The Oshawa Times, 9 Apr 1960, p. 10

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STOCK MARKET ANALYSIS Market Recovery Amid Auto Boom By WILLIAM P. SNEAD |led the downtrend which persist- ence peddling in be Ma, hig % 3 5 ed in Friday afternoon. Pipeline case -- -Western = = Lig Sh Diser io In the Toronto market the gas|the only permit to purchase gas . 7 |and gas pipeline stocks gave alfrom Trans-Canada, are obvious- Reports of an increase in auto-\perfect demonstration of thelly political in character, the ine mobile sales in the U.S. at the end|y.lidity of the old trading maxim vestigation will hold up any of March turned the New York| "The news is out". The burst of|action on permits to import Cana~ asks Aroue1os 2 Ioeovaly, buving Noney ao Di dian gas. at tool e 4 -{took stoe such as il, trial average from 615.00 to 631.35 Trans-Canada Pipe and Alberta COPPER AHEAD on Thursday before it faltered.|Gas Trunk Line to new highs for| Copper prices moved ahead in This optimism, which failed tolthe year, was soon extinguished|London as copper buyers in recognize the effects of sales pro-land persistent selling in the group|Europe watched with concern the motion contests, was chilled bylerased almost all of the gains|racial troubles in Africa. With an industry forecast that second|these stocks had made in March. [strike votes due at the end of quarter automobile output would] News that the Federal Power| the month at some of the large run lower. Commission, in whose hands lie|Chilean copper mines, world cop- TURNED DOWN |the applications for the import of per supplies face a dual threat. [Canadian gas, was under investi- Warehouse stocks in both London The market turned down from|gation by the U.S. Department of and New York are still very low its test of the Feb. 26 high of|Justice cooled speculative enthus-|and the threat of production halts 632.00. The motor and steel stocks iasm. While the charges of influ-|in two of the world's major pro- Market High In Toronto Canadian copper producers should show some very excellent first quarter results and also By JOHN PICTON off .57 at 89.04; base metals up Canadian Press Staff Writer [.97 at 161.83; western oils off .73 Investors reacted with a little at 97.79. seem assured of better second more vigor towards the Toronto pypnyy sppriT 70 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 9, 1960 Weekly Summary Of Stock Market Activity Iso 'This Week: 1960 High Low Close Change High Low J Waite Jacobus Iroq Gl $14 13% 13% -- % NCO wis 2045 60 51 B81 --9 104 44 A Jaman TPS $28% 28 28 + % 1 Northld 50 16 16) 16 +1 0 15 Juve Earl Jefferson $7% 6% 6% + % Obs Joburke Jock C 240 215 230 +15 Okalta 8640 54 48% 61 41 kl Aire 40 37 38 Pac Pete 56099 Joliet » $7% 6 +1% Pac Pete w 2690 Sonsini 39 300 +110 Pamoll 17800 fowsey Permo pr 28440 enville Peruv Oils Kerr Add Petrol Kilembe Phillips Filem po 1 Ponder Kirk Town Prairie Oil Provo $29 Ranger Myx Reef Expl 2500 0 8% 2 Rocky Pete 7337 17395 'This Week: 2400 43 40 48 +1 52 34 Stock High Low Close Change 67 24 16400 33 8500 118 2500 20 86800 TORONTO WEEKLY STOCK QUOTES By The Canadian Press A ed decli by 387 to 316 on the Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged totalled 156. Volume for the week was 9,087,000, down from the previous week's 9,454,000. Total sales for the year to date are 145,950,921. (Quotations in cents unless marked $). WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS By The Canadian Press Stock Sales 30% 33 13 115 -3 2 2 8% 10% + % 9 9 -- Sales 2100 1100 47900 1199 3300 15773 3125 1520 1736 6050 2450 40775 28 2B -- 11% 12% wa 33 mn Lito N $25% 24 2% +1% 8 3 8 100 100 +26 215 225 +10 25 2 Stock Sales High Low Close Change High Low INDUSTRIALS $25% 21 26 $25% 28% $3435 $34% $9% Labrador Lake Cin L Dufault Langis 00 210417 4550 19% 20% 71439 37093 30145 30064 21878 Tr Can PL Alta Gas Royalite Saphire Sapph debs Sarcee Secur Free South U Spooner Stanwell Submarine 224900 127 210417 195 182165 22 102185 84750 Lamaque Latin Am 26050 Leitch 39862 Lencourt Lexindin LL Lac Locana Lorado Lorado wts Louvict Lyndhst ynx Macassa Macdon Macfie MacLeod Madsen Magnet Malartic Maneast U Man Bar Maralgo Marcon Maritime Martin Mattagami Matatch Maybrun Mcintyre McKen McMar McWat Mentor 385650 378867 343380 190800 Tidal 102183 Triad Oil 11050 U Canso v t 2116 Un Oils 224900 Wayne 5220 Wespac 12939 Wsburne W Cdn OG WCOGw Westates W: Decalta W Naco Windfall Yan Can Curb Dalhousie 260 an Industrials i 39% A and B 6145 $38% 4 4 14 370 $22 2 14% 250 25 $93 $18% $144 13% $19 $50 491% $15 15 $34% 34% $187 18% 19000 4075 27425 24100 Abitib! Abitibi pr Acad Atl Acad-Atl A 170 ", 7400 = 14300 200 787 214 5125 Alta Dist vt 3600 210 Nor Star A 319 Alta Gas 37093 $25% North St pr 240 "Alg Cen p 50 $55 55 60 54 N St wts 57 7212 Alg Cenw 400 505 NO NGas 4480 Algoma 4215 $37 NQ Pow 125 $24% 24% Alumini 10545 $31 Nor Phone 2675 365 350 Alum 2 pr 740 $43 2% + % Nor Phone w 200 81 6% + 5 9 Nthid Util 210 $16% 51 +2 0 to 32% -- % Ocean Cem 400 $12 11 quarter earnings, with the Cana- dian dollar premium now under 4 per cent. STOCK MARKET $4 43 225 173 $13% 13 36% +1% 30% + 4% Abacus Acad Uran Advocate Agnico Akaitcho 77 15% 29% +1 57% -- % 4 +3 Ont Loan Oshawa A 175 $26% 7 26 7 Alba Expl Algom Am-Lard Merrill Meta Uran stock market this week. New figures on Canadian v Of 859 issues traded at Toronto this week, 387 advanced, 316 de- NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Midrim Milliken Minda Min Corp Min-Ore 9 Moly 700 Mt Wright 16261 Multi-M 1900 Murray M 378862 Nama CR Nat Expl Nealon Nello Nes Lab New Alger New Ath New Bid New Cal New Delhi N Dicken Beav Lod - 9 N Goldvue Belcher X A 3 5 N Harri Bethlm + New Hosco Bevcon New Jason Bibis N Kelore Bicroft Bidcop Black Bay Bordula¢ Bouzan Boymar Bralorne Broul Reef 4400 Brunswick 400 Buffad 18000 Buff Ank 5300 Buff RL 6000 Bunker Hill 3000 §' $28% 27% $8% 7% $48%2 48 Argus 250pr 117 $47 Ashdown B Page Hers Pbina Pow Corp P Pipe Mfg 7495 350 335 Premium 2515 295 265 1620 70 65 6488 $164 15% 240 S79% 78% 810 525 510 100 $191 19% Roe AV 16934 $67 5 Roe AV 5% 460 $76 75 Royal Bk 5759 $70% 69% Royal Bk r 86126 295 280 293 Russell 3030 $113 10% StL Cem A 550 $11% 11% StL Corp 9495 $16% 15% Stl Cp Apr 85 $90% 90% St Maurice 4000 88 Salada S 6299 $103 Salada wits 540 Shawin 2919 $26% Shawin A pr 110 $39 9 Shawin B pr 76 $4216 421% Silverwd A 171 $103% 10% Simpsons 4245 328% SKD Mfg 1010 260 Slater 130 $26 Somville pr 280 $48 48 Southam 130 $80% 79 Spartan 1500 175 160 Spartan w 300 50 50 . St Pav new 2380 $17 16 S134 12% 13% + % 3 St Radio 355 $13 13 $4 84 6% + % St Wire € 400 275 250 C and D Stedman 275 $324 32 4130 $19 18% 19- + & Steel Can 4872 $77 73% 3836 $28 27% 21% -- % Steinbg A 1605 $21 20 50 $25 25 235 1 ~ Stovel pr 450 87% 7 650 $143 14 14% + % Studrt Oil 100 $17% 17% 1580 $21% 20% 21% + % 95 $754 75 75 265 $51% 51 51 560 $46 4518 290 $46 45% 452 $501: 49% 115 $41 41 Can Wire B 500 $7% 7% C Bank Com 2102 $51% 50% Cdn Brew 30064 $344 31% hicle prod uc tion, carloadings, H va electricity output and bank clear-|¢/ined and 156 were unchanged.| Combined Enterprises Ltd, ings helped boost business aetiv-| Index changes at Montreal: year ended Dec. 31: 1959, $611, ity, and those leads which invest- banks up .17 at 54.39; utilities off 289, $1.02 a share; 1958, $817,907, ors failed to find in Toronto they .2 at 138.2; industrials ap 6.9 at $1.36. sought in New York. 293.1; combined up 4.6 at 241.5;| Home Oil Company Ltd., year Wall Street had a busy week. papers up 11.9 at 437.9; golds up ended Dec. 31: 1959, net loss, Motor stocks reacted to the in-|2.93 at 78.74. $762,822; 1958, $596,524. creased March automobile sales) Week's volume: Industrials, Maxwell Ltd, year ended Dee. figures and Toronto followed suit, 552,490 against 492,069 last week; (31: 1959, $106,942 14 cents a with General Motors, Chrysler mines, 1,818,609 against 177,816, share; 1958, $282,729, 70 cents. and U.S. Ford all showing gains. Of 334 issues traded at Mont-| Pacific Western Airlines Ltd., real, 134 advanced, 63 declined year ended Dec. 31: 1959, $415. ACTIVE GROUP and 137 were unchanged. 425, 55 cent; 1958, $500,538, 68 But the most active group of cents. i als 'wen il refining Pato Consolidated Gold Dredg- and pipelines-which lost much of. REPRESENTATIVE, ing Lid.. year e 1 MUTUAL FUNDS ing Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1959 the gain when the National En- Bid $550,000, 16 cents a share; 1958, , b . | $833,000, 24 cents ergy Board's natural gas export ? AAT : roi Mm was announced. 'Penman's Ltd, year ended Utilities also took the initiative All Canadian 7.10 American Growth Fd 7.42 Can. Investment Fd 8.61 Am Nephe Anacon Ang Hur Ang Rouyn Ansil Arcadia wt Area Arjon Arcadia Atlan C C Atlin-Ruf Aumacho Aumaque Aunor Bankeno Barnat Bary Expl B Metals Baska B-Duq 12180 250 $12% 12% -- % 4586 Auto El new 1235 $915 9% + % 450 Bank Mont: 9151 $51 9 5 Y J 1477 $65 4 170 $40% 118 $27 1905 $7 1165 $23% 212 $16% 17635 $45 166 $97% 100 $45 146 $43 210, $47 200 $46% 14459 410 100 $21 Reichhold Bow Mer P. Bowater pr Bowat S5lapr 23000 8% 20900 41 62650 14400 9500 7625 12900 11500 33600 25615 10400 124600 45 $42 30145 $3414 108 $72 160 $42 122 $83 95 $44% 4003 $4814 6590 $13% 1905 $14 6705 $33% N Senator Nick MS Nick Rim Nipissing Norbeam Nor-Acme Noranda Norgold Norlartie Normetal Norpax Norsyne Northgate 7032 N Coldstrm 64925 N Golderst 18900 N Rank 3200 Northsp 10860 Norsp A wis 500 Norvalie LABOR SHORTAGE COLOGNE, West Germany (AP)--About 74,000 Italian work- ers are expected to come to West 250 ; 2279 6% +2% 20% + % 7 --4B 17% =} 4764 11072 400 4000 10884 35200 Cadamet a 3% 240 $143; 14% Camp Chib 100 $2215 22 0 Jun 2n 2 Camp RL 330 320 3 5 0 Cdn Astor 0 Z C Dyno ° Malart 8 Propane S Prop pr Suptest ord Switson -1% 81 1415 Texaco C Thorncliffe Tor Dm .Bk Tor Elev 4 T Gen Tr $40%% T Fin A 1 $3434 T Fin 4%pr 200 $79 Candore Can-Erin Can-Met Catain Obaska O'Brien Ask' Dec. 31: 1959, $702,069, $3.29 a from New York--where utilities 772 | hate; 1958, $687,283, $3.22 a had reached a high for the year- g.0y 3 13r€. and Bell Telephone, Calgary ; Power, Shawinigan and Gatineau| Canafund 33.94 64 Power all showed good gains. Corporate Investors xd8.45 9.23 Aluminium and AVRO were, Group Accumulating 5.20 5 strong among the heavy manu-| Investor Growth 5.79 facturing groups, and steels were| Investors Mutual 10.72 Germany this year to ease the ahead on the week, influenced by| Mutual Accumulating 7.09 labor shortage. Talks on employ- steel ingot production last week.| North American 8.20 ment of Spanish workers are in Banks had a better time and T.V. Elect 7.59 8. progress, and negotiations for eased forward on a broad front,| United Accum 13.83 15. [hiring Greek laborers are ex- while financial issues moved war-| ected to begin soon 2: ily. Paper stocks, liquor and food | P g issues moved higher, but showed no features. my oa J. H. CRANG & CO Western oils were the market's Ld . Ld sore spot and lost steadily after Members of the IL.D.A, and All Leading €an. Stock Exchanges 31075 86000 2200 1200 an early gain Monday. Of the 40 issues listed, 26 lost during the) week, 11 gained and three were | unchanged. Copper found supporters in the London and New York exchanges, but their influence did not reach Taronto, Of the 28 issues listed, 13 showed gains--most of them fractional--nine lost and three were unchanged. Final volume at Toronto this week was 9,078,000 compared | with the 9,454,000 shares traded last week. Value was $28,291,859 against last week's $22,370,078. | Index changes at Toronto: In- dustrials up 1.88 at 504.19; golds We have prepared a report on the current outlook of POWER CORPORATION 175 15 7 Copies available on request. We maintain a substantial Research Department and Invests ment Advisory Service. You are invited to come in and. discuss your problems with us, Our office will be open every Friday until 6 p.m. OSHAWA BRANCH 22 KING ST. EAST RA 5-3591 A. R. GARRETT, Manager W. J. PARKER, Asst. 19 13% 2 Investment 15% 85 146000 2000 47500 29000 1850 22800 666 ANNUAL SPRING 1 18000 21600 uw 4 anlgh wts Stanrck Starratt Steeloy Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst Sylvanite A and B 36300 a 17 19 2% 5400 73 75 +1 700 9 491 49% --5% 19150 35 25 31% +9% 246 250 --10 9 Acme Gas Ajax AP Cons All Rox Alminex 4800 Am Leduc 16466 9 +4 Anchor 300 10% 12 +1% Asamera 1400 65 65 690 690 --60 275 $17% 17% -- % 18 100 112 -3 4 4 T Fin 5 pe 70 $34% Cariboo Oka Rare Tr Can PL 71439 $25% Opem 1618 $19% 18% Trans Mt 17295 $10% Cayur ne C Chem 6 Cent Pat Orchan C Collieries 10460 $97 a Union Acc 625 7% O CCollipr 3740 78 72 Un Acc 2pr 150 88% Cheskirk Ouako" C Drawn 75 $17 17 UCorp B 2597 $21%4 P C Drawn pr 250 $10% 10% 10% --1% U Fuel B 135 837% Chis Ray Sein C Fairbks 4 320 $91 9% 9% -- 4 Univ Cont pa Patino wits C Faitbks B 660 $6% 6% 6% Vanadium ill Pato Prod pr 75 $50 493% 50 +1% Venez pr Pce Expl 6100 OG Sec A 765 $13% 13% 13% --1% Viceroy A Soin Lane Peerless 10006 pe 9 =, $14% 13% 14% + % Ww n 413 % 13% % + yainwr 3 Pickle Crow 3616 1710 $23 22% 2% -- % Walk G W Smayum| 200 Pitch-Ore 13000 ; Bs Cdn Pet pr 668 $10 9% 9% -- % Webb Knp 5 205 ; S Heinen 300 4 Pow Rou 550 Cdn Salt 60 $37 35 I Westeel 1 1 1 ; 4% 58 A . Preston 1300 Cdn Tire 75 $185 : C Callinan 3834 1 esto W Copper 0 290 26 0 C Discove: 7! Pros Ai 5 x 0 ry 8070 0s Air 600 wail Ey ¥ Cop Xu 4 y y a C Fen 3553 Que Ascot 11000 fy Weston A ~ 5 e Ci 4 CG Arrow 45370 Que Cop 13100 Bay Weston. B C Halliwell Que Lab 7500 Coc! Wstn pr 6 C Marben Que. Man 1000 West A wis 7270 $1 ' C Marcus Q Metal mb Ent $3 + Con Baks White Pass C Mogul Quemont Wood JA C Morrison Radiore Con Gas B 10 $101 101 Copp Clark 210 $7 7 Wdwd A w bg on Rayrock 2 : Y Knit A Con Nichol Realm Corby B 155 $16% 16% Zenith 157 $12% 12 Curb C Persh Rexspar 100 Anglo Nfld a € Rea Pop Rix Ath Crow's N Asbestos y 5. + 2% s C Sannorm Roche oD Rockwi Crush A pr 13 ! Sh ong C Ving Conwest owan | Dist Seag 24 3 27% C Bronze Cop Corp San Ant D Dairies 660 $10% A C Marconi Coprand Sand Riv D Dair pr 55 $26 26 2 C Paper Cottlee Sheep Cr D Fndry 4824 sy D Oilcloth Soumor Sherritt Fndry pr 65 $97 Dupont Crestaur sil Miller 100 $32% MO Paper + 795 $144 Ogilvie Crowpat Thd CG Inv D'Aragon De Cour D'Eldona 5499 Delnite 500 Dome Donalda T Fin wis 36 235 150 Corde O'Leary 1845 $6 6% Trans PPL 360 $13% Cot pare Orenada C Curt W 1450 195 175 Un Gas 3025 $13% Chib Jae Pamour C Dredge 5390 $14% 14% 14% -- % Un Steel Chimo Patino M CF Prod 125 310 310 310 Venez Pw Cody-Rec Paymast 8700 CF n 725 $104, 9% 10% -- % Viceroy B Coninzas Perron 25500 Cdn Ofl CPR 13772 $24% 2% 24% + % Wat Equip 5-86 5% + C Bellekeno 2500 Portage 71300 184 West C Br 3244 5 ] ~ Pronto 16715 Vickers 290 C Denison 13905 5 West Groc A oT] 2 Chib gh Con Gillies 2000 Que 8400 ysler Wsn p 444 Con Howey Que Lith 1575 1 Cell ia White 1 pr Con M 8 Qunston Con Gas 5666 $38%4 Woodwd A C Mosher Rainville Corby vt 1205 $17 18% 17 Y A. ; C Northld Reeves Creativ Tel 19493 $104 9% Ang Cdn Crestb: Rix Athab Crush Int CD Sug Con Sud Rowan Cons D Bridge 1470 $20% CG Inv Cop-Man Satellite Dom Elec 578 $7% D Glass Cournor Sigma Magnes 1040 $7% Lob Inc Croinor k Sil Stand m Si Price Br Daering Deer Horn 343380 Denison 1911 Duvan SUNDAY, APRIL (Oth 1-5P.M. Taurcanis Taurcan vt Teck-H Temag Thom L Tiara Tombill Torbit Trans Res Tribag Ult-Shaw El Sol Eureka Falcon F aday F'west T Fatima Francoeur Frobisher Frob Debs Gaitwin Geco Mines Genex Geo Scien Gnt Masct Giant YK Glacier Glenn Uran GF Mining Goldray Grandroy Grandue « Greyhk Gulch Gunnar Gunnar Gwillim Hard Rock Har-Min H of Lakes High-Bell Hoyle «Hud Bay Inspiratn Int Nickel Int Moly Irish Cop Iron Bay 8756 E52 25 Pay Boosts Hijau as Won'tBe At Our Greenhouses Bloor Street West Calalta Cal Ed Calvan Con Calvert C Oil Lds C Oil L wt 16900 CS Oil wt 900 CS Pete C Chieftn Cdn Dev C Ex Gas 108505 C High Cr 1525 C Homestd 2278 C Husky 19398 C Husky wt 4450 Li 6 C Superior 1225 pr = Cent Del N Gs 2.80 pr 85 $40 Charter Oil GN Gas wts 2730 195 Commoil GN Gs B w 1780 195 Com Pete Great West 250 450 C Allenbee G Wpg Gas 2933 $94 C Dragon G Wpg G vt 550 $9% C East Cr G Wpg 56w 100 400 C Mic Mac Greening 105 375 Con Peak 18500 Greyhnd 350 $11% C West P 2305 Gurney 105 39% Cree 58 wt 46965 Hard Crpt 630 $12 Dev Pal 20003 Hendshot pr 0 $90 Dome Pete 12450 130 $52 Duvex 15100 1008 $ %h 8 Dynamic 84750 U Asbestos Un Keno 6200 2400 tn 4A 4 | Hh +1% Un Fort 17215 28 23 2% ; Oshawa Upp Can a i J 7 5 2 +1 7 : 2 : 947 22 3 + 1 3 » --19 Vandoo Ventures i i itati i . Venu A Cordial invitation is extended to every: Viola . " a Waite Am one to see this outstanding display. Weedon Werner W Malar 1000 W Surf Inl 2750 Willroy 41985 Will wits Wiltsey Winch Wr Harg Yale Lead 385650 Yellorex 2000 Yk Bear 12500 Young H G 11100 Yukeno 7700 Zenmac 15500 Zulapa 2750 Curb Bulolo Pend Ore Yukon Con 6300 41050 14488 10500 6500 See thousands of EASTER LILY BLOOMS, hundreds of POTTED MUMS, CINERAR- IAS, POTTED HYDRANGEA PLANTS in Pink and Blue and White wis 0 182165 2650 DAFFODILS, TULIPS, CARNATIONS, SNAPDRAGONS, STOCKS and beautiful arrangements of ROSES. 4% 2% 20 1740 455 1760 256 2500 65 +15 +5 315 +1 72 8% 126 135 280 305 7 6 6% 13 115 E to K 5750 825 800 420 515 $10% 375 375. --10 480 500 +5 10 10% -- % 104% 355 $43 Fargo 535 $51 Fr Pete pr 820 $55% 4 a ] h Gr Plains : Home. Oil A Home Oil B HB Oil G Jump Pnd Jupiter {made retroactive to October, Service Commission's pay re- 11958. search bureau had based its find- The increases for some 500 ings and recommendations last {federal employees are retroactive Year for a general adjustment. until April 1. Increases for an-| Failing that, the committee other 6,500 are expected to be asked that the operative date of made public in a few days and to|all pay increases between now be effective from the same date. and the end of summer be "not The joint action committee, later than April 1." made up of officials of the Civil {Service Federation of Canada and the Civil Service Association SCOTTISH GIFT { of Canada, earlier in the week! GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) wrote Mr. Fleming to argue that|The people of Glasgow have pre- the salary increases should have sented a gold quaich --= a two- been dated back to October, 1958, handled drinking cup -- to the in- the period on which the Civilifant Prince Andrew, ® CAMERA ENTHUSIASTS eo One hour has been set aside from 11.30 to 12.30 for all amateur photographers who may wish to" take shots in our greenhouses on Sunday. Ll Pete Longpoint Majtrans Marigold Mayfair Medal Midcon Mill City % 48 1030 $11% 11% 100 $6 6 7685 $6% 5% 1814 4450 $5% 475 850 140 135 Inind G pr 225 S14 14% J 1270 $36 575 $43 R. B. REED & SONS Florists 163 BLOOR STREET WEST, OSHAWA ws aia} 42800 6500 20700 7800 24997 City 49069 29 5 5 2 2 OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min- e: 195 Sid N Concord 514 ister Fleming told spokesmen for 170 $43 N Cont 2 35 23 5 Intprov 59 wt 240 50 : 5 N Dovies 1 14 civil service groups Friday that Inter PL 7038 $58Y 57 bE N Superior 4333 ; 45 they have no hope of having pay increases, announced Wednesday, 5600 RE : R 1 8 + Retroactive 175 23100 45 Intpro Stl 6920 5% + % Northcal 9 n3 Inv Syn A 3210 827% 26% 21% + % NC Oils A

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