The Oshawa Times, 6 Apr 1960, p. 9

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we iT Or IAL he ---- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 6, 1960 § jmiddie-aged im the middle and {old from the shoulder blades up. | {But such marks of age need not {come with the years. Many a | woman, past three score and ten, has a magnificent posture. wall, heels about two inches from |low bench, arms down at sides, wall, with head, shoulders, and|backs of hands on floor. Move- {hips touching the wall. To Seater Meat: As alternate knees are _|the pelvis, pull up and in with|flexed slowly and vigorously te- jaa eie ate lis steps Jo S00 POS girdle muscles and contract/ward chest, press small of back and stand beautifully; second,|With the big hip muscles. Make|flat against floor by pulling up get the right "feel" of good pos-|tne midsection muscles take the and in firmly with lower abdom- third, put tone in certain|uplift action. Keep shouldersjinal muscles. Hold. At the same and fourth, practice/down and relaxed. Now walk time, circle arms around until (GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES | X= IN TRIM % | PMA CLUB |George Fowler and Mrs. Wiliam | To Cure Posture Faults | The regular meteing of the|Collins, {Pleasant Monday Afternoon Club| Prizes donated by Mrs John {opened with the president, Mrs. Fisher were won by Miss Stew- G. V. Lee, presiding. art and Mrs. George Whitbread. | The roll was called showing a| The guest speaker for April 1 attend . The scripture|will be the Reverend 8. C. H.| ; po pb by Mrs. Goorge | Atkinwn, | with good posture you are|fc think of the framework of the muscles; | Whitbread. Refreshments were served by sure to look and feel years/body as changing shape--bones|good posture. joa rom tre wall, toes pointed Shey Je stueiched back ou for |" The secretary's and treasurer's| Mrs. Charles Arkle and Mrs. Wil- younger, but more import-/seem so fixed. But bones are, You may contend that ¥ is : . pero Sea = ] 45 you. rele, {reports were given and the cor- liam Collins. ant, when the body is prop- held in place by muscles and easier to settle for the slump.| To sit pretty, and with the deep BT . | respondence read 4 ay = erly aligned. you actually/ligaments. So let's examine what | Anything that feels n a tur alfleast effort, keep this uplift con-| wi Er ms oo : od, Topet | Mrs. R. G. Collison was re- SCOUT MOTHERS' EX. BD. (are younger, physiologically. (happens: Since most routine seems right. But slumped pos-|trol through the middle. Sit with| comp! e mes. ported to be on the sick list. The executive board of the|Slymped posture does far more|tasks require a forward reach ture is a chronic energy drag back of hips against back of | Favorite hymns were sung fol- Scout Mothers' Auxiliaries met i, make a person look dumpy.|with the arms, the tendency is to|for the wrong muscles are strain- chair and get into the habit of| lowed by readings by Mrs, recently in the Scout Hall, Gibbon gyut.of-kilter posture can bring|bend forward and round the up-/ing to carry on the job bending forward only from the ------------ (street. = Mrs. Gordon Varnum| aches and ailments, displace-/per back as well as the shoul-| (hip joints, not in sections opened the meeting with a wel-lmeni of the organs downward, ders. Then surely, but surely, BACK TO WALL Here is an excellent s come to all auxiliaries. and undue fatigue the backbone bends. Try These Suggested Exercises By IDA JEAN KAIN |shapes your figure. It is difficult ture; GOOD SUBSTITUTE Powdered skim milk, an eco traight-| nomical substitute for whole milk, n Tracy Adrian Boneless, Round STEAK ROAST Boneless RUMP ROAST Boneless Rolled POT ROAST Lean, Minced CHUCK STEAK a re {way bordered w Those modelling were Suzanne "Canadians are a vital and ex Weeks, Barabara ( Dianne | citing people. . . . I would rather |' 716206 Shutka, Barbara Hu Laurie|be Canadian than anything else] Maplebeck, Wendy Hughes, Wen-|ip life." | dy Dionne, Theresa Lambourne,| Mrs. Young says nosialgia| Nadine Chenier Sharon ther- hrought the couple home from| fold, Linda Coleman and Mic a|Earope. 'Canadians on the whole Johnson. Their fashions tend to come home. Other nation- from dress-up to spor a are satisfied with being lities ALL PORTABLES AND CONSOLES . i A LIMITED TIME ONLY! . ACT NOW! Bonafide Reduction from reguler price of this model perb straight and decorative 7. buttonholes, monograms, --a!| without attachments. la rs wer » Digestive Upsets K69: PEAMEALED BACK BACON End Cuts, By The Piece . . . Ib. 59¢ Thursday Only ! Buy 5 Ibs. Country SAUSAGE at Regular Price .... .. 1.00 Rob » Fretfulness w Feverishness|re » Colic stit ef y Only 52% por week on the sasy ge SINGER Budget Pian & SINGER SEWING CENTER E24 16 ONTARIO ST. OSHAWA of THR SINGER MIS, CO. las . each modelling a dre SPring expatriates. Canad ians won't Y coat and hat, and accessories.|trade Canada even for luxury." MRS. THOMAS BLIGHT Several also modelled slim jims e-- r---- P t P w and coats and one reversible skirt with matchin sweater set or erry oman and leotards was also seen Watch These Honored At Party The boys fashions were model ed by Allen Hanlon, Pau! Woodall ee in ime : Michael McCarthy, Wesley La t g- On 80th Birthday David Coupe: Jimmy Dionne anc Anthony olahot Some Wort Mrs. Thomas J. Blight, quietly n Troubles of Baby celebrated her 80th birthday. re-'t} < € cently, at the home of her son a Don't le lose in-law, Mr. Charles H. Reesor : ; Port Perry. Mrs. Blight was born in Bristol England, but since coming Ganada, some 48 years ago, i Olt Was lived most of the time in Port I Valier Bran $ CoD weete ur Lit ) @ Perry and Oshawa. Since the i passing of her husband, the late Thomas J. Blight, Mrs. Blight has made her home Toronto with her frie Miss E. Mull occasion the show ne + throughout ved by Mrs t and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs € shutka sang two nur Dur ntermission Mis elle Calder and Miss Penn; i It} ; !/Cabe entertained with ih life. Although her ey S{nemibers i d failing she still enjoys her Prizes were donated by M -- X bies of sewing, knitting and cro-|,,4 \irs, Leo McCarthy, Mr. anc Mrs. | q 8A Kir Mrs. Blight keeps in tair nealth and takes a keen 3 Trades cheting Mrs. Lloyd B Mr. and She was blessed with three|y;.. Harland Mr. and} children, Thomas A. Blight. of yr. L. Dodds and Mrs. | Tennyson avenue, Osi Mrs Che s H. Reesor f Port Perry and daugh who passed awa She has four | and Bill Blight, Danny and Larry Perry Mrs eeks and s (he n eral mer- Haugen's Barb ate 'he happy birthday gue af commemao THE HOME DAIRY OSHAWA AND AJAX Bligh DRESS -UP TIME| TOPCOATS Sliced PORK LIVER Ib. Sliced BEEF LIVER Ib. Country Sausage Bacon Squares Sausage Meat Pork Hocks SPECIALS THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY HOT CROSS BUNS ith Delicately Blended for Spring. Raglan or set-in sleeves ssful Novel ia ll To get the feel of right line-| ener-outer: Position: Lying on| contains all the nutrients except Succe a ale he Moreover, habitual posture In a slump, the figure grows'up, stand with your back to thelback on floor, feet elevated tolfat and vitamin A. 'Tells The Story to all those who had helped with| __ Te Of T t Family the catering during February| orontio and March, | | A few members were reported | By ELIZABETH MOTHERWELL jj; ang it was asked that anyone | Canadian Press Staff Writer ishing to report on those who | OTTAWA (CP)--"1 lost a hobby |\ere ill should call Mrs. Gunner | and found a profession," SaysiAgsen at RA 56795, sick list con- | Phyllis Brett Young of the dis-|yener covery that her first book had| There was a short session held | : risen near the top of the most-ion the treasurer's office. The | read list of current Canadian fic'| duties were explained. This office tion is to be held for two years and Psyche, the story about 'themust be held by a mother of a daughter of a middle-class Tor-| boy in uniform, : onto family who is kidnapped in| The Local Council is holding al infancy and is reunited with her |Scout Mother's conference this | 3 parents, after she grows up with fall. A committee was formed to | HB | an interesting assortment of act on securing a place for the | guardians, was written largely| conference to be held. It was sug- 8 as a spare-time effort. gested that each auxiliary send | | Now she spends most of her (wo delegates. This conference, it | in at the typewriter and was hoped, will be heid in oven . 8h { riting has become a regular sessions $0 more cou nefit by y I "of her routine. each topic taken up. orn in Toronto, Mrs. Young! Reports were given from vari- ads love of the English ous auxiliaries as to their next| {language from her father, the month's activities S| [late Prof. G. F. Brett. She B0W| cop yARY BAPTIST BWF B [lives in Ottawa with her husband,| qo regular meeting of the Cal- Douglas, a diplomat |vary Baptist Church B {LOVES CANADA {Women's Fellowship met at 1234 Mrs. Young began writing be- Simcoe street morth for a shut- . cause of her affection for the in meeting on Monday, April 4. Extra Special ! {language. "That is nol my Ieéd-| mye devotional period was led lson now. I write because I love by Mrs. Dean Bickell. A helpful PRIME [Canada and 1 wish more and|mecsage was given by Mrs. Rus- more people would write about | cay) Lunney on St. John 15 Canada as it is today." ~~ |<Abiding in the Vine" R R BST Her second boo fie JOrONY-| rhe work period of the meet- fora nde {nians soon to be published. ing was undertaken at the home| 7 Co ule y y [It's setting is also Toromto, "a| 0" ypc Neta Hoagland, where] city 1 know as I shall never|, oon. were addressed for the HANDSOME SPRING SUIT [know any other city from the|piple 'Club Movement. A letter] Ib. c residential suburbs right down to| J < read from a former member | es a Jaudsome xostuine blouse fullness, three-quarter Te lakefront Canada ut??" in Haliburton, that is a perfect choice for the | sleeves and a softly draped syche, plotted ana jill be held city dweller or for the traveler. |collar. Its pencil slim skirt is (written in Geneva where the| The Se eae Benen Wood Made of wollen crepe, it should | fashionably feminine with the |Youngs spent five years on aj, wo. 0m." wood 'on Monday prove to be a very useful item | hemline stopping just below |diplomatic posting, has been April 18 in the daytime wardrobe. The | the knees bought by an asmeriean pub} leis in -- suit has a belted jacket with by lisher and is also to brought) EIR imines oo dn out In ) FAMILY JUDGE CWL S The vas written! REGINA (CP irs. Mars in the living roc of the Youngs'|e. mer of Sa as been ap ROAS I S ponsors Ottawa apartment overlooking ane Lm for Saskatch- | F hi Sh the Rideau cana pointed iin as 10N ow WRITER FIRST |ewan's f 1ily court, to open The Catholic Women's League| Bjue-eyed blonde mother of a Apr | atoon. Mother of | of St. Mary of the People Roman | ,arried daughter, Mrs. Young four. she Catholic Church sponsored a fa-|cemplains of a tendency on the Carter, a barrister. shion show. recently in thel ..i of Canadians to regard wo- -- m----t-- {Church auditorium men authors as women rather | The stage setting set the mood than writer 1h {for spring with its blooming 'The quality of one's work--or S I N G E R flowers, trees in leaf "with a jack of it--should be emphasized, | bridge in the centre. The models rather than what one is other | walked off the stage into the au-| wise she says. SPECIAL SALE |dience on a grass-covered run-| -She takes 'issue with the sug h daffodils. gestion that Canadians are dull ' 4%: Lean Minced : e Extra Special ! LAMB PATTIES End Cuts, By The Piece ». 2 1b. 69c 31b.tin89c | 4 lbs. 1.00 Thursda ial ! : y Special! Friday Only ! CUT-UP CHICKEN L Thich Sliced BREAKFAST BACON 39 hid ighs, Breast 49° Buy 1 Ib. at Reg. Price . . 29° GET 1 LB. FREE! GET 5 LB. FREE! CLUB STYLE HAMS Ready fo Serve Ib. 59° ; LJ ' FREE! Skinless Wi "wena 90° © | | Skinless Wieners « ~« 90 GET 1 LB. FREE! . FRESH PORK SHOULDERS Stuffed and Oven Ready Ih. 39° e Pork Chops 4 25° PORK SAUSAGE Cc 1b SHANKLESS SMOKED S. lh - . -. Winners of Smoked Picnics : British Woollens Picnic Shoulders and Hand Tailored 65.00 f | In new shorter length | Top-Grade $ BAILEY FOODS, Oshaw THE FOOD SHOP, 42 FRESH BLUEBERRY PIE CHOCOLATE CUP CAKES 6 ,, 27¢ FOR QUALITY FRESHNESS and FLAVOUR Shop at the bakery with the large variety. ials are Also Available At-- a Shopping Centre and Simcoe Street North MRS. R. BAILIE, 159 College Ave. MRS. H. WOOD, 183 ROXBOROUGH ARS. DOUGLAS MARR, 454 Stevenson's Rd. N European Imports in Egyptian Twills 25.00 to 33.50 FLORINNE BEAUTY SALON, Oshawe MRS. MacDONALD, 459 McAULEY MRS. E. MANNS WALTER DYL, 229 Ritson Rd. S. R. J. BALDWIN, 300 Rosedale Dr., Whithy J. FINLEY, 1200 Sommerset Ave HNSTON' OSHAWA LTD. 8 SIMCOE ST. N. 0 Winners of Cottage Rolls : MRS. T. J. McGUIRK, RR NO. 3, BOWMANVILLE MRS. K. W. VAIL, Tender EAT'N TRUE -TRIM BEEF 131 Cromwell Ave, RAY STINSON, 38 Hermony Rd _--

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