14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 19, 1960 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 Call The Direct . Classified Number RA 3-3492 32--Articles Wanted 37--Male Help Wanted PIANOS -- 10, any make or size. Will| USED electric hot water tank, good pay cash, State make and pres. Write | condition. RA 3 331, Oshawa ANT! FANIED mol Yin Panel truck, W. ED -- old pistols and few hours in Phone RA 5-8388. RA 5-1844. EX Apartment, dry, Li USED ice skates, good shape, any Kind, \0yAsS A mechanic, for Jrooms, in patient buiding. cen Bl sizes. Stans, corner King ani Burk. ice Station, 568 Ki 8 Suncoe, Serv \TV aeslal, parking, Gibb Street, Apt. + WILL yay §10"and up for 1848 FOUR - Toom fist in private howe, TV Sjver dollars, also ~ertain type sink, bul |44--Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent 'NICE apartment with Privale bath and Available now. No children, 91 Bn Road North, 17--Money to Loan WE HAVE clients' monies available for loans on first and second mortgages and also purchase of mortgages and agreements of sale. 8. Hyman, 37 King Street East, Oshawa, RA 3-4943 CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort- gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale Drynan and Mur- 13--Gardening & Supplies LANDSCAPING SERVICES Weed treated, field nursery sod, top soil, gravel, sand fill. Complete service. Weed control. Free estimates, ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 1--Accountants § T. HOPKINS and Company, Certl- fied Public Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA §-3509. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and Co., nS ounianty and Auditors, Licenced Trustee in Bankruptcy. King Shoe East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA B. Comm., CPA. BOB akin Ontario Accounting Services offer complete bookkeeping CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or less Cash Charge NEW BUSINESS TELEPHONE LISTINGS NEWCASTLE SPRING SPECIAL DRY CLEANERS AND LAUNDERERS 1g! CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 225 248 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 375 412 if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply. Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive rasriions, Creighton, Fraser, och. D JOIN Ci 47 BA and earn over $100 '| factory, 515 Brock t WE ry customers waiting for good (by, MO 8-5861. sales staff week. Apply to] North, Whit- ZL rds, rent. Apply 128 Montrave EE TWO unfurnished roo CLIENTS' monies available for first and second mortgages, Mortgages and services for small business Street West, Roem | he Office' AA S031, Residence RA 3 MONTEITH, Frida EV RIEHL, and artered Accountants, Licensed s, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon. , MP; A. B. Mon. 3627, 135 "Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. jubsicum insertions ordered of later date constitutes a new original woe, rofessional and Business listings $7. foo per month for 3 lines daily. Each odditional line $1.00 per mon Each initial letter, abbreviation, [3 n, figure, count as @ word. Box rge 15¢ additional, 2--Barristers HUMPHREYS and Boychyn, ters, R. D. Barris- All Classified Advertistinenty MUST be in AA 9 a.m, the Offi G. E. Boychyn, BA; W, A. Hillman, LLB; 6 King Street West. Phones: Office, RA 5-1177; Res. RA 5-4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761. Money to loan. day © ice hours: Daily 55 Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times shall not be ible for errors in advertise- THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli- citor and Notary Public, 26% King Street East. Phone RA 8-176. Z. T. SALMERS, BA, barister, solici- tor, etc, 13% Simcoe Street Nouth. Office KA 5-3741; Residence RA 5-5542 BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Soli tor, 3% Simcoe South, RA 5-9502. Re: ence, RA 8-0264 JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris ter and Satieitor, 101 Simcoe Street North. Phone R. gy ped BA, and Thomas Greer, Associate Barristers and Solicitors 130 King Street East, ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more than one incorrect insertion of any -adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charged for a single Insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. And also reserves the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. In the case of display advertise- ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space then that in which the actual error he to reproduce ail advertising matter JOSEPH P. MANGAN, solicitor. Money to My Office 26% King Street East, Dstigwa; RA 8-8232. 5-3405. of adver ore therein. COMPLETE Apply M. F. a es and Notary Publics 26% King East, Oshawa, RA GARDEN SERVICE 18--Loan Wanted COLD WAVES $5 FOR APPOINTMENT RA 8-5677 Daily Pick-up & Delivery furniture and appliances. What ha We sell on commission. Neigh- you? 102 borhood Sales William St. Room, RA ve REQUIRED for mailing room for part time light work. Men retired, 00 w years or over. Apply back door of [TW Oshawa Times, ask for Mr. E, Stauffer. operated by JACK LEES & AL SEGERS RA 12 Gardens ploughed, disced, landscaping, wood cut, trees WANTED -- someone to buy fret morgage of $5500. Urgent, Call removed, 18a--Mortgages RA 8-1798 HARDSAND FIRST, second i bought and rranged. 209 Brock Street South, Whitby, MO 8-5322: OLiver 5-4471 LANDSCAPING Power Rolling Fertilizing Tractor Roto-Tilling Top Soil - Sod - Manure Flagstone - Patio Slabs RA 5-1721 TOP GRADE ANDY LOAM RA'5-1905 Residence, RA DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor. 26% King Street East. Telephone: Business, RA 5-5501; Resi- dence, RA 8-5373. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar- risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public. 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald. JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- tor and Netary Public, 18% King Street East, RA 3-2269, and private mortgages arranged. GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solicl- tors, etc., 7% Simcoe Street South, Dial RA 3-2278. Residence phones: J. M. Greer, BA, Sc, RA 5-3368; Ter- ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 8-5832. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North. kitchen cupboards, garages, concrete and block work. Free estimates. RA 5-6937, 8--Building Trades and work with reasonable rates. RA 8-5788. MODERN framing, finishing, eup- boards and alterations. T. H. V: Schyndel, RA 8-8841. Free estimates, ALL plumbing and heating supplies. Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R. Stark, Ltd., plumbing, heating and engineer- ing '255 Simcoe Street South. CARPENTER work, framing, ming, kitchen cabinets, custom worl and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. ALL kinds of building and repairs, recreation rooms, All EAVEST trim- k RA 5-3566. Charles C. Edgar F. Bastedo, QC, MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Money to loan. Asso- PLASTERING, remodelling, archways and repairs. Free estimates, A. Abram. off, 162 Harmony Road North, RA -4871. ciate, Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry Block, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697. Residence, dial RA 3- CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No- CLIFF BROWN tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg., $ Simcoe Street North, RA 3-3466; T. K. Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. Drynan, G. L. Murdoch. NHA mort. gages arranged, 4--Dentists DR, G. T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 5 25¢ GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-8951 Open 8. y Simcoe Street South. Phone RA 5-2223. 5--Nursing Services BEGISTERED nurses required, full or part time, live in or out. No objection to elderly persons, Phone Newcastle 1. ACCOMMODATION available for bed or up-patients, at Southaven Nursing Home, TV lounge, fully licensed, grad- HOME IMPROVEMENTS REMODELLING--ADDITIONS REC ROOMS FAMILY ROOMS : Tile, Hardwood Floors, & Cupboards Loans Arranged HUGH CROSBY RA 5-3937 te nurse in charge, Phone Newcastle $i COMMODATION for elderly ladies, Private home, separate rooms, conven- t to oly care and companionship. MO 8.4363, Whitby, PORT PERRY Lakeview Manor -- Oldsters "A home away from home W. WARD SPRING CLEANING Lawn fertilizing nll imitialnlingol OSHAWA RA 3-3993 MODERN GRILL RA 5-3887 Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and Chips, Hamburgers, 12-inch Hot Dogs -- We Deliver. FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES Fast -- Confidential Service. Any amount to $5,000. Re- payable as low as $30 a month, principal and interest, OSHAWA TREE EXPERTS Experienced in trimming, ree moving and transplanting. RA 8-1629 FREE ESTIMATES > DUMONT ALUMINUM RA 8-1651 for information or interview. Up to 5 YEARS TO REPAY ENVOY FOOD SERVICE Food At Your Door RA 5-8978 WE. DELIVER Barbecued chicken, hamburg- ers, cheeseburgers, milk shakes. Fish and chips 45c. 25¢ delivery charge. SNOWDEN INDUSTRIAL BARI OW RA 5-2311 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone 89 BLOOR E. vate, sink 2; Cupboards, 'on goats, i. 2 RA 3 a kitchen, dining room, living room, four-piece bath, $96 moat ly, May 1. RA 53738. SALESMAN -- "to sell fast moving line of bookkeeping systems, a must foro SERTEAL --- COSY every small for three girls, private bath. Also fur nished in clean, quiet home, high commission, See Don at the Hilltop, for details. RA 8-6891. NIGHT watchman, janitor, retired pen- sioners acceptable. awa Times, Write Box 429, Osh.|SIX - 8-5916, house close_t$ Nort Gif plant rage. Apply 268 Rie son Road North. EXPERIENCED counter girl wanted, days only, Apply Victory Billiards, 50 Simcoe Street North, WANTED -- young lady to share two. vom apartment, near North GM, down town. RA 3-9576. CEDARDALE \SCRAP IRON METAL LTD. IRON--METALS PAPERS--RAGS OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 100 ANNIC ST Any Time ALLIED INVESTMENT CO. White grub treatment 19--Personals Lawn power rolling ¥ TRANSPORTATION wanted to down- Telephone RA 5:7279. own Toronto, leaving 7.00 - 7.30 a.m. OSHAWA GARDEN SERVICE d SAVE money, no waiting, ing, at D. Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, Maple Grove Inn, stationary. Open 8-7 free park- RUBBER AND PLASTICS LTD. 91 BRUCE ST. RA 8-1658 MOTORS 428 KING WEST QUALITY USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD RA 8-6175 Tires, batteries, hose, belting, V belts, plastic pipe, dishes and tile. Everything in rubber and 27--Fuel Wood DRY hardwood lumber ends, for furnaces and wood stoves, large load, delivered. Phone RA 8-0818 suitable $5 for plastic. 28--S§ Properties aily except Wednesdays and Sundays, RA 3-3222 COMPLETE GARDEN SUPPLIES LANDSCAPED DESIGN vt HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods), mailed post paid in plain sealed en- 25 cents; 24 samples, $1.00, Mail Order Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co.,, Box 91, Hamilton, elopes with price list. Six samples, Ont. LAWN FERTILIZER with ALDRIN : (Spreader on Loan) VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 miles east of Oshawa on Highway No. 2 MA 3-5757 ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, May 3rd and 4th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates or appointment. Jan Prinzen Did It! t TWO and three bedroom cottages, elec- and bass. $30 - $40 weekly. RA 5-4328. ricity, excellent fishing, pike, pickerel He is in business for himself, Licenced mechanic general repairs, for service ft RICE LAKE, Long Island, four - rent by week, month, 3-4173 after 5 p.m. room urnished cottage, boat house and boat, or season. RA SUPERTEST THE VERY BEST SERVICE Visit JAN'S GARAGE (Albert and Athol) RA 5-8371 BOWMANVILLE SPRING CLEAN-UP FERTILIZING, ROLLING SODDING, SEEDING, NURSERY STOCK. HYPNOSIS 22--Radio & TV Repairs Can help you relax, Sleep better. Lose weight. Stop Smoking. Gain - confidence. Solve your intimate problems. THE INSTITUTE OF ETHICAL HYPNOSIS 11 Ontario St. Oshawa RA 8-0171 COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE. HOLLAND NURSERY and LANDSCAPING RA 5-7442 WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE 14--Household Repairs FURNITURE paired and re-uphol- WITNESSES WANTED To an accident April 9 mid- night Wilson Rd. S. Gliddon Avenue or anybody and TOWERS, ANTENNAS HALIMAR, Highlands of Haliburton--Friendly modern Summer and Winter ATRO resort with extensive sandy beach on Lake Kashagawig- 34--Auction Sales PART time and Saturdays. 6 and 7 p.m. RELIABLE man for service station FO help in Whitby. Experienced helpful. Reply in writing, stating age, experi- ence and salary expected to Box TRUCK drivers, three; for Dial RA 32268 btween | THREE 431. |ly furnished, THREE unfurnished rooms. Apply $41 Oxford Street, off Mill, ated. 0 Ano 217 Conant' Street FOUR - room house for rent, completes pated with gas. Tele phone MO 8- two; carpenters, farm helpers, for im- mediate start. Approximately 40 miles from Oshawa, Write Box 430, Oshawa Times or phone HUdson 1-9875, Toron- to. RELIABLE person required for house- keeping duties in doctor's home. Must quired. Telephone RA 3-3380. DOUBLE garage for rent with up stairs, suitable for ge, central, RA 8 es THREE or four rooms, unfurnished, Hid bath and entrance. Apply 539 Albert Street. RA 8-1178, THREE - room, self-contained apart- 3-7692 after 5.30 p.m. TWO large, unfurnished rooms IMPORTANT AUCTION 30 registered and high grade Holstein herd and farm ma- chinery, including 2 Interna- tional tractors, all machinery in excellent condition. LOCATION: Charles Frank Farm, 3 miles north of Taun- ton Road East, Lot 9, Con. 4, Darlington. TIME: 1 o'clock sharp, Wed- nesday, April 20th, 1960, Terms cash. See Sale Bills, Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, James Blair, Owner and Sales Manager. $400 No experience | MEN, type per ouh plus bonus. training | > priate bath, newly decorated. "Re plan, our qualifications are high. We want only the best for a career position, Write Box 427 Oshawa Times and in- clude telephone number. All replies confidential. INTERESTED IN AN ADVERTISING CAREER? We have an opening for a smart young single man who is definitely inter- ested in a career that 35--Employment Wanted provides more than av- erage interest. The per- amog, near golf course. Bountiful meals and 'varied sports including water skiing, Contact Bruce & Marion Henry, Haliburton, 28a--Trailers INSTALLED 31-FOOR mew moon house trailer, Repaired and Moved Residential, apartments, tels and sub-division, etc, ANTENNAS ARE OUR BUSINESS LEN AND LOU'S TV ANTENNAS T.V. SERVICE ". mo- sleeps six, completely furnished, all colored appliances, easy terms. RA 8-1296, TWENTY . four hour trailer service |= and accessories. L. P. Ranges. Lamps. Heaters, Oil burner service. Drain kits, hoses, jacks, ete. Miller, 9 Tudor St. Ajax. WHitehall 2-391, JANITOR and caretaker service, day, week or month. or big. Phone RA 3-9651. by 0 job too small son we have in mind must have a pleas WANTED Phone RA 8-0157, -by reliable woman, baby- sitting on or near Oshawa Boulevard, ant personality, excel- lent health, high school WILL mind children in my home whil mother works, 8-3148, fenced-in yard. MO education and a desire to get ahead in this pro- le YOUNG man desires work, has chauf- Jour s 3 Nectica, Phone Brougham, WHite- all 36--Female Help Wanted PART time dish washer, apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hoel. 29--Summer Properties For Sale or Wanted to care for boy, four years, in South Park Road district, mother works. Telephone RA 8-1716, RA 5.7844 RA 8-5804 who saw a '55 Chev. stuck WAITRESS, full or part time. Mr, C ha Hotel. while 38----Male or Female gressive field. APPLY IN PERSON TO THE ADVERTISING DEPT, THE OSHAWA TIMES peat th room apartment, bus at Soaks parking, laundry facilities. All conveni ences. RA 3-3096. 165 Verdun Road, COMPLETELY furnished, newly deco, ra and a half rooms bath, "heavy duty stove, TV, adults. F Grenfell or RA 5-3667. TWO unfurnished rooms and shen with sink and cupboards, newly deco- rated, gocd location in quiet home. 124 Tyler Crescent, RA 5-6500, FURNISHED two - room basement apartment, linen, etc., suit one gentle. man or two business » parking, Dial 8-8409 after 5 p.m. FIVE room apartment in apartment uildin, refrigerator, stove, TV aeri heat, hot water. Available May 1. RA 5-8160. WHITBY. gas rage 8-2327. SIX - room house, bath, Apply 305 Mitchell Avenue. THREE - room apartment, unfurnished with heavy duty wiring, sink and cup. boards, close to the bus. RA 3-3568. NEED more help? Advertise needs now h fast-action, low'on Oshawa Tints Help Wanted Ads. ad-writer will sadly Ay? you wi your ad when you dial RA 3-3493. (CENTRAL. -- three talnec. apartment, for o Sguple; $75 per month. joyd Realty, Ki ihy Ltd., 101 Simcoe TV, aerial, room, business North. FIVE - room (large) upstairs apart ment, private entrance and bath, heat and hot water supplied. Child over 10 welcome. Now available. Rent, $78 monthly. RA 3-2203, or 347 Graburs Avenue. $00 FIVE - ROOM apartment, with private entrance. bedrooms, den, Help Wanted Apply FIVE - room, ttage, on lake Kushog, Haliburton, hydro, also separate lot and boat. Phone MO 8-3952 COTTAGE for sale, land- WANTED -- housekeeper to live in, to care for two children. Phone Orono 12014. scaped, indoor facilities, om Lake Scugog. Call RA 8-6681, RICE Lake -- three WAITRESS -- experienced, shift work. Apply South-end Restaurant, § Bloor Street East. Irefrigerators and boats, Roseneath. SHORT order cook wanted for mid- night food operation. Apply Mr. Camp- bell, Genosha Hotel, YOUNG man or woman for general] office work. Must be able to type, good at figures. Good prospects with progres- sive company, RA 8-5187 between 8 and 5 p.m. large kitchen, large living room, three. piece bath, frig and stove. Available April 23. Winse Bradiey. Real Estate, mornings of avenings KINGSCOURT apartments, Ajax, one- two-bedroom suites, $70 - $75, $80-$85. Children welcome. RO 7-393; WH 2-2001 and WH 26566 (Ajax). 2.BEDROOM, QUIET, MODERN ' HOUSEKEEPER to care for two chil- SERVICE OPERATORS ASSOCIATION (In co-operation with the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce) TV-HI-FI, AERIALS APARTMENT 15 GIBBONS ST, 21 GIBBONS ST. BUCKINGHAM Tray Ty and bed care. Private lounge and TV. For particulars YUkon in ditch on Dean Avenue. 85-7967. SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 41--Room and Board ROOM and board in private home, near hospital and NGM. 328 Annapolis Avenue. ROOM, or room and board, for gentle. man, six day week. Apply 15 Maple Street, off Simcoe South, or RA 5-9712. ROOM annd board for gentlemen. Apply 195 Albert Stree ROOM, board if ee *giong to North dren, four and five years, while moth- er works, live in, RA 8-0258 after 6 p.m. TYPIST, shorthand preferred, PSI, Ontario Hospital, pension plan, five day week. Phone RA 5-6501 for appoint- ment, LADIES wanted, make. up to $26.00 a week doing simple home sewing in your spare time. Write Box 491, Ade- laide Post Office, Toronto, Ont. stered. See our materials for re-cover- ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, RA 37212. ROOMS papered, and up, Please contact Fred Miller only. Gyproe TH) seamless, painting. RA 5-7297. P.O. BOX 329 RA 5-6561 Monday to Frida YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- id Tantily. Write Box 519, Ona. 10--Sharpening Service neys built and repaired, gas linings in- 20--Cartage stalled, furnaces vacuumed. Free esti- MOVING, evenings and weekends, have BY Oshawa's largest, full-time, sharp- ening and rental service, Lawnmowers, mates. RA 3.2007, small truck. MO 8-5498. Reply to Box 804, Oshawa Times, Whit- by. 30--Lost & Found LOST -- Necklace, silver with blue and mauve stones, about April 8. Please phone RA 13-3460. LOST -- Large brown male Colli dog, named Rob, Reward. Phone RA 3-3867. Bulova wristwatch, WILL give bed care to one elderly patient, preferably male. Nice, quiet location by the lake, private home, i desired. 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. Yate Vaied between 9 to 4, also 6--Optometrists 5% H, TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please Burk. RA 33224. saws, etc, Call Stan's, corner King and FUSSHURE repaired Toronto Pominion Bank WE 74 Burk street.|]11--Business Opportunities Phone RA 5-4587 ¥. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- | FOR RENT -- corner store, suitable| covered like new. Get the best for less or any business, central, Simcoe the examination of eyes, contact|Sireet, parking. RA 5-0081 or RA 5-9544. etry lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), evenings by appointment, 7--Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISHMAN, Ontario land surveyors, commercial Divepsist- ing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5 DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario cover this particula: RA 3-419]. |ATTENTION -- For just fifteen hun- dred you can operate a very lucra. tive business. This fifteen hundred will be the cost of your initial stock. Appli- can: must ol reliable, preferably with knowledge honest, hard working, the automoitve business. The one By for whom we are looking to aren must have Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Street, RA [transportation and have gualiied refer- 5-6881. G. T. HORTON and Associates, On- 1 En- cnce. Territory allocited | re-uphol. See our materials for re-cover- |G ry 3-7212. ALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- Te R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street. |ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully insured. Call day or night. RA 5-4498. CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re- 21--Personal Service at Modern Upholstering, 926% Simcoe Street North, Call RA 8-6451 for a free estimate. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, like new. Why pay more? Our rates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholstery Fi) 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA 11, A CLEAN home is a happy hone. Free consultation, work ~ evaranteed, L) d PENCER istered corsetier, shot, DRIVING to Toronto, leaving Oshawa at 7 a.m. Anyone interested, phone RA 35.6160. MAE'S -- a complete sewing service Quality work, pick-up and delivery. -9843. garments in- ividually designed. Also Spirella. Reg- Mrs. 208 Park Road North. foundation exterminators, s For further information write Box 610, Station 11, Toronto Bs and services for all, needs. 464 Dawes Road, Toronto, ZE 9-9500 or tario Land Surveyors, P gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit. by, MO 8-5091, Ajax 728. 8--Building Trades ROOFING, chimneys, fireplaces, eaves- troughs, building repairs, new and old work. RA 8-5180. RA 5-6105. 12--Dressmaking EXPERIENCED dressmaker, all kinds of alterations. Please contact Mis Rath Anders, 1 148 Brock 5-8150 after 7. 13--Gard & Supplies PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, fixtures, new and used, changing from septic tank to sewer a specialty. In- stallations at reasonable rates. or- mation and estimates free on any type of Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley. A-1 PAINTING, decorating by trades. HEN manure, $6 per load; horse ma- nure, $8 per load, two-yard loads. RA 5-7297. OX 4-1946 or phone Claremont 836R11. FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. RA 5-5954 LAWNMOWER & ENGINE SALES & SERVICE Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- lers. Used Engines Bought and Sold. Authorized Clinton, Laouson Power Products, Pin- dor Service., 81 Central Park Blvd. S.. Phone RA 5-4633. Cleanout Service-- 22-- Radio & TV Repairs kindly John Hender- $7 labor plus parts CEDAR trees for hedges, to live. Any size -- delivered. Plant. ing done. Free estimate. MA 3.3935. man, Roxatone. No job too small. Work Free estimates. RA 8-6617 FRENCH, Dunphy roofing and sidings, and repairs. Workmanship fully guar- anteed. RA 5-7780. WELL DRILLING GERALD FULTON Under contract we can guar- antee water, PHONE RA 5-4067 DODD & SOUTER PAINT -- WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8-5231 EVENINGS RA 5-7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PRECAST SIDEWALK SLABS Steel Reinforced Quality Guaranteed Prompt Delivery BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- tor and Notary Public. 18% King Street East. RA 32260, NHA and private mortgages arranged. RELIABLE spring gardening and prun- ing. Specialize in fruit trees, done by expert gardener, $1.30 an hour. RA 3-4342. 15--Instructions Vv - Thompson Electronics, enue. RA 3-9792 (Fred), RADIO service. All makes 157 Elliott Av- HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, tap. Royal Academy ballet, Highland. Register now. 424 King West. RA 5.6122. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 16 years' experience, by interview only. Act now. RA 5-1054, LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu- Sater, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre- Friday, FOR COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE CALL OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING RA 8-6366 Expert Garden Planning Free Estimates MPLETE" GARDEN SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS FOR EVERY NEED: All Popular Brands PEAT MOSS LAWN SEEDS NO.. 1 ROSE BUSHES SHRUBBERY Fruit Tree SPRAYS BUG KILLERS FUNGICIDES COOPER SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST, RA 3-2312 OLIVER 5-3311, Daily Delivery Masonié Temple, RA 3.7253. PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given in student's own home, Will teach in FAST TV SERVICE Pix Tubes $28 ond up CALL LOU--RA 8-5804 TOWERS INSTALLED $42 and wp Antennas Insured $10 per year CALL LEN--RA 5-7844 Oshawa, Bowmanville, Whitby and Brooklin area. RA 5-4580. LEARN TO DRIVE At the Oshawa Driving School Licensed by the Police Commission Fully trained instructors Standard, outomatic cars SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT--DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Dean Kelly TV. .RA 5-5121 Earl Fowler TV. .RA 5-1685 Parkway TV....RA 3-3043 Mel Pollard TV. .RA 3-9512 LOST -- Man's Saturday afternoon, Street, name on back. RA 3-9920 after 6 p.m. Reward. vicinity Bond Full or part time. Write Box 522, awa Times. REQUIRE experienced hairdresser for one of Oshawa's modern beauty salon. Premier TV, ....RA 5-1179 TV Enterprises . .RA 5-2905 31--Articles For Rent APPLIANCE SERVICES Jack Christie. . . .RA 5-1179 Lodwick Electric RA 5-6369 Star Repair ....RA 5-7743 Warner Williams RA 5-3531 WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL CHARGE CREDIT CARDS TV TOWER 40-ft. self supporting tower. Hot dip galvanized. No paint. Complete with new Skychief all-channel antenna. Total price, installed and guaran- teed for 1 year, $59.95 T.V. Enterprises 253 DREW ST. RENTALS We believe that you can "do- it-yourself" and save lots of time and money, but you EXPERIENCED pis t,|RA etc. Box 421, Oshawa Times. ty shorthand an asset. Must be neat, quick and accurate with a background - in genera: office routine, Group benefits, TWO rooms, for Sentiemen only. RA 3-9651 after § South, SALELADY, Wear selling experience. stating experience and reference Ward's Dry Goods, Oshawa. preferably with Infant's Interesting position for someone who wants to sell. Please write or phone for interview, privileges, Ju per week, lunches pack- ed. RA s. [lo East, RA 3.7814. cannot afford to own seldom used, and sometimes expen- sive items. Our aim is to have for you to rent, ot a reasonable rate, every kind of tool or equipment to do prac. tically everything! DISTRIBUTORS FOR: SARNIA SAFWAY SCAFFOLDING in OSHAWA and DISTRICT COOKS (First and Second) for Kiwanis Children's Sum- mer Comp, Oshawa Areq, running from July 4th to August 27th inclusive. Com- fortable accommodation, Good wages and Working Conditions. Apply: Kiwanian Reg Loncaster, Hotel Lan- caster, Oshawa. home, near downtown. Every conveni- ence. RA 8-8478. ROOM and board for gentlemen, single Mill Street, RA 5-7754. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen to share, close to N.G.M, lunch packed. RA 5.6727. ROOM and board, Jones packed, sin. ge Dots. close to South GM. Telephone R ROOM and Board & for gentlemen, to WE RENT NEARLY EVERYTHING -- CALL: STAN'S Sharpening & Rental Service 227 King St. W. RA 3-3224 Cor. King and Burke Sts. RA 3-3553 RA 5-2905 23--Women"s Column SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6.50. Cold wave $6.00. Page iN Faressing, 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-5363. 25--Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL minature collies (Shetland sheep dog), registered, best all-round pets for city ahd suburban homes. William Raynsford. Telephone New- castle 3186. bath id to be given away. Phone RA RA 8-0091 16--Insurance ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA 57413. 17--Money to Loan FIRST and second mortgage, sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street East, RA 3.7232 MONEY TO LOAN $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second Mortgages, Agree- ments for Sale, on vacant and improved property, residen- tial ond industrial, city, sub- urban and country, and sume mer cottages. Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- tion Ltd., 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone: RA 5-3568. ATTENTION T.V. OWNERS SPECIAL 40 ft. towers with all wave antenna. Complete installa- tions for $59.50 and $5.00 alowance for your old an- tenna. ANOTHER SPECIAL PICTURE TUBES as low as $29.95 with one year factory warranty. Up to $6.00 allowance for your old picture tube. T.R.I.O. TELEVISION 174 BOND ST. E. RA 8-6781 BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea- ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 5-6321. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain, Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East. FEMALE Boxer, one year old, excel- Jest Det, good breeding, reasonable. RA 5- 3 26--Farmer's Column CATTLE for sale, purebred Ayreshire accredited herd, 12 in all, 6 cows, 5 heifers due to freshen and one herd sire, See Clarence Harrison, South UPHOLSTERY AND RUG WEBBING'S HARDWARE RENTAL SERVICE } OF .TOOLS 37--Male Help Wanted share, good meals, TV, close to Fittings, NGM. 253 Arthur) Street, RA 8-0723. ARE YOU INTERESTED in establishing yourself in a selling career, with a 'ong established Oshawa industry. This is not a door to door or night calling job, but a posi- tion with a bright future, if enthusiasm ond initiative are applied in the right propor- tions. WRITE BOX 718 OSHAWA TIMES giving background, age, pre- vious selling experience. High school education essential. ROOM and board, good home cooking, close to North GM, and four corners; GM and hospital. Telephone RA 5-2305, "| ROOM for one or two gentlemen, twin beds, breakfast if desired. Telephone 5-4618, . 467 Ritson J ROOM and board for gentlemen, TV ROOM and a for gentleman, close down town. Apply 33 Elgin Street ROOM and board for one girl, private beds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147 MANOR APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, electrically equipped, best location. $85 and up. Apply 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 8. RA 8-8676. APARTMENT FOR RENT In new apartment building, 2- bedroom, wall-to-wall broad~ loom, stoves and refrigerators, laundry facilities. 319 Ade- laide Ave. West, key at Apt. No. 4. Harris, Harris & Wallace, 112 Simcoe Street North, RA 5-3568. OFFICE SPACE FOR also garage for rent. Apply 240 Street. 43--Wanted to Rent EDUCATED gentleman, quiet, abstain- er, pleasant personality, desires house- keeping room, furnished, in clean, quiet Canadian home. RA 3-4470. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m, WANTED to rent -- garage, suitable to do body work, no painting, between Oshawa and Whitby. MO 8-5170. THREE - bedroom house, central lo- cation, by May 1 or June 1. Two chil dren, Reasonable rent, Phone RA 8-0773 RENT Passenger elevator service, New building. Centrally fo- cated in downtown area. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUSINESS gentleman' desires furnished room ptional) BUILDING exchanged. Please state rent and par- ticulars, location. Write Box 528, Osh- SCAFFOLDING And Other Construction Equipment. B-H Paint SHAMPOOER--VAC To restore original beauty to your furniture and rugs. 282 KING ST. W. OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 Myrtle. 400 BALES of hay, No reasonable offer 32--Articles Wanted refused. F. McClure, 31 Thornton's Road South. RA 5-1097. MANURE for sale, Phone RA 5.6028. WANTED --- Heavy-duty 20" range, Phone electric | Must be in good condition. CO 3-2240, DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. Phone collect. Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 27 --Fuel Wood DRY hardwood lumber ends, sui'ahlé for furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for large load, delivered. Phone RA 3.0818 WOOD for sale, soft wood slabs $5.50 single cord, hard slabs $7 single cord. -2281. WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 SALESMAN WE TRAIN YOU SUPPLY LEADS HIGH COMMISSION CAR NECESSARY Men thirty and over, no previous experience required. WRITE BOX 532 OSHAWA TIMES awa Times. 44---Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent SELF - contained, three-room apart ment, unfurnished, private entrance, garage, east end, adults only. RA 5-6261. THREE - room, unfurnished upstairs apartment. Apply 491 Howard Street or telephone RA 5-2256. Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 PARK LANE APTS. suitable for and lawns, FOR SALE .. Compost, flowers, shrubs, gardens MO 83-4514. TWO unfurnished rooms upstairs, pri- Required SALESMAN BY large International com- any to commence train- ing. Area covered 50 mile radius, must be neat, per- sonable, own a car, age 25-45. Pay $420 per month or commission plus profit sharing plan. For interview, write Box 325 (collect) Oshawa Times. vate, sink and cupboards, on bus line, RA 3-9462. THREE - room apartment, close to Shopping Centre, heavy duty wiring, $55 monthly, Adults. RA 5-6117. OSHAWA'S FINEST Centrally located only 12 minutes walk from downtown, AVAILABLE immediately, three rooms and bath, with additional privileges. Brooklin, OL 5-3654 THREE room furnished basement apartment, separate bathroom, Private home, central, Phone RA 3-9800, SIX roomed new modern Ssaowa all conveniences. Gerrard Road North at Taunton. $85 monthly. Phone RA 5-1326, TWO room apartment plus bath, pri. vate, furnished, sult gentlemen willing to share; twin beds. Phone RA 5.7854 after 4.30. APARTMENT -- three rooms, private entrance, heavy duty wiring, close fo South GM. Available April 22. Poon RA 8-0607. 531 Montrave Avenue. CONTACT RENTAL AGENT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE R- 5.7732 67 KiliG ST. E. (Opposite Hotel Genosha) AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3.9692