The Oshawa Times, 6 Apr 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 6, 1960 § : | F d At | | Alumnae Will I Te WHITBY and DISTRICT Po Company omit 24 0 Wp THE WE STOCK. Whithy Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Wiis 'Oatariv Hospital| EY for the students who will Mana er: Lievd Robertson Tel. MO. 85-3708 An Uxbridge mother of tour,jcustomers actually owed $1822.11 Nurses' Alumnae held its regu-| {be serving at the tea to wear uni-| operator of a ladies' wear store,|on their accounts and the total of | {lar monthly meeting last Monday |forms from the first classes of on Tuesday pleaded guilty to|the false contracts was $8220. 19/evening at the Sr. residence. The|the Hospital. defrauding a finance company of mote than that amount. president, Miss Elsie Fernley,| Mrs. Nicholson, wife of the Rec-| $7300. Mrs. Margaret Weese,| When defence counsel suggesi- opened the meeting. Various re-|tor of St. John's s Anglican Chureh,| anerator of Antoinette's Teens ed that this would be the biggest Ports were submitted. Port Whitby, showed movies of and Ladies' Wear, appeared be-lstory to ever hit Uxbridge, both| During the business meeting, s/their life in the Arctic, which fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in|Crown Attorney Hall and Magis-| Mrs. Martin reported that proved to be most enlightening. Whitby police court and was re-|trate Ebbs objected. "You don't|ficient money has beat gona "At the close of the meeting, manded in custody overnight to| know Uxbridge," said His Wor-{10 place a picture of Miss Ger-l3, oh was served by: Miss Marion be sentenced in. Oshawa today. ship. a Bryan Be Ju Tos White and Mrs. Northam. Both she and her husband had| Inspector D. A. Nichol, of the 9S C ree been charged that they did, be- |criminal Investigation Bureau of Superiufendert o munses at fie) CAPITAL PLANNERS YOUR SATISFACTION tween Sep. 8 and Jan, 15, un-ithe OPP, said that he had per-whithy OTTAWA (CP) -- More than SA MUST I] lawfully by deceit and falsehood sonally interviewed about 60 of "nro Martin also reported that|75,000 acres of land in Ontario] | A defraud the Premier Finan ce|the customers and found not one| |Miss H. Whitman made available and Quebec have been acquired Corp. of PproRimately Fan. Be- [contract was completely genun-| = [to date, at a total cost of $31,- fore a plea was taken, Crownline, . a TW! ,000, by the National Capital Attorney Alex C. Hall, QC, ask-| He said that adults had signed ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEWS (cop nicoion for various i ed that the charge against Weese 0 qo account forms "'more ON PAGE 7 {ways, driveways, the 'green be withdrawn. The charge was|oy jess blank," and later were|-- pe ~------|belt" and Gatineau Park. The SALES- SERVICE then read to Mrs. Weese and she },ijjoq py the finance company for|ihis reason had called in the cominissiol this year will spend oy . [petdes Suiky- O'Neill, pres ident 2 higher amount than they Owed. In, f oe Frigg ie Jrovias "ine MOS 3 370, Ia yces es He said that he also found that! 7 ourt was fold that Mrs, tor westerly approaches to e Te of Premier Finance Co., told theiieonage girls, attending high | Weese rk four children, one of| Queensway. J7071I3BROCK ITS court that his company had en-isopool had been asked to sign|whom was recently released from! ER tered into a contract with Mrs.|oyop contracts and some denied| hospital. |Weese, as operator of the ladies' y owed the store any-| Magistrate Ebbs said that it . : i wear store, that conditional sales|q,: {was a serious charge and he WW h tb R t Cl b a / contracts be assigned to their| ; fcould not release Mrs. Weese | Y 0 ary u \ di . 4 § company. The first cheque to BILLED FOR BLOUSE out of custody. He ordered her ¥ 7 cover such sales, he said, was| In one instance, he said, a remanded in custody until this sent to Mrs. Weese on Sept. B8|teenage girl claimed that she had resents the ning for sentence. Pp and the final cheque sent on Jan. asked the store to put away a oo ning for sentence, - | b, TE ; {15, this year. In that t'me, he{blouse for her and had been ask-| . | EEN said, the company had issued aled to sign a contract, Later, he 7 {bridge store. "I found none completely genu-| Family Monuments WINNERS IN LADIES BONSPIEL (TOO MUCH BUSINESS ine," he told the court, "but all RITRY | Thursday, April 7th ; : But, he said, the large number Were actual signatures, there Ihe final bonspiel for ladies | and above are shown the four- | Eileen Betts, vice; and Joy | skipped by Jody Roblin, with 8 his| were no forgeries," od AWFeRo iva. & of accounts being sent to sored Ie . ; - Was held al the Whitby Curling | some who won the event. Left to | Rich, skip. Thirteen Whitby | Joan Law ve nce id i Sally finance company attracted at-| He said that he heard one ex- 4iEs/ L i Friday, pril 8th ibson, second and Nay DIYS |tention because it was more than|planation that the situation start- Requirements lub on Tuesday. In competition | right they are Ivad el Robertson, | rinks competed in the event. dale lead h a d he had kod od d the CI vas the 4 1 y A lace ri a i : e expected and he had as ed during the Christmas season . as the Jury 21d Lovell Ti Trophy { lead; Dorothy Bradley, Second; | The second place rink was Oshawa Times Photo some of the customers for con-|by a teenager. He said that it 8:15 P.M. AT THE TOWN HALL firmation of their accounts. {had also been explained to him STAFFORD BROS. [perspiring Bud Heard, the local| His company had issued letters|that teenagers had been filling Work Tickets available at Snelgrove's Drug Store, orks { the contrac s adults i Monumental m CN Expressman delivered a huge to about 90 Uxbridge accouns,ouf the contracts as adults in . i Minstrel Show Al ost carton on stage just after the cur- Citing their indebtedness to the some sort of game of playing 318 Dundas East' any Rotarian or at box office . finance company and asking con-|store. |i had gone 0 ut popped firmation. The returns, he said, | Crown Attorney Hall told the MO 8-3552 ADMISSION . . . ADULTS 1.00 -- CHILDREN 350¢ L] LJ A . {lops" indicated something was amiss. [court that he looked upon the : re 4 ..| By confirmation, he said, the matter very seriously and for] Tr 1 1 n Nn | This year's end-men corps is itis et ---------- {made up of Norm "'Rastus' Skin- ner, Don '""Mose" Allman, Clem On Thursday amd. Friday eve- her daughter, Mrs. Doug Wil-|whistle with their surprise en- "Sambo" Ottenbrite, John fings of this week, Whitby and|jiams |trances which are always a fea- 'Satchmo' Vickery, Jack "Light- &rea residents will again have Li nin" Switzer and Gord "Thunder" the opportunity to witness what FAMOUS END MEN ture ; ._|Mifflin. The interlocutor is Neil Has almost become a community) One of the best riemembered| Minstrel Show fans chuckle|Myrkar and from the start of the tfadition when the curtain goes teams of End-men was made up when they think back over the|show until the "Queen" he is the up on 'Rotary Minstrels of 1960." lof Harry Brock, an old vaude- years past to such nights as that|/most worried man in the hall as If the community has what can|Villian, and Mayor Stan Martin en "Lightnin" Jack Switzer he wonders just what the mad- be called an entertainment sea-| Whose performances on the|was be swung on st~ge from |cap end men are going to do to son certainly this annual presen-|"bones" became a highlight of |: head rope someone the script. tation is one of its highlights, every show. It's probable that no|dropped the rope, sending him to| All in all, Whitby citizens have This is the 14th year for the one will ever quite equal his the stage in not too gracious a an opportunity for great enjoy- Rotary Minstrels, which is a rec-|handling of this traditional min- flight, or the night when the ment when they turn out ord in itself, but the annual Min-|strel show act. and although|same "Lightnin" supposedly hav-|for Rotary Minstrels, because i ? strel Show dates back many many have tried to duplicate his|ing landed by parachute out on along with an evening of Solid en- pn : 3 - ; 3 years before it became associa erfor , evi unch his in- Colborne St., got so tangled up|tertainment they are helping the ¥ 4 i With the Rotary Club of Whitby. struction, no one s yet been|in the parachute harness he could|Rotary Club of Whitby do its YES, THERE 1S A ih sMany of the older folk in town able to get the same sound and hardly get through the window |service work for the community. BIG DIFEERENCE IN MEAT 9 3 2 ® rémember the "good old days' rhythm out of the "little black|from the outside fire escape. One| Those who don't show up will FROM STEINBERG'S. E ' Wher an attraction which brought sticks", of the most "different" enirances|miss a real evening of music, A DIFFEREN Mss 3 : i ? 3 : a A Rehearsals for this year's show |came three years ago 'When a laught er and fun YOU CAN Tan nN EVERY ™ 4 : people from miles around was the visit of Guy Bros. Minstrels, a|started many weeks ago and the, = 4 -- TENDER BITE... group of happy hooligans who|chorus of nearly 40 has lined up| A DIFFERENCE YOU CAN ser aed Were famed far and wide for a top-notch program of gongs old| i IN CAREFUL, EXPERT TRIMMING their travelling show. The ap-/and new, many of themt in four-| it THIS WEEK, pearance of this touring troup|part harmony. Many of she chor- : TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO FINE of song and joke men was an oc- {al numbers will also feature wy . Gade : tro easion for people as far distant |solos by Rotarians most of whom | i y SaVOURIUL ant : or tr 3 as Pickering and Brooklin to|don't deserve too many plaudits : a WHERE ONLY Sp . : 2 - 0 tch up the old grey mare for a|for the quality of their vacalizing, VHERE mh dusty trip to the Whitby but deserve a big hand for ing, | Siow es Seapes Town Hall, where they would be |ting out in front of a larfze audi- reyally entertained by these mas-|ence to "do their stuff". ters of song and comedy. With| In these days of television and with a yearly Minstrel Show by men they know, and the *'muff- ¢ A Z 4 ? : 1 AV 43; Le. aed as Jim Short, ¥ramk "closer" to the performers. One| ' » : : 4 5 ; (BONELESS POT ROAST) BONELESS READY TO EBAY nnual show, and this veteran|a good-natured musical lam poon- 2 the ang ; show on Thursday and Friday BULK PACK the death of the professional | polished professional plarform- i i i § % 4 : GRADE "A" Locai citizens will remember the ed line", the occasional sour note * ! y wer? | a ; 1 ROAST picts atheson. Dave Mowatt, W. J. feature of the show for many | ; : . i Fi g i % iE ROLLED > DINNER STYLE of many New York productions |ing of some well-known comimun- Pictured at the rehearsal of | ; sday ; : : po 118. PKG. had numerous memorable exper- ity figure. Rehearsed in the| the Rotary Minstrel's 14th an- | evenings of this week, in the | " d hr " ; g SAUSAGES LS. CoD FILLETS us. 8 Q- touring companies, local talent ances, most people find it re- 7 is i CANADA'S wes Rib SEAND DEES teok over to provide the residents|freshing to see a live shows put on ; ; : . § : SHORT BRAND . antics and song, when they hear and forgotten line doesn't idetract RIB ROAST 4 4 = the names of such men, now de- from, but brings the andience HB. Richardson, Russ Hatch, Sid years now has been the aopear- 4 4 ; e i : Brskine, Corb Stiner and many ance of an uninhibited @ group i; J : PLATE BRISKET $ HAMS 75 others. For many years, Mrs. known as the 'Rotary Rips", 2 = ifford "Dixie" Brown produced |whose offering takes the form of IN ROTARY MINSTREL SHOW 4 ] : : Tk wo CODNIRT STV E TOOTH OF Trae: to kee Br § 2 rec st of | m | rel shows iences trying to keep her gang greatest secrecy, the rest off the 5 8 town hall. The minstrel s | uhder control when their exhu-!chorus members themselves do nual presentation are Si. Ro- are the inheritance by local | berance got the better of them. not know who is "This wear's| blin, left, Don Tayler and seat- | talent from the professional A name which will always be target" until opening night | ed at the piano is Mrs. Doug | touring companies that visited w linked with the annual Minstrel . : i | Williams. Whitby and area will | Whithy in the past | show is that of the Mrs. [SHOW HIGHLIGHT | have the opportunity to see the Photo by John Knecht. | rnon K. Rowe. For many years| The major portion of the eve-|___ ETN RE -- -- rs this beloved and revered musical ning's laughter, however, is of| rd LE eg gone My Bl RIB END CUT FILLET END CUT CENTRE CUT CHOPS fer the annual production and her men, ole has now been assumed by on its ear right from the opening S rn Is ) r | : 4 AV received an automatic jail term p g Pp ung ERAGE AVERAGE Changes Plea of not less than seven days WEIGHT ¢ WEIGHT 4 ' C. McDonald, of the The Grass Is Riz a ues 35s chment of the OPP, said that had investigated an . . Is Fined $100 g : near the Pickering This Is Where The Bargains Is i rn Fo ; fa ------ Ps a Beach road on Highway 401 and " wey ae ge : 'Ar Ajax man who earlier had ; erin - - , 2 pans age Btoxicate ad the plea stricken who had pleaded guilty to drtink 5s, JE «MAKES THE DIFFERENCE = : & Jat \ 1 driving when e charge was . : * ? [ens b fom the record in Whitby police driving When the charge wa Complete equipment at Bargain Pricer ; AT STEINBERG'S! re AN Hee Brock stree fined $100 and|/plea to not guilty 1 : ch or 10 days and his licence, Cpl. William Warner, of the 5 /2 Gal. Aquariums 4.95 found Schrane to be driver of SMELT FISHERMEN a. v f; QUALITY vnile } = . of EB /, Xi PANTRY SHELF BONO Z - read in court, was in an impair- 2 5 A GOOD CATCH Gspenc or six months. Had sa ota ont, said th f i LN 'ror YOUR he rig : victe a" o dri or + ari fia 5. phy Mollies 49 | BA NANAS 183, FOR LENTEN 49 4 4 oz. TINS ¢ eade: d guilty t riving the car. He said that Schranme, i ay And was Io led condition - we A " [an Xa J, rt in convict fi lesser | € ( - ' 3 ui a : NY { of impaired ving. Rob- At this point, Magistrate F. § ® SPECIALS $ hs" ~ Be ' SS ) PANTRY pict el colm Sch >». 21, of 8 Ebbs told Schrane to change his | = i | CHEROKEE-GOLDEN RIPE . Tr 3 r he would have hol count of 14 Swords wn A9 . MEALS! ol. count ¢ ela Zebras : 25 CALIFORNIA, U.S. NO. 1 FRESH (FIRST ARRIVALS) HEARING : wpplet | STRAWBERRIES: fo 2 ] BROCK Phone MO 8.3 WHITBY Sup Gourami 5 SNOW WHITE ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 i 13 VEL DETERGEN] == 282 Now Playi ying gr i on Show 3:30 ser Contest Winners MUSH ROOMS Vegetarian Beans 2:33: ilk pier a ue 0% A GAY "ENIOLJOURSELF" CRUISE (SKIT! [| 1. oe -- -- tavor vary on Se ee Nic OB, Ima OO | me ow vm ow" | ag TRUE: Frosh Gut FLOWERS © EE 2eedD: FEE --- - 63 Movie Queen Te ry | 2nd Prize -- DAVID JACK, Whitby 3rd Prize -- DWIGHT CHIZEN, Whitby FLORIDA, JUICY CALIFORNIA, U.S. NO. 1 PEANUT BUTTE i 35x 37 DOG FOOD ower 4:45; Special Award -- KEN ARNOLD ORANGES --49¢| BROCCOLI * 19¢ : diiigamme---~ = 27 Fie wax ~~ 93¢ LARGE SIZE 1623's EXTRA LARGE SIZE BUNCHES aioe starving ROLAND CULVER « aren [£9 HONORABLE MENTION . PRICES EFFECTIVE TO APR 9 Amy PATRICK BARR © MAUREEN CONNELL - while intoxicated DONALD DAIR BRIAN McINTOSH ES, rte tipi HE BRIAN GREIG MARTIN INKPEN EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA $510) GERALD HICKS TOM SAXTON 5 0%, Sap 3( Honing 25% 2 ) Piky" Songs 20% em werONY OWEN ov Nickous Ly croton | Sirorasie || THaarsee |i ETRE a Tha LIQUID PINK. " A DETERGENT B. McCONNELL MICHAEL W. WEAVER oe prey a VAR YA ATRL IS wes cust Cheese wii. KLEENEX Orange Juice : Mp JOHN WOODWARD MICHAEL MITCHELL | | : JOHN PARIKHALL DAVID E. SMITH 255xTRA A HEXTRA 9 BEXTRA 5O5XTRA |i BEXTRA Open Thurs. & Fri. nti p.m. ROSS WOTTEN JOHN McGREGOR pinion TT pl Yk' Spe Sy Susp | {A xl Vidty' Soup H WHOLE KERNEL FANCY Si Bis CREAMED ohm 5 yy id a 13 oF Twin PA rack 2 + 118. PKGS. OF PAZA A] AX ' pit: lets PINEAPPLE. Sporisman's Corner Diets corm {HONEY _ § {FCs DRINK | { Potato Chips | { wisi LARD IM ovo WHITBY ; o« ; YAU 10 SAT APRIL 16 1960 VAUD 10 8aT. APRIL 16 1980 | ENTERTAINMENT © , 105 BYRON ST, S. WHITBY

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