The Oshawa Times, 6 Apr 1960, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 6, 1960 3 BOERD OF EDUCATION NEWS Ii BRIEF FORM wpervisor of maintenance and -etakers, R. H. Lunney, that ) trespass signs have been erect-| d on each of the board's school operties. LAND NOT FOR SALE Father N. J. Gignac, pastor of| . Mary of the People Roman itholic Church, wil be informed) hat the board is unabe to sell| an acre of ground off the south) {mart of the R. S. McLaughlin 'ollegiate Institute site as he has| requested BILL FOR INSPECTION The board has received a letter| rom the city solicitor, E. G. Me-| Neely. enclosing a bill for $175 from H. H. Angus and Associates 1 connection with the inspection Recommendations from th principals of the O'Neill Col glate and Vocational Institut the Central Collegiate Institn and the Dr. F. J. Donevan Cc legiate Institute to have a numbe of teachers in their schools trans ferred from the probationary t the permanent staff, were appro ed by the Oshawa Board of Ed» cation Tuesday night HEALTH REPORT A report from the board of health was received by the board Trustee G. K. Drynan said it] should be possible for the sec-| ondary school principals, Dr. C M. Elliott, superintendent of pub Be schools, the public school in- spectors and the trustees to re- gelve copies of the report lof the gym floor and other areas APPROVE REQUISITIONS at the Donevan Collegiate Insti. | Three requisitions provided for|tute | in the budget for the music de-| partment at Donevan Collegiate stitute were approved by the : ; fast The principal, N.|to the architects, John D. Parkin A. Sisco, pointed out that the and Associates, for extra work | purchases had heen made at ao" revised plans-for the board's| saving of about $300 to the board administration and maintenance| The sum of $1119 was budgeted building will be deferred until it for the purchase. ras been investigated and the | architects will be informed ac TO BUY TYPEWRITERS | cordingly. isiti 0 renlace TB ogy te OCVT at a| INVITED TO CONVENTION cost of $795 was approved by the| A letter has been received by board the board from the Associated School Boards extending an TRANSFERS APPRO ion to the chairman and A list of 42 public s a- s to attend their annual| chers recommended by Dr. C. M.|e tion to be held at Niagara| Elliott for transfer from the pro- F May 21, 22 and 23. Trusiee pationary staff to the permanent|S DEFER PAYMENT Payment of a bill for $3958.98 | | | | VED Wt G. Saywell, a second vice- staff was approved by the board president of the Associated High as presented School Boards, will be one of 3 {the members representing the] OFFERS ACCEPTED board at the convention. Offers of appointment > been accepted already by BENEFITS STRESSED teachers who have applied Trustees were urged by Dr.| work in the board's public|Elliott to attend the centennial schools. Offers of appointment|conference of the Ontario Ed- have also been sent to five others ucation Association to be held in who applied. Toronto during Easter Week. Dr. ray Elliott said it was one of the 10 TEACHERS RESIGN .. big educational conferences in the Resignations from 10 publicioountry and the board members school teachers were accepted oq enjoy and benefit from it by the board. The teachers re- signing are Ada C. Thompson, CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT Mary Holubenko, Jeanette Clark The board has received an-} Mrs. Karen Ridgely, Mrs. E. nouncement that the tenth an- Marion Hart, Joan Cooper, Mur-{nual conference of the Ontario iel Cross, Della Goodfellow, Joan Association for Curriculum De-| Cook and Georgina Brooks. velopment will be held in the ing TO PRESENT PENCILS king ad Hotel, Toronto, An offer from the Oshawa Kins-| ? : men Club to present pencils] TO DISPLAY MODEL marked with Elmer the Safety| A scale model of the new Elephant to Grades 1, 2 and 3 senior public school, to be erected was accepted by the board. {on Wilson road south, will be dis- = a played in downtown Oshawa if the PURCHASE DEFERRED board is able to secure the use| A request for the approval of .s a store window $3203.25 for the purchase of ' tables and stacking chairs for REQUEST EXPLANATION the cafeteria of the OCVI wads The city council has requested deferred to a later meeting to the board for its request and rea-| allow the chairman of the' pro- son for its request in writing perty committee, Trustee M. for an extra $550,000 which has Brown, to study the purchase. |been found necessary for the| onstructic augspAss mons |coiiction of the RS ¥e, x. infor by the] 12 > iate Institute fol- The board was informed by lowing a meeting between rep- COMING EVENTS [cae crea seine council. The original estimate z BINGO, Bathe Park, Eulalie Avenue Eo rose, SollegiatyT Way om wis Mowiny 150 GFDAR ATE SCHOOL | NEWS BRIEFS SOCIAL Bingo at St. George's Hall, Two members of the Oshawa corner Albert and Jackson Street, Wednsday, April 6, at 8 p.m. initiate li | |Separate School Board, with the [businese administrator, A. C. 1 will attend a convention at Love have five | | | | | NEARLY NEW SHOP Thursday and Friday 2-9PM ST. GERTRUDE'S 690 KING EAST 19. and 20." The members are G. Hughes and C. P. Kent, APPRECIATION VOICED | Members of the board exnress- ed their thanks to Meagher's Ap- for supplying TV sets the 13-week school TV The sets were installed k in St. Hedwig's and, | | | 18 L YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND OUR 14th ANNUAL SPRING FLOWER SHOW AND EASTER PREVIEW at our GREENHOUSES BLOOR ST. WEST OSHAWA on SUNDAY AFTERNOON APRIL 10th to 5 pm nliances during program twice a we Holy Cross schools. TENDER CALL READY The architect is ready to call for in the additions and St. Gertrude's Schools. Three requests, by the tect, for minor changes were complied with SECURE SIX TEACHERS Meagher, chairman of the gen committee, told the oard contracts have been sign- ed with six teachers. for Septem ber. 1960. He said there were still 14 contracts out for consid- | | | tenders to HeAwic's from | pm R. B. REED AND SONS FLORISTS free door prizes F mans RUMMAGE SALE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th ored by Local C + the Registere ation of O | Spor of CANCEL FII'M INSURANCE The decided to cancel] h in v held for films n in the schools, Tt was dis.| recently, that the dis- ws have insurance to cover the same thin d A board urance polit p.m A tions ki McLougt 19th -- for pick-up. NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts) Games $6. $12 Moy be dout C $100 JACKPOT Door Prize $15 ered g or g HONOR CLAXTON OTTAWA (CP)--Brooke Clax- ton received a high award Tues day from Gq or-General Van- er recognition of his work as chairman of the Canada Council. Gen. Vanier presented the Di- ploma of Honor of the Canadian Conference the Arts to Mr, Claxton at a ceremony at Gov- ernment House n n of INC St. Mary's Bingo WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6-8 P.M. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL 184 BOND STREET WEST 16 GAMES OF $6.00 1 GAME EACH OF $10, $20, $30, $40 SHARE-THE-WEALTH $50 EXTRA--2 CARDS OR 25¢ OR 10 CARDS FOR $1.00 ADMISSION 25¢ PER CARD INCLUDES TICKETS ON HAMS TO BE DRAWN APRIL 13th CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT ADMITTED Bail was set Tuesday by Magis-| trate R. B. Baxter at $1000 for|S Monte street, Port Perry, when he ap- the Royal York in Toronto, Aprilia | able ; |increased 1,520 to a total of 77, liad: 5 nA ie : i Hada he AUTO FLOOD VICTIM AT W An abandoned automobile is | over its banks near Walkerton, almost covered by rising water | Ont. Serious flooding has not as the Saugeen River flows | occurred and spring floods ALK 'WERTHER FORECAST Mostly Cloudy, Warm Thursday TORONTO (CP)--Official fore- Partly cloudy Thursday. A little casts issued at 5 am.: milder tonight. Winds light, be-| Synopsis: Temperatures this coming southeast 15 tonight and {morning ranged from near zero Shifting to north 20 Thursday. and clear skies in Northern On-| Forecast Temperatures tario to the mid-20s and a few| Low tonight High Thursday snowflurries in Southern Ontario. windsor A disturbance moving rapidly|st' Thomas southeastward from Northern y,ndon | Manitoba will cross Central On-| Wingham tario Thursday. It will bring in-{ Toronto creasing cloudiness to Northern|m .. oo *** Ontario today with occasional St. Catharines snowflurries tonight and Thurs-| g ilton day. A few snowflurries will per-(yy skok {sist in Southern Ontario this| o> 0 8. ve {morning but skies will clear this|®' 2108 + afternoon as a high - pressure/Eariton . area crosses the region. Partly Sudbury .. cloudy conditions with slightly North Bay . warmer temperatures are fore- Kapuskasing . cast for Southern Ontario tonight| White River and Thursday. Moosonee Regional forecasts valid until midnight Thursday. ABOUT FACE wi ester ike x AT] s Tonio} WINDSOR (CP)--A 16-year-old] . indsor: Sunny ay. ostly wi | ERTON cloudy tonight, clearing Thurs- Vimise youth Veo) ess Shan from Liberty to Lambert street.) day. Little change in temperature tirée months ago was Ciied [Of| cierk Reynolds told council it is) were expected to start ebbing except a little warmer tonight. bravery by the Windsor Police nearly too late to complete the in most areas of Southern On. |Winds northwest 15-20, shifting Commission for his attempted project under the winter works tario. --CP Wirephoto [Thursday to northwest 15-25. |apprehension of a jewelry store program, and therefore suggested Eastern Lake Erie, Niagara, handit Tuesday was on the other|the Work be done under the Local |Improvments Act, the same as the Liberty street storm sewer |was last year. AJAX HOSPITAL MARCH TOTALS | mise i seve mpi AJAX -- The Ajax and Picker-|thangue said council should get ing General Hospital today re- underway with its plans for Con- leased the following statistics for|cession street as it is very bad. the month of March last: Mr. Reynolds stressed the need Total in-patients admitted, 210; for a storm sewer on Queen number of babies born, 40; total street and Southway drive. out - patients, 266; in - patient X-rays, 144; out - patient X-rays, 217; laboratory in-patient treat | ments, 894; laboratory out-patient | treatments, 19; blood transfu- sions, 22; minor operations, 27;| major operations, 20; ear, eye,| nose and throat operations, 49. | Peterborough Memorial Centre proudly presents "The sweetest music this side of heaven" Storm Sewers | Are Planned BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- The roads and streets committee, Clerk R. B. Reynolds and Works Superintendent T. K. (Tom) Stew. | art were given the "go ahead" | Monday night to start the first steps for the construction of storm sewers on Concession street, Southway drive and Queen street, SEER ERERRREE REE ERR REREssssRESS 9 it CAPSULE NEWS 23 Railroad Cars Derailed KINGSTON (CP) -- Traffic on|of eight. Dr. Cyril F. James, Mc- the Canadian Pacific Railway's|Gill's principal and vice-chancel- main line between Trenton and lor, said it was the university's Ottawa was blocked Tuesday by first big step towards an attempt a 23-car derailment near Parham to offset a trend towards longer | about 45 miles north of here. The courses. middle cars of the west-bound . freight train apparently hit a soft RADIATION RECORD | spot in the road bed. Traffic will VANCOUV ER (CP) Work-| probably have to be rerouted for men's compensation commission several days, a CPR spokesm said. toward establishment of a central |agency where the name of any WOMAN SHOT {person exposed to a heavy dose MONTREAL (CP)--A 32-year-|of radiation will be recorded, old mother of four children was/Brendan Carton, industrial hy- found shot to death Tuesday in|gienist with the workmen's com- an isolated cabin at St. Remi de pensation board of British Colum- Tingwick, 100 miles east of here..bia, said Tuesday Provincial police here said the . ad husband of Mrs. Willy Fournier teat DROPS St IT . has been brought to Montreal for| NEW YORK (AP)--A divorce questioning. | suit by Mrs. Tina Onassis was {dropped Tuesday because she has SHORTEN COURSE {entered into a separation agree- MONTREAL (CP)--Ten of the ment with Aristotle Socrates best students in McGill Univer- Onassis, multi - millionaire ship- ty's medical faculty will begin ping magnate Mrs. Onassis, 29, an intensified course of studies had filed the divorce action last next term to see if they can Nov. 25. i CITY AND Bail Is Set DISTRICT At $1,000 STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be r --|closed for construction today: EFOWMANYILLE Rossland road west, closed from tevenson road to Fernhill blvd. | Whenever possible these streets |will be partially opened to per- {mit movement of local traffic | Extreme heavy rains may result in the closing of other streets. sl (Staff) Thompson, 28, Queen peared on' a careless driving charge. Thompson is charged with careless driving In connection| EUCHRE WINNERS with a fatal accident at the Port] Winners in the euchre drive Perry causeway, between Port nheld last Saturday at Bathe Park Perry and Blackstock, last Oct. were: Mrs. E. McDobough, H. . Fountain, Mrs. E. Macchi, L William Linton Timbers, 32, Olmstead, E. Laverty and K Queen street, Port Perry, was Shortt. Mrs, Shortt won the killed when the car, in which freeze-out prize they were riding, careened into a bridge on the causeway. Thompson is scheduled to ap- pear for trial April 19. OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF WHIST DRIVE WINNERS Winners in the whist drive held at Bathe Park last Monday were: Mrs. M. Air, D. McLach- lan, J. McLachlan and Mrs, J Swithenbank. NO FIRES The Oshawa Fire Department PETER VANDERZWET reported no fires during the night High requiem mass was sung There were four ambulance calls in St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic and one false-alarm which was Church at 10 am. today for turned in from an alarm box at Peter Vanderzwet who died in St. Simcoe and Athol streets. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, last Sunday BREAKIN The mass was sung by Rev.| Oshawa Police report that Ac John Meyers. Interment was in adian Cleaners premises, Bloor St. Gregory's Cemetery. street west, was broken into dur The pallbearers were Edward ing the night, $26 was taken in the Van Santvoort, Joseph Byers, break-in. Peter Roosem, Leo Dolewaard, Charles Ploeger and Simon Van-| duffelen. CAR STOLEN Oshawa Police received a call | from William S. Myles, 1473 Bala {road, early today, reporting that MRS. T, H. MARTIN his car had been stolen during The memorial service for Mrs. !the night from in front of his Thomas Henry Martin, Nonquon home. The car is a turquoise and road, North Oshawa, who died white 1957 Chevrolet station while visiting friends in Toronto wagon last Sunday, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 CAR RECOVERED p.m. Tuesday, April 5. Whitby Detachment OPP, act- Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, minis-!ing on information from Oshawa ter of Albert Street Unite d Police, recovered car stolen at Church, conducted the services.|Elm and Simcoe streets Tuesday Interment was in Zion Cemetery. night. The car, owned by Colin The pallbearers were A. E. Thomas, 234 Cadillac Ave. § Cook, Henry Oakley, Allen Fish- was found on Highway 401 be er, Len Martin, Walter Vivian and tween Ritson road and Simcoe Roy Pannell street. UNITED COUNTIES Report Shows Assessment Up COBOURG (Staff) -- Total tax- assessment of the United Counties of Durham and North- umberland for 1959 showed an increase of over two million dollars over 1958. Counties coun- cil was told yesterday at the opening of its spring meeting hat total assessment now is $74,958,118. Total building assessment is $52,036,989, an increase of $1,691. 914: total land assessment $17,- 956,118, an increase of $473 325: total business assessment $4,403, 257, an increase of $180,647 The population of the counties FUNERAL OF bourg with $12 ,494, Port Hope is next with $9,855,686. Bowman- ville is assessed at $7,445678 and Campbellford with $2.752,041 Darlington township heads the rural areas with an assessment of $6,079.733, followed by Hamil- ton with $4.2 , Clarke $3.- 573.292; Hope, $3.079.411 Among the villages, Brighton heads the list. followed by Col- borne. Newcastle is assessed at $966,655 today to strike a budget and fit is expected that the mill rate will be increased considerably with the Durham high school 740 board showing a big increase in Highest assessment of the four expenditures, despite a drop in an €rs across Canada are working |, Council will go into committee! {Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Hali-'eng of the string. Wayne Chase CAMERA BUGS TO |haten regions, London, Hamil- was sentenced for N a SPEND BILLIONS Mother! Is your child irritable, restless ton, Toronto: Partly cloudy withisomera and flash "attachment, | |a few light flurries, clearing this flash bulbs and a quantity of | | morning. i Increating Sloudiness cigarets stolen in a breakin at a {tonight. Mostly cloudy Thursday. o " By 1970 photography will be | downtown drug store March 9. twice the annual business it is f ; 4 now, according to business re- a Say it food WORN. i - u ly ports. There Will be 6000, Worms, a common ailment with children con be easily destroyed {Little change in temperature ex- cept a little warmer tonight. | |Winds light, becoming southwest 15 this afternoon and shifting to 000 still cameras in use then, f porn I Bu apy and excelled with Millers Worm an gl n . y bh 'owder. S or generations billion pictures every year! HD OR Drug Counter, IN A BIG Show and Dance Mon., May 2 Show 8:30 to 9:30 p.m, Dancing 10:00 p.m. te 12:30 p.m. | | GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA RA 8-6451 or RA 3-413) {northwest 15-25 Thursday. | Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake Put yourself in the happy business picture by advertis- regions, North Bay, Sudbury: |Sunny today. Increasing cloudi- ness tonight. Cloudy with snow- : , ) flurries Thursday. Little cRange ing your services in the Osh- awa Times Classified sec- tion. Dial RA 3-3492 now to place your ad. Tickets now on sale as follows: $2.25 per person to April 9 $2.50 per person April 9 to April 23 $2.75 per person after April 23 Mail and phone orders welcome Riverside 3-3561 lin temperature except a little milder tonight. Winds light, be- |coming south 15 tonight shifting to northeast 15 then northwest 20 | Thursday. PROLIFIC COMPOSER | White River, Timmins-Kapus- Franz Schubert, the great Aus- kasing, James Bay regions: i composer, was only 31 Sunny, becoming cloudy today.| years old when he died in 1828./Cloudy with snowflurries tonight. | At Your Drug Counter MILLERS om Prudent CUSHIONED AIR RIDE BY HIGHWAY TRAVELLER $30.90 4 DAYS IN NEW YORK INCLUDING RETURN FARE, HOTEL ROOM, SIGHTSEEING, ENTERTAINMENT $91.75 2 EXPRESS TRIPS FROM TORONTO EVERY DAY! VIA Q.E. WAY AND NEW YORK THRUWAY All round trip fares are low! BY BUS 31% WASHINGTON. PHILADELPHIA 29 ST.LOUIS. . . 36" SAN ANTONIO 77% WINNIPEG . .. 59°" VANCOUVER. . 110% MONTREAL. ..... 17" SAULT STE. MARIE . 27° VIA GREYHOUND LINES IN USA CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT FOR ALL BUS TRAVEL INFORMATION OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL / J 18 PRINCE STREET, PHONE RA. 3-2241" . WHITBY HARRY DONALD, AGENT 300 DUNDAS ST. E., Ph. MO. 8-3675 AJAX (South) THE COFFEE CUP, Ph. WH. 2-2940 GRAY COACH LINES (North) AJAX COFFEE SHOP, Ph. WH. 2-3390 _ at a] , towns in the county ls for Co-igrants from Queen's Park,

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