The Oshawa Times, 28 Mar 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY The lack of monotony in these hurried and hectic days is get ting to be terribly monotonous. dhe Oshawa Times WEATHER REPORT Mainly clear tonight, Tuesday eloudy with showers except mixed briefly with snow before noon. Colder tonight VOL. 89--NO. 73 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1960 Authorized es Second Class Mall Depa Ottawa Post Office a EIGHTEEN PAGES | Minister's A BALLAST BURST The water ballast of a | San Clemente, Calif. A section 'Dolphin' surges upward with of the dummy missile can be tremendous force as the launch test vehicle of the Polaris mis- sile reaches the prescribed height above surface of the water during recent trial at Naval Ordnance Test Station in seen carried upward by the surging water. After deballast- ing, the dolphin's weight is cut in half. It then becomes buoy- ant and floats until retrieved | by boat crews to be used again --AP Wirephoto TRY AGAIN Bomar ¢c Test This Week WASHINGTON (CP --The Bo-jiginal air defence program ealled , 8t &ifor gradual replacement of the Bomare-A with "the t B model as it reached pro-| Hunt contends that he carried] Sho dae te a stage in its s lan "i Canaveral, Fla, some stage. at Cz im hie week, was Importance is being attached $0 this test because of failures of all the first seven test flights and because of fears among Bomare- B supporters that the United States Congress might even | Now there is doubt in the U.S. Air Force whether any B models will ever be introduced into the American system, though plans are continuing to provide Canadajhas read a number of books on| with two squadrons at Mont Laur- {ier, Que., and North Bay. Statement | Criticized convicted last, TORONTO (CP -- Attorney-; Truscott was General Roberts said today that |year of the rape-slaying of Lynne! a statement Saturday by his cabi- | Harper, 12, whose body was Inet colleagues, Reforms Minister found near the RCAF station at | Wardrope, on the Steven Truscott Clinton. |case is "entirely incomprehen-| Mr Wardrope said in Torofito |sible." today he does not intend to take He said he may speak to Mr. any .action "as it is a federal {Wardrope about it today in the matter." legislature. PEAL Speaking Saturday to the Nipi- REF SED Ar Court of Canada gon Board of Trade, Mr. Ward- refused an application to appeal rope said there is 'a great doupt the conviction and the federal [in my mind concerning jhe guilt cabinet commutted the death of Steven Truscolt convicted of sentence to life imprisonment. the murder of a young girl near Young Truseott now is in the On- London." tario Reformatory at Guelph. He said all the evidence in the| - gis father. a warrant officer in case of the boy, 14 at the time, tne RCAF has since Been moved was 'circumsfantial" and there from Clinton to Ottawa. He said |was great doubt of his guilt. He today that Mr. Wardrope's state- said there was no concrete evi- ment "gives me new hope." depce submitted by the Crown. | «f realize it is only his personal opinion but at least it will have - some weight' when parole 5 Son sidered," WO Truscott to a Fire-Bomber Toronto Telegram reporter. "I hav W ent as Studen Of Nazism lallowed to visit Steven at Guelph GADSDEN, Ala. (AP) -- Six-\gnce every three weeks. They teen-year-old Jerry Hunt wants are permitted to take their other to ask a rabbi to forgive him for children, aged 16, 10 and 6, to the fire-bomb and rifle attack at{talk with Steven in a pleasant a synagogue room at the reformatory. Hunt is being held on two He said Steven counts of assault with intent to|/Grade 10 school | 1 have always maintained that my son was innocent. I now intend reading through the evi- dence once again to see if I can come up with anything." | VISITS HIM | | | | | subjects an m wi 5 v seems | der because two men were/machine shop work and eer | in the training wounded during the brief anti-|very happy" semitic violence Friday night. school. { Police Commissioner H. T. 8 {Mashburn said Hunt still is arro- Satu : , (gant but that he expressed a de-/ute talk he had with Steven ai (Sire Sunday to apologize and ask the reformatory on March 19. {forgiveness of Rabbi Sol Rubin of Already he is adapting hig. [the Beth Israel Reform Syna- Self well," Mr. Wardrope said. | gogue. We will be doing everything Police said the popular high possible to help his rehabili- school pupil signed a statement tation. ie Teekons 3 ioe PARTISAN BOOZE AT U.S. ELECTION | window and then opened fire with| 'an automatic rifle when two men iran out to investigate. He was NEW YORK, (AP)---A dis- tilling company @mmounced Sunday it will offer partisan booze during the US. presi- dential election year, Custome ers can buy bourbon in bot- tleg shaped like donkeys or elephants. out the attack as revenge affer he had words with two Jewish| boys several weeks ago. | | The youth described himself as {a student of Nazism and said he| Hitler and Second World War| "Germany. | deepen the proposed sharp slash in production funds announced by |3 the U.S. Air Force Friday. The Boeing Airplane Company, the Bomarc manufacturer, is con- vinced that it has overcome basic defects in the missile, and that a successful flight at this stage might help ease congressional doubts of the missile's eventual capabilities. A qualified authority said: "If 4 we fail, we shall try again and again." CUT TO BONE Under the air forces modified continental air defence plan an- nounced Friday, some develop- ment of the Bomarc-B would be continued, but production plans | | would be cut to the bone, with|g WO Truscott said the family is; is studying d Mr. Wardrope said he based his rday statement on a 45-min- | gE tions I PRESIDENT VOTES Argentina's President Arturo Frondizi casts his ballot in Buenos Aires today voting for members of Argeniina's House of Deputies and a host of minor | office holders. --AP Wirephoto Huge Crime Ring In U.S West D 10-Point-Plan GENEVA (CP)--The West to- day outlined a 10-point plan for international inspection, supervi- sion and control of measures taken for world disarmament. The plan, giving details of the initial functions of the West's pro- | posed International Disarmament Organization, was presented by Italian delegate Francesco Caval- etti at a two-hour session of the 10-nation disarmament talks here. The IDO is part of a three- stage plan the West-has proposed for ending the world arms race. The West--the United States, Britain, France, Italy and Canada --outlined the ido's 10 initial func- although the conference again failed today to break the deadlock over what to discuss| |first--disarmament measures or controls. { The Communist representatives | are Russia, Czechoslovakia, Po-| |land, Romania and Bulgaria. LISTS 10 FUNCTIONS | Today's Western plan listed the {following 10 initial functions for {the IDO: | 1. To receive prior notification ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- The ninth week of anti-segregation demonstrations in the southern United States began today follow- ing a weekend wave of cross Hooded Klansmen burned grosses in Alabama, Georgia, students in the U.S. North and West joined Negroes in their sit- Florida and" Seuth Carolina as|legi Crosses Burn In Deep South sistance. The group is the young Christian students, a social ac- tion movement of Roman Cath- olic college students. Two 's Her. man e, a Democrat, and New ig Reuneth ne a Republican, a © ts station on tel on. Sunday night and wound up arguing about the lunch counter demon- down campaign against separate strations, lunch counter facilities. Talmadge said the sitdown Five men were arrested as a|demonstrators "have done a result of multiple cross burnings/great deal to set back race rela- near Anniston, "Ala., Saturday|tions." Keating contended Ne- | night. | groes have a right to protest | "We just wanted to show the|against store owners who say public we are organized and Negroes can do part of their ready for business," one Un-|trading at the stores but cannot identified Klansman told a police-|do other trading. esigns of satellite launchings and to gather data from existing track- ing stations, 2. To establish a centre for re- ceiving information about the level of land, sea and air forces. 3. To verify and check arrange- ments for reductions and levels of armed forces and correspond- ing cuts in conventional weapons. 4. To collect and verify infor- mation given by different states on their military budgets. 5. To set up a system for con- trolling outer space satellites and tracking them. 6. To receive advance notifica- tion of the launching of long- range missiles, 7. To install and put to work a system to monitor the '"'cutting| off" of the production of fission- able materials for military use. 8. To verify the transfer of agreed quantities of fissile ma- terial from existing stocks to non- military purposes. 9. To establish procedure for in- spection and control of military |operations of important powers following their agreement to a world disarmament treaty in or- der to prohibit secret rearming. 10. To survey and check on sub- sequent reductions of armaments and armed forces and to estab- lish means of giving greater pro- tection against surprise attack. STILL DIFFER The first two weeks of the con- ference had resolved none of the basic East-West differences on how to negotiate a treaty to -end the world's arms race. agreement to disarm before talk- ing about an international control system to prevent cheating. The committing themselves to any specific arms cuts. But Western officials still are almost unanimously optimistic, citing notable differences between this and previous disarmament The Soviet bloc still wants an |prep: Western powers want to reach freemen on 'controls before! WASHINGTON (AP)--The Sen- ate rackets committee charged today that a "crime syndicate" is extending sinister and mount- ing power across the United States in a plot to rule the econ- omy. The committee's four Demo- cratic members called for crea- tion of a new federal police in- telligence agency to crush the scheme. The four Republican members vigorously opposed the proposal, contending it smacked too strongly of the secret police idea. The -bipartisan committee was ana imous, however, in finding that: 1. "The grip of hoodlums and racketeers on the American econ- omy continues to grow." S. African Negroes In Mourning JOHANNESBURG (Reuters -- Thousands of Negroes stayed away from work today in re- sponse to an appeal from their leaders for a "day of mourning" Economic Stranglehold By Gangsters, Racketeers 2. James R. Hoffa, interna. tional president of the T ters Union, is an ally of some of the hore) and ket 3. Alliance with corrupt labor leaders is a major tool used to further the conspiracy, MAY EXTEND POWERS The committee's findings were in the third installment of a four- volume report to the Senate on its 1959 investigations. The com. mittee's authority expires Thurs. day, but a move is afoot to ex- tend these powers until Jan. 31, or shift them to some other group, The committee asked the courts and government agencies to do enything that might help to remove Hoffa from his Team. sters' office. "If Hoffa is successful in com- batting the combined weight of the U.S. government and public opinion, the cause of decent unionism is lost and labor-man- agement relations in this country will return to the jungle era." The committee said that the "plundering of union treasuries and health and welfare funds, ruthless denial of democratic pro- cedures, and outright betrayal of rank and file members were clearly established." The report said there is irrefut. able evidence that the underworld helped to install Hoffa as head of for 71 Negroes killed by police a week ago. Only a trickle turned up at their jobs in Capetown and in this South African industrial centre. Extra police were on duty but no major incidents were reported. The day of mourning was called as the South African government ared to take day to ban tionalist organizations -- rican National Congress and Pan-Africanist Congress, the union, the largest in the U.S. Court Kills = Conviction = In Murder CP) -- The ap- Today's day of mourning was| EDMONTON called for former Zulu chief Al- pellate division of the Supreme bert Luthuli, president of the ANC. It was not supported by the which told its members to go to work as usual. conferences. They note there has |been no argument over the con- |ference agenda or other proced- ural side issues and the atmos- phere has been consistently re- laxed. All non-white buses were run- ning normally in Durban but a bus for Indians was stoned in a Negro township near the city this morning. Many Indian - owned stores were closed. more than 100 crosses were set |ablaze. | Crosses also {Savannah and {Clearwater and Jackson- ville, Fla., and in Orangeburg, Greenville, Columbia, Greenwood {and Charleston, S.C. | New Negro attempts to break {color lines at lunch counters in |Virginia, West Virginia, North mrs fh 6 cross ere | {poy pUTENGE were burned in Marietta, Ga.; |Carolina and Texas were made {Saturday. | And both white and Negro stu- |dents supporting the eampaign of £ |southern Negroes picketed stores lin State College, Pa.; Towa City,| LOUISVILLE, Ky. vaccination with viruses| | | | Viruses Pinpointed:: As Cancer Cause (AP)--Top|Hall College, South Orange, N.J.,|extracted from animal cancers, caused by viruses, a substance smaller Pan-Africanist movement Court of Alberta today quashed the murder conviction against Robert Raymond Cook and ore dered a new trial. Cook was found guilty of shooting his father last summer in Stettler, | The court ruled 8 to 2 in favor {of Cook's appeal. May 2 was set for arraignment. The bodies of Cook's father and six other members of the Cook family were found in their Stettler home last June. They had been shot and bludgeoned. Cook, 23, was found guilty of murder in a Red Deer court. He was scheduled to be hanged Chief Justice C. J. Ford, Mr. Justice H. G. Johnson and Mr. Justice Hugh John Macdonald said there was a miscarriage of justice in not allowing the defence to call a certain witness. Mr. Justice M. M. Porter and Mr. Justice S. B. Smith ruled against the appeal. {Tcwa; Los Angeles, Calif, and United States virus experts today |said Cook was charged with murder the exception of two squadrons of| pox | which killed the cancer viruses. the Bomare-B to be produced for the Canadian government Even the planned 16 U.S. squad- rons of the shorter-range, liquid- fueled Bomarc-A are to be cut to & 12, and the costly electronic air- craft warning and altering sys- tem known as Sage will be re- duced to divert more funds to in- tercontinental ballistic missiles and giant radar and satellite warning systems against range enemy missiles. Some Bomarc-A this missile has a range of some 200 miles against 500 for the B| model--are in operation. The or- Spring Weather Around Comer By THE CANADIAN PRESS Spring weather, delayed by un-| seasonal storms in most sections of Canada, appears to be just squadrons-- | long- PETER CARDINAL Tatsuo | Doi, right, archbishop of Tokyo, listens as Msgr. Rodomonte Gallicani reads biglietto nomin- |gation and endorsed peaceful re-|yiruses, contrary to current sci- ating him a cardinal in Rome today. One of 10 created by Pope John XXIII he is the first | Japanese to become a prince of | | ambassador to the Holy See, Noritake Yoshioka ~--AP Wirephoto around the corner, the weather office said wha, pod: T atyres jum in many sng. io country during the weekend and a general improve- | LATE NEWS FLASHES 'Shotgun Blast ment was in prospect for the next few days. Southern Ontario had tempera-| tures ranging to the 50s Sunday. Although these skidded sharply today, a new warming trend was expected late Tuesday. The storms which have been) plaguing Southern Ontario have shifted north, the Toronio weather office reported, and ap- pear to be gone for good. North- ern Ontario still was having cold weather today and that region probably would not see much im- provement in the immediate fu- ture. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 Ike, Macmillan In Seclusion -- President Eisenhower and Prime WASHINGTON (AP) Minister Macmillan took off House lawn today for their nuclear test ban talks in the se- clusion of Camp David in nearby Maryland No Man Shot Into Space At Woomera LONDON leuters) Death Plot Uncovered AMMAN, Jordan (AP) minister, Hazza El Majali, a Nasser Ben Jamil, has been KADUNA, Nigeria (Reuter and five were injured when police opened fire during a dis- turbance at Obi village in Benue announced today. The announcement said the disturbance was HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 attributed to "malicious pi bv anti-government politic] A science today described as "completely untrue Australia newspaper that Britain would fire a man into space from Australia's Woomera rocket range ities here, a government spokesman announced Nigerian Riots Take Bloody Toll ropaganda against taxes, etcetera, Bos." At Negro Girl PHILADELPHIA (AP)-The 12- year-old foster daughter of a Ne- gro minister was wounded by a shotgun blast from a speeding car Sunday night as she and al group of friends chatted on the| steps of his church by helicopter from the White ministry spokesman ' a report in a Sydney, launched a Police Com- Thomas Gibbons in- creased the special guards on duty in the South Philadelphia High School area for the opening of today's classes. A 17-year-old |white boy was knifed to death by la group of Negro boys in the {area last week. Eleven boys were |arrested The girl, Diane Nelson taken to a hospital with shotgun pellet wounds of the right arm. je condition was reported as Police immediately massive manhunt next January missioner in Jordan A plot to kill Jordan's prime nd an uncle of King Hussein, uncovered by security author- today. 8) -- Five persons were killed was| | province, the government Albany, N.Y A group of midwest college dence that human cancers prob-|had killed cancer cells and ar- students meeting at Milwaukee Sunday condemned racial segre-| Pope John Names 10 presented new and surprising evi-| |ably are caused by viruses. | They also reported that some entic opinion, can produce sub- nces which destroy cancers. If specific viruses can be pin-| {pointed in human cancers, new methods might be developed to | prevent or control the disease. | "Every man is a walking mu- |seum of many viruses," Dr. Jer- used against human small Dr. Jorgen Fogh of the New rested mouse cancers so that|York state health department, Al- vaccinated cancerous mice lived bany, N. Y., reported observing 65-per-cent longer than non-vac- normal human cells grown in la- cinated ones. boratory flasks changing into Similarly, Dr. Vincent Groupe|cancerous cells when they were of Rutgers University said he had|injected into rats or humans. after seven bodies were found June 26 in a grease pit in the garage at the rear of the Cook home in Stettler, 190 miles south- east of Edmonton. : Killed were Cook's father, his stepmother and their five chil- dren. | the church. Centre is Japanese | | paper called it the "rainbow con-|tional {--within his breast. Their names cer 1 will not be made known until healthy human cells grown in| : ome T. Syverton of the Univer- {sity of Minnesota told a seminar for science writers sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Cardinals VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope John today created 10 new car- pUNCTION UNCERTAIN dinals of the Roman Catholic| Man harbors more than 150 vi- Church, including three whose | cas mostly just recently de- Bames Will Formal secret until |jooied and "we are mot sure The new cardinals previously what many of them do," he said. | : |But "now we believe that some {named for elevation included the| od |first Negro, the first Japanese| Luan cancers must be caus |and the first Filipino princes of| D BD. | re i rs- | r. Sarah Stewart of the Na- {the church. One Italian news Connor 1naiude. Befiesia. sistory.' Md., reported that extracts from The three cardinals whose two human cancers, and from the identities were kept secret were urine of three children with can- named by the Pope 'in pectore'" cer, have produced curious, can- like growth changes in Pope John chooses, but their (laboratory dishes. membership in the College of| There are grounds to suspect-- Cardinals dates from today. |but no proof yet -- that the ex- Vatican sources speculated that tracts could contain a virus. fhe mice may be Frente in| She also has found that a virus -ommunisi-ruled lands |eausing leukemia in mice can in- SURPRISE MOVE |duce cancers in, other types of The Pope's naming of the three animals. Ang humans handling cardinals 'in pectore" came as| a surprise and brought the mem-| bership in the college--the senate of the Roman Catholic. Church-- to 88, the highest in its history. | Cardinals normally are named | 'in pectore" when announcement of their elevation might bring danger to the new princes of the church, Vatican sources speculated that the three named by Pope John might include a successor to Car. dinal Stepinac of Yugoslavia, who the cancerous mice have heen found to have antibodies against the virus, indicating they had been infected with it but had re- sisted it TANTALIZING LEADS "There are tantalizing leads" now to incriminate viruses in hu- man cancers, said Dr. Wendell M. Stanley, Nobel Prize winner from the University of California. There is evidence for a theory, | Msgr. Josef Beran, Archbishop of | triggered into cancerous growth died Feb. 10 after 13 years of that some viruses may lie sleep. Communist confinement or|ing innocently in the body until Prague, who is confined by the|by some insult or injury or even Communist authorities of Czecho- NOV 12, age. Dr. Bernard Briody of Seton OFF FOR WINDSOR Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mother drive from Buck- ingbam Palace March 3 to ¢ spend a weekend at Windsor Castle with Prince Philip, Prin- eess Anne and Prince Charles. This was one of the first ap- pearances of the Queen in pub- lic after the royal birth. ~--AP Wirephote

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