The Oshawa Times, 18 Apr 1960, p. 17

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on RR a a | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 18, 1960 17 WA Meets p= l EATON'S n OSHAWA met Wednesday in the Sunday School room. Mrs, F, Dart and Mrs, W. Hasiuk conducted devo- tions. It was announced that the Presbytery W.A. will be held in Port Perry United Church April 28. A donation was given to camp and property committee I for improvement wr Saluyp A \ - | Pretoria. Mrs. Naylor sang two = | | solos and refreshments were v : / Have Your served by Mrs. A.. McMaster. > Mrs. F. Dart and Mrs. W. Hasiuk, 4 ' y 2 L C.GIT. girls, Suit WOMArS ) : and guests, attended at the Wi = / 2 pe I. Sunday morning for < : / s: : A I=. C hecked On an affiliation service with the . ; : : ? -~ ap-- ---- . Dian ; 5 ~- An Electrical Dinner was served buffet style. Many projects were on dimly to % : > show the work of i , ! Mr. and Mrs, L. Hoskin, > A voy ' VA / Tester, . EN, Thorntons Corgers, visited Ray Ah a. ¥=f ; \ Cameron Saturday. gud wel Wy; . \ Mr, and Mrs. Reford Cameron { } TH pa and Cleaned and Lynda, Bowmanville, visited y at Grant Williams Sunday. j | HL ! By An Expert Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Killen and family, Harmony Road North, visited Robert Killen Sun- aki "0 i ore : Olan? al ® First at EATON'S in Canada ! Sleep, Toronto, Sunday. anily G di wns Bl Ci) "Girdles | EnTon's HEARING AID REPAIR French 'Dofanette' t-t h it r hin 3, Wao, Borman) Waist trimming, bip-alimming "veraronis. | SERVICE AND DIAGNOSTIC CLINIC Handb aa Ma Nee Ficel These to shape your figure for Spring's figure- Saturday, April 23rd an ags day. demanding fashions . . . in airy lace elastic for Mr. i. Jakawidis 5 ore of dur. trdiriel hearing. oid iconsulionts -- will be on a a yh aga all- -way control, With nylon taffeta front pone, kord to check and clean your hearing aid, regardless of the moke, WITHOUT a CH as (ll aif ---- Mrs. Jim Stainton and Davy White. in small medium, lar nd t Do come in and take i ----_- of this EATON service for the i -- isited Mrs, Roy Thomas, Scar- ' ) ge an extra d br Praag Phone RA 35-7373, Store Manager's Office, The noted handbag maker Dofan offers a borough, Friday. large sizes to fit 25 to 32 waists. : for an appointment P. W. Davidson visited Roy Abbott, Belleville, Saturday. 1. THE GIRDLE -- ribbed at lower edge new approach to the popular-priced hand- Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout and Demis," Bowmanvile, "ved 2 TANT GIRDLE -- with rayon crotch, detachable bag! Now the beautiful finishing usually a Mb a vg ornuue Birce ily seen in much higher-priced bags is here in George Leach, Manchester, Sun- 0 . 9%. and Mrs. Ace Abbott] EATON Price, each ........... 35 soft, flexible Vinyl plastic . . . handbags are Oshawa, visited P. W. David co Bl 9 Sunday. a wi "Lov-Lon" shaped with good quality frames, long- Margaret Pascoe and Dave gaTON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 PHONE RA 5.7373 : . fh McCullough were at Fenelon wearing rayon faille linings, overarm straps, Falls Sunday. | rs Paicte, Ron Dick Dainty Nylon Tricot : Swea te rs inside mirror and zipper pockets. Six styles § Rickard made a trip to Buffalo k : sketched are in popular shades of bone, red, ° ; A Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. P. W. Davidson Petticoa ts Soft, easy-care '"Lov-lon" . . . : : : : vated Rowany Abbott, Burke- washes easily, dries in shape! Short white, navy and black in calf-like or black on, Sunday. . . . . : : " ils Mrs, F. Pascoe and Mrs. F.| Ordinarily much higher priced . . . sleeved pullovers with close-ribbed i patent finish. Cameron visited Mrs. Elmer| eci / h 7 neck and sleeve edges; cardigans Wilbur Hampton, Wednesday. | Special purchase with long sleeves, matching buttons, | Pretty, easy-care petticoats , . . of fine nylon reyon-grosgrain ribbon backing but- : Each tons and buttonholes. In white, red ji | tricot that drips dry quickly. Slim-cut for to- py Couples Clu day's slender sheath styles; white, with em- | elev; Sige 4, &, x i 0 0 broidery and lace at the hem. Sizes to fit 24 EATON Prices: | Holds Meet | =o aie - os / . ey» Ae. ar ET er a a Rh TRS | to 30 waists. Pullovers, each Cardigans, each Courtice EATON Special Price, each ....... 1-99 2-98 3.98 By MRS. M. E. LAVERTY Ei MAPLE GROVE: Courtice Cir- £ euit Country Couples Club met] EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S Shorr vel ya srY: 210 3 BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 PHONE RA 5.7373 at Courtice United Church Thurs- day with President Jim Mec- Gregor in the chair, Fa re ut 4 Get More Done . . .Have More Fun . .. port dance and to Newcastle Er | ih With gE ATON S Gardening Aids! Betty and Pat Goyne played two piano duets and John Pat- terson headmaster at the Bow- manville Training School for Boys, gave a talk on his work with boys in Cobourg and at BTS. A question and answer period followed. Lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGergor. Next meet- ing will feature a bowling party, May 14. CIRCLE MEETING The U and L Circle met at the home of Mrs. Morley Bur- . . . gess with Mrs. Gordon Beech : Summer-Wise Styling In i Burgess and Mrs sR aly "w " Ron Brooks read the Scripture Logrollers and Mrs. Cecil Mills gave a reading on Women of the Bible. ¥ i 1 7 Mrs. Morley Burgess led devo- / ks Sound tions and readings were given ; pe = Y er by Mrs. D. Bailey and Mrs. Howard Bradley. ; A No. 6003--Squash-heel pump with D Neo, 6023 -- Moccasin vamp tie R Lunch was served by Mrs. N. rise vom, and sen. J Suede with cuban stacked heel. in black, " Ry © 3 , Burgess and her group. Pair 9 - 10, L!] ermine or acorn ealf, g i "TECO DELUXE" PAN RAKE " 0 -- Lightweight, with with 22 flexible spring-stee! teeth, smooth hardwood handle. rice, PERSONALS Colliss and Ernest PRT Bhp le 4 idm n ford Ella Nyt Musto bend Pick di h 18 24" A ic cal Ty " ide, with extra long handle--saves bending. Picks up garden trosl * i called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taitcorm ferenae (tan calf). x Yo, ig Medium wedge heel Style \ § easily with spring steel teeth. each 3.39 egch 3.69 Best, Pontypool, Monday. | with-button and overlay vamp trim. In ; : ECONOMY LEAF RAKE (Not illustrated) Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burton ermine or red calf leather. Zoom style for grass, leaves, etc. 20 flexible tines on heavy | head, hardwood handle. and family spent last week end 7 Salle. S00 ~Perforated vamp tie wih " AN ny) ueen Anne' \ § + i a con GARDEN RAKES with Mr. and Mrs, Chester Butt, ith, vanilla suede. Pair 10.95 ) : 12 tooth, with medium spaced straight teeth painted red, long hardwood handle. at Beeton. Susan Henry and (7 No. 6011 (Not illustra orioited No. 5804--Not illustrated -- Hiusion i \ EATON Price, each Theresa Laverty entertained bss tie with low stacked Abe hei iivng heel pump with moccasin vamp, needle 14 et, gatalis a above i j 5 EATON Price, eac! several girl friends on the in, vanilla "alt. N 5 ou, Textured eulf lectier in 16.95 h 14 tooth bow take--saiig forged bow head with 14 curved teeth, occasion of their respective birth- ; i AN RRR eres vere ermine, black, red. Pair .. JA Loc bow ; hn DELUXE 1 ia: cot with extra heavy head, 'curved teeth. sted Mr. and Mrs, Carl Bed a Tans AY; 15 0, widths ANA {0.2 Is Hw Group, uk we in avery size / RATON, Preo, SOR. oscuro sas iaios Sarda ia ye waka mannan A DE i TECO DELUXE Ta Wh with straight top. visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bed- in each width, style or colour. 3 ELUX ford, Charing Cross and Mr. and f EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 338 PHONE RA 5.7373 : EATON a eh make your paths and GARDEN SHOVELS Mre, Clatense as, Corunna, "3 paths and flower beds neat and attractive-- Well conshucted of heavy. "the end, Change your old treadle t od. f lectri : : f TECO SOCKET STYLE -- with keen steei head i Mrs, L. C. Snowden was a ge your rea o a modern, fast, electric sewing machine ! in crescent shape, approx. 8" acres, § QQ Tiron Price. eoch guest at a birthday party for TECO DELUXE GARDEN HOSE TECO DELUXE -- solidly Tilt with 9 head, TECO DELUXE -- round mouth, as ng 28 e [] ® ° Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hampton 4 M ks C S 4 in Of hi i ! ' eavy-gauge vinyl plast extra heavy handle, D top. with D hand on Wednesday. ewing as ine on version pecia & spun a far Reside" dame arent foean colour, with EATON Price, each : : 2.19 EATON Price, each ........ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Fawcett so.n. 6,95 9.95 12.95 GARDEN HOES FIELD: HOE == with 3" steal TECO SHOVEL--Round mouth, steel 3.98 and family, St. Catharines, were You'll "breeze" through all your sewing jobs with en electric sewing A i re. TEM, Hh 100.10; i floss, socket type. 2 88 Dra: wath "or hand weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. machine . . . and your old treadle can be easily converted at very moderate = ' TECO MASTER AND ATON Price, each Dawson Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. cost, Ip BUTCH STYLE HOE -- (not illustrated) with SPADES Jim Laverty and Colleen called Included in this ding. offer: EATONIA HAND MOWERS 7¢ cutting Bi on long smooth 3.19 JELO pu Square style blade, hardwool handle on Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gim- eo New air-cooled & "Teco Master"--a mower of fine quality with 9" rubber tires handle. A grip. air-cool motor ball-bearing construction, heavy gauge bed pl: bt GARDEN "Clunivatons 7 50 " dis ofl Pn ; To loosen and aerate soil--makes plants and TECO DELUXE -- as above, but with solid . 5 blett, Columbus, Wednesday ® New five-speed , s . = control he tubular steel v \ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Rogers, ® New sew ght ay pur see handle Ra I nen cel shrubs grow faster and healthiler. "Handy as heavier gauge steel blade. i 16.98 1708, Zouds oon sion. EATON Fret sec TECO DELUXE -- 5-prong with five keen steel GARDEN FORKS Eowmanving visited Mr. and EATON Conversion Special EATON Prices: rs. Cecil Burton Sunday. Estimates on additional repairs given without che "Eatonla"--an econ spadi ihli del teeth that adjust quickly, har 5 Mr. -and Mrs, Alberta Wihlidal Pa 9 ge higher-priced "moners oe 9 ee ores. Yound _~ handle. EATON Price, each 3.29 y Forde four tempered ii ok with Doe and Mrs. Ann Wihlidal, Oshawa, wooden roller, bronze Corie 147, 14 98 16", 15. 98 3-Prong -- as above but with 3 prongs 2 59 hardwood handle. EATONIA Value: each Ll each [1 only. EATON Price, each L} EATON Price, eoch ....... aeatrasia 59 me = od Sewing Machine "Tune-Up" Special! Se rn Wipes J Mrs. Leslie Fawcett, Meaford, Is a guest of her daughter, Mrs.| Just like your car, your sewing machine should receive regular check-ups . . . call us nog TOY Goodmurphy| NOW and our representative will be glad to clean and oil your machine, and check the Spec ial Low Price On Wa | Ipa pe rs! Oshawa, were weekend guests of| tensions. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rogers. Mr. : s " . . : : 50 Eye-catching new patterns . . . florals, scenics, plains and semi-plains, medallion de- ? 29 and Mrs. Cory Van de Burgt, Sehdus, Salled ot Mr. 'and Mos. . Tune-Up Special .........00une Signs! dn an exciting range of decorator colours, all are semi-trimmed - many are wash- Mary Jane Laverty . able. Shop early for best choice! EAT eciol Price, single roll cessful A in the EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 570 PHONE RA 5.7373 DY do LEVEL, ee EATON Sp ' 9 PHONE RA 5.7373 Times subscription contest and : left for a week's holiday in New pees Thos out tore H 9.30 to 6 Mond Saturd | hate 'wil be wo Girl Guide, ore Hours a.m. to i i i Brownie, Cub or Scou Fe .m. .m. oT o Le Lo AAR § . arng 'te Bester lida." : P y to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 p.

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