The Oshawa Times, 18 Apr 1960, p. 8

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target only will be permitted for|them fishing. Doug is posting a] Interested persons among the|ficate of competency as issued : 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 18, 1960 1 . i y § I A ow ng Pp AND G N N each position. |questionnaire on these trips so|townspeople are invited to at-/by the Dept. of Lands and For- { President 'Doug. Parliament please indicate if you are inter-|tend. There is no admission ests through one of their instruc- would like to arrange an over- ested. charge, but anyone wishing to|tors, before you can purchase a ™ . | i f ~~ |night fishing trip for trout on| On May 5 and 9 regular shoot- make a silver donation would be|1960-61 licence. Application may y Go-Kart Racing Season Ends » By REN SMITH the Junior Shoot. Tw interesting April 30. It has been suggested|ing will be carried on at the appreciated. be made at the club or to any of With spring just around the(films will be shown between 8 hat 1 of i ted J Plan d t ing: oT : . : 4 and 9 with rifle shooting from 9|that a po interes mem- range, : ; ans are now underway to|the following: ° AJAX--With one more night of|corner and reluctant to Showa! 10.50 bers be taken, overnight accom-| On May 11 a social evening will|give the Hunter Safety Training Doug Parliament, 61 Thorn. Seen Bi ort regular play, the Thursday Niters|any warmth, the Rod and Gun fo °o.= : _|modation prepared, with mem-|be held starting at 8 p.m. in the|Course to any person old enough|croft crescent, Ajax, bowling league will end a good|ners are still getting good at-| The normal routine of Junior| pare driving to camp Friday|club premises. The evening will|to obtain a hunting licence and E t P ? inville, 12 Mar Season. 0 ro She post several iivuisnees Llis exported that She and Senior shooting will be fol-|night after work and returning|consist of interesting films, one of| wishing to do so. Instruction will Whine ig vie, ery : ; Vic Jeanine VEArs the leag - vill, ; ! : 38 ; ! : : By COLIN MACKIE . 5. Have a device for cleaning posed of four teams, but this|continue till the end of June, us- lowed on April 11, 13 and 18. patuiay ene Rack with our Yiiieh we hope i be 3 Vater be Satied vil on She Clu pres. Ken Smith, 41 Windsor street AJAX -- With Go-Kart racing rain, snow and other moisture|oo™ oni teame have filled|ing the indoor range, so that| Wednesday, April 20, will be! a unds gt Rll : ti Sy usher in the iis dates an ap Ss a Ajax . " fast becoming a major summer-|from a windshield. aly Brock's Bowl every Thursday|interests and abilities will be at films and shooting as already 0 TOSDONE a0 . Js Saus) 5 inner of the L Huot 5 en er. is hoped ill time sport, B. M. Tomkins, club 6. Have a mirror securely at- op rom 9 pm. on. An eveningrecord levels when the fall sea-|stated On April 25 1 factory. another trip will be ar Ae. winner oe arny igh percentage of teenagers will president has issued a warning tached to the vehicle and bel Se, "io Chel enioved by all. |son opens. Se8 [stated On Apri normal rou-iranged to Lake Nippissing for trophy will have been decided|apply, as this is the group which) FEATHERING ITS NEST to all club members, prospective placed in such a position to af- yoo season draws fo a close. > ; tine will be followed. April 27|May 14, same plan. This one upon by then and presentation /the Department of Lands and] poRT WILLIAM (CP) -- Mrs. members and all others who/ford a clear view of the rear. and the final scores and stand.| At the last executive meeting and May 2 in addition to regular would be for pickerel. Or maybe of this trophy will be made by Forests wishes to reach with this Margaret Hutful put a dollar bill * would like to own and operate a 7. Be equipped with mudguards Hide witl be published Next week | several decisions were made shooling have been designated asia few "North Bay" trout, which Larry. Also the Ken Smith Con-| program. This instruction is given in tv bottle for the milks Go-Kart. or fenders adequate to stop guoring over 200 this week Which should keep members keen-|the nights on which club mem-jare Charlie Reed's specialty. struction trophy will be present.|free. A charge for postage forms an empty or "There is a danger that serious Wheel spray and-or water splash- coo. pearl Woodcock 259; Ber-|ly interested in the coming bers will vie for the 'Best all When Charlie goes after theseed. One or more members of the and paperwork will be made, but/man Tuesday and set the bottle objections may be made regard- ing. niece Blaquiere 253; Gwen Kemp month. around marksman', trophy donat- beauties, you can warm the pan|club will receive their "Expert" this should not exceed one dollar outside. She glanced out the win- ing the use and operation of Go- 8 Be equipped with a muffler ss. jean Rudkin 227, 212: E An hour of film entertainment/ed by Ken Smith Construction. for he is sure fire. : [silver shield at that time. per applicant. _|dow shortly after, just in time to Kart= if due attention is not paid in good working order and in pqyards 225: Connie Thom 215:|will be held at the range on the This competition will be fired in| Anyway we all come back with FINE EVENING : If you have not held a hunting|watch a seagull dip its beak into to the Highway Traffic Act," said| constant operation to prevent ex- Pat Beeby 204. g evening of April 20 starting at 8 three positions, using CCAM tar-lour limit again, after which] All considered it promises to|licence during the past year, you|the bottle and fly off with the Mr. Tomkins. cessive or unusual noise. Paul Taylor 352; Don Kemp o'clock, immediately following gets and under CCAM rules. Onejeveryone is coaxing us to take'be an interesting evening. will be required to show a certi-'money. "We have a good club and will: 9. Be equipped with an -alarm|ogs 941 203; Jack Lambie 267;: ---- siti ro ---- operate our vehicles safely. We bell; gong, or horn, which shall| johnnie Johnston 255, 221: Ken plan to secure a place where we be kept in good working order. Beehy 247, 230: Earl Krick 243: can operate without annoying The above use of "Highway" mom Clarkson 223, 208; Bill Hill| anyone and certainly 'not on the/means a common and publici21g; Claude Blaquiere 212; Al- highways," said Mr. Tomkins. (highway, street, avenue, park-ipert Allen 209; Jim Wilson 203 The Go-Kart is definitely a|way. driveway, square, place, and Earl de Hetre 201. motor vehicle and the Highway|bridge, viaduci or trestle design:|-------------------- Traffic Act requires as follows: |ed and intended for, or used by, 1. The owner of every motor |the general public for the pas-| Choral Grou | vehicle shall register the same|sage of vehicles. P * with the Dept. of Highways be-| The club asks that all Go-Kart . fore driving or operating on a owners in the Ajax - Pickering G C rt { highway. ho i district will keep in mind the 1ves once S 2. Have attached on the front above rules before attempting to i : . ; and back a number plate furnish- drive their Karts on any public BOWMANVILLE -- The Choral = od by the Dept. roadways. group under the leadership of * 3 Between dusk and dawn ---------- Hugh Martin with Mrs. Stanley ; Payne at the piano presented a -- carry two white lights, one on 0 1 d - i f the front and one variety concert at Tyrone United . Ee ong rear. Celebrate 47th Church, sponsored by the church 4. When operated on a highway choir. Rowland Coombers, president shall be equipped with at least - two braking systems, each with nniversary of the choir, was master of cere- . a separate means of application monies. and effective on at least two By G. KILPATRICK Lunch was served by members wheels, one adequate to stop the (cppAR CREEK A surprise Of the church choir under Mrs vehicle, the other to hold the ve- n.1(v was held at the home of Alden Hoar and Mrs. Ra Iph hicle while stationary. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood Glaspell a TE ~ |Saturday for Mr. and Mrs. Blain! This is the first Tyrone choir a » " - who celebrated their 47th wed- effort to raise money for a new u Award Euchre ding anniversary. organ. Committee in charge is J Mr. and Mrs. Blain's four chil-|Ralph Glaspell, Arthur Hamilton . Evrcraa 223 1.Door Riviera Sedan dren, Jim, Emily (Mrs. .Green-|and Mrs. Gordon Brent y ; ---- 8 PR Creek and Jean, Mrs. Ross Smith| Church have donated $10 towards ' of Stouffville, and nine of their|the fund and Service Club 49 has ajay CRACK viv PR 11 grandchildreg. were present. donated $25 Wr | Karen CuTMMMiEs is visiting the / : "ON Se I me by Se her aunt, Mrs. Albert Trick, in| HAMPTON CONCERT pon: Bb held Monday. Win. Oshawa. The Howmanyilie Choral group ners for the evening "were: B. Benschop has been a a oy Se a the i Me p port. Perry. Cc n ] Ladies, Doris Ferguson, Elsie Hoan ital Port Ferty Community/i,"the Hampton United Church Closs; men, Bill Montgomery, 1 al Christian Education Centre, Henry Yarmola; booby, James Mr. and Mrs. Atwood MacCrae der the sponsorship of the bd : : Houlihan; baloney, Jean Foster. of Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. yi c group ) V Winner of the door prize was Frank Harris on Friday Rev. Fred Reed. the minister ure 1l 0 ] - C Ns ea Gl p : ster, a Hank Kettle, and Mabel Linton - 1 won ihe special prize, an ash News aper Praises as, Maser of sorgmones sd tray and stand. as ! € The next euchre will be held P P of the Hi-C group on April 25 at 8.15 p.m. at the Ee ol. At He Bs satire HIG di Edit ] ad ° . ° Gin Conedin Bir commonest + quperative new Turbine Drive Buick and find values season, at the end of May, tro- Telegraph said Saturday the de- Space Plan Seen phies will be awarded for the tention in South Africa of Cana- highest accumulated scores dian newspaper man Norman| yANDON (Reuters) -- A report ------ | Phillips and the story he has i "pion ic likely to develop a f his srienc i . ° 0 CELEBRATED BIRTHDAYS |\iitten of his experience Will fe-|opace program in partnership AJAX -- April 10,. Stephen inforce world efforts to turn the ih" the Commonwealth and a Grose, Hurley road: April 13, South African government AWay prance found no support from Joan Maton, Durham streets] 0m Press censorsiup and racial-| government sources Sunday J : s 31s April 14, Emily MacDonald, mn Meta ie 5 rte The report, in The _ Sunday Maple street; Bob Brown, Dur-| The Telegraph, ns alive Times, said a final decision on? ts i i newspaper, publish es Phillips |the scope of the program--with » 3 . : . : . om Steet; Maoh Bibeau, i irecvay detention) Britny of Program Bloc Right now, Buick business is booming -- and now is the time Groves, Maple street; Sharon|in & Durban jail and his report/ Streak missile adapted for | 1 to discover how easy it is to own the year's Patricia Goodeve, Tulloch drive; |°f 2 police zai on Rysuze whch launching satellites--was likely to} 7 : biggest value on the year's best built car -- April 16, William S. Hepburn, Was suppressed by South African be considered as a matter of y . i ta : road; April 17, iin censorship urgency by the conference of| f Buick -- unmatched anywhere for luxury, comfort and Godfrey, Kent street; Michael An agccompanyingeditorial Commonwealth prime ministers y Wills, Mary street; Mrs. J pays ip 2 Philline foreign here Hot month : Ser / inspect the Buick of your dreams -- now -- Grose, Hurley road editor of the oronto Star, and uthoritative sources could not| 2 EE) r . > - scores censorship under the head- see such a plan being presented | is 2 during Buick's money-saving VIP days. all-round performance. Venture Into Perfection -- 11 line: '"'Unsilenced witness." to the Commonwealth conference. | Ashburn Bible ~ = Class Meets The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA By MRS. R. RICHARDSON | i ; W cc ASHBURN -- Mrs. Fred Daw > 4-Door Ltut was hostess to the Ladies' Bible 4 % Class Wednesday. Mrs. W. Hop kins presided and the scripture TIME TO was Jed by Mrs. Luther Brad- ley. Mrs. John Hopkins led in prayer. Mrs. W. Hopkins gave TRADE? the meditation and Mrs. E. Humphreys read the minutes Mrs. R. Taylor and Mrs, John Hopkins had charge of the pro-| gram. Mrs. R. Richardson gave a reading and Mrs. W. Hopkins gave the topic. A Bible quiz was conducted by Mrs. R. Taylor PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Earle Paynter and daughters are spending a few - | 4-Door Riviera Hardtop days with Mrs. R. Paynter | d Mrs. George Cappell who or Ee. _CEPlell, wit borrow at low cost through Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, ha returned home > FE = Ver 0 OGY I A, [PILAR RA LJ had charge of the Easter thank offering meeting at Lindsay Wed- » nesday. Save shoes, save money at your shoe repairer's! gh. El Stretch shoe dollars with the best time to trade-in amazing Cat-Tex soles by your car -- any make or model. Cat's Paw! They combine : ; extra lightness with miles of Infinite selection extra wear! Get Cat-Tex half i and full soles by Cat's Paw! of quality accessories and low cost options. Pleasure. sn. dave will be yours in a ELrcria 225 Convertible VIP Buick. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ake this Very lportant Purchase during BUICK 60 V1 days! See your local Buick dealer CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA HALF AND FULL SOLES WHITBY, ONTARIO By the makers of famous CAT'S PAW heels and soles and CAT'S PAW TIPPS For the best in drama, see "General Moto:s Presents' weekly. Check local TV listing for time apd channel

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