and la- bor leaders rallied behind his left-leaning coalition regime. Interior Minister Luis Agusto Dubuc reported Wednesday night that the rebels had suffered losses but so far there had been no casualties among government police in a successful attempt to!selaer in the east. break the back of a stay-at-home| Assistant commission counsel campaign urged on Negro work- William D. Walsh told the hear-!| ers by the outlawed African Na-|ing the gambling network ex-| tional Congress. tends from New Hampshire to] Kentucky and from New Jersey NO ORDERS TO FIRE Ito Towa and Minnesota, with ofl At Vereeniging, a judicial in-|ghoots into Florida and Missis- quiry was told that police opened |gippi. fire without being ordered to do| New York City bookies operate so when 67 Negroes were killed outside this network, he said. | outside Sharpeville police station] In the northern New York state March 21. area from Troy to Buffalo, said| A police captain testified the Walsh, about 100 bookie ope a-| shots were fired after more than tions gross more than $250,000,000 10,000 Negroes started throwing|a year. Their net take would be| stones at policemen. $25,000,000 annually. Capt. M1, G, Theron said there| ! Crown Argues | Bailiff Case | police should disperse crowds. | But he claimed none of the usual | TORONTO (CP)--Bailiffs who lenter a home and forcibly re- : two aorta arteries and the other| has three. The aorta is the main| parently was heading back where he came from. blood vessel in the heart, and] most hearts have only one. | Carmela is under observation| in hospital at Saint-Germain-en- Laye while doctors d whether an operation is possible. They are reported to have asked| Reports from San Cristobal said farmers armed with machetes captured two of the fleeing rebel officers, former Lt.-Col. Juan de Dios Moncada Vidal who is an aide to Castro Leon, and Maj. Bernabe Serrano, a young army for an observation period of three years before any surgery is at-| officer who joined the rebels Wed- nesday. tempted. | TROOPS SEAL ROAD Troops attempted to seal off the border by blocking the interna- tional road. Betancourt, supported by polit eal, military and labor leaders who thwarted Castro Leon's plan for a nation-wide uprising, sent loyal forces to San Cristobal, cap ita! of Tachira state. So far the invasion has been vir- tually bloodless. Government offi- cials telephoned San Cristobal and were told that two students were killed and four were wounded in street fights with the rebels. Col. Francisco Lizarazo, who turned over San Cristobal's 400- man garrison to the rebels Wed- nesday, was arrested this morn- ing and replaced by Col. Miguel Arcadio, who refused to submit to the rebels. The rush to the border began shortly after the government an- nounced air force planes would begin machine gunning the Bolivar barracks, which the reb- els had held for 24 hours, ESCAPE REPULSED Venezuelan frontier guards al ready had repulsed some rebel units trying to escape. The guardsmen attacked the flecing insurgents in the town of R y ory a few miles from the b hy and the rebels fell back on San Cristobal San Cristobal is in the Andes 385 miles southwest of Caracas CITY EMERGERCY PHONE NUMBERS forces. OUSICD NEWSMEN After their ouster from Cuba | Richard Bote (left) Mario | held the two In custody for more POLICE RA 5-1133 X 5-657 : 1 : FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 ; Castro's | Biaset'i leo vs stories | than 24 hours prior to deporting of themseives as tl arrive in | them from the country. V HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | government, CBS sewsmeg | Miami. Cuban secret police --AP Wirephoto and ednesday by F.del methods tear gas, or club/ charges--would have been effec-| possess furniture are guilty of |trespassing, the Crown argued in tive against the Sh arp eville crowd. | its Ontario Court of Appeal Wed '2 Children, 2 Girls Killed In Fire WINNIPEG (CP)--Two youngattorney-general, was appealing children and two teen-aged girls|the acquittal last 'February of nesday. William B. Common, deputy died in a fire that roared through|three licenced bailiffs charged parts of a terrace fenement block with assault causing bodily harm. here early today. |The court reserved judgment. The dead children are Cather-| "If the purchaser wishes to re- ine Black, 7, and Heather Black, | sist repossession," Mr. Common 5. |said, '"'the bailiffs should peace- | Police have not released the|fully withdraw and seek civil names of the two older girls. |action where a court order can The fire, destroyed the top two be granted 'for legal repossession floors of the building where the|of the goods." | victims all lived. | He said John William Chappell Mother of the two young girls was kneed in the groin, punched | WELCOMED BY MONTREAL MAYOR FOURNIER is reported to be Mrs. Melba in the face and knocked to the| Black, a nurse. A neighbor said |floor when three bailiffs removed | = she was working at the time ofla television set from his Toronto! DeGaulle Ends A ulive tarvece. believe]. Chien ered Doucette, On Quiet Quebec Visit Birthday to have contained about 90 per-(35, William Edward Donigen, 36, sons m Six units. Six persons/and Donald McNutt, 32, all em- were taken to hospital for treat-|ployees of Toronto's Murray and MONTREAL (CP) -- French; Everywher loy TC 3 | J 5 ywhere he went there wi ment. |Company, bailiffs. (President. de Gaulle arrived at|cries of "Vive de phe LONDON Elizabeth | | Montreal airport in suburban Dor-|"Vive la France." Street cr | (Reuters) -- Queen|val at 10:11 a.m. EST today for\were not large, a 'Red Drug F tai HAMILTON (CP)--A man of 93 ciety had branded Dr. Aslan's Artillery Company fired at the is 3 six-hour visit in this secondlenthusiasti ¢. At each stop, Claimed Of Youth flew guns thundered in royal salute. v | The Queen has been staying atl' word, {Windsor Castle with her family. | | In London's Hyde Park the ahes SC Royal Horse Artillery fired a 1]-j0ics ahead of schedule, gun salute and the Honorable {up to the airport buildings. rgest French-speaking city of The RCAF plane, arriving from Quebec, touched down four min- Four pieces of artillery fired a |21-gun salute as the plane taxied [rances strongman evoked the ancient ties between Quebec and (France. | At city hall--where he signed | the same Golden Book he signed |in 1944--he said that seeing the |importance of French Canada is |believing it. did handstands on a desk, a Red treatment as completely phoney. |LoWer of London a 62-gun salute. | Dan: 2 Cross official said Wednesday| «Qe man of mp dg po Naval ships and shore batteries| c.f one man guard 2 ower rors) At Laval University--where he night in describing effects of alyag just remarkable," Mr. Ait fired salutes of 21 guns. |Johns, Que., and the band of the 2ddressed an overflow crowd of drug being used behind the Ironken said. "The muscles in the PHILIP GOES ALONG |Royal Canadian Ordnance' Corps|1:200--he congratulated the uni Curtain. 3 back of his neck were like those| Prince Philip, known not to/took part in the official ceremon-|Versity for its contribution to George Aitken, past presidentiof a man of 50 and his white/Share his wife's love of horses. ies. {French thought and "especially of the Canadian Red Cross So-thatch of hair was beginning to|made an unexpected decision to| The official greeting party was|for maintaining the links with the Sets, told the annual dinner of tyrn black at the roots. accompany the Queen from Wind-| headed by Mayor Sarto Fournier main motherland, France." the Society s Ontario division that| "Another man of 93 came out sor to the Badminton horse trials|of Montreal and his wife. "HUMAN SUCCESS" e drug may have ended man's ang did handstands on a desk and|today. | The six-hour daytime stopover N: Success . age-old search for an aid After a quiet, family morning | And at a state banquet Wed- | 1 10a lady, who was 86 and a former in Montreal comes between the Jougeviyy. ak ._|opera singer whose voice had at Windsor Castle, Prince|French president's tour of Quebec|teSday night he pays that what | Mr. itken said he was im-|failad her, sang a few arias and Charles, 11, and nine - year - old|City, heart of French Canada, being done in Quebec province [pressed with the results obtained |she almost shook the room >rincess Anne left with their|and a flight tonight to Toronto,|i$ @ "great human success and from the drug at the Institute of parents for. Gloucestershire for hub of Canada's Anglo-Saxon ma-|8 great French success." Geriatrics in Bucharest, which he|SAID IT HELPS the three-day trials which opened | jority. De Gaulle and his party ar visited last fall. Mr. Aitken also told of a Tor-|today. ) rived here from Ottawa in chilly He said Dr. Anna Aslan, direc- (onto woman who was at the| Nine-week-old Prince Andrew| .QUEBEC (CP)--Gallic enthusi-|winds and sunny blue es. tor of the clinic, showed him|clinic. She looked like a feeble stayed behind -with his nurse. |asm bubbled over here Wednes-| At each of his Quebec stops, {three = patients who had been hospital patient but said the treat-| The Queen and the two children|day as President de Gaulle of|he reaffirmed his faith in France treated with vitamins and the ment was helping her. will stay for the entire trials with{France paid a fleeting visit toland expressed his pleasure at grog, a derivative of mnovocaine 7 Mr. Aitken said be was offered|the Duke and Duchess of Beaufort|this capital of New France, sec-|being in French Canada. He nown as 3 : iree of the capsules by Dr, As-lon whose property the trials are ond stop of a four-city Canadian|term is wi " He said the British Medical So-/lan but refused them. Iheld. ny 8 visit. 2 y land Youchiag." Move - Wesliy