The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1960, p. 3

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CAPSULE NEWS New System For 'Phoning TORONTO (CP) -- Bell Tele-jothers were injured Thursday in| phone Company of Canada said|a blaze which brought a dome| Thursday the first seven - digiticrashing down on them in the telephone numbers in Ontario will main building of the Overbrook go into use in the Smiths Falls|School for the Blind. All of the partment of a Toronto firm, at a area in May. By using seven dig- more than 300 students and em-oeting of the branch Thursday its instead of an exchange name | ployees at the school were evacu- night in Hotel Genosha. and the uusual ve dei, bell sted safely, | Mr. Lachance set the seal on officials estimate 200,000.00 Mots| LAUD SEAWAY PLANNING his address with his final words: iii dicling areas. than NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The "I believe that I have said enough Jong distauice a ig by the St. Lawrence Seaway and power on the subject of repairs and on ible with a telephone's/development project Thursday taxes in general to demonstrate Bames. poss] : |was named the outstanding civil that it isn't only the accountants su i {engineering achievement of the Who are confused. : CHURCH MODERATOR ILL |year by the American Society of Speaking about repairs and WINGHAM (CP)--Rev. Alex-|Civil Engineers. Plaques will be maintenance of capital equip- ander Nimmo, 65, moderator of presented to American and Cana-|ment, Mr. Lachance said that the the Presbyterian Church in Can-|dan agencies at ceremonies May problem of how they should be ada, admitted to hospital with a/19 on the power dam connecting treated for tax purposes was one suspected heart condition, was re-{the U.S. and Canada near Mas- that arose with considerable fre- ported "quite comfortable" sena, N.Y. quency. ; : : ; Thursday. e fact that it does arise fre ANTS .V CATERPILLARS quently does not seem. to have AUTHOR IMPROVES | ROME (AP)--Sixty billion im- made its solution any easier." TORONTO (CP)--Mazo de la|ported Swedish ants will test their No DEFINITION Roche, 75, noted Canadian author|mettle this spring against Italy's wr Lachance said the Income! confined by illness since last Alpine caterpillars, which destroy pay Act made no attempt at a November, was reported Thurs.| thousands of dollars' worth of for-| gefinition. In situations where the day n'ght to be improving. But|ests annually. Italian ants are not 1,come Tax Act made no specific | Miss Caroline Clement, her com. fighters and imported American p,.oyision for measuring income it| panion and cousin said: "She is red ants couldnt stand the cold. 4 heen held by the courts that | still very, very tired and her con- GLOBAL ROUTE generally accepted accounting Income Tax Confusion Is Cited Members of the Lakeland Chap- ter of the National Office Man- agement Association were given an insight into some of the con- fusion surrounding income tax by|- R. A. Lachance, chartered ac- |countant in charge of the tax de-| | valescence is slow." PARIS (AP) -- When Japan principles and practice will pre- port EME WORK ouser Le Momo, noted that pendent truckers who for six days pooper is only ATs from were deadlocked with a con'ractor Tolar route -- about the same 4 Fo Pb Sisouie Fo umed length of time as a rail trip from a new seaway terminal here Paris to Venice. vail. | "This would be a dandy situa-| tion if it weren't for the fact that in some areas of accounting, it may be possible to get as many| different opinions as there are dif- ferent accountants," Mr, La- chance said. Pa | Session Here Workshop On Reading In More than 100 elementary, |school teachers, from the dis- trict extending from Pickering to {Cobourg, gathered in the audi- {torium of North Simcoe Public| {School this afternoon for a two- day workshop on reading. | The workshop is sponsored by |the Oshawa and District Council International Readi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, March 11, 1960 § AIR CADET NEWS Exams Cut Into Parade Numbers By WINGLESS WILLIE With examinations in progress at OCVI attendance took a drop from an average of 50 cadets on parade to 32 last Tuesday even- ing. This is to be expected and attendance will be lower next | ion. The presid Mrs. Marjorie Hodges, a member of {the staff of Conant Public School, will preside. The speaker at the workshop {will be Miss Gwen Forsmany | MA, supervisor of reading for th Detroit schools. Her topic at this afternoon's session was "Readi in the L Arts Program of the Junior Grades". on the theme "Teaching Basic Reading Skills in the Junior Grades". CITY AND | Saturday morning she will speak|g.6004 Tuesday b Donevan and Central which be- in soon. If any cadet cannot be present on parade make sure you phone one of the officers or senior ca- dets to get marked off. Being absent will not go against you if you phone in. Here is a list of officers and seniors whom you may phone if you intend being 'absent: F-L. Gilbank 5-1078; F-C. Steffen ; W-0. Gallagher 5-5730; F-S. Bohaker 5-7157; F-S. Smith 3-2374. of the exams at, week that they were being held on Tuesday. Excuse me, the meeting will be held every sec- ond Monday of the month, Any cadet mother who is in- terested in joining may do so by getting in touch with Mrs. Gal- lager at RA 5-5730. COLOR PARTY Last Saturday morning six Osh- awa Air Cadets were up bright and early to act as a color party for the RCAF Association, Pro- vincial Convention which was held here in Oshawa. The color party was most successful and we would like to thank the boys who participated. {CLEANUPS We are sorry to report Sgt. | Brennen is in the Ajax Hospital. I guess he's having a rough time Don't forget, attend counts when they pick the boys for summer camp and other such activities. CLASSES | chas the nurses all day (holding hands with his girl | friend during visiting hours. Get well soon, Gord. It has been announced that Sgt. DISTRICT STREETS CLOSYD Even though attendance was! Seeley has been chosen to attend low and the furnace was broken, Camp Borden this summer. Sgt. classes were still held as usual. Seeley will be taking the Senior The fo'lwing strects will bh: During the first pericd the jun- Loaiers Sourse which lasts for closed for ec mctim foc: jors had drill under F-L. Gilbank, e Cadets who are taking the fly- Ros lend road west closed from while the intermediates had range Stevenson road north to Gibbons under Mr. Houston and the sen- street, Whenever nossible the-~ iors had flying scholarship taught streets will he partially opened by Mr. Peterson. io nermit mover "ts of The second period saw thee traffic. Extreme heavy rains, juniors having airmanship under may , result in the closing of| {he "loving care" of Sgt. Seeley, other streets. [while the intermediates were {ing course this summer are re- minded to get their medicals as soon as possible. You may get your medical done by either Dr. Todd or Dr. Morris on Simcoe street north. Cadets are reminded that hence forth they will bring either a pen Mr. Lachance went into the Thursday night. Speckert-Morris highly complicated question of) | "treated" to a class on electricity i Limited, the contractors, agreed FEATURED STAR t regle or a pencil to cadets every night. {by Mr. Peterson and the seniors It seems that you need some- Don Jackson, of Oshawa, ac- received range under 'Dead-eye" thing to write with all the time to pay the 100 truckers six cents . in MAN'S INCENTIVE terse pesos | GENIUS UNVEILED TORONTO (CP)--Twenty-eight| S . nurses agreed Thursday night to| BRUSSELS, Begum 4 defer their resignations, brought| Ts re. n most Sverw he ng about by a car allowance dispute, hig nly hi I ig : i until March 28 pending negotia. here Thursday. tions with the suburban North| ©'S : Ba York health board. Inspecting the ninth interna- tional inventors' exhibition, DIED OF INJURIES opening a 10-day run today, the TORONTO (CP)--Ralph Mel-| newspaper men saw among huish, 35, suburban Etobicoke| other things: Toronto Transit Commission] = Swiss-made metal clips that streetcar operator, died Thurs-| keep the cow's tail from swish- day night from injuries suffered| ing in the milkmaid's face; five hours earlier when he was| French metal chin rests to pinned between two streetcars. | stop children from nodding | drowsily over their homework; COVERS 44 LOCALITIES An automatic liquid pump OTTAWA (CP) -- The defence] American inventor Edmund department said Thursday that! Minton said would be handy for works costing $386,000 are being dispensing tea and coffee in started immediately at defence drug stores and could be in- installations across Canada. The! stalled for self-service in tele- work for most part involves phone booths as well; building maintenance at exist-| Plastic bird nests, a German ing establish $s, an announce-| attempt to help feathered ment said, and will take in in- stallations in 44 localities. friends. who can't find their way home; CONSERVATIVES MEET An automobile with a fifth OTTAWA (CP)--The executive| committee and the executive of- wheel out front on its hood so that it can act as an accident ficers of the Progressive Con- jation will hold buffer (this comes from France servi where, some say, it is sorely closed me here today and) Deeded); and, ~ Saturday. Prime Minister Diefen-| Also from France, oars on a baker will speak to the executive| specially - constructed frame officers Saturday. that allow the rower to see | TO SEEK VOTE { | where he's going instead of | wh he's been. CAPETOWN (Reuters)--Inter-| © © oo" for Deputy Minister P. W. Botha| | (Reut- taxation of foreign business cor-| porations, amalgamations and un-| ; distributed income. | § In spite of general confusion,| ™ Mr. Lachance said one principal] {remained constant in the paying {of taxes. It had been said, he pointed] out, that where the government tried to close loopholes, "that| Despite the advances made in technological research and mass production methods, Mo- ther Nature continues to outstrip man in ability to produce | beautiful things. Low tempera- | BEST combined to transform a piece of shrubbery into a beautiful tures and a leaking water tank | tapestry of winter at its best. | in the village of Port Perry | --Oshawa Times Photo | every time the government zigs, | erin the taxpayer zags and comes up with another angle." "This is all quite ethical. legal and "Many famous judges have re-| iterated the proposition that the taxpayer is absolutely entitled to arrange his affairs so that he does not pay more tax than the é law requires. To take any other Johnston died at Fairview Lodge, position is to hold that the law is| Whitby, Thursday, March 10. She inadequate and this would be dis- was in her 82nd year. respectful, to say the least." Born at Eastbourne, me ---------- England, Sept. 18, 1878, the de-| MRS. MARTHA LOUISE JOHNSTON In poor health for 'a few months Mrs. Marthat Louise Alfred Eiford and Eliza Tryhorn. She was married in| Montreal in 1904. |late Tobacco Sales 2,176,184 Pounds | " (CP)! On.| Years ago, Mrs, Johnson was a aL LIONBURS ik he On: resident of Montreal and Toronto. | os' {She was an adherent of Calvary Marketing Board reported] by . sales Thursday of 2,176,184 pound | Baptist Church. Her main in- at an average price of 53.11 cents terests were her home, her a pound. Sales to date are 141,- Sussex, | |ceased was a daughter of the Sue OBITUARIES WEATHER FORECAST Cold And Crisp Over Weekend TORONTO d by the weather office at 5 a.m. Sy is continuing to bring clear skies nopsis: A high-pressure area| in the north country. Storms are| tracking eastward across the| garden and her church. 971,793 pounds at an average Predeceased by her h price of 56.32. {William F. Johnston, in 1950 she Th . 56.554 dl of survived by a sister, Mrs. ere were 90, pounds of George Holter (Rose), of Sussex, MH-30 treated tobacco sold onlmngiand: three nieces. Mrs, the open market at an average Thomas Buchanan (Lily), of price of 48.37. Sales to date are Auroroa; Mrs, R. W. Northey 1,430,373 pounds at an average| (Ethel), of Oshawa; and Mrs. James Donlan (Ethel), of Port gave notice in the bly | Thursday that he would ask per- mission today to introduce a bill providing for a referendum on creating a South African republic. ROOF COLLAPSED PHILADELPHIA (AP)--A fire- man was killed and at least seven COMING EVENTS DON'T forget Old Time Dance at Thornton's Corners Community Hall, Saturday night, March 12, Montgom- ery's Orchestra. Lunch served. -BINGO- CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE Saturday, March 12th 8 P.M. SHARP Lassoed By By HUGH A. MULLIGAN NEW YORK (AP)--We've had! adult westerns, family westerns, | satiric westerns, authentic west-| ersn, even old-fashioned western westerns. Now comes Scott Brady, brated bad guy of the Broadway Destry, moseying i cele- musical nto the crowded TV corral with the first of the westerns aimed at the foam-on-the-range set. As Shotgun Slade, syndicated TV-RADIO COLUMN | | ' Foam On The Range' Set price of 45.72. Sidney, Ont.; and two nephews, Ben J. Stredwick, of Oshawa, land Donald Befteridge, of Tor-| |onto. | The funeral service will be held |at the McIntosh Funeral Home |at 3.30 p.m. Saturday, March 12, {followed by interement in Oshawa {Union Cemetery. Rev. W. Niven Scott Brad Aiken, pastor of Calvary Baptist | Y {Church, will conduct the ser- |vices. show business. Who ever heard| of the heavy making more than the hero? Look at Cagney and| Bogart. They had to become good! guys to make the real money." In Brady's case, he owns 20 per cent of the Slade series and, barring a return of prohibition, should live happily ever after. FUNERAL OF ARTHUR E. F. BARTON The funeral service for Arthur E. F. Barton, who died last Tues- day, was held at the McIntosh Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Thurs-| day, March 10. The pallbearers were Cliff {Rundle, James Marshall, Cleve Now that Jack Paar has given|F0X, John Cumming, Arthur up Dorothy Kilgallen, Walter| Parry and M. Brennan. Winchell and other video ven-|, The services were conducted by| dettas for lent, the war corres. Achdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, rec-| hern United States and out over the Atlantic. Little change in this weather pattern is fore- Lake Erie, Lake Huron, west- ern Lake Ontario, Niagara, Geor-| Drug Pushing In Toronto | Jail Cells | TORONTO (CP)--Drug addicts can make contact with drug| "pushers" in city hall cells, Gov-| |ernor David Dougall of Don Jail y said Thursday. The possibility of 'basement bull-pen" traffic within feet of city hall magistrates' quarters was raised at a meeting of the| Metropolitan Toronto welfare and| housing committee. | Mr. Dougall said the city hall| "traffic" works this way: An arrested addict is released on- bail while fellow addicts who over 180 stations, mostly late in pondents can all turn in their the evening, Brady has become|patches and go back to being the idol of viewers who prefer|television columnists. For three their cowboys uncomplicated and| nights there it was pretty grim, ST. JOHN'S BINGO a tor of Christ Memorial Anglican Church. Interment was in Osh- wa Union Cemetery. without complexes. slozging through the blood, sweat! "Most of the sponsors are beer|and tears: Winc hell's blood, companies," explains Brady over NBC's sweat, and Jack's tears a flagon of his patrons' wares. Peace, it's wonderful. But will |"In this one the good guy al- the ratings go along with the un-| |ways wins, and the bad guy al- easy armistice? {ways loses, which is the w, » eerie imesh le V1 RECOMMENDED TONIGHT: : Main Street, U, 8S. A., NBC, "TRUTH ALWAYS WINS {8:30-9:30, with musical comedy | "Every week truth, the good stars Howard Keel, Carol Law- guy, triumphs over evil, the bad|rence and Eddie Hodges. guy, against a jazz background.| Person to Person, CBS, 10:30- |The critics murdered it, but it|1], tape interviews with Anne| [sells beer. Who needs the critics, | Bancroft in her Greenwich Vil-| | when you've got truth on your|lage pad and Italian movie star| | side?" Vittorio Gassman in his Roman Corner of Bloor and Simcoe. Free admission, Friday 8 p.m. 20 games. 6 and 8. Five $40 jackpots. NOTICE PILGRIM PLAYERS PRODUCTION OF ""HARLEY'S AUNT' POSTPONED | | | | | | | | | HUMAN HEART GIANT MACHINE Scientists say that the hu- man heart in a 12-hour period generates enough energy to lift a 60-ton tank car a foot off the ground. With just the energy it takes to pick up a phone you can rent your spare room and generate cash for your- self each month. Call RA 3-3492 and start your ad working right now. can not get bail go to Don jail. | {When the group meets again for | |trial and sentencing, the addict who has been on bail distributes | drugs among his fellow addicts before the final trip to Don Jail. Dr. W. H. Hills, Don Jail physi-| cian, agreed the drug - pushing was going on. He and Mr, Doug-| all said some addicts, especially | women, sprinkle the powdered | drug into their hair and comb it| out inside their cells. Others, | they said, stick it on the backs] of postage stamps attached to en-| velopes. | Dr. Hills told the committee Don Jail is currently testing a four-day withdrawal program in-| Playing the good guy for a Villa. volving a new tranquillizer, i | change, Brady is convinced that {in real life truth always triumphs |B lin the end. "It certainly does in #8 "MONSTER BINGO UAW HALL SATURDAY, MARCH 12th ADMISSION 4 CARDS FOR $1.00 20 GAMES - $15 A GAME 5 JACKPOTS. - $25 EACH $150 JACKPOT, 3 CARDS FOR $1 SHARE THE WEALTH 6 CARDS FOR 25¢ UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE The Offices of usual manner. Owing to the Deaths of two of our Fellow Employees GEORGE BLACK and JACK A. DOVE McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King Street West, Oshawa Will Be Closed All Day Saturday, March 12th Emergency service calls will be maintained by telephoning in the don, Hamilton, Toronto: cold. Winds northerly 15. Eastern Lake Ontario, Halibur- Prior to coming to Oshawa 23/to most of Ontario. Night-time ton regions: Sunny today. Partly| In Canada temperatures are running about/ cloudy Saturday. Continuing cold. | 110 degrees below normal for this Winds northerly 15, increasing to| |time of year, ranging from zero 20 this afternoon. to 10 above in the southern re-| Kirkland Lake region, North| gions and down to near 20 below pay Sudbury: Sunny today and Saturday. Continuing cold. Winds northerly 20. Timmins-Kapuskasing, light. White River regions: Sunny to-| |day. Partly cloudy and not so|that at least some of these new|EST to cons'der government busi- urday. Winds light. (CP--Forecasts is-| zian Bay regions, Windsor, Lon- Sunny today and Saturday. Continuing James| 5 Bay regions: Sunny today and cast for Saturday. Saturday. Continuing cold. Winds| Massey - Ferguson facilities in Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Saturday Windsor St. Thomas London .. Wingham Toronto .. Trenton St. Catharines . Hamilton .. Muskoka Killaloe Earlton .. Sudbury ... orth Bay ... Kapuskasing . White River . Moosonee 10 I BERRRRRRS8R888Es {knowledged to be one of the {world's best in free skating, wil! |be one of the stars of the ice |carnival being staged by the Peterborough Figure Skating, WIN TOP PRIZES | Taking part in the Rotary bon-| {spiel at the Kitchener-Waterloo| |Granite Club, on Thursday, a| rink of Oshawa Rotarians won| the top prizes. The rink was] made up of A. W. Armstrong, | skip; Tom Prest, E. F. Bastedo and S. A. Cro: High Cost Production TORONTO (CP) -- High costs are leading to the establishment |elsewhere of plants which might otherwise have been placed in Canada, W. E. Phillips, chair- Club tonight and Saturday night.|™ Houston. LADIES' AUXILIARY On the matter of the Ladies' Auxiliary meeting, I said last Parliament At-A-Glance By THE CANADIAN PRESS Thursday, March 9, 1960 The Commons gave final ap- proval to government measures giving Indians the right to vote in federal elections. Citizenship Minister Fairclough said representations were re- ceived from organizations speak- ing for 30,000 Indians favoring the step; opposition was voiced by bodies representing only 4,000 Indians. Erik Nielsen (PC--Yukon) said the Indians lives under "dictatorship" in which they have inferior legal status to other Canadians. > Transport Minister Hees an- man of Massey-Ferguson, Ltd, d that the Ci rail- it will said Thursday at the 's ial meeting. escribing the establishment of ways toria Bridges. urope, he stated: |E "No one regrets more than 1 tablished in Canada. It has, how- Canada, as part of North Amer- ica, is rapidly becoming one of the highest production-cost areas in the world, and those who in- tend to survive commercially cannot ignore this ugly truth." In 1959 the company spent $52,- 000,000 in the establishment of production facilities in the United Kingdom and France. BRAZILIAN OIL Brazil's petroleum production reached 23,589,000 barrels in 1959, an increase of 25 per cent over 1958 UEHLERS Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIM BEEF { ~ 12 KING E. RA Pes I' ~ ever, become quite clear at) Friday, March 11 The Commons sits at 11 a.m. |cold tonight. Mainly cloudy Sat- facilities could not have been es-iness. The Senate is adjourned until 8 p.m. EST Tuesday.: resume {study of toll collections on Mont- real's Jacques Cartier and Vie- {and the office had been bled {dry of pencils. It looks like the Senior NCO's |are taking quite a beating profit- | wise on the sale of their choco» late bars. It appears that there are mice in the cadet hall and hungry ones at that. Next week I am bringing down my shotgun. {MEET THE OFFICERS | Flying officer Jack Steffen has | been associated with the squad- {ron since 1948 when he joined as a cadet. | As a cadet, Jack attained the rank of Warrant Officer, attended two summer camps at RCAF | Station Aylmer and during his last year in cadets won an ex- change trip to Florida and other parts of the U.S.A, Leaving cadets in 1953, he at- tended the University of Toronto taking pharmacy. He later grad- uated with honors. In 1958 'Stef", as he is known to many, became the squadron adjutant and became a pilot officer. Now promoted to a flying of- ficer Jack is very keenly inter- ested in athletics. Beside his nor- mal duties of looking after all the squadrons records, etc. Jack |teaches "Keeping Fit" and he also looks after all our sporting events. It goes without saying that we's re all proud to have Jack with us as one of our officers and in- structors He is a big asset to the Osh Chadb Squad Air Cadets. MAKE YOUR BEDROOM INTO 3-3633 ° Meat Specials! Sat. Only ! CLUB STEAKS Ib. 49. ® Lint-free Color-fast Pre-shrunk No-iron Machine washable FREE! cou Buy 5 Ibs. at Reg. Price $1 GET 5 LBS. FREE FRESH MADE ntry Sausage Buttons 'n" Bows A bedspread by Morgan-Jones to perk up every bedroom --with its charming pattern of tiny SHANKLESS, SMOKED, PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS Ib. 3 Be tufts and crisp cords--edged with a deep shag border. Made in extra-value big super sizes for twih or double beds. In 20 sparkling decorator colors: Pink, Yellow, Blue, Aqua, Lt. Green, Brown, Sand, Rose, Gold, DK. Green, Red, Moss, Lemon, Rust, Poppy, Beige, Charcoal, Bristol Blue, Eggshell, Snow White, Regular $15.95 Value omy FREE * SHOULDERS Just come in and deposit your name and address in our ballot box Tonight and Tomorrow! No purchase necessary! T0nIGHT & TomoReow 1 3-35 ® OPEN 3 TONIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. 6 Smoked Picnic Style PORK

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