The Oshawa Times, 26 Mar 1960, p. 26

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 26, 1960 28 Kept Busy Press Time Every day the Oshawa Times {goes to press more than 17,000 | newspapers must be bundled, |tied and labelled for various des- | tinations. This is done in the | "Times" mailing room under the § | supervision of Earl Stauffer. | The whole process involving | about 320 bundles for carriers, 70 bundles for dealers and 600 individually addressed papers is | completed, on an average day in just over an hour. | The papers, after arriving from |the press room, start on a con- veyor attended by four people. These people divide the papers E [into bundles, with different amo- {unts for different destinations. "| They then wrap the top and bot- {tom, and place a label on each one. USE 8 TRUCKS .| The conveyor carriers the #48 | bundles to a tying machine. This machine has only one operator. The bundles go from there down another conveyor to the loading dock and the trucks. They are loaded on eight trucks used to i|take the papers to dealers and paper boys. | At the same time, on a sepa- rate table, about 600 papers are | mailed to individual addresses all wr onwa' a S Pp ort S E itor 'Women S Pag es Wer Consds wi We Vitel MAILING ROOM STAFF MUST WORK WITH HASTE AND PRECISION sorting these and putting them | | SOUTHERN TIP | in mail bags to go to the post LONG SLIVER Reflect ( h an £ office, | MILESTONE IS MARKED Chile stretches 2,650 miles, with] The world's most southerly { a width of 220 miles in the north|town now is Puerto Williams, & Mail Room ! | | i SPORTS EDITOR GEORGE CAMPBELL, LE FT, AND WARREN BARTON, ASSISTANT Rotary Printing sales circulars Glances ack also come through the mailing w "" and a mere nine miles in the| new community at the Cape Horn By JO ALDWINCKLE room. They are folded, counted IS STORY OF TIME south. |tip of Chile, y x . ' : Women's Editor and tied into bundles of varying AMP. |ron rts f ung t y 3 By GEORGE H. CAMPBELL nfo sports figures wrung out gy... go, "15 100k back through amounts for postal carriers in|Dear Mr. Wilson: Sports Editor |their crying towels -- that was volumes of old newspapers and % different towns and cities in On- The Oshawa Times has for | A wa : a [A THRILL! note the changes in content, style ; J tario. These are taken to the IV Vears ath okE . Thirty years of sport SPOT here were many thrills in and lay-out that have taken place. Si ; Oshawa Post Office where they ng hi nd it fistiphion ; in Oshawa! later vears -- great victories; One of the most obvious is the ; ; are dispatched to their destina.| feeling f real ble: 8 3 ; allocation of space for women's : oe tions | feeling of real pleasure an " Looking back now, it seems against great odds. We like to &10C 1odav a8 COIIOANE it pride that I, at this time, salute the week before that, when we eller Mh dado ap y 0aC- Ixy man's Page as we now know Extra help is required when a| into new and modern quarters. ; 3 first got behind the typewriter on ph A eid itd : "lit. Social news was scant and special insert is used in the In the new Times building T0 the "sports desk' of The Oshawa Peg Ampitheatre our pr 8€ there were no local pictures paper. These inserts have to be you will be enabled to continue, ii | to be on the air and tell the folks * 1 i 4 put in by hand. Using 10 part-| amidst the latest and most up- Daily Times. The privilege of i v the 'twentie op! # 4 i being an on-the-scene observer as back home, ne Upstalis Com. gin Ee gin 5 time workers, this requires an to-date facilities, in the great ; : this city's sports history and re- er Bini : Just Wines column and in 'a corner called i extra half hour to complete. work of community service H cord has unfolded in the past 30 Was i Sa IR When "Woman and the Home" were to : | Mr. Stauffer, foreman of the| which The Oshawa Times has ; go years, is one that can only be ap-|7V0F, © O00 CF EORS IEC OW Mine found a few household hints : wll | mailing room and operator of so nobly carried on over the : ; prec sed fully by those who Pour Ne mo Some or iw and maybe a poem or an up : a Rotars Pripasg. 2 Subsidiary of | years. ; 'love and live spor wy Le craw eSiraal o""|lifting piece of prose. Occasional g 3 he 'Times', has been a 'Timgs"' As one who has participated / 1" » y= " Somebody suggested that this ial € ry Sane Scored Ye ly there was a line drawing, illus- ¥ |emplovee since 1946. in public life, both in pt on { Truly a Beautiful Building historical resume should be based..." ih [orne Chabot that trating a dressmaking pattern. : _ Born in the village of Wash-| behalf of the City of Oshawa, r | on a theme of "our greatest .... and gloated @ A banner heading "Women's i ington, Ont., in 1899, he came to] may I say that without the ' | thrill". Nothing could be - more E " Interests in the Home and the Oshawa in 1938. He has worked| active interest and co-operation | impossible for the "sports editor" SPORTS GALORE Community appeared about ; in General Motors and also as| of a great medium of public in- 4 i { HENDERSON of this city. Like Mandy ob-| Lacrosse, hockey and softball/1929, but there was little local . ; a service station attendant. Mr.| formation such as The Oshawa oH | served when she backed into the __ these were our favorites. Our|N€Ws to support it. Women had JO ALDWINCKLE Stauffer is married and has $iX| Times many 'great achieve : buzz-saw -- who ean tell which softball experiences, we can mod- not Yet fully emerged into public children -- five boys and a girl.| ments which make ours a fine Ni CONCRETE PRODUCTS tooth did the biting? estly call it a career -- extends life. There were reports of meet-ieen eopied by other papers, is|Four are married and two boys city to live in would eertainl MICHAEL STARR back 1av. ings of church groups and Ladies . aby 'tures, |live at home. O f the boys y ; y ssp id back to about 1926 when we play- DES ¢ the printing of baby pictures, ome. Une o. ine boys: ,,t have been possible FIRST ASSIGNMENT ed our first game in an organized Aid Societies and occasional wed- he first of these, 14 years ago,|attends Coronation school Congratulations on this new Yours sincerely, OSHAWA Fresh -- and those wh em: league. We even staggered out on dings. was a portrait - study of aseven-| a fest 4 h MICHAEL STARR, | 1089 NELSON ST. SH ber, will probably say, -- '"'and| year-old English war guest who| Iijestone in fe sory of The ind 4 how fresh" -- out-of-school, we| ne diamond last fall for a few CLOYING VERBIAGE Year-Old ongleh Yor ox Oshawa Times, Minister of Labor. | sook up the job of writing shorts innings -- trying to pretend we Compared with today's eoncise ig Y ghava Jas year : were still young enough. Our style, the writing indulged in a|25 2 fully-tramed nurse. in this city, in September, 1929. 3 Commercial photographs of ba- ; memories in this sport could fill . ov y g ommercial pholographs o i CH pi wealth of words. Every wedding bies and pre-school tots have!) : id : , | (field lacrosse still) New ote stminst 1 bellies, play- : : Xe nS or ie a In the past 30 vears, Oshawa! Social change, brought about/FoOD AND FASHION fates, who challenged for the Le. has annexed almost 30 Ontario largely by two world wars and Tested recipes, often accom-| ; WA 4% ; 3 3 ] 3 SE i i # vack Trophy. They played at the|championships, as well as sev-/the mushrooming of Oshawa into|panied by photographs are used |: : J : : a 5 : 3 3 ; old Motor City Stadium, site of eral Canadian titles. We havea city of 55,000, is reflected in|when space allows and are fea- the Kinsmen Stadium today. Big been privileged to "sit in" on/the women's pages of The Times tyred for special seasons, such as Bob Stevenson, Chuck Davidson, 'ese. a rare privilege, one ac- today. y Thanksgiving, Christmas and Conny Golden, "Toots" White. corded to only few individuals in Running from two-to-five pages Easter. Bill Coulter, Norv. Hubbell 3 lifetime. Hockey, lacrosse, base- there is an overwhelming propor-| Through the social editor's per- Kelly DeGray, Chuck Barron. ball, softball, basketball, soccer, tion of local hews and lack of sonal contacts, Canadian coutur- Shepley, Walsh, Smithson, Fox, 'ugby, curling, the entire space precludes florid and wordy jers, mills and manufacturers Mel Whyte, how well we recall Zamut . Oshawa Generals, reporting , [supply fashion news and pictures | them all -- and many of them Oshawa GM Seniors, the GM. A staff photographer and up-to-ito keep readers aware of trends. || have passed on ; Men, in senior hockey and sen- date processing ensures local| Needlework designs and dres "Phe next spring. they defcatedi baseball, Oshawa Dogers, Pictures daily making Pallerns, some by inter ; : SATE He the 1 's Plac iors, Col * Jaan ARIA tional couturiers, are printed the U.S. All-Stars at Maple Leaf Mies ace ior, Colts, Peg OFFIC E ROUTINE » a, space allows. Po EARL STAUFFER Stadium in the first and only A. ¥ ' S| The growth of women's organ-| North American lacrosse chiar. Oshawa Nationals, looking back Pionship ever staged. Lost the over the long list, we realize that first game ~- then pot the pads we must have omitted numerous on and played it the Canadian way in the second game, to take tives are considered effete. Our first job -- and one of the % " "en , 4 a book starting with the *'Grey-|was "pretty" or 'picturesque'; big thrills, naturally i) NR hounds" at King Street School the Lok eradiant" and her given pleasure to parents and | 2 SE / 5 Mirst sports story -- when Gen-o.; nds jater the Eagles, Willie bridesmaids, "winsome" or iriends and aroused interest in| ; : : eral Motors Senior Iaerotse eat, Harmer's Aces, Oshawa, Times, "charming." Today's '"ladies"|the neighborhood. Soetines the ne NN fresh from winnin e Mann Cup 1 *f i. ¢ wo. Picture coincides with a birth- : 2 AYMC, Campbell's Colts, Sea are women" and flossy adjec day, adding a friendly touch. ; 2 ¢ a . : 5 is superin- an-leated columns on social behavior | tendant of the mailing room izations has required the setting and child guidance and items of | of the Oshawa Times and di- up of a filing system which now; erect to women, gathered by| rects a large staff in this de- names. fanuliar "ih. many other contains information on over two the Canadian Press, are all edit-| Partment. os 3 hundred clubs and groups. Bagi ed and used according to their » 4 + graphs of presidents are also| = 2 ? the round. George Munroe, since On top of all those mentioned |filed. Reports of meetings are ment. special supplements are Newspaper 'readers want to ede Soo -- as well as those omitted --| allotted space under specified), ; en ~ read local ads. The Continuing passed on, Matt Leyden, Sammy ' a pac o compiled by the women's editor|g are: Py Johnston, Harry Leckie, C. E. there have been individual cham- headings "Groups, Clubs and gino the year. Each spring|; tudy of Newspaper Reading McTavish, these are just some Pionships in horseshoes, figure- Auxiliaries" and - "Lodges and mye Times publishes a Cook Book | SioWs that median readership of hai fay skating, running, bicycle and mo- Societies", for easier identifica- : ot. |00€ or more local ads through- of the names that come to mind. ; ° ! and, in the fall, an edition devot out the year by women is 94 Later. afer the box. lacrosse torcycle racing, and we could go tion scial cvents aud speakers are ed to women's organizations in|... po man VE er on per professional league, studded with on; and ob, == and on! sreeial inal attention as are| Oshawa and district fm Te ee] ex-Oshawa stars. had sprouted. SPOTt has been good to Osh- given individual attention as are | i fiowered and died. We nad ama. @Wa -- Oshawa has been good to a homes Fevepiions, Juncheons, FAMILY CIRCLE : |denced in the annual page of| > tear lacrosse back in Osiawn Sport -- and in our own humble sas, anque 5, Sances a | The Social department wel- Christmas social notes, represent"| Ih ot ye ya position we have had the chance ding 3puiversatie: iad evant comes itents of personal news; |ing some three hundred items; Oshawa Arena and after that in|t0 share in all the glory and = ings and socia evens sur-| visitors in town, holidays, birth-letters of thanks and apprecia- Motor City Stadium 2 lamor, the thrills and frills, the Pouncing mem are a 1ghly re-idays and surprise parties. By|tion, and telephone calls on per- A y Stadiu xcitement and tension of cham- garded feature of the women $|careful attention fo these de-|sonal problems of wardrobe, A BIG THRILL pionship triumphs, glorious vic- pages and to ensure a factual tails, the social department has|etiquette and procedure. | One couldn't mention Oshawaltories and heart-breaking defeats. report of te sven, hii oo |siriven to build a personal rela-| As a mirror of the social scene, | Arena without thinking of hockey.| Through it all -- we have met Seu i t je brid iden so t at, tionship with its readers, main-|the department regards its con-| Remember the year It areact ihe rn ele i Tel rom the js oration ey supply, taining a high standard of integ-|tribution to the daily history of on "Skin" Hambly's oe BR Ea rope te ori, an Scoous 3 the ceremony can rity, fairness and correctness, Oshawa as a responsible one and| : That year Oshawa had a senior champions, modest winners "keen Tg . fi hich h hE Josie jhe familiar ue siiive . ue Ee 2] team in a league with Belleville competitors, never g ve-in | per- Ee pi! t Ws li ol Which the edrjirue Tefiection With malice fo. and Queen's. Murphy and Squires formers, hard losers, all the di ron : ra = - > humlly pou, Sy ard inn ME AEN, wore '"'coon' coats and played tyes -- and all good s sme % hairs i defense for Queen's. "Doc'" Row-|at heart. We feel that Sportement| den, with his choppy skating in memories of fine people, good | stride, overtook "Shrimp" Mc-! fellows and great sportsmen, can-| Dougall one night, to prove once not be measured and for all, that he was a lot And if we had the chance to go faster than he looked this way again -- there isn't] George Jackson, Jim Gilfillan, much of it we would want chang-| Art Black, Bill Conlin yes, and ed. Let's hope the future can pro-| Dick Conlin too, all performed in duce as much reward and happy | those days. Even "Kipper" Row- living" for all sports fans. | den had "a brief comeback at- There's a special "bonus" for Jemet. Eddie Levegue and Vic!any sports fan who lives in a 3 3 i. s 'T Wer » goalie stars. Jack Sports-minded e¢ 4 - i fo vere we Soni rs. Sacplmnigissed conrmnty, Oo On Your Official Grand Opening -- he was in Oshawa last more than a week as a curler -- was still play- fair share of such rewards, ing good hockey here eee About a year later, we had the aiaied © Ontario Protessionss Montreal Teachers | league. Who can forget Freddie ! £ » . saa Seek New Jobs | at , We of the General Printers Office Supply Division are proud to Faught, Gilmore, the Green boys, etc. Bill Joyce, "Hap" Hamel : ? i IK Xt st an re " | wy ; . . . . « . and Hary Lott, all sill around MONTREAL (CP)--Twenty-five| 4 have supplied the office furniture and accessories in these fine ese parts -- a 1 with the teachers from Montreal Protest-| we 4 Oshawa Pats in those days ant high schools said Thursday | > > 1 : New Offices. Later on came the Oshawa they plan to seek new jobs in On- ' Re Generals. The late J. B. High-/tario as a protest against wage field put the Generals and Osh- and status conditions here. | awa on the hockey map. Our Ken Hill, president of the Mont-| J The furnishings of business and professional offices has become highly senerals won seven successive real Protestant Men's Teachers | ial H i Ota Junior chomp : Association, Sal Te Eon 5 : specialized. More and more business and professional men rely on GENERAL eat that never before and never leave for Toronto tonight and 7 % 4 5 i visi i i i 2gain will be equalled spend Saturday in interviews with ; 5 PRINTERS, Office Supply Division for all their Office Furniture and We like to think that one of Principals of Ontario schools { " ? iis 4 : equipment. ' our biggest thrills was on the, Mr. Hill said the decision was night of March 9, 1938, when the made after a seven-month dis- players and the players them-|Pute between Greater Montreal selves, out-voted us executive Protestant school board and 2.- members and elected to play 300 teachers over demands for Marlboros in Galt, rather than de. Wage increases and recognition i a ; wo" nl ah an de JE oe OFFICE SUPPLY DIVISION faa great 2-1 victory -- the goals! A wage scale based on aca- ; ? ' 7% Wedd at were called back, the story- demic qualification and experi- Za hii. 4 80 i el at Vier Salt Daa, The § wie, qualifieation and expe: wl : 64 CELINA ST., OSHAWA Tonn, Billy Taylor, Whip Shortt, us" .was sought by the teach- ; ? : "Doc" Dafoe, etc. etc. The snake ers | » : dance on the ice after the game, Board officials declined srl Ty 4 " while Foster Hewitt and other To-' ment.

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