The Oshawa Times, 9 Apr 1960, p. 9

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cleaning agents. However, a com-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 9, 1960 @ paratively satisfactory, and tem-| porary improvement can -be| achieved by coating the sink with a new liquid tile - like finish, natured alcohol or shellac; lac-|ing tile absorbs Fuso fos with: 's 3 {quer thinner for lacquer). Then in the room chiefly. suggest" By ROGER C. WHITMAN available in white and which can bleach out the spots with a good building a false ceiling, on one- ODOR FROM VENT STACK could be done to prevent this? because of condensation, it is be tinted in several colors. It js|Commercial Bleden of 8 Salur neh Jurhing Sims, ut oi fo QUESTION: We recently] ANSWER: Rake out the present keeping the basement floor con- easy to apply and is sold at some? a Let this' remain ysis blow In Tock wool to act as sound moved into a new one-floor ouse/mortar between the blocks to a|stantly wet. What can you sug- large housewares and paint deal-| POS then rinse thoroughly with|insulation and have been troubled by a|depth of at least a half-inch. /gest? : ers. {rught, is the morning When the sewer odor traced to the vent on|Brush out all loose particles and] ANSWER: A cast aluminum MILDEWED BAMBOO |oareoo is. completely dry, ap. CLEANING BRICK |the roof. We added three feet of|wet the inner surfaces. Then, drip pan to catch condensation" 4 Ioiv a chemical wood preserva- QUESTION: We are tearing pipe without success. Can you|pack with a fairly stiff, but work- from water tanks is now avail] QUESTION: How can I remove id (the odorless kind) to pre-'down a rear entrance fo our - |suggest any other means of over-|able mixture of ready, - mixed, able at some large plumbing sup-|mildew that has formed onjlive tthe oO RS A 3, EO Fo IB ay |coming this? | waterproof concrete available in|plies dealers. Easy to install; matchstick ba mb oo draperies ie fulire Sporting: en rel in-home. ig Siiive gras ure is red ANSWER: It may be that the|25-pound bag, or pack with a latex/won't corrode. |during the humid weather? It is|is 3 hs Sallie Ey trouble was due to an obstruction|concrete, mixed according to A w [not too bad, but looks unsightly. | ACOUSTICAL TILE | |in the vent pipe, such as a bird's|manufacturer's instructions. Keep REGLAZING SINK | ANSWER: Try washing with a| there any method to clean the 1 ce i s sev. QUESTION: Is there a paint or|mild household chlorine bleach] QUESTION: We have an old|brick of mortar? fost or BO the, A eam Sow: some means of reglazing a sink|and water, rinsing well after- house which has an apartment, the three-foot extension would|ing without shrinkage. that has the finish worn off? {wards with clear water; use alupstairs. If we put acoustical] BELAFONTE TOUR help, but only 'if the vent pipe is DRIPPING WATER TANK ANSWER: There is no paint or|stiff brush. This may be suffi-| ceiling tile downstairs, w oy | Singer Harry Belafonte. with : (clear. | QUESTION: Recently we mov- finish that will withstand for a|cient if mold is just on surface; that seal out noise coming from supporting cast of 17 is giving ' [TAR ON CONCRETE ed into our new house. The water considerable length of time stand-|if not, try the following: Remove upstairs? If not, what do you} SHDRO ry al NH i QUESTION: How c¢ /e I .[is supplied by an artesian well. ing water or repeated exposure|any finish on the bamboo {vail suggest : eal col rey an chon 3 Ti tar from hy Bag problem is the water tank; 'to detergents, soaps and other'remover for paint or varnish; de-l ANSWER: The acoustical ceil- y s way? My husband poured ome {liquid tar in the cracks of the |driveway and got a lot of tar on| + "TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE HOME DESIGN NO. 404 driveway an | China cabinet facing dining . --s i | ANSWER: Scrape off as much "area separates front entry and i ' w J "lof the tar as possible with a dull guest closet from spacious liv- BED RM. 4 A, 1 [knife Then apply kerosene, a ing room. Elimination of fire- 11-8 « [5.0 solvent for tar (being very care-| place provides extensive wall | ful of fire hazard), and mop up| space and window placement with clean cloths, not to spread | in living-dining area will give the stain. For stubborn staining, | cross ventilation. Hall of living {make a paste of dry portland room leads to three unusually cement, powdered whiting, or large bedrooms for house this other absorbing powder, and size. Closets are good size with kerosene and apply in thick layer, sliding doors. Two bedrooms [covering with sheet of glass or have cross ventilation, the cen- [plastic to retard evaporation. ter bedroom has extra large {When dry, brush off and replace window for good air circula- {with fresh paste, until stain dis-| tion, Bath has vanitory. Built- appears. Suggest sending to Port- in oven and range with conven- land Cement Association, 33 West iently located storage cabintes |Grand avenue, Chicago, for copy provide easy upkeep. U shape lof leaflet on removing stains work center in kitchen has sus- from concrete. pended cabintes with pass RAIN SEEPAGE through into bright breakfast QUESTION: I bought my house nook which will accommodate a year ago, The basement walls complete breakfast set. Stan are built of cement blocks. When | dard Builders' blueprints cost- | it rains, water comes through the ing $0.75 a set are obtainable joints where the blocks are set in Canada for this Design No together. Is there anything that SA LIVING ¢ DINING ZA 37 5108.10 niatw 2a F) | ¢ at AAAS & X88 W I? a NO 404] 1102-5Q FT} THE HOME WORKSHOP By RUTH W. SPEARS an | Now available at this News paper Office (or from address below) a new and enlarged 1960 Book of House Designs entitled "A new Selection of Low Cost HOMES for CAN- ADIANS", price $1.00. Contains 114 designs including 1 storey, 1% storey, 2 storey, and split level homes, plus much useful information on building terms and requirements. Order your eopy to-day. Also Included in this Design Book is full infor- mation on how to order the blueprints. [NAME OR NUMBER 3 Playful kittens on your name| sign are sure to make friends for you. Pattern 451, which gives ac- tual-size cutting and painting guides for kittens, the sign board, and for three-and-one-quarter- inch letters and numerals, is 50c. This pattern also is in Packet No. 71 Novelties to make the Neighbors Smile which contains many full-size guides for useful cut-outs all for, $1.75 aie Address orders to The Home PATTERN 451 Workshop Dept., The Times, Osh- awa. The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, Enclosed please find $1.00 for which House Designs entitled "A New Selection Homes For Canadians." (Please make remittance payable te The Oshawa Times.) Name send me Book of BE TLL LE LL TE PT PEPPER ae | NURSES WIN BATTLE TORONTO (CP)--The 20 public health nurses in suburban North York who resigned March 28 over a car allowance dispute will re- turn to work Monday, having won their battle with council, | They will receive $37.50 monthly allowances for their cars plus four cents a mile. Council's de- cision to pay a straight allowance of 10 cents a mile, which led to the resignations, has been with-' of Low Cost Idrawn. Don't put up with old.fashioned, inefficient kitchen equipment any longer. Now is the time to modern- ize on our easy Budget Plan. CALL US TO-DAY LORNE GOODMAN Plumbing & Heating 758 Mary St. -- RA 5-1044 Dads are learning fast about low net cost life insurance, too Arithmetic can be fun, especially if it saves you money. If you do a little arithmetic with your Mutual Life of Canada man, you'll find it can save you a great deal of money. The saving arises from the big dividends you get from The Mutual. The cost of your life insurance depends on the dividends you receive. The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada has an out- standing dividend record. Contact your nearest Mutual Life repre- sentative to learn what Mutual's dividends can do for you in providing the better buy in life insurance. Or write to the Head information. ¥Leadership . . . through an outstanding dividend record "a Branch Office: 69 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Tel.: RA 5-6554 Donald H. Moore, C.L.U., Branch Manager. Representatives: Donald M. Polson 495 Masson Street RA 3-9873 Bob McDonald 689 Wilson Road North 52 Buckingh RA 5.7973 19464 RA 5-9464 Office at Waterloo, Ontario, for additional A. George Cunningham am Avenue Quite a. thrill -- building a new home! Day by day you watch it take shape. And somehow, you have the feeling that this new house will bring new life for you and your family. But building a new life isn't as simple as building a new home. One Just ean't move out of the drab past into a sparkling future. The life to which conscientious men and women aspire is built on foundations that cannot be laid in a week or two. Character, courage, eon- secration -- these are concrete evidences of faithful years in the worship and service of God. THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH @opyright 1960, Reister Ady. Servite; Strasburg, Va Today, where there are new houses there are new churches -- and where there are old houses there are old churches. And through the portals of all the churches pass the millions of earnest families who are serious and happy about building a new life. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . .. ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of character and good citizenship, It is a storehouse of spiritual values, Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization © can-survive. There are four sound reasons why © every person should attend services regularly and support the Church, They are: (1) For his © | i: own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation, (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and material support. Plan to go to church regularly and read your Bible daily. Day Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Book Chapter Verses 1-8 9-10 9.16 1-8 14 1.11 1.24 Psalms 127 I Chronicles 28 I Corinthians 2 Psalms 1 Colossians 8 John 10 Ephesians é Sas ti BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS KEMP'S ESSO SERVICE RA 5-3680 288 Bloor St. W. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE RA 3-7822 67 King St. W, FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL LTD. Hans. Haagmans, Mgr. RA 8-6201 57 King St. E, IRELAND STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY RA 3-3680 21 Athol St. W, METTE PLUMBING COMPANY LTD. RA 5-3279 23 Celina St. LORNE GOODMAN PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5-1044 758 Mary St. KENNETH ASHMORE PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8-8412 557 Garrard N. A. C. STARK & SON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING RA 5-4377 Courtice STAFFORD BROTHERS MONUMENTAL WORKS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby ROY W. NICHOLS G.M. SALES & SERVICE RA 3-7242 Courtice MA 3-3353 Bowmanville BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N. JIM HURVID, PLUMBING & HEATING RA 5-8563 215 Wilson Rd. S, HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. 1089. Nelson St, RA 5-4704 RA 3-4412 McINTOSH FUNERAL HOME RA 5-2943 152 King St. E LLOYD REALTY Real Estate & General Insurance RA 8-5123 101 Simcoe St. N. HAMBLY TIRE LTD. 534 Ritson Rd. §. D. BERKUTA BUILDING CONTRACTOR RA 3-9813 863 Ritson Rd. S. GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. (John Bondarux, Prop.) RA 5-5132 98 \'ilson Rd. S. PRESTON'S DECORATING SUPPLIES RA 3.4922 19 Bond St. W. LUDWIG DEZSI Painting and Decorating Contractor RA 3-9453 736 Eastbourne Ave. R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS RA 5-1131 102 King St. W. SEEDS' B-A STATION RA 8.0367 Simcoe St. N. & Taunton Rd. W. A. SMITH BUILDERS SUPPLY MO 8-2379 701 Brock St. N., Whitby BOB HOY CONSTRUCTION PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 8-8101 1154 Nelson St. RA 3-7881 ALF LINES ASPHALT PAVING CONTRACTOR RA 5-1905 833 Simcoe St. S. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE RA 5-1764 1015 King St. E. STEPHENSON'S GARAGE RA 5.0522 15 Church St. McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. RA 3-348) 110 King St. W. OSHAWA ALUMINUM SALES & SERVICE RA 5-7922 58 Nassou $t. CLEMENT ULTRA SERVICE RA 8-0631 352 Wilson Rd. §. NORTH OSHAWA PLUMBING & HEATING Allan Robinson, Prop. 52 Wayne Ave. AL HEFFERING'S ESSO SERVICE STATION RA 5-9892 Cor. No. 2 Hwy. & Thickson Road. ALDSWORTH CLEANERS RA 5-1812 36 Athol St. E. BANK'S FLOORING RA 8-1011 80 Eastlawn St. E. HANSINK CONSTRUCTION RA 8-0321 413 Fernhill Blvd. LODWICK ELECTRIC SERVICE RA 5-6369 56 Prince St. NORM WIRSCHING & SON PLASTERING CONTRACTORS RA 5-6222 & 5-8718 130 Roxborough Ave, COOK'S ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION LTD. RA 5-6109 370 Loulsa OSHAWA SAND & GRAVEL RA 5-0232 877 King $t. E. A. R. SMITH & SON EXCAVATING CONTRACTORS RA 8-8113 50 Taunton Rd. W. RA 5-3715 | Attend the Church of Your Choice Read the Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Activities |

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