The Oshawa Times, 20 Apr 1960, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 20, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 19) 50--Articles for Sale 50--Articles for Sale UNPAINTED bookcases, only 99¢. with purchase of one piece of unpainted furniture, Chest of drawers, $17. ;desks, $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, $26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, $22; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. ALUMINUM doors, windows, awnings, | Syetate window $19.95 installed. RA, BABY carriage, Lloyd deluxe, yellow and grey, like new, converts to bassin ette, car bed, or stroller. OLiver 5-3032 LOVE seat with chair to match, drapc for large window, rug 6°10" x 9'. R. 5-5281. YASHICAMAT camera, enlarger, spee light, tripod, dark room equipment, A condition; large baby crib. Phone R/ 8-6702. WRECKING house, fixtures and all materials for sale. Apply 12 Mill Street. RA 3-2097 BOAT Kits -- Build now. All sizes, 8 ft. to 22 ft. cruisers. Car top special partly assembled $49; 15 ft. moulded mahog- ROTO - tiller and lawn mower, com bination, in good condition, Phone RA 8-5754 after 5 p.m. OUTBOARD Motor an dtank, 12 HP. 1956 Elto, used three seasons $175. RA 3-3263. ahy wi and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1959 Gale Buchaneer motor, new warranty $329. Barons', 426 Simcoe Street South. FOR SALE -- Gendron convertible baby carriage, good condition, $20. Also SEWING machine, Singer, portable electric, excellent condition, $25. RA 5 1. LIGHT piano, medium size, walnut finish. Telephone RA 5-0352. combination portable rad h, three-speed, nearly mew, $50. Phone MO 8-4407. GENDRON baby carriage, blue and white, converts to car bed and stroller. Excellent condition, 294 Burk Street. RA 8-0810. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange, Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. KITCHEN chairs, set of four, $20; three-piece sectional half sofa, curved centre, bumper, rocking chair, all brand new. RA 8-6053. LARGE By ARCH MacKENZIE Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA (CP) -- "Put down nat prime English roast beef, aptain. You're under arrest." That's not a Inie from Sherlock Iolmes but an example--admit- :griculture inspector apprehend- ng the skipper of a foreign ves- el plying the St. Lawrence Sea- vay. The crime: tucking into foreign meat fresh or uncooked on enter- ng the seaway, thus menacing he health of North American livestock. Stringent meat regulations, comparable to the vigilance in JACKET heater, hot water tank and|detecting contraband liquor, nar- pipes. RA 3-3896. PHILLIPS racer in very good condi- cotics or jewels, applied to the Queen's table aboard the royal tion; iy boy's CCM, size 28". Diallyacht Britannia on last year's RA 8-06! CONTENTS of four room apartment, refrigerator, stove, TV, chesterfield, bedroom suite, kit chen chairs, table etc. 121 Pine Street, Whitby. Canadian tour. washing machine, DEFEND POLICY All raw or uncooked foreign meat is slapped under seal before CRIB, youth bed, double bed All com-|foreign vessels enter the seaway, an plete with sprin, mattresses. Good condition. RA 3-4853. EXCHANGE or sell, one set of bunk beds for two matching single beds. Phone RA 5-8521. ADMIRAL refrigerator, four burner|think Canadian anti - disease/was being opened at Hamilton stove, portable record player, chrome measures are lax along the sea- this year and in new condition. way. kitchen suite, all 212 of TV's at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- fridge, both |agriculture authorities said Tues- day. They were commenting more in sorrow than in anger on |reports that some Americans Dr. K. F. Wells, veterinary di- Stringent Meat Regulation -------- R 5 od | i I |rector - general for the federal | oO n (0 | | vey 2 ] Lb (0 n i Wa 1 k EEN BUY TODAY! -dly hypothetical--of a Canadian| | On Foreign Seaway Ships agriculture department, saic | Tuesday Canada took steps three|| years ago to meet the possible | spread of disease through meat|| entering the seaway when it] opened last year. i Foreign ships have to put in a || Montreal or some other specified | anchorage for meat inspection|| provided by a 24-hour service fi-|| nanced by Canada, he said. All| fresh and uncooked meat is sealed and a list--with the ship's | future ports of call--circulated to | inland ports. Subsequent checks|| are made inland and a final one || done on outbound ships to ensure the seal is intact. All foreign garbage is burned under super-|| vision. | ABOARD ROYAL SHIP | It was learned last year that|| the Queen's quarters aboard the | Britannia contained an incenera-|| tor to burn scraps from the royal || table where English beef was|| served. England still has foot-| and-mouth disease. | Officials in the plant disease|| iment said an inspection centre|| there now are |centres at Toronto and Montreal. {More staff was being hired. | division of the agriculture depart- | Yes, take advantage of the tremendous values now being rffered by Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 170 Quality OK Used Cars are now in stock, providing the best assortment of Used Cars anywhere. coe Street North. rr in very good condition. NEW finish for your old asphalt shingle | phone RA 5-9796. | . " Phos | an - i relmpEard id will refin- {GENERAL Electric 4-burner stove, in ish your present asphalt shingles, to good condition. Suitable for home or en a 1 1 Y ec nes give them additional years of wear, |COttage. Call RA 57842. iz Look At These Sample Ualues Ero As Man Advances In Years | 1959 CHEVROLET s{g95 | 1957 OLDSMOBILE $1795 PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. CHINESE cabinet, like new. Phone RA | a. i BISCAYNE 2-DOOR SEDAN SUPER "88" SEDAN -- Full Power, Radio 1958 CHEVROLET 1957 OLDSMOBILE 1645 1045 Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 855 GURNEY range, clock and fimer,| WINNIPEG (CP) -- The elder 35 years, then declines through *fri | nga : BEL AIR 2-DOOR SUPER 88" -- Radio, etc. 1958 CHEVROLET 1955 OLDSMOBILE $ $1445 145 GUNS, n SUPER "88" SEDAN -- Radio, etc. DELRAY and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down 3 Wd) ; delivers! "Guaranteed Best thoroughly overhauled, $129; also 21-|qryer, $98; almost new Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| .. | picture tube, guaranteed for one g59; 30" HD stove, $129; bed ends an ain. |year, $119. Meagher's 5 King St. West. springs, $9; four electric shavers, $9| The tests also showed that el-|| 0 3) in- USED parts and repairs for all makes derly persons tend to be more in 1953 NASH SEDAN -- (New Motor) 1957 MORRIS minor Sharp 1955 ZEPHYR SIX CYLINDER SEDAN ammunition 'and hunting sup. | unger, 231 Drew, Apt. 2. After 5 p.m. ojty than his younger protege in| Dr. John Zubek, head of the Street West. RA 5-6511 blue, like new, $45. Converts to bas- Phone YUkon 5.2605, Phot Port Peny, YUkon 5288. ---- psychology. signed not to evoke any emotion. i BL | PONY ability reaches its peak in the/but some concerned sensitive to-|| grooved, 14% sq. ft. Phone RA 8-1611. [PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. v 1953 DE SO (0) ese omer 1957 CHEVROLET heels] E TRUCK fires with tubes and wheels, gc ob-- 0 o--o yoo SEDAN | of wringer type washers, % HP motors flexible. They are inclined to 150 SERIES compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hp ¥ |washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, false, rather than consider pos-| | $130 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23. range, washer or TV. 25 per cent off on clude Ukrainian, electric fans, pipe/ Many cheerful designs for home and Persons from different occupa- | ied per foot. Ends of broadloom scatter 9 $ welding rods cast iron, portable mantel (exciting models to choose from. pol Oi, ies ast $1.49. Harding Pack unde ere [ested They radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores. Barons' Home Furnishings. 424 Simcoe poayy quality broadloom, rubberized ranged in age from 12 to 80. | 875 and windshield wiper, punches, gaskets distributor for Filter Queen Vacuum ($79.50 Ends of wall coverings Clear jo. with other aspects of the | RA 59216, at any time. y frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, |each; electric kettles, $4 and $6; 2 SEDAN y d, t 10 t|/RA 5-0 A ; : Pies, sew and used, Seffs 10 per ced making those crisp, objective de- psychology department, said the 26 FEET Beatty steel for stock pen, |sinette, car bed or stroller. Carriage studies conducted by the Univer- questions. Some were "emotion- 21" RCA television console set, walnut BOAT trailer with winch, small wheels: Results of the research pro-| All the questions were tests of -- rm tractor with cultivator and J ' hs A M ana SPECIAL yr mahogany hardboard; 9826, mid 20s, is maintained for about|/pics such as race and political THREE rooms of furniture only $209.|All colors. | ch Street. RA 3-7624. | rSONS Wi V-8 SEDAN chome set, room suite, mattress, (Church Stree 3-7624 BARGAINS: 2-piece chesterfield, $29; Older persons were found to be|| STATION WAGON 'rig., $119;|swayed by emotion -- than size 7.50-20, heavy duty, 10 ply rayom |g...' fresh vegetables daily, Phone guaranteed reconditioned choose the absolutes of true or|| : Wisconsin, $65, Six air compressor|®™Y: sible alternative answers. 1955 PON | 1 A( A-C Volt Ammeter GE, $45. E: |small GE Barons', 426 Sim- FLOOR coverings at tremendous sav- threading dies, floor lamp, | ROOM Dividers that are really different cottage, reduced for quick sale, 25c|tional, educational and economic|| cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth|Street South. back and moth proof, 6 decorative col-| A second project, conducted at|| DELUXE SEDAN -- Radio and many others, to be sold regardless gs 51207 - |out price 37c per foot. Wilson Furniture == : or RA S043 git price 37¢ pe effects of aging on mental abil- REGISTERED raspberry plants. g,ves, etc. For t h | 9 Phone RA 8-1131 or come in $ stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con-|TV, $8 r DECLINE AFTER 40s WE pay highest prices in the city for g F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat. Street. Community Furniture Store, : used furniture. FPretty's Used Fumi iieries, Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. NEW furniture bargains: 2-piece ches: hension, verbal fluency and nu- ture Store. RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South yigion. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543,[terfields (airfoam), reduced to $189; 5. merical abilities hold up well un- WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, plece bedroom suite, only $120.50; 3 vil the mid 40s, after which they only 50; | down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond gag i ABY SIERRAS: Sove Jenne Pane cisions, it has been suggested by tests consisted of two types of|| two Beatty steel single horse stalls. Pad and shopping basket included. sity of Manitoba's department of ally loaded" and others were de- lights, 1 , $75. Cox, roa An . : ' with doors, beautiful condition. Tele- | £83 and licence, #75. C. Cox gram show that critical thinking|logical deduction, Dr. Zubek said, paneline, 4' x 7 and 4' x 8, randomed Plough. RA 5- [Su a | 3 Guaranteed flat, gloss. | . DE emi ieta" and" chair, | Oshawa Hardware and Electric, § 50--Articles For Sale spring, step and coffee table, boudoir MARCONI 21-inch" console television, two washing machines, $19.50; Norge|less objective--to be more YGimeoe| ich RCA Victor, blond television, with roll top desk, $18; dining room sulte. | younger persons. 1 057 CH EVRO LET 195 PL MOU H like new, all four $280. Portable air| om aor "Fp at en.0" trie deliv. $f whnger, units, stationary and one portable, from $10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, Hampton, CO 3-2241. : SEDAN $ . iy i . During the 3%-year project 484 cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in-/coe Street South. ings, clearance of last year's patterns. DELUXE SEDAN Radio electric heaters, GM car radio, office cabinet,(and smart. $10 down delivers. Several] and discs, electric fuel pump 6 volts N'WAY Rug Co., has been appointed ors, large 9 x 12 size very special price the same time on 634 subjects, | of cost Apply 597 Simcoe Street Sou . ppiy SELLING furniture? We'll buy If, Re.|20 Church Street. 5 ities. 1954 PONTIAC Phone RA. 5-6071. tact 19 prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince Results suggested that compre- $645 solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard- ware, 8 Church. RA 3-7624. LADY'S suit, medium blue, size 16, $15. Lady's coat, beige, fitted, size 16, $15, excellent condition. RA 5-5676. USED electric hot water tank, good condition. Apply 328 Annapolis Avenue. ONE plywood flat bottom boat; 30 vol- ume Americana Encyclopaedia; seven volume "Land and People" and 10 vol- umes ""Popular Science". RA 5-9130. HOME freezer, good condition, chest type, 12 cu. ft., hold approximately 500 Ibs. Call MO 8-5152. Private. STOVE, McClary, apartment size, heavy duty, four burner range. Tele- phone RA 8-1093 LAWNMOWER, 21" 4-cycle rotary; 2- piece wine chesterfield, both in good condition. 242 Elgin Street West. VACUUM cleaner, repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8-0591 ytime. BOATING SPECIAL 12-ft. fibre-glass run-a-boats, 12 h.p. Scott motor, Cana- dian Explorer trailer, com- pletely equipped, $895. | 13' moulded plywood boat, | 25 h.p. motor, trailer, all controls and equipment, $995. While they last. Canadion Explorer camp trailers, com- plete, Reg. $405 -$319. Trades accepted. Terms ar- ranged. AJAX MARINE | NO. 2 HWY, AT AJAX Ph. WH 2-4080 AWNINGS, ors or. gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order 51--Swap and Barter now for early delivery. Chair and table | poh Simcoe North. rentals. Cleve Fox, 4 condition. Telephone COlfax 3-2 BABYLAND Bargains! New smart metal 'body carriages, converts| sels, sump pumps, pressure plik - ee systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur- 7 HP garden tractor, ME tiller, in good | nace, __| cooler, le tings (all kinds) boiler serv-all and rads, electric pop grill, piping and fit- H. Chinn RA 3-7088. to car bed, many colors, lowest price| 52--L egal Notices in town, $37. Large full panel crib, half price, $19.88. Spring - filled crib mattre $9.88. Playpens, $8.83. High chair, $7.88. Strollers, $5.88. Wil- son's Furniture, 20 Church Street BEDDIN Spring - filled mattresses, guaranteed construction, Reg. $29.95 -- Wilson's low price, $16.88. Smooth top high qual- ity mattresses, discontinued tickings and one of a kind, Serta, Restonic, Beverly, Marshall, Simmons, reduced for quick sale from $22. Continental beds, spring - filled sturdy construction, mismatched tickings, single sizes, Reg. clearance price, $24.50. Bunk complete with ribbon springs, mattresses, guard rail and ladder, Maple or Walnut, price complete, $58. Roll-a-way cots complete with mat- tress, $16.95. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. | NORGE gas range, good condition. | Reasonab) 'elephone RA 5-9148. | BOATS, s and trailers, n | used. Complete selection. We finance | our own accounts. Terms to suit your| budget. See Dominion Tire Store, Church and Bond THREE hp garden tractor plough and cultivator. RA 8-8208. SALE Auminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 bargains. Real low prices! FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT / $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no .obliga- ticn)--phone RA 5-3709. FOOD PLAN THAT SAVES Complete lines of meats, fish, poultry and groceries. Gov- ernment inspected. Blue and Red Brand beef FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY $12.89 A WEEK. FAIRBANK-MORSE FREEZERS $199 UP Phone Now RA 8-1128 Guaranteed by _ Good Housekeeping PICKERING DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD GYMNASIUM ADDITION TO AJAX HIGH SCHOOL SEALED TENDERS plainly marked as to contents and addressed to Mr. A. R. Irwin, Business Administrator, Sec- retary - Treasurer, Pickering District High School Board, will be received by Shore & Moffat, Architects, at 51 Wellington Street West, To- ronto 1, Ontario, until 3:00 p.m. WED., MAY 4, 1960 Sealed tenders of Mechanical ond Electrical Contractors shall be deposited in duplicate with the Bid Depository at the Toronto Builders' Ex- change, not later than 3:00 P.M., on the day preceding the tender call, Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Architects, by gen- eral contractors only on de- posit of $25.00 which will be refunded on return of the drawings and specifications in good condition, Plans will be on display at the architects office, the To- ronto Builders' Exchange and at the office of the Business Administrator in the Picker- ing District High School, Pickering, Ontario, A Bid Bond in the amount of $4,000.00 made payable to the Pickering District High School Board, must accom- pany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Shore & Moffat, Architects, 51 Wellington Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Mr. A. R, Irwin, Secretary-Treasurer, Pickering District High School Board, Pickering, (Ontario, continental beds complete any size continental beds, smooth tops, (decline. $49.50; bunk beds with spring mattress, | $58, arborite step tables, $5.95 and up; S-piece chrome sets, only $45; 2-piece bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs| Men are better than women at comprehension, numerical ability and spatial ability, the tests re- ture at our two locations, Prince Street, RA 38-1131. terms. 185.95 each; chest drawers, unfinished, vealed, but women are signifi-|| [$16.95 and ap. Try Community Furni- cantly better at faces and n 19 and 24| or between the Cash | USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543. remembering ames. No difference sexes was found in Ireasoning; verbal fluency, per-| ception or dexterity. CBLT-TV WBEN-TV TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo Channel ¢---Toronta, Channel 4---Buffale WEDNESDAY EVE, :00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 6--Art In Action S--Playhouse 4--Learn About Storybook Land 2--The Big Rascals 5:15 P.M 7--My Friend Flicka 6--Huckleberry Hound 2--Gene Autry | 6:00 P.M, 11-8--News 7-~Early Show 4--Western 6:15 P.M, 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2News; Weather 6:45 P.M S--Huntley-Brinkley Report |11-8-4-2--News :00 P.M. | 6--~Tabloid 5--U of R Open House 4--Cannonball 2--Manhunt 7:30 P.M. | 6--~Leave It To Beaver | 7--Keep Talking 5-2---Wagon Train 4--Musical Hour 8:00 P.M. 11-6---RCMP 7--Take A Good Look 8:30 P.M. i11-6--Live A Borrowed Life 7---Ninotchka 4--Drama 5-2--Price 1s Right :00 P.M. 11-6-5---Bob Hope Show | 7--The Hawaiian Eye | 4=The Millionaire 2--~Perry Como 9:30 P.M, 11-6--One Step Beyond 7--8ea 'Hunt | 5-2--~This Is Your Life 4--Steel Hour | 10.30 P.M. 11-6-- Exploration | 7--Interpol Calling 6--Farm Program | 5~Man Hunt 2--Four Just Men 11:00 P.M. 11.7-8-5-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. |11--~Basketball Finals | 6--Stage Seven 5-2--Jack Parr 4--~Theatre THURSDAY 8:00 A.M, 7--Buffalo AM. 5-2--Today 4--News Roundup 8:15 AM 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. | 7--Devotions | 9:00 A.M. 11--Romper Room 5--Ding Dong School 4--Popeye 2--Byline 9:30 AM. 11--Movie 7--Romper room 5--Burns and Allen 4--Life of Riley 2--Helen Neville 10:00 A.M. §-2--Dough Ra Mi 4--Red Rowe Show 10:30 A.M. 7--Morhing Show 5-2--Play Your Hunch 4--On The Go 11:00 A.M, 11---Jane Gray Show 5.2--Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 A.M. 11--Bob McLean Show 5-2--Concentration 4--December Bride 12:00 NOON 11--Bugs Bunny and 6--Matinee 4--Speaker of the House | 12:30 P.M. 11---News 7--Love That Bob 5-2--It Could Be You 4--Search For Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 7--About Faces 5--Movie 4--~Meet The Millers 2--Mid-day matinee 1:30 P.M. 7--Divorce Hearing 4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7-Day In Court 6--Chez Helene 4--For Better or Worse 2---Queen For A Day 2:13 P.M. 11-8--Nursery School 2:30 P.M. 11-6--Open House 7--Gale Storm 5--~Home Cooking 4--House Party 2--Loretta Young Theatre 3:00 P.M. 11-6--Playhouse 7--Beat The Clock 5-2--Dr. Malone 4--Millionaire 3:30 P.M. 11---Music For You 7---Who Do You 6--Fighting Words 5-2---From These Roots 4--Verdict Is Yours Trust 11--Popeye 7--American Bandstand 6---Millionaire 5-2--Comedy Theatre 4--Serials 4:30 P.M. 6--Just Mary ? 5-2--Adventure Theatre 4--Edge of Night THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M. 7--Komedy Korner U--Famly Theatre | 5-2--Bachelor Father 6--This Living World S5--Playhouse 4--Learn About Science 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Cartoon 5:30 P.M. 7--Rocky, and Friends 6--Roy Rogers 2--Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M. 11-6--Metro New: 7--Early Show 4_Drama Series 277th Bengal Lancers 6:15 P.M. 6--Bob Cummings 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre §-4-2--News; Weather 6:45 P.M. S--Huntley-Brinkley Report 6-4-2--News 7:00 P.M. 6---Tabloid 5--~The Detective 4-State Trooper 2--Shotgun Slade 7:15 P.M. 7--News: Weather 7:30 P.M, 7--Black Saddle 8--Film TBA 5--Border Patrol 4--Panel Quiz 2--Law of the Plainsman 7:45 P.M. 11--Provincial Affairs 6--Scan 8:00 P.M. 11-6--Deputy 7--Donna Reed 5-2--Bat Masterson 4--Dupont Show 8:30 P.M. 11-6--Talent Caravan 7--Real McCoys 4--Ringo 5--The Real McCoys 2--Producers' Choice 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Closeup 7--Pat Boone 4--Zane Gray Theatre 9:30 P.M. 11-6--Man From Blackhawk 7--Untouchables 5-2--Tennessee Ernie 4--Ray Milland 10:00 P.M. 11---Meet McGraw 6--Manhunt 1 5-2--You Bet Your Life 4--Biography of A Cancer 10:15 P.M. 11--Talking Sport 10:30 P.M. 11--Headline 7--San Francisco Beat 6..0n The Scene Jot For Hire 'ombstone Territory Pp 11:00 P.M. 11-7-6-5-4-2--News; Sports 11:15 P. 7--Playhouse 6--Viewpoint 2--Sportsreel 11:30 P.M. 11-6--Late Show 5-2--Jack Paar 4--Film Festival 2-DOOR 1957 FORD STATION WAGON 1957 MERCURY HARDTOP -- Automatic and Radio 1957 FORD 2-DOOR 1954 METEOR SEDAN 1953 MERCURY 2-DOOR -- Rebuilt Engine 1953 MERCURY SEDAN 1957 PLYMOUTH V-8 -- Automatic 1957 DODGE SEDAN 1957 DODGE HARDTOP, V-8 -- Radio 1957 DODGE SEDAN -- Radio 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR 1956 CHRYSLER SEDAN -- Power Equipped *345 *1695 *1695 "1395 *495 *545 *425 #1295 1195 $1450 "1295 M175 1495 1955 AUSTIN CONVERTIBLE 1953 VAUXHALL SEDAN 1950 MORRIS OXFORD 1950 PREFECT 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN %15 '195 15 %63 *165 * TRUCKS x 1958 CHEVROLET %2-TON -- Long Box 1957 CHEVROLET 12-TON -- Long Box 1957 CHEVROLET %2-TON PANEL 1957 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY 1957 DODGE V2-TON 1956 CHEVROLET 12-TON -- Custom Cab, V-8 1953 CHEVROLET 2Y2-TON STAKE LTD. 140 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA PHONES RA 5-6507 -8 "1295 "19 14 "19 '89 04 *695 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES

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