The Oshawa Times, 10 Mar 1960, p. 10

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woman, when choosing a perma- other girls in chic, imaginative nernit partner--that is, if they can style. Can you bake a cherry pié? find that type in attractive for-/Or other goodies? Distribute mat. {samples Among 2 eligibles. Find a perfume that suits you REVEALING. WORTH and wear it always; and don't But, of course it isn't the ster-ithink he won't ask the name. ling worth of the lady thay en-\wear a "signature" item: a snares a man's interest in the flower or piece of jewelry, as a fist ae of akg notice. | conversation piece, with thescon- cards at first, in your Sh Ye ation aot you, hunt. Rather, your nice slim fig-| Make your home comfortable gre, seis bd humor, not bad}for male callers with a man-size s and affectionate nature are|chgir and large ash trays. Once assets to emphasize with tact and|, i taste in making friends with/'® 2 while, ask him-to, dinner, suitable males. but skip the candles and soft A well-known business house music; good soup, good home- recently Jublished a list of point-\made pasiry and really good ers on "how to trap a chap,"|coffee are more persuasive, Ask condensed from several thousand hi dvice 1h ti to ti answers to a searching question- is advice, Irom, time lo fume, naire. Always laugh at his jokes. Tell ; : him he's handsome, even if he six, I had to play the mother's hardly find them kind no more." 1 shal recapipulate the pointers. j role. So you have something of the rie y, though I can't say I en-™ : I worked at an office job, used special charm of a rose, in the| orse them all. To sight the Now, to land him: 'Arrange to my salary for household ex-|midst of orchids and other such 9UArTy, we are told: Buy or bor- double-date with a happily mar- penses and did most of the|shriller flowers. {row a dog and walk it; many ajried couple occasionally. Convey housework. In short, 1 gave the| 1 1d that because of \Fnance has been launched by a|the impression that you find him best years of my life to my fam- wou say, ™ rd * friendly bark. Become a Sunday |irresistible and indispensable as ily. Now they are all married, gf iy ve Jou i age painter and set up your easel in/few men can resist such de- in comfortable circumstances in|iyre) Joung Boi Foe Tl the park. Take up. tennis. Take votion. Don't discuss former boy Europe, except one brother now ik a chences. of spare-time study courses that friends or lost loves; but encour- in this eountry, y ackground, you ' are likely to attract men; put off/age him to talk of his old girl " winning a worthwhile husband|the cooking class until you are|friends; maybe you can learn HAS NICE FIGURE are excellent, still. engaged. Let family and friends|from their mistakes. Good luck. | I have no regrets for these] Your competent character know Jou are looking, and don't M.H. "lost" years. If my family has|willing homemaker talents, shar- turn down any invitations. forgotten my good deeds, God ing disposition and lifetime prac-| . Mary Haworth counsels (has rewarded me in many ways. tice in considering the needs of| CANNY SUGGESTIONS through her column, not by mail I have a nice job, many good others ahead of your own, are| For bringing him closer: Dress|or personal interview. Write to) friends, my own apartment and,|appealing qualities, bound to|just a little differently from the'her in care of this newspaper. above all, good health; so I count/make you a comfortable person . ' : my blessings. But as I live alone, |to be around, And most men go I get 50 lonely. : for the self-reliant and restful OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P.M. and roof, glazed tiles on a brought complaints dents, TAKE NO CHANCES SWANSEA, Wales (CP) -- To avoid risks of injuries, all school soccer matches were during examinations here. . UNWANTED BABIES RAMSGATE, England (CP)-- At a cost of £6,000 the Variety Club of Great Britain is to buy, furnish and equip a home for unwanted babies in this Kent re- sort, | green which resie 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 10, 1960 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Spinster, Aged 43, Seeks Advice On Finding A Suitable Husband Dear Mary Haworth: What % prospects, do you think, has an old maid, 43, of finding a suit- able husbana: I have been really in love only once, and lost him to another woman. This hurt so {/much that I have kept men out dof my life. 4 I am a European, and came o this couniry three years ago. | Before that, I was at home in the %/0ld country with my brothers and {| sisters. Our parents died when _ilwe were very young, and as I # was the eldest girl in a family of NEWS BRIEFS NELL'S SPOT LONDON (CP) -- A public house whére Charles II used to meet Nell Gwyn, in the Battersea district, is to be preserved while many of the surrounding build- ings are being demolished. TOO COLORFUL WALTON, England (CP)-- Council of this Surrey commun- ity warned an architect not to build another rainbow roof, Irked by the monotony of roof tiles he CRACK ...crackling crisp, featherlight and flakier because they're "AQUAFLAKED" © baking process exclusive to. . . (eslonis CRACKERS & SALTINES I am not bad to look at; have a nice slim figure and have kept my sense of humor, Also I have an affectionate nature; and at heart am a homebody person. I will appreciate any advice you may give. My most grateful thanks in anticipation, P.F. OUTLOOK IS GOOD Dear P.F.: Yours is an old fashioned query, which marks you an old fashioned girl. And in the world of today (to use the George Gobel phrase) "you can't 'WE'RE HAVING A TEA..... Sandwiches And Little Cakes | THE STARS SAY To Serve At The Next Group Tea |-----rmmem Frost with buiter icing. Roll in| Mhjaiiiig siugnces recall coconut or chopped nuts | ' Persona RL 8g tual matters 3 Sharing the better launch a new season, almost be-| RUTTER CRUNCH SQUARES |aspects. In latter connection, fore the old one ends. Savor v| (Makes 3 Dozen) [you should enjoy interesting dis- little sandwiches (spread gener-| % cup butter cussions, lectures and other stim- ously with butter and assorted| % cup brown sugar ulating cultural activities. fillings) and butter-rich cakes/1 cup sifted all-purpose flour Where finances are concerned, and cookies are the order of thg| 2 teaspoon cinnamon sidestep optimism, unrealistic|y oir ohild will leave a elean|bim. od day. Pictured above are small? egg yolks es Sood common sense plate on finishing his meal. But| Provided all older members of doughnut-shaped sandwiches, fill-| MERINGUE TOPPING an nowledge gained from| there are many tragic scenes in|the family eat some of every food | ed with froited cream cheese,, on . ro experiences. aiming at this objective. {served, it may not be difficult for | CHILD GUIDANCE A Clean-Plate Rule May Not Always Be The Wisest By G. CLEVELAND MYERS serving himself too much food| Rightly, many parents hope|you might well warn or even curb| "Come For Tea" is an oft-| teard phrase in the spring when group teas and home-style teas RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA REG. PRICE 8.95 EACH! COMPLETE WITH SHADES and little rolled sandwiches, F THD. A child may linger at the table|the child to eat a very small por-| sporting processed cheese and). ,, Sup white sugar OR THE BIRTHDAY half an hour or more after the|tion of each food, even if no i Hiv. On th ke plate| J4 teaspoon cinnamon If tomorrow is your birthday, lh th be | asparazus Hips. On je 5 Daal 12 cup chopped walnuts {your horoscope indicates excel- Test of the family have left akan an a soup bean. are tiny jelly roll eakes a Blend butter and brown sugar|/lent job and financial prospects until he finishes the food on his|PON'T FORCE FOOD | ter crunch squares. well. Sift together flour and gar this year. But do not let opti-|Plate. Forced into this pattern he| The older child's dawdling over | Cheese and Asparagus Roll-Ups/namon and add to butter mix-/mism on this score lead you into{may sometimes wash down each|food usually began in much ear-| (Makes 16 Sandwiches) [ture. Stir in egg yolks and blend extravagance or unsound specu-/morsel of food with milk orflier years, Wiel hg May Bave softened processed | Well: Press mixture: into a 9 x 9/lation, especially during the first| water. Sometimes he may gag or| Deen spooned Into him against : Sunces Process linch pan. Bake in a moderate Weeks of October and November. even vomit. puis strong res Be Wa el es oven (350 degrees F.) 25 min| Domestic and property matters 35 not. lo orce 3 young tablespoon cream lutes h REPEAL RULE |child or to command him to eat * Dash dry mustard ar Yogi ~ BA ey Ere Yor iouatly a | | Canned asparagus spears |whites ' until os Grad S28) asp mb rng 4A, a a it is far better for parents to an-| There are a few good ways for| Thinly sliced sandwich bread i y. Uradually December, and creative ideas ,,ynce to the child that the clean cultivating a youngster's appe-| Buttes add white sugar and cinnamon; could prove highly profitable ininiate rule has been repealed ite 1 disiked foods: | : u et a joist. until stiff. Spread avef December. Guard health a Rr rouble org mr he hed Joos: 0 soften eese, in/ba ayer; sprinkle with chop-|avoid nervous tension late : 5 | | eream and dry mustard. Trim ped nuts. Return to oven and June and, toward the end of De- is thay he hi ¢ a ns plate muuch) foods he prefers. Letting him feed uss om breed Bices, Lnicter jcontivug baking 2 to 25 minutes cember, look for mew opportun- especially of certain foods 3 |imtel is say a £5. 5am, sven spr Ww cheese ing. lor until golden brown. Cut into|ities to increase your prestige. o 4 -| Place asparagus spear diagonally|i% inch squares while warm. A child born on this day wil strongly dislikes. : Placing before him only one food | across bread; fold opp cor-| - Ibe highly idealistic and endowed A good way to solve this prob-|at a time and a very small por- ners across centre. Secure with S Twith tine literary ability. lem is to_put less food on his/tion of it. tudents Decree | DECORATOR SMART 3-PIECE TABLE SET TWO END TABLES, COP. FEE TABLE to the set. In some of these extreme cases anything. | blend in BOUDOIR LAMPS FAMED TRAVELLER toothpicks. plate or let him serve himself.| (My bulletins, Eating Problems If he serves himself he can take(I and II, may be had by sending FRUITED CREAM CHEESE | Neat Appe arance | OTTAWA (CP) Sloppily- SANDWICH FILLING |dressed students are getting the (Makes approximately 1 cup) § (4 ounce) package cream social squeeze here in a city-wide spruce-up campaign ordered cheese students themselves. tablespoon milk tablespoons chopped glace A dress-up week sponsored by the Central Students Council fruit (cherries, pineapple, {brought pressure against untidy etc.) tablespoon ehopped Waluuls \iress generally and against blue Dash salt jeans, jet boots and black leather Isabella Bishop traveller and writer who died in 1904, was the first woman made a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. they would for an office job----but spike heels were taboo. 'We are not attemping any- has a strong aversion to a cer-|three, taln food, it may be well to let|/nap? him take none of it, for some| days at least. Or, if you see him |terrupts. as little of each food as hea self-addressed, U.S newspaper.) PARENTS' QUESTIONS In some instances, as when he! Q. How long shold our stamped | chooses, so long as the portion is envelope to me in care of this visible, | OTHER WAYS - child, A. Until school attendance in-| thing like class distinction," said Sturdy wood with heat-resistant construction plastic lominated tops. Your choice of two ottractive finishes: Tanned Oak, Walnut. A grond Zeler-"'Buy" | 3.98 You save 5.93 when you select two of these lovely Table Lamps of ceramic or wood-and-brass, com- plete with washable shades. About 28 ins. high. Great variety, for Spring-right home decors. ATTRACTIVE LAMPS. MOD- ERN AND NOVELTY DE- SIGNS. Complete with wash- able shades. Smart decorator colors. A great variety to choose from, Zeller's Thrift- Price, Rob Ivason, council president. He sald the boots were more expen- sive than ordinary shoes, and White bread [Jackets specifically. anyone could afford a tie. Butter Girls were asked to dress as Allow cheese to soften at room| - Semperature; eream with one) tablespoon milk. Blend in ehop-|| ped fruits, nuts and salt. For sach sandwich eut two small| eircles of bread -- one with af doughnut hole. Butter each bread ||} eircle generously, spread each||ji large circle with filling; cover |}i with second eircle which has hole (fi fn centre. JELLY ROLE CAKES Cut a baker's er homemade nge or angel food cake into | inch slices. Cut slices in strips || epproximately 3 inches by 1% || inches. Spread each strip with | gaspberry jam or cranberry Jelly. Roll up into tiny jelly rolls. | BELOVED CLASSIC By ANNE ADAMS | Crisp, casual, easy-sew! Look ih forward fo a bright spring in this shirtwaist step-in with a color-| bound collar, easy skirt, patch || pockets. Sleeveless, short, or % J} sleeves, | Printed Pattern 4969: M 'sses' | Bizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20; 4. Size |} 16 takes 4% yards 35-inch. | Printed directions on each pat- | tern part, Easier, accurate. f Send FIFTY CENTS (5c) ini coins (stamps cannot be a-cept- || ed) for this pattern. Please »rint plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, | STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, eare of The Oshawa Times, Pal- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. . so < 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Lassie interprets the beloved Chesterfield. New as Spring, all dressed up with touches of braid to lead the Easter parade. How neatly it praises your figure in rich wool flannel. In grey or choice of colors in sizes Choose Yours Now Layaway for Easter RA 53-1912 | OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 PM Blacks 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Choose Yours Now Layaway for Easter i 4 y= \& wr Spring harmony b SPORTEMPOS Weve swiped the shirt right off Mr. Man's back and given it a lady-like polish with multi-stripe cotton knit, neatly belted in leather . stemmed by a slim harmonizing skirt. look so much like wool, you could start wearing them right now. Mint green and beige or wheat and grey stroked with white, Both styled by SPFPORTEMPOS Blacks 72 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5-19 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING TILL 9 P.M LADIES WEAR LTD | 12 'CURTAIN SPECIAL PAIR PAIR SPRING-WHITE "DACRON" --Wonderfully easy - care ! 60 by 63 ond 60 by 81 in- ches per panel. Reg. Price $2.49 ond $2.98! This win- dow "Dress-Up" Special is priced to Save you up to 24%! SPECIAL! WINDOW LENGTH DRAPES 4.27 Big 5.98 Value! You Save 1.71! WINDOW LENGTH! -- Choose your "easy-draw" Drapes now . . . and let in a world of Spring Sunshine! Refreshing, sunny prints to enhance modern or tra- ditional decors. Pinch-pleat styles of lined Sailcloth. Complete with pin-on Big Money-Savers! BIG VALUES! PLASTICS! Lightweight, unbreakable Plastic "Kitchen Aids" are a delight to the Homemaker . . . they're so easy to handle and to keep clean. Choose now! 98¢ and 1.98 values! "STACK-O-WAY" Ls 89° 1.51 ® 11.QT. PAIL! SQUARE DISHPAN! CUTLERY TRAY! Buy a motched set in red, yellow, turquoise, Savings-Priced, Only, each n 4.PC. MIX-BOWL SET---Hondy sizes in kitchen right colors, Savings-Priced. Only, set LAUNDRY BASKET -- 17% by 23 by 10)2 ins yellow, turquoise. Reg. 1.98. Sovings-Priced. Only a SPECIAL FOR OUTDOORS COMFORT 1.01 SAVINGS! FOLDING TYPE! -- Reg. 5.98! Sturdy tubuiar-steel frame, fin- "Topaz Copper". and back of "Sunfast', "Vinyl- garden - fresh ished in &-Nylon", in prints. Lightweight! able! Just right for patio, lawn and country cottage. Hurry for this exceptional "Buy". "DELUXE" LAUNDRY HAMPER 0.98 12 BY 21 BY 20 INS. -- Ena- melled in decorate, colors, with lovely floral decors. Fully ven- tilated. Attractive! Sturdy! Zelier-Value! Seat Comfort 4° "LAY-AWAY" PLAN A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE USE OUR CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN 2) SIMCOE ST. § PHONE RA 3-2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE 226 STEVENSON RD. S. PHONE RA 3.2209

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