The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1960, p. 15

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i nu a Fam LR ah tine 4 J hh A de Sha a dh te THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 30, 1960 15 1sti T Exch Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange ; : a Beryllium Mine [pict mats TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS y Net Net Net Net 10-per-cent concentration brings By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stoek Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge | . . $480 per ton, is in the United Toronto Stock Exchange--March 3 Corby wt M0 sm me 17a Tr Can PL 1265 =% 2% co ~ A Arcadia $s 0 Kenville 1900 2% 2% NY + W For N va Sco tia States. The U.S. was subsidizing (Quotations in cents unless mar] r 'Lele! 1 y 4 % 9% Ta 1000 1 - s Odd Joti Puig" 3 Xr--Ex- X 3% 6% A Uh 1% 11% +1 O |exploitation of every lode in the rights: Joti xd aD! Vien; xr-Ea LP Ape n So os os . ; Pe 2 oF ? 3 31 30 3 x 7 country and its annual yield was Fnd 393843944343. 3 Wat Equip $3 5 5 "0 still not enough to meet demand. Production last year was only 350 tons. Some beryllium crystals found HALIFAX (CP)--A provincial; Dr. Wright told the Dawson ; ! 0% wh West C Brew 10 $32% 32% 32% } % -- INDUSTRIALS Dos 3 13 Wstn pr 6pc 5 $1013 103% 101% cl I HR rad 550 mining official says a Toronto|Geological Society that beryl, of "4 Net Dom Stores 6 9% 19% Wood Alex 425 425 425 ; Dom Tar xd 14 20 205 285 2905 +1 M Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Dom Text $69 ) Zenith x 200 340 340 company is interested in setting which beryllium is a component, 3 a A i. Curb EE : 40 1 x up beryllium mining operations injis used to toughen and lighten, "1 oi" coams survey -- another Am 150 Pe --- iy y Pam Play iL. a Anglo-N 100 S64 6 6% aE 200; 42 M: vb: 500 i {southwestern Nova Scotia imetals, fo increase their ability -- " vol ris boinc ind y i 0 20 00 5 $43 y : ons 14] Sls 15% 15% & Dymo D4 rn C hi Dr. J. D. Wright, geologist in| electrical conductors, and as aire about eight inches long and 5 25 iN Ga 900 : 340% 40% 40% - Can-BOR i" Multi-M EE a Nova Gootiab te, BEO0RISL Hi chield in nuclear reactors f by y 18 18 GN Gas 2.80 p 10 35 ; 4 Can-Met 1.: 8 ; 5 5 the Nova Scofia mines depart- two inches thick. More surveying 30% 30% GN Gas wis 100 13 106 : Cassatt 1 a , No H ment, says the company willl A government survey team was planned for the Jordan Falls %. J H Smith 23 0% 3 Cent Pore 1 v Ca 6 \ evaluate prospects for an opera-|found a deposit of four-per-cent|area this summer. Imp Bank 30 $56 36 Chester 000 New tion at Jordan Falls near Shel-|beryllium at Jordan Falls last| Other areas in Shelburne and Imp Oil w $ Ye 34% 13 780 ; Chime ; NJ p +1 {burne, N.S., this spring. Dr.|summer, he said. So far as he| Guysborough counties will be sur- I a hy Uv In 200 250 250 ; Coch Will N Mylama 1 ; Wright did not name the com-|knew there are no commercial|veyed this summer. Work has inland Gas p 225 1 a a in Ls L B 1 oye 325 bt {pany but one source said it is the [beryllium mining operations in|been hampered by lack eof ade- Int Bae 3 a CE 50 245 240 U0 --5 ] 1700 | % 3 O'Brien 60 [7] {McIntyre Mining Co Canada at preset. quate geographical maps. Int Util pr 155 $41 4 y C 255 790 7 i © Discovery 4 35 5 Opemiske : mo C Halliwell 500 t rehan MS 3 1 74% 3 Pardee 4 Paymast Cor C Mosher v Lakeland 2125 2 ; 200 4 ) Blo s 6 31 31 31 +1 pies Crow , 5 MT 4% ATE x 270 $334 32! 3 i a hd ns 100 $124 12% 126 + Lob G 1 pr 5 $26% b Ye 4 ie 3 2 . Cop-Mar 3 9% 3 + pl RP p a 100 $ 1 3 Lob Co B 100 $ : 2 : TL Co 1 2 vy A 3 ; : 5 $45 5 : MB and PR 1730 io 4 1% 11% 1% 2 2 2 Sue Sop csi 160, $ 4 Mass-F a0 9% 9% A 00 205 208 5 r : y 2 1, ge Mi Can Wire B 150 % % Y Maxwell zl 5 28 ' San Ant i30 3» 3% 58 Pp C Bank Com 90 $30% 30% 30% Moore 1 839% - y LL aR Elder tls = = Send Riv Cdn Brew 375 § 31% 31% Nat Groc pr $257 ; 1 1 con 133 9 29 8 C Brew rts 3086 \ N Hos B 200 ¥ : 1 BBW "atin 1 1 & CBAL A wis 20 520 520 520 +1 N Star wt 57 1050 2 205 Provo Gas ! 25 2 Frobisher : 3 TE J. 4 Cdn Celan 105 $18% 2 N¢ 5 1 Ranger 200 135 135 138 Giant YK 1 5 y + > A a C Cel $1.75 p 46 $2 21, 28% --I \ 3 : Rocky Pete 5 : Glacier 000 24 24 lle 10 eries 39% o 98% + 3 ge 140 326% 4 Royalite 5 9 915 18 Gunnar 5 1 Taurcanis 0 3 » C Collieries 900 59% L 5 -- % wale ; ; G 0 Faurean's \ cS «5 : C Coll' pr 10 3 73 na 20% Y Secur Free 3 o Re Gunnar wis 3 0 . i 4 Cc Cut'w 200 1 1 PC Jewel pr z5 $94 9 Spooner 0 3 a4 : 10 8 S + Neck i 2 1 ure Summer Comfort Now Fairbks A 100 § 1 1 Pow Corp 50 $48% ] % n Oils 166 36 3 2 ard - 3 +d Towag 6% 6% 6% --I © Fairbks B z30 $6% 6% 67 Ros AV Can 287 49 90 n Olly is I ag i a ; ; Un Kene 5575 B15 € Hydro Car 391 10 -- Royal Bamk™ 103 911 70% 71 --% Fd, 139 1% By public demand we are continuing " z50 $13% Sse 2 ™ i i 15 J H » OF 25 22% Royl bk rte 650 205 205 295 fh 3% 28% 23 : %h os Sonat this offer until April 1. ; 845 5 3 +3 StL Corp 5% i yl ; 303 . 7/(/ "di 100 1 - Salada-S 30 $9% 9% fs M15 36 3 3 Bay 3 45 5 % 200 121 i e Yale Lead 34000 24 ,, ib pp as Sool Cano sae we me Aime See 808 ton Bay am 0 = mw or wm mw os | ALUMINUM AWNINGS DRASTICALLY Comb Ent 160 88 2 72 Con Gas 245 $36% 36% 36% Fi 125 34% 34) 44 -- Arjon L 8 Jonsmith Sales fo 11 am: 372,000. LN RL li C1 2, REDUCED PRICES . 8 stock marker Industrials = DON'T WAIT 'NET EARNINGS | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Closed On = |year ended Dec. 3: 1959, $564,574; | Tr i = - : Ba Unseasonable weather plus a high 1958, $658,716. | Dull Side + : : inventory force us to make this | Consolidated Howey Gold Vio |Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1950,| TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials oy EE] offer. Call now and take advant- net loss $32,844; 1958, met profit|attempted to rally Tuesday but : 0 1$19,390. |closed the stock market on the| | General Dynamics Corporation, |dull side | vear ended Dec. 31: 1959, $31-| Index changes: Industrials | : Bi +e Sul BEES EE HL SNEED) 199% piscount sna International Harvester Com-|158.16; western oils up .55 eS [pany of Canada Ltd., year ended 100.83. Oct. 31: 1959. $4,565,961; 1958, $3,-| Fnial volume was 1,801,000 | § 29 \ 3 3 548,390. dgainst the 3,003,000 Monday | i ; Y ON ALL ORDERS RECEIVED p ; Great Lakes Power had a gain | 8 kb 4 abatt, Ss ded Jan. | 3 h g gO e000 35 cents. 8|Of 1% at 24, while R.L. Crain Lid. : ® ON OR BEFORE APRIL 1 share: 1959. $433,000, 30 cents, |improved 1% at 19% and Weston | | Brin pil Pr int at 33. Gres ! Sherritt Gordon Mines [Pat Poe poly = 'a at) |year ended Dec. 31: 1959, $2, ; . he 5 . . i ooals 2 Sry 10, (ug Alberta ize geined % = 35 NASH Aluminum Doors and Windows 234,041, 29 cents. {points to 149 with Royal Bank of * . ° Be Traders Finance Corporation, (Canada down 1% ai 70% and | Alumiwall Aluminum Siding year ended Dec. 81: 1959, $4,781 Molson's Brewery B fell 1% at 371, $3.47 2 share; 1958, $4,752,508 21, Huron and Erie was off a point at 50%. Alexander Lid., year Noranda improved % at 40% 2 s, 81: 1959, $94,235; 1958, Rock both Sr ------ bd but Dome and Steep $57,239. were off % at 20 and 10%. | Algom dropped % at 12 and| 94 BRUCE STREET, OSHAWA Es 4 yo go Hig wy : : a : 4 : 3 J : ; j : . Gunnar was off 10 cents at $9. Tomi NE Sa 6 aii {Park Stickers |, 2ome,00 A sunet % at 15 PHONE RA 3-2219 NOW! age of these savings ! A HRD EW ie i 5 TR 3 | . | and Bailey Selburn up 20 cents at| THREE OF the remaining 20 | tree growth with Dean George | Dean Kalman Roller (second | left, are: Julius Pech, Stephen Raised To $2 |= x Royale Sroppeld, > cents | undergraduates are shown here S. Allen (centre), head of | from right), head of the Sopron | Homoky and Julius Komondy. 2 al acific Petroleum was an experiment in | UBC's forestry faculty, and | division. The students, from --CP Photo | TORONTO (CP)--Increases In off % at 1h. - lees to p were announced in the legislature NOT ALL BEER AND SKITTLES | Diefenbaker Denies few fam mi ows | The minister also announced a ® ® Any Interference | special blanket charge of 75 cents| la day on cars, allowing families) Oo TO1 1 1 11V ersl Y OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-|to visit more than one park a . i day. i . Die: nally Sunied The $1 charge for season stick-| i aay. * govern- |. covering all parks has been| {ment members had anything to|_ : a . do with the selection by the Board pa = Vite He fram ok of Broadcast Governors for Tor-|™", $5 fee has replaced the for- onto's first private television sta-| 0. "¢; charge for taking boats ' goon fiveaee. i CCF P 4 |into Quetico park on the Min- i . 5 op . pugias Fisher | -- FOrlinesota border. VANCOUVER (CP)--Life hasn't| and logging camps, waiting for|sity's research staff. Most of the| Arthur) asked in the Commons| It is hoped the mew fees and OPEN THURS. TILL 7 PM. been all beer and skittles for the better jobs. But Dean Geoffrey others have positions in private yhether any government member|ievenues from park concessions FRI. TILL 9 P.M. TORCAN members of "Little Sopron" Uni-| Allen of the UBC forestry depart-|industry or at other universities.|communicated with the BBG in-|will cover bom all park main- SAT. TILL 6 P.M. versity since they left their alma ment thinks they will have the] Two middle-aged professors dicating any preference before it|tenance expenses, the minister a mater three years ago and came| chance to make good. {have made a complete change--|selected a group in which thegaid, STEREO PORTABLES to Canada. But things are looking they've become storekeepers. [Toronto Telegram holds control.| The 55 parks where fees are IMPROVED PROSPECTS 0 > , . i Rk brighter Thy ,: One has a bake shop and I'Eight other applicants tried for|charged were visited last year b . Little Sopron is Sopron Univer- This year's graduates should pelieve the other has a clothing|the licence 5,106 952 persons, neluding wo, | GE 100 WATT Large Plastic by Rotor Electric : : have no difficulty getting jobs of|g; " Dean Allen says ™ . Ha we y ; Ww] fl » Yt store, ean Allen says The BBG announced its recom-|000 campers. A total of 1,410,447 FROSTED Bigs Jurestry faculty wiich Sai some sort," he says. "Last year| He ha. high praise for the So- mendation last Friday. vehicles Peniered the parks. EEPS Hungary following the 150 E45 at" gon one for sme: pro siadents who have mds tho "TALL 2 BULBS og i ersity of British Colum. ment and the year before was ter-/grade despite their financial dif-| . the University ii rible. But now the long-term out-| ficulties. All of them have had to) At Oshewe Discount uml wit a bia. look is quite good." pay their own fees. . ond The faculty, which celebrated ; + times for the! *"They" a i s with % . n 4 i 95¢ 1 85 i its 150th anniversary in March, | One sign of better times for the They've stayed with us with Homebuilding? Choose or * acwost Astatic. Stereo Has complete stereo by Reliable Toy Co. amplifier employ Retail $3.00 TO CLEAR ing two, S0EH § and a | he 1h "| Sopron graduates, he says, is the no help except loans," he says. turnover cartridge. Tl 1959, has been steadily diminish federal government's plan to ex-'"Some of them have massive compact portable player ing since 28 professors an |pand its forestry services, prob-|debts, but they'll be able to pay is built in steel case Suisy ip arvived pit refugees id providing posit joga for 70|them off in a year or so." R O WwW GLIDING WINDOWS with detachable hinge a oresiers over @ next five years.|-- ------. 1 H that k After the next gradustion, iniThe Hungarians will become . Yue . Wyncrest FILTRO 9-CUP to Wat yor av Fr be May this year, only three or four| gjisiple for these positions in two Army Unit Planned , TOASTER COFFEE -- oxime professors and about 20 under years, when they will qualify for| . They're Removable! PERCOLATORS away Ju. Frigg re Be will quietly "| Canadian eitizenship. 'For Forest Fires and designed for your comfort and convenience BY PROCTOR , the problems still f ; tire oy oe prod ms sil facing (TORONTO (CP)--A specially : model No. 21. Wholesale At Oshawa Discount 140 GRADUATES jobs for Sopron's teaching staff,| 5. unit may . ) THIS 90 9 50 By that time about 140 of the being reduced as the undergradu-| pie, SL 11SC 0 AUETCEE ores) Tie Ze witk we ° House, only students will have survived a con- ate classes got smaller, try, Lands and Forests Minister a - stant battle against financial,| "If we can get some financial|Snooner said Tuesday | language and unemployment support, we may be able to keep it is propjosed to set up special| problems to become fully-fledged some of them on here," saysiiraining courses for officers and| foresters. Dean Allen. "But we just can't|non.commissioned officers, with! ol in ) Of the other 50, two have re- justify a large staff with small the aim of training ultimately at Lr : -- f HANKSCRAFT 1 GAL. WESTINGHOUSE turned to Hungary, a few have classes." least one battalion in fire-fight- oo : re ty is acai oe i ; od is VAPORIZER || DOG-0-MATIC UEC, solle oiled their courses, RESEARCH JOBS dealt of the "There is a notable similarity | J i al several had to drop ou 4 : ike lin the organization of the prov- | i 1 icoti cause they couldn't raise enough/Sopron faculty, will probably be ;,.e's forest fire fighters and the| Sh ddd yi hon oid - i Soike hod a, mosey 1 pay fous. EIVED 3 Toreas) Dosim a army," Mr. Spooner told the leg-| 3 steam vapor. A few left ef only e 95. w wholesale . . Not the 97 who have gra-|3 : ; 4 islature. 'It is felt that suchi| g or " : duated so far are working as jobs for ene or two of the older | raining along semi-military lines| 2s the ROW. Higiae Sing i ble wood window, of course. Come ALL TOYS AND GAMES 6 95 5.50 €oresters, nor will the 20-0dd who| men. would be of immense value." ort le ecause 3 s weatherstripped fo shut out unhealthy draughts, . graduate this spring be assured| One of the dozen or so Sopron| The army supplies men and| 3°v® furnace heat--convenient because you can Jift the sash out in 3 of such jobs immediately. |professors who have been laid off material on request of provincial IR ssconds for the easiest, fastest win. Many still work in sawmillsiso far already is on the univer-' authorities. ) \ dow cleaning ever. Just think! You I a ---- a) " can clean both sides of the glass || a | Ni | iss oro ELECTRIC LONG PLAY RECORDS Senate To Vote gl | -=SE] | KETTLES to cour ot « 25% DISCOUNT Drop out to our G.E. Vapor Control, No. K45. AS LOW AS 1.49 On Diversion Bill |... oo... |e || panels and screens offer won- : : il Jory . . WASHINGTON (AP)--The Sen-|River in Canada to bring water creases in lake levels resulting So elie on is no problem. ate foreign relations committee|from James Bay, an arm of Hud- from additions to the lakes by||*~. pining a a] 1 will vote today on whether to|®" Bay. inte Lake Huron Canada had caused damage tof Older is the window designed FILTRO Kettle 1.50 ot oy GE of FLOW shore areas with the homeowner in mind. Special more rings on a contro- 2 IN y He conceded the idea might - 5 : I versial 'bill to permit Chicago to| He said "this plan could assure| give proponents of more. diversion EVERBRIGHT Kettle We have several specials marked on our counters this week that we take more water from Lake|a continuous supply of new water|y Chicago a new argument. [ 94 aren't advertised because we can't handle the rush it would erecte . « Michigan. for the Great Lakes amounting] "Kierans said it was too early Special L} 30 come on in an SAVE UP TO 509%. The committee was asked Tues-|to at least 25000 cubic feet a|¢, estimate costs of his proposal. PRODUCTS day to consider a new proposal|second. He said Canada would benefit $0 pump huge amounts of water| Chicago has been attempting to|by sale of the water to certain . {nto the Great Lakes which would|get permission to divert an addi-| water deficient areas in North Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom more than make up for any di-|tional 1,000 cubic feet for sewage America. 84 SIMCOE ST. S.--RA 8-1817 COURTICE--RA 83-1611 version contemplated by Chicago. disposal Other benefits to Canada would The proposal was advanced by| Senator Paul H. Douglas (Dem. include hydro - eleciric energy| ® 9 TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU eo I Tom Kierans, an engineer from Ill), leader of the fight to get|{from the fall of the reversed . | Sudbury, Ont Senate for the BOWMANVILLE MA 3.2130 AJAX ZEnith 2-9600 ; approval bill water channel and a barge navi Kierans suggested it would be passed by the House of Repre- gation channel from James Bay . . economically practicable to re- sentatives, reserved comment, to the Great Lakes and fue lower DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. 290 ALBERT STREET (Between Gibb and Olive) RA 8-0311 werse the flow of the Harricanaw! An aide noted that previous in- /Ottawa River, he said |

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