The Oshawa Times, 6 Apr 1960, p. 2

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ae SS aa ad = -- = ----; a1. : | 'Family Of 12 Goes To Canada |[¢ L = Get BIG @ 4 ks " Ww By JOHN E. BIRD area. He is confident that once L Canadian Press Staff Writer he has his own place he will be : a OTTAWA (CP)--Moving to an- able to build a great future for| other country is a big step for his 11 children any family. But for Johanues| yan plans to rejoin the family Mezenberg, a farmer in southern as soon as it is established on a Holland, migration presented alfs.n, by the sugar company. His! formidable problem. |father says that his letters in the Mr. Mezenberg had thought ja few years played an impor- about Soming lo Caiada IF morelsant part in the family's decision ? There are dimes . . . quarters . . . and dollars quick flying tri to come to Canada for you to earn right from your shopping list . . . made a quick flying trip to this| Si InGHAE dar | The 51-year-old Netherlander S country to inspect farming pros-| Ct. on hing] \ = when you reach for the "FAMILY SIZE" bargain ge days after his return to farms in an infertile part of Hol- ] buys et SPROULE'S. his: iarm at Elsendorp, a small land. The property covers about i i i (or! res bers of the village in the province of North(60 acres and all membe } Brabant, he made his decision,|family have a role in its opera- He would move to Canada with How itd : his wife, Lamberdina, and 10 of! The children af home are their 11 children Anna. 20: Antonius, 19: Christina, Q VE Immigration department offi- 15; Gerardus, 0 Adrianus, MM: RIB LOIN PORTI N 318. A Ib, 35¢ cials here say the family is one Wilhelmina, 13; Maria, 10; Mar- of the largest ever to emigrate |tinus and Cones eight-year- TENDERLOIN ROAST PORTION Ib. 45c¢ to Canada. {old twins, and Henricus, 6. b Mr. and Mrs. Mezenberg and riers cee rm GROUND FROM RED BRAND BEEF SWIFT'S SLICED io g ' 6-02. le ee. Lean Barbecue Loaf i; 35° ual A {In Canada Jhey wil Joi the 15th MINCED BEEF LB, 39¢ en. Te eldest son. whol] NIGHTLY -- 9.12 Easter Poultry {came 39 Canes severs) years DUSTY SHEPARD SWIFT'S 'SLICED SPROULE'S will have o. choice sale. 1 on © wift's Butterba urkeys for d ont, a Has bee '2 SUC HOTEL LANCASTER PORK LOAF $01 29 Easter, also large fresh killed Roasting Mr. 2 erg has bee suc- o Chickens -- la i of well cessful farmer at Elsendorp for | With Dressing as nds erae veristy mors than 22 years. He will|-- bring a fairly large sum of g : : i : money with him. . Its shine up time at Sproule's with extra large cash savings. Cash But Mr. Mezenberg is in nd . 4 no hurry to sins his cash in the \ savings are the best kind, you can keep them or spend them as {purchase of a farm. He has de-! A ! you wish. lecided that the farm he will buy : will be in the Chatham, Ont, Large MAPLE LEAF area but that he won't take this % Spic & Span ge 75¢ Soap Flakes Gicns 81 step umtil he is familiar wi z . s i oun- Pkg. farming conditions in this coun y DELSEY TWIN PACK ° 5 entire family will be Toilet Tissue 2 29¢ Livats HEAVY DUTY Vn 59 THE OPENING of the first | August 18. 1910. This and suc- | made available by Tom Bouck- | awa and who intends to donate placed on a sugar beet farm in White, Pink. Yell A iquid ax Ti ; ite, Pink, ow, Aque in Oshawa Hospital took place on | ceeding pictures have been | ley who has become a collect- | them to the Oshawa Historical the Chatham area owned by Can-| | or of early photographs of Osh- | Society ada and Dominion Sugar Com- SEND FLOWERS LIQUID BLEACH 4c OFF PACK any Limited. While Mr. Mezen- . oz. . THE EARLY YEARS 1909-10 tis eataled 3 lot of walkie atl os ! Pets is working this farm, the by Wire Javex i 45¢| Ajax Cleanser 2, 3l¢ planning, for in those days an S th C t settlement division of the immi- : . . automobile was a rarity. And no 1X 1 Y Station department ang fe Delivery and Quality SUCCESS BRILLO SUPREME 5 ig loiiz Oshawa General Hospital sss ve Co sien to cae 3 Guaranteed PASTE WAX | SCOURING PADS | STEEL WoOL { times convenient to themselves, F N property for de family i on by the world's most 1-b From The Writings Of The Late F. Chappell the members canvassed the ter- or ew have little difficulty in finding a! responsible florists Tin 69¢ 12's 26¢ Fine, Medium, Coarse ritory allotted to them table farm in the Chatham TA-FLO uitab! ! Look in Yellow Pages 3¢ OFF PACK -- STA-F LESTOIL 2 25¢ Boxes Until 1906, while there had been town and the surrounding com- eX a Ia i as completed. B - k lack verity | g is initial work was done an no A eT a Donne ig three projects were final- happily they realized their goal. runswic CITY AND FirorigsTe STARCH LIQUID CLEANER resulted from the efforts of med-|ly submitted to a ballot vote. But For before that summer of 1907 -~ Rey . ' : they had the satisfac BATHURST, N.B. CP) New 32-02. 23 res -0X. ical men, cle and a few other first it was unanimously decided Was over, gentlemen to develop a hospital. that whichever project was found tion of knowing that out of the Brunswick may get its sixth city DISTRICT ¥LEGRAPH i Btl 49 BR Mind you, there had been a great to be the will of the majority, multitude of small donations so iy 1961 DEevLivery GENERAL ELECTRIC > room Feature deal of talk and no doubt from each of those present would then diligently sought. one joan Next Jan. 1 has been set as HOSPITAL REPORT > LIGHT BULBS CAR POLISH CLEAN SWEEP 79¢ such interest and word of mouth resolve to abide by the decision dollars hag been Jaised St|the target date for amalgamation publicity, the people of our little and work wholeheartedly for the over, With admirable oresig : 0 b 0 Following is the report of the 25. 40 d each RTI town were subconsciously pre- successful outcome of the new and confidence, the Auxiliary of this north shore paper and Oshawa General Hospital for the : and 60 Wor GLISTEN WAX WASH pared should some worthwhile venture. Thus the opinion of this also secured options on several|,inine 'centure with its three week ending April 2: Admissions R B REED & SONS 4 g5¢ G4 VELVET TIP idea appear group of Oshawa women was ex- Plots of land which could be pur-/nrincipal suburbs 2 births male 27, female « Be for each SERIE 1.29 As already mentioned, hospitals pressed. When the scrutineers re- chased for that sum. Let it in nol" bon 00 or the result will discharges, 273: newborn dis- FLORISTS in small towns were rare. Thus ported, it was found that by far Sense detract from: the initiative ve: - | charges male 26, female 22: there was little by way of ex-|the largest number of votes had and result of a Will tpi by I 2 00 oie major surgery, 55: minor sur-|| 10%2 KING ST. WEST STORE HOURS S . perience to be drawn upon. Yet been in favor of a hospital as the the Women's Auxiliary to learniyy oo "Cc 0 "yon pamung. gery 119; eve, ear, nose and RA 5-1131 pecial Bonus Offer throat, 61; treatments, 36: casts, Sp ' . . ROULE'S--King at Ritson 1 . . t j that by s time some of the the local need for such an institu- next united project at by thi ston: and Lancaster tion was abundantly evident Now it is one thing to reach a leading men of the community y % +. .. 28: examinations, 18: physio- to lend a helping, Permission is to be sought aliiherany treatments, 336 PLASTIC GARBAGE CANS Sickness in the home continued decision but quite another to Were ready J the current session of the legis- to be met by ingenious make- start it on its way. Imagination hand. 4 ON SEAL SHOW THURSD - A 3 A : oh T that afte ind lature for plebiscites, A favorable Abily 4 AY . shifts of heat, light, ventilation spurred by need, may show as ing Thus it was that aller sou y o Douglas Crossley, well known JOHN BURTINSKY pen 1 10-gallon Size, 4 Attractive Colors ven isolation. Add to this a golden haze, the fulfilment of advice and mature deliberation vote would mean union of this, / J ; ; and even 1 f of land containing /town of 5,500 with outlying areas vocalist, who has made numerous FLORIST FRIDAY the ever present mental anxiety,/a dream. But there still remains/2 piece ® 8 q y : ' pik of noise and need for|the miserably practical detail of two and one-third acres and lo-|now known as East Bathurst, ns RE the onan Flowers for._ell ectasians SATURDAY 10 0 clock ONLY 2.99 EACH nursing care. It was either en- getting started. One can conjure cated west of Simcoe Street and Sout Bathurst and West ol rade in Toronto. willl] 124 Dundas St. West, Whitby dure all this, or arrange a journey|up a vision of sunny rooms, im- south of Alexander Street was Bathursl 'tists : " WITH $5. re aon and rail to some hospl-| maculate bed 'linen, vases of Purchased as the site for a hos. Thoughts ef 4m alga m ation ii fie Faster Seal Show in he MO 35-3324 SPROULE'S--Simcoe" at Mill 3590 PURCHASE tal in the nearest city, Toronto. colorful flowers and sick persons/pital for Oshawa. were prompted by pOSl-War ex-|i.cented at Maple Leaf Gar- ithy . : Meanwhile, the remedy lay in an|in restful content. But rooms re-| Having so successfully attained pansion which left Bathurst go, Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights Cc idea just ready to burst forth. quire walls and floors and these te iy objective ya project {proper with little land for in- S le' $ andy Feature And there was wise leadership require bricks and wood. Build-|Whic as since prov so far|dustrial and housing develop- roule's - Si ne is would be a fitting ment. Situated on Chaleur Bay P 3 imcoe at Colborne GOLDEN HOUR ady to develop it. ings have to be planned and suit-| reaching, th ready 5 do rx in 1898, a build- ably placed 2 pan has to be place to mention the names of/115 miles northwest of Moncton, . ur for your Food Dollars et 2 PACKAGES nz. the original St. Andrew's acquired or bought. And few, if all those splendid women who'the town is hemmed in on three «LE PARK CANDY Preshvterian Church and its ad- any of these moves can be made took part in this great work. Un- sides by water U AN EL PA KING | joining Sunday School, was built without money. How much? Well, fortunately, less than a third of ro tudy what would be in BL CHARGE Regular 38 39: and dedicated. As is not unusual, one may be sure it will be a lot. the names are now avalaie volved in becoming a city, a Banded or even unwise upon completion Anyhow, that must be the first But among those here recor joint meeting in February of rep- PARAM of such projects, a pretty heavy objective in getting things start- In the following space are many it gh four 0 rep THE OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUBS SINCERELY OUNT FANCY NEW VARIETY -- LIPTON'S mortgage remained to be paid off ed who devotedly served the Aux-\piiec appointed an eight-man THANK ALL DONORS . . . AND THOSE WHO Socke e SALMON dur future years. Sometimes We are justified in imagining iliary, year after year, some even... .ittee Lik ushroom Soup 2 33¢ the trustees of such a venture such thoughts as these bestirring to the last days of their lives It is studving a numbe f re RENDERED SPECIAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION 2 A 1.00 Ls . . is ing number ol - subsequently find it hard enough the minds of that group of won- Mrs. R. S McLaughlin, Mrs. ports i adyms one by Thomas WITH OUR RADIO AUCTION. NABISCO to raise the annual interest, -let derful women of Oshawa as they Rover Mia 7 Mrs J M 0. J Plunkett of Beacon field Que. SUNBEAM FEATURE Sh alone a portion of the principal set about arranging a subsequent Henry, NUS - Siorle, Mrs.|o that Bathurst: is The eight annual Radio Aution has becn bigger «um. Sometimes the principal is meeting. It was thus the Oshawa H. E. Morphy, Mrs. T. H. Ever- who Juggenisd hat isi Th g 99 Butter Tarts PKG 31 redded Wheat 2 for 37¢ 20 slowly liquidated that the Hospital Womeh's Auxiliary son, Mrs. John Bailes, Miss Eo and better than ever before thanks to your . mortgage has to be renewed.lcame into being in fhe early Mothersill Mrs. J. E Hawkins, "The. report: br od that 1] wonderful support. All proceeds will be used in eur HOT CROSS LIPTON'S--CHICKEN & RICE Financing such a public venture weeks of 1907. It is an organiza- Mrs. J. Hastings, Mrs. W. Cull- he report propos that the BUNS 6 PER t is not always as simple as it/tion which continues to this day|ing, Mrs. D. Coull, Mrs. Crys- the new city have two tax rates, Kiwanis service work in this community PKG. 35 Soup 3 P 39¢ sounds during early discussions. and is likely to continue, with its dale, Mrs. E. W. Drew, Mrs.|a lower levy for those without kgs. Interest, compared with principal regular meetings, appointed George Pedlar, Mrs. Webster, complete water and sewage cviiiThe PRESIDENT and MEMBERS ARISES SRS = can be both formidable and ag- tasks, attention to detail, money Mrs. A. J. Stalter, Mrs. Bloom-| services and a higher rate for REARS RRS ' : gravating raising plans and general dis- er, Mrs. McLean, Mrs Juivnel, those fully served OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUBS Now whether because of this, semination of goodwill 'towards Mrs. Podger Miss O'Malley, or whether because so many the hospital Mrs. E. J. McDowell, Mrs. F. E.| 5 TULIP BRAND NO. 1 GRADE 4 a | 2) women members of the various And so the seed was sown. Hare, Mrs. A. Schofield, Mrs Ww | E = 8 : Mrs, F. J. Harris, Mrs. : L sae 2 CREAMERY church groups had a good house- Days of working, watchful wait- H Ross ws or ha Wes eeper's horror of debt, we know ing and ceaseless cultivation of D. M. Tod, Miss Adams, Mrs.| . ? ARTE iP bbe ke gH the facts are that by the the idea lay ahead. Humanitar-'V. B. Woodruff THE OSHAWA KIWANIS CLUBS WOULD LIKE : MARGARIN latter part of 1906, the entire in- ian in its concept it must stilt be For them and so many un- TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE FOLLOWING CASH > debtedness of St Andrew's developed in a businesslike man- named others who helped them, i 4 : Church was paid off largely be ner. This was a community proj- splendid women of Oshawa, RECEIPTS it said, through the persistent ef- ect to be paid for by the com- zealous and faithful in unselfish fort of te well organized munity, and therefore, to be service, an honorable place must women's societies owned by the community, More- always be reserved in any mem- : GREER, MURPHY & MACDONALD $10.00 Such an event deserved the over, it was to be operated by oir of this community y : JOHN A. CAMERON 15.00 special celebration which follow-/the community in the interest of " MANNING F. SWARTZ 5.00 ol oneral spirit of thankful- the sick and disabled members RRR WRENCH. YY |B . = t 0 nora dad od sincere Of the community. From other FREE ZE FRENCH FUNDS 4 JONES & GREER a 32.00 nreciation was expressed on sources little help could be asked LAGOS Nigeria (Reuiers 4950 to $5000 JOHN A. MACDONALD ........ 10.00 ory hat ut right there, a or expected This was a self-help The Nigerian federa par lament 3 Bus d. gal I ; a proposition. But indeed, in those passed unanimously Tuesday an| § HH ; R. D. HUMPHREYS : 25.00 convictio Wi women had days most communities took opposition motion to freeze all : INTERCITY PRESS ARIE A 10.00 1 this case was surely but pride in their independence and French assets and suspend all boo : | EMBASSY CAFE 5.00 cati a group of in being self sustained trade with France if another) §= y EE GLOBE CAFE 5.00 But public opinion must be in- French atomic bomb is exploded [§ gr * : formed before it can be sympa- in the Sahara. FRIENDS OF KIWANIS ras 25.00 - KINGSWAY MOTEL 5.00 Bas eu FIRM CUALITY : A tall dariepaired young ma' thetically inclined. In this case, [( nd ne res. 3 4 x : on ; , a n ron happen: p there was a decidedly sympathet- SELL REACTORS ANONYMOUS Tt 20.00 celebration, She was the wife of ; "p.o Both paper ? 3 i . LH] papers 1here | wm. ii ; one of Osha th 5 oo Bi uw were two weeklies in those days, BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (Reut oA 3 i H. 5S. GASCOIGNE 10.00 i d-coming industrialists, R. 5.0 Vindicator and the Reformer ers)--The United States will sell < o W. B. BENNETT PAVING ale 25.00 aughli Before the meeting gave generous space to reports Yugoslavia three nuclear reactors SUPERIO 3 : ANONYMOUS f= 10.00 : h 1h. C 1 Mrs. McLaughlin suggest- «oo oings wtivi i : u 5 . " 2 ings and activities of the and give it considerable atomic i a me eting of omen of growing Auxiliary Nearly 100 aid, it was announced here Tues h 28 NAN C > PEACOCK-BOYD INSURANCE «vise 10.00 ? Mganizations and it women were enrolled. One must'day night. A Yugoslav govern- 7 eC CLANCEY McLEOD ..... rh 10.00 . SNOW WHITE -- Celloph SARD tions in the town, be cae "imagine the variety of ideas ment nuclear commission official, | 17 Simcoe $t. N., Oshawa CONSUMERS GAS a ean yy . 20.00 ophans sARDEN FREH NEW a view to considering some cro oq towards attainment of ¢ " . A ob ¥ al id an agreement was reached RA 5-6541 T. 6. GALE 25.00 L worthy enterprise upon which wai seemed a distant objective al 18 rnment a ) : " na ' 5. Se W ) with the U.S. government and 3b 00 p CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN & : 4 1 CAULIFLO ER CARROTS they might again test their abil- We 1 tha k ® are told that some were ; 1.8 ic Energy C s > y ' ity and with united effort press of n® 0 ntastic, while he U.S. Atomic Energy Commi MURDOCK : 25.00 ; towards fulfilment 5 'NIE sion on more extensive co-opera X bp Goad Size t Large Original on towar among others, the - talent dollar Sion On more ext ANONYMOUS 10.00 a mil 1. Signe! Ge meeting was soon ar- of which more anon. éndures to HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 10.00 ne It was held in theithis day. HALL BROOKS LTD. 20.00 IMPORTED FRESH ARIZONA GREEN FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Lh Tow swe ey | Se ra. || SE ONIONS 2,...15¢ GRAPEFRUIT 6 , 35¢ " unches There were Xt¥ chase of a piece of land on which women presen and they - proved a hospital could be built, It was Don't Miss This Gigantic McINTOSH FUNERAL HOME . 10.00 to be an excellent cross-section of oqiimated that a plot sufficiently WALMSLEY & MAGILL 25.00 all the Ladies Aids, Guilds and large could be 4 . ! A procured for $1000, TONY'S REFRESHMENTS Auxiliaries of all churches, then oo "3 house-to-house canvass to 1 H. M. BROOKS , 19.00 FR 0 Zz EN FOOD S active in the town. MOreover, naice. this amount was com 4 OSHAWA CLINIC 1a Ta 75.00 SAVE 6 BIRDSEYE FRASERVALE c they were all curious to Know menced by members of the Aux VIGOR OIL 15.00 what was afoot and equally keen jjiary This was not preceded by What wa Ay. DI is wa 1 GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA 75.00 2-1h. : . 24.01. to wor Shou any worthy planiz jo of high-pressure ballyhoo. GEORGE WERRY Si 35.00 Green Peas Poly Bag 49c Fish and Chips Pke 63¢ be projec Not the remotest thought was AL PARKHILL 50.00 ' latent thought grew into an indication of what women might continue to do There were many possible oui- given to the importation of pro THE HALLIDAYS whose sponsors hoped for prefer-'of a devoted group «of women, YO [- ential] consideration. We can dedicated to a great purpose. The RH D FOOD STORE enssion during opening stages of las we regard it in retrospect is lis : | 4 dé \d |£ | é . ld Ld the meeting. However, in a very the utter simplicity, sincerity and Rug and Frigidaire Imperial Dryer . . . Donated by Home orderly manner the various patience in which it was con- : . . mT I ¥ cchemes were reduced to three ceived and conducted -» Carpet Sales Appliances, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa and Frigidaire lets for so generous a display of {fessional organizers, even had i -- i potential energy. There were un- [such been available No. This We are big enough 10 serve yo Small enough ® Sppreciete you doubtedly several pet projects was the personal effort of each . >" LA J therefore imagine plenty of disc unusual merit of this campaign Liquidating this week at . . . The holder of the successful bid ticket en the main proposals. They. 'were re- Systematically, street 'by Products of Canada Ltd., Scarborough, Ontario. pectively a Young Women's street, block by block and house ck | k and hou 174 MARY ST., OSHAWA RA 5.0433 JOHN BOURRIE, 736 Laurention Ave. Oshawe Christian Association building, a'by house ¢ town was eovered esidential chub for business gir during the next six months of or a hospital for the sick of this spring and summer. Remember

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