The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1960, p. 19

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 16 1960 Fi THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EF 1--Accountants jo---pbuilding Trades \15--Instruction 22--Radio & TV Repairs 37--Male Help Wanted . [M--Housss,_ ApH. Flats 44 owes & Apts. < S. T. HOPKINS and Company, Certl.| ROOFING, chimne places, eaves. SPECIAL! 20 per cent off regular price . NEW BUSINESS Hira BW EE 9] Re FOUR - room unformished aps apartment, fied Public Accountants, 172 King |troughs, bu y i on all picture-tube replacements, manu- R - room unfurnished apartment Steet East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA oun A 35100 RA 5- Frid and el LEARN TO DRIVE facturer's warranty included. Free in. FOU th, heavy duty wiring, close {ofl heat, hot water. Would suit busi. Jie RAL a irs, roofing, sidings, AT THE OSHAWA og iy hy rs. ie TELEPHONE LISTINGS : OPENING FOR TWO fo si 1 sia upows: wep i "self-con ree -------- -- YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HO v ~N T E R| chimneys, free estimates, workman- 00! pert repairs to all TV and radios. Ace Co pyhccountants and auditors, Li-|ship fully guaranteed. RA S780. DRIVING SCHOOL Electronics, 227 Brock Street South, ATE MODERN three - room very |S I i be enal_ares, Brrr By es Jn Bamkruptey, 64 King Sh Laurie "e McKenna, RA 57864,| Licensed by the Police Com- |Whitby, MO 84025. ~~~ a REAL EST central, rey as, privite en, garage, private entrance. RA 51873. Nn Hod ila er p.m xpert painting, paper- issi o TV AERIALS talled moved and re- I . » MODERN apartment. four roorms non otAners omni CPA anim, Goes. Eeymates free Sa | [0 C0 Juondord ond Av ad Novara Al chammets. 1435 HARRY MILLEN | HAMBLY TIRE | ~~ SALESMEN [sree sin" ad vise Dany Tour JL Lo BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting | faction guaranteed Winter rate and up. RA 37521. LTD SIX - room home, garage, garden,|TV ult, Aa " preferred. Phons Services offer complete bookkeeping | CARPENTRY -- trimming, cupboards, RA 8-009] TELEVISION, radio fubes, Do-it-Your- Real Estate Broker . APPLY paved drive, residential area, near bus,| MO 8.4282. services for small business. 184 Bond | recreation rooms, playrooms, inside re. self free tester. Fred's Drive-In, King 53 RITSON RD S separate and public schools, also Power THREE - room furnished ¢ or unh = Sirvel yest Soom 1 Office RA 5-0397 | modelling, all work guaranteed. Phone 1 Ins on Street West, Vigor Oil Station, Tous n ONTARIO ST 4 a . ART WEINBERGER Store. Available June 1, 88 Cadillac = BEE oe Yum pi or Riraishe d RA 5-6937 6--Insu ce Line East. Supplied by Dean Kelly : Avi South. . MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL. and | Ti Jumbing and heating supplies. 81 King West. Open daily. 13 midnight RE YO REALTOR -- 32 PARK RD. N. | mms 200 . ford, off Mill. Co., Chartered A t L re RA ey anenting Supplies: | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to|and Sundays RA 1679 3 dd THREE ' ccountants, Licensed|Phone RA 5-3521, Harold R . Stark, 20 per cent, six 'months to pay. For j- Trustees, Ajax, Oshawa, Stratford. Hon. |Ltd,, plumbing heating, and engineer. |2 Pe ' Bay. $55, THREE - room apartment, all fuss J. W. Monteith, FCA, MP; A. B. Mon. ing, 255 Simcoe Street South. personal service at your home. Call CALL RA 8-6221 We have an opening for an Hants, a br (flor, ss," vet, i Sitavle Jor RA 5-7754, 147 Mill = teith, B. Comm., CA; G. W. Riehl, CA, | soe Smee S028 IRA 37413 SERVICE WHEN YOU Wailer Low's Ph ! ambitious Real Estate Sales- [Phone RA 5:929 PUBLIC hall, capacity 200, Apply 64 RIA; G. E. Trethewey, CA: R. F. i fr aw s armacy | FOR A COMPLETE man in the East Oshawa ond |BROOKLIN, three bright rooms, cen-|Albany Street. RA 5-0050 after 7p.m. Lightfoot, 3 y |troughing, building! repairs. Telephone -- L Street North, Oshawa. oo [RA 5.408% }7 =Maney fo Loan T.V. and RADIO LAKE-VISTA REAL ESTATE SERVICE | Courtice area 45d sink, Separate entrance, garage. | THREE or four "rooms, unfurnished | Klin, private bath and entrance. Apply 539 | PLASTERING. odelling, he WE have clients' monies available for ris ly 2 Way Street, Brool 2--Barristers | and: repairs, Free. LR Fp loans on first and second mortgages CALL RA 8-5286 SHOPPING PLAZA Call bply 2 Way Albert Street. RA 81178 If you are willing to work y T rooms, A [1] pri ini TOR & CAMERON, Vanni meni nr Roa Noh, RA ot ce. To All Work Guaranteed _| Wecker Dry, comer > Cedar | S. D. HYMAN, Realtor | hard, to make $7000 or more |r 'eesek®®Ra® Soon ters pm. | APARTMENT, unfurnished, 3 Tooms tor and Notary Public. 18% King Street |c -- (QC. 37 King Street East, Oshawa. RA OSHAWA an a { 39 PRINCE ST. yearly, please contact: SELF - contained unfurnished fhree-|snrance" soced "poner" semi-private |CARPENTER work, framing, trim. 4943 RA 5-3525 RA 8 6286 (Robt aD ee HE Soi 10 THOaty. $a utes, | secol Ee oor, vacan of rl - » . 295 ur ree ast, loc] East. RA 3.2269. NHA and private| bien 3 3 y ming, kitchen cabinets, custom work ELE: TRONICS and vie Joi ages arranged. -|and repairs. Mortgages arranged. All| CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort c | Free Delivery ly, including heat lights, Anity from King and Ritson Streets. RA 8- i Ret | y f Rit: hool, suitable for two adults GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici- (work guaranteed. RA 3-3579. gage. Mortgage and agreement of sale SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT a - { - . nid HY Herr 6361 between 9 and 6 p.m. tors, etc, 734 Simcoe Street South. | rrr T renee (purchased. NHA mortgages arranged. RVI H | 4d dish pe te i A . .. |PL 3 g pipes, fit |P! LD ages 8 \ O TWO or three rooms, heat, hydro, TV Dial, RA 32078. Residence phones: (CMCC A ind used chang. (Creighton, Fraser, Diynan and Mur |T -- DAY OR NIGHT] FOR A COMPLETE DUMONT REALTOR Eo a one ih, bath outlet," close to. SGA. RA' 81070, 652 nes Vokes. Ph BOL AA pes {ing from septic tank to sewer a spe.|doch. T.V. and RADIO REAL ESTATE SERVICE ALUMINUM {NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 (550 monthly, sixteen miles from Osh. |e" coer hata anisitiedi {cialty. Installations at reasonable rates. RALPH JONES, Ba, and Thomas Informstion and estimates free on any|CLIENTS' monies availible for first CALL RA 8.5286 Call awa, RA 5-558. FOUR - room ; apartment | eit. ot H. Greer, Associate Barristers and type of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. e - | FOUR - odern apartment, plus eements of sale purchased. Apply room, modern apa: wiring, TV I. Availabl ~ Solicitars. 330. King Street East py MF. Swartz, Barrister and Notary S. D. HYMAN, Realtor| RA 8-1651 CLASS "A" bath, two blocks from Shopping Centre, A ary. Avaiianie April 1, 8.6246. Mort, } I OE Public, 26% King East. Oshawa, RA All Work Guaranteed 39 'PRINCE ST a. THE only fully broadioomed apart: THOMAS NDLE, B 3-46 OSHAWA | RA 8-6286 for information er interview. LICENCED | ments in Oshawa. Two bedrooms. ett -------------- { SIX - room house, three bedrooms, |Brand new, gentral Jocation, Two avail- citor and y A ng | FIRST and second mortgage, ge, sale | - Street East. Phone RA 81763. TED VEENHOF agreements purchased and sold. Hen- ELECTRONICS - ------ | MECHANICS {partly furnished, completely finished, apie now. RA 5. CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31. King SPRINC ; SPECIAL | |recreation room, available March 22. Wo Torieied MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No WELL DIGGING |Street East. RA 3-7232. X | MODERN GRILL |RA 8-5881. Kitchen, Rishi n Tondo tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, | | I= rat TV TOWERS THIS MONTH To ~ ork on truck fleet TWO - room house, unfurnished, three-|daire, stove, close to hospital ne | CLIENTS' jes available for first 5 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-346; T. K. EMENT AND FROST [CLIENTS mon I ¥ bub og ag Tn Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC: G. K C - |and second mortgages. Mortgages and COLD WAVES $5 APPLY Prorping p Jw ol ran eas ably dowstown, suitable for two girls. RA Drynan, G. L. Murdoch, NHA mort REA |agreements of sale purchased. Apply Priced to fit any budget, Gal- 2 BR KING RA 5 3887 FOR APPOINTMENT | McCALLUM {rent. RA 80208 mornings, THREE - room apartment, $65 monthly, gages arranged. {M. F. Swartz, Barrister and Notary! ised steel, oll welded, die A 1 ~ L . : ' [Public 26% King East, Oshawa. RA TWO unfurnished rooms, suitable Tor | landlady willing to baby sit while moth. MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrisier, 3.4697, formed construction. Free es- Bar-b-Qued Chicken, Fish and Solieitors Notary. Honey lo goan ii RA 8- 6974 | i timates and sight survey Chips, Hamburgers, 12-inch RA 8-5677 | TRANSPORT JouseRseping, child ear if desired. | qr works. RA 57921. ciate, Bruce V. ackey, BA, Henry Sosa, | TWO ; suitable for Block, 26% King Steest East. RA 346% |g "By ding Material | Ist and 2nd OSHAWA T.V. Hog Dogs: ~ We Delivers [25 RITSON RD. NORTH |THREE - room, seit Base: two gentlemen, or ladics. ApDly 3 Residence, dial RA 3-4029 . -- G NEWELL jet pc ar ihent, Juratshed - hog Sandra Street East. hai wel Bini |= pia a ; ror : urnished, ofl heated, g ality, JOSEPH FP. MANGAN, QC, barrister, | NF W 3 inch birch flooring | Sacrifice | MORTGAGES HOME | TELEPHONE RA 5-1123 [good bus service. RA 3.3985, THREE furnished rooms, close to solicitor. Money to loan. Office 2613 y F msand. Telephone { RA 8-8180 | DERNIZATIO | Real Estate Broker BL0O Aj poly 130 Colborne Street 232]5-2162 | . y Hina Shree RA haWS RA 38: : a Arranged 361 GIBBONS STREET MO SERVICE N | 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY OOR and Simcoe Streets, four: Jou, Ent as 5pm a roy ssid ee : HH _-- | - room apartment, heated, DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrisier| | 1 --Business Opportunities | Lyndewood Investments ; | MO 8-4703 OPPO RTUNITY transportation Phone RA S008 'or NA{TEREE room apartment, Weated, ge ie Ks Suse Fast [INVESTMENT for the small investor. | Expert Carine Pickering 142 - 143, EMpire SMALL apartment, refrigerator, stove, vuitable Jor | twe dentlsmen, furnished or e one: Business, §-5501; si of $300 b. c | , 0 $ 4 » » . dence. RA 8.3373 hie igi) a 209 Brock St. S., Whitby SERVICE ny or All, Tage | 2-3625. Mortgages and Ap- To earn above average in- [laundry facilities, $65 a month. RA |= am F E MO 8-5322 57166. GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar-|teed in 12 months. Phone Ajax 702, ip : risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public, |write Ajax Coffee Shop OPERATORS NIGHTS RA 5-5071 { ---- respected profession. To have |MODERN six - room bungalow. bei Fiveiroom modern epariment, ully decorated, heated. People to look| available after rch 15, i 6 King Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell ULTRA moder 55 od SCV A CIATION rE alae th: 3 tol. 3. Shmony and. Janes: A. MacDonai. | ULTRA, modern snack TELE MONEY TO LOAN | SSO | TOWN LUNCH group insurance ond hospital- |3gter 'four.year-old youngster for re. new modern triplex. 1100 ri LL | ization You con have all {duced rent while mother works. Ph F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom {and 35, t miles north of Newcastle, | ai 1za ) . one etry, the examination of eyes, contact| for le: Financial assistance avail. | $5,000 to $50,000 for im- Bl SE : wih the BUYING OR SELLING RA 5-8978 these as an automobile sales- [RA 3-420. wi i ft. large rooms, stove, on ; 7 Write or phone after 8| 5 A { awa Chamber of Commerce) CALL We Deliver man. Experience not neces- NEW -- six - room bungalow, near| refrigerator, washer and lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne), able if desired evenings by appointment. RA 3-4191 W. 'F. MacDonald, 255 Tresane| mediate loan on First and school and transportation, Immediate dryer, paved parking, T.V. Z. T. SALMERS, BA., barrister, Jolicl- Street, Apt. 2, RA 30963 SE Second, Mortgages, Agree. | TV-HI-FI-AERIALS | DOUGLAS L. GOWER BARBECUED Ce CREN sary. Apply Den eloous Wy aerial. Phone RA 3-9329 or \ Street Nort 3 located _servie ion for | tan : . : z Office RA 5.4741; Residence RA 5.350. lease in Oshaws. Write or phone er] 'moovoved preperty, residens | Dean Kelly TV--RA 55121 | REAL ESTATE BROKER ON A PLATE, 95¢ ROBINSON MOTORS [sour = room sfier 5:30 call RA 3.6983, BOWMAN, David L. Barrister, oe sam Wh RA Booea. 5 Tresane| iol and industrial, city, sub- gett Fowler TV A Slee Corner of Glodstone.Bond W. | 25¢ delivery charge OSHAWA (LTD.) Si conlained Central Park Biva, APARTMENT Si South. -95! esi- | inet Md a rkwa - | h bila he Ta r || rien ond gqunty, snd. sum Mel Pollard TV. RA 3.9512 [RA 8-1287 RA 8-1395/35 Female Help Wanted 574 RITSON RD. §. FURNISHED © TL One trae. bod ving )N and BASTEDO, Barristers, * Premier TV RA 5-1179 couple or le person, stove and re- room, hv a WELL DRILLING | osiawa accestance TV Enterprises. .RA 5-2905 (31--Articles For Rent $28 WEEKLY for wearing lovely RA 5-6518 insegyor. Very cones: Apps 3'| room, kitchen with stove and | CORP SUMP pum T 4 | | DAYS RA 5-1273 | praisals. come, to receive training in @ | EE Cries oo MoCo, ORATION LTD | PPLIAN wns | GTESSS iVeN YOR 23 bots. Loot stow ie refrigerator, four piece bath. RA 53566. Charles C. McGibbon, J | SUMP pump for rent, $20 up, to buy, North American Fashion Frocks to THREE - room apartment, near Shop. Ki i F. Bastedo, QC GERALD FULTON | 112 Simcoe Street North, | APPLIANCE SERVICES All: Tepaits Dart Le coughy by spring | friends. No canvassing, investment, ex-| 38----Male or Female ping Centre, heavy duty + On ig East us line. Im nd Bovehyn, Barris Oshawa thaws. RA 5-8563. J. Hurvid, Plumbing, perience necessary. North American Help Wanted evenings, RA 5.6117. Adults only. mediate occupa LIE Hur Jack Christie RA 35-1179 1 ---- -- | Fashion Frocks, Ltd., 3425 Industrial p_YYante FOUR large Tooms, upper Guplex. pew: RISTOW ra "OLSEN rooms, 3 Solicitors; R. D. Humphreys act we can guar- Phone RA 5-3568 | c Boychyn, BA; W. A. Hiliman, " g Lodwick Electric. RA 5-6369 Bivd. Dept, D-3425, Montreal 39, SHORT order cook wanted, with grill|ly decorated, electrically equipped, sep- Realtors B; 6 King Street West. Phones aniee wa Star Repair RA 5.7743 | / : experience. Apply Mr. Campbell, Gen.|arate front and rear entrance, tiled otic » RA 5-177; Res. RA 5-4604 or PHONE RA 5.4067 |18a--Mortgages Warner Willioms RA 5-3531 | WEBBING S QrENING | for Maleslagy vas broker, | osha Hotel. bathroom and kitchen, parking space, RA 5-6165 Money 1a loan, |FIRST and second mortgages bought, {205 Simcoe Street South. Call RA app you interested in a full or spare teks 3s Der month, ita ie dor © G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris- sold, and arranged for all types off WE HONOR INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE |5-6569 for appointment. BE ey ini Il or SDgre|coupie only r 6 p.m. TWO BE R ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street 12--Dressmaking properties. OLiver 5-4931. CHARGE CREDIT CARDS technician for eart|$10 to §20 a day? Take orders from MODERN electrically equipped, two- D OOM North. Phone RA 8.8511 -- SRE, MEDICAL lab. for part Display Book featuring over|bedroom apartment. Apply 111 Cray. 19--Personals {time position. Reply to Box 405. 200 Write Raw- don Road, Whitby. Phone MO 8-529. APARTMENTS { 4--Dentists en) OPENING DRIVING to Toronto via 401 bypass, BENNY IND RENTAL SERVICE LAW Sifiet Tequiles sxperiehiced ste on LIRR, 403 MODERN thie I miithed i IN. cerial, washer, dryer, DR, G. T. SCIUK, Office hours 9 to 6 . w leaving Oshawa at 6.45 a.m. Anyone (retary, 8 n es al. 4 : : ig. ond stove supplied. Open evenings by appointment 59 im DRESS MAKING SCHOOL [interested kindly phone RA 85766 Roof antennas installed OF TOOLS [Box 242 Oshawa Times. 41--Room and Board Apis 23 Monash Avepue of n Next to Oshawa Shopping coe Street South. Phone 3+ PROFESSIONAL card reading by Mrs. DENTAL assistant, 24 or over, ideal entre. Available i All types of dressmaking and |Elliott. One mile north of Nichow's| @S low as $30.00 com- opening for conscientious, hard work: | ROOM apd board for geniieman_in (FURNISHED : IT oN iigbl Ba 5--Nursing Services { toiloring. MARCH 14 Evening |Garase, Courtice RA 5.827. plete SCAFFOLDING a NE Ed | ion. speaking person prstervea. |Ing priviieges, in bungalow. Ave. ARDEN Nursing Home. Licensed, Ba 719 pm. To Co og Ed REPAIRS [ confidential, Our "stat is aware of this | Apply 285 French Street RA 5-649. |space. Apply 364 Steers Street. Street West. Exclusive for elderly ipnciitiol BR ma pos x % ) : . + d. Apply box 249, HEATED ts, ff rooms and (men and women). Nurses and Yelopes with price Nat, Six, sumples, T.V. SERVICE And Other Construction fu , acd xX Z ; ROOM and board in new, private home, HEATED in Te Noms And BUCKINGHAM dietician in attendance. 24-hour service. 38 BOND ST. E. RA B-5771|25 cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Equipment. B-H Point. AITRESS, full or part fie, Apply . Phone Newcastle 3136. MANOR Wi te i t Dept. A-11, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, " Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. "lady. pri- pri Lounge, radio, TV. We invite inspection Hamilton, Ont. Fully licensed rd for young lady, p TPEPROON spartmeats wilh Salk APARTMENTS RA 52300. ane i oe |STENOGRAPHER mT .|vate. RA 8-1064, 580 Athol East after 6 13- ~Gardening & Supplies |For your pocketbook; Want Ads. TV Technicians UPHOLSTERY AND RUG | ites Must be goa ox tonin ary p.m. in partment building, close to schools( , _ Fo roms 6--Opto i TT |To sell, rent, find a job -- dial RA . isher hg I. A - oom metrists | HL To, fd a iv SHAMPOOER VAC shorthand, Experience pot Sasential, SINGLE room, with five day |able immediately. OL 5-311. electrically equipped, best ARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom-| HARDSAND 1 YEAR ---- Pply in handwriting to Box 402, Osh-|included, gentleman preferred. h 85 ED A Tey oa! SERVICE CONTRACTS awa Times. 174 Arthur Street, RA 3.7524 TERE oom Jelk-ciutiined apart, oogtion. $85 and up. Apply lenses, 136 Simcoe North (at Colborne) LANDSCAPING ELE TROLYSIS FOR LESS THAN To restore original beauty to |PRUG clerk or apprentice, person will- [ROOM or room and board, lunches |Shopping Centre and bus. Parking. RA 78 3muce St. North, Apt: 8. evenings by intment. RA 3-419] Power Rolling your furniture and rugs Brooklin Rar Wits Tw paced if esiven. Telephone RA 59558. 5 6105 C. H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please A $1.00 A WEEK Oshawa Times. i ROOM and board for two girls to share, THREE - room excellent apartment. pay accounts at downtown Toronto Fertilizing Removal of superfluous hair. T R | O 282 KING ST. W. si Bi hoe RA Sour, packed, c1€aD|Can be seen anytime. Apply Apt. 3, 108 2 BEDROOM Dominion Bank er 74 Burk Street Tractor Roto-Tilling : § al : Wilson Road North. 587 M M be in a ees QUIET, MODERN Phone RA 54597. op Soil arie' Murdut} wil : for one or two gentlemen, twin | KINGSCOURT apartments, Ajax, one. ET, ER Sod - Manure Oshawa, Mar, 29th and 30th. TELEVISION OSHAWA--RA 3-4873 | SECRETARY bed. breaias it Jesired. Avrly 103 [two-bedroom suites, $70-75, $80-$85. APARTMENT 7--Surveyors i "lagstone - Patio Slabs Phone Genesha: Hotel 'on d., RA Children welcome. Ajax 131, RO 7-5493. (2 T. HORTON and Bssociates, on RA 5-1721 these dotes for eppointment. 171 BOND ST. EAST 32--Articles Wanted | Required for small office, ROOM and board Jor Zenteman,Close APARTMENT. three large rooms, un.| At 15 GIBBONS ST. gineering, 306 Dundas Street West, Whit -- - RA 8-6781 - | shorthand essential, married |g gt RA 8-5160, an AR Bh Street. RA 8-0228, APPLY AT 0 8-509! | i 28 WILL pay $10 and up for 1948 sitver woman acceptable. Reply EE - wind a --_ dollars, and certain type 1947. Dial RA 4 an ard, good home cooking, (QN furnished ping LLOPE, Ontario Land WILD BIRD HARFIELD STUDIOS 5-5227. P (0) B 1 ] (o) h close to GM and four corners; also XE large hydro, oi iyackacping 2] GIBBONS ST. Surveyor, 216 Alice Street, RA 5.6831. FEEDERS he = VU. Box ; USNAWAQA [garage for rent. Apply 240 Division |couple, close to downtown. 184 King ® 1 HOPKINS and Company, Cert) | Portraits taken in your home, AND TOWER oar NOW. Se i fi ae | Sioa}, as sprang ROOM, or room and hase, if desired, NICE one bedroom apartment on War-|ONE furnished room with 5-3500. _ ciality. Social events. INSTALLATIONS PIANOS, upright or apartment size, young family. Phone for "details, RA laundry facilities, parking, mraediate one furnished room. Close to Shopping 8 Building Trodes | WILD BIRD SEED wip pay cash, state make and price. Eqn $2 00 or more per hour | 0: possession. RA 8-1203. Centre. Apply 63 Grenfell do 81 a uildine MO 8-3611 All Chomnel Arterncs (Woke Bon 01. The Suan Bes | "becoming the Avon rep [ROOT EAST) SU IO AT WO room Rabid Soames Two Sooms. separa cnrance 3d . ' y % ath, heavy g, sink, eupl 5, work guaranteed, immediate attention, b d hand set of "Canada and € = reasonable rates. Phone RA 8-578 DOG MEALS 20--Cartage ts Provinces," 23 volumes in good con-| hood. Full or part time. ALL modern conveniences, single bed, lac South. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 1 PAINTI ' " i sink and separate an, roxatone. No job too small, work| "BRITANNIA" MALT GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- \ trict. -l 5-1168. ar ------ private en-|guitable for ladies. Apply 195 P. pinyin ot 3 free estimates. RA 8.6617 ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully (House call $2.50) em mr-------------- 1 Call LE 6 0627 ROOM and board for gentlemen, Park- trance, We located. Call RA|Rd, N. evenings. rly gid ptosis -- EO teatime alsa MOVING -- evenings and weekends. ' ! CASH FOR SCRAP ! I. -- furnished . | ROOM and board for gentlemen, good APARTMENT to rent, ,|able in private home, 82 Park Road HOME IMPROVEMENTS | ICE SALT Have small. truck: Phone MO 3-349, Len & Lou $ TV | WE. BUY home cooked meals, centrally located. Slesitienlly equipped. RA rs or or RA North, 5-7 p.m, RA 8-8671. REC ROOMS CROWN DIAMOND PAINT s : PAPER, . RAGS, etc : ! , : ROOM and board for two to share, pA room house, newly desorated, ous bed . sitting room in clean home, FAMILY ROOMS WE MOVE ALMOST Service .... RA 8-5804 clean home, single beds, good meals, heavy wiring, gas in. North Ajax. 27(one minute to Shoppihg Centre. Men Tile, Hardwood Floors, : ANYTHING--ANYTIME --_ x - Cupboards Cor Smit Co 23--Women's Column M. GREENBURG & SONS LAW OFFICE [sv all_day. SINGLE furnished housekeeping room, Loans Arranged | 4 CITY CARTAGE TECIA EE TLE LTD ROOM for two gentlemen {o share, THREE - room apartment, unfurnish-|with refrigerator, laundry facilities, O! i SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $6.50; . with breakfast, all conveniences. RA [ed, with heavy duty wiring and TV central Apply 253 Athol St. E. RA 5-3937 pliance moving, General de- |3% Pine Avenue, RA 55363. 3 Requires competent Short- |g oN ra hoard for gentlemen, in home, central location. 182 Simcoe S. i RA 3:2312 livery service BABY shoes or bootees preserved for SHAW v | hend typist te commence [Private home, central, laundry done. LARGE RA 8-1901. | R. x EXPERT ANTENNA Street, West, 44a--Rooms For Rent fied Public Accountants, 172 Kin, i 3 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario RA SUNFLOWER SEED Weddings, Children a spe- outsta Be ---- BE A SUCCESS furnished room in private home of ren Avenue, TV outlet, heavy wiring, |stove, suitable for one ry na Box The Oshawa T "eli : c = -- : : EAVESTROUGHING and flashing, all PET SUPPLIES ot low-os $24.00 WANTED -- by McLaughlin Public Li-| resentative in your neighbour. | ood nee i, pau, Unfurnished or partly fur. bath, heavy wiring, sink A-1 PAINTING, decorating, by trades T.V. Service 24 Hours dition, also books on Oshawa and dis-| best of meals. 536 Lorraine Street, RA THREE and a hall room spartment, = EXTRACT insured. Call day or night. RA 35-44% COLLECT ing space. Apply 195 Albert Street. |8- STRATE EE | Whitby. E | REMODELLING--ADDITIONS . re see Antennas RA 5.7844 STEEL, METALS, BATTERIES, | AREA Apply 160 Park Road North, RA 3-9541. |8-648. SEE and compare this beautiful spacis Open All Day Saturday | lunches packed, laundry done, RA|Maple Street. Call evenings, Sunday, |only. 36 Fernhill Blvd., RA 5-7295. HUGH CROSBY | 16 CELINA ST. { Office, apartment and ap- [Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing,| RA 3-7333--308 Bloor St. E | 5-1168. = outlet. Phone RA 3-3568. FURNISHED room in clean quiet Dial RA 5-2621 OSHAWA [2 lifetime, done in colored pear or A 5-0858 DROOM TWO - room apartment, suitable for L. FURZE 14--Household Repairs All loads fully insured AUTO WRECKING CO Mar. 21st. Legal experience |ROOM and board for gentlemen, single WO-BEDR business couple or two girls. RA 3.9576. bronze. Phone RA 3.4387 A 5 . N : beds TV privileges. Near South GM, 147 6ROOM ranch bungalow, close to CHESTERFIF LDS rebuilt, recovered, | 21--Personal Service 2 -Pets and Livestock | Wants cars for wrecking, also preferred but not essential, Mill Street, RA 57754. APARTMENT schools, churches, TV aerial, recrea- SI G NS [like ne Why pay more? Our TONE {pt Ta MINIATURE Collies (Shetland sheep-| scrap iron and metals, etc | LARGE, warm, iis room, good Hon room, drapes. $110. RA 38-1545. . T¢ 1 sfaction guaranteed men's alterations an wi dog), registered, tri-colors and sables, . fy fm ; vailable April 1. Oshawa Upholstery |Euaranteed, quick service, reasonable puppies and one Boron year-old male,| bought. Open Saturday all Apply board, 12 minutes to South GM; also ROSSLAND APT. large double room, twin beds, near ROOM in private home, very central, |Co.. 10 Bone i. 0 West. Dial RA |rates. Telephone RA 8-5144, 134%% Sim-|william Raynsford, Newcastle, Tele.| day. Phone stores. MO 8-5092. RA 5 3589 spring mattress, suit gentleman. 102 15-031 |coe Street South, Apartment 2. phone 3186. -- - - " a 0 RT a - | NE large furnished bedroom for Elgin Easi CALL RA 5 6720 CHESTERFIELDS a old chairs re- {MENDING and alterations, children's GERMAN Shepherd, purebred, eight RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE BOX 301 pe Ba Bo home, central, ON COL! NE Street West, large 1 like new. Get the best for less | | dresses, smocking, plain dressmaking, months old, black and tan, had all] ---------- - ---- . if desired, Phone RA 3-4980. 586 ATHOL ST. E ai Moa ering, 926% Simcoe (drapes a specialty. RA $3612. shots, very reasonable. RA 8.6475 . OSHAWA TIMES RON ht, genie OFFICE SUITE miipghindh gh Cog - ig A A 1 an Trad ald, ; all RA 8.6151 for a free | svar L cheserteld and hostess chairs BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea- CEDARDALE share, clove 0. NGM, lunch Backed] Central, three or six room of a al WwW. WARD . ener Cr dor ere ate sain other ing. Waubena. Kennels. RA 5-631 | SCRAP |37--Male Help Wanted parking. RA 56722. ~~ fice suite with private facili- |BOOM for two gentlemen, single beds, ¥ t ar as inings in-|5- SMALL Beagle hound, good with child EXPERIENCED upholsterer wanted, | ROOM and board in private home, : will odel fo suit |commer store, William and Mary Streets, WELL DIGGING BY talled r uumed. Free esti-| SPENCER rR -- = |ren, $20. Telephone RA 8.5389 or 361 IRON METAL LTD RA 374212, seven-day week, all conveniences and| fies. ill remodel to Telephone RA 5-0806. n A 3:2 : *|SPENCER Jousdation garments ine |Oxfora Street. i Close to South GM. RA| client, call RA 8-5123. i mates. RA 3.2997 {divi . 'oe Lk THR mp ---- rid - | privileges. MACHINE ; 3 viduaily desienes Also Spirella. Rex. BLACK and tan Blue Tick Walker, IRON--METALS REAL estate salesman nted, good 5.9988. s : Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. ness man, in quiet home, breakdast " ROOMS papered. $8 and up, Jabor only, |corsetier rs. John endershot, od a. fon. W. McAdley, Realtor, 26} | 3 SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE (500 oz 1 Park Road North. male, four years old with dog house. PAPER--RAGS t RA 3.2512 or MO 8-3231. {ROOM and board available for two 101 Simcoe St. N. optional. 38 Colborne Street West. 3 ¥Proc a ied seamless, also paint-| Pedigree Persian, female, spayed cat, _-- 2 | Street, or . \ By or WHITBY, ONTARIO ing. RA willing to. Share, S16 rer RA 8.5123 ONE furnished room, suitable for lady i |ing. RA 5 PRIVATE Spanish guitar lessons given | three years old. Best offer. MO 8-563 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY ENING for salesman with John |weel jaundry, packed lunches, good | on Sled. I ly 620 Simcoe Street MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 SE buyers shop Classified! For ain, private home. Apple Hill district. |after 7 p.m RA 5.3432 Wacko Real Estate and business |; oalc RA 5.1963 | Ca -- rT oF St eman. Appl coe home ps furnitu anything | TTI TRE JP -- = 2-34.34 broker 205 Simcoe Street South: Call . | e 204 CHESTNUT. ST. W else, see the Want Ads FIRST { 7s. REGISTERED Lanrador pups or sale FREE PICK-UP 56369 for appointment. MODERN TOO much room? Rent the surplus PO. BOX 329 ; INVISIBLE mending and general re. 35 after 5 o'clock i § Jor apo 43--Wanted to Rent RII Sor Nos al ol Sera : FURNITURE repa and re-uphol-|pair on all clothing done. 216 Chad- F of Pedigree stock. | RESIDENCE -- RA 5-415 | ne 3 H See our mat § treet. n COUPLE with baby desires four or five 1 and 2 Bedroom come! Call RA 3-34 R hg 75 ¢ Brier Sry: |AL f alterat nd ding five months old. R RA 1309.| 100 ANNIS STREET The Circulation Dept. of roomed house within radius four miles ONE lovely furnished room for gentie- ONTARIO ] [done eX Phone MO 34427. BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for| -- --__-- ~------| The Oshawa Times has a |of Oshawa. References. After 12 a.m. APARTMENTS man, in private home. 444 Fernhill - mr per) : training, talking strain, Apply Mrs ; A_8-5456. Blvd. RA 3-7070. FLOOR SANDERS A CLEAN home is a happy home | PIANO, . organ tuning and recondition: |B igin Si E vacancy for a young man 16- 22 = re me on + con o K teed, |; J road, 114 Eigin Street East : i WANTED to rent, family would rent 1194 KING ST. EAST i "publicit Rei Moki BR disioig ing, Prompt jervice: 18 per hour, Cash MAN Shepherd pups, black and WANTED ss Is ysors of age, for sitice or lease large house (three or four 301 CORDOVA ST. OVER Srished room and Xjschen, Tile and Hardwood Laid | products and ces for all needs. soos my. 5 ' silver purebred, Dunbarton, TEmple SCRAP IRON, POULTRY duties. Ample opportunity for bedrooms) by May 1st. Phone RA 3-3623.| pp) y 464 EULALIE AVE. for Eentieman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street --e eee IN OPED. Floors Sanded ond Refinished Sa 63 es Roa Toronto, ZE; 36500 or S00 1636. AND FEATHER TICKS Sdvoncement. All campony ep pee uu ) or phone Claremont 836 OAR ARIED. coaranied inser. Vounm benefits rite or phone for mn J CANARIES, guaranted singers, young ' Pp! SINGLE room, clean, quiet, central, CALL RA 3 7251 FOR sentry, panting and decors 2 Radio & TV !_Repais budgies, talking strain. Largest assort- I. TURNER appointment -- Circulation WANTED T0 OFFICE SPACE close to hospital, light housekeeping # a tions RA 8.6444 |TV RADIO service. .|ment of tropical fish. Complete line of RA 3.2043 Manager, The Oshawa Times . desired. RA 8-5984, 74 Don't hi let it rin Thompson Electronics, wr a Av-|pet supplies. Sportsman's Corner, 105 nj eng Wp, jel. rng enue. RA 3.9792 (Fred) | Byfon Street South, Whitby, one block | RA 3-3374 RENT FOR ROONS IY he weal: His Sywer and CLIFF BROWN FURNACE SALES | GEORGE' S T Vv i ot un 9 pm. | collect Co 617,18 GARAGE OR ENT post Ei San i AN 6--Farmer's Column 35--Employment Wanted WAREHOUSE SPACE R {men with cooking privileges. Appl 138 GRAVEL & SAND Fi up promptly. P SALESMAN CALL RA 5.6559 Celina Street. _ pp » Tyrone. RA 300. work, live in if required LOAM | H. M. Mackie Co. Ltd. SERVICE Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. UNATTACHED lady would like light ONE or two furnished rooms i - [RA 8-09 hala 27--Fuel Wood RELA -| YOUNG MAN WITH CAR |{44--Houses, Apts. Flats New building. Centrally lo- | | Passenger elevator service, [oor Donevan Collegiate fos LR ol one RA 5.7709. Prompt Delivery RA 5-5954 " io adv desires Io Pp Z LET GEORGE WOOD for sale. Wood cut by buzz saw BL Ee py nr sil WANTED FOR POSITION AS | For Rent cated in downtown ores. [LARGE phe Bh JEL RA 8-895] Ef Cleonout Service-- | DO iT" and chain saw. Telephone RA 5.9727. |Ritson Road South | SALESMAN. SELLING EX- |G roomed ground floor rmvb Moderate rent. Leases now |privileges, close to downtown, avail- a ------------------ -- 5 plus parts | | E | 4 a Hn a ble immediately. Telephone RA 8-0852. DUTCH 1 would like housework,) PERIENCE PREFERRED BUT |ment, heavy wiring, heated. Children] available. . George Will Allow You 30--Lost and Found three days weekly. Telephone RA 3.9773. NOT NECESSARY. FULL |¥elcome. 105 Agnes Street or phone RA ONE or two rooms with kitchen, alse | DODD & SOUTER 15--Instruction { i oor Boas Ti Wea me ! / 50186 ater ) front room. Apply 827 Meyers Street, : _ 500 a pet. MO sawn. "| WOMAN will care for children in her| TRAINING GIVEN. SALARY mnie - ror smmmeni sve sn. THE TIMES RA 8.600 AINT -- WALLPAPER HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Bato own home, daily, Monday to Friday. | P/ TING & DECORATING tap, Royal Academy ballet, Highland . LOST -- a B treet, Ritson RA 57771. | AND COMMISSION, BENE- trance and large bath, close to down- ONE Lurnished room, gentleman pre. CONTRACTORS Register now. 424 King West, RA 5-6122. Road to City Dump, one black metal = m | FIT PLAN. APPLY IN PER town, heavy wiring, parking. RA 3-242, BUILDING e Apply 330 Celina Street. 0 : t -ounselior. Far your present old 5 7 WILL look after one or two pre-| * |FOR RENT -- lovely PRIVATE t student counsellor or your present old antenna tube, hollow, Buropean pig gun. Useless FOR RENT lovely house with bullt- ROOMS for rent, furnished or unfur- F Free Estimates Call 6 years e, by interview only.| on ony new installation to finder, of sentimental value to owner. [schoolers or infants during the day in} SON TO in garage, quiet, central. MO 8-4260, | nished, near corner of Alice and Divi. M my ow om w moth or [L 7S MO 8-5231 Act now. RA 4 All Work Guaranteed! Rewara ward. RA 3.4722. Phone RA 5.3808 : SINGER SEWING CENTER |CNFURNISHED wo or fhree rooms. | Contact T. L. WILSON sion. Call RA 3-4909 after 5, EVIL NGS RA 5-7426 {AUTOMOBILE Driving Instruction, day, LOST -- black hound with white on|------ - -- | T sink and cupboards in kitchen. Child FURNISHED, clean, quiet single roo: {or even Il RA 5-1646 # int. chest, tag No, 488, E. Tremble, RA EXPERIENCED bookkeeper with refer- welcome. Central. Apply 71 Warren : central, cl Pe 107 Byron St. 5, Whitby pon s. ing. Xo ape | CALL RA 3-9525 as go ences, Telephone RA 5-5463 16 ONTARIO ST. Avenus. y Te | Phone RA 3-3474 fore ¢ Para? paepital, i »

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