The Oshawa Times, 1 Apr 1960, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 1, 1960 17 Sele '47--Automobiles for Sele Hilltop * Motors 45--Real Estate for Sale |45--Real Estate for Sele FIVE-room house, north Ajax, 52 Cedar|8IX . room brick bungalow (split ig natural gas. Four-room house, level) finished recreation oem, 4454 Ft 30 Glynn Street, garage, basement, gas, down, balance 311.500; Close to , Call evenings. schools, RA 86172. PEACOCK LUCAS REALTOR |45--Real Estate for Sole LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS EXCELLENT INCOME [45--Real Estate for Sale G lots at Maple Grove, $120 , suitable for Colt W am, Mcduay apd Kidd Res Reshors |45--Real Estate For Sale PRIVATE -- sarge, six - room tings: iow, many extras, owner fransfer: reed, and $1 115,500. Phone RA 8-5753. ; fer Frank, MASSON ST. -- Five - room brick I uel bungalow, natural fijeplace in Hvis jroom, wall to wall broa m, family Thonks -- Isized dining roomy, modérn kitchen, 9 AM. SAME DAY nicely decorated, algminum storms and séreens. Call Mary Hobbs, RA DEATHS -- |3-9869. J. Wacko, Réalfor. 11 AM. SAME DAY i DIAL RA 3-3492 Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, rarvars 2 ~ Five-reom ch large '84 CHEVROLET sedan, radio aul chen, ofl a3 eds 6, willie base matic, recently overhauled, $650 best offer. Telephone RA A 16 ravine fot wi RA 56996, 214 6 Greenwood Ave. Cards of sale, Apply 736 Albert Street. #0-ACRE on highway, just out of A town Hnits, | briek | BRICK HOME $1,500 DowhA ond see this brick home, fully completed in ond out. Balance one mortgoge. J. BARNOSKI house, g60d barn, Roads around efitire soll, ne de drained. Real buy af only $30,000 with re. Call Walter rani, McQuay and s, 177 Church Street, Bow OVER A SUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE '89 PONTIAC, Laurention, four door, fully equipped only DEATHS COX vid Cox, passed away at Wie Home in Méwntain Grove after a lengthy illness, in his 76th year, is gurvived by his wife Hatic and and three sisters, Mrs. John , Mountain Grove, Mrs. Will'am amg, Toronto and Mrs. Ray Drew, Funeral service at his late Sosidence, with interment in Mountain rove Cemetery. i DAVIE, William -- At his home 337 Victoria Park Avenue, Toronto. on Fri- April 1, 1960. William Davie in his year, beloved husband of Kath. le (formerly of 288% Dan- .) dear father of Doris (Mrs ea pin) and Lorna Davie, both of to and Ivan Davie of Whithy, dear ather of Bonnie, Garry and . Resting @&t the Gif Ma Chapel, 2570 Danforth avenu , aftér Satarday noon, ay 1 p.m. Interment Gr soveside Cemetery, Brooklin, Ontario upon ar- gival abomt 2:30 p.m. NOBLE, William J. -- At the Osh: | #wa Genéral Hospital on Fri. April 1, 1960, William John Noble beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William) Henry Noble, dear brother of Mrs, P Seeley (Mary) of Richmond HI, Mrs A Cameron (Shirley) of St. Cathar ines and Gordon of Whithy in his 56th year. Resting at the W. C. Town i ral Chapel, Whitby for service in the chapél on Monday, April 4, 2 p.m Jierment Union Cametery Oshawa. nister Rev. S. Arn g. Vic will commence Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM FRY -- In loving memory of a dear| son and brother, Walter Fry, who passed away April 1, 1951 | The call was swift and sudden, No chance to say But goodbye, memories always linger As the years roll by. | ~Sadly missed and never forgotten by mother, father and sister Betty MANN -- In loving memory of a Though his 'smile is gone forev And his hand we cannot to Still we have $6 many mem Of the one we loved so much, His memory is our keepsale With which we'll never part With which we'll never part, God Kas him in His keeping, We have him in our hearts. «lovingly remembered by Mom, Dad, | Ray, Jack and Lois. CARD OF THANKS rs, for cards, flowers, fruit and ; Also 'phone ealls, during my in Oshawa General Hospital: Spe- thanks to nurses and staff on 2A . Morris, Dr. Rowsell and Rev. H A, Mellow. --Sanford Perry SMITH -- Mere words are inadequat fo L Sen our gratitude to each and ne me have helped us {h eae Gad ot d. i fl mpa many cards and flowers FH Jesds of Infinite kindfiess in fhe| el loss of a beloved husband eather, Donald W. Smilh, We ean say thank you so muel ts. Doreen Smith, Karen. He fomity 4g bedrooms, with ample closet space, Living 1gh sorrow with words of | | iaine and| SCHOFIELD nsurancé Associates Ltd. RA 3-2265 OR RA 8-1624 KINGSDALE A 6-room brick ond clap: board, Vi - storey family home. Situated in a choice residential district on @ real quiet street with very little traffic. Good sized living room, dining room ond kit- chen. Fenced back yard ond decorative shrubs in front. Carries at $85.00 per month interest and principal. Rea son for sell ng owner is leav- ing city. For further infors mation, please call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840, GARRARD RD. N.-- SUBURBAN LIVING AT ITS BEST 6-room brick bunoe- years od, built by d Heights Co-cp- era Terraced lot 100 x 176°, Many extras, Must be secn to be appreciated. 6% mortgage. Coll Don Stra- Lovely deski, evenings RA 8- 8423. LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 ALICE ST. FULL PRICE $10,700 ell-constructed 6nd in im- condition orey brick, d screens, TV aérial, rced air cil heating. Con- venient financing. Call Rey Flintoff, 'RA 5.3454, CENTRAL PARK S. Just listed -- this six-réom brick ond stone bungalow. Family-sized kitchen, living room, dining room, ond three lorge bedrooms. Attractively decorated. Priced at only $12,500. See this excep- tionally fine home with Roy Flintoff, RA 513454, BALLARD ST. $10,500 $1,000 DOWN on this fives room brick bungalow, Oil heating. Immaculately eleon. 5 years old. Call Roy Flint« off, RA 5-3454, RIVERSIDE DR. S. Beunig, Na te slr I - ap com, 2 st storms re and built-in furniture. room with natural fireplace, dining room and hall broadloomed. Aluminum storms and screens, awnings, TV aerial Convenient fin. ancing, owner will carry on one mortgage. Call Lucas Peacock, RA 5-4330. Member 6f Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Realtor, 18 Bond St. West, RA 5.7231. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Belf contained three|FO doom and sun poreh apartment, Heavy |c duty wiring, basement laundry room 8 Phone R RENT ~ Three-rcom apartment, business couple preferred. MO 08-4379. |FOR RENT -- apariment, avi FOR RENT ~-- Nice furnished room 7 in Str méw home; parking, board optional, Bouse privileges, suit business lady or girl. MOhawk 82078 Ar fh Toi AR £ RTS | Pa SELF-CONTAINED, one bedroom apart. | ailable immediately. Apply 417 Byron eet North er phone MO 8.5 5369. LIVE pouliry also feathers wanied. Highest market prices paid Jake rier, MO 83634 collect ment, ideal for couple, hew and com. fortable. MO 8-4507. 2 FOR SALE --G. E. "Washing machine, | Sunbeam Mixmaster, coffee pot tea. Keltie, household artictes., Brooklin OL |S 54829, BN - - - [FOR RENT -- -- Bright, Apply suit and Lovell, Whithy Plaza SALES lady for drug store Jury FOR RENT -- Three-room self contain. ed apartment Ground floor, central Immediate Dobsession, Avply 224 Kent Street. Phone MoO 8 ror RENT a Completely furnished three-room apartment, both heavy duty gange and frig. Available April 1st, Whitby apartment building. RA 5.3214 FOR RENT -- Three-bedroom bunga ow, centrally located near schools, Ap- 605 Clarence Drive, Phone MO 152 after er 6. FOR SALE ~ Piano. Phone MO 8.3219 ROOM and board, gentlemen prefer. me MO or FOR RENT -- Modern four-room and Sf bath self-contained apartment, paved yu, rking, TV outlet; adults preferred. $o 8-4282. etme FOR RENT -- Furnished bedroom, $6 a week, abstainers only. Apply 307 MO Rosedale Drive. MO 8.5348. BUN TO RENT -- Furnished room, parking iil vik available, TV privileges. Tele- fro 24 |FOR RENT -- | apartment, on ground floor. Whitby Professional red, red. Apply 135 Byron South. 73, Three-room heated Apply 610 ndas Street West. MO 8 294, |For RENT -- Three-room sell-contain. piturnished apartment. Phone MO , clean n room table for business girl, elose to busi- -4647. {ness section. Phosie MO 8- FOR RENT - low. 309 Walnut street, One five-toom bunga- Available im. diately. Phone MO 8.3613 day' time. FOR RENT -- One and two bedroom apartments 927 Byron Street North, MOhawk 5-8020. FOR RENT ~ Rooms with or without board, 8.5149, FOR SALE - ~ Colonial _ garage, , newly constructed with overhead door. Phone vrivate, in new triplex. convenient parking space. MO Jhawk 8.2129 after 6 p.m. NEW office space tn Whithy. 800 sq. fl.) less, facilities, Call Building, MO 8 evenings, MO 8.4003 Feb 12 PTIC TANKS cleaned the sanifar y, new tanks installed Walter ward, parking lot 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563. AOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments W McAuley Realtor 23 1. Oshawa RA 3.2512 beds, new, complete, spring: ring: led mattresses, $59.95;, TV sets, m $70.50; refrigerators, from $39.50; mbination coal and wood and heavy duty range, $29.50; kitchen suites, from MOhawk 8.5624. __ [eon FOR RENT -- New three-bedroom bun. 1 alow apartment, Hollywood kitchen, u rated. Phone MO 38.3735, Siz 1 new new chest of drawers, bedroom apartment, all conveniences, balcony, $95, monthly Close to Shopping Centre. Phone MO 28 54770, shi MODERN, be: Dr JPECIAL, new Kelvinator "deep freezes niture, from onl m 0 fridges, washers and dry 95; chesterfields and, davenports, $2000: new mattresses, from washing machines, from $19; oom sulles, comples, $129; walnut finish, received our first Kelvinator appliances, rop in and look around. Midtown Fur. 113 Byron Street South, 50. We have pment of For special prices g.4081 or MO 8.5740. ars, contact Mid Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Dealer in Whithy MO 8-498) or MO 8.3740. FOR RENT Boat, box and cabin trailers, chain and skill saws, electric drills, sanders, polishers, paint sprayers, pipe dies, vacuum cleoners, post hole FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8.5231 diggers, garden tillers, lawn mowers, rollers and seater, smelt nets. FOR SALE Used boats, motors, trailers, ¢abin trailers, garden tillers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS E. MO 8-3226 FOR RENT APARTMENTS $87.50 MONTH New modern opartments, 2 , stove, 'frig., T.V, ! provided. Immediate possession, MO 8-2625 AFTER 6 P.M. W. McAULEY REAL ESTATE RA 3:2512 or MO 8-3231 REGISTERED nursing home large lawns, shade trees and ¢réek on property in village. $12,500, with $5,500 down. 7 ROOM ~-- 4 bedroom brick néar St. Gregory's, $12,500. 8 ROOM income brick home. Central, $13,000, BASEMENT APT. -- in 5- room modern bungelow. Com- plete, $14,800. RANCH BUNGALOWS--city and suburban, or will build to suit, 5 ROOM brick himn~nlows, Highland Ave., $10,500. HIGHWAY NO. 2--at Cour- tice, 7 room home, moccrn conveniences and large com- mercial lot.; Work shop. $2,500 down. GRANDVIEW GARDENS-- SPLIT LEVEL Beautiful spit level, 1V2 yrs, old, The home you have been waiting for. The living room is spacious with fire- place, also dining room, ultra modern kitchen, with copper- tone built-in stove and oven, plenty of cupboards also the most important, a large fam- ily room and 2-pc. bath on main floor. Second floor has 3 beautful bedrooms all with large closets, 4-pc. bath. This home is nicely decor: ated and has many extras. Oil heating, ottached garage, $19,500, terms. For further information, coll Herwy Stin- son, évenings RA 5-0243, BARGAIN OFF KING STREET EAST Large 7-room brick, 2-storey home with garage. 4 bed- rooms, new forced hot ait oil furnace. To sée eall Bill Mc- Feeters, evenings RA 5-1726. List Co-op Through This Office Member of Oshowa and _ District Real Estate Board LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 $500.00 DOWN $6,500 full price == large 3+ room clapboard bungalow with full size basement, forced air heating, gas, heavy duty wiring, 2 pce. bath in basement, extras include TV eerial and gas range, large lot 50 x 161 #. Low toxes, near South GM. plant. Carries for $45.00 monthly, Ranch-style 3:-bedroom brick bungalow at a sacrificial price of $11,900. Only 2 years old, situated on @ large landscaped lot, modern con veniences, Lakefield St. Asks ing $2,300 down, balance on 1 mortgage at 6%. See this home today. Spacious 3 - bedroom brick bungalow, central to Catho- lic, Protestant ond new Collegiote, ceramic tiled bathroom complete with col- ored fixtures ond built-in vanity, double stainless steel ink ond loads of cupboards Leinht kitrhan, A cteal at $12, 900 with $1,500 down. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254, Commercial Property = 75. ft. frontage on Simcoe St. N. with 6-room, 2-storey brick home, oil heating, 3-pc. bath, garage. Asking $13,900 with terms. Open for offers. Co- op listing. Only $9,950 full price -- é- room brick, 2-storey home centrally located, oil heating, 3-piece bath, garage, suitable for sub-letting, clean condi- tion throughout. Don't miss this bargain. Gol Ozzie Ad- dison, RA 3.225 Store and two apariments with RA 5.4330 Eid Res MA 3-3393. PETER FEDDEMA separate entrances @ nd meters. Double garage ond workshop all insuloted ond wired. For «full oie. Ss call, RA 8512 3-2537, end ask or Lloyd Corson. BUY OR RENT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Bungalow with extra large kitchen, forced oii eating, all alumimi™ 3 § ond screens, lot 77' x 200°, Low taxes. Information given out by eolling Bill Millar, RA 8.5123. $1,500 DOWN Seven room brick home, nat- ural fireplace, broadloom, lorge recreation room 13' x 22". Act fast! Call Irwin Cruikshanks ot RA 8-5123 or RA 8-5205. Liéyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER J. J. VAN HERWERDEN 741 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 3-4471 "OSHAWA'S LEADING FARMBROKER" $4,900 full price for building in centre of Pontypool. Downe stairs for store, upstairs 8 rooms, with oil furnace, heavy wiring. Down payment $1,000. OSHAWA BLVD. N., close to King Street -- 8-room brick house in. A-1 condition, mod- em kitchen, oil furnace, hardwood and tile floors. Full price $12,000, with terms. An exceptionally nicé 6-room brick veneer Bungalow on lot 75 x 200 feet, just out- side Oshawa. All mahogany finish.- Mahogany planters in living room. Mohogany built- in china cabinet. Kitchen with mahogany cupboards. A house of distinction. The owner needs working-capital hence the low pricé of $13,« 50 with terms, Co-op list Another solid ond well-built 6-room brick veneer house in Oshawa, built by an expert corpenter and cabinet-maker. It's the best you eon buy. Lots of extras ond well fin- ished. Price $13,000 with terms, 8-room brick house, 1V4- ocré lot and a barn 20 x 30 feet. House with 8 rooms, oil furnace, bathroom, modern kitchen. An extra stool and basin, situated in Bowman- ville. Full price $12,000 with low down payment. Nice lot near Garrard Road, 125 x 120 feet. Full price $1,700 with $500 down, 28 Acres of Lond with bam, along Lake Ontario, close to Oshawa. $500 on dere. 160-acre Farm, barn 110 x 32 feet; B-room house with hy: dro and heavy wiring. Very good farm close to Lake tario. $25,000 with terms. 220-acre Dairy Farm, with 2 houses, in excellent shape with all conveniences, 3 barns, 3 ereeks, very produc tive clay loam soil. Excellent - location. Asking price $60,: 000 with Terms. 100 -ocre form, excellent soil, L-shape barn, B8-room house. Full price $16,000 with Terms, INDUSTRIAL SITES IN WHITBY, from | to 8 ecres. WE URGENTLY NEED LIST- INGS FOR FARMS AND HOUSES. H. Co | . astein REAL ESTATE BROKER 31 BOND ST. E. RA 8-5161 DOWN-$500.00-DOWN S-room brick bungalow, only 2 years old, close to schools, shopping, ond bus servcie. Has 3 good-size bedrooms, with living room, dining orea ond ultra-modern kitchen, Hardwood floors throughout, ond tile in kitchen and bathroom, Divided basement with oil heating, ond plenty of headroom. for yourself, Inspect DOWN-$500.00-DOWN Modem brick bungalow, Complete .with aluminum windows and doors. located close to Stevenson Rd. North, Fully landscaped ond decoroetd. This home is seven years old, and is complete with hardwood floors, oil heating, laundry tubs, and mony ex- tras. You will hardly believe that a home in such a fine lo- cation can be bought for so small @ down payment, DOWN-$800.00-DOWN 7-room brick home close to downtown erea, with two separate opartments, Is ideal income property, If you ore interested In living rent free, give us a coll and we will show you through the house , LIST WITH US WE SELL SAME DAY LISTINGS OPEN EVENINGS AFTER HOURS CALL: SAM GOLDSTENL ZA 5-6782 MIKE DUBYK--RA 8-5690 ERT PEYTON----RA 8-516 HOME AND INCOME DESIRABLE LOCATION Griersori St, == Brick bunga- low, sifuated on a large, beautifully landscaped lot, 3 téoms on first floor, for owner, plus deluxe igh ment in basement, wit piece bathroom and separate entrance. This apartment is renting for $65 a month, NHA mortgage 54%. For particulars ond to see --= call Mrs. Winter, RA 5-1266. G. NEWELL BROKER 216 BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY WOOOSH !! Our N.H.A. houses at 6% are very néarly sold out. Act quickly if you want @ new home this Spring. Three-bedroom brick, mod- ern kitchen dinette, cefamié tile bath, laundry chute, ma- hegany cupboards. Two with garages, one carport. Down payments from $1,220 PICKERING AREA $1,500 down, $9,950 full price at $75 per month, Toxes $120. Lot size 75 x 200' Bungalow -- 6 rooms, fireplace, panelled living room and dining ftoom, gas furnace, hot water heater, stove included, landscaped, MO 8-4703 Pickering WH 2-5770 and WH 2-5771 Toronto EM 2-3625 REAL ESTATE BROKER 100-acre farm with 10-room, fully modern héuse, born, excellent location. Will sell or trade. Priced to sed, See us for information, 50 acres with S5-room bum. galow, 6il fuméce, beth, 6 miles from Oshawa. Owner must sell -- give us en offer. 6 acres -- 6+ room stone house «= large L-shape bérn of Bowmanville, Price $10,500, terms, 2Va acres with 4-robm eot- tage, never-foiling stream, hydro, well. Price only $2,500. Don't miss this one. 1Vs-a¢re with 8-room brick house -- full modern; near Bowmanville. Price $12,000, easy terms, 1 acre -- 6-room insul brick house = oil furnace, bath; facing highway 2. Price $6,500 -- down $1,000. Orono housé on lot. Price terms. Bowmonville -- 6-room buns golow, fully modem, neor school, Price $10, 500, terms, 191 SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3644 SALESMAN: G. BLYLEVEN Phone MA 3-5300 two-aportment main stréet, lorge only $5,500, FOR RENT Available immediately «= three joining offices, ground floor on corner of Walton ond Cavon Streets, Port Hope, Contains excelent floor space and some partitions could be olteréd to suit tenont. Hos girsconditioning unit, vault, counter space, filing section, etc. Meat included in rental of $100.00 per month on three year or longer lease basis. Inspection con be are tanged through this office. LONG BROS. TUrner 5-4501 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PORT HOPE COBOURG 4,000 miles. 59 CHEVROLET, four door delux '$5 BUICK, four door hard- top, ell powered, very clean. '83 BUICK, two door hard tép, automatic, radio, etc, one owner, '58 VAUMALL, four door like new. MARION AUTO LTD. 25 GRENFELL RA 8-5179 efter 6 RA 3.7970. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK STREET N. WHITBY PHONE MO 8.5853 or MO 8-5854 Centre street, Whitby, 5 rooms, nicely decorated, 3 large bedrooms, 4 piece bath, tiled, with eolored fixtures, 17 Tiving room with natural stone fireplace. General Elec- tric oil furnace. Roughed-in plumbing in the basement, Call Audrey Moore for ap- poinfmént 53 or 4088 $500.00 down on @& semis detached brick, 3 nice bed- rooms, 20' living room, NHA mortgage at 6%. Call Rita Snow 8-5853 or MO 8-2430 8 room storey ond 6 half cen- trally located, 1 2-piece wash reorm ond a 3 piece bath. New furnace. Second floor with pri- vate entrance. Aluminum storms and screens. Total price $7,500 Courtice « 6 room ranch bungalow, 1300 sq. fr. With sunken living room. Oil heat- ing. Price includes automatic washer. Beautifully land- scaped. Call Audrey Moore for information MO 8-5853 or MO 8-4088. Euclid Street, Whithy = 2 bedroom bungalow. Built on @ 66' lot. 18' L-shaped living room. Extra large kitchen with lots of cupboards. Fenced yord--beautifully landscaped and barbecue. Call Mildred Bilinda, MO 8-5853 or MO 8-2167. Member of the Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 VALUE -- VALUE ORCHARD GARDENS If you are looking for a 6- room bungalow, elose to pub. lic and high schéols, with a finished rec-room 20 x 12. 4.pc. ceramic bath; house completely decorated through- ouf, sodded front and back, exhaust 'fan in kitchen, oil furnace, all ro6ms large, Best of all only $1,900 down pay- ment, Carries for $102.00 monthly, interest, principal ond taxes. Interest sti the 6% rate on ill at Bri Be ThR 1 are Yew. poe of immediately at RA 5-6544 or RA 3:339 Members of District Real Oshawa and Estate Board McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS Whitby Plaza 313 Brock St. South Open 9-9 Whitby MO 8-3414 Toronto EM 3-9603 HELPS YOU PAY Seven-room home plus base- ment apartment plus double gorage. 4 bedrooms, a full bath ond 2-pe. washroom, a living room ond a dining room ond kitchen for the owner. In the basement apartment there are 3 rooms ond bath (living room, bed- room ond kitchen). Only $3,000 down. Ask for Bill Goverde. INCOME HOME Modern and roomy describes this 5-room brick bungalow, with self-contained basement gpartment approved by the Town, with private entrance. Situated in the south-west area of Whitby on a 62 x 120 fenced lot with paved driveway ond detached gar- age. Aluminum storms ond screens. Asking $17,900 with $5,500 down, balance on nine (9) year open mort. goge. Coll Bill Goverde. A REAL BARGAIN semi-detached bun- golow with 3 bedrooms, living room ond kitchen, Aluminum storms ond screens. Land- scoped ond completely dec- orated. All this for $11,900 with $2,000 down. Call Bill Goverde. Members of the Oshawa end District Real Estote Board. Ristow & Olsen REALTORS LOOKING FOR INCOME ? Three bedrooms, large tiv. ing and dining room come bined, family-size kitchen and four-piece tiled bath on the first floor for the owner. A five - room self « contained apartment up, now renting for $85 per month, Loeatoin just off Simcoe St. N. Sub- stantial down payment res quired. For full particulars, call Ray Lothongue et RA 5.6165, LIVE WITHIN YOUR BUDGET Which is quite possible in this five-room brick burge- low on Elgin St, Bowman- ville. Most of the modern conveniences are available in this moderately priced home, such as hardwood floors, oil furnace, sewer ond water, paved stréet and sidewalk, Also large lot with wonderful vegetable garden. Annuel taxes only $124. Coll Ray Lathongue at RA 8-5107, LOOKING FOR A HOME SITE? Then call us now for parties ulars on over 100 prepaid serviced lots presently offered for sole through our office. Lot sizes vary from 45 feet to 100 feet frontage by depths from 100 feet to 200 feet. For location ond full particulars -- call Ray Lothangue at RA 5-6165, WHITBY ATTRACTIVE -- Cleon and tidy inside and out, three- bedroom bungalow, A lowe priced home ot reasonable terms. A working man's buy. For further information, coll Newt Hodgson at MO 8-5823 or RA 8-6408 evenings. LOW DOWN PAYMENT -- Brick bungalow, five rooms, four-piece boty 0nd finished recreation room. Private drive and carport, good location. Call Keith Lunney aot MO 8-5823 or MO 8-2650. Phone either office: 19 Athi St. RA 5-6165 W., Oshawa PARK LANE APTS. OSHAWA'S FINEST ~~BACHELOR ~1 BEDROOM ~=2 BEDROOM «EXECUTIVE SUITES ««CONTROLLED ENTRANCES ~ELEVATOR SERVICE «PRIVATE BALCONIES «STOVE & FRIG, «WASHERS & DRYERS «STORAGE LOCKER «PAVED PARKING Centrally located only 12 minutes walk from downtown, CONTACT RENTAL AGENT . DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 57732 67 KING ST. E. (Opposite Motel Genoshe) AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3.9692 JOHN WACKO REALTOR---INSURANCE No strikes, ne lay-offs, just an above average, steady in- come. This is what you will get in return for @ small in- vestment, $2,000 down pay- ment will put you into a good business of your own. If you are interested in & Smoke Shop, Billiard and Confection. ery Business, coll RA 5.6569. Idea! for men and wife, Is this exceptionally good coffee shop business, Located in the centre of town on Simcoe Street just morth of the Four Corners. ee very aood end Hy A iness, Full price $8,000 with a down payment of $2,500 end easy terms. In- terested parties please call Paul Mearinoff, RA 8.6159, Modern 8 room brick bunge- low, situated close to school and transportation. Located on a quiet road overlooking the Creek Valley. Easy monthly pay ments. Mottga, 549%, Ask ing price $13 800. Call RA 5.6569. 205 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5.6569 Member of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 46---Real Estate Wanted LOT with 53' frontage, or larger. Please reply to RA 5.4871, 47-- Automobiles For Sale. '50 GMC tandem, five ton, in good run. ning order, 8750," Telephone RA 3-3839. best Buk You Hy Motors, 5-8141. '86 MERCURY Sun hardtop, good condition, $600. Fro; am. to 7 p.m. Phone RA 8.8713; rh 7 p.m. YUkon 5.7 '50 SCOT Tout door Ryan: he good condition, mate, in ht 4 choice: *84 , 83 Buick, *88 Oldsmob! "Youll be pleased! opposite Shopping Pontiac, '53 oblle. Come! King Centre. RA Valley two Soop for cash. Oromo 1483 after 8 p.m. '53 CHEV. Belair, power glide, radio, whitewalls, discs ana all extras, A-1 shape. Telephone RA 8-8306. 50 AUSTIN Healey sytite; plek-up, A-1 shape, with other res. Must sell. RA 8.0832. '52 DODG sell, cheap, '58 CREVROLET SBlstaynn sedan, suto- mate, windshield washers, Private $3150, Terms. RA 88 Ford radio and Ss Hood tires and body, must 85-7548. electric posi Saas, 'low mileage. 3-9309. '55 METEOR radio, heater, coach, good condition, signals, tires like new. 209 Brock St. S., Whitby [RA sssia MO 8.5823 Member of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board, v8 ford truck m electric sump Jo Aph! M cle Van and a y s 53 ---- standard, A-1 condition, pri- vate sale, telephone RA 5-3350 TED CAMPIN MOTORS '59 CHEVROLET Bel Alr Hardtop Sedan «-- Auté- matic, actual mileage 100. "Save Mony lors =~ Gein the De: precietion", '58 PONTIAC Cotth == Ra- dio, one owner. "De séription «= Sharp, sharp, sharp'. '58 OLDSMOBILE 4 per "88" Two-door Hardtop -- Power steering, power brakes, radio, seat belts, oe. "An Outstanding CHEVROLET Seda -- Automotie, dis. "A Real Lady's Cer' PONTIAC Sedan -- Au- tomatic . "An Excellént Running Cer", HEVROLET Deluxe oach -- "A Beautiful lean Cor'. OLDSMOBILE: Super "88" Twe-door Hardtop -- Automatic, radio. "A Luxurious Special". HEVROLET Coach --= cade. "A Very Good ar', OLDSMOBILE Cooch --= Automatic, power steer. ing. "A Lovely Roed- worthy Car". VOLKSWAGEN Convert. jie; «= "Condition Like ew'! CHEVROLET Va - Ton Pitkup = 'Very M Better Then Ave Cc -- Shmacsten Sear CHEVROLET Deluxe Se- don == Radio. "One "Body | . cellent Condition'. Ex FORD Cooeh "Good Transportation New Hilimen Products «= Warranty Guaranteed Other Cars To Choose From FOR AN HONEST DEAL SEE "TED" '52 Rede. QUALITY CARS AT FAIR PRICES TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Rood) Business RA 3.4494 Residence .... RA 5.5574 West NO DOWN. PAYMENT ON Tet SPOT FINANCING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY RA 5-798] '60 RAMBLERS -- Over 24 models to thoose from. Prees ranging from $2,- 395 up. '60 HILLMAN Minx -- Fully equipped with licence. Delivered Price $1,945, CHEV. Deluxe 4-dr. Radio, white walle, 2- tone, sharp ... $1,245, CHEV. Deluxe 4-dr. Finished in a beautiful sports tone .. $1,185, FORD Customline White walls, 2-tone, low PLYMOUTH Seavey -- Fully equipped, in im- Maculete condition $1,145 PONTIAC Deluxe 4-dr. Automatic. Ideal family $865 '56 '56 '56 56 FORD Customline 2-dr. -- White walls, 2-tone. Top value ..... $895 PONTIAC Deluxe 4-dr. Radio, completel reconditioned 7% "Above Prices Apply This Week Only" '53 Two Cenrtecuy Soles To Ed, Wellner, Ken Murray WELLMAN'S MOTORS LTD. YOUR AUTHORIZED RAMBLER HILLMAN. DEALER SINCE 1950 NONQUON RD. OPEN TILL 10 P.M. RA 8-6891 HOME OF THE USED CAR PRICE MURDERER FREE COFFEE ALL DAY SATURDAY See the murderer this week-end and carve out for yourself the best deal in town--- bar none. Lowest Down Payments In Town Through LAC. Merit Plan Financing SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK 1960 PONTIAC Parisienne 4- door Hardtop «= Automatic, radio, white walls, two-tone, oil filter, backup lights. Downtowns Price $4,100, The Mutderer's Price $3,295. 1959 FORD Foirlane--=Auto- matic, radio, end oll the fine Pord equipment. One local owner, Anywhere else $2... 35s The Murderer's Price 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4-door Sedon -- V-8, autos matie, radio and white walls, Showroom eondition. Downe town Price $2,595. The Mur derer's Pres, only $2,195. 1959 CHEVROLET Bscoyne A-door Sedan «= Beautiful saddle brown in eolor, with automatic « positraction rear end and white wall fires. Anywhere else $2,495. The Nurderer's Price only $2. 95. 1957 FORD Tudor == Spots less condition, perfect mee dhatticolls V-8 ngine, ine. white. - Your The piri Bi A Price only $1,498, 1957 CHEVROLET Station Wogon == Custom radio, | white walls, Very sharp eon=, | dition. Anywhere else $10 1 895. The Murderer's Pric, only $1,595, 1957 MONARCH Richelieu Sedan = Truly a fine autés mobile, one owner, fully. power equipped, low mi ' $2,195. s Price, only $1, 1956 | A owote Any where ore «1 $58" The Mura: derer's Price $1,295, 1955 MERCURY 4.door Nine. Passenger Station Wagon = Exeellent condition, locally Snag, owner's name on ree This wagon hes te to ba... fine be appreciated, Only. 1955 PONTI ws New mo: tom radio end Red and white 1955 BUICK 2-deor Hardtop «= Without @ doubt the fins est in Oshawe. New outs: matie, radio, white walls, Color black with @ white roof. Anywhere else $1,395, Murderer's Price $1.19 99 1955 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville == Fully power equips ped, new tires, flawless cone dition, 595. The 5 irdersrs Price: only $1,698 193s PONTIAC Deluxe Four. Sedan Two-tone, ae walls. Very ehoice cor, Anywhere else $1,595, The J jdurers Price only $1, 1954 MONARCH Sedan «i "' Red and black with white walls, full power Seipment.. op value only $695 1954 FORD Sedon «= Fair condition. Try and il this for value, only $295 1950 PONTIAC Sedan -- New clutch, good motor. ov This Weekend, only: ry METEOR Sedan -- Re- built motor, nice running car, Excellent mechanically, Spe- cial for This Weekend Only, $295, 1953 PONTIAC Deluxe 4- door «= With automatic transmission, excellent chenically, new tires, good body. Special only $495, We have just received o lorge shipment of Lown Cruiser Power Lewn Mowers from Outboard Marine Corporation in Peterborough. In order to retain our position as the lare gest Lawn Cruiser decler in Ontario, we are offering 1960 mowers at Huge Discounts, See the Murderer this week end and save $ $ § §. Order your new Buccaneer Outboard Motor now and toke advantage of our huge dis- counts. THE RIGHT SPOT THE BRIGHT SPOT Hilltop me- Motors RA 8-6891 Between Oshawa & Whitby On Highway Ne. 2 i von Merde. 1 Foi » color, » - Special for this nd a $1,495, onl Lost year's price $2,« ..

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