|50--Articles for Sale |S0--Artictes for Sale |50--Articles for Sale BOAT kits, 8 ft. prams, 22 ft. Seliexe, HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, sleep fouf, cruisers. Car top boats 8, 10, ture, heir sell and exchange. Contact parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. 12 ft. Buy now! Special $49 up. Poly. |Com Furniture Store, 19 Prince teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. lorcy boat paints, boat accessories and| Street. A RA 8-131. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser boat hardware. Wanted used outboard vice. RA 8-0591 anytime, | motors, any make, highest prices paid. MARCONI 21-inch console television |---- Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe Just overhauled, picture tube under CLOTHING--girls' and ladies', South. RA 3-22 | guarantee, $125. Girls bicycle, 12 years, [to 13. Several dresses, coats, ete. lor older $15, childs walker $3. RA |New. Will sell cheap. RA 3.2798. carriage, slightly used, | 5.7921 after 6 ask for Stan, Fs enrmiia abeth blue. Apply 13% Simcoe = WANTED -- Ford products only. Models (Eizab South, |9" DE WALT radial saw, with extra {from '49 up. Phone RA 35-6075. Motor ib lades, like new, $235. RA 5.7081. 'City Auto Parts. | THEATRE GUIDE [r= Brock -- "They Came to Cor- dura," 7.00 and 9.25 p.m. Last complete show at 9 p.m. [50--Articles For Sale | $59.50 SMOOTH top mattresses and box | springs now on sale for 3 price, $29.75. |All sizes available. Also Serta, Sealy| land Simmons mattresses at special} prices! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 ind Street South. |47-.Automabiles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale "THR TE EESTONE STORE LIQUIDATION IE ree ates ecerary. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING © scioi T= SALE Clearance of Used Merchandise and (Continued from Page 15) blue, reconditioned motor, four excel-| Floor Samples lent tires. Beady for the road. Only 47--Automobiles For Sale. 47--Automobiles for Sale USED --- 17-inch Motorola Console T.V. $795. Seaway Motors, Whitby, '49 CHEVROLET coach, heater, ------ tom radio, runs like a top, $89. 8-4517. 57 FORD tudor, beautiful tutene brown USED ---- 21-inch Westinghouse Console T.V. USED -- 17-inch Westinghouse Table Model USED --- 17-inch Roger Majestic Console T.V. ... USED -- 8 cu. ft. Admiral Refrigerator USED -- 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator and white, excellent mechanically, ex-| Whitewalls, padded dash, four: vowel Whitby, ___|cellent tives, fully guaranteed. For only NEW -- 1959, 21-inch Hallicrafter T.V. NEW 1960 Philco Stereo Radio Record Player earburetor, dual exhaust, et 5 at § ; % lent condition, 13,000 po i col cuss cusTOM built complete $1195 at Si ay Motors, Whitby | vate. RA 3-3467, with aerial and installation, transistor 55 DODGE cbach, also "55 Hillman I models from $49.95. Terms $5 down |.edan, both in tip-top shape. Apply NEW -- 1952-53-54 Mercury, Ford Custom Radios 1959 MODEL PHILCO DRYERS = USE OUR BUDGET PLAN Hill a re ar PLENTY OF FREE PARKING FIRESTONE STORE RA 8-6891 190 KING ST. E. RA 5-6566 | 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Priday, March 11, 1960 50--Articles for Sale sizes 11 like HUNGRY? We deliver Fish and Chips, Hamburgs. Barb-b-qued Chicken. Tbwn|~ Lunch RA 5-8978 FACTORY HARDWOOD STOVE LENGTH ALSO TRUCK FOR HIRE RA 8-1853 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 cus: MO '88 PONTIAC Parisienne, four doo hardtop, white and gold, V8, Turboglide tiful dark blue finish, power steering, power brakes, radio, condition, $1795. Seaway '59 FORD custom 300 sedan, V-8, beau. top mechanical Motors, 79.00 89.00 59.00 79.00 | 49.00 | 79.00 $159.00 $259.00 $ 39.95 $159.00 car radios, x. Youth Arama Presents Marks -- "Run of the Arrow," 12.30, 3.45, 7.05, 10.25 p.m. "From Earth to the Moon," | 2.00, 5.20, 8.45 p.m. Last com- | plete show at 8.35 p.m. sedan, custon Telephone RA Regent -- Walt Disney's "Toby Tyler" in Technicolor, shown daily at 1.30, 3.40, 5.40, 7.50 and 10 p.m. Last complete show | at 9.30 p.m. Featuring ® Choralettes ® CowPoke McHardy sell, best regular $59.50, Wilson Furniture, half price 20 Church also Tele- "Re- SUR Ad nite 9 DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE - end His Orchestre wel \s fubilee 3) Jubilee KJ o SPECIAL ON © DINNERS © BANQUETS ® LUNCHEONS ® CHINESE FOODS Exotic Oriental and Canadian Dishes THIS FRIDAY NIGHT To Toronto's Favorite Country and Western Group CHUCK FORTUNE with Jimmy and Johnny {THE SHEY BROTHERS) ,¢ PAVILION J 4, OSHAWA +o 1 unysuls '60 PONTIAC Parisienne, 4- door hardtop, loaded with equipment--Spotless in every detail Downtown price $4,100 The Murderer's price only $3,295 radio, directional condition. | Tel Bol finish, radio a omatic, Very bile. Special this week, $1205, Seaway {good mechanical condition. Our low Motors, Whitby. | Whitb this week, $695. Seaway Motors, METEOR two-tone AY , Al conditioner. '53 PONTIAC, four door deluxe, good ), | condition, reasonable. Phone RA 57817. |; (hus ~giuxe sedan, immaculate "53 FORD coach, light green, very good beige finish. with sharp green interior, motor, four excellent tires, Ideal sec- radio, and automatic Excellent lond family car. Our low price, $495. mechanically. Sale price $495. Seaway Seaway Motors, Whitby Motors, Whitby. |'53 VOLKSW , must 1959 BUICK Envicta hardtop, must be {cash offer. RA 5-7189. seen to be appreciated, Phone RA 5- {739 ANGLIA coach, only 6000 miles, 45 5518 after 6 p.m Home of the Used Car miles per gallon. Just like new. Only|'s; CHEV. deluxe sedan, sharp tutone| {$1045 at Seaway Motors, Whitby _|green, radio, automatic, whitewalls, Price Murderer. We have |s; puick: four door hard ton: als Sl iiriniens "sas Seaway Motors "52 Chev. coach. Both cars equipped 3&€, EY » $1595, Seaway } ', slashed all of our Used |and in good condition. For information Whitby. | t . : [call RA 58161 days only 59 CHEV. Belair sedan, automatic Westeraires Car Prices to the Bone for 5% FORD coach, sharp maroon and radio, twotone. Well kept car. Privale Five piece chrome Kitchen set BRE a an a : this once in a season sale. Vigo] Sinish, Sous encellent Sires. ites) ., pm Must. ge ; "r|good condition. Telephone RA 3-3139, | market Ritson South. Open daily to 10 Prizes « D! m, ree parkin ni 1 Never before have prices |oniy $395. Seaway Motors, Whitby es, Ke - fou SUNS, ammunition 2d Bunting FALE DE Sentver ree] i meats, f fruits getables. | CENTRAL Ww wn |'5® BEL AIRE, metallic bronze, 2-door foes, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond 5, V | 4 : been lower. Lowest Down [18 WEL MRE: mee bromeer sw ANDY NAGY'S sons; So aR soon. | : { payments and the best ero -- dena my by Lb BODY SHOP $19.95 TABLE lamps now ong mle for Sledronis of discontinued ticking. Hurry | p hf i : Is a ", col 1 EGIATE ALLSTATE Auto nsurance ave up to c only $5.95 Limited supply arons' | ani uy mow, a smooth top orthopedic | 5 i terms in Town through (2 per cent. Six months 'to pay. For MERCEDES BENZ Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street mattress, ; : personal service at your home ca South 1829.50 D A c. Merit Plon Financ 3-8802 SALES and SERVICE USED parts and repairs for all makes Street. ing. 3 BUICK Century. tudor, hardtop 408 KING ST. W. of wringer type washers, % HP motors gy "x "GOODRICH stores -- tires, bat- fully equipped, completely ,recondition $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned; 0 gelvinat f ed motor. Sharpest car on our lot, $1395 OSHAWA SN Bes Paddy's Market, leriess Kelvinator refrigerator, _ftele- FP ash vision Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543 FREE COFFEE FOR EVERY- 'seaway Motors, Whitby RA 3-7132 Hampton, CO 13-2241, USED tires, most 211 sizes, $3 and hi 7:45 P.M ONE ALL DAY SATURDAY * PONTIAC. fair running condition.) THREE rooms of furniture only $299.|B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4543 99 P.M, new tires and battery, $65. Apply 62 This includes bedroom suite, chester. | ----------------"-- Church Street, Pickering, Side door field and chair, chrome set, mattress,| TYPEWRITER, Smith-Corona, after 430 p.m CASH spring, step and coffee table, boudoir adding machine. Very good buy. ONE WEEK "34 METEOR coach, spotless beige fin- and table lamps, pillows, Ste. 2 down | phone RA 5.9228 sh bsolutely in ne ar condition delivers! *'Guarantees est alue M---------- inhi "Very ir mileage, fully FOR YOUR CAR Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe | guaranteed. Only $595. Seaway Motors, Street South C : SPECIALS Whitby VAN HEUSEN SELLING furniture? We'll buy it 4 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For MOTORS stoves, etc. Far Sr 60 CHEVROLET. Brand new personal service at your home call RA 19 Prince Street. Phone i 5-2801 } fon burner, used just a full new car warranty, fully GAS convers| equipped. Specially bought |' METEOR Niagara, tudor, immacu 149 KING ST Ww few months, cost $250 will sell $50. quip pecial) 4 late. tutone green finish, radio, new |~ ---- |RA 59364 after 6 p.m for this sale. Downtown price slips, completely reconditioned motor ALL band amateur receiver, $3,095. The Murderer's price Don't miss this buy, $845. Seaway SABYAN MOTOR condition. Telephone YU 5:2478 $2,395. Only $195 down and | Way Motors, Whitby tween 9 a.m. and 2 p.m £92.00 per month '51 PLYMOUTH, station wagon, tudor _ This car is in excellent condition. Per SALES LTD a fect for the family. Must sell. Apply . Electrohome, R.C.A. Victor, 1239 Meadowvale Street STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN Admiral, Westinghouse. The |'56 NASH Rambler, fordor station SALES AND SERVICE finest in Hi-Fi od wagon, blue and white, radio, washers, service. excellent mechanically. Very low gas 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH mileage, $1195. Seaway Motors, Whitby OSHAWA, ONT. PARKWAY T.V. '53 PONTIAC sedan, RAndo ph 3-346) signals, good mechanical P 918 SIMCOE NORTH '59 CHEVROLET, Bel Air 2- |Phone RA 8-5808 RA 3-3043 door. Only 7,000 miles -- |'52 BUIC R ANY MAKE ANY MODEL joie ; |green finish, spotless condition, one owner FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT beautiful black and This car $395. Sea- TAKE-OUT ORDERS sedan fully equipped model L COLOR grag A i car. Anywhere else, $2,495 as good as 'any late ot low prices. Cash counts, way Motors, Whitby The Murderer's price $1,995. Only $195. down end $93.00 per month. '87 CHEVROLET, Deluxe 2- door hardtop. New paint job ond spotless from bumper to bumper. Custom radio, white walls and two-tone. Anywhere else $1,795. The Murderer's price only $1,495, '57 VOLKSWAGEN, Deluxe 2 door.' Spotless condition, radio and good tires. Any- where else $1,195. The Mur- derer's price only $995. '59 FORD Fairlane, 4 door Automatic, radio, custom trim, truly e beautiful car. One local owner. Anywhere else $2,695. The Murderers price only $2,395. '57 MONARCH Richelieu Se- dan -- All power equipment, |in and out, jTopomts Avenue. '54 METEOR four-door mainline, clean $495 or best offer. 248 |'56 CHEV. tractor, fully equipped, in [first class condition, both mechanically |and body wise. Four new nylon tires, $1395. Seaway Motors, Whitby phone RA 5-9349 after 5 p.m but will consider $25 down to reliable persons. Before you buy, give Stew a try. RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 | |1958 RILEY 4/68 Sports Saloon. Tele. |48---Automobiles Wanted "money? 1 have cash for the best | "56 to '58 Chev. or Pontiac drive it. RA $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga- tion)--phone RA 5-3709. SHOP NOW push button drive. An im- maculate one owner car Anywhere else $2,195. The Murderer's price $1,795 Only $295. down and $78.00 per month "56 BUICK 2 door Special is fully from A car Hardtop -- This car equipped and spotless bumper to bumper. you will be proud to own Anywhere else $1,695. The Murderer"s price only $1,- 295. Only $195. down and $73.00 per month '60 CORVAIR, Deluxe S Auto radio and less from bumper to r Downtown price $3, 100 The Murderer's price only $2,395 matic PONTIAC Convertible -- dio, and ready Downtown p The Murder's UICK 2 door automatic pow brakes, white walls radi Anywhere else $1,395. The Slasher's price $995. $195 down and $53.00 per m '55 CHEVROLET Tudor Se dan--Excellent tires, gleam ing two-tone paint. Th won't last Anywhere else $1,295 The Murderers price $995. $195 down and only $53.00 per month '50 CHEVROLET, deluxe 4 door sedan. Very Woy condi- tion. Only $99.00 48 CHEVROLET. A car for the year. Only '50 PLYMOUTH, gon, good condition $179.00 Laurentian New top, ra- for the ice. $1, price $1,29 ie c | 55 Special er hardtop -- one spotless $79.00 station wa Only The Murderer also slashed all his prices on new Buccan eer Outboord, Motors and Lawn Cruiser Power Mowers You con now buy a new out- board motor 'for as little as $115.00. Toke advantage of these wholesale prices now ond save yourself many dol- lars Our prices are often imitated but never duplicated THE RIGHT SPOT -- THE BRIGHT SPOT Hilltop Motors RA 8-6891 Between Oshawa and Whitby On Highway Ne. 2 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res 5-5574 FIAT SALES & SERVICE DON ROBINSON ESSO BRUCE AND SIMCOE ST. RA 3-9531 '60 BUICK, two-door hardtop, power steering, brakes, radio, automatic, whitewalls, only 4,000 miles. '59 BUICK 4- door deluxe, all power equip- ped. Only 6,000 miles. '59 PONTIAC, 4-door deluxe, automatic radio heater, 3,000 miles. '58 VAUXHALL 4-door deluxe, like new only $1,395. '58 PONTIAC 4 door d only $1,595 5 BUICK 4-door hardtop, auto matic ower steering, radio, Is, only $1,095 53 PONT! AC, 4-door deluxe $39 For the best deal in town see BERT BLOUIN luxe 25 GRENFELL RA 8-5179 AFTER 6 PM RA 3-7970 Low Down Payment joi |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want/ | cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid [RA 51161 or RA 5-1182 {PLATFORM truck, % to 3 fon. |5-8149 after 4 p.m. | SELLING | your car? I have cash buy- ers. Cars fully insured. Payments too high? 1 can arrange a refinance and lower your payments or advance cash Before vou sell give "Stew" a yell RA 35-5646 | SPOT CASH | PAID FOR | | AND SAVE NO DOWN PAYMENT 36 MONTHS TO PAY 13' moulded Boat, windshield, steering, controls, lights, hardware, 25 h.p. motor, paddles, life jackets and trailer. All new for only '++ 995.00 New 40 h.p. Electric Motors 5 RA 96.95 Good, clean cors. Trade up down. Liens paid off ODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. | | RA 3-942] or Used 60 h.p. Electric Motors Z 99.00 New 60 h.p. Electric | Motors 695.00 | 1 Only -- 16-ft. Moulded HOUSTON GARAGE Ply. Boat, 40 h.p. electric AND SERVICE STATION motor, fully equipped with | BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- trailer. Only 1495.00 | PLETE BRAKE SERVICE | See and Demonstrate the all- new 7% hp. Scott. Only 36-1b. heavy. A fisherman's dream, Only 295.00 FULL LINE 1960 MOTORS ON DISPLAY 3.6 to 60 HP OUR LAYAWAY PLAN MOTOR TUNE-UP GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 50--Articles for Sale GAS stove, Moffat, Phone RA 35-5235. PAINT, interior, All colors Guaranteed, Oshawa Hardware and Church §treet. RA 3.7624 BARGAINS $99: washing AND in good condition USE AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY. AT AJAX Ph. 1266 TV SPECIAL BARGAINS exterior, $2.95 gallon flat Sloss, Electric, Full freezer 'Irig., machine, $25: vacuum transistor radio, $19.95; steam iron, $6: sewing | continental beds (com-| plete), special price on smooth tops, lowest price ever, 39" - 54", only $49.50, new; 2-piece bed chesterfields land $79.50, new: bookcases or cabinets, new, only $19.95 new, $39.95 and $49.9 and s: rings, $9; 7-piece dining room set, only $59; step-up tables, new, $8.95 More bargains at our two locations, | Community Furniture Store, rd and 24 $69 and | china On The Spot Financing Prince: Street. Phone RA 8-11 Immediate Delivery 57 CHEV. 4-dr ped, one down FORD 4.dr two-tone, $365 down FORD Cust y clean fully equip owner. Only '57 Fairlaine, Only ke new dow CHEV. Del whitewg $395 dow 5 CHEV. De family car down FORD Fairlaine tone, whitewalls $185 down METEOR Customline 4.dr. A beauty. Only $145 down PONTIAC portation FORD 4-dr good tires Only 53 '49 good trans- Only $125. New motor, $115 "46 Al cars purchased by March 12, 1960 -- New Licence Plotes PLUS a Full Tank of Gos will be issued -- FREE OF CHARGE "FOR A BETTER BUY GIVE ED OR KEN A TRY" WELLMAN MOTORS Your Authorized Rombler - Hillman Dealer Since 1950 NONQUON RD RA 5-7981 OPEN TILL 10 P.M. Ss D tires F. Goodrich Stores. 800 GAL. watertank sale, including truck STOVE, McClary, in very, tion. RA 8-1800 or RA 5 BOATS most all sizes, $3 and up RA 5.4543 and business | Pickering pig | Jood condi- | Al USED TELEVISIONS We have 2 sets picture tubes, 1 ranty. TRY AND BEAT THIS 30 ft. tower 10 ft. mast. All welded tubular, no guy wires needed. Channel an- tenna installed $69.50 All channel $34 up We olso sell Hi-Fi and Radio SPECIAL DISCOUNT with new year war- motors and trailers, new and used. Complete selection. We finance| our own accounts. Terms to suit vour| budget See Dominion Tire Store, Church and Bond SUN lamps for rent, $2 per week: TV sets fo rent, $7 per week, Meacher's, 5 King Street West. RA 3.3425 ARE YOU GOING TO THE SPORTSMAN SHOW? Look for our display MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN ONTARIO OL 5-3641 JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung! windows only $18 roof installed Phillips TV AND AERIAL For fast dependable service or further information CALL HARRY LOCKE | Oshawa RA 8-8961 Coll now Lymer Aluminum Co | RA 8.5385 WITH PURCHASE OF TV | Bowmanville MA 3-2312 RED BAR ADMISSION $1.00 Oshawa's Favorite Fun Spot COMING APRIL 8--RAMBLIN' LOU ames ROBERT STACK - MARISA PAVAN CHARLES COBURN - ERIN O'BRIEN wen ven MACDONALD CAREY JEAN PIERRE AUMONT-DAVID FARRAR PETER CUSHING SUSANA CANALES wove somes BETTE DAVIS ccm oe --ADDED THRILLS-- -- LAST DAY: -- "GIRL in the KREMLIN" Plus "THIS IS RUSSIA" OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 19 KING ST. W. By Popular Request THE WOODCOCK TRIO WILL BE PLAYING FOR DANCING TO- NIGHT | DOORS OPEN 9:00 A.M. CONTINUOUS from 9:30 A.M. 9TO01 YWCA. » 2 P.M. 9 CENTRE STREET WATCH THIS SPACE FOR NEWS OF SPECIAL DANCE Friday, March 18 OSHAWA As "Let's Make It A Date" TO COME TO THE GET 8:30 TO 11:30 THIS SATURDAY cHuoREN ANYTIME SAT _ 2 A WAT DISNEY Cowon CARTON FOARETE CORCORAN 205. GOLIATH II Ge 2 2 2 20 2 2b 20 24 2 2 26 226) Z Gi. sow. 950 I= ACHARD. - -- EASTHAM - Mister STUBES TECHNICOLOR" Continuous SATURDAY FROM 9:30 A.M. Mightiest Motion Picture Ever Created ! EDWARD SMALL rms Pah GINA LOLLOBRIGID TECHNICOLOR® Ne w FEATURE SHOWN AT 1:45 -- 4:20 6:50 -- 9:25 Adult Entertainment WILSON & LEE LIMITED ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE VIOLA CELLO Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of ap accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ; RA 5-4706 Am MUSIC STUDICS | 8 Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments A GOURMET'S DELIGHT ! specialize in Chinese Food. DIAL RA 3-9422 for take-out orders Dine at the RESTAURANT 14Y; King St. East (Upstairs) OSHAWA, ONTARIO MASTER CHEF Pravaring tine food is truly an art, appreciated by connoisseurs . Our sumptuous cuisine invites your approval. Come, taste, enjoy! Chef's Specials Select from a complete menu, lighted by savory surprises. HOME DELIVERY FREE for orders over $5.00 in City Limits WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY FAMILY DINNERS high-