THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setrdey, Merch 19, 1960 13 WE HAS LOVED EACH )f anf - -BUT NAL - YOU MEAN YoU! WANTED I DIDN'T TELL ENNISKILLEN 1 Y, - - ALONE JUST : 3 OTHER PASHINUTLY, TO DO TH EMERGENCY! Ber 55 0 SAY HON MUCH YOURE / hig - JOYING YOURSELF? 0 H / By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN--Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and boys were visitors with their , A. JULIET JONES REALLY? I'VE NEVER SEEN ANY= I NEVER SAW SUCH) |/ YOU'D GOTTEN THING HE THING STEAMING IN THIS PLACE : SLOW SERVICE AS RS R, LD. STEAMING, EXCEPT THE CUSTOMERS! don, Mr, and Mrs. Ivan ) | |and Linda were guests of Mr. Tyrone visited Mr, Ralph Virtue. Mr, and Mrs, Banks and girls, Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Griffin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and girls visited Mr. and Mrs E. A, Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, Toronto, visited 8. R. Pethick. Mr, and Mrs. h Virtue vis WHILE WERE IN THIS AREA, TONTO, /, vied ri) fled Mt. and Mrs. Bill Cochrane, HEY, REVEILLE, T'VE HEARD A RUMOR | BELIEVE ME, WHENEVER TM IN THAT A ' f ; THAT YOURE GETTIN. | CHICKEN HOUSE, T RULE THE S BENT. 70 iA TO Lien arsaTS | TH ; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gettings TO BE...UH... ROOST ! RIGHT, EGGNES # " WE PON'T & y \ I and family, Caesarea, visited HENPECKED! ALLOW HIM Mr. and Mrs, P, Ellis Sunday. 8 4 at IN HERE. Mr. and Mrs, Pat Tresise and girls, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. AC1 Mostyn Howells and Neil Whitehead, Clinton, visited Mr, 5 and Mrs. W. Howells at the week- end. 7 i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, or Linda and Jackie, visited Norman LA ; a) : / : 8 | Avery, Salem, Tuesday. T : Mrs. Frank Spry and Harold, HE LONE RANGER HAS NO €USP|CION THAT A » es |8 STEALTHILY HA 3 = | Rochester, N.Y., were weekend MAN INTENT ON MURDER === / APPROACHING HIS CAMP « . 4 guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. ; b ram Mrs. Spry remained for a visit. MUGGS AND SKEETER The Lone Ranger, Ine. by King Features Syndieste a THE LONE RANGER Linda 'and Jackie, visited Mra. 4 nda an ackie, vi MR.DITHERS-T4 HEAR DAGWOOD~ "(zaccerT ) |; 1 HOPE HE ANGRY THATS GUKH SERVICE, TTT room YOUL INGLE SAM SS LAWS TD pinta 204 Jade, vis NINCOMPOOP, AND APOLOGY Do TiC < : SERGEANT. WEVE Gor ) | \\ HAVE T0 CARRY » TAKE CARE OF DEALERS IN CONTRABAID, er an eattle. anvil, Pena THAT OVER Phil calls on THREE PACKAGES FOR \ BUNDLE THEM LP AND TAKE THEM spent Saturday with he parents. the State Police AWAY, SERGEANT: y= Mr. and Mrs. R, Griffin, to lend a help- I x 4 : 1] : ing hand." Fill] gi PN \ = ' 4 ZION By MRS. HARRY FISHER ZION -- The Neighborly Dou- ble's Club held its meeting at the church Saturday. Films of ere shown by Dr. Stocks, B Church service and Sunday School services were resumed Sunday after a lapse eof three weeks. Mrs. Frederickson, Shave, was a weekend guest of Mr, Mrs. Oscar Pingle. For The Best Value... Choose A GOODWILL USED CAR |--:=~ tained relatives Sa at a being party. the occasion SECRET AGENT X 9 from the QLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. | "5p ier Hin assist vou | [Sse Mr, and Mrs. Ross Stainton LOOK,GRANDMA,ATATTOO | | GOLLY, I'D Earn | ON TH' BACK ©' MY HAND/ ABOUT IT BEIN' THERE WE HAD ADJOINING THAT'S FUZZY, BY THE WAY, I'D LIKE FOR YOU TO ROOMS IN A B.0.Q. ALLRIGHT, T HAD rina r | | reno : ihe iJ > i HAD TO MOVE BECAUSE SNORING FOR ie 3 % HN, a Dows, Jay ad OF HIS SNORING, B16 YEARS. Hy, 4 p =( 2 EPA ; ao A Mrs, oid nd . 4 " 2 ? Sak Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geisberges, Sr., visited Mr, and Mrs. Morley Wyman, Prestonvale, Sunday. Mrs. F. B. Glaspell visited Mr. anl Mrs, Ralph Glaspell, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton visited Mrs. Albert Balson, So- lina, Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Glaspell were guests of Mrs. A. D. Me Master Sunday. we AFTER A SEARCH OF THE Ts a 0 N Laurie Stainton spent the weels PLATFORM nar ; ! ) po peass Ae : end with Mr, and Mrs, H. F. Ste ; BY or.easTLAND) j. UP AGAINSTP GET 7 |ven, Oshawa. THERE'S NOT A i BACK HERE FAST, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Dart and Sov ON TiS KRAMER]! MF |Ken visited Mr, and Mrs. William PLATFORM BU Dart, Scarborough, Sunday, Mrs. Ray Cameron visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Prout, Bowman- ville, Sunday. Margaret Pascoe, Marilyn and Pearl, with Dave McCullough, Ron Dickinson and Dave Rick- ard attended the Sportsman's Show in Toronto. Philip Gerry was a Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, Kedron, = Ao - Sunday guests of Mr. and MARTA, ME DARLIN OH, YES = AND I IMAGINE SHE Tom Sobil Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I FORGOT JO ASK== | 1S THE ENVY AND (DOL OF ALL, or WAS LITTLE ANNIE A HER SCHOOLMATES TODAY -- | |Grant Williams and family at- WELL ENOUGH TO NOW, KEVIN, GIVE ME BACK, | [tended the Chant family gather GO 0 SCHOOL. MY HAND, SOL CANEAT | ling at Hampton township hall THIS NORNIN' 2 Sev yms LUNCH, TOO =~ Saturday to honor Mr. and Mrs, & Charles Vivian on their 40th wed- ding anniversary. Underground Tests International ? : od i Pers po : , ; OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition ANGE Leader Pearson urged Thursday EASE AN \ ; BST ec ueg Ho A oa ( 1/7, | | [M1 ima- app] | that Canada suggest to the United " ' 7 - { Hill \ BRICK BRADFORD . -- T WISHT I COULD RUN HOME pee - WHEN THE LUNCH PERIOD COMES °F GUESS. . AN' NEVER CONE BAGK--BUT ITS. OUR FAMOUS \ A. WRONG TO PLAY HOOKEY mse HEROINE? [35 emmmnan A $0 I JUST GOTTA STAY= 006000 A HN(E SES Tore Bea! Lo] a NKS SHES * t 7, 7 us- fA BIG : 7 as -- TR -- mf ET ne) Exh [9] oll 8 y oad RE i 7 74 (77 ' Mr=CZpm= righ 5 King Four -- Word rights \ 2 2 Features Syndicats, Ing its reserved. < ~~ gnc 4 bye 7-0 DSA Le \ LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY States that any underground nu. clear tests be placed under inter national supervision. MERRY MENAGERIE He said in the Commons that such a move might help to solve fhe 1 technical jiesues Surromnding STRONG, a ban on nuclear tests. HEALTHY / ge Prime Minister Diefenbaker re- TEETH plied. that Mr. Pearson's sugges. @ 7 § f tion is worthy of serious consid- boots q | 7, ' eration. However, there was ne BRUSH g SS immediate necessity for the gov- WI % pi ernment to take a position on the edieHo! y D.\ matter. SALLY'S SALLIES I DON'T FEEL $0 BUT I ALWAYS EAT MORE ¥] [Friis » ; h >) -- MICKEY MOUSE GOOD! LET'S HOLE BEFORE WE PULL A BIS JOB! UP IN THAT OLD LINE ty ' YOUR HEY, SOMEBODY'S THEREL ROY ROGERS EY 1960 It Dic Productions / Distributed by King Features Syndicate, 3 =O torid Rights Reserved "All the newest models are slung lower!"