THOUGHT FOR TODAY °* The person who says "somebody ought to do something about that" rarely volunteers to be that somebody. dhe Oshawa Time WEATHER REPORT Sunny today and Saturday, con- tinuing cold with night-time temperatures running 10 de- grees below normal. PY VOL. 89--NO. 59 Price Not Over 10 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1960 puthorizad on Second Clow Mall EIGHTEEN PAGES Airport G et DISCOVER RACES TO SUN New Lighting On Runways Oshawa airport will be operat- ing under the lights in the near future. Runway lighting, believed to cost about $40,000, will be install ed. The federal government will § pay the entire cost with any addi- tional costs being borne by the city. The proposal for lights came from the department of transport on a request by Labor Minister Michael Starr. Treasury board approval has been given and work is expected to begin in five or six weeks. VERY PLEASED George Slocombe, secretary- manager of the Ontario County Flying Club, said today that he was "very pleased" to hear that the project was finally okayed. "We have been waiting two months for treasury board ap- proval," he said, 'they turned it down once before, "If the original plan is follow- MICHAEL STARR # ed, the two main runways and taxi areas will be lighted. All a lights will be controlled from the § hangar. ect an increase ir night air trafiic. The safeiv fac- tor will be greatly increased. "We have been u ing coal-oil lanterns simce 1941. We call them 'flare-pots." But now that the city is better lighted, growing and spreading out, it is becoming more difficult to pick out these flare-pots from the sky. j success. Mr. Slocombe did not anticipate an increase in personnel to handle the night landings. Mayor Lyman Gifford express- ed his pleasure with the treasury ecision to go ahead on t. irport will mean much to the city over the years," said the mayor, 'especially in rela- tion to industrial expansion." FCC Boss 'Royal Wedding Resigns Under Fire mais WASHINGTON (AP)--John C. ing: plans for Princess Margaret's Doerfer, under fire for accepting wedding to Antony hospitality from a broadcasting Jones May 6 executive, has resigned as chair-| . man of the Federal Communica- tions Commission. President Eisenhower told Doer- fer the decision was a wise one, parts of and pted the resi jon "ef-|the fective next Monday. He named crowds nissioner Frederick W. Ford Q Travel agents are Poe Bax \ . ain's 'wo larg: said Doerfer's resignation was in est transatlantic liners, the best interests of all concerned. Elizabeth and the Queen Mary, with bl | Draws Thousands LONDON (Reuters)--Hundreds! Royal dressmakers already are # to propel the probe on the start 9.2 MILLION MILES ORBIT OF FEAR TH U.S. Shoots Rocket Into olar Orbit CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP)|space. This is more than 100jmillion miles of the cloud-cover- The United States launched a new [times the range of any previousied planet. ' space prebe toward an orbit space messenger -- American or| It would swing counter-clocks around the sun between the paths Russian -- and could pave the wise about the sun like the plane of earth and Venus today. Three, way for future interplanetary ets and, in effect, become a man- hours later sc'entists reported communication. made planetoid. Insiruments in the package Its orbital path would fall be- \ l-sized package of Were built to measure radiation, tween the paths of Earth and abe beachpal). give one ge | gases, magnetic fields, microme-|Venus. am. EST from the missile test teorites and temperatures in the, On the planned course, the cenire at Cape Canaveral, Fla. 'far reaches of the solar system. probe would take about four propelled by the 165,000 - pound This date is required before man months to reach the orbit of thrust of a three-siage Thor-Able can make long trips into space. Venus and about 205 days to : Although today's shot has been make one circle of the sun. Its widely called a "Venus probe," lorbital pat would measure 506, |it would not come within several] 000,000 miles. rocket. After evaluation of early data radioed back from the 26-inch instrument packed sphere, scien-| tists of the National Aeronautics, REFUSED LAST MASS and Space Administration in Wash'nglon said it had achieved sufficient velocity. * A towering Thor-Able rocket] Bank Killer Ends blasted from its pad at 8 a.m. : EST in a swirl of fire and smoke Lif 1 ney through the universe. 1 e 0 n Ga OWS - Ten minutes after launch the| MONTREAL (CP) Ernest|with Cote. He was shot three scientists in charge of the test/cote was hanged early today in|times. . announced that all three stages of Bordeaux Jail. He pursued Cote outside the the giant booster fired success-| The 37 years of his life, many bank and collapsed. fully of them spent behind bars, ended! An hour later police arrested Weighing 90 pounds, the pay-\behind bars at 12:08 a.m. EST. [Cote and Ronald Kyle Brush, 19, load, called Pioneer V, is de-| He had been convicted of shoot-|as they drove to North Bay. of what could be an endless jour- deep in the task of preparing gowns for the bride and the bridesmaids. But Saville Row, centre of the British tailoring in- signed to make the most exhaus- ing a bank manager to death| Brush, who argued that he had Armstrong: swamped {with reservations forwarded from {the United States, the Common- |wealth countries and most other the world. They forecast will draw even larger| to London than the courp c There dustry, is nonplussed about male attire for the ceremony in West- minster Abbey. if the groom is wed in a tail coat and striped trousers--the formal wear for altar-bound eommoners in Britain. WEAR a be the bridegroom and male the Queen guests would wear knee breeches ack stockings and silver-| A eek ago today Doerfer, 55, will arrive at Southampton within buckled shoes. acknowledged to congressional in-|10 days of the wedding. vestigators that he had flown to Florida last month on a plane owned by George V. Storer and had spent six nights aboard Stor- er's yacht. Storer owns a chain CITY EMERGENCY of radio and television stations PHONE NUMBERS subject to FOC regulation. | Doerfer insisted last week to POLICE RA 35-1133 the H f R sentatives leg- islative oversight subcommittee] FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 that he had done nothing wrong, and renewed that contention in his letter of resignation. | BATTLE FOR CUSTODY This three-year-old boy plays Brooklyn's Su- fully claimed possession of the child. Mrs. Concetta Vasta, 40 and her husband, John, have had the boy since four days after his birth in February, 1957. The mother, who was 14 and unmarried at the time claims child was snatched from her lap as she sat in her father's car outside the hospital where the boy was born ~AP Wirephoto { | in corridor of | preme Court today while fight for his custody is waged inside between his foster natural Mrs. courtroom parents and his ther. The mother M e calls the boy Richard Guy Montemorra, and the fos er parents, who call the boy Salvatore Vasta, both tear- | mo- Amelia who One of the main difficulties is that Armstrong-Jones is not en- titled to wear a military uniform. |An authority of protocol said this is the first time this situation has {cropped up for a British royal wedding in generations, Even if Armstrong-Jones is made a peer on the day before the wedding, he would not be per- mitted to marry in the robes of a lord, the authority said. SNOWMAN TALKS LEAMINGTON (CP)-- Henry Fast has pulled a fast one on his Leamington neigh- bo C ildren have gone scurry- ing, to their parents with the unlikely that a snow- man in Henry's front yard can talk. Several women even claim the cool chap shouted a "hi girls" in their direction. When he built the snowman Henry installed a loudspeaker connecting it to a microrhone IN FRONT YARD | story in his home. It would break royal precedent | Orbit | | | | observers { glimpse of the brilliant flame & Soke PLANNED TRAJECTORY : engine, the 90-foot Thor-Able rose recommended mercy were' , designed to relay findings back the evening he hurled himself abortive holdup at|refused to enter the bank with Cote, had not taken part in the struggle, and only drove the get- away car, was acquitted of mur- der. He was sentenced to three years in penitentiary for ate tempted robbery. Coal Mine tive study of space ever at-during an tempted. It would conduct re-|Timiskaming, Que., and the jury search while whirling around the did not recommend mercy. sun, alternately touching the or-i He was the ninth executed for bital paths of the earth and murder since the Progressive Venus. | Conservative government took of- fice in June 1957. The cabinet ROSE SMOOTHLY {has commuted 32 death sentences Driven by the 155,000 pounds of to life terms in penitentiary. All thrust generated by its liquid-fuel|11 murderers whose juries had! smoothly from its pad. spared. Cape irs. caught a finall Sheriff Ulric Laurencell said exhaust|Cote had been calm during the 70 seconds after launching.|day but grew violent as the hour The instruments aboard were of hanging approached. During to earth through a powerful radio) against the wall of his cell and f | transmitter bl ding| inj hi: If slightly, F our th Day signals from 50,000,000 miles in] He refused the last mass Ro-| {man Catholic convicts are en-| LOGAN, W.Va. (AP)--The des Canadian Aid Pla May Startle World WASHINGTON (CP)--Canadian Colombo plan is in the form of! authorities feel they have ade- 8ranis or gifts while that of most quately defended and even sur- Other countries is in the form of prised allies with the extent of loans. Canada's aid to underdeveloped] However most Canadian grants § countries. |80 toward purchasing of Cana- | The Canadian position was out-|dian equipment for shipments to lined before the nine-power eco- Projects in India, Pakistan and nomic aid conference which winds Other countries in Southeast Asia. up its first four-day meeting Sun-| Canada pointed out that it has day. Senior Canadian delegate|increased its annual Colombo was A. F. W. Plumtre, assistant/plan grants to $50,000,000, from deputy finance minister. {$35,000,000 this year and is pro- Aim of the conference, pro- viding a small amount of aid to moted by the United States, is to the West Indies and Ghana. educate and inspire the more in-| -- -- OF II ie dustrialized free Souljiries to pro- ; . vide greater assistance to impov- ay U.S. Thinks Of Bomarc ROCKET TAKES OFF Missing Vessel | Survived HALIFAX (CP) The 60-foot fishing vessel Payzant Sisters, out of North West Cove, N.S., re- turned to its home port early to day after being missing since Tuesday night. The vessel carried six men. RCAF Search and Rescue head- quarters here said all were safe and well. There were still two fishing vessels unreported off Nova Sco-| tia's southwest coast. Others missing were the 65-foot Lunen- burg boat Margaret Lou with five men aboard and the three-man Halifax vessel Annie and Johnnie, The fishing boats ran into trou- ble when caught by a severe At- lantic storm Wednesday which caused two deaths and contrib- uted to at least two others. One man was washed over- board from a coastal freighter] 200 miles off the coast. Another was found dead in his snowbound truck on a highway in Nova Sco- tia. DIES ON WAY | A seven-month-old Newfound: | land child died en route to hospi-| tal after an ambulance was de- layed several hours by mountain- ous drifts, Main and secondary highways remained blocked in many parts of the Maritimes more than 24 hours after the snowfall, which reached two feet in some areas. A new storm appeared early to- dav to aking an easterly course, promising to miss most parts of the Maritimes. But the weather office here forecast snow he Adjustments Latin America. Countries which agreed to con- sult on their aid programs are Canada, the US, Britain, -- France, West Germany, Italy, {Portugal, Belgium and Japan| Japan was brought into the gath-| ering at the request of the U.S.| {MAIN PROBLEM WASHINGTON (CP)-- Defence Informants said the first con- Secretary Thomas Gates ference merely 'scratched the Thursday the United States has |surface" of the issues involved. no thought of junking the Bom- | U.S. Sources estimated the U.S. |arc-B missile program, but there and winds up to 46 miles an hour annually provides about $2,250,-| MAY be 'some adjustments. for mainland Nova Scotia. 000,000 worth of economic aid] Asked at a press conference compared with $1,000,000,000 pro- whether these adjustments could CHICAGO (AP) -- More snow vided by the other eight countries affect the number of Bomarc-B and ice storms swept across sec- in the conference. {missiles to be produced, Gates Generally, Canadian spokesmen| replied: United States today, hitting areas argued that Canada is doing as| "They could, but I don't know." still staggering from crippling vi- much as it can. What's more, its| He did not consider the flight olent weather earlier this week. aid to Southeast Asia under the 'est failure of the Bomarc-B at LATE NEWS FLASHES .i og: as "too serious. Oshawa Youth Fined In Toronto Later, he said that whatever {adjustments are made will not result from the failure. He de- clined to say what he had in mind. TORONTO (CP) -- Gary Lowe, 18, of Oshawa, was fined $75 for assaulting police in magistrate's court here. The in- cident occurred after 20 members of a motorcycle club were arrested for drinking under age and were told to sit down in a police station Storm tions of the midwest and southern The Bomarc-B that burned up jon its launching pad las' week was the seventh flight flop in {seven (ries. BASES IN CANADA Under a master continental air the U.S. plans establish 16 Bomare squadions as a defence |against manned bombers. Canada {would . establish squadrons at |North Bay, and Mont Laurier, {Que Gates made these other points: 1. He considers the present U.S. defence program *'all right the way it is." 2. The question of whether step up acquisition Polaris missiles for atomic submarines and of Atlas intercontinental bal- |listic missiles is under constant |review. | 3. The defence department has no plans to reauest treaty-type agreements for turning over |trol of U.S. atomic weapons to allies. to 'Emergency Measures Organization' The Ontario County Council in Whitby today ingly approved a report on civil defence almost identical to the report it rejected Wednesday. The county will continue as a joint partner with the city of Oshawa in an organization that will be renamed the Emergency Measures Organization instead of civil detence. Saskatchewan Rink Wins Briar FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- Saskatchewan clinched a win in the Canadian Curling championships today by defeating Nova Scotia 13-3 in a 10th-round game. Prince Edward Island defeated Ontario 15-11. Saskatchewan, with a bye on 'the final draw in the afternoon, finished with nine wins and one loss. Nova Scotia has won three of nine games. Northern Ontario scored its vin by swamping New Brunswick 16-6. Northern Ontario h~s seven losses. Quebec skip Ted Hunt drew to the buiton with his final rock on the last end to edge British C lumbia's Glen Harper 7-6. Quebec has won four of its nine games. overwhelm- to ot second titled to and was hanged 30 min-|perate battle to save 18 mea {utes earlier than had been ex-|trapped deep behind a coal mine pected. The mass had been|fire went into its fourth day to- scheduled for midnight. day. There still was no word whether FIRST REFUSAL .. [the men were alive or had fallen Father Yves, Bordeaux prison iim to the deadly fumes, chaplain, said none of the seven| - mi prisoners killed on the gallows|, Crawlord 1. Wilson, slate n during his five years at the Jail| oe operations, made 32 A I had refused the last mass. inspection of the 'shaft and the ACURA PATIOS yim . ,.i Cote, a native of North Bay, | WASHINGTON (CP)--Canada's wag told Thursday afternoon By ere the tense dramg Hugh L, Keenleyside said today|jail gov. r Lt.-Col. Charles E. : waged 1 that wealthier countries are WOTk- {Gari hat Ji Lol. Citaties de. West Virginia city. {ing on scientific aid to impover-icided not to intervene in the He buoyed hopes at midnight |ished regions "with all the energy hanging, Col. Gernaey said 'he When he said the rescue crews {of a well-stuffed and drowsy took the news as normally as|™ight soon reach an entry lead- python." + (one can expect under the circum- ing to the area where it's believed Keenleyside, the former United! stances." 'the trapped men are holed up. Nations undersecretary, now is Two weeks ago, the House of " chairman of the British Columbia commons adjourned debate on a A Ay PRONE ok nowledged grimly, "We still have Power Commission. wd 5%. presi |private member's bill to abolish nas " reparec resi-| H H H dent of the Lo meniver Society oobial, punishment. Debate. isi, float. problem. * With hat, she {for International 'Development, ras rie \7 veleran official went back to p |Keenleyside criticized aspects Os yonvicrd lost Nov. direct the fight underground. imilitary leadership and the| manager Alexandre Heron | There still were rays of hope, |clergy, saying the Protestant re- : {however. Wilson said the intense |ligion suited Britain's industrial ENTERED WITH WORKER |heat in the tunnel walls was eool- {revolution because "profit had be-| Evidence at the trial was that(ing off somewhat. Also, the {come a form of piety." Cote entered Heron's bank early trapped men had an expert at | At another point he observed in the morning with the bank's|their side. He is William Donald- [that a large proportion of human-'first-arriving employee. son, a safety inspector who hap- jity is still affected by injus-| As Cote held the employee at pened to be with them when the (tice and totalitarian practice gunpoint, Mr. Heron came down fire broke out Tuesday at the |"whether Nazi, Fascist, Commu- from his apartment above the Holden 22 mine of the Island nist or clerical." |bank and--unarmed -- grappled |Creek Coal Company. said | | defence plan adonted a year ago, SKATING STAR MEETS LITTLE FAN Lynda Shephard, 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Shep- Children's Arena Thursday | from the Winter Olympics at night. 'Ton 'was the featured | Squaw Valley, Calif, and the hard of Taunton road east, met | attraction at the annual ice | world championships at Vane Oshawa" ice skating star, Don- | carnival at the arena, giving a | couver. + | ald Jackson, at the Oshawa | performance after his return | ~--QOshawa Times Photo 4