y ; y the highly corrosive nature of} THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 19, 1960 21 FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE [a cis. ot of dds oo ) dry, apply two coats of a liquid, | ; . | placing them as high up in the | gent powders, using about a transparent waterproofing. By ROGER C. WHITMAN P P E | gables as possible and allowing at | quarter cupful in a pail of warm DAMP ATTIC SPACE | least one square foot of louver | water. Be sure to soak the siding FLOOR VARNISH PEELED eiEtion. We: tie brick with w; QUESTION: During cold e r|opening for each 300 square feet | first with clear water and start TION We are or ting] So op. Ya e Jie wit water weather our altic space is quite | of attic floor space. Small vents | washing at the bottom, working a I Ne ae gan apply e solution liberally, | damp. There are no leaks in the | installed in the roof eaves will upward and keeping the clean | allowing it to remain 2-3 minutes. | roof or around the chimney. What | also help provide plenty of air areas moistened to prevent dirt | study. The wood floor had a var-| Then scrub with a fibre brush |g 2 ¥ oly ; | nish: finish. revarnishing . $ 4 : US 0 you recommend? | circulation, | str rom i i Risks: fini Tg Teyarnishing: Sid mote of the solution. Rinse| ANSWER: The dampness is CLEANNG ASBESTOS SIDING pig on Nn in. Hg! gent and 'water, to remove all we with clear water. Be sure '0 | probably caused by lack of ven-| QUESTION: Is there any way be necessary to use illic grease and grime. We used a wear oid clothes, protect the] tilation in the attic space. I|to clean asbestos siding? ; | powder. Rinse well with clear eyes with goggles, the hands | recommend the installation of| ANSWER: Scrub the siding water afterwards (hosing down is good quality of varnish, but it | started to peel within a week. with rubber gloves, because of | ventilating louvers at each end;!with one of the household deter-| easiest method), What do you recommend? ANSWER: The floor surface may have not been thoroughly dried, or the old finish too glossy mE : = when the new varnish coat was . applied, that would prevent var- 1 nish from adhering tightly. 1 vi : - [| recommend scraping the present finish off with a floor sanding mW | @ A STACK OF RENT RECEIPTS OR . . . "aviinion: wee s vd || @ A FULLY PAID HOME OF YOUR OWN the shingles be restained? ANSWER: In general, 'wood Shs ho wy se geen | if your rent receiots are piling up, you owe it to ee eros am yourself to "Investigate I.P.H. Homes" WATER ON TABLE QUESTION: Water was spilled Ready to Assemble Homes en a mahogany end table and ust wiped oi for several hours. | - » go cu_L pom etek Designed for You to Build to Own - - " which resulted? ANSWER: Rub the surface | with turpentine or camphorated firm emt| NO DOWN PAYMENT 0h a cloudy effect, you might be | able to remove it by first wiping | TO PAY the surface with turpentine, then | washing with a mixture of one | CHOO E tablespoon of cider vinegar in a | U ANY PLANS quart of water; dry the surface | by rubbing with soft, dry cloths. | ® 4 OF OUR MOST POPULAR MODELS AH rubbing should be in the di-| rection of the grain of the wood. | ASBESTOS SHINGLES | QUESTION: We don't like the color of the asbestos shingles on | the walls of a house we are buy- | ing. Can this be painted? | ANSWER: Asbestos shingles | ~ ean be satisfactorily painted with | : ! masonry paint, | # SHEARS RRRRAATIT I, DIFFERENT REFLECTIONS | 2 i ye" QUESTION: I notice there is a : - = Ta ; difference in reflection of things | : : aa | pa i + ne: Rg 1 -------- = v in different mirrors. What causes | EY wa the change or distortion, even | po with goed mirrors? | : i] amr Fd A A ---- una 4 ha Ek. LS -- [PY LS -- ANSWER: Not only does a mir- ror make some difference, but also the kind of light in the room Th 8 d . H will give either a pleasant or ob- e Bride's m jectionable reflection. The silver- ome HOME NO The Lady Jane. RR ing on some mirrors has warm- | pra iri men] wi $3,830 - $48 per month Xi $4,135 -- $51 per month stances, the glass is tinted. Dis- | torted reflections are caused by imperfections in the glass. | TILE ON PLASTERBOARD QUESTION: 1 would like to in- stall ceramic tile in a new pow- | der room we are adding. The | wall partition will be plaster | board. Can ceramic tile be ap- plied to dry walls? ANSWER: Yes, using a special adhesive, Your tile dealer can give you full information about the adhesive and installation pro- cedures. Or consult your classi- fied telephone directory under «pile - Ceramic - Distributors (or > Manufacturers)." The Park Lane Jorn SGN" " The Mainline WALLPAPERED WALLS I.P.H. HOME NO. 19 I.LP.H. HOME NO. 11 UESTION: Is there ¢ Ww (QUESTION: fs ere fv || peice $3,495 -- $43 per month ic $2,995 - $38 per month walls? The paper has been on for a number of years : is * beginning to look a bit gigs. : YOU GET ALL MATERIALS \a Otherwise it seems in g con- FLOOR--10 x 10 beams--2 x 8 floor joists at 16" 0.C 1 x4 dressed floorin ficion and is still adhering tight WALLS---Fre-gssembled built up wall panels constructed with 2 x4 ot 16" centro, insulated fibre board applied. 8' or 10" bevel i, : : siding, white pine trim, diy J Wid i bi ROOF--Approved built-up trusses, 1 dressed sheeting, No. 210 No. heavy esphalt fire resistant shingle, white pine facer boards. - e Clealied, With ied ond knead: INSIDE--2"* fibreglass wool blankets for outside walls and ceiling. 2 x 4 redi-cut partition studs, fire proof gyproc wallboard for pi we re S OS dor. ue . both side of partitions, inside doors and trim for all rooms. ot will pick up dust and soot. LUS--AIl glass ond hardware. The cleaner is available at wall dealers and paint and hard- SUPERIOR PANELLIZED CONSTRUCTION: All LP.H. -RE- paper stores. shruction, the _ sHicient building [Method Jdcveloped by oes, ye *o w wy 2 hi which we are . Wi hi i i i i component sections rey bint I em, Migs Bl gis 8 go Mail This Coupon TODAY WHITENING BRICK : framing. ¥ 5 y 4 tek ous Tl es ee a een or oA aii. 5 ass INTERPROVINCIAL HOMES several years old. The surface en Th By uting LU-Re-Co Banels, built in advance, you nine " : Box 355 ; x + : ¢ on-the-site hand labor needed in th 1 buildi . i : Ri of me buick lias Wiilsged. How ae a, Only the gf ig materials are -- Gg i remirg oe 36 Ritson Road North, Oshawa wal ibis 2. Shiegie OWS as of Sut 1! tREco Ten cion, you ILP.H. home will be better-built and sturdier thon ease send me further information : nown as ef- y. without obligation, on how to build rescence; the condition is the ' ; e Sores rg ge ge . BLE. PRINT Seavice . MATERIAL LISTS e CATALOGUE SERVICE my own Do-It-Yourself Home, way through the brickwork and . SLLS YR DRM . FIELD ADVICE NAME "n ET EEE EEE EE EE drawing to the surface mineral N.HA. AND V.L.A. CANADIAN APPROVED LU-RE-CO HOUSE ADDRESS . ......cc0cvieneqes salts which crystallize when eva- PLANS FOR THE LUMBER DEALER OCCUPATION . . poration takes place. Frequently, this disappears in time. A new : ; etching material to use ior clean- 'y ing masonry surfaces is now available at some building sup- plies dealers. If not obtainable, try the following method: Scrub LIMITED off the white deposit with a solu- bow gt merialle geid tate pars 436 Ritson Road North, Oshawa, Ph. RA 5-4704 * MASONRY SUCH AS CHIMNEY NOT INCLUDED > e893 8 8 es 8 000.0 acid in 10 parts of water), using a wooden container to hold the