nm ran v TU wr wa Ww rw oR AR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Apel 13, 1900 Riots Flare In Free' South Korea SEOUL, Korea (Reuters)--Po- lice throughoui South Korea were on the alert today following anti- government riots at Masan Mon- day night in which 30, Doljcotien were wounded by ha es. At the same time, authorities here said a plot to overthrow Syngman Rhee's government had JULIET JONES been uncovered, and arrests were expected within the next few days. Cho In Ku, national police chief said about 100 of the more than 1,000 rioters in Masan stormed a police station, grabbed four hand grenades and hurled them at po- licemen inside. Four other policemen were in- jured by flying stones as the riots spread through the southeast city, scene of bloody election day clashes March 15. The disturbance was touched off when the body of a 17-year old student, missing since taking part in election demonstrations, was found on the seashore near Masan, S| VER EET jar MORE Dou BF VE GOT 10 . -AS SOON AS | SHOW HIM [pusure Busi BODY nd the ati "ha Zo fami MORE Z Z| % ¥. AD » ' Za NUBEN WHATEVER IT WAS 1 WANT BEFORE YOU KEEP YOUR coLLecT rrom 2 [OF TLL RETURN YOUR | | THE RANGERS DEA 7 body over to the youth's fellow NOT DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER fe 32 io NEVER BOTHER YOU Jd Z THE MAN WHO LOU'S == students. A police jeep was set ICES MY NEW . sii gy AGAINZZ 4 WANTED THE LONE on fire and demonstrations HATZ v . RANGER b \ started mounting violence. ; Officials said rioters besieged the government prosecutor's of- fice, a pro - government newspa- per office and the home of a gov. ernment politician, as well as the police station. Officials said 400 policemen, in- cluding reinforcements from the nearby port of Pusan, quelled the riot after more than four hours po AL Pv AA A) Se ------ Sp) AED THE LONE RANGER a press J Olli Pus jai two rioters had been killed. Meanwhile authorities here claimed a revolutionary conspir- : . A ! acy was uncovered four days "TMI ano now AN IC PVE RETURNED ARE : -- - 2g0. They said leallets calling fo WE RETUR? | 4 TO BORROW ievable! But right under the You A GAMBLER, the overthrow of the government | 53 Que RETUIED. % (FIVEDOLLARS Silene eo uk unters, the | SHRKOV! EVeN IF You HRN BLOW "aig |by force, refusal to pay taxes and | crew of the submarine *Novaya® b WANTED TO eSSG==4 |a national students' strike were relax nthe Florida sul BECONE Perdis 2 waza |found. I f 3 ; Rliee was returned as president X 4 : -. for a fourth term in the March = 70 15 elections in which he was un- opposed. Five Ships Arrived 1960 VY AUXH ALL COMPLETE yo HCE OR AND GAS Famed Atl akehead : Traffic began to move freely oa , AT THE 5, the Great Lakes Monday and five . ships have already reached the i SECRET AGENT X 9 Captain C. D. Secord which docked late Sunday to load grain. The arrival was 10 days earlier than the 1959 opening. Tony SIT2S3. CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. [fo ssl E7isius | m0 IN FACT WE MUST A spokesman for the Lakehead ALWAYS BE IN TH' PINK : . Shippers Clearance Association O'CONDITION... 3 said "there's still quite a fleet en oe | route" including the new 780-foot Murray Bay, largest grain car- rier on the Great Lakes, making its maiden voyage. At Sault Ste. Marie two ice- brakers were still clearing paths through the middle Neebish Chan. nel in the Lower St, Mary's River. SHIP CAUGHT IN ICE Ice jams in the channel had halted shipping late Monday night and the Canada Steamship Line's Georgian Bay was fast in me WT S Repose | ice. : CRANE i IV Necs " The new government ice- 220 SF sdckin nord Cons) TONE | er a i] breaker Alexander Henry is due IL FALLEA fms " 7 back at the Lakehead Thursday ' THAT sour Blue va : J / 1 |after travelling east to free nine Wi 2 \ by : g sips at Midland, on Georgian \ Bay. The icebreaker is expected at' Goderich on Lake Huron today where the Howard L. Shaw was | |freed from heavy pack ice out- J [side the harbor Sunday. HOPE FOR NORTH WIND Upbound traffic through the Welland Canal faced heavy ice in Lake Erie and port officials are i hoping for A Sorth wind to push HEAD DOWN SHE'S GONE «BUT GEE «1 JU! the ice pa to the lake where YOUR BACK TURNED I THE EE I a they can break up, [| 2ER0-€ETTIN ON THE E BUS IS GONE= IF IT IS MRS, Ha go The Canada Steamship Lines® BUS-ICANTSEEHER | i, EA SUE SEES US hn, OUR 4 NTA WORRIED] freighter we lbiig trapped for FACE CLEAR ENOUGH i 27) AFTER 1 por oe 24 hours off Port Colborne was TO KNOW FOR SURE = fT 1. \ W777 ; cf freed late Monday and was 7 ' " 1 locked downbound through the canal, Five coastal vessels pulled out of Kingston to line up for the April 15 opening of the St. Law- rence Seaway. SALLY'S SALLIES INICh: Th \ V'éa im, 01 BUZ SAWYER King Peatures Syndicat, Mit Okt hts reserved. i BRICK BRADFORD JANE ARDEN LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Walt Py World Rights Reserved MICKEY MOUSE KILLING THEM 1S | | YEAH! BESIDES, THEY'LL NEVER . I DON'T LIKE TO PO mie Ss re UNNECESSARY, S AGAIN / r-- See THIS, BUT EVERY NOW . 3 meg . THESE TWO KNOWTOO MUCH! Jamra SENOR == RE TD SO aly ERE) 5 Bn ~ J. your 1SAY WE SHOULD GET 6, eV ER TLL HANDLE Hr X wx B055/ 20 : didi RINKERS CLEANERS RA 5-1191 "Timber!" "The Best In Town" 15 $aan3vag BURN 4q pang ROY ROGERS