The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1960, p. 7

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(Rita Quayle Wed To Kenneth Mitton -- GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES HUMORESQUE CLUB |ing of Lent," with three members| CONANT H AND § ASSN. The business meeting for theitaking part. Mrs, Leslie Booth's| The March meeting, of Conant Humoresque Club for the Blind|topic was 'The Cross," Mrs. J. D |Home and School was held fol- was held at the CRA Building |Tane, The Resurrection," and lowing "Open House", with Mrs. Reginald Pike presid-|/Mrs. Roy Terwillegar, the] Mrs. W. W. Baldwin, the presi- ing. Crown." Each read a passage of|dent, welcomed everyone. Mr.|§ The meeting was opened by the scripture and offered prayer and|J. D, Galbraith reported 14 Club song, roll call and a Bible|an appropriate hymn was sung pupils were taking free violin verse read by the secretary, Mrs, between each part with Mrs. Red-|lessons at the school. Congratula- D. W. Armistead. path at the piano. | nN gs Be ks : i 3 g i i i i : i je ft | {tions were extended to Victoria The minutes were read by Mrs. Furnishings for the chapel were Dove on obtaining third place Armistead who also read all cor-| discussed. An announcement was at the Ontario public speaking respondence. A report was given made of the WMS tea which islaontest, by the standing committees. being held in the Centennial Halll ays" Fred Britten, Mrs, Ed- After the meeting refreshments| on March 15 and night of enter-|y rq Campbell and Mr, Ray were served by Lionmettes Mrs, tainment for WA members, the'guii,or were elected as the nom. © Rufus Lambert and Mrs. Jack evening of March 22. inating committee for the elec- ird ! Reports were given by the club secretary, Mrs. Lawrence Allen, |t0nS to be held next month, the treasurer, Mrs, Herbert Port- ) : g g i | | i ] : i f ¥ : i g § ; ¢ gs . Final arrangements were made for the night of cards being held ; The members sang I "Happy Birthday" for Mrs. Jack Bird whose birthday 'was on| Thursday. | er and the card convener, Mrs. Roy Terwillegar who read letters and cards of appreciation from| on March 17. | Mr. Galbraith introduced the z ; : h i ERS' AUX. the sick and shut-ins. speaker, Mr. James Heath, Pub- sn scons Jone of the 5th) A report was given by Mrs. lic School Inspector, who spoke § Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was Redpath who with Mrs. Clarence on "Progress of Education in On- held at Northminster United| Scott had attended the training tario". Church with the president, Mrs. school at Five Oakes recently. | The door prize was won by Mrs. L. E. Astrop presiding. Refreshments were served by William Tymchuk and the class attendance banner by Mr. Ray g EEF : H i g 4 Hq Bl the Friendship group. OSHAWA MAN WEDS AT LAKEVIEW | Pictured after their marriage ( Ross of Lakeview and the recently at St. Dominic's | pridegroom is the son of Mrs. Roman Catholic Church, Lake- James Lesley of Oshawa and view, are Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lesley. Formerly Miss Elva | the late Mr. Lesley. The couple ! Mae Ross, the bride, is the | will live at Brown's Line, Long daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Basil | Branch. i Symposium On Public Health Of Interest At H&S Meeting At the regular meeting of King phasis should be placed on the Strect Home and School Associa: people who prepare and handle tion Mrs. George Pearce intro-|the food. To remedy this a course duced Dr. C. C. Stewart, medical|for all food handling managers officer of health for Oshawa, who and owners has been suggested.| gave an outline o° the devart-|This course will explain the rea- ment of health and explained its sons for the existing regulations] functions. |ahd educate the members in the The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secre- tary followed by the treasurer's! report. The group welcomed three new members to the auxiliary, Mrs. R. J. Waldey, Mrs, John Gavel and Mrs. Herbert Bryant. A discussion on the desert tea to be held April 27 at Northmin- ster United Church followed. Mrs. Frenk Johns volunteered to be ticket convener. Mrs. Johns introduced the speaker, Mr. Harold Hawkshaw, Chairman of the 5th Scout group commiitee, who explained the duties of the group committee and what they had accomplished in the past year. He was thanked by Mrs, William Baker. Mrs. Lorne Thompson was the winner of. the contest conducted: by Mrs. Wallace Holmes. Refreshments were served by Mrs. E. J. Moore, Mrs. William Little and Mrs. M. P. York. GRACE LUTHERAN GUILD The Women's Guild meeting! was held in the church parlors. | The president, Mrs. Victor Hart-| wig, opened the meeting with a NORTHMINSTER WMS Northminster United Church Women's Missionary Society held its monthly meeting in the ladies' parlor of the church with the president, Mrs. H. M. Mellow, presiding, Mrs. E. A. Dafoe read the min- utes and Mrs. Roy Nichol gave the treasurer's report. Invitations were read for the Easter meet- ing of King Street WMS on the evening of April 5 and to the Eas- ter meeting of Westmount WMS. Committee reports were given and the date set for packing the overseas bale, 2 o'clock, May 12, at Northminster House. The morning and afternoon re- ports of WMS Presbyterial Rally held in Simcoe Street United Church were given by Mrs. C. D. Cornish, and Mrs. H. A. Mellow. The offering was taken and dedicated by Mrs. Dafoe. The program for the afiernoon was arranged by Mrs. David Scott, who gave the devotional and Mrs. R. B. Galbraith who gave a review of three chapters of the study book, Africa Disturbed." fa |U M R in K a 18th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary, Courtice, was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Archer, presi- dent, who presided at the meet- ing. There were 16 members present. by Mrs. George Johnson and the treasurer's report by Mrs. Thom- as Gladman, The president thank-, ed those who assisted at the Pa held Wednesday, March 16, com- mencing at 2 o'clock at Courtice 1.30 p.m. meeting of the Faithful group of} Switzers' room. 18TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The regular meeting of the Richard John Jezegou who was two years old on February 5 is the son of Mr. and Mrs. The secretary's report was read| John Jezegou, Kawartha ave- duskt A HAPPY TWO-YEAR-OLD ue. He is the grandson of Mr. | and Mrs. Gordon Wherry, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jezegou and great - grandson of Mrs, | Wesley Mollon, all of Oshawa. --Photo by Ireland |of blue iris and pink hyacinth. The bridegroom's brother, Mr. ther and son banquet recently. The group discussed the St. atrick's Day Tea which will be nited Church, Refreshments were served by rs. George Johnson and Mrs. udolph Wehnert, The next meet- 2 will be held on April 14 at Jo Aldwinckle, Women Women's Editor Derek Mitton, acted as best man and the ushers were Mr. Leonard Tomlin and Mr. Cedric Brown. A reception followed at the Hotel Genosha. To receive, the bride's sister, Mrs. W. F. Good- win, wore a pale blue dress with three - quarter sleeves and a full skirt, and a pale blue hat. The bridegroom's mother chose slate blue with white accessories and each had a white orchid cor- sage. The honeymoon was spent in Miami, Florida, and the couple| Dial RA 3-3474 FAITHFUL GROUP Mrs. John Coleman opened the| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, March 15, 1960 7 are making their home in Osh- awa. ing Street United Church with prem and prayer. For travelling the bride wore a coffee - colored suit with match- § flowers. They carried noseqays|, | £ i £1 ii : : : H = D - WIFE PRESERVER When heavy material on your sewing machine, rub a dry cake of soap along the line you are going to stitch. This will ind the needle work more eas- ly. hymn followed by prayer and the scripture reading. The secretdry, Miss Margaret ALL DOUBLES CLUB ing hat and red accessories. The regular meeting of St. : George's Anglican Church All ibd iis ing minutes 28d MS | Doubles Club took the form of a ac ephen gave . | bowling party. The members then jurer's report. It was decided toj p00" the parish hall for hold a spring tea in May, final| |refreshments and a business arrangements to be made at the eeting. SS next meeting. i rues Mr. Leslie Curran gave a talk ey president, iam on the preaching, teaching, reach-| was "decided to change the ing mission which is to be held| ot month's meeting night to on April 24 - 28 at Grace Luther weqneciay 'April 6, when the an Church with a guest speaker. | will attend the Lenten sery- Refreshments were served bY; e followed by the regularmeet. Mrs. Robert Behm and Miss ing in the parish hall. !Gladys Colbreay. CENTRE STREET W, ST. ANDREW'S WMS (East Group) aA St. Andrew's United Church Mare eeti po afternoon WMS held its mOnth-lous of the WA. of Compo ly meeting in the Chapel. Mrs.|gtrent United Church was held at! Lloyd Pegg, president, openediipo home of Mrs. N. F. Mechin with a prayer and hymn and wel-|\ith Mrs. Fred Taylor presiding] {comed all present. in the absence of the group © PERSONALS liam Mitchell gave her financial Mrs. H. G. Willes, Riverside] Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Storie, report. ldrive, is entertaining the Literary|Simcoe 'street north, who have The roll was called showing 20 Group of the Lyceum Club this/been holidaying in The Barbados present. The sick report was|evening, During the program, are expected to return home this given and 20 calls had been Mrs. Uriah Jones will show slides week. Wade ou fue sick. A san o =. taken on her trip to Europe. ; Miss Barbara Mahoney attend- Mrs. Harry Peever and the Mac. Out-of-town guests at the Mit- ed the bon-voyage and cocktail Pherson family, |ton-Quayle wedding included Mr. party held at the home of Mr, Mrs. Roy Kellett ; |and Mrs, Konrad Brennand andand Mrs. Thomas Rice, Willow- Mrs. Roy Kellett was in charge, hier, Pat, of Hamilton; Mr. dale, prior to their daughter's oF tie devotional, Her theme Wasi and Mrs. Harry Anderson, Mr. | vacation abroad. . hymn is sung with M (and Mrs. William Goodwin andi wr. ong wee 1, 7. McLaughlin Rey iyo Wig a TS. daughters, Ruth, Muriel, Irene have reiurned home after spend- /ing a month's holiday in Florida. 8 Mrs. |and Sandra; Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Borden Ce, od the So Easthope, all of Toronto. | ure, follow: y. a prayer. e | Mi also took charge of a guessing] Mrs. James Reeside and fam- Mui May Yee, Jengve game. ily of Guelph have been visiting| oto ave "Clarence Cooper and her mother, Mrs. James Adams, |yr. "Bert Shepherd, both of Groom's avenue. Mount Forest, Ontario, Mrs. H. A. Mellow will open the "Irish" tea to be held this week at Westmount United Church under the auspices of the WA. The tea is being convened by Mrs. Gordon Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aber- nethy of Sudbury were weekend visitors in Oshawa. Mrs. M. J. Werry, Colborne street east, and her daughter Mrs. Hazel Turner of S rathroy, are holidaying in Florida. proper handling of food. TAX SUPPORTED | Dr. Stewart explained that the) WATER SANITATION members are approved by the; In Oshawa there is no problem City Council, and that the board|as to water sanitation. There is a operates under the Public Health weekly sampling of the water at Act of Ontario, and deals with various points in the city for every aspect of Public Health. It/bacteria content and to check is a tax supported agency; with|that the fluorine level is main- some grants from the federaltained. All private registered and provincial governments. The wells are tested upon request. cost of operation for Oshawa is Swimming pools, beach areas about $1.44 per capita. and creeks are also inspected The work of the Board is|/through this department, largely preventitive medicine,| The sanitation department also which includes the prevention makes routine checks on barber and control of disease, and in-!shops, hairdressing establish- fant and child care, he said. ments, schools and funeral par- In the nursing division there/lors. A full-time plumbing inspec- are prenatal, child care and TB|lor is employed. Septic tanks, elinics. garbage control and housing are also part of their duties. NEW SERVICES Any complaints from the public Dr. Stewart outlined two new regarding sanitation are also services which had been started dealt with in this department, recently; a home accident pre- vention program and a program RABIES concerning the senior citizens of) The pressure of rabies in this the city. At the present time, a|district in the past few years survey is being taken of all has been of deep concern. By ple 65 years of age and over, to/keeping it out of domestic ani- find out their capabilities, and to mals, it is hoped that the dis- find a program which would/ease will not become prevalent. bring their talents to light. When However, the public is urged to the findings from this survey are report any person bitten by a dog. compiled it is hoped that three|lf the animal can be caught it is things will follow. A drop-in cen- kept in quarantine until it is de-|°¢5'2 Jill tre for senior citizens will be|termined that it does not have/eClin€ Wil be of established, out-patient care for|rabies. Ap! ' : those in need will be available,| During a discussion period FED. CANADIENNES agreed upon, monies, and a senior citizen's council will|which followed, Dr. Stewart and FRANCAISES A rummage sale date was set| Door prizes and spot-dance/Son, Mr. Douglas be formed where active pro- Dr. Watt answered various ques The Federation Des Femmes for March 29 to be held in the|Prizes were awarded. Door prizes| Miss L. McDonald. grams would be carried out by|tions. Canadiennes Francaises held its/Church Hall. Senior W.A. is on|Were won by Mrs. Roy Bligdon| Music was supplied by "Ted'| the senior citizens themselves. Mrs. Elmer Elliott expressed| March meeting in the auditorium|March 16. Articles for the spring|and Mr. Allan Gardiner. Snot|{Taylor and his orchestra and at] . the thanks of the Association|at St. Mary of the People Roman hazaar on May 5 were on display, [dance prizes were won by Mr,|iiatermission a local group known MENTAL CLINIC to Dr. Stewart and Dr. Watt. Catholic Church. Mrs. Lucien The next meeting will be on|and Mrs. Harold Creamer, Mr. as the "Wildwoods" took parts Dr. Stewart told of a new out-| ident. Mrs. F k| Chamberland, president, pre-/ Apri g, and Mrs. M. Johnson, Mrs. E.| It was the general feeling of patient clinic at the Ontario Hos-| 1€ president, Mrs. Frank gag Lynch and Mr. M. Todd, Mrs./the recgeational committee to i ich i ijl.|Jarvis, presided at the meet- + | : 2 AF Tin t : pital at Whitby, which is avail- Miss Annette Forget read the| NELLIE DEARBORN J. Hamilton and Mr. O. Conlin, hold another dance in the near able for those in need who are(IDE. minutes and Mrs. Guy Rancourt,| The Nellie Dearborn Group of| Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Iver. future. having mental disturbances. This| The secretary's report was treasurer, read the financial re- St. Stephen's United Church met clinic serves all of Ontario coun-|given by Mrs, Harold Davis and|port. recently at the home of Mrs, ty: Mrs. Lorne Dalton reported for| 14 was decided that a pastry Lloyd Jewell, SANITATION DEPT. the treasurer. Mrs. Donald Mac-|sale would be held on Saturday,| Mrs. Stephen Saywell led in the be , Laren read the correspondence.| April 23, down town. |devotional period. The minutes Dr. Stewart then introduced | Mr, A. E. Maycock's room WOR A propaganda committee was Were read and the treasurer's re- Dr. W. G. Watt who is super-|/the parent attendance prize. f Iport given visor of the environmental sani- i {formed with Mrs. Lawrence Lan- . tation department The president announced that |teigne as convener, | Mrs. Saywell and Mrs. Robert : the next council meeting would bé| 7p Reverend N. J. Gignac | MacKenzie are the hospital visita. FOOD CONTROL Dr. Watt explained that his de- The m'nutes were read by Mrs. George Twiddy and Mrs. Wil- HOUSEHOLD HINT A cheap, colorful, interesting, original wallpaper for your recre- ation room can be made of mark- ed road maps which show how much of the country you have traveled. Hold the maps up with wood, metal or plastic stripping and lacquer the surface. for young and old... Don't Forget 2 DARAMETTL SYRUP 1s Local Steelworkers Mrs. J. C. Fet'erley in the ab-{oader, Mrs. Wilbur Miller, who! . sence of Mrs. Clarence Sadler|is in the hospital. Hold First Dance read the minutes, Mrs. Morley| ws Dean Peel led in the de- Wyman gave the treasurer's re-|y tional period by reading a story] The Steelworkers Union of Osh- a poem entitled *"Your|a@Wa, comprising Locals 1817, 1500 . Mrs. Robert Kirk read/and 2784, held its first dance on [the scripture. Saturday night, March 12, in St. iv } | During the business eriod, sug- Gregory's Auditorium. od WS vey es ary aestions were asked og Sh some-| The dance was sponsored by the theme being 'Northern Rho.|thing to take lace of the St. Pat.|the recreational committee which desia". The Easter thankoffering|Tick's Tea which had to be can-|represented these Locals, and eetin; be on Thursday |celled. It was decided to have(Was attended by over 300 mem- 'la "Harvest Tea" in the fall and|bers and their friends. Mr. Ray| the date of September 15 was/Derry acted as master of eee TOO HILARIOUS WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Windsor police are planning a crackdown on post-nuptial celebrations, {ticularly horn-blowing. 'We don't want to spoil their fun but some |restraint will have to be used," said Chief Constable Carl Far- [row after several complaints |about the noise. port. A and The worship service was led|mpgep» by Mrs, Norman Decker and Mrs. Allan Whitelaw. The study KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION OVER CKLB PRVGE Wed. Mar. 30th [28 KING ST. E. RA 3-4621 SEAL COATS The skins of Pacific Ocean seals go through more than 100 separ- ate processes before they are and| made into fur coats. | Regular City-Wide Deliveries Smith SHOP WOOLWORTH'S FIRST Ladies! We have a large Do you have shoe- fitting problems? come in and discuss them with 'Mr. O. A. McKerihen, fitting authority and consultant for selection of latest style and designs in Spring purses. 1.98 each Easy-on Ladies' GENUINE LEATHER SLIPPERS SIZES S-M-L 1.49 pr. THE Y.W.C.A. 2focke SHOES ® of Oshawa, was solemnized in the EY a e_ stores mst = parsonage at Simcoe Street Unit- SLIM AND TRIM house, must be inspected and|¢d Church on Friday evening, ® SLIPCOVER AND DRAPE pn go PE from| March 11, with the Reverend J. MAKING large packing houses are all in- X. Motta officiating, spected. EATING ESTABLISHMENTS The control of eating establish. ments is another of the concerns of the sanitation department. There are routine inspections of all such establishments in the city and swabs of all utensils and dishes are taken once a month. A local bylaw allows all cafeterias From 9:30 to 5:30 Thurs., March 17 Every year, hundreds of men and women with fitting problems take this opportunity to get help by bringing them to the specialized attention of Mr. McKerihen. For a limited time only, this national authority will be in our shoe department to study your shoe needs. He can show you the exact Dr. Locke last (based on years of careful research) that will give you the fit and comfort you want. And--you'll find the new Dr. Locke shoes for this year © COPPER ENAMELLING Please call RA 3.7625 (afternoons) for further information EXPERT ADVICE Teen-age girls trying to lose weight should skip between-meal snacks, not essential foods. in March 29 and a film, "A Desk thanked the members 'for ar- tion volunteers for the month of! for Billy" would be shown. ranging the card party evening March. partment dealt with focd control,] The program for the Aprilland congratulated them on the| Mrs. Carson Heard gave a re- water, houses, factories and clean-| meeting will take the form of a co-operation between both groups, port on a Presbyterial executive liness of general surroundings. Panel discussion led by Mrs. Wal.{the CWL and the FFCF, working business meeting that she attend- The field changes a great deal 'er Johnson on "Discipline in in harmony to make the eveningied in Whitby. as years go by. A lot of what was, Adolescence". |a success. | It was decided to send knitted! 50 prtant Jost 4 jow years ago) Pits Champerland on betas of slippers to Outpost Hospitals. It| is routine now e food we eat] e group presen a gilt 10/was also decided to purchase a| is the prime concern of this de-| SOCIAL NOTICE {Mrs. John Cardinal, past presi- slide filing case for Miss Muriel partment he said. dent, Bamford, one of the missionaries MILK CONTROL ENGAGEMENT KING STREET WA Who is home on furlough, and to In the matter of milk control; Mr. and Mrs. Hayden D. Kemp| Mrs. Jack Perry, the president Recent he invitation from St. Dr. Watt explained that samples announce the engagement of their! of King Street United Church WA, |Andrew's United Church Auxil- | are taken once a month from each daugiter, Gwendolyn May, to Mr.|opened the March meeting with a 1ary to its Thankoffering on| farm supplying milk to the local Kenneth Blaine Baker, son of prayer. Mrs. Douglas Redpath led March 22, and to postpone the dairies. This raw milk is tested, Mr. and Mrs. William Walter|in the devotional period. Mrs. group reunion until fall, and must meet specific standards. Baker, all of Oshawa. The mar-| Redpath's theme was 'The mean- { Samples are also taken each Tage will take place in Albert week from the dairies and tested. Street United Church on Satur- There have been many changes ay, April 9, at 2.30 p.m. in the dairy industry in the past| MARRIAGE few years. The marriage of Barbara Joan will hold MEAT CONTROL |sipson, daughter of Mr. and] SPRING CLASSES In the matter of meat, Dr. rs. Edward F. Gibson, and ; : i Watt said that Oshawa had a by- Frank A. B. McPhee, son of|] In these subjects if sufficient ® | law stating that all meat sod MT: and Mrs. Frank McPhee, all] registrations ore received, 0 M X vil o . with professionally . je > pre-mixed neutralizer! Only home permanent with a neu tralizer that's professionally pre- mixed! No more | measuring. .. No | to be inspected. Lunch' wagons and vending machines are also checked, ch «+. crackling eris Dr, Watt felt that more em- g P mixing . . . No mishaps! Just snip off the tip, and it's squeeze easy! Ladies' New handsomely styled. featherlight and flakier because they're "AQUAFLAKED" a baking process exclusive fo. . , (esioris CRACKERS & SALTINES | SLIP-ON SANDALS SIZES S-M-L ROYAL JELLY Royal Jelly, a safe, natural food pro-| duced by the Honey Bee and fed tol the Queen Bee, increasing her life span 20 times. Send $1.00 or we will ship you COD. (plus Postage) 24 Royal Jelly caps@es as a trial offer, regular price $4.95. If you don't feel like a different person "when you finish 24] capsules, return the empty bottle ond! we will refund your $1.00. | Ploneers in Royal Jelly ROYAL JEILLY ENTERPRISES BOX 202, OWEN SOUND, ONT, Livi $2.00 | Drug. Tay Sie 9 SIMCOE ST. N DANCEY"S IN DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH RA 5-1833

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