4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 'COMEDY BY PICKERING THEATRE GROUP This is the dining room scene | Binders home at Hempstead. in the play "George and Mar- | Players from the left, Cynthia garet" presented by Pickering = Haggett, of Pickering. Arny Township Little Theatre group. | Smith, of Port Union. Al, And- | The action takes place in Garth- | erson, of Pickering Beach. Win- Saturday, staged again next Saturday at Ajax High school. Photo by John Mills nifred Fraser of Rouge Hills, Alan Aldridge of Ajax. Joyce Bateman, of Ajax and Peter O'Shaughnessy of Whitby. Pre- sented at Pickering High school | Oshawa Driver Durham Admits Charge Carelessness | | BOWMANVILLE (Staff). -- An Oshawa man, David A. Haynes, 23, 74 King street west, was Tugsuay fied $55 ad FA growers will meet with Morley guilty before Magistrate R. B.|Wemmer, | riaugion is € Baxter to a charge of careless| rom Brighton lo @IsCuSs driving |spraying program for the season On a second charge of h liquor in a place other th his residence, he was fined - and costs, or an additional three|S¢ days | place. OPP Constable Jim McDonald | said he followed accused north| on Highway 115 Friday night at speeds up to 80 miles an hour. Friday. In Newcastle, aving Following this, organized. April is actually a big month for the 4-H clubs as most will : mes fore-| De organized and get under way oie the clits Hanes ote. for the new season. Following is shoulder. At the south end of the farm calendar. i ' : | Friday, April 1, 8.00 p.m. t | 4 r Oe falicd io Sess iate Apple growers meeting, Newcas- vehi [tle Community Hall. This is the oe a annual spray meeting, when the ly around on the travelled portion 1960 spray calendar will be re- of the highway |viewed by Morley Webster, Ex- Witness said he found three tension Specialist, Brighton. people in the car all of whom had| 7.00 p.m. Durham County been drinking. There was a case Seed Judging competition, Par- of 24 pints of beer on the floor. ish Hall, Temperance street, P.M.---Organization 1960 4-H Grain Club. Parish Farm Calendar y BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- motive Safety Club; Durham 4-H it ' hap Three events of note in Durham |Tractor Maintenance Club; Hope De a a I ety county farming circles take place 4-H Calf Club; Durham 4-H For-| way Accused did not a bear applelage Club; Durham 4-H Silage" ppear. specialist | Club. the | Two events will take place at the|jble, an in parish hall, Temperance street. | Bowmanville, when the county Junior Farmer Meeting $0 ed judging competition will take . the 1960 Durham 4-H Grain Club will be Newcastle Man Dumped Trash BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- George Sundberg, 38, of New- castle, was Tuesday found guilt County After finding the accused guil- ty of the offence, His Worship 12 delayed the imposition of a fine for one week. OPP Constable Jack Ricard isaid he was patrolling north on April 27, 8.00 p.m. -- Duzham Morgan's Side Road, Clarke town- . |ship, Feb. 3, when he noticed a Hall Orens special Dam large quantity of garbage. The plann 6 ay ey oe refuse was dumped between two offen 0 urg |Clarke township 'No Dumping" " signs. April 28 -- Durham Rural and| pecki hroug fle Safety Council Organization Meet: found a og non the pile, ae ing. : cused's wife's name on it. Fur- May 6, 7.00 p.m. -- Durham 4-H|ther investigation disclosed Sund- Clubs Livestock Coachingherg had dumped the refuse on Night. Place to be announced. the roadside. This is an attendance meeting for all Durham 4-H Club members. | eri soon dons Fors West End Players ' Receive Praise 'Longshoremen Ask zai pavers of Toronto Tuesday For Master Pact {Corn Club; Durham 4-H Swine | Any rural young person, .|years of age by May 1, is elig-| is Sandra Fraser. {night received the almost un- lqualified praise of adjudicator the play will be | |IN DARLINGTON Confirm Rate Up HAMPTON (Staff)--Darlington; township 1950 mill rate is an- nounced as 75.88, representing an increase of 8.88 mills over last year. The farm and residential rate has increased .8 mills to 6.8 mills, while a slight drop Is shown in the commercial levy which is down from 12 mills to 11.8 mills. A jump in the township con- tribution to the United Counties which has assessed the townsh'p 13.2 mills as against 9.5 in 1959. The actual township rate is only up 1.6 mills. This increase includes the estimate for the roads department for which a bylaw was passed Monday to suthorize an expenditure of $130, 1000. A change this year is in the schools' levy against township [residents. In previous years there was a general school rate. In- stead of the general school rate, school levies are now imposed as local school rates. OTHER RATES Other rates on which the aver- Mill 8.88 age mill rate is based are as fol- lows: Durham District High mills, increase, 10 mills; S88 18.15 mills, increase, two mills. 8S 19, 15 mills, increase, four mills; SS 20, 17 mills, no change; SS 21, 21 mills increa'ed six mills; SS 22, 18.4 mills; increase, one mill; SS 23, 24 mills, an in- crease of 17.58 mills over the 1959 rate of 6.42 mills, The South Darlington area rate has increased 6.2 mills this year to 16.2 mills over the 1959 rate. School Board, 15.9 as ed to 12 mills in 1959. Roads 16 mills, as compared to 15 mills in 1959. Cost of snow removal = during the winter months has largely been respon. sible for the increase here, it is pointed out. Fire protection is 'down half a mill to one 'mill while Hampton street lighting is also down half a mill to 2.5, while the debenture levy by area is increased .3 mills to 6.9 as compared to the 1950 levy of 6.6 mills, LOCAv SCHOOL LEVIES Schoo' section No. 20, Courtice this year has a 13.06 mill levy to include debentures for construc- tion. Local school levies are as fol- lows: SS 7, 35 mills as compared to the 1959 levy of 15 mills; SS 10, 30 mills, no change; SS 13, 20 mills, increasing 85 mills above the 1959 levy. SS 14, 20.6 mills, an increase of| Services At Ajax St. Pauls AJAX -- The morning service at St. Paul's, Ajax, was con- ducted by Rev. T. Rex Norman, Sunday, with choir under the di- rection of organist Wallace Young, providing the music. ies of sermons on the Apostle's Creed and dealt with "The Suf- ferings of Jesus", At the evening service Ken Gibson conducted the service as- sisted by Mary Gail Clapham and Mary Wheeler. The ushers were Roselyn Combdon and John Ellis. The calendar of events includes a bake sale April 2, 10.30 a.m. to noon at Devolin's Store. A decision was reached at the Mr. Norman continued his ser-| increase, six mills; SS 17, = Ca riboo Hunt As Experiment TORONTO (CP) -- Lands and Forests Minis'er Spooner ssid Tuesday his department is con (sidering opening a aunting seas son on caribou on an ex !mental basis. "Our biologists are working hard on developing techniques for a caribou inventory and it is clear there are enough animals to consider a restricted kill by sport hunters," Mr. Spooner told the legislature. He said the area that may be opened to caribou hunting 's north of the northern CNR track. However, he added, the Indians are dependent to some extent on {caribou for food and clothing and {first consideration must be given {them. Moose hunters spent some $8, . 664,500 for goods and services im 1058. Deer hunters spend about $7,000,000 a year. BRASS LINK |. FOLKESTONE, England (CP) {The chain of office worn by the {mayor of this Kent seaport cone {tains 50 gold links and «ne brass link. The links are added by each mayor from his own pocket. Sug- gestions have been made that the {brass link should be taken out, annual congregational meeting to but the council says the mayor 4.6 mills; SS 15, 20 mills, in-|join the family plan for the maga-|Who put it on probably could not crease 11 mills; SS 16, 20 mills, izine "The Observer". afford a gold one. X | 0: {Durham {Betty Mitchell for their perform- Hall, Temperance TORONTO (CP)--The Interna-jance of Maxim Gorky's The manville. tional Longshoremen's Agsocia- Lower Depths at the Central On- |{Bowmanville, April 8, 1.00 - 4.30 p.m. -- An-| ion hones to get a master agree tario regional drama festival. 2 Men Fined BOWMANVILLE (Staff) anal sheep and Wool ConfereBie iment covering the 10,000 dock| "I have been greatly impressed Two Bowmanville men, Arthur Guelph. All sheep producers wel. | Workers at 30 Great Lakes ports by a magnificent Pompany of Ruban Rowe, 26, of 137 Queen|come. For further information|.' Years end, it was Feportediacions, magnificent y directed," street, and William Gerrald Ellis, contact, Ontario Department of | + 16508: : [iss Milche ' 2 rans Instructor 26, of 63 King street, were Agriculture, Bowmanville. William V. Bradley, president irom algary, gals in her I fined $10 and costs or three Ann) 13 8.30 p.m. -- Depart: of the 100,000-member union said|cation. They held the audier days and $20 and costs or seven! ment of Agriculture, Brighton, In|} an interview from his New gud Kept Sie interest susie ed days, respectively, Tuesday. ter County exchange visit com- York office that the master iid nas een a rewar ing an The fine on Ellis was heavier mittee meeting agreement would cover uniform very pleasant evening. | D An ; . k hpalt an] | -- iy because he admitted throwing April 20, 8.00 p.m. -- Orono Pay, hours of work, health and| beer bottles and glasses in a Town Hall. Organization of fol-| Welfare benefits and pensions for MOBILE MOVIES Newcastle beverage room when!lowing Durham 4-H Clubs -- Dur- general cargo workers. Norway's rural cinema estab- he appeared last week. Both men ham 4-H Beef Calf Club, Durham! Canadian rates now vary from lishment using 41 trucks and five pleaded guilty at that time to 4-H Dairy Calf Club; Durham 4-H [$1.98 an hour at Toronto to $1.75 vessels plans some 24,000 film causing a disturbance. |Potato Club; Durham 4-H Auto-'at the Lakehead. showing in small places in 1960. street, Bow- HEINZ BABY FOODS celebrates the introduction of 25 NEW KINDS GET 1"INCASH! rs for just 6 labels from any of the 25 newest HEINZ BABY FOODS! Custard, and all the other baby-delighting kinds--what a pleasure it is, bringing them to your baby! We now bring you more than 160 kinds in all--by far the most popular variety with Canadian mothers and babies. © TuTn _ FRUTTI all you Get a crisp, new $1.00 bill--to start baby's bank account. Celebrate with us the big, wonderful welcome that mothers everywhere are giving to the 25 newest Heinz Baby Foods. Heinz Tutti Frutti, Heinz Butterscotch HEINZ BABY FOODS @ the good they do your baby now--lasts a lifetime BF-15608 REV. == _~0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000° 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2 $1.00 CELEBRATION OFFER! We'll mail you $1.00 in cash... merely send this coupon and 6 labels from any of the 25 newest Heinz Baby Foods, as listed herel NEW HEINZ STRAINED VARIETIES NEW HEINZ JUNIOR VARIETIES Tangerine Juice 14. Chicken Noodle Dinner Egg Yolks and Bacon 15, Spaghetti Beef Dinner Chicken Noodle Dinner 16. Egg Yolks and Bacon Butterscotch Custard 17. Tutti Frutti Tutti Frutti 18. Bananas and Pineapple Spaghetti and Beef 19, Creamed Corn Bananas and Pineapple . Turkey Dinner Graham Cracker Dessert 21. Beef with Potatoes Turkey with Vegetables . Chicken with Potatoes Beef with Potatoes 23. Ham with Sweet Potatoes 11. Chicken with Potatoes . Cottage Cheese with Pineapple 12. Ham with Sweet Potatoes . Chicken Rice Dinner 13, Cottage Cheese with Pineapple ATTACH LABELS TO THIS COUPON, MAIL TO: HEINZ BABY FOODS, DEPT. "X.X.", LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO 1 2 Name (Please Print) Address $O00 NICH LN Sn tad} 10. City. Only one $1.00 celebration offer to each family. Offer expires April 30, 1960. ICE CASTLE spAGHE =~ 29 [0 romp 3 ~ 25¢ CAKE MIX | Strawberry | SPAGHETT nore AM. sor me | wronsro savas 35: | 20¢ [4-5 LPTONS | Yeoh | Faken SOUP [MARGARINE TuNa 4-49: 2-53-59: A Lk EXTRA 5 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF ONE PINT OF SUCCESS WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF HEAVY DUTY LIQUID WAX OF MAXWELL HOUSE VAUD TO SATAPRIL R1960 EXTRA Instant Coffee 255 VALID 10 SATAPRIL 9.1960 2 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A 20 OZ. TIN OF DEL MONTE Pineapple Juice AJ A 48 OZ. TIN OF VALID TO SAT. APRIL 9.1960 a 6.140. x8, SOCKEY SALMON SUN RYPE APPLE JUICE VALID TO SAT APRIL 9.1960 CHUCK STEAKS sw SALAMI SIDE BACON BY THR PIECE ICE CREA 2-10. « 49° (BY-THE-PIEC'E ) LB. 89° uw 33° Tender...Juicy... JUST THE WAY YOU LIKE IT! { A, SIDE SPARE RIBS 43¢- PORTERHOUSE, T-BONE, WING STEAKS 79% MARGAREE FILLETS 39. GOLDEN SMOKED EXTRA LEAN, JACK SPRATT LITTLE LINK OR COUNTRY STYLS SIDE BACON _49¢- SAUSA® GT AN ERY es TENDER, MILK FED VEAL LEGS--- 83¢ A SMOOTH FLAVOUR-PACKED TREAY MADE FROM FRESH CREAM AND THE CALIFORNI. ASPARAG Us 2-49: SNOW WHITE U.S. NO. 1 CAULIFLOWER EXTRA LARGE HEADS BACH 29: CUBAN SWE PINEAPPLES ---3~ EY, RIPE 6% ORANGES ACY, tAROH 3Z1 Vex' orf] 0 IMPORTED U.S. NO. 7% or. tia 49 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9 P.M. DUNDAS STREET NORTH PLAZA WHITBY TOMATOE 14 OZ, CELLO PKO. A : i 5 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps "A 13 OF. PKG. F SCHU Potato Chips VALID TO SATAPRIL 9.1960. 5 EXTRA "Pinky" Stamps WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF A LGE. TUBE OF BRYLCREEM VAUD TO SAT. APRIL 9.1960 257752 A 9 OL. 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