he Oshavon Times Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited, 86 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. Page 6 Wednesday, April 13, 1960 Assassination Weapon Politically Immature No matter what one's opinion of the policies of South Africa's Premier Ver- woerd, there could only be shock and revulsion at the attempt to assassinate him. One can only be thankful that the attempt was made by a white man, and not a black. Had a native tried to take the prime minister's lite, there is no tell- ing what wave of bloody violence would have swept across the country. Verwoerd has become a new symbol of bigotry and tyranny. Headlines in the world's newspapers reflected public opinion: "Shots at the Hitler of South Africa" in Vienna; "Shot Against the Tyrant", in Stockholm; "The Tyrant Topples" in London. Such were the head- lines in responsible newspapers publish- ed in the capitals of a score of countries. The comment that went with them showed that while there was little sympathy for Védrwoerd himself, there was condemnation of the method. Assassination is a political instrument of political immature people, of people who think a problem can be solved by J There is no dispute between West and East (meaning the Soviet Union) about the desirability of disarmament. The argument is about the ways of achieving disarmament. But in the dis- cussions that have been going on, there has been one notable absence -- the great power in the Far East, China. We have a habit of assuming that if the Western powers and the Soviet Union agreed to a workable plan of disarma- ment, all nations would forthwith dis- arm and defence industries would turn to manufacturing for peace. That is not so. Some smaller nations would undoub- tedly cling to their two-bit armies; they could be ignored. But a power like China' is something else -- and China is in no mood to disarm. It is probable that China will soon have nuclear weapons. It has the world's largest population to support a huge military force. An armed China in. a disarmed world would be the equivalent of a mink in a hen house. The theoretical journal of the Chinese Communist central committee is in the current an article that Western intelligence experts believe re- flects the views of the Chinese leaders. issue carries ink In The ER ARR PA ET bloodletting, just as children try to settle differences by bloodying each other's noses. That is why assassination always comes as a shock to those countries which have sprung from the British political root. Canadians, for example, have always been puzzled and dismayed by attacks on presidents of the United States, and it is inconceiv- able to them that it should ever be necessary for the prime minister to be surrounded by squads of bodyguards and secret service men whenever he ventured forth in public. The man who tried to kill Verwoerd must have been mentally disturbed, and medical evidence supports this opinion. The incident illustrates the stupidity and futility of assassination as an imagined solution to a problem. Verwoerd is now something of a martyr to his followers, and may have gained the sympathy of many who had dis- liked the man. His death would not relieve the blacks of one bit of their ¢ burden. Hen House The article argues directly agains Khrushchev's demands for disarmament. It states that "Lenin taught us that in an era of imperialism, the system of imperialism is the source of war ... To imperialists peace is nothing more than an interval between two wars." Communist China, it goes on, will not stop demanding Formosa, for "to repu- diate civil war, or to forget about it, would mean sinking into extreme oppor- tunism and renouncing Socialist revolu- tion." The article makes strange reading, in view of Khrushchev's public statements inside and outside Russia about peace and disarmament. Western intelligence experts do not claim that it reveals a great split between the Communist powers, but they do see it 'as an indica- tion of China's determination to pursue the hard line in opposition to Khrush- chev's soft line. It illustrates, too, the futility of trying to exclude China from world councils -- unless the Soviet Union and the West are prepared to force all other nations to accept their disarmament agreements, and the possi- bility of that seems more remote than the agreements. Abused Traffic Devices A great deal is said about abuses of courtesy and safety regulations by motorists, but the motorists can be abused, too. Devices for traffic control, for example, can mislead the motorist and create hazards if they are not used with understanding. m The subject of controls is discussed by Roy D! Cowley, director of the On- tario Transport traffic engineering branch, in the current bulle- tin, Ontario Traffic Safety. He points out that recognition by the motorist of control devices is imperative, but the devices, if improperly used or impro- perly installed, place the motorist at a disadvantage. He writes: "The Highway Traffic Act requires that every signal installation must be approved by the Department of Trans- port. There are possibly many installa- tions which have not been approved. This could place the municipality in a difficult legal position. . . "The Highway Traffic Act also states that one signal head for each direction of traffic must be attached to a pole he Oshawa Times ¥. L. WILSON, Publisher and General Manager €. GWYN KINSEY, Editor The Oshawa Times combining The Oshawa Times (established 1871) ana the Whitby Gozette and Chronicle lished 1863) is published (Sundays and statutory holidays excepted) nadion Doily. Newspapers Publishers Association, anadion Press, Audit Bureou of Circulation and the Ontaric ovincial Dailies Asso- ciation. The Conadion Press is exclusively entitled fo the use for re tion of all news despatched in the poper cred o it to The Associated Press or Reuters, ond also t ocal news published therein. All rights of special despatches are also reserved Offices Toronto, Ontario SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered b carriers in Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, Bo v Brooklin. Port Perry, Prince Hampton, Frenchman's Bay, Dunborton, Enniskillen, Burketon, Clarement G wooq Kinscle, urg. Port Hope over 45¢ per week, r outside carriers 15.00 per vear. Department's daily Thomson Build 640 Cao 425 University Avenue rt Street, Montreal, P.Q Ajax Tyrone e proving nta delivery areos 12.00: elsewhere Average Daily Net Paid as of March 31, 1960 16,857 located on the far right side of the intersection. This section of the Act has been literally interpreted with two un- fortunate results. (A) The signals are placed so that the indications are too far to the right to be effectively seen by the motorist; or the indications are obliterated by the background of multi- colored flashing advertising signs. (B) A two-way signal head is attached to a mast arm projecting diagonally into the intersection. Item (A) forces poor observance by the motorist. Item (B) results in a non-standard, but legal, ins- tallation. Both require adjustments by the motorist. "Another example is a home-made centre-suspended signal . . . The signal lenses are flat glass resulting in an al- most invisible signal indication. It is an extreme challenge to the motorist to recognize, lét alone observe this signal. "The Highway Traffic Act requires that stop signs be installed at designated through highways. A 'through' highway should really be just that . .. Yet stop signs appear to be used without this intention in many areas. The system of interspacing the stop signs every two blocks, sometimes called the alternating two-block grid system, is popular. The use of stop signs as speed control de- vices, deliberately interfering with traffic flow on an arterial, also occurs. The intended use of the streets is forgot- ten, with the result that all streets must be developed to the same standard or classification. This is uneconomical, un- fair to the motorist, frustrating to local residents, and is. basically poor plan- ning." Bible Thought Now God had brought Daniel into fa- vour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.--Daniel 1:9, The name DANIEL means "God is my judge." This young Hebrew lived to please God, even in a heathen court. His consistent life was admired by a leader of the royal house. IT MEAN APL "OTTAWA REPORT THE CAPETOWN CANUTE Canadian Wife Worth Her Weight In By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA -- Could you afford your wife at her rnarket value? The price tag put on an Ameri- can farm wife by a study at Washington State University is $2,080 a year. This is for a surely unrealistic 40 - hour work- ing . week for 52 weeks in the year, In contrast, an estimate of the cost of replacing the housekeep- ing, nursing and baby - sitting services of a wife and mother, in a home containing a husband and two young children, produced the figure of $6,285 for a 70 - hour working week throughout the year. Some six years ago, the Women's Institute of Ontario heard an agricultural economist assess the value of a farm wife to her husband as $69,000 throughout their married part- nership. This would make any wife, except a mere slip of a girl weighing 123 pounds or less, worth less than her weight in gold -- which is obviously ab- surd. ITS WORK, WORK, WORK The average Canadian mixed farmer hears of city folks' 40- hour working week as a liveli- hood only just this side of Para- dite, and turns sadly back to his own double - week of more than 80 hours, spent husbanding his land through the open season and nursing his livestock through the bitter winter in his barn, His wife-partner is on the go just as ceaselessly, seven days in every week. Her 14 daily hours of mixed chyres add up to a 98-hour work- ing week. IL would be an ill-fa- voured woman indeed who could not average 80 cents an hour to- day in any Canadian city for the tasks which a farm wife per- forms. If she were "organized" into the "Amalgamated Bird's Eye, Aunt Jemima, Hoover, and dish-, clothes-, and baby-washers' Union," her pay would be in- creased to time and one-half for ra PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM "The average person who mar- { ried doesn't know the ABC of Gold matrimony," says a sociologist. And no one ever learns the X of Pit overtime, with double - pay for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. Perhaps one should deduct $10 a week, as the value of raw food and unserviced lodging provided for her, but made consumable only through her own courteous and efficient self-service, So in her average married life of 40 years, the farm wife con- tributes labour worth $235,456. Her typical cily sister probably matches this figure, MEN CANNOT COMPLAIN The greatest racket Man has ever put across any other of God's creatures enables the as- tute male to bind a robust maiden to him and his home, with a gold ring worth perhaps no more than $25. In exchange for his bauble and his name, that maiden con- tributes nearly a quarter of a million dollars worth of labor, with love as a bonus. For all his scientific brilliance in emulating the Creator's satels lites in the sky, Man has failed to perfect a gadet which will minister to his assorted needs, in health and in sickness, yet which can be primed by a $25 ring and kept refuelled with kind words and a kiss. Yet this factotum which men 80 misuse is a cheap article to produce, in comparison to the value of her output. From maternity ward to mat- rimony, an average of $500 a Man is a tough and resource- ful animal. If he weren't, he couldn't survive in a world domi- nated by that cruel and danger- ous animal, Man. BY-GONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO Excavation wag begun at the harbor for the building of an additional 250 feet of seawall. J. C. Anderson was elected president of the Brotherhood of Simcoe St. United Church, Other officers elected included A. Mac- Donald, S. F. Everson, W. H. James and E. O. Phillips, vice- presidents; A. E. Murdock, sec- retary-treasurer. F. 0. Kirby was elected presi- dent of the Oshawa Poultry Asso- ciation. Rev. Dr. R. L. McTavish, pas- tor of King St. United Church, accepted a call to Zion Taber nacle, Hamilton. Over 300 members from 12 Rotary clubs from the Central Ontario district attended the in- terclub meeting held here, known as "Motor Night in Motor City". A party of 200 was con- ducted on a tour through the General Motors plant, Lois Faulds, social worker of the Wcmen's Welfare League, reported the League was able to expand its worthy work as a re- sult of the new club house which was donated by the late Charles Robson and Mrs. Robson. Jack Bates, Peg Mackie, Andy Dobson, Lloyd Magill and Man- ning Swartz captured the Cana- dian 5-pin bowling championship with a score of 3838. Expenditures at Boys' Training School, Bowmanville, last year were 110,941, F. E. Ellis, for a number of years poll tax collector for Osh- awa, was re-appointed to that position by the city council. A sum of $1200 was collected through the medium of poll tax last year. Edward Sargent, representing Westmount School, won the WCTU medal in the oratorical contest, He spoke on the subject "The Relief of Lucknow". PARAGRAPHICAL WISDOM The biggest complaint about jokes by television comics is not that a few of them are unsavory, but that most of them are unfun- ny. HOW YOUR LIVER BILE HELPS BREAK DOWN FATS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT boratory tests have now proved that liver bile emulsifies fats... actually breaks them down. It is an established fact that when liver bile is added to fatty solids, the fats are broken down and form a smooth, easy-flowing mix, In your digestive tract, liver bile helps break down fats the same way. Many of the foods you eat reach the digestive tract as undigested fatty solids, Your golden liver bile helps break down these fats . . . for easier and more complete digestion. Carter's Little Liver Pills' exclusive formula of vegetable ts re- lieves irregularity gently and effeo- tively. At the same time, it actually improves the flow of liver bile needed to break down fats in your digestive tract. So when you Teel sluggish, head- achy, nervous and need a laxative, take Carter's Little Liver Pills. Remember, Carter's not only re- lieve irregularity, but actually ime prove the flow of liver bile. Ges Carter's Little Liver Pills today! ASK YOUR AGENT ABOUT... B Scenic-Dome rail travel B All-inclusive fares lincluding meals, berth, ete, p services B Great Lakes and Alaska cruises BW Hotels and resorts across Canada B Airline service across Canada-- linking 5 confinents. Information and reservations from H. G. DAVIDSON 111; KING ST. EAST RA 3-2224 GAME 5 OF THE NEW SENSATIONAL LOBLAWS year will cover the cost of feed- ing, clothing, housing, tending and educating her. All things considered, the Canadian wife, on farm or in city, repays her development costs in two years. Those arid professors at Wash- ington State University have grossly undervalued this pearl beyond price. Or perhaps the typical Canadian wife, whom Ca- nadian Man half-heartedly poises on his mental pedestal, well knowing that she--God bless her --does not expect to recline with hands folded when she has been placed there, FOR BETTER HEALTH One Doctor's Theory On Cause Of Cancer HERMAN. N. BUNDESN MD Is cancer caused by a virus? It could be, according to one theory currently being studied in our quest to solve the cancer problem. And if this theory is correct, it might ven be possible to develop a drug to combat the villainous virus BASED ON ANALOGIES Dr. S. E. Luria, a cancer re- searcher of many years' exper- ience, bases his virus theory more on analogies than on firm knowledge about the relationships between viruses and cancer. Dr. Luria looks at it this way: Many" scientists generally be- lieve that viruses cause a dozen or so animal cancers. In most cases, this belief rests largely on evidence that extracts of cancers induce cancer when they are in- jected into susceptible animals. CAN'T BE FOUND It may be that in some can- cers there are viruses that can- not be found because, as temper- ate viruses, they have become more or less a permanent part of the cell's genes. Thus the theory that they divide only when the cell divides. Perhaps these endow cells with the trait of rapid and wuncon- trolled growth, the prominent fea- ture of cancer. Now we know that the virus DNA sometimes leaves a new ehemical marker on the skin of the cell it infects in bacteria. We aiso know how to produce anti- bodies to fight against some of esese new chemicals, SOMETIMES STOPS GROWTH The antiserum which contains these "antibodies does, in some cases, stop the growth of the cells, If cancer viruses -- if there are any -- leave similar mark- ings on the skins of cancer cells, then it might be possible to de- velop an antiserum to fight against them. There also is another way in which viruses could cause can- cer, according to Dr. Luria's views. ANOTHER THEORY This theory holds that there may be cells in the body, the function of which is to prevent the development of cancer cells If a virus kills these controlling cells, or if it otherwise renders them incapable of control powers, then cancer cells might develop by some kind of spontaneous mu- tation. As I said before, right now these are just theories. QUESTION AND ANSWER Mrs. P. C.: My doctor has ad- vised a complete conization of my cervix Would this mean the end of sex relations for me? Answer: No. published matter in connection with this game, and reject HOW TO PLAY THE GAME Each week, this newspaper ad will have pictures of 30 Brand Name Products and each will have a number beside it. MATCH these numbers with the numbers on your "Target" Card. Circle the matching numbers in pencil. " Ho if you have circled the number in the Centre of the Target, or all 5 numbers within any one o ply you are a winner. You MUST MARK ALL OF THE NUMBERS WITHIN ANY ONE CIRCLE TO BE A WINNER. To receive your prize, print your name and address and the store on back of Card and mall to address indicated. . If you don't have a winner, erase your circles on the Card. It is playable on next week's ad. Numbers on your Card cannot be carried over from one ad to another. Play one ad at a time. We reserve the right to correct any typographical or other errors which might appear in any vegitimate channels. TS, LIMITED, "Target" Cards are given away freely at all Loblaw Stores. No is d p! of Coors and members of their immediate families are not eligible to participate in this game. cards not 0! CLIP THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND SAVE FOR FUTURE REFERENCE! REMEMBER | YOU MAY PLAY ALL TARGET CARDS ON ALL TARGET ADS! FA JERE PR yA "GSPAGHETTLY MEAT BALLS SE TBA > TERR RIL rr MASHED POTATO ( ( X, DR BATLARDY Change HR A ALT