MRS. HECT( Cards, Flowers, Honor 80-Year-Old On Birthday Jewison, celebrated Mrs. Hector crescent, who 80th birthday on Friday received the 'congratulations Cutler. Mrs. Cutler was assisted Tyler her April 8, of ier many friends during the af- ternoon and evening at an open house party given by her daugh- ter, Mrs. Donald Cutler, and Mr. by were' made: A pot luck {supper and membership meeting Iwill be held on May 3; the Dio- cesan Girl Guide Benediction Rally at St. Michael's Cathedral, {Fonente, on May 8. . THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA |FOR TOMORROW Tins day's aspects should prove |highly = stimulating. Those 'en- |gaged in creative pursuits should {be able to capitalize on novel and 'Mrs. AC. Love Is Re-Eelcted President, St. Gregory's CWL Mrs. A. C GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES | ST. STEPHEN'S MC spring tea and sale of work to bel The monthly meeting of St.|held on Wednesday afternoon, Stephen's United Church Mission|April 20, in the lower hall of the Circle was held at the home of|church Mrs. David Duchemin. Guests present included the mothers. of FRIENDSHIP GROUP members, Mrs. Stephen The April meeting of the and Mrs. J ames Friendship Group of Courtice] | United Church WA was held at| Love was re-elected president of St. Gregory the © Great Council® of the Catholic '] Hr is t. o oN" ~~ Kent. As it was the Easter meeting, the home of Mrs. George Lowe president, Tha president, Mrs. James| MacGregor opened the meeting] and Mrs. Gordon Boomer read| day. The )R JEWISON MRS. A. C. LOVE Loving Tributes Oshawa by Ireland in-law); Mrs. Richard Miss Julith Cutler (granddaugh- ter); Mrs. Norval Cutler, Mrs George Cuthbert and Mrs. Orval Howie Pouring tea were Lang (niece), Mrs (niece), Mrs. Gerald Mrs. Clarence Young Miss Brenda Jewison and Mas fer David Cutler kept the guest book and the door. Over 100 cal- led during the day The tea table was arranged and the was carried out white carnations, birthday cake. Roy Lang and beautifully color scheme with pink and candles - and Louise Anderson, William Oliver Married In Afternoon Ceremony Simcoe Street United Church was the setting for a wedding on Saturday afternoon, April 16, when Louise Anderson was united im marriage with William John Oliver, ~The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Ander- son of Oshawa and the bride-| groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. | Wilfred John Oliver of Toronto. The Reverend John K. Moffat Gwendolyn Kemp Kenneth B. Baker Exchange Vows The May Kemp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hayden D. Kemp, and Ken- neth Blaine Baker, son of Mr. and marriage of Gwendolyn Mrs, William W. Baker, all of Oshawa, was solemnized recently at Albert Street United Church The Reverend S. C. H. Atkin- son- officiated. The wedding nusic was played by Mrs. Bruce Searle and Mr. Harold D. Kemp, orother of the bride, was the soloist. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a floor- length gown of peau-de-soie and taffeta with an overskirt of gathered lace. The long-sleeved bodice was styled with a scalloped neckline. A coronet of lace and pearls held her fingertip veil and she carried 'a white Bible decor- ated with red roses and white satin streamers. The maid-of-honor Miss Betty Kemp, sister of the bride, in a street-length dress of blue nylon. The bridesmaids were Miss Edna Hubble, cousin of the bride, and Miss Beverly Trott, both in yellow Their head dresses were nylon feathered hats with all-round veils. Miss Linda Kemp, sister of the bride, was flower girl in yellow nylon with a taffeta and flower ban- deau. All wore gloves to match their gowns and carried gays of feathered carnations. The best man was Mr. Gordon Baker, brother of the bridegroom and ushering were Messrs. Ken- neth Horner and Robert Kemp A reception was held in Albert Street United Church parish hall To receive, the bride's mother wore stone-green crepe with a matching hat and beige accessor- ies. The bridegroom's mother assisting was in brown and sand chrome - spun taffeta with a brown hat and beige accessor- i was es When the couple left for a wed- ding trip to Niagara Falls and points in the United States the bride wore a white crepe jacket- dress with a powder blue coat and coral hat and gloves. Pink roses comprised her corsage. The newly wedded pair will "live in Oshawa. DRAPERIES BROADLOOM "INTERIOR DECORATING SER- VICE" -- Ask to have a quali- fied representative coll with a sample. FREE ESTIMATES, Howard's DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-3144 Moore, Miss Esther Greer ~ with sequins accented the bateau nose- | MTS, J 1501, . Mabel Wood was born in Bailie- Bottrell. boro on April 8, 1880, and came romvEY . . S to Oshawa to live 32 years ago NORTHMINSTER ¥ Ms the Ernest Br took h i She enjoys very good health and The monthly meeting 0 Ne owl lope 83 her theme Ey ol womaw's. Missionary Society ofiiat. the Name of Jews", this 5 a lite Dy a of the W.A of Northminster United Church was|being the Easter worship service King Street United Chusch, and held in the ladies' parlors, Withfor the WMS fo vemular attendant al Mrs. H. M. Mellow, president Mrs seting: presiding 2 meetings A fitting Easter devotional Per- the devotional period CAY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 18, 1960 PERSONALS committee will be responsible for Mrs. Robert Holden and Mrs. and Mrs William G. : Tp and pro- Frank Black will receive at the Mrs Arthur Kenny, Colborne; Out of town guests were Mrs. jod was ied by Mrs. Wis Per gram for May meeting dessert luncheon to be keld in the Mis Fava Jubhia, Mis Cathy Pear] Jewison, Mrs. Roy Greer kins and Mrs avid aloe 3 'or th ORI: « Tdward memorial hall of Simeoe Street Hubble and Miss Doreen Hubble, md Met Japs Johnston all of % A ney pianist, Mrs. Frank Roe Moby bi? program: 51 Fave United Churcii under the auspices Poharongh Ti Catal Mune, oe aud irs IEE om of May 6 A mnced as the night| Thanksgiving' Mrs. Howlettlof the Lenore group. ton Fob og Se 4 of Fraserville and Mr. and Mrs. for the annual family party This read from = Pauline Johnson's x and Mrs. Herbert Pratt and Mrs. James Finlayson and daughter, will take the form of an African book of poems two 'Easter num.' Mr. a C | Fisie Smith, Toronto: Mrs. W Lyn, Toronto festival. Mrs. Roy Nichols and bers Good Friday and "A Laughlin boulevard, ao shawa, Fir pe SM 19 35, lorone lack Humphrey volunteered Good-bye to Lent and Mr. Tom MacDonald, Toron- Ch Hos Trak i i he ot to convene the refreshments Mrs. Ronald Luke reported 39 '© left Malton airport on F riday, haties Emibetiey, Torowe. "Man of Sorrows" was Sung by home calls and 38 hospital calls April 15, spend the Easter Mrs. Thomas Barlow. As a spe- made by the group for the month. V acation in Nassau, The cial Easter message the group Mrs. Sills gave the financial re. Bahamas neard a talk by the Reverend | port. Peter Trant. His talk emphasized - the sacrifice and pointed out that : this word really means "to make officiated. The wedding music holy" or "to make whole. was played by Mr. Reginald] Mrs. Cliff Theberge reported Geen, who accompanied Mrs. on the progress made toward David Weldon who sang "The meeting the allocation for 1960. Wedding Prayer" and "The The Reverend H. A. Mellow Lord's Prayer." |p d the benediction Given In marriage by her fa-' ther, the bride wore a full length . <i gown, designed by herself, 2 The Laurel Group of kis gardenia white peau. de "soie|Street United Church WMS he sweeping into a full circular its meeting recently in the Sun- train. White guipure lace studded |day School. Ww Mrs. Lorne Muldrew opened neckline of the long sleeved bod-|the meeting with a prayer and ice, and the same lace enhanced |scripture reading For the devotional period, Mrs its George Wilson and her Irvine, and Gordon MacLean, Mc to entertained Among those who at pre-nuptial parties for Mrs. Kenneth Blaine Baker. the for- mer Miss Gwendolyn 'May Kemp, were Mrs. Carl Kemp, Mrs. D. Pallister, Mrs. John Trott and Miss Beverly Trott. Mrs, William Baker entertained for the bridal rehearsal. convening the annual fund- Mis. C. S Daffodil Tea, the raising event of the Women's Service Committee of the Osh- |awa Branch of the Canadian |Cancer Society. Mrs. George Tel- ford and Mrs. D. R. Barnes will . rootive ip Mekaughtin Hall audio Out 9 tows guests at the pouring tea will be Mrs. Lymaning. and Mrs. Wilfred J. Oliver. Gifford, Mrs T. D. Thomas,," ang Mrs. N. Stone, Mr. Jack Edward Robson, Whitby; Mrs. |g; Mr oe "ig {M. B. Dymond, Port Perry; Mrs. | one, Ar and Mrs. R. Stone, ha qd M Jack Judy and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Clarke and Mrs. . Jackip Oliver. Mr. and Mrs. A. Menzie, Oliver, Elaine and Rosemary, Lec guests LAUREL GROUP : Miss Rene Oliver, Miss Patricia GIRL GUIDES the presentation to Very Rev- | ; Prime Minister John Stone, Miss June Stone, Miss, For St Gregory's Girl |erend Dean Dwyer of a substan: | Use baer towels to clean ash baker 254 Mrs. Distenhaker hate Verna Allen, Mr. Wilfred Hewitt. Guide Troop, the captain, Miss tial cheque for parish projects. BO. Tes Salm trays. A dry wipe followed by ajaccept an invitatiin to ivy Dav "lay . Cth eh} n the billowing bell skirt of un-| Mrs. Floyd Lowrie gave two cob 0 ul br remove most|Stratford Shakespearean Festival Mr. David Clarke, Miss Kath- Frances Fehrenbach, reported a, qm yy aon | pressed pleats. A crown of orange readings 'God is Love" and ogo gin ang odor i gi this summer during the weekend Stine Jackson, Mr. Bruce Ewing, registered total hd » gos. Dur- | ean Dwyer installed the new blossoms held -her finger-tip veil|"Love of God'. Hymns of the i 3 S 2 Miss Beverley Thompson. Mr. ing the year : adges were, __ itive ar | > give them a final washing. of Aug. 6-7. They will attend the J: ra J ; h ius categories, €Xecutive and thanked the mem-| ! a. fins ashing Melville Larren, Mrs. Lillian|awarded in various categories. | = "gc; Gregory's CWL for| {Women's League at the annual ; ning of April 5. Members elect. ident; Mrs. P. F. Morrow, 2nd g |business world will find it an ex- Thomas Leveque, treasurer; . {contracts and, ir general, to get Horace Vetzal. Final ar-| corresponding secretary. Eight |during the evening hours, as are |Sylvia Rundle, literature sect church on April 27 from 2-4 p.m. Reports presented by the con- If tomorrow is your birthday secretary, who reported that two tea. rewarding year. The recording " " # | A film on the African province on May 7, collections, Mrs. Percy ings held and three executive a considerable improvement in # lof Angola was [Royal Tour were shown by Mrs. yp. "goinath Ellis, Mrs. Boom. Mrs. George Fairhart, reported volve a temporary environmen- Miss Marilyn Hendershot and Pel Antil: advertising, Mrs. W. scribers to the national maga- |a highly stimulating experience. % at the home of Miss Elsie Fice on| ments: Mrs. F. A, Chumbly, Mrs. | WEDDING PRINCIPALS |extremely possible, but it will be g On Social Action and Health, Milko-Shakers were sold by Ta] a : |ative side. Do nothing risky. United Church are Mr. and | _ = © no ang Mrs. Melville clothes, new clothing, groceries, The Convener of Education, | i met at the home of Mrs. H. M. hee will be held at the home of shef : " the daughter of Mrs. Charles $298.34. as well as a considerable been awarded to the boy and girl jlively from a social point of view, ing with prayer. served. Th X i y \ p : : y + 3 . ing with p served. The next meeting will be Ole Oshawa Hospital by Mrs,|Grade 13. Also that the fashion "give and take" policy will be i i yotional a el ifts s angd|Hamilton led in the devo lve > : Proceeds of many lovely gifts, cards and|tanl were distributed on all visits as be used in financing sc holarships. | A child born on. this day will her brother, Mr. Bert Wood, in|discussed and final plans com-|the Avril meeting of the Loyal| : spent at Fairview Lodge, Whit-| report presented by Mrs. J. A.|be overly aggressive in business sade aan The next meeting will be held tary' report was read and the| ipa ---- telephone congratulations were o sisting at the Red Cross can- 7. Victo 1 Ee] 2 awanna, N.Y., a pilgrimage to| HOUSEHOLD HINT al freshments were served by Next meeting a notation from the Ga a RAR a AAA I wo Liv reported visits to Six im-liaai Ho 2 Toronto. a Day of mediately after it is laid. This migrant rami 0! 1 d CWL assembled at the funeral organizations as the TB Associa- | CLINIC Community Chest, The Red Cross|in British Columbia. 12 Christ- vened by Mrs. C. S. Lee, made in the west, two of which were This Free Hearing Aid St. Gregory's CWL. They made Mrs. L. V. A SOME PEOPLE HAVE LOST Pack, reported a membership of J" g,antity of toys, scrapbooks, year. At the annual "ApPrecia-|Cpristmas stockings, 26 of which SOME PEOPLE HAVE LOST + Wilson, Divisional Commissioner, |" awins in a large measure to hearing. tificate of Appreciation and Grat-| rs, Kenneth Cole, the treasurer, ||. hesitote ebout hearing aids. thank you award by the district/na,cia] report, permitting con. || this FREE DAY -- Tell y Clinic, phone Mr. Geo. Browne of Diefen- briarcliffe pink roses and white or ade " light' am' ' : p Arrangements were made for FAMILY GAME |""A Midsummer Night's Dream' ..4 Mrs. T Wittemore, Mr. Gor. Miss Stella Rink assisted with the He 1 s his warm appreciation of the FRESH BATTERIES, CORDS, EAR- {meeting of the Council held in ed to the executive were Mrs. vice-president; Mrs. Robert Nor- {cellent day in which to complete Miss Loretta Gates, recording on z firmer footing. ot Ceiires were made for thel councillors were also elected. community and cultural matters. Mrs. Diane Hoskin, treas- Mrs. Horace Vetzal, president of | veners of the various standing : r months should brin . boxes of winter clothing had The committees were selected secretary, Mrs. Thomas Sim- the next fou: t! 4 shown by Mrs. Dalby, "iy William MeKnight meetings your financial situation. The oc- {Stephen Saywell. i |James Kent er. Mrs. E. C. Halcomb and Mrs. a total of 214 members with 13 tal change late in August and, if Pierson, Mrs. Norman Adair y | 4 & a Miss Dorothy Fish. ierson rs. Norman Adair zine, "The Canadian League". The accumulation of cash he - Charles Carpenter, Mrs. Frank i ay, May t 7.30 p.m. ' : : . | netar Monday, May 9 at 7.40 | Pictured after their wed- | Graham and Mr. Wilfred Grif- aoc pF, Morrow reported 43 important that all monetary The Joy Group of the WA of Mrs Ellis at the meeting, pro- 3 Mrs. Allan Coolidge. Formerly Collid i of school books and Christmas box-({Mrs. Ray Scott, announced that, August, September and late ollidge, a 0 ith. Alexandra street. Mrs Wil-{ Mrs. 28 slay \; Awari ] i i P A Smith, Alexa Irs. Vetzgl on Tuesday, Apri eantity of used clothing. A total from St. Gregory's standing high-|but be alert to possible domestic The secretary and treasurer held jp June, also th ic- i : in June, also the annual pic | James Conner, 197 of whom were | Show held in March had been|pest in dealing with all niembers flowers. She was overjoyed to period. LOYAL WORKERS x 4 . 5 ¥ well as a considerable quantity gpyRiTUAL REPORT {be amiable and considerate in Tacoma, Washington, whom she pleted for a dinner to be held in/workers WMS group of King : i by, in hairdressing for the elder-yanch, were a pilgrimage to Our |dealings. received from Lindsay and Pet- at the home of Mrs. Richard 1g] call answered by a Bible i teen there. Ste. A SUD Mrs. CC Ste. Anne de Beaupre, and Ly SUAS 10 a > 4 cus (a a # sponse eS. RTREC re Or Te hota Dl 7 [bereaved Hungarian family Was ihe parish, and monthly corpor-(ot the floor covering. parlors and recited the rosary | CHURCH EXTENSION for the deceased : Mrs. L. R. Menard, president, | ACOUST ICAN In the field of Citizenship, Mrs. reported for the Church Exten-| Approximately 690 hours were contribute $250 to the National | |Extension and $20 as a Christ tion, The Cancer Society, > If You Hear But Don't Blood Donors Clinic, ete. The mas boxes were sent to mission- 75 pairs of children's pyjamas. from their own group, one from Test Offer Is Just For Brennan, Brown',, 57 pieces of clothing, including y JOBS -- Rather than admit 34, Mrs. Larry Emmons was €n-jat. for mission boxes, in which tion Dinner" of the Oshawa Girl| vere made up and donates by the FRIENDS Because they at the presented Mrs. Brennan with thelyne activities of the Social Com- 'SOME PEOPLE MISS MOST OF itude for her 18 years of Service, inn." Thomas Leveque, was able] 1¢ you have s doubt ebout your commissioner, Mrs. G. .Wirihutions to many worthy causes. | t it too. the hotel for Home Demonstration. Thursday, April 21st carnations. 4 future meetings, including a visit . and, the following afternoon, will : or OSHAW/ (CP -- don Metcalfe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Guide work. : JSHAWA, Ont. (CP TV and work they had done and outlined GENE; Keeps eers heclthy end |the parish auditorium on the eve- William Boissoin, 1st vice-presi- |daring ideas, and those in the moyle, 3rd vice-president; Mrs. |pending negotiations, make new minutes were read by secretary: Mrs. C. Egerer, ¢ Social activities are sponsored Reports were given by Mis s|spring tea to be held at the] REPORTS PRESENTED Fah » a FOR THE BIRTHDAY urer, and Miss Elsie Fice, supply the WA, will officially open the committees reflected a busy and » pC for Simcoe Hall occupational advancement and b) been collected for Simcoe [to take charge of the auction sale mons reported 10 general meet- Slides of the|, 4 "Mrs Vetzal: home baking, The convener. of membership, cupational advancement may in- Refreshments were served by -ary members, and 193 sub- so, you should find such a change The next meeting will be held and Mrs. S. W. Burgess; refresh-| {tween now and the énd of July is SOCIAL ACTION Reed and Mrs. Arthur Nichols. moves be strictly on the conserv- | JOY GROUP ding recently in Centre Street ' fin and the bridegroom is the visits made to the needy. Baby's Northminster United Chur chiceeds for WA work. The quilting Tt bs Miss Sylvia Griffin, the bride is es were supplied in the amount of two scholarships of $50 each had|December should be extremely Photo Anthony opened the meel-i96 a pot luck di i Ot, 0 Ing out k | fred J pi nner will be of 752 patients were visited at est in Grade 12 and continuing to|friction during November. A . Sad / Mrs. Howard! ; Mrs. Jewison was the recipient|reports were read. nie. a sicopus ; ; s. Jewison was the recip! from outside points. Prayer cards| very successful, the proceeds to|of the family. receive a telephone call from Several items of catering were, Mrs, Bert Howlett presided for| of used literature. 123 hours were| mq. highlights of the spiritual personal relationships, but may : hi ser hall on April 26 Strect United Church. The s - had not seen for 50 years. Other the lower , Secre- | Rout ly residents by Mrs. Conner andy. qu of Victory's Shrine in Lack-| ------------ ti erborough. Moores. verse containing the word Peace.| " 3 : On Immigration, closed retreat at the Cenacle Re-| Always wax new linoleum im- also visited and members of \the aie poly Communion. | Murty reported a total of 15|sion Group a membership of 16.| members serving on the boards During the year this group raised | HEARING of the various local organizations. sufficient money to enable it to contributed to the work of suchiCouncil of the Catholic Church the|mas gift to a missionary priest Red Cross sewing group, c¢on-iary priests in isolated districts Understand Then the junior group, and nine from BROWNIES LV. Bre ow You... Ow! of St. Gregory's 8th Brownie pitted garments, two quilts and . hey i 't heor. rolled as Tawny Owl during the|were = jncjuded 31 children's they. just don't hee Guide Association, Mrs. £. | Brownies. missed out through faulty World Brownie Pin and the Cer-|..itiae under the convenership ofl THE FUN -- Because they and she was presented with thei, iocont a most gratifying fi-|| 'own hearing -- Come in. during CLINIC Pearce. {A highlight of the meeting was| - 10 attend this and she carried a cascade of |Easter season were sung. _|Saturday evening performance of po Mah 2 el ol vaouer Duin and N , Horne, Mr. William Peters, Mr. Mrs. Angela their generosity. He expressed] Hours 1-9 p.m. Mrs. Raeburn Zinck was rairview Mr . Neers 4 > A i to Fairview Lodge in June. IS. he present at a concert in the A . . d | W. 1 Wait first p Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. T. Skeats,| Reporting on Radio, some of the projects planned for|| clean. Ask for matron of honor for her twin sis- : Wa ad si res ; »thov . 7 A pot luck supper was enjoyed president of Festival theatre -- a Beethoven . of moo nso. Mp Fil Mrs. Robert Normoyle 2 i > 5 Prank 5 . + | 3] and s,|Fums, MIS. A 4 toy, om o Be oe a rendants convened by Mrs. Frank Low- the Canadian Ladies' Curling As- program featuring Glenn Gould,|chyis Bromley and John ig stated that literature and bulle- We soming year. bois SHEE HEARING AID USERS awa Miss June "Stone and Miss ries group. sociation, told women at the first|Pianist 2 Osea CY coke; Mrs. Doris Tonkin and tins from we Legion of Des ensy ro ng id gibi! pd ab MEDITATION GROUP eastern title tournament that curl- 21 eon Miss Catherine Haffy, Brant. relative to films being shown bY, present for the assistance|| The World's finest hearing sinee Patricia Stone of Toronto. They 7 the Moving Picture Industry had ACOUSTICON The Prime Minister will also at- : A ni ; | a. > ford; Miss Beverley Gould, Mr. ae VOU CE FHC0 arly in the|they had given her during her 67 Richmond $t. W. Toronto HAVE all wore identical street length The Meditation Group of Cedar ing is a family game at which tend the inaugural banquet of the dresses Of malive ii Organza Dale United Club met in the the women and teen agers can be International League of Com- Rash, Towmanvile; Mr. | Church vestibule. Teachers in all rs: Soar nities ad theip eon. Te a I re church for its Easter meeting. equally as adept as the men, |POSrS, to be held on Sunday eet er Separate Schools in the city had | 4% blo i led coopera short sleeves. and' bude: bows, Th Worship .service was cot = _ |evening, Aug. 7, at the beginning been notified of a broadcast tof p 4 ducted by the president, Mrs. of the International Conference the children of America by Pope ow John, and notices of outstanding| *"¢ accented the back of the dresses . 4 , They wore leaf bandeaux of Frank Singer. Mrs. Fred Wil of Composers. 1 liams and Mrs. Frank Singer mauve taffeta and short white joi " gloves. and carried cascades of Sang a duct, "Whispering Hope', white button chrysanthemums. accompanied at the organ Mr. Bruce Ewing of Toronto MIs: Alfred Barassin. was best man, and the ushers Mrs. Albert Carswell gave an n were Mr. Ronald Stone of To- appropriate Easter message en- ronto, Mr, John Simpson and Mr. titled "The Other Woman". hild re . Raeburn Zinck of Oshawa The minutes were read by Mrs children and 30 grandchildren, The reception was held at Sim- Albert Porter. Mrs, J. F. Norton SUPERMARKET coe Street Church memorial hall, |wiliiam Henderson gave the re- 174 Ritson Rd. S. -- Open Daily to 10 p.m. YAK CHEESE New cheese factories in Nepal "> A need roc i ™ / programs ha een ste: Out of town guests at the Baker- process milk from the Tibetan the DE , bulletin. $10 was con- were Mr. "and|Y2K species, into a golden prod- irihuted to the Sacred Heart] Hubble and Mr. uct rich in butterfat, Radio program. Hubble, Foxbor-| = cots Elgin Hub- Cee Pte following announcements BRANTFORD, Ont. (CP Farmer George Sloat and his by wife showed his prize possession|Kemp wedding on their 50th wedding anniversary Mrs. Ernest a silver tray commemorating and Mrs. Cecil and Mrs. ; move Lime gL where the bride's mother rceeiv-iport on those ill in the congre- ed wearing a two-piece dress of gation and was glad to report sapphire blue pure silk with a Mrs. Andrew Hunter has return- flowered small hat, and od home from the hospital. matching gloves. Assisting, the Plans were completed for the bridegroom's mother chose a fig- ured beige and brown silk crepe More ComfortWearing sheath topped with a beige silk FALSE TEETH coat, and a beige straw hat. Both Here 1s a pleasant way to overcome wore corsages of bronze chrysan- themums. 5 loose plate discomfort. FASTEETH, For the honeymoon trip the an improved powder, sprinkled om bride travelled in a stroller suit EPPer ane ner plates holds them of aqua French wool with a white ri Rag a pasty straw cloche hat, and a corsage | taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non- of white chrysanthemums, On | Gd); Does not sour Ohecks "plate rose SPRING IS HERE! CHERNEY'S McCLARY-EASY Specials for Tues. and Wed. ¢ their return the couple will live ER Rie TR TK HEINZ KETCHUP 3 69 CHRISTIES 2 33¢ ii " BREAD ome PROTECT YOUR BUTTER First Grade .. 65° 11-0Z. BTLS. 24.07. LOAVES : Everybody loves it when the warmer weather comes. They ving about it: 'Springtime in the Rockies". They got poetical about it: "O to be in England now that April's here." Washes Better Cleaner, Faster The warmer weather means a lot for our clothes too. But it's also @ time when a lot eof damage can be done to tlothes. A "Spiralator" Gives You It's the time to put away heavy topcoats and the dark, FAMILY WARDROBE Always Heed The Signs Save Maker's tags about care! should this especially If you spot tag could be valuable your clothes, Save in case. We have the how them know for cleaning modern fabrics. Call us now! GOLD MEDAL CLEANERS (Pickup and Delivery) 27 BOND ST. EAST RA 3-7332 MARGARINE Tulip 4... 89° TOBACCO ... "- 1.39 CHOICE TIN FRESH MINCED BEEF HAMBURG 3... 1.00 SMOKED SIDE BACON In Pce. .. 39° SUNKIST ORANGES 113 Size ..... 95°¢ POTATOES »" 2.75 Shop and Save at GLECOFF'S We cash Pension, Baby Bonus and Pay Cheques! FREE PARKING on the street or in our parking lot! heavy suits. But if you just "put them away', a lot of harm tan come to them. Little particles of dirt act like tiny buzz saws on the fibres, weakening the material so that it may not stand up so well next winter. apt? Stains, ones that may not be apparent now, can become *'set and 'darker so that they will be impossible to remove next winter. : It's pretty clear, then, that the thing to do is to clean land moth-proof) the winter clothes we're not going to be wear- ing (we hope) for many months to come. All this sounds pretty sombre, but it is vitally important, Spring, though, should be a happy time and it is made hap- pier by the lighter and brighter clothes In addition to good cleaning, some of them may need their crispness restored with a good sizing. It will make them more resistant to soiling, too. The warmer weather, then, is a time to take special care of our clothes--to prepare the new ones for wear and to prepare the olds ones for storage. on Abbas TTWONE 53593 Lindy 2p MR. QEDVIPR /75 Me ane cb . 3-Way Washing Action up spiral water currents that go up-and-down, round-and. round, in-and-out, forcing active cleansing suds through ALL the clothes, ALL the time. There's no rubbing, ne tugging, no tangling, no friction -- yet not a single article in the tub cam escape the gently penetrating three-way washing action, Why not trade in? Cherney's will allow you a $50 trade-in allowance for your old washer, regardless of make or con- dition, ." the Shirchase 32 iow McClary-Easy "Spiralator™ i washer. Your washer be ted Payment if you wish, ich = your Dove a Other Washers SEE THE NEW 1960 MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY