2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 4, 1960 'CALLOUS ATTITUDE' TORONTO (CP)--The attorney-; general's office is examining a coroner's jury report to de.er- mine whether criminal charges should be brought against any- one for the suburban North York tunnel accident in which five workmen died March 17. Don Tunnel Men Rescue Possible If Safety Regulations Followed tive but to resign" in view of the reached the trapped men but jury's report. |found the efforts were "frus- He said he would move for ad-|trated by lack of rescue training, journment of the legislature this|inadequate knowledge of equip- afternoon to "discuss a matter of / ment and facilities and complete urgent and public importance absence of organized direction." arising out of the revelations of The jury's statement was read this report." |after 4% hours of consideration. Pipes D LONDON (CP)--Bubbling little|s Ernest Marples, ling transport minister who nor- mally resides regularly on the front pages of newspapers, has suddenly piped down. And, if this old cliche can be used again, the silence is almost U.K. Minister By STEWART MacLEOD |operates Canadian Press Staff Writer [comments with clients, and lesser] Britain's bust-|list for telephones by 75 per cent. He was always inaugurating new services, closing old ones, and making sure his long-range ambitions for his department didn't remain secret. CCF Member Criticized In Montreal MONTREAL (CP) -- Douglas Fisher, CCF member of Parlia- ment for Port Arthur, was crit- icized Saturday night at the opening of the Quebec Social Democratic (CCF) party's an- nual convention. CCF House Leader Hazen Then he entered the transport|Argue said Mr. Fisher was ex- OWwW1Il to exchange friendly notice for reducing the waiting issuing apologies for The jury described the attitude About 80 witnesses, ranging from of management toward worker experts to ordinary workman, safety as "callous" but blamed |gave about 25 hours of testimony no individual because the evi- during the three-day inquest. dence showed the same condi-) The inquest was inquiring spe- tions exist in "an irresponsible cifically into the death of Pas-|PC segment of the industry engaged quale Allegrezza, 45. Cause was|Ding a marathon course beneath n sub-surface construction." listed as acute carbon monoxide newspaper headlines, stealing the The report recommended mod- poisoning and suffociation owing|spotlight from virtually all his col- ernization of department of labor|to inhalation of smoke, sand and|lcagues and establishing himself regulations for work under com- water, lag the Whitehall live-wire, pressed air and urged the de- Fire in the tunnel 30 feet under, But it seems his bubble partment to make an exhaustive the shallow Don River was burst. And nobody outside study of the subject. sparked by a short circuit in a cabinet knows how or why, Also recommended was forma- welding torch power line. One| Only a few months ago, the tion of a rescue training organiz- man escaped and another was bouncing Marples was whistling ation under the department's au- brought out alive, down the turnpikes of Germany ministry, and he did it with gusto. Pressing a personal opinion last He rode on railways at rush/¥riday when he said French- hours and announced he would Speaking citizens "'show what is see problems from the eyes of most a conceit in their Cana- commuters; he drove his car in dau ee rush hours, and when this got qull| MI: Fisher also made some | pointed remarks about Quebec's fo 1d FEPUNSES bow he used to nstitutional attitudes while speaking on a government resolu- BIKE RIDER j tion on federal university grants. When there was absolutely no| Mr. Argue said the fiery Port announcement to make, Marples Arthur member "obviously was drove up to the plush Savoy Hotell expressing a personal opinion on a bicycle and made the head-| about federal aid to education." lines that way. And he was inter- He added: "I am in complete dis- viewed on television while he sat agreement with Mr. Fisher on his on a fence dressed in overalls, |personal opinions about the prov- On another occasion, one news-| ince." paper told how Marples and his| Mr. Argue deplored the fact wife run their Belgravia house|that some newspapers seemed to with the efficiency of an airplane.| regard Mr. Fisher as the CCF Push buttons are everywhere and SPokesman. the day-to-day routine is carried| Michel Chartrand, again chosen out with split-second timing. | Quebec s CCF Jeader, described Marples, a small sharp - fea-| MT: Fisher as 'a bull in a china tured man with short curly hair| Shop', and 2 map with an in- slipping well back on his fore-| Orly. comp ex. "It would appear Mr. Fisher head, is a wealthy businessman| 0 ! : in his own right, and before he has decided the CCF will take entered Parliament he was a Power in Ottawa without Quebec, well - established chartered ac-|Pué We are convinced our party countant | has decided rather to take power : ____|with Quebec and without Mr. | Fisher," he said. mR a deafening. After taking over the transport folio last fall in a flurry of verbal fanfare, the 53-year-old forme: postmaster-general has been run- Attorney-General Roberts said Sunday night the affair had been serious and "a charge will cer- tainly be laid if there is sufficient evidence to indicate we could prove it." The jury found Saturday that the main reasons for the deaths were failures to carry out safety regulations governing work under has the ALWAYS GOOD FOOD BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER HOTEL LANCASTER PRISON VISIT | deaux jail, admires a convict's | mass, haircut. The cardinal visited | joked the jail for three hours. He said delivered a sermon and with the prisoners. --CP Wirephoto HAMILTON (CP) -- External | Affairs Minister Green says Can- ada would not embark on a policy of neutralism, whatever , some people might think. [ STRING SThe..OoHAWA, On) Such a policy would.be in di-| v3 A rect conflict with the nation's character and harm its prestige, RA. 8-6201 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL general, he told the Canadian Institute of International Affairs here Satur- day night. Mr. Green was critical of thé "bigger powers' in the North] Atlantic Treaty Organization for exclusing "middle power" Can- ada and smaller nations from certain consultations. "There is a temptation on the part of the United States, Bri- tain, France and more recently Germany to get into a corner) and talk things over. But when we catch them at it and com- plain they agree we should have been consulted." Mr. Green said he wij 'eave Ottawa in about a week for a series of trips abroad to several countries in Europe and South America. | The first stop will be Geneva for disarmament discussions be-| fore the summit meeting. | On April 28 he will attend] Commonwealth prime ministers conference in London. Then he goes to Istanbul for a meeting of NATO naval powers. Later he will probably go to South America to represent Can- ada at the celebrations of Argen- tine's 150th anniversary of inde- pendence. | COLDS "Sore Throat INSTANT RELIEF @ Reliea upon by four generations of Canadion mothers eo Penetrates tast to . relieve pain and congestion. @ Nothing like it for fast - relief! DR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL LONDON (Reuters)--The level A ne bes A E : ? BE SHOW BUSINESS ROMANCE ENDED The engagement between | American entertainer Sammy avis, Jr., and Toronto singer- dancer Joan Stuart, 22, has BE ON T TO SAVE A LIFE Through the facilities of the RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR SERVICE Blood is Free in Oshawa General Hospital ® Blood is made available through the generous Donactions of our community minded citizens. e Our minimum requirements are 300 bottles a month. © New donors are urgently needed because the Blood Bank is dangerously low. ® Anyone between the ages of 18 and 65 with average good health can donate. THE NEXT RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC T N such ° Milton medical icine expert versity. In the antique houses the New York City gue, Dr. Helpern and his person's list for from doctors that mor- staff building SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. Do You Really Want Service? We have it BECAUSE: We are available 24 hours a day. We work hard to service our clients and new accounts, We follow through on every claim. We have a personal interest in each client by name and not by number. We represent the best companies with the best rates. You may budget your premiums over 3, 6 or 9 months if desired. FOR SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT, CALL Schofield Insurance Associates Lid. 6 Simcoe North RA 3-2265 DON ELLISON REG AKER --CP Wirephoto compressed air. They found al- most all regulations governing the project were violated at least stances. | Their report, which contains |several recommendations, is be- Jory ia ne ropitan eS etier dead ave Joby Cor: and the United States, making wale » 90, Giovanni Fusillo, 23,/declarations about the future of man, director of public prosecu-| The department was urged to Guido Mantella, 23, and his| [tions. The jury found no individ- |the drunken-driving tests in Swe- ual to blame, guages other than English when|recent immigrants from Italy. i necessary and provide and en- COMPRESSORS SHUT OFF Raised skaewalks Jn Loum, 2d fi te safety inspection.! During th fusi gran : a | Donald C. MacDonald, CCF vice eqs Y sp E the confusion after the | dvocating the introduction of leader in the Ontario legislature, [LACKED TRAINING . pressors and as a result water | H1ashy uniforms for lady traffic said Sunday that Ontario Labor| The jury praised the heroic ef-/and mud seeped into the six-foot. Wardens. forts of fellow workers 10 nich tunnel where the men were ALMOST UNBEARABLE { ® The jury found that rescue las Clark, Daily Express political 1 e--=~t"nc could have begun writer who was one of the first to ue eC 1 without the serious obstacle of notice the silence, says: "It is | ° heat had been dissipated without bearable." | | Opens ampaign |decivasing me Dressure, | An indication that something| . lille eco. ression may | ha in th cab-| | may have gone sour e Neutraiism By ALEXANDER FARRELL The party was preparing to 2 mye Tore ious error Was| prime Minister Macmillan took it| he failure of management to upon himself to make a long, de- MONTREAL (CP) -- Jean Le-|ince in an effort to unseat the; ee : sage, leader of the Quebec Lib ITnion Nationale, in office con- Be eve such a emer. of British railways. This, by es- Paul-Emile Cardinal Leger Tr ) hy id Qusbec' ' d m ; ; should have distributing candy and cigarets will probably be his main cam-| Mr. Lesage said Quebec's pro-\yokmen were completely un-|PeeR Marples' show. But he paign themes in the forthcoming jected hospital plan is nothing| rained for their work, most of| Simply sat and listened. dala a % provincial election, generally ex- more than "a promise and elec- tho foremen were ignorant be] If Marples' wings have been PY pected to be held in June. |tion bait. [safety requirements and several|clipped, it is bound to have a Liberal Association of Montreal in the Legislative Assembly is competent to be trusted with the|itics. Sunday night, Mr. Lesage at-long overdue, particularly for the instruction or direction of the] As postmaster « he tionale party for its "absolute| ® ® negativism" in the field of fed-| 1nners liven eral-provincial relations and distribution and a hospital plan. "As new Canadians,' he said, Winners were announced Satur-|the best actress award for Vic-|nine awards at the Central On-|qgifficult to understand how the day night in regional dramaftoria Mitchell's performance.jtario Drama League Festival in| federal-provincial division of pow- festivals held in Hamilton, Tor-|Paul Soles of the same group Toronto. ers works in this country. The! brooke, Que. Ron Weston of Welland Little of Calgary awarded the best-play| Nationale will not have made Winner in the western Ontario/Theatre, was judged best actor award to the university club for|this any clearer." ilton was London Little Theatre's went to Molly Hancock of the St.|ney's The Killdeer. |COMPLETE REVERSAL production of Luigi Pirandello's Catharines Community Theatre. Reaney, who is on staff at the] He said the Union Nationale Six Characters in Search of an| Larry Hodges from the Wood- University of Manitoba, is the|"has done a complete about-face Vancouver adjudicator Dorothy the best juvenile. : Governor - General's award for|is steadily undermining its "'self-| Davies said the London group St. Catharines Community poetry twice. The Killdeer was/ proclaimed position as the cham- intent of the author than anybody Round the Moon won the Mered-|festival. The Quebec Liberal party, he else." : ith Achievement Trophy as "the, An Irish comedy, Winter Wed- said, - work with As ra Runner-up was the Hamilton most ambitious and demanding|ding, won for the Northcliffe| government in promoting the na- Murder in the Cathedral. Groups sources, in the preliminary per-|best play award in the Newfound-| «take a clear and positive stand from Woodstock, Welland and St./formance of the WODL fsetival." land festival. It was the seventh|in defence of legitimate provin- Miss Davies, an experienced actress in a competing: play not Northcliffe group has walked off Canadian actress, director and invited to the festival went to with most of the provincial fes-| producer, said she was disap- Joan Gaskell and the Phelps tival honors. the festival. competing play not invited to the teaux won most of the major festival, to Jack King. Both ap-'awards in the eastern Quebec ADVISES HARDER WORK I tion of Tea and Sympathy The troupe's staging of Leo- oye n will just have to buckle down, The Phillips award for the best cadia, by Jean Anouilh, was | and work harder," she said. visual production of a production picked as best performance. . | to do. Poor people that do smart|the St. Thomas Little Theatre. UK. Milk Up | | thing." | The University -_-- of strontium-90 in British milk has leaped 40 per cent, according | CHARRED BLOOD-CLOTS On Tunnel to official figures published to- { The figures, covering a one-| . | . year period ending in June, 1959, Experts Ident1 Y Quite Active blamed "atomic weapons trials increase. y . ud {DON Britain's agricultural research Crash Victims one) tunnel study gregh | council pu b11s he d the figures nanciers and engineers investi-| gating problems of digging an biojogical laboratory. dangerous | 3a K 8| NEW YORK (AP) -- A turbo-|a stroke. The heat of the wreck England and France, got a new| : rop plane shooting through the had been so intense that bodies| i i fallout from nuclear explosions. prop p g D ) odies | suggestion Saturday build an is absorbed in bone marrow, die. ta dehydrated brain shrinks to a : - .,_| particularly in children, by way An airliner, feeling its way|third of its normal size, orgs in That 8 Jie of contaminated food. | through rain and fog, sets down! In one shrunken brain patholo- tunnel was submitted by a Brit-| COULD LEVEL OFF 55 bl n i side 4 Long Island Sound. There are 65 blood clotiing, #vidence that this Long, Ltd. It worked out its plans| 90 level is unlikely to increase if| } = . Brand finn, : |in collaboration with an Ameri-| atomic testing is not resumed. Yet another plane blows apart| Not all of the difficult problems can. and a French company. | It said: "Such information a5) bodies over 20 acres. plane crashes ; Each crash produces one com-| Police fished. a clothed torso thay grins coud Pass nuder I an risk) 150. Sho¥ sme 4 ~ human { al te river 5 VO! 20 abou 1e equivalent | Phe . mon element of disaster--human {rom a M ittan river. It had of $560,000.00, perhaps double | creased. must be made. bilifold found in a pocket yielded, , i a : : is a problem that faces the initials of a man on the po- handle more traffic, and present Planch Stomic tusis in Jue. Sa medical detectives" as Dr. lice 1 fewer Problems of maintenance, J i ition t ott t on he ; The family. asked for. tomo its proponents contended any significant effect on the examiner and legal med- clue, remembered who Wh been br > ful "" New York Uni- had suffered ulcer. At! discussed their Project at a rs Auement cube Within iy ig ly vg Bt autopsy, found signs of| Press confere , said the bridge |p res ev ; Tt Nouambhaw 3 x operation for removal of an]Ought to be | British Atomic Energy Authority days, met last November in ulcer and of rheumatic heart dis- supported by about 130 piers. |tinuing to rise in the bones of, working for a while. No reason ern | i i earlier Advocates of a channel tunnel| young children. This caused wide-| has been given for the impend- give the lie to the old saw: 'Dead with the family con-/remained extremely active. De-|gpread concern among the Brit-| ing break-up. In the debris of one New York in the m g man's medic th study group Saturday by an- plane crash searchers recov tory. Positive identification was|other affiliation of British, Ameri- | 20 charred bodies. Burns made made. can and French contractors. liable means of identification, useless. RELATIVES HELP vice from the families of the vie- REGULATIONS once and continually in some in- {ing examined by William C. Bow- post safety literature in lan- brother Alessandro, 25. All were roads in England; investigating | |URGES DALEY RESIGN { fire, someone shut off the com Minister Daley 'has no alterna- welding a 36-inch water main. Now he's saying nothing. Doug- vacr if the smoke, fumes and|disconcerting. It is almost un- {have been an error in judgment,|inet was noticed recently when Canadian Press Staff Writer [contest every riding in the prov- i. : pe A - predetermine a course of action 5104 statement about the future ot 0 ICY eral party, has indicated what|tinuously since 1944. The jurors found many of the | tablished practice, to prisoners at Montreal's Bor- Addrsesing the Canadian-Italian| He said a redistribution of seats/foremen were not sufficiently deadening effect on British pol- tacked the governing Union Na-|Montreal-area constituencies. workmen. raised the questions of seat re- By THE CANADIAN PRESS | The London group also won|Dramatic Club copped five of) 'many of you probably find it| onto, St. John's, Nfld. and Sher- was named best supporting actor.| Adjudicator Dr. Betty Mitchell policies and actions of the Union| Drama League Festival at Ham-/and supporting actress honors its presentation of James Rea- Author, stock Little Theatre was judged/only person to have won the|in its dealings with Ottawa" and "got closer to bringing out the Theatre's production of Ring/the only Canadian play in the|pion of provincial autonomy." Players' Guild who performed production, within their re- Drama Club of Grand Falls the|tional interest but it will also Catharines also competed. The Cross award for the best/time in eight years that the cial rights." ff | | . pointed in the over-all calibre of Award for the best actor in a| Chicoutimi's Theatre des Co-| trontium peared in the Chatham produc- drama festival at Sherbrooke. "I believe these drama groups "They shouldn't pick poor stuff not invited to the festival went to plays may at least learn some- OTHER FESTIVALS Alumna u Y roup l day. in the autumn of 1958" for the Channel tunnel study group, fi-| which were prepared by its radio- | By JOHN BARBOUR one victim had recently suffered srwater © ti " y underwater connection between radioactive component of the! Indiana sky cracks apart, and 63 were dehydrated. Inside the Skull! bridge. too soon, crashes and sinks into gists found two large areas of ish engineering firm, Dorman| The council said the strontium- over the Carolinas, strewing 34 of identification come from air- Such a bridge. high enough| is available for samples collected debris. And from these fragments been in the water a long time the cost of a tunnel. But it could! The report concluded that He! n, New York City ; n that the man! Dorman Long engineers, level of world-wide fallout. bout 110 fect wide, | that the strontium-90 level is con. Montreal where they were both men tell no tales." firmed rl heart «¢ e tailed plans were submitted to|ish publie, press and Parliament. fingerprinting, a common and re But between autopsies and ad- COUNTY and SUBURBAN ROADS! tims, the answers were found. A relative remembered that one passenger had had an operation for removal of her gall bladder. Doctors found the body of a woman without a gall bladder. It was enough to make an identifi | cation. Another woman was iden- tified by one of the most precise methods--her teeth. During the autopsy experts noted her un- usual and extensive dental work. By checking with various rela- tives they narrowed the search and called in the dentist of one of the victims. His accurate records, plaster casts, x-rays and so forth! matched perfectly. A male passenger was more of | a problem. But pathologists found signs of a recent operation, checked with relatives, and the autopsy yielded the story: The man was recovering from an operation for removal of a tumor, Part of the cancer was still there, STROKE CLUE Relatives told investigators tat ® Effective MARCH Ist to APRIL 30th Effective March Tst to April 30th,, vehicle loads may not exceed the allowable loads given under section 31, Subsection 3 of The Highway Traffic Act, L is being he Id Thursday, April 7th 1:30--4:00 p.m. 6--9 p.m. at St. Gregory's Auditorium BLOOD DONORS ARE GOOD CITIZENS Many Plans end repayment schedules to suit your budget. $50 to $5,000 Without Endorsers or Bankable Security Loans Life insured JACK MOORE R. E. SIMS, B.A, Sc. COUNTY ENGINEER. 17 Simcoe St. North RA 5-6541 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO