The Oshawa Times, 9 Apr 1960, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 9, 1960 50--Articles for Sale THREE rooms of furniture only $209. cThis includes chesterfield and chair, chome set, bedroom suite, mattress, | spring, . step and coffee table, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down y 8 delivers! "Guaranteed Best Value!" (Continued from Page 17) Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. cy A8--Aut Wanted |50--Articles for Sale BOAT Kits -- Build now. All -- to 22 ft. cruisers. Car top special partly - i "7 |GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- assembled $49; 15 ft. moulded mahog- "™ " plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent any r )! with winds 50 GOOD CARS down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond and hardware, best offer. 12 HP 1959 ' 1 WANTED Street West. RA 5-6511 Gale Buchaneer motor, new Warranty bis irl motos - 5', 426 § Street South. GIRL'S suit, wool hopsack, size 12; alse | 523. Barons', 426 Simcoe Street South IMMEDIATELY f in GENE L. Electric Hot Point range ' . BRA ate EE boy's double breasted er, both in GENERAL excellent condition. RA 5-2239. high oven model, warming oven, toast. TR ARN n TED CAMPIN OUTBOARD motor, 54 10 hp Johnston. Yukon 5.2685, with £7wy, 310. Telephone MOTORS Telephone RA $5953 SPECIAL, Rox masonry paint, , choice 607 KING ST. E, OSHAWA '5"GUBIC foot Gilson's Snowbird TefriE. yt ¥proiors, only $579 for a 10 1b. & 50--A 1 f S 1 erator, one year old, four years left par. bts uth zi 7p rti es Tor ale on guarantee. RA 8.8170 TWO w en doors wi glass, 4x8x1% ice Jor - LADY'S, full Jength brown Borg coat, °Mf, Kass display showcase, approxi-| BEATTY sump pump, like new, with | perfect condition, Reasonable price. mately 5 ft. by 3% ft. MObawk 83225. NEW boats for sale, suitable for row- pipes; large dog house; 26 ft. chain link ppone RA 5-838 k ing or outboard, reasonable. Phone Ra | 'Telephgne RA 3.7913. ACTUM oh } rTITETY GIRL'S suit, wool hopsack, size 12; also | cleaner in go condition, jg.¢327. = HE PER "nn @ yy @® [ ] " sale. Telephone RA 5-0216 - boy's double breasted blazer, both in - CHILD'S navy coat, red hat, glazed excellent dition. RA 5-2239. : FOUR - burner heavy duty apartment | cotton dress, size 8 to 10 years. Lady's [| Ir S NELT 1 lt size McClary stove, $30, good condi-|gnring coat, 12 to 14. RA 35-8589. PUNE iid Three speed with on. Roto-tiller, like new, cost $160, pring » Pa sell for $100, RA 8-082. GE 34544. Bday crm front controls, good condition. Ideal for $10 DOWN, delivers a new refrigerator, GIRL'S Manchester spring coa {small room. Phone RA 5-6812. range, washer or TV. 25 per cent off on|Sreen tweed, size 15.16: also navy flan. | oo D's grey suits, brand new, | . » 1 B. 426 Sim. hel blazer, size 16; other articles. RA "men's grey s 4d small GE appliances. Barons', 5-640 never been worn, size 36-38; one man's | r in i coe Street South. Fou 5 a ie side |SPFIng overcoat, size 42. RA 32123. . ° MEN'S CYT matching "an que walnu it ROOM f Dividers tha really diferent 1,0} $200 for the set. Telephone RA STRETCH your food dollar at Glecoff | and smart. $10 down h |5-1271. Supermarket, Ritson Road South, open exciting models to choo . to 10 p.m. every night. We accept wel- Barons' Mome Furnishings. 424 Simcoe| ONE Lloyd baby carriage, one stroller gave and relief vouchers, Car x . @ 3 South. almost mew, also hand knit baby out-|tion given to orders from Boy : S 1 30 h : LYWOOD boat with windshield, | fit: $5 set, one baby shawl, $10, RA ganizations, banquets and lodges, We | ave . on one § rt ~& B 57" beam, '5612 HP Elto outboard. [3-7547. 268 Guelph et deliver. Save and shop at Glecoff's Both excellent condition. 420 Park |12-FT. car top boat, ply: ywood Iso 22 Supermarket daily. Road South, | repeating rifle. 239 Cordova Ro: HEAVY duty rangelte: "also one rang- S 2 78 ie. WE ave 2.78 on two! "5 HALLICRAFTER 2linch table TRUCK fires with tubes and wheels, ete, model TV perfect condition $95. Enter- size -20, heavy duty, 10 ply rayon, |SPRING coats, is size 4, lady's 16, prises. RA 3-3553. k all four $280. Portable air| .n'c tweed 38, boy's pants, light | compressor unit, $30. Gas engine 6 hp i eeq jacket 12, good condition. RA PLYWOOD boat, 13 feet by 58" wide. | ic Oli (Gs Six air compressor . complete with trailer and Johnson 10|,pits. stationary and one portable, from > oo. Tailored from fine - quality, j HP motor. $400. Phone RA 8-1 £2 p 23, [LONG and short wave radios, good . . $130 to $289. Coleman space heater, $23 . 0 d | 14 951 S 5 00 y rior, alion, |A-C Volt Ammeter GE, $45. Extension tone, $49.95. Meagher's, 5 King Street high b dcloth rdainarity . . J20ave J. colors. Guaranteed. flat, gloss, |cable, air hoses, torch, typewriters, in- West. RA 3.3425 igh count cotton broadcloth, 4 Hardware and Electric, 8 Shige Ukraloian, pioets Rigg W114 SLECTRIC food mixers, three speed, readin, ies oor m C pe! : ' py Chute Street. EA 37621. [heaters, GM ear radio, office cabinet, 3 Hime uprication. is yon specially treated so little or no # i; ; fl | BOAT, motor and aller 14 "mahogany welding rods cast iron, portable mantel "ici" Giraet West uxurious woven rayon rianne plyw eluxe, boat fully equipped, radio, IBM time punch clock, fluores- hs 35 HP Evinrude Lark. Apply 70 Warren cent fixtures and bulbs, emery cloth ELECTRIC fry pans, square style ironing 1S required. S tyled with 2 : | ful laid Ave. RA 5-0714 and discs, electric fuel pump 6 volts metal lid, clearing at $13.88, while thes ] In colourful plai patterns. and windshield wiper, punches, gaskets last. Meagher's, 5 King Street est Wo . . \ A WINE and cider barrels. Wl sizer. 2d many others, io be sold regardiess RA 335. neat-fitting fused short point IE Popular wrap - around style ware, 8 Church, RA 3.7634 of cost. Apply 597 Simcoe Street South| CHEST of drawers, Arborite coffee m d ibl ¢f of i WAY Re ---- - 3-941, ot any time. table and baby crib. Like new. Tele- collar and convertible cutfs-- 4 i e 3 NU-WAY Rug Co. has been appointed (ironic icst prices in the cify for | phone RA 5-755 1 x 4 with matching sash belt, distributor for Pyner Naeen Vacuum df t Pretty's Used Furni- . i RA 5-1202 or RA 5.0 , Wael store, RA 3.3271 ad Simcoe South h, | UNPAINTED bookcases, only 99¢. with that may be worn linked or | Cy ; breost oid oo lower sik ets RAL Electric 10-inch television, iy - | the purchase of one piece of unpainted SEVERAL older, but_ "Hunctioning | cra rer repairs, all furniture, Chest of drawers, $17 ;desks, 'TV sets for very low prices. TRIO Tele- s 3 5 -- 4 | parts, attachments, brushes, $14; bookcases, $5.99; vanity dressers, buttoned Neck sizes 1 4) 2 to - ; oid ) ~~ : Choose from fast washable Vision, 171 Bond Street East, Oshawa), ",.pyuiit machines, ES ree. |$26; record cabinet, $18; room divider, > ED ¢ tires, most all sizes, $3 Jind uP. Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-|$22; bookcase headboard, $15. Wilson . Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4 ice. RA 80591 anytime. Furniture, 20 Church Street 17 ERE gas range, good condition. 2000 78 and 45 R.P.M. records, clearing ALUMINUM doors, windows, awnings, colours of blue or red; small, Reasonable. Te ephone RA 5-9148. |at four for, $1.00. Meaghet's, 5 King average window $19.95 installed. RA f : i ¢ GUILTINAN'S mew Air Restorer helps Street West. 5.7405. msm a---- i ------------ : : 5 medium and large sizes. breathing and resting. It brings fresh SAVE money, beautiful reversible rugs HUNDREDS of new wallpaper patterns EATON Opportunity Day 2 g air to your bedside. For a demon-|for turning in old clothes and rags.|in stock, in both regular and pre. . stration phone RA 5.2743. Only $35 Twelve decorator colors. J. Fredin, RA pasted lines, at Edgar's Paint and Wall Special, each installed. 5 5. paper, 34 King Street West, opposite a AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes.| PORTABLE (typewriter, like new, 10(Lominion Store. ; 4 EATON Opportunity Day Prompt service. Free esti tes. Order key adding machine, electric type- PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon ~ fi now for early delivery. Chair and Tae fwitate, snap for quick sale. RA 3-4434. |All colors. Guaranteed flat, gloss Special, each rentals Cleve Fox, 413 Simcoe North | BARGAINS: 2-piece chesterfield i [Oshawa shariware ih Electric, 8 § CHRIS craft outboard cruiser, 19 feet, [two washing machines, $19.50; Norge |-Ur¢h Street. aia & head sink, many extras, 70 hp Mer- dryer, $98; almost new oo $119; MARCONI "21-inch" console television, cury. RA 734 roll top desk, $18; dining room suite, [thoroughly overhauled, $129; also 21 ' TY cos v; |$59; 30" HD stove, $129; bed ends and inch RCA Victor, blond television, with condition, $20. Apbly 805 Horiop Street. springs, $9; four electric shavers, $9 new picture tube, guaranteed for one H ea $4 and $6; 21" |year, $119, Meagher's 5 King St. West é FETE rir WoT ons Th ch; electric kettles, . rniture? We uy e |Tv, $89. Phone RA 8-1131 or come In roo frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, at our two locations, 19 and 24 Prince(S3VE your dollars at Lucky dollar 2 for 5 00 stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- Street. Community Furniture Store. yatore oes Soustanies Sally, Phone ® tact 1§ prince Street. Phone RA 313 | NEW furniture bargains: 2-piece ches: | ery BOATS, motors and trailers, new and|terfields (airfoam), reduced to $189; 3. used. Complete selection. We finance piece bedroom suite, only $129.50; 36 our own accounts. Terms to suit vour| continental beds complete, only $32.50; Electrohome R.C.A. Victor budget. See Dominion Tire Store, any size continental beds, smooth tops, | h he Church 3 And Bond. 1849.50; bunk beds with spring mattress, Admiral, Westinghouse. The ' ---------- $58; arborite step tables, $5.95 and up:| finest in T.V., Hi-Fi ond ens |5-piece chrome sets, only $45; 2-piece service 3 MONTHS OLD bed chesterfields, $69.50; chrome chairs ® [$5.95 each; chest drawers, unfinished, B2-13 -- Double head -- 40 ft. ($16.95 and wp. Try Community Furni- PARICWAY JY: Vie % and ture at our two locations, 19 and 24 CROWN ROTOR Prince Street RA 8.1131 Cash or ANTENNA terms RA 3-3043 $150 new -- sell for $100 | USED parts "and repairs for all makes 51 S 'of wringer type washers, % HP motors -- Complete $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned =Swep and Barter RA 3-2329 or Apply washers and stoves. Paddy's Market, BATH sets, sump pumps, pressure a r » \f Hampton, C 2241. systems, steel sinks and cabinets, fur. ohn's arber op ar rR - ------= nace, boiler and rads, electri po! 99 J 5 Albert St. FOR SALE -- Fuimd sarin rb mace, baler md mads_sieeiic 20 | Reg, 3.99 ! Save 1.1 m-- ma---------- -- | RA 5.4749. ", " tings (all kinds). H. Chinn RA 3.7088. k Hie, Transparently wrapped in Men's Double Seat Styled with sport CONVERTIBLE B. F. GOODRICH Stores - tires, bat: a OUTBOARD CRUISER |vision. Thritt: Budget Pisa. RA' 5-505 P li ; Tailored from woven, © lots of three... take od 18 foot by 7 foot beam, Ply. |HIGHEST prices paid for used furni. ar lamen combed od cot v vantage of this low special wood construction, fiberglass- | C. Tre Ee combed, mercerized cotton : t tenish r ed, fully equipped, 35 Johns Street. Phone 'RA 1131 : Thee i price 0 replenis you y ; 99 i" § . 8-131. ¥ iH 7" 3 : . ton outboard, 70 Tee Nee |GCURITY diapers, first quality, reg At-A-Glance yarns, Sanforized for last- supply of briefs and jerseys! trailer, Phone RA 5-5658 |$4.95, special 99 cents per dozen with A / X Mad f turd hit h f crib baby ; i X oe 8 Dm, Efi panet, Roxane chip tee By THE CANADIAN PRESS ing fit ace vom sturdy white lete with filled mattress, b ' : i -- BOAT [be "pad, "adjustable sides. Special, a Lin erals| collar with permanent stays J ; ; cotton yarns . jerseys In Fully Equipped 3 A Scar "4 baby Primi joined to defeat 184 to 7 a CCF & : popular athletic style; briefs J34 ft. beam, id in, depth. high chairs, $7.38; strollers, 55.88. Wi ee for neat appearance, long ET have double seat for added 2 wi ield, i son Furniture, 20 Church Street retool datane > : controls, lights, tarp, 'uphols- | FGoR coverings ai Tremendous sav. [Ln Of wasteful defence spend-| sleeves and two breast pock- (gE ; CE wear. White only in small, tered, 18 h.p. Evinrude and ings, clearance of last year's patterns E : ' te di dl . medium an arge Sizes. Tee-Nee trailer, reasonable Many cheerful designs for home and Lucien Cardin (L -- Richelieu- p Must be seen to be appre. cottage, reduced for quick sale, 25c Vercheres) called Finance Minis- ets. Choose from distinctive cioted. $695. 534 FEulolie [Per foot. Ends of broadloom scatter ter Fleming's forecast $12,000,000 . Ave mats while they last $1.49. Hardink| surplus "a propaganda gimmick"|| plaids in blues, greys and b ------a ---- back and moth proof, § decorative col- | jo Soneal the real insignificance S I d : > EATON Opportunity Day |ors, large 9 x 12 size very special price of the budget n i div 4 ; SA . FOOD PLAN $79.50 Ends of wall coverings Clear) Jean Noel Tremblay (PC wings zes small, medium 3 3 : 4 Special THAT SAVES ot Jiics gic Yer foot Wilson Furniture p harval) called for tighter gov- and large ernment control of the publicly- y Complete lines of meats, fish, CONNOR washing machine, four years p hi Z poultry and groceries. Gov- |old: ladies' clothes, size 14-16: child's|OWned CBE to end the "climate i 4 ; ernment inspected. Blue and |Deige suit, size 4; all in very good con- lof immorality" and administra- : 4 Red Brand best dion, "stuns 4" Soh' Kio tive "incompetence." EATON Opportunity Day hy 5 FAMILY OF FOUR FREEZER |dition ce " members - continued their Special each Eo ' for : ' AND FOOD, BOTH ONLY |pranNo upright; Hoover vacuum clean. Campaign to'rid Parliament of di $12.89 A WEEK er with appliances, like new; end tabla, vorce, for the second straight coffee table, oak lamp table: two wick-| week preventing any divorce bill yo go FAIRBANK-MORSE er fernerys with fraya: one wicker got: b CECT INE An 5 4 ; 3 chair; kitchen chairs; all in good con B. EE : ii ¢ FREEZERS dition, RA 5-5190 Citizenship Minister Fair . ; A announced the govern- ® 4 > for ° BARGAIN -- Hollywood type couch, Clough $199 UP excellent condition, private, $13. Tele- ment is prepared to negotiate for p phone RA 8-0095 the extension of normal provin 3 3 2 : hone Now BABY carriage, good condition, very cial welfare services to Indians wn . EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 RA 8-1128 clean. RA 5-4318 he, on reservations. » wih . * : RUG with pad, 6 ft. 9° x 9 ft, maroon 3 J tio Minis i - Guaranteed by with 2 $25. Telephone RA 85984 Die Drogo Min i PHONE 'RA 5-7373 Good Ho k -- ) é poop Tousekeeping U.S. are negotiating a cost-shar- SALE ing agreement on research and "flying saucer' built by Avro AND STAMP SUPPLY | prite, "uly guaranteed. Monday. April 11 prices, fully .guatonteed. The Commons meets at 2:30 i > 3 Soft 'Ban-Lon' Pull-ons $18. Call now d " : ad OUTER or a he : ebate. The Senate is adjourned ¢ iv . ™ 64 KING ST. WEST Lymer Aluminum Co. until May 3 y Discontinued style, clearing at : EVERYTHING RA 8-5385 : o low special price! Xmins er a an FOR THE COLLECTOR : a E P k ; Refererice Books SEE HOME phLimnces XCess or " ; : lon" nylon girdles offer light, comfortable g . Storm Ket | : Wa control for Spring and Summer. Summer amp packets 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR ok Be : 1 pastels of pink and blue as well as white. Stamp Albums SALES AND SERVICE : Bs 30" woists Coin Albums Domestic and Commercial urne ac : . j Wags, Coin Tubes RA 5-5332 / 3 2 : mt etre : No : EATON 222" wide . . . specially priced. Monday Mint set holders FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT WINNIPEG (CP) The Free P ¥ [pn says the federal govern- a Special, each ....... @ Metal Coin Storage | four, includes approximately more than 90,000,000 pounds of ; f / ? --> : . . Boxes | 90 per cent groceries and [surplus pork to packing houses : oo y : In beautifully blended colours. Individual Coin | For appointment (no obligo- as hought from the packers by| Holders tion --phone RA 5- {the government as part of its ! : Fd 23 N | Usually much higher priced! . designs, with soft-tone borders. MANY OTHER Announcement of the govern- : . . : 5x BOATING ment plan is not expected until . Light, comfortable to wear . . . in white We have. o wide. aicortment 12-6. fibre-alass run.o-boats. heavy demand for hams and : front panel, four adjustable garters. Sizes oni oR of hail hy oo hl 12 hp dg re Cana. other pork products at that time i ur and I to it 25 to 30" EATON 2» dia ¥ 10 come in 'and. look. orourc pletely equipped, $895. Paper. says ; nt Special ..... .. i YARD While they last." Conadian [was quoted as s . CLEANERS Explorer comp trailers, com Me ota 2 Spy is 4 | ; en in the livestock trade 1 : a 4 . EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 PHONE RA 5.7373 Repairing Storage Dry Trades accepted. Terms ar . " ranoed move would eost the government 3 ; s Cleaning ged money and force pork prices : ; PHONE RA 5-7373 3 ource estim: the move PROMPT HWY. AT AJAX vould ou Pik n ate "St H H H 2 WwW oul government $4, ore r Ap EY ie I Hr. NT fod save the Government 3 ours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights Until 9 ROYAL COIN Aluminum Products of the [Production of the Avrocar the STORE Double hung windows only p.m. EST to continue the budget Very soft, smooth, two-way stretch "Ban- Foreign coin kets - D gn coin packe | FRIGIDAIRE Sizes small, medium and large to fit 25 to Envelopes (2x2) ee -- Opportunity D . i pportunity Day Magnifying glasses $15.40 a week per family of ment is planning to turn back Quality Axminster . . . thickly piled, Check Lists for sale to Canadian consumers. ; ob > freezer No down payment. p H i - » . D i The newspaper says the pork A & y [1 y 1" . : A : : Winkie' Garter Belt 'Seconds Approx. 2215" wide, in Oriental-type First day covers ~|price support program ACCESSORIES PECIAL after Easter so the normally 7 ; , rayon 'Power Net' with rayon satin elastic | y oins ond invite all collector dian Explorer trailer, com- will not be affected, the news a ---- ? WOTSES. Opportunity Day x 13' moulded plywood boat, | The surplus pork will go back "a % gents | 25 h p motor, trailer, all to the trade at a price whic h will 3 p's EATON controls ond equipment » ry reasonable for every- 3 gi £ ; i SCUGOG $995 , a packing house official y , ; Sepsrtunivy Dey ® plete, Rea $405 - 3319 4 " 2 i 5 vere reported to feel that the 1 © g Gp ll ATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 Drapes - Sus - Dr AJAX MARINE One J 4 '

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