~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 28) 50--Articles For Sale SAVE your dollars at Lucky dollar store fresh vegetables daily Phone your orders in. RA 5.0432 free deliv. ary HUNDREDS of new wallpaper patterns in stock, in both regular and pre. pasted lines. at Edgar's Paint and Wall paper, 34 King Street West, opposite Dominion Store 51--Swap and Barter BATH sets, sump pumps systems. steel sinks and cabinets nace, boiler and rads, electric pop cooler, serv-all grill, piping and fit tings (all kinds) H. Chinn RA 1.7088 pressure fur STEER yourself to a good dependable used car. Check all the buys ang deals in today's auto marketplace The Oshawa Times Classified Ads 52--Legol Notices Greenbank Ontario TENDERS FOR GREENBANK SCHOOL Sealed tenders plainly marked as contents will be ceived by the later than 5 p.m April 25, on to undersign not Mon- day construct room sche fication: from the o tect upon depc each of document Draw the fol 5 may at be seer GEORGE £7 57 c BLOOR TORONTO, ONT CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND BY TENDER frontage the soutr Plor frontage the 67, hav of 50 ft side of Dean Avenue and @ depth of 120 ft 1 All of Lot 174 except the north 8 ft., more or less, Plan 167, and the west 20 ft. of the south 112 ft. of Lot 175, Plan 167, having a total frontage of 45 ft. on the south side of Deon Av- enue ond @ depth of 112 ft. more or less The eost 5 ft. of the south 112 ft. of Lot 175 the south 112 ft, of lot 176 end the west 15 ft of Lot 177, Plan 167, having a total frontage of 45 ft. on the south side of Dean Avenue and @ depth of 112 ft The east 10 south 112° # 177, the south of Lot 178 and the west of the south 112 ng e on south side of Dean Avenue and a depth of ft The east 112 ft south 112 south of 179 of | # Lot the ft 180 and the west of [te 112 t of Lot 181, Plan 167 eo total frontoqe ft. on the Avenue and 112 ft east 20 # south 112 ft and the south Let 182, Plan ing a total frontage 45 ft ~f Deon depth of the ith south Dean ea depth of The 112 All the south 67, and a except the 167 r frontage of 50 ft. o north side Dean enue ond a depth of ft of Lot Plan of ng a fro nor ide of Avenue ond a 120 ft on the Dieppe depth of Sewer and w available te properties Offer irchase or any of the cbove land may be made on forms provided e by the City s for the t f all tv Holl of Oshawa reserve ight to refuse any or all of fers whether such offer is the highest or CHATHAM (CP The com plicated formula for determining the 1960 price. for sugar beels was set Wednesday by an rator at a level to return 60 cents a ton less than last vear ; sugar, the generally accepled average, the grower rd an nounced Wednesday night John Van Raay of Chatham chairman of the Ontario Sugar Beet Growers Marketing Bo: announced the settlement and said it was likely to force many growers out of business this year M. W. Davidson Dominion Sugar Company president, said later in ment that the new contract prices were the same as last ye higher sugar prices but "slightly Canada and vice- a state 52--Legal Notices I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name by my wife, Mar garet Vansiyke, from this day April 4 1960 Burton Van Slyke TENDERS FOR TRACTOR AND MOWER Tender n nd clearly marked t be indersigned April ith, 1960 One only 45 hp. o and (B e or Mower or Rotary Type more tand C) One only Mower Tractor tc have litable Hydrauli Multiple The T offer as o Al stem to operate Blade hip Drag Whitby Road f East trade-ir Wi may one nly V Tractor and Mower and Tender btained fre from M wpecifications Forms must be m he undersigned ¢ Roy Pereman, the Towr f Road Superintendent a enders must | the. forms supplied Lowest or an necessarily a GEORGE FARNCOMBE Clerk epted Ea Or wnship Columubs NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF THOMAS HENRY PHELPS DECEASED A s nav person t the f Phe ago tate Henry ole Town County Gardener or February notified 't dersigned persona tive of the said deceased on or before the 21st day April, 1960, full particulars of their cloims. Immediately ofter the soid dote the said personal representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which shall then have notice DATED ot Oshawa this 22nd day of March, 1960 ELIZABETH HEAPS Executrix By her solicit Messrs McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers and Solicitors, treet North, Ontario Whi thy of Ontario deceased or about the 6th 1960, ore send in to t representa of she rs, Oshawa, SOFT... YET GENTLY STRONG Sugar Beet Price Formula News Briets May Wreck Some Growers From House lower' for "Canada lower sugar prices and Dominion Sugar could not continue to take the lion's share of market at lower sugar prices," he id The contract price was reached alter a day-long meeting be!ween the growers board and company representatives with Prof. J. C Steckley, former director of the Western Agricultural School, as arbitrator. | | TERMS ESTABLISHED Mr. Van Raay said the terms; were set by Mr, Steckley as fol- lows On $7 sugar with 16 per cent sugar content, growers will get $10.75 a ton for sugar beets, a reduction of 60 cents from the 1959 price of $11.35; On $8 sugar, the growers will get $12.30 a ton for beets for a cut of 30 cenls a ton; And on $9 sugar, an unusually : price, growers would get the price as $13.85, last year, same also cents arbitrator raised cents 60 the price per-pound for monogerm seed ipplied the growers by the com pany The by 10 to BIG LOSS IN 1959 Mr. Davidson said the pany substantially on 1959 sugar beet operation and feels arbitration award represents itly more equitable division e total revenue between growers and the company." Mr. Van Raay said growers would suffer under the new con tract and many would quit sugar beets He estimated the average re turn to sugar beet growers under the new contract would be $132.54 an acre which he said was a loss ofl $11 an acre in the last two years Atom Group Asks For Interest TORONTO (CP)-A letier ve questing expressions of interest i the proposed Canadian Nuclear Association has been sent to sev hundred organization Canada com lost the as throughout I'he coordinate the nterests of all or ganizations concerned with nu ar development in Canada The association's steering com mitiee, established in January at he first Canadian conference on iranium and atomic energy in l'oronto, has proposed objectives an organization structure and a budget lentative objectives of the as sociation are promotion of an environment favorable to healthy growth of the use of nuclear en- ergy and radioisotopes; encour- avement of co-operation between industries, utilities, educational nstitutions, government depart- ments, agencies and other au thoritative bodies sharing a common interest in economic nu clear power and uses of radio- isotopes; provision of a forum for discussion and resolution of prob- ems concerning members, the udusiry or the Canadian public and stimulation of co - operation th other associations having similar objects and purposes Ww Comes in your choice of four gentle pastels in the transparent twin - pack; white m single rolls, also white in 4.pack. Reach for the roll with the *An INTERLAKE product makers of ------ WHITE CROSS * ev proposed association would § marr said wednesday thal Zl Arthur) made mo yards in at- admit refugees from South Af workers were transferred to El- tempting to find out whether the rica, Immigration Minister Fair liot Lake May 26, 1959, from la- government still plans to set up a clough told the Commons. She bor surplus areas. He was reply-|/special committee on broadcast- also told questioners that her de ing in the Commons to Opposition ing at this session. Trade Minis- partment has no facilities in Leader Pearson whose riding of|ier Churchill, government House South Africa to deal with appli Algoma includes Elliot Lake, now leader, said Mr. Fisher's ques- cations for immigration to Can- a surplus labor area itself be. tion will be "taken into consider. ada. cause of difficulties in: the ura- aiion." nium industry The Geneva disarmament talks Of Co ons No organizations or individuals have been retarded by Soviet in- OTTAWA (CP- Labor Minister: Douglas Fisher (CCF -- Port have asked the government to sistence on accepiance of its total | (3 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 7, 178% 29 disarmament. proposal, External sion has reached agreement on a Affairs Minister Green told the study of Lake Ontario levels and Commons. He was commenting the water flow in the St. Law on rejection of the complete dis- rence River, The commission's Srila ment plan by Western dele- oop mendations will be de prs livered within the next few days Mr. Green also reported that to the United States and Cana- the International Joint Commis- dian governments. AS LITTLE FURNITURE There's EXTRA value in every room group- ing included in this fabulous THREZ ROOMS of FURNITURE -- PLUS a great extra bonus when you buy all THREE rooms. Here is value you can't afford to miss. Come in. Look it over tonight. 13-Piece Bedroom Group suite, double dresser, st. INNERSPRING mot- boudoir lamps complete with shades, four 19 UE smart bedroom EAS bedroom pictures, steel bed Innerspring Mattress 2% {le AMPLE FREE PARKING FURNITURE ROOMS OF QUALITY FURNITU 65-Piece Kitchen Group Features INLAID extension table, four chairs PLUS 20-pc. set English dinner- ware, 24.pc. glass- ware set, 16-pc. cut- lery set, 95 COMPLETE, . 65-PCS. Two-Tone Chairs hric 17-PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP Includes 2-pe. daveno-bed suite in fab- ric, two matching step tables and matching coffee table in ARBORITE, two matching lemps with h -pe. ser- 95 ving se 17-pes, » COMPLETE 2 LINEN SET be 0) Tonight 'Til 9 P.M. RA 5-6559