The Oshawa Times, 26 Mar 1960, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, March 26, 1960 19 | District Desk Many Departments ;*™ HH Make Up The Times |0f Network i Like most provincial daily After passi from the en- size to a very large size of face.ieach line is inserted in the ma- Ci , i trance -- of the building one| After a piece of advertising copy|chine for casting. This provides neu spapers. J. Ociawy Times proceeds to the general business/has made the Sues oe Hiosé new 1¥0e fot each ee, display |; oped i i i /ill! advertising machines it then goes heading or display line [LY ctfise of Tho Times, Nuch vou ae what is called a bank. There|vertisement and eliminates the Sradusly, oe Se {you In this area is where the|the illustrations, which alreadyjuse of hand-set iype. {originally Seve ol Sysloped {Accounting and general business/have been made into metal from| As mentioned before, the ad-|into a avi industria' : is taken care of. Leading off from|the mats supplied by the adver-|vertisements are assembled from urban centre, The Newspaper > lthis area is the office of R. D.|tising morgue are married to-|the linotype and Ludlow machine, necessity, has had to adapt itsel |Malcolmson, Office Manager and| gether and the compositor con- the cuts or illustrations arelto changing circumstances. The 'Accountant 'and the office of T. 1.|solidates both into an advertise-/placed in their proper position, importance of industrial affairs Wilson, Publisher and General/ment from the layout or designiborders placed around the ad-|has had, to some extent, its ef- Manager. i {which is produced by the adver-|vertisement and otherwise com-|fect on news coverage. . It er be pointed out that|tising department. The product pleted for placing in the pages| However, that does not mean the original building was erected|SOmetimes requires a face of typeland "going to press", after 2lthat rural happenings have been lor the use of the Ontario Motor|cVeD larger than what the lino- proof is okayed mushed into the background. The jo ; oval type machines will produce, In . 2 = news from those areas outside Sales and following their removal i." (ace what is known ds a MOULDING PAGES ews, a ito a new location on Bond Street|; © flow machine -- 8 compari-| When the pages are made up, the city merit special consid 7 ildi | p y isa < head. tion. For this reason, the Times |West, the building and land sur: Itivel , invention for setting|with all the advertisements, head- 10n. 4 rounding it was purchased by The [Vey displ Be . by a similar|ings and cuts in them and the|maintains a chain of correspor- Times, but greatly added to on| iach SISPIaY (WAC WB Fe page proof has been passed by/dents in most districts. the south and on the east side| ater on the linotype machines. | the editor, the form is taken to a Mainly, the correspondents are |by an entirely new structure. As|p, this case, however, the mat] MANY DEPARTMENTS DISTRICT DESK Jou pve Siready toticed, he eure are assembled by hand and (Continued on Page 35) | ntinued on Page 20 {larged portion of the = - -- eA lis leased by Cherney Brothers land is used as a furniture store, with the main entrance of The Times at the. eastern corner with foyer leading to the Circula-| tion Department on the main |floos From the landing on the second § floor, entrance is made to the|} main offices as well as to the Ad- 4 vertising Department. From the third floor landing § entrance is made to the offices {of Crain Printers, the Chamber 4 : A # i # of Commerce and fo the offices|® 4 oT and warehousing department of} DEPARTMENT PUTS AN EDITION TO BED |Replacement Sales, Ltd. Other rm mm er et et rt |office spaces are available for |? rent on this level. £ | EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT False Impression Gained | Vindicator ELT Of News Room Of Today Story Told | FRR i eo |dation for any successful Dewi sf Hollywood produc-| United Steelworkers of América the article and learn all the de- eat | Bd 3 paper. Circulation depends on it,| : ftirely er|and the Oshawa and District tails : EW and, of course, the advertising de-| eff an entirely - ar 3 . 1 or ¥ . : i! artment must have bonafide mpression of how report-| Labor Council There is a2 ; 3 to iting : One of He big stories that the| f : ' a ; 3d circulation to be of service) . SOR 2 r ieadlines because they are § )shawa Times' predece A : to advertisers. In this department| ditors on ne WSpape rs| LABOR GROUPS : ters on i122 10 rigid mechanical limita- Oshawa Vindicator, carrie is the of the Editor Mr | Sit any of them and Hey) I is fie job ot She Selig ad tions. Each line of a heading|the death of Canada's first Prime| ; */[C. G. Kinsey; the woman's de.| ehemently deny that wak-|these beats" to Sesarve ane has to be complete. The number Minister, Sir John A. MacDon-| i 4 a a ey) ie yonzys So r occupied in. solving maintain the confidence of both) +5 iio (hat can be used a'ald, The story was published in| ' i Ald 1 od lavia Ti ihove tion from executives and members of a te' varios with its yp withe June 10. 1801 editic | y Idwinckle; and a large k dney . hr mito # \shor aniza ne varies with It i ROWILa Ine ' i | shaped table in the slot of wi government guch civic and labor organizat many colut it V Y n 2 : nel the Si second ad-|--to keep close touch with them size of type h if at he SIR JOHN IS DEAD | 5 5 ; Y ford 9 Say, C ty r ing in low| attend all their meetings and to readline N re | The entire Community mourns i 4 pire ae oyun un oa fhe : 5 3 & 1 th lush blondes report all their decisions and ac-|¢. yp. conception of what should his demise | : nA 4 ; h i Edt f t shoul : a o various reporters, Adjacent to the y NIZE tell you that theirs is|tivites that are of Interest 101i in the heading to the size off HL GEV JIC Clever me Parton aig wogh gb JO ALDWINCKLE, SOCIAL EDITOR, (LEFT) b on ot 1y| readers hick " DH 00d, fight 1 ' A OY } 4 . ie : ; Es »e done--nof exactly a he v the heading which has been In' desp-dented harness eur] { J, 4 hn Gearin, news editor and WINNIE DRAY N. ASSISTANT but certainly not as| Activities of the churches, of chosen hampion has died | i z nearby also the desk of the wire] s painted on the cultural groups and many other : © tan shoal { "4 |editor, Mr, Eric Sisel, who oper-| . . ; But tears ould be f in a % el, ' and done with a phases of the life of the commun. WRITING HEADLINES BE od 4 gg ates from the leased wire service planning and . are reported similarly. Coh-| Sinc leadings are hed in And grief hath her wail the! and the wire photo machines. £ : : 3 nd grief hath her wail at the € tact is maintained with many de jo Ey i'. does not have a dding of pride ' ASSISTANT GM At this time we should point - i tone lon NoosSing a size ( R n 4 7 % 'ews that you get in 'your|people who are in a position to he op! on o c 0 ing 2 | He falls but unvanquished, he] Mr. Kenneth G. Tipney is Out that all wired news is re > ° ' bot stem from|be particularly well informed on|type In which -his idea, in the falls in his glory : ; i . |ceived through the Canadian er 8. Dok 8. i mpeg 4 form it first came to him, would| 2S 3 200 .| assistant" general manager of [press Toutualiv-owred: oF- writers of reporters, who news developments 'howe } «| A noble old king on the last eof : p . a mutually-owned or-| to the movies, talk out! It is the steady work on such fit. He has to choose his words his fields The Oshawa Times and has [ganization by the newspapers of| lo 4 ¥ o v : 'not only for their meaning but a . nada = : w+ |Canad hich h vorld-wide! ¢ § their I | tis -in-the- v nd y: g J been associated with this paper [Canada whic as world-wide Sa % ny su iat of sides of their mouths and|reportial beats, not flash deine also according to the number of And Wiz eaih 3008 We sume > ; 4 th connections of its own, andl Over the vears relatively few navigator in the RCAF, had been her daughter, Miss Winifred L. -t with gangsters and crook-| pan excitement or the occasional, ike the northmen of the story| since 1952. Previous to that he L W ¢ y t Ling, had a e0nsOrt Wik: Eanzstens Spier ; letters they contain And haughtily bear him. away through other press associations, women have occupied the edi- killed, early in World War H. |Drayson who had recently a ed politicians. Such reporters no/"big" story, that provides the nd haughtily bear ¥| served on Thomson newspapers 8 |rived from Vancouver, Joined the : ; At in The Osh Times, al gh/the spaces in each line with | in department and has re . 3 a Times. Reporters and editors these i The telegraph on Saturday last [torial department and synchron- ment of The Oshaw: great care. Often this is done b; rief period, in hemselves| Doris left Oshawa soon after|the present 'iiss Hoss in ae ey haus 2 mesa 0 Me neve I En SS, Qi Si 1 Gon bl, The CORED 9, Sey ol and io tr bic prion ed whe ren 20 pi ok of tou emacs, rt 6 COME om, roe ne i J Rotarians, Kiwanians, Lions, or/cerns the points of call on Osh Go ©oo oh ™ ocr © 0unchiation, (Sir John A. MacDonald had pass-| Nassau, Bahamas, -------- ling room and as tife copy from|job and each met the challenge|ton and teaching in public school Dominion Council of the Woman's Kinsmen--with an intense inter-|awa, Whitby and other "beats letc., has a definite count. For|ed quietly to rest at 10.15 p.m. lag a Press comes Dy thelit afforded according to her own|at Burlington. She has remarried| Association of the United Church est in the beiterment of every-|or even comes from them. | {00 the letter "G" will have| The town had settled down to| : monitor in the editorial depart-|disposition : {and has one daughter, Dorks. (and edits a four-page publication thing in the community, plus a| Even so, suggestions that lead, count of one as will most let-|Sunday rest when the news came How Is This : th is fed into the i § : ' RETURN which is published six times a tendency toward ulcers due to|to the finding of almost all the|.... except "M", "W", "I" and and although arrangements had ment so the tape is nto Still active in the business MARY RETURNS vear by the WA. The leaflet is frregular hours. For irregular rest of the valid news of the re-'«q» The Jeter "M" will have a Deen made for the tolling of bells teletypesetting machines in thelworld one of the first young| When she quit The Times, 1 inted in Oshawa and goes all hours are something that report.| gion--ideas for stories which de-| n+ of a unit and a half be.|it Was not done because the com- For Econom ? |composing room, The wire edi- women to make her journalistic Mary Nobes returned to take vor the dominion. ers have plenty of serve development--often orig-lcauce it is a 'fat' letter like|Mittee Was unable to get a veri- Y ». tor is in charge of the monitorimark was Dorothy Moffat who|over the reins of her former posi- ; inate with these same sources ow where as "L's" and "I's" fication of the report of his in the editorial department and|worked in the news department, tion. During this period, The is NOW EDITOR GATHERING LOCAL NEWS With reporters keeping ¢lose|are skinny letters and only take Gath: It was not until Sunday| The Oshawa Vindicator dated|the copy that comes from it. He| "helping Mr. C. M. Mundy and Times-Gazette was reduced to Now in her 15h year as Let's take a look at how localitoueh with all persons in the ar half unit ¥ "morning that the news became wednesday Aug. 31, 1892. car-|edits the copy, selecting what is|Mr. Arthur Alloway" who had/three editions per week and a women's editor: Jo Al ck news is gathered for The Oshawa) heats" mentioned. there is little! a Ji generally known that the struggle ries this interesting comparison most interesting to the Times taken over The Reformer from Saturday feature was Mary's col- gives faithful attention to the ac- Times, Nothing is left to chance|chance of any local news escap- But this rule goes no alwaysiwas over at Earnscliffe. with our present economy. "readers and put headings on it{Mr. J. C. Ross and Mr. J. Ewart/umn "Over the Back Fence".|o ioc of the women's ofganiza- in news gathering. The contents|ing the attention of The Oshawa 'or; A eats "nit FLAG UP "The exports of the Dominion|2nd then passes it to the a gr ig McTavish, deh: gg " Jorng tions and keeps in step with the " oes not 'just hap- ten |i ial 1 s, the 1 tals ! ) 1 asi ; come Mrs. Stewart E cTavish,|the Oshawa Branch of the Busi-| of 2 ra Jer doe ient editor in Times Staff count" decreases proportionately.| Feeling references were made sor July this year shows an in bosme zoom, fr the editorial{but before this happy event she ness and Professional Club and social pace. A member of the pen An efficien 1 OR" eader. i} ~dline|at nearly all the churches. Rev. | Leading off from the A oa ar Glow to 1} ; . |Canadian Women's Press Club charge of local news requires a|THE EDITOR'S JOB If any reader thinks headline Mr Talbott of St George's crease of nearly a million dol department is the scan-o-graving asked to be transferred to the became the first president eh erved for three vears as thorough knowledge of - news| But to you who may think that writing is easy, let him try tol, 0g 3 "enon on the great lars over July of last year. July,|room where plastic printing advertising department because 1, A;oust 1945 the Nobes fam- ATRIA of the Memorial stories which will interest thejonce a reporter turns in his copy express an idea and tell the whole leaders in the world's history be-|1891, the exports were valued at|plates are made from photo- She found that news hun yas moved fo Windsor and Mr. Awards Competition (for press, majo of the readers of theland that is that--you have an-|story in a maximum of 25 let o . h Moses and conclud-|$11,781,124; July, 1892, $12717,-|graphs supplied from both the|cutting into her own social life. z}iowav engaged as women's edi. magazine and radio writers). She newspaper for which he works. other think coming. For if you ters and spaces. That is a einch iyo if voorino remarks concern.|350. This in the face of the Mc-(wire photo service as well 85| LNTER MARY for Miss Ada E. Ross, a former|attends press conferences of On tt trength of this local/@sk any reporter you will find for a good newspaperman. Doing inz Canada's dead. premier v Bi indicate that!/from our own studios under the F! y eacher at Alma College and mis-|« ns pres d d 1 Cn Bll Sore E a they will give unstinting praise this a dozen times a day is rou-| oy = ° Seat 4 .al|the tr vis country was not direction of Mr. Joe Serge. | 'The transfer was promised pro-|, a Th g women's editors and home econ knowledge, the editor assigns the|™®y E hi ; vitine Job for 'anv. of the deskmen| The new flag for the ceniral|the tr is coun as no tatarally ws department|viding that she could find a re ry in China omists to be better informed in reporters on his staff to what to "the guys bel ind the scenes. i 24s Ll A i "Bschool was first to go up and it suffering from the attempt of the| Naturally 3 news Ppa TL i ei ar By this time one page was|the trend of women's thinking are called "beats" with each re-| These are the editors who cull/at The Oshawa Time was set afloat by two school|{neighboring republic to injure us. must have a library or wha d pacement tor the DS oom and usually devoted to social news|and in panel discussions on pub- porter making regular calls on all|and separate the wheat from the] When the editing process is|poys. Other flags floated at hati - {sometimes called a morgue Ang this She found in her friend Mary|and when. The Times reverted|lic relations has been invited te sons looked upon as a likely chaff; who point up and bring into/completed, the headline writien, mast over the Queen's, the Town ; [this is located off the editorial Mason. This was in the mid; oe more to a daily newspaper, | the viewpoint of: th persons ¥ " |being the things about which the|and the page layout completed, Hall, the McLaughlin Car ,/united in the common expression|department and is operated by|twenties and Mary Mason g Miss Ross decided she od dro press e Yiewhoin e public thinks and wants to know. the editorial department ha s Voris, the Williams Piano Wor s |that a great man had fallen Mrs. Grant led social items and did generally ry The Ag ha ey women : page editor An editor must, and that can/ended its part of the job of get-|Col. Mulligan's residence and at| On Monday a mass meeting ADVERTISING MORGUE [news coverage until after her|q.amatic productions, written by |p Educated in Zaglond zug : i the case|De underlined, have his finger|ting the news to the reader. From|Cedar Dale. Feelings of profound|¥as held in the music hall which| In this department are filed all|marriage to Harry Nobes Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, led Me Trance, She is bi-lingual an Teco" is secured. In the easel & public pulse, He must|thal point on the composing room|regret were everywhere mani-|Was largely attended the service "Patterns" or "mats" She left the paper in 1929 and|Alloway into asking the author|Y.d€ly-travelled in Europe, mak. of The Oshawa Times, these are, =U i community: must|and the press room staffs make |fested | The article continues, about 30|from which advertisers obtainiwas succeeded by Lois Mundy,|to join the news staff |ing for a broad understanding of the officials who handle the bus. know how his reading public will|their contribution to the pro-| While men differed from him in|persons from Oshawa journeyed their illustrations. One can hardly|qaughter of the president About| human relations and respect for iness of .the people through city, react: must know what will sell|duction of each day's edition. their views on public matters all'to the funeral at Kingston imagine an item that cannot belthis time women's organizations|JO AND SOPHIE human dignitaries. a newspapers in the final analysis I TO TE TT ES A RE I EI : correctly illustrated from these | were being inaugurated >| In July the following year Miss| She frequently receives letters he must know and live with his |"Patterns" or "Mats 'oi |were more meetings and there- Ross left and Jo Aldwinckle took|of thanks and appreciation from To keep up to t minute On| oo nmunity. And on top of all this | Across the hall is where 22 fore more news items. Miss/over the leadership of the rapid-|readers and her proudest posses- news of the gions served by po et go through the process {proof-readers are located. It ISiarundy became the official so-|ly expanding social department. (sion is a command letter from known in newspaper circles as {here where copy ie proofs of all ciety editor and held the position| For almost a year she was assist- Buckingham Palace from Queen "handling copy" . type set is chec {until her marriage in 1933 to L.jed 1 Sophie Brownler who Elizabeth's private secretary, ex- times at * police ar These t word ot ih LINOTYPE DEPARTMENT Carlyle Ratcliffe, after which shejinjecied her own lively style into|pressing Her Majesty's pleasure department he ) fh ve, Worys aa e been / ; These machines, which are al-|made her home in Toronto interviews and articles in Jo Aldwinckle's feature story municipal office al-| hae a a most human in their operation| For a short time the vacancy| Following Mrs. Brownlee's|of the royal visit to Port Hope most Hel ar sv otter iid fe is. set the type for each day's news-|was filled by Margarel Gaudie|lesignation, prior to the birth ofilast summer. ease "Handling copy sound paper. As mentioned before, the who later became Mrs. Donald mT 5 8 tit ispot y oid teletypesetters are automatic|Storie but it isn or 4 i 3 b | typesetting machines which oper- board of healt For instance 1 LJ y ate from tape and produce the WAS PROOF READER ong with th . ; Hn A reporter turns in his copy to : i 5 " type in column width, A skil-| She was succeeded by An WHITBY ov ERED : the news desk. Now--are all the p y i 4 : {ful operator can produce a col-|Anderson who was alread - : »y sin Mla bea sare names spelled correctly? For ; y Ya. 5 £ Slit > > umn of reading matter per hour | ploy ed as a proof-reader y SE ------ re he news stafl here.|there is nothing worse than al #™ ; k ¥ by hand but the teletypesetter Mrs. D. H. Rice and the mother | -- duties include Pi 1 Fe sspelled name in a newspaper-| & K | produces more than two columns |of four daughters Anne has nos- offices { and offic ials, man's book, Then, are all the is § fi ' - {of type per hour. The machines | tal te memories of the three y dai ad Tegiotry Ofte as facts correct? For facts must be : : " fare ie) DE I Pigs yes she spent in the news room as coverage ssions| » : a i ? {of metal whic rh Wind Thonn : {correct or else you are laying 5 3 2 : 4 7 ! pubey voal |ANNE TAKES E e Supreme Court, county yourself open to libel . lelectric heated crucible and as!ANNE TAKES OVER eourt and county council 3 % : x Fe each line is assembled the hot| "I always liked writing," she In addition to maintaining re- CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK ! . TTL metal is forced through a mouth- 1, when asked about the job, i " 4 : else > Ra I was Jicht gular contact with all officials| These are among the myriad Fae {i x 3 ece and formed into a "slug"|"so naturally 1 was delighted such as those mentioned, the things an editor must check be- i wo | » of type. Hence the name | when Mr 1 y offered | i i ¢ i >» nachine. 2 4} |the chance ate i papers porters attend all meet-| fore the story goes into print. On 'i 3 machine . After ine Spe]the C 81 ce ater I d t in at which public business is|top of it all he must know his| : J: he matrices and space | how lemant ing it was t ON YOUR transacted, They are present at|community so well that he can| bands are distributed automatie-|times, tiresome, but somehow I| ok . d I | : 1} i hm . Mhooh iis 4 4 2K the meetings of the city council, |assess the value, in a news sense, | ally to their proper channels for |liked it. Those were the depr 4 : i | A se again sion days; the hours were long board of education, hospital board | of all the copy which the report- 5 use ag and the OTA or , mall public 1 : is ers turn in \ 2 \ OF ¢f EPARTMENT ! § bids Weipa a1 pubis utilis pring ther| Th ; " Sk MARE 2 Den Ren rela-| Pu! I was glad to have a job and as well as 05e Of e o her| he editor must know his field % 2 i f ich A vef noe ta lOne that, fundamentally, 1 enjoy- boards and commissions which|well enough to understand the : tion, of course, or reference to| 1." ot 1 ; Pe i | make up the field of civic gov-|relative importance of each item! : # beauty treatments. Here the lino-| : Hy court is| of news -- to know how much| ~, 4 3 A * ype Slugs obi iis Wig ron aad Mise es MARKING THE COMPLETION r space should be allotted to each H rangijjustrations are § 59 "Lats BULI0Y A ios Wea] : a requel " ed and made up into pages. Alloway, now Mrs. Victor Henke Probably the next most im.|item. Frequently a story has tof e J While this work is supervised by|man daughter of Mr. Arthur OF YOUR FINE NEW PLANT ta 4 he. 2DDOIOB Ih sed--a 3 thi ( postan group of news sources is|be Pagar JL BLL hs |the editors considerable judgment |Alloway, filled in - temporarily. | e up of service organizations | A v 1 | 3 " is required on the part of the Mrs. Rice returned for a whil in the city--those devoting their| essential facts or altering the| J L y 3 put Zl Bie i 2 ae AND OFFICES. i . 4 {makeup men in placing the ma-|but home duties took precedence | forts to forwarding the various|sense of the report. Skill and ex- terial fo the best advantage and | and vhen she left Doris Wall aspects of civic well being on aj perience are the requirements # 3 |in proper relation to the depart- | vho had come from Toronto to volunte basis. The chamber of|for doing this job well. . ments and subjects. {live in Oshawa, took over the eomme is possibly the best! On top of this, the editor has A : J G S---- . -- " THE "AD" ALLEY | editorship . ample h org ation! the i rit i % z ry + example of such rganization|the job of writing a heading ol -t . i "* | Apart from the setting of| Mrs. Wallace had been an exec- aloe vith the various serv ice| point up the story. The purpose in | straight column material a news- | uti director of the YWCA atl ny | writing the heading is to tell paper has to be equipped to set|Kirkland Lake where she also LIMIT 1 Oshawa an important in-|the whole story in a few words| : # and prepare all sizes of adver-|taught crafts. She brought her " . TY al centre in Ontario and|which will catch the reader's eye | ? 4 ' i ? Bl. |tisements. In the composing room |own lively spirit to the women's | The Dairy That Satisfies the activities of -labor| The "headings" should be written| i § is an island of machines set aside | corner, introduc mportant as|so they tell the story and at the| -- ; ' 1 for advertising purposes. These notes, and her ager 4 | 431 SIMCOE SOUTH RA 5-4719 longer exist. x of local news cverage| He has to count the letters and on our shields. | Welland, Sarnia, Woodstock {A monitor is installed in the edi.|tor's chair in the social depart- LEFT OSHAWA source of news The sources most often visited are those from whom "news of eounty ownship and other ¥ visions of government The Oshawa imes reporters make calls daily and ofte t checked particular] wee of the|same time create an interest Automobile Workers, jon the part of the public to readl ANGUS GORDON, DIST. EDITOR (LEFT) JACK GEARIN, NEWS EDITOR |Ticines are hand-operated and shocked and sorry when word will set type from a very smallicame that her husband "Al", a| PL RW WR BR Re

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