The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1960, p. 7

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Janet Lapp. Mrs. H. C. Lapp quet' was the presentation of a | is seen placing the coveted Gold Cord, the highest award | award on her daughter's uni- in Guiding, to company leader, | form. Also seen in the picture 12th Oshawa Guides, Brownies Mother and Daughter Banquet The 12th Oshawa Guides and|and Mrs. J. C. Stephenson, dis- Brownies held their annual moth-|trict commissioner, replied. er and daughter banquet at Brownie Susan Hicks proposed a Northminster United Church, The toast to the mothers, and Mrs. opening prayer offered by the Robert Hicks responded. Reverend H. A. Mellow was fol-| Mr. Mellow spoke a few works lowed by the toast to Her of commendation to the Guides Majesty the Queen. |and Brownies, and to their lead- Head table guests were the ers for their unselfish dedication Reverend and Mrs, H. A, Mel-|to the training of these young low, Mrs. R. E. Wilgon, division people. commissioner; Mrs. I). R. Tribe,| A sing-song was conducted hy lieutenant: Mrs. J. C. Stephen-|Miss Janet Lapp. Mrs. R. E. Wil- A HIGHLIGHT at the ban- son, district commissioner; Guide son, division commissioner, ex-| Myrrhl * Jackson, Mrs. Kenneth pressed gratitude for being in- Jackson, present, 12th groupicluded in the list of guests and committee; Miss Judith Glover, spoke lightly of the qualities of acting captain; Mrs. T. G. Far- mothers who encouraged and row, aeting Brown Owl; Brownie supported their children's inter- Sharon Farrow; Mrs. Orval R. est in Guiding. Mrs. Wilson also Kirby, acting Ta Owl; An-ipointed out that only good things nette Kirby; Mrs. Raymond Mec-(last, and that the Guide manage- Intyre, agsistant to Brownie lead- ment had to have good basic ers; Gail Glover, pack leader, | qualities to survive and grow for and Mrs. Leo Glover. $ years. Mrs, Wilson paid tri- The banquet was served hy the bute to the devoted leadership of "Joy" WA Group of Northmin-|Lord Baden-Powell, and the dis- ster Church. The color scheme|tinguished interest of the Queen was completely golden yellow to|and her family. commemorate the Golden Anni-| Mrs. T. A, Farrow, Brown Owl, versary of Guides and Brownies. [presented the following Brownie Yellow candles on a special 50th badges: Collectors Badge: Diane A A daffodils Janice Faint RT Sle edianitrs -- Tresi. ' Videiriainy Too n ha 'Sharon ried out the special decoration Farrow, Elinor Kilpatrick Pegi-| theme. anne Hurst, Jennifer Smith. | A toast to Guides and Brownies| Mrs. Stephenson congratulated | was proposed by Sherry Hennickithe Brownies on their efforts and| Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Women, Editor Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 30, 1960 7 Anne Casey Wed To Arthur Bell At Port Whitby Anne Theresa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Casey of Oshawa, became the bride of Arthur Graham Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell of Whitby, in a recent ceremony in St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby. The Reverend George Nichol- PERSONALS Mrs. Chris Tooley and Mrs, Donald Cranfield have been suc- cessful in passing the distinction award examinations of the Royal Life Saving 'Society held at York Mills Collegiate, Toronto. The examiners were Mrs. Thomas S. Lesley of Oshawa and Mrs. Pauline Wadsworth, 'roronto. You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and go- ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. is Mrs. R. E. Wilson, division commissioner. Mrs. O. Kirby, Tawny Owl, for such fine results from her guid- ance. Mrs. Stephenson presented the district guider bar to Miss Judith Glover, acting captain, Mrs. R. E, Wilson presented badges to the following Guides: Astronomers Badge: Gail Glover, Sandra Naylor, Myrrhl Jackson, |Sharon Hurst, Sharon Smith, Jane Holden, Lynne McMillan, Joanne Cox, Mary Buck, Sherry Hennick; Emergency Helper: Sharon Corbett; Home Nurse: Sharon Corbett; Religion and Life Emblem: Sharon Corbett. The highlight of the evening took place when Mrs. Wilson call- ed on Janet Lapp to come for- ward and to receive her Gold {Cord. This is the highest award in Guiding. Mrs. H. C, Lapp {placed the coveted Gold Cord in {place on her daughter's uniform. Three Guides presented special gifts. Gail Glover presented a gift, Sharoy Smith presented a cake suitably" inscribed with good wishes; and Catherine Bassett presented a lovely nosegay. Mrs. Kenneth Jackson presented a gift from the Mothers' Auxiliary. * A film entitled "Guides, All Guides", showing the experiences and good fellowship of the Inter pational Guides Camp held at Doe Lake, was shown by Mrs. Susan|Leo Glover. + Jackson thanked Miss Glover for the efficient way she had conducted the program, and the Mothers' Auxiliary for as- sisting with the decorations and p= ou® FOUR SPEED ~ CHAIRSIDE ~ AUTOMATIC ! game 20d - Wik ADA ENP) CHAIRSIDE LEGS "¥ DETACHABLE IN 2s SECONDS TAKE IT PLAYS ALL 4 SPEEDS FIR 13 THIS L PRIC 4 BRASS FINISHED [153 /d /} oi WITH BRASS FERRULES NOTE THESE FEATURES BLOND HAS ALL THESE FEATUR HERE IS A MODERN UNIT IN ATTRACT GRAIN FINISH. TONAL QUALITY IS EXCEPTIONAL. HAS INTERMIX 'ENGLISH CHANGER PLAYS ALL 4 SPEEDS 45 33% 16% 78 R.P.M. INCLUDES REJECT BUTTON TWIN SPEAKERS PLUS HETERODYNE RADIO DETACHABLE IN SECONDS....CHANGING FROM FLOOR MODEL TO HANDY PORTABLE. WE EXPECT A SELL-OUT-S URNS 32 KING ST. WEST Vi CHOICE OF WALNUT OR \\ NO OTHER HI FI PHONOGRAPH RADIO No Extra Charge For Credit HI-FIDELITY APH /RADIO COMBINATION $129.00 VALUE! ON SALE NOW ST AT ow €! | FINISH ES! IVE WOOD SIZE RECORDS. CHAIRSIDE LEGS 0 GET YOURS NOW! CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. RA 3-7022 Please write or telephone RA 5-3474, local 18. A group of Lyceum Club mem- bers interested in opera met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. | Wright, Lauder road, on Tuesday {evening when they concluded a | man, Miss J. Dobson, Mr, and Mrs. L. Actis, Mr, and Mrs. J. Toole. Others were Mr, and Mrs. R. Parkes, Omemee; Mr. and Mrs. N. Parkes, Peterborough, with their son, Nigel, and daugh- ter, Judith. On the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Welsh, Bowman- ville, were honored at a party given by their sons and daugh- ters, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Souch (Eva); Mr. and Mrs. Luthér Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Bothwell (Bernice), Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal (Ruby). The party was held at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Welsh, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ste- phens of Courtice have returned {study of La Traviata. Mrs. A. W |Armstrong and Mrs. S. V. Bar-| low assisted the hostess. | | Toronto guests at {Casey wedding included Mr. and (Mrs. G. B. Hamilton, Mr. and| Thomas, Mr, and Mrs. R. Bergo-| - ner. Guides, Brownies, leaders and mothers formed a ring and sang "Taps". ils in connection with the din- the Bell- ed home from Flori after spend- ing the past seven weeks in Sara- tosa. While there they were visit- by Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bright, Miss Betty Bright and Miss Molly Sinclair, all of Osh- Mrs. ~Oshawa Times Photo |Mrs. T. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. D,[2W2 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bright, Miss Betty Bright and Miss Molly Sinclair returned home re- cently after spending the past three weeks in Florida and while son officiated and the church organist played the traditional] wedding music. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She wore a floor-length gown of white taf- feta with a bodice of lace re- embroidered with crystal beads. A matching cap held her finger tip veil and she carried a cas- cade of golden roses entwined with ivy. She was attended by Miss June and Miss Irene Bell who were dressed in turquoise silk organza over taffeta, with matching pie- ture hats and accessories. They carried gold-colored carnations. Mr. Robert Richards was best man and Mr. Albert Hall ushered. A reception was held at the Hotel Genosha. The bridegroom's mother received wearing blue with beige accessories. The couple motored to New York City for their honeymoon, the bride wearing a navy blue French wool crepe suit with matching hat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Bell will return to P| make their home in Toronto. Corinthian Lodge | Holds Ladies' Night At Airport Hall On Saturday, March 26, the 100F Corinthian Lodge entertain-| their annual spring dance at the Oshawa Airport. This dance was very success- ful with guests present from Ajax, Whitby, Brooklin, Port Perry, und Little Britain. The music was supplied by Ted Tay- lor and his orchestra from Ajax. On entering the hall each lady was given a small token and lucky number which was drawn later in the evening by Bro. D. Keeler, DDGM and Bro, J. Free- man, NG. The following ladies were the lucky winners. | Mrs. C. Howe, Mrs. R. Clarke, Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. 0. Weeks, ed their ladies and friends atis. Mrs. J., Suddard, Mrs. C. Todd, Mrs. T. Hanna, Mrs. T. Barnes, Miss R. Brown, Mrs. W. Gal braith. Miss O. Trick, Mrs. R. Thomp- son, Mrs. J. Hancock, Mrs. R. Burns, Mrs. H, Homer, Mrs. T. Taylor, Mrs. V. Johnston, Mrs, Dwyer, Miss Sheligha Killen, Mrs. D. Hopps. Mrs, M. Yeo, Mrs. L. Pear- son, Mrs. B. Sawyer, Mrs. G. Jenkins, Mrs. C. Udell, Mrs. As Miller, Mrs. R. McMaster, Mrs, M. Winter, Mrs. M. Wright. Mrs. R..Williamson, Mrs. B. Nichol, Mrs. W. Andrews, Mrs. K. Dumas, Mrs. M. MacKeen, Mrs. J, Freeman, Mrs. R. Law, Mrs. H. Crawford, Mrs. D. Howe, Mrs. D. Wilson, Mrs. M. Bruce. MACARONI PRODUCER Most of Canada's output of Macaroni and similar products comes from Quebec province. HOW YOUR A © RECOGNITIO For outstanding services to Girl Guiding, Mrs. Charles Langfield, Brown Owl, 10th Brownie Pack, was presented with a "thanks" badge at the 10th Guide company mother and daughter banquet held re- cently at the Salvation Army Citadel. The presentation was made by Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Adelaide district commissioner on behalf of the Adelaide dis- trict and the 10th Girl Guide there spent some time in Miami and Sarasota. group committee. ERWINNE"S of 0SHAWA DRAPERIES eo CUSTOM MADE ® BY THE YARD for the finest selection in all Drapery Fabrics , . . and Free Estimates. Call RA 5-3144 HOWARD DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE STREET NORTH Laboratory tests have now proved that liver bile emulsifies fats... actually breaks them down. It is an established fact that when liver bile is added to fatty solids, the fats are broken down and form s smooth, easy-flowing mix. In your digestive tract, liver bile | helps break down fats the same way. Many of the foods you eat reach the digestive tract as undigested fatty solids, Your golden liver bile helps break down these fats . . . for easier and more complete digestion. LIVER BILE HELPS BREAK DOWN FATS IN THE DIGESTIVE TRACT Carter's Little Liver Pills' exclusive formula of vegetable ingredients re- lieves irregularity gently and effeo- tively. At the same time, it actually improves the flow of liver bile needed to break down fats in your digestive tract. So when you feel sluggish, head achy, nervous and need a laxative, take Carter's Little Liver Pills, Remember, Carter's not only re- lieve irregularity, but actually ime prove the flow of liver bile. Get Carter's Little Liver Pills today! Erwinne's Again Offer You Special Savings on Your Spring and Easter Wardrobes. 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Sizes 812 to 11, Reg. 1.50. 99¢ HALF-SLIP Nylon tricot with shadow panel to match above full slips. Sizes $-M-L. 1.29--2.98 TARTAN SLIM Jims Fomous makers, gll bot: wool, Newest plaids in colors. Sizes 10-20, 14.95 "al wooL SKIRTS All wool in new straight line colors of Black, Brown, Srey, Navy, etc. Sizes 10- 5.98 Accessories GLOVES Imported double woven nylon and double woven cotton fabric hand sewn « New Spring eolors, Sizes 6-814. Reg. to 1.98 1.00 SCARVES Nylon oblongs, squares, printed f longs, Reg. to 1 59¢-1.00 jlk and rayon oral sheer ob- 98. ERWINNE' SPECIALTY SHOP 11 SIMCOE ST. § COMP =----=BURNS SAVE!! LETE SERVICE F STAIN IE 4 CREDIT JEWELLERS SAVE!! A lifetime supply of Genuine Stainless Steel FLATW ARE! wvVvVYvwVvwery LESS FLATWARE BEAUTY THAT LASTS! NEVER NEEDS POLISHING! WON'T STAIN OR TARNISH! NOW AT THE LOWEST PRICE EVER! NOT $39.95 NOT $29.9 BUT ONLY... YOU GET ALL 101 39 COMPLETE 0 PIECES NO MONEY DOWN! 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