i adh E00 J in dh S00 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, March. 1, 1960 17 . -- | { WHY GO ON "gar {J ELEVEN TIMES AH HASGONE Jig 4 7| | ZIM NOT QUITE SURE... a U S G | WiF THiS BORN INTO WOLF VALLEY, WIF SOME T mary) | Tie race: : UD. roup ER Bids For WE HAS COME OUTY HIM NEARY Pilot Pools EXSTINK, BUT ME SAFE AS TORONTO (CP) -- A United ALARK « States group, the International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots, is. making a bid to gain control of the 'marine pilot. age pools to be set up by the St. . Lawrence Seaway system. Captain Norman S. Johnston of Port Dalhousie has been appoint- oa) ed Cdnadian representative and JULIET JONES ing Features Syndicate, Ine, World rights rese SNOWMAN, IF T EVER business manager of the U.S. SAW ONEN group, and it is expected that Fy most of the pilots now working . the Welland Canal, Detroit and St. Clair Rivers will go with him into the U.S. union. Captain' Rolla Johnston, vice- president of the U.S. union, in an interview from Cleveland, said the newly - appointed Canadian will have full jurisdiction for all of Canada, He said legislation now before a US. committee would create pilotage pools and added it is only fair that eventually these would be 50 per cent U.S. pilots, This would pull the Canadian | i mr ---- v THAT DOES 77 I) ml |pilots out of government employ- WEL RECN S50. ; DIGGS EXPOSES HIMSELF TO »/6GS, {ment, he said.' Members of the U.S. union working on U.S. ships |get higher rates of pay than {Canadia pilots. A ship's master | DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER in the U.S. gets $2,365 a month. A first mate gets $1,700. Captain Johnston said an effort would be made to keep costs on the seaway and the lakes at a minimum. Once established, the union would probably aim for an initial rate of about $50 a day for pilots. The union is willing to become affiliated with the Canadian La- bor Congress to further its Cana- {dian operation, said the captain. THE LONE RANGER IT WAS DAGWOOD OR ; STRANGE, I I CAN ONLY GO VAS ,ii 3 storage shed in 2 corer of the CPR F ight T - YOU EVER BRING So) { VCH | The hog Te BIE ME 7 + AM EEMPATIENT HAVEN'T HEARD "JA ALONG WITH MY PART &§ Steel ropert relg rain | ay TORTUS! . BLS Jor | o CSW 2 \e, Rua) WAIT HERE , TORTU 4 f . oN T0 MAKE DEAL! FROM JOE! IM OF THE PLAN AND HOPE " y AY : TLL TELL THE BOSS [[ SURE HE MUST'VE yo THAT JOE 16 STANDING fr: . : 3 3 0 | eh: > Bis zo4- | SRE OTe) | eis ere y i on pet 7 \ Derailed in Quebec 1 2 rc i 3 i BILLS-BILLS! THATS ALL B "rh PA 1 DONT KNOW WHETHER CTE = But, i 2 | TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP) Twenty-nine cars of a CPR freight were derailed early today at nearby Pointe du Lac, some 75 miles east of Montreal. No one was injured, but most of the cars were demolished as they roared off the tracks on a curve on thé main line between Montreal and Quebec City. Three. diesel engines were haul- ing the 81-car train when the first 29 cars spilled off, ripping up the {rails under them.' The cars car- J ; ried agricultgral machinery, veg- etables and animals. Two of the engines also left the Ens | racks. A TT -- aU -------- | The wreck occurred at about At The . . SECRET AGENT X 9 2:30 am. and CPR crews esti- 'mated it will take at least a day |are expected to run 2% fo three {outs later, . . hd : to put the line back in operation. . - | CPR said 'passenger services to .every- ar Priced Over S30 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS Lm. | 55 {MY LAND, I'LL BET YOU'VE HAD NO,NO// NOTHIN® |= I RAISED TH' PRICE ON ! R A'S FAVORITE | 4 MR, GREEN / TROLIGLE WITH ROBBERS (ELE SERS * SRANDM Si f SALLY'S SALLIES V, = Ay ay | W p BUZ SAWYER youp ge GET fot hi keep Lis OUT THERE AND ME NEW MEN QUIETE! HAPPENED TO MAKE A CHECK, WITH YoL 1 THEY MIGHT PANIC] DR Ee Aon he ALLEN AND BRICK! RICK D OUT SOME-4 EXTRA PANEL THA WELLS) 3 __~\ THING HAS HAPPENED WAS IN THE COUPIRT rr ; ATTN TO ALLEN AND WELSH RL VENT 16 GONE, TOO. 2 HE SAID F TWANTED MEAN YOU "DIDN'T AFGHT I COULD pd EXACTLY THREATEN TO KILL STAN ARKO P MILLWORK'S =X (BE ABs S Pi alll a fr Zod | REALLY GOT Dr '. : Fo ' : RG I yr NA Nb ia \ W912 | SOMETHING A 1 i ASA PRACTICING NURSE, MAY T J YOURE RIGHT, Als SUGGEST WE GET ANNIE ANO. MARTA HOME ~BRING vp THE COME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BEFORE WE PRISONERS ~1 ETS OUT AND LOOK AROUND Millwork & Building Supplies ( LTD. 2, Ni : "LE APARY to -- \ : 1279 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-6291 7 2 AIAN al 6, a Cr, Ne 8 BRICK BRADFORD JANE ARDEN | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY : wid. w MASTER FEEDS 1/7 i : HERE COMES MR. BORE! \\/ EA 3 OSHAWA BRAS sae q . Fl 7 = MA I Uf ae : - YOUR ONE STOP 0 4 = PE aE | Bindi ih 1 : : CENTRE S101 | EI R { 3 Pf FRR BCL ~=FOR-- LLL ii FIVE ROSES FLOUR ROBIN HOOD FLOUR BULK CEREALS : \ WHEAT GERM FREE OF THE PADDLEWHEEL. OM! es NE [© = WATER SOFTENER SALT i Lo .-. ICE SALT ROY! RABBIT PELLETS HAMPSTER FEED WILD BIRD FEED SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD FEEDERS DOG FOOD AND PET : SUPPLIES ianey Productions i Distributed hy King Features Syadica '54 CHURCH ST. "C'mon, Toots~decoy wel" | Dial RA 3-2229 Free Customer Parking MICKEY MOUSE : of 12/007 MARK! WHY \J YEAH, T GUESS YOURE RIGHT, 5% <<] SHOULD I TURN THIEF SIS. EITHER CAPTAIN DANGERFIELD COME CLEAN, SUE. ) JUST TO MAKE YOU GO HAS THE JEWELS ...0R DID YOU TAKE 7 ang = THE JEWELS FROM THE SHIP'S SAFE TO KEEP 2 \ meer EZ mi ROY ROGERS