The Oshawa Times, 14 Mar 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, March 14, 1960 15 } 45--Real Estate For Sale 4S--Real Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate for Sale 46--Real Estate Wanted |48--Automobiles Wanted , ] Please Note [CARD OF THANKS swe ure cen mick nome mows vos arc sant aCe New i em, bneson fo [EOF wih 5 fae, ors Pose it, CASE lr pe sd 312 0150--Arbicles For Sale ___|52--Legal Notices Deadlines no f Bis : y wy d sereens, all [first only 6 per cent interest. Owner 5-0687. GAL. watertank a har. for th 3 ~ now in effect for I syEpmENSON -- 1 wish 10 extend sib probly garage, central, Euialie|forced to sell, with heavy loss. Good|ALL kinds of property wanted for| - ET aa i, Sinci ding truck. yo NOTICE TO 13 column: my sincere thanks to Rev. J. Moffalt | TWO semi-detached houses, six rooms| Avenue, RA 5-8188. Oshawa location, RA 35-2405. clients, some with all cash or your| NEED money? I have cash for the best [8 le, Including true ickering Births, Memeriams, Cards ef J and Dr. Sturgess, also our friends and|and conveniences in each. May sell| -- oy oir a Sauity, & Call W. McAuley Realtor, % XA 38 Chev. or Pontiac drive it. RA GERMAN made carriage, in good con- Thanks -- elinbars Taalves Thorman Cor. separate at $5400 auch. Terma: North| WN o Rome wih 4 seedy income, | TWO years od six room buna Prince Sree Oshawa. AA Sid orlSM_______________ dion. reasonabie. Teephone 14 +132) CREDITORS 9 AM. SAME-DAY ters, ig oy in pres sad Dereave. a se i re and ba reduced $2800 down, private sale. Owner trans. oy Ml LAKESHORE | Aut Eo Wreckers want pag "electric typewriter | Tor "ule, on com. | DEA ment veniences, at only $4900. Terms. W. if cash, Write Box 213 Oshawa ferred. MO 8-5134 after 6 47 --Automobiles For Sale. girs for wren ing. By heat prices Paid. | piotely overhauled by International AND OTHERS THS -- Sincerely, Alma Stephenson (McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street. RA Times. PRIVATE sale. central, six-room brick -- --- or : Machine Co, RA 88142 or : 11 AM. SAME DAY and family. [3.2512, Bes . MO 8-323), home. finished attic, electric stove, re.|'® VAUXHALL, two months old. OW-|SELLING your car? I have cash buy- RA5991. = i in the estate of: DIAL RA 3.3492 1% home om Simcoe frigerator included, reasonable = cash hes transferred. Able 10 Sinanes. Tele- (ers. Cars fully insured. Payments too | Fr piece chrome "Kitchen set, in 45--Real Estate For Sale [Street Nort. close to public and sec- offer accepted. RA 5-0437 after 5 p.m. Pione 3-3776 after 7 p.m. high? 1 can and |g RA 3.3139. FLWYN LLEWELLYN ondary schools; five rooms ¥ B -1'57 CHEV. two-tone, small mileage, |lower your payments or advance cash. a ed vith four-piece bath: three rooms up- $700 DOWN, six room frame house, ex ' Before you sell give "Stew" a yell. GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup. CUSTOM tailor shop, dry cleaning, and wil cellent condition, large lot, low taxes, 1295. A plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent McMANNIS IF" lag [stairs with three-piece bath, and a stool 1 1d f y terms. Try "Stew" at Mike RA 55646. Tire § Bond Six room house. dues Sears 0' jeg in the basement. If interested, phone four years old, and will be sold for me. down ; » on re Store, o48 BIRTHS Phone cole, Wa. Greenhalgh, Real: [Mal C en er Eo eo #5 FORD. sedan, gooll shape. HERIOR- vr pope i 8 lls Roigd Rr fier: Zari Derry: FU Sv. rr---- FoeIEEN A 7] Sg oy Colas | e a FIVE - room brick bungalow 'with | able. Apply 225' Oshawa Blvd. South, SPO CASH nn ane lames i le Soy Saale the estate of {youre paid off' pretty through C las fin 5 till 8 p.m. garage, full basement, nearly few, on Telephone RA 5-0454. PAID FOR Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street folk of The Cily of Oshawa MACREY -- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph! cried ads' To sell or rent, Swap OF | ------ 1 -------- grr REAL ESTATE Ritson Road South. Low down payment 54 CHEVROLET sedan, radio auto- South. And Hachey (nee Mary Leblane) are proud hire, dial RA 3.3492. i THREE - bédroom brick bungalow, Call RA 8-0512. matic, recently overhauled, $630 or| Good, clean cars. Trade up |Home in the County of Ontario, to announce the arrival of their son, a _itwo years old, many extras, private AE ---- | best offer. Telephone RA 8:0358. or down. Liens paid off. USED Parts 3 repairs for a1 all makes Shipper who died on aor 'about Michael Joseph, 7 Ibs. 14 ozs., on Jon) RA 12 3% SIMCOE ST. S. 5 DODGE ais 3 Hime] DODD MOTOR SALES [8 to Ee the 18th day of January, po March 6. 1980. at the Oshawa FIVE ROOM fo L 3 9329 Five mom ig apasniment, sedan, both er alias, py 314 PARK RD. S. Bashers and stoves. Paddy's Market, 1960, are hereby notified to "tha eC - i e afte! arc , in | al ampton, 3-2241. Both fine. Many thanks to Dr CD.| 14 BoICK VENEER | HARRY DIA or eveiiable after Morch 13, in |Suorsine Cente, EA. Service. Slatoiy RA 3-9421 Hampes ea A send particulars of same to : | 5 6551 iid ft., lorge rooms, stove a: TG iB it This des be ite chester- Se Frrgin. of Mo of 1960, | 'oh N 73 2 v iy e. » | rch, NOBLE) ar a a a el BUNGALOW MILLEN i, 0 erator, washer and |bile. Special this week, $1295; Seaway field snd chals, chrome sel, mitiiesh, | qfter which date the estate Noonan) are happy to announce the . 9 ' V Motors, Whitby. HOUSTON GARAGE spring, step and coffee table, boudoir birth of their son, Donald Lawrence, h HARMONY HEIGHTS | dryer, paid parking, T.V. |] pho 20 ; : _ land table lamps, pillows, ete. $25 down| will be distributed with re- 9 Ibs. 12 ozs. on Sunday, March 13,| featuring red wood kitchen, REAL ESTATE Pion new to hove: your. new ceric. Phone RA 3-9329 or [32 CHEV. eluxe sedan. immaculate! ANP SERVICE STATION |deliverst "Guaranteed Best Value:"| gard only to the claims of 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital.| ceramic tile bathroom with on 10 have ¥ "5:30 call RA 5-6933, © |peiEe finish. with sharp green inieHior, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| ' which the undersigned shall A brother for Billy. Deo Gratis. | torma. iron. roiling on home built in Harmony after 5: 33. " Iradio, and automatic. _ Excellent| BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- |street South. he vanity, storms, 9 11 ONTARIO ST. Heights. We still have a few |= mechanically. Sale price $495. Seaway| PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. SELLING faraite en have notice. SANDERCOCK -- Mr. and Mrs. John, porch, many extras, Eost end ilabl ith ro- . Motors, Whitby. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND re? We'll buy it. Re- Sandercock (nee Beavis) are happy to| 'ication. Price $13,790 lots availa e, 206 Vil 7 RANCH BUNGALOW 55 CHEV, deluxe sedan, sharp wtons| GENERAL REPAIRS frigerators, ER ushers, planos, mos; DATED this 3rd doy of announce the arrival of their son. John ! : vine settings. w dow! y- A . s , con 19. wna or Fray Mar | $,2,400 down James RA 8-1 679 ments, quality workmanship $1450 DOWN EE eal mont Whitawalls, 67 KING ST, W. 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-113! Maret, 1960, 11, 1960, at Oshawa General Hospital O'Malley, builder, RA 3-7122. | by S. Jackson & Son Ltd $69 MONTHLY [age, guaranteed, $1595. Seaway Motors, RA 3-7822 ALL band amatbur Yeo - oof WALTER €. THOMSON, | 3 | Whitby = | 2 d Q.C. i Bel Mu Sap 641 STEVENSON'S RD. N.| SOMERVILLE AVE, | Decoroted in oils, wolkout |o 50--Articles for Sale tween 3 am. and 2 p.m. Hood) are happy lo announce the ar 9 bs. 7 ozs.. on Thurs 1960, at the Oshawa a brother for Doug. Ross rival of a son day, March 10 General Hospital and Linda. Thanks te Dr. STRONGE David and Shirley are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Sandra Ruth, on Friday, March 11, Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Ross lyn Stell announce fow ard and Eve happy to w. Douglas STELL (nee Ha the arr val o ard, 8 Ibs. 10 ozs, on Friday, March 11, 1960 at the Oshawa Genera! Hos pital. A playmate for Bruce and Mari DEATHS CHALMERS Suddenly in Oshawa on Sunday, March 13, 1960, James Chal. mers. beloved brother of the late Mrs (Rev.) George Yule. The late Mr Chalmers is resting at Mcintosh Fu neral Home. Service in the Chapel! on Tuesday. March 15, at 3.30 p.m. Cre mation i%) are CRAGG Suddenly. at his resi dence, 266 Cranbrooke Avenue, Toron to, the Reverend C. E. Cragg on Sun day. March 13, 1960, beloved husband of Bertha Menzies and loving father of Frank Cragg, Toronto, in his 87th vear. The late Reverend C. E. Cragg # resting at the Bales and Maddock Funeral Home, 124 Avenue Road, To ronto. Service will take place at Eglin ton United Church. Toronto at 1.30 p.m Interment. Park Lawn 'Ceme tery, Toronto. DAWN In Oshawa General Hos pital on Sunday. March 13, 1960 ar garet A Ormandy bert W. Dawn and loving mother of Mrs. Fred Speers (Dorothy), Mrs. A Hardie (Helen) Toronto, and the late W. Gordon Dawn. Resting at McIntosh Funeral Home. Service in the Chapel! on Wednesday. March 16, at 2 pm Interment Union Cemetery WILLIAMSON In Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday. March 13, 1960, Sidney Williamson (283 College Avenue) beloved husband of May B. Moore and loving father of D. Victor Williamson in his 66th year The late Mr Wil liamson is resting at McIntosh Funeral Home. Service in the Chapel on Tues day, March 15 at 2 pm Union Cemetery | GERROW FUNERAL | CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST LOCKE'S FLORIST 1960, at the Oshawa General} beloved wife of Wil-| Interment | : DOUGLAS L. | GOWER | | REALTOR | | 41 GLADSTONE Large income home centrally sted, has 3 apartments tate of repair. Two ments now rented. Feat- ures oil heat, small rec. room, with fire-place, paved drive, arage, storms and screens. Full price $13,000 with a reasonable down payment For more information phone Doug Gower, RA 8-1287 Serviced lots in Simcoe St north area. Will sell frontage | to suit purchaser. Terms can be arranged or will build e home to yur requirements | Phone Pat Patterson for de- tails, RA 8-1395 We have a few in the North area phone in for your needs PHONE RA 8-1287 | RA 8-1395 Member of Oshawa and good home for rent District Real Estate Board | ARTHUR | WEINBERGER | | REALTOR 32 PARK RD. N | RA 8-5145 PRIVATE BEACH Split level, only $11,600 Beautiful brick home on Stone Street, city sewer and water, 3 bedrooms, living room, big fomily room in | walkout basement. N.HA. | Resale. $85 monthly covers | all payments including taxes. VERY LOW PRICED Executive home on Cadillac N. will be sold for a song Only $3,000 down. Gorgeous 2-storey rug brick home, liv- ing room with natural. fire- place, dining room, kitchen, | 4 bedrooms, all rooms, very size. There is an extro lot, powder room, and many features too numerous to mention. Make a reasonable offer and the owner anxious to move to the States, will | Funeral errangements and floral requirements for all occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE A 8- 6555 IN MEMORIAM McLAUGHLIN -- A tribute of love to a dear husband who passed away two years ago today, Mareh 14 5 Within my store of memories He holds a place apart For no one else can be More cherished in my heart Hix loving wife Ida PASCOE -- In loving memory dear husband, Arthur R. Pascoe passed away March 14, 1956 Rour yi ince the sad day ved was called away God 'ook him home, it was His will But in my heart he liveth still A faithful husband. one of the best May God grant him eternal rest of my who Lovingly remembered by his wife Myrtle SPINKS -- In loving remembrance of mother, Albertha Wilson Spinks, who passed away March 14, 1958 ? Slowly, silently, came the call Without goodbye vou left us all Lovingly remembered by son Edgar and Yauguter | in-law Dorothy JOIN the thousands who use Classified ads for easy problem-solving. Call RA 3-492 accept it Coll Art Wein berger, RA 8-5145 or even- ings RA 3-7244 BE SMART LIST WITH ART IDEAL INCOME HOME 9 large rooms plus a lovely sun room with hot water oil | heating. Very centrally lo- cated. For full particulars call Lloyd Corson et RA 8.5123 VERY CENTRAL | $1,000 DOWN S5-room bungalow with sun porch, very clean, workshop in basement, laundry tubs, | private driveway ond garage Taxes $119.72, monthly pay ments $75.00 principal and taxes, Call Gerry Osborne, RA 8.5123 i Lloyd Realty Lid Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT - L newly finished, one-bedroom apartment, heated, TV outlet, private entrance. in Port Whit. hy. Available immediately Call RA 5-3090 FOR SALE -- Slightly used fully, automatic Finley gas stove, 21"; Iron Fireman Conversion oil burner, com- plete, 300 gal tank and electrical con trols, MO 38-2610. FOR REN Newly finished duplex, half or whole, heated, TV outlet, private entrance, 4-piece bath. MO 8.5645; 398 Watson Street FOR t RENT -- Three - room apartment large living room, automatic oil heat, close to industries, $50 a month, MO R-2423 FOR RENT -- 2-bedroom apartment, immediate possession. will decorate to suit. Phone MO 8.2786 FOR RENT -- Modern 2-bedroom *frig., TV outlet, heat apartment, stove lied, i close FOR RENT room, board optional, suitable for young man, abstainers, centrally located MOhawk 8 FOR SAL over payments -_ 52 yetanr, hare. take Mo 8-4 FOR RENT -- "April 1. three rooms, sunporch, self-contained, heavy hii basement laundry MOhawk 8-4379. FOR RENT -- 3 - room self - contained | unfurnished apartment, children wel. | come. MO 8.2776 FOR RENT -- housekeeping (room, all 8.5176 FOR RENT -- Three-room basement apartment with two-piece bathroom, private entrance. couple only MO 8-3126 NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft., or less, parking lot facilities. Call Vhitby Professional Building, MO 8. a Feb 12 "One furnished light room, and one sleeping conveniences, central. MO $12,900 -- Five-room brick bungalow, one year old. Has 6% N.HA. mortgage of $9,800 repayable $88 monthy, including principal, interest and taxes. Vendor will hold small second if ne- cessary Three bedrooms, fully decorated, T.V. aerial, paved drive. Owner trans ferred. Sacrifice. Call Mr, Bradley, RA 3-2006. EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY A real money maker without too great a cash outlet." Gro- cery and meat business, large turnover Financial state- ments available. Situated on a main highway in a village near Oshawa. For confiden tial information call Charles Smith, Days RA 8-1679, Nights RA 8-8254 HORTOP ST. $13,100 Six-room - brick bungalow with rereation room Large lot private drive, three bedrooms, living room, dining toom, large modern kitchen, all nicely decorated. Landscaped, Aluminum storms and screens, T.V. aerial. Make us an of- fer JOHN A. J BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-6544 BUY NOW AND SAVE Only a few left NHA. 6% mortgages, 5/2 room bungo- lows, all large rooms, with large wife-plonned kitchen, plus many other fine features, must be seen. Call now end ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5.6544 or RA 5-8342, INDEPENDENCE BUY AN APARTMENT Duplex from $19,500. 8-Plex from $68,000. 14-Plex from $98,000. All apartments fully equipped with stove, fridge, washer and dryer facilities, bamboo drapes, fully decora ted, lockers and many" other extras. Full details on request in regards te inspections, down payments and returns Call now and ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 er RA 5-8342 FERNHILL BLVD $1,000.00 DOWN 5 room brick bungalow on large lot, located close to shops, schools and transport, many extras, must be seen, call now ond ask for Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 er A 5-8342 $2,900 DOWN Large 6 room brick bunga lew, nicely decorated, land scaped, aluminum storms and screens, T.V. antenna, forc- New ranch style bungalow nearing completion -- nearly 1900 sq. ft. plus double gar- age, paved drive, sodded lawn front and rear, living room with natural fireplace, large dining room, good sized modern kitchen, 3 large bed- rooms, 2 bathrooms, large den, decorated to suit pur- chaser, possession May Ist. A beautiful large home in a good location. Call for an appointment to see this one. DUPLEX location for income Alexandra Street across from Golf course, 4 rooms ond bath down, 4 rooms and bath up, separate entrances, double garage, oil heating. Priced to sell at $13,900 with $2,000 down. After 5:30 Call Perfect home, Marion Drew RA 5.7610 Lloyd Metcalf RA 5-6983 Joe Mage RA 5.9191 Dick Barrioge = RA 5-6243 RA 8-0581 Wes Elliott JOHN WACKO REALTOR INSURANCE $11,900 is the asking price for this exceptionally neat, compact and comfortable brick bungalow, situated on a good size let and located in one of the finest residential areas in Oshawa. Separate and Public schools nearby. Many extras include, broad- loom in living room, elumin- um storms and screens, nice landscaping with patio. For more 'nformation call Mary Hobbs, RA 3-9869. $8,000 is the asking price for this clean five room home with all the conveniences for modern living. Lot size 50 x 744 allows for some fruit trees and gardening. Taxes $105. Oil heat, close to trans- portation and school. This is an Estate Sale and must be sold. Call Mike Hrehoruk RA 5-6569. $8,200 with a low down pay- ment will put you into a good business of your own. No layoffs, no strikes just an above average income and return for this small invest- ment. If you are intrested in a smoke shop, billiard, con- fectionery business then here is your opportunity to have all three tied into one. Owner onxious to sell because of other interests. Call John | Wacko, RA 5-6569. $8,750 is the asking price for 35 acres of land situoted be- tween Oshawa and Bowman ville, south of the 401 with good frontage on good road. This is a SPECIAL OFFER es the owner has to sell. Land end location ideal for meny ed air oil heating, two min- utes to separote and public schools, bus at corner, this home is very well kept. T¢ see, call Howard McCabe ot RA 5-6544 $1,500 DOWN $1,500 We will let this home, go for the best offer, one year old, bungalow, brick, 5 rooms, eil heating, aluminum storms and screens, lamdscaped front and back wired for dryer, carries reasonable, to see call Howard McCabe ot RA 5-6544 Open Eveninas Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board PLANNING various uses. Property over looks the lake. Call John Wacko, RA 5-6569 $1,700 for suburban lot 82 x 260, in new neighborhood location with school nearby. Siuated on hill allowing. for o beautiful view. Taunton Rd E. Call Mike Hrehoruk, RA | 5-6569 $12,800 is the asking price | for this modern 6 room brick bungalow, situated close to school and transportation. On a nice private road with very | little troffic and overlooking the Creek Valley. Mortgaae ot 512% with easy monthly payments. Call Mike Hre- horuk, RA 5-6569. | | 205 SIMCOE ST. S. | Always a place to park TO BUILD OR BUY A NEW HOME? If you are, call us for assistance with plans, loca- tion, price, etc. Courteous attention D. BERKUTA, BUILDER (AFTER 6 P.M. CALL RA 3-9813 basement with huge picture window. Sodded front and bock. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ld RA 5-8831 | LOTS FOR SALE | $55 PER FOOT KING ST. E BUILDERS TERMS START BUILDING TODAY U. JONES, Realtor RA 8- 1566 _ RA 5- 6412 JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR RA 5-9870 EAST OSHAWA 6 large room brick bunga- low featuring large finished | recreation room. Decorated, exhaust fan, colored ceramic tiled bath, landscaped, alum- inum storms. Close to school and bus. $1,900 ond one 6% mortgage. A complete home. | | | | | | | | | | |'s9 CHEV. Belair sedan, | radio, two-tone. Well kept car. Private liy owned. Must sell. RA 8.1183 after I5 pm |'57 BEDFORD Van, new paint job, light blue, reconditioned motor, four excel- {lent tires. Ready for the road. Only $795. Seaway Motors, Whitby, |'49 CHEVROLET coach, heater, tom radio, runs like a top, $89. 18-4517. |'57 FORD tudor, beautiful tutone brown {and white, excellent mechanically, ex- | cellent tires, fully guaranteed. For only 181195 at Seaway Motors, Whitby. |'s2 FORD coach, sharp maroon and | white finish, four excellent tires. Motor in top condition, reliable transportation, | only $395. Seaway Motors, Whitby. | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to 120 per cent. Six months fo pay. For | personal service at your home call RA -2802. cus- Mo Kd [81 56 BUICK | Century, y, tudor, | hardtop, GAS stove, Moffat, in good condition. Phone RA 5-5235. PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss, Oshawa ¢ardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. BARGAINS: Full freezer 'frig., $69 and $99; washing machine, $25; vacuum cleaner, $19; transistor radio, $19.95; GE kettle, $6; steam iron, $6; sewing machine $18; continental beds (com-| or or lowest price ever, 39" - 54", only $49.50, new; 2-piece bed chesterfields, $69.50 and $79.50, new: bookcases or china cabinets, new, only $19.95; chrome sets, new, $39.95 and $49.95; used bed ends and springs, $9; 7-piece dining room set, only $59: step-up tables, new, $8.95, More bargains at our two locations, Community Furniture Store, 19 and 24 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 12 fully ed motor. Sharpest car on our lot, $1395, Sea: Motors, Whitby. SUN lamps for rent, $2 per week; 3 TV sets for rent, $7 per week. Meagher's, 5 King Street West. RA 3-325. 49 PONTIAC, fair running new tires and battery, $65. Apply 62 Church Street, Pickering, Side door after 430 p.m. 5 METEOR coach, spotless beige fin- {ish, absolutely in new car condition |throughout. Very low mileage, fully guaranteed. Only $595. Seaway Motors, Whitby ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up fo 20 per cent, Six months to pay. For personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. '55 METEOR Niagara, tudor, immacu- OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE To meet the demands of people calling everyday. Many of these people have substantial down payments. We will valuate your property without Spligetion. SCHOFIELD INSURANCE | ASSOCIATES LIMITED DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 Co-op 530. late tutone green finish, radio, new slips, pi d motor. i this br buy, $845, Seaway HOMES NEEDED [5 ven veer voor vision wagon, blue and white, radio, washers, excellent mechanically, Very low gas mileage, $1195. Seaway Motors, Whitby. |'51 BUICK sedan, best offer. 586 Car | isle Court. RA 3-94 91. {754 PONTIAC, A-1 condition, automatic transmission, fully equipped. RA 5-510 STOVE, McClary, in very good condi- tion, RA 8-1800 or RA 5-7937, | budget. See Dominion Tire Church and Bond. WHY be a tenant? Many excellent home-buys t easy terms in the Classi fied ads. CURITY diapers, first quality, $4.95, special 99 cents per dozen with purchase of crib or baby carriage. Large, full-panel, Roxatone crib com- riages, greatly reduced. crib mattresses, $9.88; playpens, $8.88; high chairs, $7.88; son Furniture, 20 Church Street. BOOKCASE bed, double, and mattress, new condition 8-1225 evenings. HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also sell and exchange. Contact Community Street. Phone RA 8-1131. MARCONT 2l-inch console television ust guarantee, $125, Girls bicycle, 12 years, 57921 after 6 ask for Stan. blades, BOAT kits, plete), special price on smooth tops, gieep four, cruise orcy boat paints, boat accessories .and boat hardware. Wanted motors, any make, highest prices paid. Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe | South, RA 3-2263. |HALF price | clearouts of discontinued ticking. Hurry | |and buy mow, a smooth top orthopedic B. |teries, | vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, RA 5.4543, | USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. |B. BOATS, motors and trailers, new and|TY EWRITER, used. Complete selection. We finance | adding machine. Very good buy. Tele. our own accounts. Terms to suit your| phone RA 5.9228, Store, |GNPAINTED bookcases only 99¢ with {the furniture. Chest of drawers $17, desks $14, --- $22, bookcase headboard $15. Teg. |Furniture, 20 Church Street. Furniture Store, 19 Prince, overhauled, picture tube under older $15, childs walker $3. RA al saw, "with extra ew, $235. RA 5.7081 oF 22 4 deluxe, p boats 8, 10, ft. Buy now! Special Wis up. Poly- "DE WALT ra like used outboard mattress sale, | factory | mattress, regular $59.50, half price USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up.|§29.50 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church | B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. Street, F. GOODRICH stores -- fires, bat- Kelvinator refrigerator, tele. F. Goodrich Stores, RA Smith-Corona, 5-4543. also purchase of one piece of unpainted Bookcases $5.99, vanity dressers , record cabinet $18, room divider Wilson (pany carriage, color white, § n excel- diti Telephon 8209. plete with spring filled mattress, bum E nk bed and m gses, $45; per pads, adjustable gides, Special, variety of ladies dresses, winter coat, $33, Clearout of last year's baby car- [tw wo mef's overcoats, reasonable. RA Spring-filled | |3-7793. 143 Clarke Street. $5.88. Wil-| $50.50 SMOOTH top mattresses and box strollers, springs now on gale for % price, $29.75, All sizes available. with spring |and Simmons Also Serta, mattresses at Sealy special RA prices! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South |'51 DODGE, sedan, , radio, good mech- -- |anical condition, reliable trapsporta- FOUR - Burner or electric stov. | tion. Owner going to States, "$200 o table top, good ondition. RA 5-1619. | nea ffer. RA 5-9612. . sedan, beautiful black and Kondo finish, fully equipped. This car las good as any late model, $395, Sea- way Motors, Whitby. 56 METEOR four-door mainline, clean in and out, $495 or best offer. 28 | Torontc Avenue. | ine months, like new. Apply RA ONE Kenmore rangette, perfect "condi. |HUNGRY? We deliver Fish and Chips, tion. Was $94.95, will sell for $45 Call | {Hamburgs, Barb.b-qued Chicken, Town [Lunch RA 5.8978. sy ystem EATTY press Lane, Bowmanville, or MA 3-5396. | PHILLIPS 1 17" TV | operating condition, $69. Terms. Meag-| {hers, 5 King Street West. ONE Latiergraph duplicating machine fe 'to __ EVENINGS--RA 5- 1726 S$. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8-6286 "FINISHED REC ROOM" East end location and only a few years old. Just the home that you have been looking for. Excellent condition. First time offered for sale. Com- plete with all the extras in- cluding a paved drive. The price and down payment can never be repeated, so reach for the phone and call RA 8.6286 and ask for 'Harold Segal. "OWNER TRANSFERRED" Handy to all schaols and close to bus end shopping. Owner prepared to sacrifice this 4 year old 5 room bungalow which has a 52% mortgage ond monthly payments of only $59. which includes both principal and interest. Opport- unity knocks only but once A nominal down payment of only $3,200. will handle. Call Harold Segal ot RA 8.6286 tonight . $SAVES PRIVATE SALE One year old tri-plex. stantial down payment quired. PHONE RA 8-6061 Between 9 and 6 or Sub- re- After 7 p.m RA 8-0010 "UCAS PEACOCK REALTOR '56 CHEV. tractor, fully equipped, in first class condition, both mechanically and body wise. Four new nylon tires, $1395. Seaway Motors, Whitby. '59 FORD custom 300 sedan, V-8, beau- |tiful dark blue finish, top mechanical Double steel bed and spring. Jack 8 Mill | Rentals. vice. RA 8.0591 anytime. table model, in good CLOTHING--gir new. - WANTED -- Ford products only. Models | |from ed, perforated drum pe. City Auto Parts, hall [GACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, . used only teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. attachments, brushes, guaran- Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- L dies', sizes 11 13, Several dresses, coats, etc., like Will sell che 3-2798. '49 up. Phone RA 5.6075. Motor heater, 12 gauge pump shotgun, .22 calibre revolver and nies carrying case for deer rifle. RA 5-0238 LARGE selection of reconditioned TVs | at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe For sale or rent, 30 watt portable, | ; two mike's and two pho-| $1795. Seaway Motors, (gi eet North. {CUSTOM built car radios, eomplete | p with aerial and models from $49.95. Terms $5 down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 5-8511. '4 MONARCH sedan, sharp, green finish, radio and automatic, Very good mechanical condition. Our low price this week, $695. Seaway Motors, Whitby. '53 PONTIAC, four door deluxe, good condition, reasonable. Phone RA 5.7817. '53 FORD coach, light green, very good motor, four excellent tires. Ideal sec- ond family car. Our low price, Seaway Motors, Whitby. dark P $495. [THREE x A inputs. Used 10 hours, cost $175, Make offer. RA 3.9430. AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes, rompt service. Free estimates, Order now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. 120 BASS Excelsior accordian, five treble switches. Good condition, tele phone RA 8-5918. PORTABLE typewriter, like new, 10] key adding machine, electric type writer, snap A 3-4434 . set, one| Axminster rus, 9 by 1034, all in good Phone RA 3-7131 '55 VOLKSWAGEN, must sell, best cash offer. RA 5.7189. "59 ANGLIA coach, only 6000 miles, 48 $1045 at Seaway Motors, Whitby. 55 BUICK, four door hard top; also '52 Chev. coach. Both ears equipped and in good condition. For information call RA 58161 days only. 0] 7 BUICK se s 1, good o condition, "apply 102 Church St 58 DODGE, standard, 6000 "original miles, like new, terms if necessary. RA 50385 after 4 p.m. ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES ond SERVICE 408 KING ST OSHAWA RA 3-7132 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES AND SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 ANY MAKE ANY MODEL ot low prices. Cash counts, but will consider $25 down to reliable persons. Before you buy, give Stew a try RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 SAVE money, beautiful reversible rugs for turning in old clothes and rags Twelve decorator colors. J. Fredin, RA] miles per gallon. Just like new. Only |5.2205. ONE "six-way" Lioyd baby carriage, | almost mew and a baby's bathinette,| both $25 Apply 279 Malaga Road AUTOMATIC clothes dryer, in good oonditien, A good buy at $100. Tele: phone RA 3.2932. WE pay A prices in the city for used furniture. Pretty's Used Furni ture Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe South 2000 78 and 45 "RPW records, clearing at four for $1.00. Meagher's, 5 King Street West SYLVANIA 2i i inch halo-light new pic- ture tube wiih one year warranty, $99 Phillips 17-inch console, completely overhavled, $89. Meagher's, 5 'King St. West. WINE and cider barrels, all sizes, solid oak, lowest prices. Oshawa Hard ware, 8 Church. RA 24 HUNDREDS of new wallpaper patterns in stock, in both regular and pre. pasted lines, at Edgar's Paint and Wall paper, 34 King Street West, opposite Dominion Store | Electrohome, RC A Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse The finest 2 TV. Hi-Fi od service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 STOVE LENGTH | ALSO TRUCK FOR HIRE RA 8-1853 ARE YOU GOING TO THE SPORTSMAN SHOW? Look for our display. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN ONTARIO OL 5-3641 if FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 o week per fomily of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no oblige- tion)--phone RA 5- 3709. SHOP NOW AND SAVE NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY 13' moulded Boat, windshield, steering, controls, lights, hardware, 25 h.p. motor, paddles, life jackets and trailer. All new for only 995.00 New 40 hp. Electric Motors . ., 596.95 Used 60 hp. Electric Motors 9.00 New 40 hp. Electric Motors £95.00 1 Only -- 16-ft. Moulded Ply. Boat, 40 hp electric motor, fully equipped with trailer. Only 1495.00 See and Demonstrate the all- new 7% hp. Scott. Only 36-1b, heavy. A fisherman's dream, Only 295.00 FULL LINE 1960 MOTORS ON RQISPLAY 36 t0 60 HP LSE. OUR LAYAWAY PLAN AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX Ph. 1266 Theocracy Plan By Utah's King Y LAKE CITY (AP) Bishop Homer A. Tomlinson of, the Church of Ged lage, N.Y., suggested Sunday that Once vil- he is elected president of the United States, federal income tax might he done away with. Tithing would be better, said| 51--Swap and Barter FACTORY [BATH sels, wump pumps, pressure systems. steel sinks and cabinets, fur. | Inace, boiler and rads, electric pop HARDWOOD | cooler, serv-all grill, piping and. fit [tings Call kinds). H.'Chinn RA 37088. | 66 King Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix, THE CERTIFICATION OF TITLES ACT, 1958 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A. W. BANFIELD CON- STRUCTION LIMITED WILLIAM RIDGLEY ond DOUGLAS WILSON have made an application for a Certificate of Title of cer- toin lond in the City of Oshawa in the Township of East Whitby in the County of Ontario, and described as follows: Part of Lots 7 and 8, Concession 2 in the said Township being also. the whole of Lot C-4, Sheet | ond port of Lot C-4, Sheet 3 according to Oshawa Municipal Plan 335 regis- tered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County of Ontario, des- cribed as follows: Premising that the northern limit of Lot C-4, Sheet 1 ond Lot C-4, Sheet 3, Oshawa Municipal Plan 335 have a bearing of north 74 degrees east and relating oll bear- ° ings herein thereto: COMMENCING at the north- eastern angle of Plan 717 registered in the said Regis- try Office; THENCE southerly along the eastem limit of said Plan 717 a distance of 939.40 feet to a square iron bor found at the intersection of the eastern limit of the said Plan 717 with southern limit of said Lot C-4, Sheet 3; THENCE eosterly along the southern limits of said Lots C-4, Sheet 3 and C-4 Sheet 1 a distance of 955.84 feet to a square iron bar at the south-eastern angle of Lot C-4, Sheet 1; THENCE north 16 degrees 46 minutes west 405.25 feet to a square iron bar; THENCE north 16 degrees 06 minutes 50 seconds west 373.56 feet to a square iron bar; THENCE north 13 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds west 43.10 feet to a square iron bar; THENCE north 17 degrees 43 minutes west 158.78 feet to a square iron bar; THENCE north 17 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds west 113.79 feet to o square iron bor; THENCE north 11 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds west 13.12 feet to a square iron bar; THENCE north 15 degrees 56 minutes west 212.39 feet to 6 square iron bar planted at the northeastern angle of soid Lot C-4, Sheet 1; THENCE westerly along the northern limits of said Lots C-4, Sheet 1 and Lot C-4 Sheet 3, a distance of 704.21 feet to the north. eastern angle of Plan 699 registered in the soid Regis. try Office; THENCE southerly along the eastern limit of said plan 499 a distance of 276 feet to a square iron bar planted ot the southeastern angle of Humewood Avenue on soid Plan 699; THENCE westerly along the southern limit of said Hume- wood Avenue 109.91 feet to a square iron bar planted at the intersection -of the east em limit of Central Park Boulevard North with ths said southern limit of Hume- wood Avenue, THENCE southerly along the eastern limit of said Central Park Boulevard North on said Plon 699 a distance, of 97.04 feet to 8 square iron bar planted in the southem limit of soid Plon 699; THENCE westerly along the southern limit of said Plan 699 a distance of 180 feet to the point of commence- ment Any person having or claim- ing to have any title to or interest in the said land or nd shopping MO 38-2625 RA 5-4330 {the 67-year-old general overseer| Sunny furnished bache ins an avon + i d or apariment nen' supe prose 38 Cre Wen. pone wo Ena | £11000. DOWN BUYING OR SELLING SEE | TANDARY SALE [oF is Shes re. Doge io me pid gf Bg i 1 entrance, suit one or two adults, 82 a : J * {come presi and change : ' : Dundas West. CRE a a) WAN, Lon WHITBY BALLARD ST TED CAMPIN Aluminum Products of the |U.S. form of government from aj Motch, J520, i file o ites : FOR RENT -- Nice furnished room. NO 5.3231. Oshawa RA 3.2312 TORS best quality at the best [democracy to a theceracy gl 9 Mi om ino . | i Thr Bl bd I -- Box and cabin trailers, COMMERCIAL SITE | Brised fo = o $10, $90. MOTO prices, fully guaranteed. | He said he will form a third Titles in A - we! y s, | 1S bric ngalo 2 4 et, FoR RENT-New Jv bedroom apart ets Witde Rental Service. Or ravers Cantrally located, vacant corner lot, approx. 86' x 158' 6". years old oil ey Ene 607 KING ST. --OSHAWA Double hung windows only [any Se called fhe Church of in the City of Toronto, and juct, beak. water, 1 otiet and Fm us rea as This property fronts .en Dundas St. E.~--one block eost of tively decorated. Call ---- Roy 0 E Wil Road) Call row Tomlinson, who stopped here, to serve a copy thereof on Green Street, MO 3476) py] EY Gay CR i ee Flintoff, RA 5-3454. 4d Th Res 5574 Lymer Aluminum Co Sunday fp crown himself king of| the opplicant. FOR RENT -- New apartment building, [try RA 5-4548 : : | EE A RA 8-5385 Utah, said in his campaign litera-| TI Mary Street, Whitby. two bedroom ay HOTEL OR MOTEL SITE? ALICE ST. ture A Fig os Campaign where The address of the applicants sai N odern in ev Y respec r n i ' N A wh i Anil Bde Le a Here is @ 2-acre site on Dundas St. E--195' frontage. This Well maintained 6 room brick FIAT SEE HOME APPLIANCES |the church is the government, 70 Messrs. J 2G For. C.I.L. PAINT roperty is well located i i : dns Froud & c/o Messrs. Jones & Greer, £100.00. A. J. Schatz, Realtor, MO 8 property is well located and is a good potential commercial 2 storey, with garage. Forced tithing "would commend itself to i ici garag ICE OSHAWA "LTD. Barristers & Solicitors, Contact J A. Daly, evenings, MO Call site. air oil heating. Immediate SALES & SERV 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR the nation as the correct form of| 30 King Street East ' BLL econ ne possession. Convenient terms. taxation." | Osh Ontario. OE ae = een ar DODD 2 SOUTER |. PATRICK G. McDANIEL ree es. | DON'ROBINSON LOE Sod ie RE awa, Ontari 4 £4610. PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE | REAL ESTATE BROKER | * gage at $280. a month. Call ESSO SALES AND SERVICE which Tomlinson performed what| DATED of Yoon tha 1th ie oultry also feathers wanted 87 Be & RAR Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454 I he calls his '"'coronation.' oy © arch, i] pou! ult , o eat a antes, 107 Byron Street South WHIT Y Member. Oshawa - and BRUCE AND SIMCOE ST. Domestic and Commercial | |" He considers himself king of all (Signed) 5. SMITH, Priker. MO 89844 woliect. i MO 8.5231 BY, MO 8-2311 District Real Estate Board RA 3-9531 RA 5-5332 {nations by divine inspiration. 1 Deputy Director of Titles. r a x

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