THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 31, 1960 3% Postal Rates Under Review OTTAWA (CP) -- Mambers of|irealy and obviously a revision Parliament criticized Wednesday|of rates." : a practice by which Canada sub.' A report from the auditor-gen- sidizes American mail. eral's office to the commiliee Both opposition and govern-| noted several anomalies in prac- iment members of the Commons|tice concerning qualification for public accounts commitiee ques-| second-class rating. tioned the advisability of continu-| Among these was the practice ing preferential rates on allloi permitting the mailing in bulk catagories of second class mail.lof newspaper weekend supple This category, covering mailed menis fo publishers across the periodicals and other published country at the second class rate material, cost the post office de-|of four cents a pound. partment $28,000,000 to handle in| Tt said that "further considera- {he 1958-39 fiscal year and netted|tion might be given to the pro- only $6,000,000 in revenue. priety of accepting the Weekend | G. A. Boyle, deputy postmaster- Magazine supplements as second |general, told the commiitee 1 1s|come mail, because they do no' WHITBY And DISTRICT 4% "Goods Satisfactory or Money Save 50.00! End-Of-Line Clearance! Harting Tape Recorders Reg. 249-00 Music lovers , . . enjoy concerts at home! Harting tape recorders offer brilliant repro- duction in Hi-Fi quality . . . and uninterrupted |about 12 per cent of this mail is|come within the statutory defini-| made up of United States publi-|/tion of newspaper or periodical." cations. Some of them are mailed! HI suggested express could be ! in the U.S., for which Canada re- used, at considerably higher ceives no revenue. but most are rates. expressed to Canada and mailed Auditor-General A. M. Hender- here at the subsidized rate. son said the post office has un-| Mr, Boyle said the 1922 con- dertaken to review this conces- ven ion under which the U.S. and|sion to weekend supplements and, Canada handle each other's mails|will withdraw second class priv-| free is under review. He said|ileges if it is found the four-cent "There will be a revision of thelrate is not a paying one. Navigation On Lakes enjoyment of recordings is given by the. ex- tended time of operation with 7" tape reels. Parents . . . record your children's voices! Baby's first words . . . @ five-year-old's first recitation . . . these are the things you'll heavy ice only in the eastern end lof the lake. Officials said they would prob- ably dispatch a vessel from Sar- nia to Toledo at once. It would reach the Welland Canal during the weekend. Another vessel would leave almost immediately for Goderich, they said. Navigation opened at treasure There are many uses for a tape recorder . . . and Harting tape recorders have the solid construction and easy operation that even the most inexperienced user can handle ! Brock- IN ROTARY SKATING CARNIVAL | Valerie and the | tainment. Unknown to most re- ower lakes indicate navigationilay buoys. way as soon as the Welland Canal opens Friday.| In preparation for Whitby Ro- tary Figure Skating Club's Ice Carnival, tonight in the Whitby Community Arena, professional instructress Margo Knowles gives a few last minute point ers to Valerie McCoy, 712 Maria Creek Floods Two Streets Here Mild weather has put one creek in Whitby on the rampage and again, however, it must cross Ash two others|St., may flood surrounding buildings|waters now The west indications are that before the week end branch of Pringle's Creek, run ning along Ash St. and under Dun- das St. before joining the main pass under the street and on its ereek in the south portion of the/way south town, on Wednesday flooded two| "reaches almost to the top of the streets and put 10 inches of water on the floor of a machine shop. At Mitton Machinery, on Chest Ash St. the entire shop is flood od with about 10 inches of water Te keep work going, machinisls/ Garden are standing on cement blocks 0 bridge on Dundas St. is carrying get out of the water. The ereek, which crosses Chest- wil St. at this point, fills the i ahd has flooded back TD development. Eke iit north of Chestnut 8. Part of this flooding drains through the Mitton Machinery plant, running south from the front door of the plant, right down the driveway and across Chestnut St., to later find its way back to the creek channel. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 30) 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ESTATE OF THOMAS HENRY PHELPS, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of Thomas Henry Phelps, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Retired Gardener, deceased, who died en or about the éth day of February, 1960, ere hereby notified to send in to the un- dersigned personal representa- tive of the said deceased on or before the 21st day of April, 1960, full particulars of their cloims. Immediately after the soid date the said personal representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which she shall then hove notice, DATED at Oshawa this 22nd doy of March, 1960. PLIZABETH HEAPS Executrix, By her solicitors, Messrs MEGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers and Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. ./it burst its banks in this area sut St. E., at the intersection of| The main Pringle's Creek, east s ) "lof Garden St., has mad a pond|April 30. The cookies this year St... Whitby other members of the skating | sidents of the community the |; club will present such ar ge- { figure skating club is one of the ments as "Peter Cottontail" and | largest in Canada. The show "Tulip Time" and many other routines, which promise to give rise to an evening of fine enter Oshawa Times Photo Guide Assoc. Hears Reports The monthly meeting of Local Association Girl Guides was held in the United Church hall last Tuesday evening Mrs. F. Weaver, Commissjoner, was in the chair. The meeting opened with the Guide's prayer. Conven- ers read their reports. It was decided to let the Guides themselves waterproof their tent- ing equipment under the super- vision of their captains. Mrs. Harlow read a report on the 1st Pack Brownies A letter will be written to the town of Whitby asking for per- mission to hold "Cookie Day' on Before it gels back on course and there is no bridge. The wash across the street for a distance of 100 feet just north of Mary St., where an- other bridge allows the walter to At present, the water line bridge and a heavy rain will see will have a new look to celebrate and Dundas St. The/the Guides' jubilee year of 1960. The divisional training held| March 3 at Hillcrest school was a success. There are 75 Guiders| in the front lawn. of a home at la full load of water which is spilling out, on the south side, Ito cover acres of a proposed new tario Council Girl Guide Associa- In'ithe "west "end "of the town, tion annual meeting will be held [Lynde's Creek has broken up.|in'gt Catharines on April 21 and Ice has started to jam south ofl, 1 : . wg | the Dundas St. bridge and water | weayan® is Poms ioner. iin [is backing up towards a town|yith a delegate 2 park on the north side of Dun- y das St. Meanwhile, town workmen are ers will be held May 3 at using their new steam jenny to Saints' parish hall under the con-| {full advantage to clear all frozen venership of Mrs. D. Calder. The {culverts to make sure that water next meeting will be held April 1s not backed up unnecessarily, '26 Easter Bunnies To Help Easter Seals local club is now a member of the Canadian Figure Skating As- sociation and just recently many of the local children were highly successful in CFSA tests which were held at the Arena The Easter Bunny isn't due for a few days yet but quite a num- |ber of his pals are going to show up at the Whitby Arena on Thurs- day night in the Whitby Rotary Figure Skating Carnival. These 30 bunnies aren't going to be hand- ing out Easter eegs, they are members of the "Peter Coiton tail" number which is a highlight of the show | Two other production numbers "Tulip Time" and a Scottish rov- tine are alse going to add a lot of color to the show which is|ation involved in practice and in being presented to the public so|the making of costumes by the fhat they can see the accomplish- mothers it is hoped that a good ment of the skating club, which|turnout will be on hand to see the unknown to most residents is one kiddies perform, The show gels of the largest in Canada. The underway at 8 p.m. Bandsmen Down Cook's In Midget | Last Thursday night the boys The boys in this team are all to of Coach Elgin Luke's Bandsmen be congratulated for their real downed Gord Platt's Cook's Esso sportsmanlike gesture. They start- team in a hard fought playoffied the season on a bad note but game the whole team continued to im- The winning goal came at the prove. Their last half season seven minute mark of the first|showed the tremendous improve-! Along with the production num- bers which involve large groups of the children, there will be solo and comedy routines to make al varied evening of fine entertain- ment, | "ten minute overtime period. Rick! ment that Cook's experienced, so NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RONALD JAMES SMITH, ACCOUNTANT, DECEASED net to shove it into the corner. All persons having claims against the Estate of RON ALD JAMES SMITH, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Accoun tant,, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of Feb ruary, 1960, are hereby noti fied to send in to the under- signed Personal Represento- tive of the said deceased on or before the 21st day of April, 1960, full particulars of their cloims. Immediately after the soid date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then hove notice Dated at Oshawa this 22nd day of March, 1960 PAUL WILSON SMITH, Executor, By his solicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Borristers & Solicitors, Switzer scored the big one un- congratulations Cooks, you went! assisted. Rick was checked as he down fighting, we're proud of the roared in on goalie Tom Cuddy|' 'whole team." aud the puck sed u bein the Minister To See Elliot Lak up with the puck from behind the| by scored one to round out the TORONTO tee Oniazlo Pian. Bandmen's scoring ning Minister Nickle said Wed- For Cook's Esso, Mickey Taven- nesday that he will visit Elliot er scored twice while Ron Moore Lake April 28-29 to study at first-| and Roly Mackey each netted one. hand the problems of the North- { The win for the Bandsmen came ern Ontar . after 127 minutes of exciting hoc-| ario yranum centre, key: In the final analysis it was| Mr. Nickle told the legislature their bench strength which re- last week he would set up a com- sulted in the win. For coach Luke, mittee to meet with the people of} Switzer, Fletcher and Don Wal-|the area, hard-hit by the ap-| (tham 'spearheaded the attack proaching end of uranium con- while George Ashby and Bill Me- tracts, "to work out a formula to] Bride formed a formidable de-'gel some new enterprises for the fensive wall area." For Cook's Esso, Mickey Tra He said in a letter today to! vener sparked the whole team Edward Blahey, oii Bg the with a tremendous two-way per-'Elliot Lake Chamber of Com formance. Roly Mackey and Ron|/merce, that he would like to Moore also came up with a bigimeet with Mr. Blahey and "anye game, The entire Cook's Esso one you may wish to call in, for squad came up with a fantastic a general discussion in reference (effort and gave it their all. {Ito your problems." It was Rick's second goal and was a deserving finish for the big blonde speedster. Brian Fletcher netted two goals and George Ash- gets underway at 8:00 p.m rivers, Erie as far east as Long appeared ready for navigation The east end of the lake was) covered to about 95 per cent but the ice appeared fairly thin and rotting. The Welland is due to open al 8 a.m. Friday. Transport Minis- | ter Hees will be in Vinelaad | night to speak to the St. Cathar-| TORONTO (CP) ines chamber of commerce and Seen Soon TORONTO (CP) may be under The Detroit Lake St and peratures and rotting ice in the] Clair and Lake High tem-| St Clair| Point fo- recovered will tour the eanal after the open- in Ruth Hindman. Following is the badge report 1960: 4th Company for March Guides, homemaker, Britton, tester Mrs, L. Pritchard; in this division. Training will be Pack A Brownies, Heid at Dog. bake 1b. May. Ono nd, Blends Barton, 1st Paula Petrie; Kaiser, Minstrel g At Port Arthur, the CGS Alex-| ander Henry completed her run gg a from the harbor through Thunder Bay to open water in the lake. This was the ship's maiden at- western oils up .53 at 101.36. tack on the ice and department of transport officials said she, gains 1,801,000 Tuesday was twice as fast as her smaller| ki Ae }. predecessors the Whalen and the| [trobe; 5th Pack Brownies, skater tester House Orderly, |Anne Hamilton, Patricia Robert- son, Paula Kaiser, testers: their mothers; Mary Final Margaret Golden testers E, La- at A, W Mary Anne ville when the lighthouse tender Grenville completed a 12-mile run into the Thousand Islands area to Industrials Recover In Trading [light trading Wednesday Index changes: 495.91; 84.33; base metals off .10 at 158.06 volume Canadian Wallpaper A gained| six points at 35, with Canadian Imperial Oil officials made an wallpaper B up five at 36 and| ice survey from Lake Erie 3long|United Corp. up 2% at 21 the navigation channels to lower | ada and Dominion Sugar was up Lake Huron by air and found s, at 16, with Canadian Pacific # Railways ahead 7% at. 24'2. Consolidated paper dropped two' points at 38.3% Great Lakes) paper slipped Canadian Tire down two points] 184 and Alberta Gas Bank of Montreal off a point at| 24 and 50% Hollinger gained V4 at 24 with) Quemont down 10 cents at $3.90. Algom and Consolidated Denison dropped % at 11% and 10. , : . Canadian Superior was up ® at we slot Rother avd gaognier Hamilton, Carolyn Ratelle, test-|12, Royalite up 30 cents at $9.30 1 all Guides and moth- gue afigs D. Goodman and V. Fer- and Home Oil B up ' at 10% guson; Collector, Carolyn Ratelle, {Suzanne Bloye, testers, Mrs. E.| LaTrobe and Mrs. L. Pritchard. slipped % at 11%. | Bailey Selburn was off 20 cents at $7.30 and Pacifie Petroleum Industrials towards the end of Industrials up golds off 27 at was 1,802,000 Can- 1% at 37% Vien] pal TELEVISION LOG] CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale $--Rochester THURSDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M 11--~Family Theatre #--This Living World 5--Playhouse 4--Learn About Science 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. 4--Feature Film 5:30 P.M. 7---Rocky and Friends 6--Roy Rogers 3--Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M. 114--Metro News With so many hours of prepar-| 7- Show 277th Bengal Lanesss 6:15 P.M. $---Bob Cummings 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2--News; Weather 6:45 P.M, S--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid 5--The Detective 4-State Trooper 2--Shotgun Slade 7---N 7--AN 6--Nation's Business b--Border Patrol Panel Quiz Law of the Plainsman 7:45 P.M. Provincial Affairs 8:00 P.M. 11.6-Deputy 7.-Donna Reed 5:2-Bat Masterson 4--Betty Hutton 8:30 P.M 4 2 7 11-6--Talent Ca 7--Real McCoys 4---Ringo 5-2--Staccate 11-6 Closeup 7---Pat Boone 5-2--Dow Hour Mystery 4--Zane Gray Theatre of 11-6--Man From Blackhawk 7--Untouchables 5-2--Tennessee Ernie 4--Ray Milland 10:00 P.M. 11--Meet McGraw 6--Manhunt 5-3--You Bet Your Life 4--Revion Revie 10:15 P.M. 11--Talking Sport 10:30 P.M. 1l--Headline 7+Border Patrol 4--~Film Festival FRIDAY 7:00 AM. 53---To-day $:90 AM. | 7--Buifalo AM 4~News Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroe 7--Devotions 9:00 AM. edy Korner 5-Ding Dong Schosl 4=--Popeye's Playhouse 8-1 Led Three Lives 9:39AM. 11---Movie 7--Romper Room $--Burns and Allen 4---You and Your Family | 2--Helen Neville 10:00 A.M. $:2-Dough Re Mi 4-Red Rowe Show 10:30 A.M. 7---Morning_ Show 5-2--Play Your Hunch 4-On The Go 11:00 A.M. | 11--Jane Gray 52 Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM. 11--Bob McLean Show | 4--December Bride 2--Concentration 12:00 NOON | 11---Bugs Bunny 7--Restless Gun 4--News; Weather | 2-Truth or Consequences 12:15 PM. | 6-Matinee 12:30 P.M. 11--=News 7--Love That Bob | 4=Search for Tomorrow 2-1t Could Be You 12:45 P.M. 11~Movie Matinee 4-Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 7--About Faces 4--~Meet The Millers 2~Mid-day Matinee 1:30 P.M. 7-~Divorce Hearing | ¢-The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 7-Day in Court 6--Chez Helene 52 -Queen For A Day | 4--For Better Or Worse 2:15 P.M. 11-6--Nursery School 2:30 P.M. 11-6--Open House 7--~Gale Storm 4--~House Party 2 Loretta Young 6--The People Beiween | 5«Not For Hire 2-Tombstone Territory 11:00 P.M. 11.7-6-5-4-2---News; Sports :15 P.M "| 7--Playhouse 6-Viewpoint 2---Sportsreel 11:30 P.M. 11-8-Late Show | 53-Jack Paar | v 7--Beat The Clock 4--Millionaire 2---Dr. Malone :30 PM. 11=Musie For You 7-Who Do You Trust 8--Aggie Tangiers -2--From These Rools 4-The Verdict 1s Yours 4:00 1M. 11---Papeye | &~Tabloid | 5-77 Sunset | 7=Man From Black | 8-2--Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P.M. | 11.7-6.5-4.2--News; Sports ll | FRIDAY EVENING | 7--News: Weather Ts | 8--Bachelor Father | T--Disney Presents | 11-6~Country Hoedown | 8-3--Trouble Shooters | awk 5-2 Bell Telephone Hour | 4--Western Series | 11-6--Flying Doctor | 7-77 Sunset Strip 7---~American Bandstand 6--This Is Alice 5-2---Comedy Theatre 4--S8erial Dramas 4:30 P.M. 6--- Woofer 5-2--Adventure Theatre 4--Edge of Night 5:00 P.M. 11--Family Theatre Minnow on the Say 5--Playhouse 4--Learn Abowd Yesterday Rascals 515 P.M 4--~Feature Film 5:30 P.M, 7--Rin Tin Tin 6 -Fury 2---Roy Rogers 6:00 P.M. T--Early Show 11-6--News 6:15 P.M. 6---Rendezvous 6:30 P.M. 11--Family Theatre 5-4-2--News; Sports 6:45 P.M. 6-5-4-2---News 7:00 P.M. Strip 4-Film Featurette 2--Rescue 8 7:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 4 -Western 2--People Are Funny 8:00 P.M. :30 P.M, 11-8--Four Just Men 9:00 P.M. 4---Playhouse 9:30 P.M. 11--Ontario This Week 6--Tennessee Ernie 5-2-Masquerade Party 10:00 P.M. 11-6-5-2--Cavaleade of Sports 7--The Detectives 4-Twilight Zone 30 P.M. 7--Pony Express 4---Person To Person 10:45 P.M. 11-6--Jim Coleman Show 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse 6--Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 1l--Late Show 6---Showcase Some features include: 220 volts, 50 cycles or 110 volts, 60 cycles, Speeds MODEL HM4 EATON SPECIAL PRICE, EACH 3,75 and 7,5 i.p.s. Dual-track, internationally stand- ardized; heavy indirect flywheel drive; reel capacity 7" reel, maximum, Come and see . . . Hear this fine recorder At EATON"S. Available on EATON"S easy Budget-Charge terms with NO DOWN PAY- MENT. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 199-0 COMPLETE WITH TAPE PHONE RA 5.7373 Save! Extra Heavy Gauge | 5' Steel Storage Unit ® Hardy baked enamel finish * @ Four spacious, adjustable shelves In the fruit cellar, workshop, garage or effice . . , wherever there are articles to store, there's a place for this handy shelf unit ! Constructed of extra heavy gauge steel, it's strongly braced to stand up well under stress . . . with four shelves of adjustable height. In soft grey +.» » approx. 60" high x 12" deep x 36" long. 9.99 EATON Special Price, each «Wud sham mean am mama aka Sin a © 1 jar holder eooking utensils! Arrange each hook as you require . . 37-pc. Pegboard Set A handy item for the garage, kitchen er workshop . , . for tools er . set consists of one 2' x 4' pegboard, 1 tool rack, 1 plier holder, 2 hammer holders, 30 assorted utility hooks and set (2 pieces). EATON Special Price, Powerful Manning-Bowman Sabre Jig Saw End-of-line . . . Reg. 26.98 Excellent addition to the workshop . . . this saw has a powerful 2-amp. motor, guts 2 x 4's at 45°. With push-button operated switch, eombination rip fence and circle guide; uses standard blades, always available. Bronze } 9 95 bearings are oiled-for-life. EATON Special Price, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 253 3.49 Va" Sunbeam Electric Drill 20 Only . . . greatly reduced to clear! A tool of noted quality . . . offered at substantial savings ! Powerful 1.8 amp. motor; V4" Jacobs geared chuck; drills up to V4" in metal, 1" in wood. May be used with 14.85 PHONE RA 5.7273 universal attachments, EATON Special Price, each _ PINMONEY" Walking Sheer Nylons available only at EATON'S Full-fashioned hosiery . ', . .45-gauge, 30-denier, the practical sheer for most daytime occasions, business and street wear. With neat seams, reinforced at heel and toe -- and "'Sanitized" for lasting freshness. Two shades -- Glow beige or Tender beige -- sizes 8/2 to 11 in medium and long lengths. Pair 89 TATON'S. MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 201 PHONE RA 5.7373 5-2--Jack Parr | MGM Theatre | 1:00 A.M. I | 7--San Francisco Beat 2-The Unexpected