VISITOR WELCOMED Community Incorporated Holds Interesting Meet The regular monthly meeting of Community Incorporated was held recently in Adelaide House Mrs. M. TeMord of Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital welcomed as a visi- tor to the meeting Miss Mary Johnson of the University of Western Ontario presently on Field Practice in Nursing Serv- ice Administration at the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. C. Green- land of the Ontario Hospital in- troduced Miss Audrey Ferguson, a social worker at the Ontario Hospital at Whitby. Mr. E. C. Stewart of the Board of Direc- tors of the Community Recrea- tion Association was welcomed W. J. Naylor of the Oshawa Wel- fare Department introduced an- other member of that Depart ment, Miss Lorna Wighton A motion was passed inviting Mr. Doyle the newly appointed Executive Secretary of the Com- munity Chest, to join Community Incorporated. The treasurer reported that the balance on hand amounted to $133.20 and that most of the fees for the year 1960 had been paid Mr, G. Nelson, chairman of the program co-ordinating commit tee, reported that a letter had been sent to industry con'ainin a survey sheet regarding recre tion for 16-25 year group hoped to have the su Vv plete by the next meeting The Canadian Arthri Rheumatism Society and the Welfare Department will featured agencies for during the month of M: i was announced by Miss I. Sorley chairman of the public relations and publicity committee The members and guests then witnessed a film ent "Joc and Roxy", introduced by Mr. W Brewster of CRA. The story of the film centred around the friendship of a teen-age boy and girl, their needs and problems and the attitudes of their parents towards their plans and hopes for the future. There followed a short and informative discussion as to the needs of such adolescents in the community in terms of recre- ational needs It was announced that the April and June meetings would be fea tured by Agency reports while for the May meeting the chair man was to contact Mr. Kirk- patrick, executive member of the John Howard Society, and ask him to lead a discussion on the recreational needs of adolescent and pre-adolescents Mr. Nelson reported a survey of organizations was in progress to try to establish a place f a new boys club, this to be a ur of Simcoe Hall. Already $100,000 had been pledged for this project which will include a swimming pool. AGENCY REPORTS Girl Guides -- Mrs. ¥. Wilson | reported that the biggest prob- lem at this time is Guide House where urgent repairs are being carried out. Archdeacon Clever- don has given permission for yet another group to meet in the church, this making five groups in all. This group will be known as the "'C" group All groups in the city are ac tive and busw with Mother and Daughter Banquets. Plans are being made for Jubilee year and include a project by the Sea Rangers who have adopted a Catholic School in Jamaica which has 800 students but only enough clothing for 150. The Rangers are| collecting new clothing for e children. The first Golden D to commemorate Jubilee Year has bloomed. It was raised in a pot by a Brownje and presented by her to a sick person YWCA Residence -- Mrs. A H cey, chairman of the food serv ice and residence committee Miss I. Corbyn, residence direc- tor, attended a one-day ence in Toronto with residence workers from other YWCA's in Ontario, The residence girls are busy with plans for raising money for a new refrigerator be- fore summer World Service Fund -- The program clubs and classes have arranged for a special St. Pat rick"s Square and Round Dance to be held from 9 - 2 am. on Friday, March 18th. There will be dancing in two rooms to two bands and all are looking for- ward to an enjoyable and profit- able evening. The whole Associa confer- ' home - Not To Die. | of little Market Deeping (popu- | three les of my tion is working on a Spring Cardis expected that the use of this Party to be held at the 'Y' on|program will not be nearly as ex- Tuesday, April 5. It will be held|tensive as at the present time. during the afternoon and evening' Picture a young mother, so and it is hoped that these two|crippled with arthritis she was events will give a good start to unable to care for her baby. Pic- the World Service Fund for 1960. ture the joy and happiness of TH SEs REG 'that same mother and her fam- NURSES VISIT ily. when a few months later she A program of social service was able to resume the normal raining has been arranged for|g oc of a housewife free from trainee nurses temporarily at-lyo pain and disability that had tached to the Ontario Hospital, been making life - a . nightmare Whitby. Together with several This is only one of the many other agencies in Oshawa the heart-warming cases which make YWCA will be welcoming smallfy, © work of the Oshawa Branch groups of nurses for short visits +" ype Canadian Arthritis and over the next ten weeks. They | pheumatism Society so worth- will be visiting the residence and while. 4 ' observing program clubs in ac- This is the story of Mrs. Audrey Lion, R.. an active young matron, the PROGRAM DERARTMENT {mother of two children under Preparations have already be- school age. Three months after gun for a new series of classes|the birth of her second child she in a variety of subjects. The suffered an attack of acute bursi- places have al v been filled|tis which severely restricted the for an experimental class in ad- movement of her shoulder and vanced keep fit to be held in the/arm, in addition to inflicting se- OCCI gymnasium, using gym-|Vere pain. She was unable to care nastic apparatus. for her baby and he bain made In addition to general welfare sleep almost impossible, assistance, previously called re- CALLED CARS lief, the Oshawa Public Welfare! Audrey's doctor called in the Department inisters a num- geryices of the Canadian Arthri- el programs!iic and Rheumatism Society to inknown| provide treatment ofgshort wave diathermy, massage and Among the more recent serv-lated exercises. A few treatments ices is that of the Homemaker relieved the pain and after 10 rvice which prevents unneces- treatments she was able to re- F: placement of children in the sume fully her former duties. Children's Aid when the There are many such happy mo - is ill or in hospital. It also endings to the case histories of assists an older or handicapped Mrs. H. Biebrach, the local phy- person to remain in his own/siotherapist oi CARS Keeping children in their "That's what makes own homes or making it possible so satisfying," stated for an older person to remain in|brach. the community is not only far! The Canadian 3 in Rheumatism So s a volun most cases less costly to the city tary non-profit ¢ nization par- in terms of funds ticipating in the Community to|Chest. Its services are available vithito sufferers from arthritis and s has|the rheumatic diseases on recom- nany !mendation of the patient's doctor {-1 A familiar Sig on Oshawa streets and the surrounding dis- trict is the CARS mobile unit in ysiotherapist, fied to provide Aged facilities he t me nt prescribed the opening o 0) the patien physician : y if While a nominal fee is charged later this year ili... ha Society's services, subject to the patient's ability to pay, 1 is significant that the home visits LJ Communit of the physio effect a saving of Y thousands of dollars to the pa- {tients and the community mn of other are that are comparatively nost residents. Society my work Mrs. Bie- Arthritis and more desirable socially bul Supplementary old age pensioners to a excessive rent or costly d materially helped older pe happy and se supporting assistance to keep sons helped charge vho Nursing home care has tremendously to fill the gap cre ated by lack of chronic hospita or Home for' the n Oshawa. W Hillsdale Manor cases of those who would other wise require hospitalization Many citizens in Oshawa who are walking and living normal lives today are grateful to CARS for their services and each month sees a growing demand During the past year over 100 cases were given about 1000 home treatments and the mobile unit travelled over 13,000 miles on its errands of mercy in Oshawa and Eng- elders MARKET land (AP DEEPING ~The village lation 888) have passed a sol- emn resolution. They appealed officially | Thursday night to old and young "Please don't die until some- wh has been found to bury you." It wa shire village's parish council to Station CBL pretty churchyard--and they al- for land on o start a new district. the late nove in a extend the local cemetery. Only eight burial plots remain un- ready have been spoken for Even the paths have been dug up for grave space "We have tried everywhere in cemetery, but 1," explained a three-year fight by the Lincoln- 7 '45 Pp M . . * oceup in Market Deeping's the district fi which no one will sell councilman Now controversy is centred on a piece of land next to the yard. The council burial wants fo take it But the vicar, Rev. Leon- Piggott, says no 'There are graveyards on house al- ready he protested. "I don't want to live on an island sur- rounded by tombs." In a bid to break the dead- H lock, printer Kenneth Sutton | Gordon Churchill proposed his resolution at Thursday night's council t- yi HCE Thee MINISTER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE | ing in the radio series "It was voted on in all seri- "The Nation's Business" ousness to focus attention on this farcical situation," he said. The Progressive Conservative Party Voting was 28 to 1. Odd-man- | out was George Frost, the vil- lage mortician. He claimed the resolution would put him out THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch 18, 1960 15 gradu-| PRCT ERTE Th RRA PHILIPS Industries Ltd. CHERNEY'S WILL ALLOW YOU tN ON RA Co-Operation With Ln A $100 TO $150 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT TELEVISION SET IN WORKING CONDITION ON THE PURCHASE OF A NEW PHILIPS 3 TELEVISION SET Cherney's Will Allow You Up to $150 And Not Less Than $100 This Week For Your Present TV Sel In Working Condition HADEN IN CO-OPERATION WITH PHILIPS INDUSTRIES LTD. CHERNEY'S WILL ALLOW YOU $100 TO $130 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT TELEVISION SET IN WORKING CONDITION ON THE PURCHASE OF THIS 21" PHILIPS DELUXE CONSOLE YOURS FOR AS LITTLE AS 2 Rio WITH YOUR TRADE-IN Liberal Terms Exactly As Shown REG. 389.00 VALUE PHIL Philips Deluxe Console 21" Television Philips toke time out to build the best and here's e set to prove it, It's a good looking set with a decorator designed cabinet in walnut, mahogany or oak finish. Features include two wide-range 6' speakers . . on ultra-power ""R" chassis ond o new visual channel indicator -- exclusive with Philips. NO MONEY DOWN CHERNEY'S WILL ACCEPT YOUR TRADE-IN AS DOWN PAYMENT IN CO-OPERATION WITH PHILIPS INDUSTRIES LTD. CHERNEY'S WILL ALLOW YOU $100 TO $150 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR PRESENT TELEVISION SET IN WORKING CONDITION ON THE PURCHASE OF THIS 21" PHILIPS DELUXE CONSOLE YOURS FOR AS LITTLE AS 290.00 WITH YOUR TRADE-IN Philips Deluxe Console 21" Television Philips is known throughout the world as the manufoe~ turer of the finest home ene tertainment units. Here is a perfect example of master craftsmanship. The all-wood cabinet is available in wol- nut, mahogany or oak with @ contrasting polished brass support three wide range 6" speakers . . . ultra- power "'R" chassis and new visuol channel indicator. Exactly As Shown REG. 449.00 VALUE NO MONEY DOWN CHERNEY'S WILL ACCEPT YOUR TRADE-IN AS DOWN PAYMENT of business GLAZIER'S WATER DAMAGE SALE reinforce White, blue, grey m All nylon low, pink, azure bl Reg. 39¢ oz. Knitting Wool brown, navy, scarlet yel- 4 ozs. MEN'S SHIRTS ed Mostly sport shirts, l ue dress shirts -. ... PLENTY OF FREE PARKING OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WED AZIER' DEPARTMENT STORE 498 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Across From South Simcoe St. School ist, many patterns in the lot. Some * USE YOUR CREDIT L] NO CARRYING CHARGES NESDAY eo OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M. « PHONE RA 5-3411 THE IN CO-OPERATION WITH PHILIPS INDUSTRIES LTD. CHERNEY'S WILL ALLOW YOU $100 TO $140 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR. YOUR PRESENT TELEVISION SET IN WORKING CONDITION ON THE PURCHASE OF THIS 21" PHILIPS DELUXE CONSOLE YOURS FOR AS LITTLE AS 289.00 WITH YOUR TRADE-IN SHOP TONIGHT OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M. Exactly As Shown REG. 429.00 VALUE Philips Deluxe Console 21" Television Phillips takes time to build the best in styling, turing, engineering, testing, manufac- and they proteet their reputation by making sure the set you buy offers long term dependability. Here's a perfect example. The Scandinavian inspired, all-wood cabinet is avail- . eble in walnut ond features two wide-range 8" speakers, ultra-power "R" chassis and new visual channel indicator, NO MONEY DOWN CHERNEY'S WILL ACCEPT YOUR TRADE-IN AS DOWN PAYMENT