Ue bad J "dH TR" Val VEE PIONEER FLIGHT made in 1987 by John Henry Tud. | The first dawn - to - dusk flight fhape, who died in England in 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 31, 1960 from Montreal to Vancouver was Canada Hampered In Field Of Defence By DAVE McINTOSH have cost $781,000,000 on top of it--if this country wants to share Canadian Press Staff Writer [the $500,000,000 for development |in such a scheme. OTTAWA (CP)--In the Com-|--Canada retired from the major Pon Mr. Diefenbaker said Mon- er the Bo-|weapons field. De a an "Is there anyone in this House marc anti-aircraft missile, the central problem of Canadian air MUST USE U.S. GOODS t who will say that Canada, in or- defence 'has barely been touched| Consequently, if Canada wants jor to assert herself in the mat- on to make any contribution to North |¢er of defence, should enter into Only Prime Minister Diefen.|American air defence, it must ac- |; field of expenditure which will baker came to grips with it Mon-|cept weapons developed by the |run into billions and tens of bil- day, and then only briefly. U.S. at enormous cost. [lions of dollars before it is The choice for Canada is this:| The latest weapon being devel- |5chieved? oped by the U.S. for antiaircraft | "We have, within the limita- : A . es Per Soutame fo Ky = mer. defence is the Bomare.3 missile, tions of the population of this air defence business altogether. eouniry must accep country, done those things which This choice has been forced on|Bomarc-B--if it works and Con-| os five as a result of consul- Canada by its inability to afford gress provides Be fdr Te tation with the U.S., represent a pew weapons systems of its own. Ject it and leave Noi MErican |... measure of defence." The t Iled|air defence entirely to the Us. | a he aes Cor 13| And if Congress eliminates the| In short, the Bomarc Is a . Bomarc altogether, Canada will branch but not the root of the uld Hof months ago--100 of them wo! Bore to govant ial, ton air pr CBC Not = | Lr | || 22 A Gr VRE | NADISON - MAD GEORGE ILONA ey \ br cinemaaic ANGRY ReD PIANET IN MAGNIFICENT COLOR NOW PLAYING a -- BRANDS SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 31, APRIL 1 and 2 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 9 3c 15-0Z. TINS accept the Bomarc--that is, it has decided to play a part, even though a relatively small part. in| the air defence of North Amer Cc t ica. overnmen PEARSON PLAN It is known that Liberal Leader Pearson when external affairs) Instrument min'ster had in mind a iy RA 8-5341 whereby some air force units of | European countries allied to Can- OTTAWA (CP) -- Norman|ada in NATO would serve in this Robertson, deputy external af-|country, fairs minister, said Wednesday| This would have helped Canada his department has had to make get around the touchy political it clear to several foreign gov-|problem of military dependence ernmen's that the CBC is not anon the U.S. and given North instrument of the Canadian gov- American air defence a NATO! ernment. flavor. Kay Starr Duke Ellington Ray Anthony 48-0Z. TINS Nat "King" Cole ADD A TOUCH OF SPRING TO THE FAMILY MENU ASPARAGUS Us. No. 3 19: GARDEN FRESH, SLENDER U.S. NO. 1 CARROTS 3.....25¢ U.S. NO. 1, LARGE TENDER HEADS LETTUCE "** 2 ,, 25¢ DIRECT FROM SUNNY ISRAEL NAVELS Jaffa Oranges c.u.s., 59° ALL IGA MEATS ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED PORK LOIN Chops & Centre Cut Harry James Les Paul and Mary Ford Bobby Hackett ¢, Red Nichols 4 Geo. Shearing Joe Bushkin Billy May Benny Goodman I Marks--"The Angry Red Planet" 1.15, 4.15, 7.10, 10.15 p.m. "Jet Over The Atlantic," 2.50, 5.55, 8.55 p.m. Last complete show at 8.45 p.m. NEXT FRIDAY REAMBLIN' Tenderloin Rib Portion Portion 3-ib. 3-1b. Averoge Av, Roasts ¢ ¢ ¢ 35: 45: 59: TABLERITE SLICED RINDLESS SIDE BACON ; 49° SLICED -- E I end Nutviti PORK LIVER , 25¢ 1.G:A. EALER OF THE WEEK WALTER BILSKY Owner and Regent -- "Sink the Bismarck". Feature shown daily at 1.30, 3.35, 5.40, 7.45, 9.50 p.m. Last complete show at 9.20 p.m. You Name | We Have It! and many, many more YOUR HEART WILL BE TOUCHED *"™ MAGIC! ALL THIS WEEK FIRE Dairy Queen DYL'S LG.A. 166 ADELAIDE ST. OSHAWA LANSDOWNE LG.A. LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE THERE'LL BE NO GET TO-GETHER DANCE SATURDAY, APRIL 2 Manager of Bilsky's L.G.A. Supermarket 120 WILSON RD. §. _ OSHAWA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE i P FOOL Don't Be An...APRIL Fo | d | Take Advantage 2 | He told the Commons external| But, this is water under the] Co J 2 affairs committee that from time, bridge. NORAD exists and Can-| foreign governments concerninginew weapons. | CBC programs. The external af-| yr gx, US. decides to build al 7 fairs department was in no posi-loost1y counter - missile system, It S Cool! i promise action, Mr. Robertson|cvsiem developed by the U.S If said. and provide some of the bases for i] H.W. Herridge (CCF--Koote- Save 12¢ / onl 1.98 | i : referred to an American film] DANCE ¥ with shown on a private television sta-| | tion at Barrie which purported to attack North America. The film| was sponsored by the RCAF. S | i iy Robertson ald in oh THI FRIDAY Reg. $4.20 and $5.00. Special sponsors a film the external af- Purchase From the Manufacturer £ fairs department is usually con- I sulted if it were considered a for- | | Save 9¢ Bras somsson roo |{ |IEETTITUIRY Fein Huser IGA APPLE JUICE THEATRE G ¥ ATRE GUIDE | RED BARN --r (Py Tommy Sands Brock -- "Hound Dog Man," 7.00] ONTARIO'S FAVORITE The FO," 8.35 p.m. Last com:| plete show at 8.20 p.m, I ROYAL GOLD COLORED MILD FROZEN FEATURE DONALD DUCK Orange Juice LGA. COURTICE -- ONT, L.G.A. STORE 120 WILSON §. OSHAWA 1G.A. 16.A, STORE CUBERT ST. OSHAWA PORT PERRY LJ to time complaints are made by ada is dependent on the U.S. for Of This Deal eo oo © Save 6c tion to accept responsibility oricanada will have to accept the nay West) had asked whether the department is consu'ted abou! [A programs which might run counter to governmen' policy. He fs show that Russia was plot'ing to| So Don t Be Late ! | Save 8c where a government department TO THE Lincolnai eign government might take ex- mco naires and 10 p.m. "Carlton Brown of| FUN SPOT DAIRY FEATURE 12-01. or 49° 6 98° TINS / COLLEGE HILL SOUTH END LG.A. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SUSPENSE-SPICED STORY OF A SPY! COLOMBIA PICTURES press A CAROL REED PRODUCTION ©ur Man In Havana w= Alec Guinness Burl Ives: Maureen O'Hara Ernie Kovacs Noel Coward Ralph Richardson Jo Morrow [TY ZX} NOW PLAYING: THE UNFORGETTABLE PERSONAL STORIES BEHIND THE GREATEST SEA HUNT OF ALL TIME! ONLY! For limited time only! Treat yourself to your favorite Dairy Queen Sundae at these special prices! Stop in soon! $ BRING IN THE FAMILY FOR X3, A TREAT... Discover how your favorite sundaes, malts, shakes and splits taste better made with Dairy Queen. That's Buy one at regular price get another for DET Queen 1347 SIMCOE ST. NORTH he because Dairy Queen is served fresh no 100 50 from the freezer at the very peak of flavor perfection! ©1960 Dairy Queen National Development Go (AT TAUNTON ROAD) 235 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH FEATURE AT ... 1:30 - 3:35 - 5:40 7:45 ond 9:50 0 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE | BROCK ST. SOUTH--WHITBY k 1GA PRESENTS MONDAY thru FRIDAY ¢ TELEVISION'S FAMOUS KINDERGARTEN x CHANNEL 11 HAMILTON & 30 fo am MEET MISS LOIS CHANNEL 3 BARRIE n.1R% HERE IS MISS LOIS IN BARRIR FEATURED THIS WEEK ON ROMPER ROOM TRAIN PULL TOY «98- AVAILABLE AT YOUR IGA STORE