The Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1960, p. 2

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: = OSHAWA TIMES, a 2 1960 : yy egies Death Penalty Debate | 3 " | Sak 7 : | « WINDSOR (CP) --A call for oes 7 curbs on importation of cars and 2 % automotive parts was included in is a revort on the Canadian auto in- By DON HANRIGHT land one undecided. A Mennonitej Mr. Campbell contended that if ¢ a dustry made public Thursday. Canadian Press Staff Writer [supported the move, and the only|a person has due regard for the : E | The report, made by Murray OTTAWA (CP)--The Commons Jewish speaker was undecided. sanctity of human life and is not| 3 Elder, Windsor industrial 'com- Thursday night wound up a sec- Some MPs do not list their re-{to outrage the sensitivity of so-| 1 missioner was requested by the ond day of inconclusive, soul-|ligion in the official parliament-|ciety, the only alternative to ex- 3 {mayors of Windsor, Oakville and searching debate on abolition of ary guide. ecution of murderers is life im- | ' St. Catharines at a recent meet- the death penalty for murder-- Regionally, there was no trend |Prisonment--with no reprieve. | ing in Toronto. The mayors plan then postponed the moment of de- except for the Quebec members.| But he favored the death pen-| ; / to meet to consider the report. cision. ; Eight Ontario members were|alty. He suggested the money : The report asks for more real- . With more than a score of MPSieyenly divided in their argu-|saved by executing the murderer, | istic valuation procedures on auto still waiting to speak, the House ments. |rather than keeping him in prison | industry imports and calls for agreed to another day's debate on| Eleven of the 14 lawyers who/for life, be turned over to the! measures designed to increase a date to be chosen by the party|have spoken so far have opposed next-of-kin of the murder victim. | : Canadian content in domestic leaders. th measure, cars, { Chances appear slim for ap- [FAMED PROSECUTOR ; Sars. However, higher Wile as proval of the private member's wha, EXTEND DEBATE % mong the be oppolients was | - ill seeking abolition, sponsored, So far no cabinet minister has Noe! orion --Bellechasse), on Frank McGee (PC ab York-!entered the debate. Prime Minis-|55, the crown prosecutor -in two MEDICAL DIRECTOR STEADY GAIN Scarborough). ter Diefenbaker spoke on the of Canada's most celebrated mur-| Dr. lan W. Davidson, BA, | VANCOUVER (CP) -- Popula- In the House Thursdhy an inJmatter Thursvay. but only to say (ak le. ed Wills MD, FRCS, FACS, FICS, whose tion of Greater Vancouver in- creasing number of members/the government wou agree to r. Dorion prosecute ert| i : adic HEC | rroate aid they either prefer the Crim- extending the debate by a spe-|Coffin, 44, who was hanged Feb. | ps Bude Ti She jcreased by an average of 50 per inal Code's present mandatory|cial order of the House. 10, 1956, for the murder of one| tor-administrator of the Ontario [FRE T6 gaan death sentence, or favor some| Speaking in the question period|0f three American bear hunters| Crippled Children's Centre, To- | ___ -- form of partial abolition without preceding the debate, the prime| found dead in the Gaspe bush.| ronto, and as medical director | {going all the way. minister said the abolition issue|He also prosecuted J. Albert) or ype Ontario Society for Crip- | The day's tally showed 13 has engendered more public in-|Guay, Quebec jeweller convicted| \ = 0 0 "po 0 |speakers opposing and three sup-|terest than any other question March 14, 1950, of murdering his plat 1.5 Oren, 435 (NOER me COUGHS porting the McGee bill, Onelduring 'his 20 years in Parlia-|Wife by placing a bomb on al nounced by John David Eaton, speaker was undecided. mént. It was the type of debate Plane. "Guay was hanged. Mr.| chairman of the board of trus-- SPEEDY The count for days of de-|that "transcends ordinary .con- Dorion also prosecuted Mrs.| tees, and W. R. Carter, presi- | RELIEF Colds bate: 20 speakers against the bill, siderations and touches the con-|Arthur Pitre and Genereux Ruest| dent, Ontario Society for Crip- 12 in favor, two undecided. science of individual members," fOr their parts in the Juay case.| pled Children. Should you contract a cold, be it : : y nged. ---- [MAJORITY AGAINST The truth of this was evident! 'peony goward (CCF--Skeena), eae, retunt 1 gue Yo t > Ansar mifrnlane a] Robert's Syrup Pleasant to lthough this pattern could in the house attendance. Approx-isy vear. y sal I a A hough li pa a imately 200 of the 264 members| T-Year old B.C. logger, said the take Your nearest dealer hasit suddenly in the ro heir seats Thursday and: COUrts have made errors in the GOOD FOOD ument, it appeared that|Were in their seats Thursday andi ,ac Coffin was hanged despite s are not pre- Public galleries were jammed. "grave doubts as to his guilt." BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH pared io vote for the bill--if it| Those who got in heard some| Yvon Dupuis (1, '-- 8 AN Comes to a vote. of Parliament's finest back-bench Ther oe is St. Jean 12 to 2 P.M, : apierville) called for a More to their liking, appar- oratory in years. MPs who nor- CoE Wi plebiscite on the is- HOTEL LANCASTER ently, is another private mem-|maly leave the political argu- sue "Let the voice of the people « ea i 5 ber's bill f down on the Com-/ments to their party's big guns be heard." he said. iam 3 ig J 7 BL a oy 2 mons order er--the proposal|grabbed eagerly at the chance to : Sa iE a " Bh Ba |by John Dry » (PC rnaby-|air their own non-partisan and COWS GRAZE PLACIDLY IN NUCLEAR POWER ST |Richmond) to eliminate capital|original views on capital punish- punishment for crimes of passion|ment, but retain it for such crimes as y , |murd f a policeman or prison FORCEFUL SPEECH * } J YOU NEVER HAD IT SO GOOD . J a eaay murders| One of the most forceful speak. | our net wbour 1wod 1 C } in the course of theft or robbery | SF was Grant Campbell (PC--| or those involving firearms or ex-| Stormont), 37-year-old lawyer. He 3 ¥ {likened the cause for abolition to plosives. Th l uble Lake Licence I Except for this expressed pref- the old one for prohibition--only ® John SO . . , erence by many of the McGee|d vociferous minority campaign. ---- I Off bill's opponents, only one definite| N88 for the change. ' D EALE R ° * or ICers trend became apparent--Quebec| : ry x MPs are mostly against it. MS seygim cn f Li vin ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Pilots| "e¢ 13 Quebec members speak-| bd od hd in the Port Weller-Sarnia area ing so far, only one, Martial 2 Invi S You to 118 {have protested to Transport Min-|Asselin (PC -- Charlevoix), has| your neighbourhood yashing |ow. : J er Hees agains f a -| 8 bill, Ten have y NALD WILLIAMS |erator and one in four a washing/own homes. One-third of the ister Hees against a federal gov supported the bill, LEAD (Reuters) -- Britons! machine. houses, about 5,000,000, are either lernment proposal to license offi- spoken against it. Two are un- ® Johnson ALL- FAMI LY entered the 1960s with a year of| Sales of TV sets are also leap- privately owned or being bought. cers of foreign ships as pilots in|decided. i speri i i ad f 195 / the sn stretches of the Great, There has been no other politi- increased prosperity behind them ing. At the end of 1959 two out VIN he open s and hope that the decade ahead of three families had their own MORE CREDIT BUYING Al ye d tt ot Lakes. cal, religious or occupational i i yi . sets. 10,000,000 TV licences had| A lot of the good things are be-i po, is week Uni Sta solidarity on the issue. 4 wil ing HIGH Vel grogter fe Has Sh and for the first time|ing obtained on credit. The gov- ler this Ves Viied States ; --- vans. Minister Macmillan's leading firms were looking to a ernment, in a bid to stimulate in- prot bY Waskin ZTon i CROSS PARTY LINES The eS ern is On fate where their main -job| dustrial development, cut interest ™ = Si The party breakdown after both ; Conservative government is con-| : ; rat on 1 nd eased restric-| Capt. Norman S. Johnston, rep- days' debate: Progressive Con- i it ¢ louble the nation's|would be replacement of old sets. ales on joans a D days' debate: 0g fident it can tGoube the Natio : : More than resenting pilots in the Port for and 12 YE pd Ther, o arlv. 5 +.|tions on !'borrowing. servatives, seven art y , Its| There are nearly 5,000,000 pri- 3 vi i Labial ad serv : i standard of vig by 37, Us) is on the roads--one in|£800,000,000 is owed under in- Weller - Sarnia area, sald they! against; Liberals, two for, eight = Ran - g00d," and Britons, |three families owns one--and the stalment-plan buying. have asked that only qualified against and two undecided; CCF,| harking back to the bad old days number is increasing by about| Britain's strong position is also Canadian or American Slizens bel three for the bill. of pre-war unemplovment and 500,000 a year. The two-car fam- reflected in overseas trade. Ex- On call as pilots aboard ships ob . zjthough religious and moral post - war austerity, generally|ily is a new development. ports were higher in 1959 than ina 24-hour basis. : {contentions have played a big seemed to agree. | But the motoring boom has 1958 and for the first time since| "All one has to do is to look part in the debate, there has In lagt October's general elec- brought its headaches. The traffic 1865, when Britain was sellir the tabulated losses on the heen no religious uniformity| 2 y tion, Macmillan's government tangle has jammed cities and arms to the southern states in the Great Lakes and the seaway inlamong the speakers & | | was returned with an increased country lanes. A new road pro- Civil wat, she had 2 favorable 1959 to see how necessary this is| (of 16 Roman Catholic speak- majority--the first to win three gram has been launched though trade ance with the Uniled for safety, efficiency and eco- ers, four have supported the elections in a row. But even thermany doubt whether this island States. {nomy," he said. {measure and 12 arg against it. But prosperity is not without its| C C Conservatives had expected a re-|with a population of about 52,000-| eri y | Capt. Johnston said the VU.S.|Two Presbyterians were split in aq Treagure gt f duced majority and the post-|000 ever will really cope with the problems. Unions are seeking a|coast Guard is backing protests their views. Three United Church e 0 un mortem experts deduced that the increasing volume of traffic, bigger slice of the national cake phy American pilots against the/ members said they are against ALL-FAMILY \ FEB. 26 -- MARCH 5 / / 7 average Briton had never before| Latest figures show Britons are and industrial stoppages -- many! washington proposal, which re- complete abolition, but one sup- felt so well off. spending more on food. They are of them wildcat--cost the nationgyited from joint Canadian-United ported the idea. One Anglican consuming more milk, cheese, more than 5,000,000 working days. ¢ : tw & " ainst LABOR PONDERED DEFEAT |hutter, fish, fresh fruit and sugar. states studies. was for the bill, two were ag \ \ \ The Labor party went away to But they are eating less meat PROBLEM INDUSTRIES | lick its wourlds and ponder why and, surprisingly, are drinking Some industries are facing colonial issues and the H-bomblless tea. hard times. The state - owned / / question failed to return it to{ More people are buying their coal industry has 36,000,000 tons power. ts officials argued ----r--------rmem-- Of unsaleable stocks. Plans have whether the nation wanted more | been made to close 200 pits in the or less socialism. Party leader C M pt six years. > 2 | Hugh Gaitskell set the pattern of ourses ay The cotton industry has been aw re Chest of Fun rethinking when he indicated that {hard hit by foreign competition. perhaps nationalization in a pros- | Many mills have closed. The gov- | FEB. 26--MARCH § Mean Colleges Tender EAT'N perous Britain had become an |ernment has introduced legisla- unpopular word. tion offering compensation to get TRUE-TRIM BEEF 3 7k 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. For the government there is] TORONTO (CP) -- Colleges of the industry to streamline itself. every reason for golfidence; In education may be established Sm 3 1959 the pound reac a stage permanently in London, Ont. and " when it was more sought after iii if summer courses for 12 KING E. RA 3-3633 SEA-HORSES than the dollar, secondary school teachers are a pn ol . Pegged to the U.S. dollar at alg ccess this year, Education Min- x | =a ", y S ecial J Saturday Only J a See all seven dazzling new Sea-horse models. From range between $2.78 and $2.82, |ister Robarts said in'a television P ' : Ala» Rg > b n Reps ) - the completely new Super Sea-horse V-75 h.p., the He pound ended He Year around qdress Thursday night. = greatest outboard ever built, to the feather-light yet e $2.80 mark -- a far cry from| gpeaking on the problems of 1 >> 2 the bleak days of devaluation or| teacher training, Mr, Robarts FRESH ) "- he + nmazingly Jowerk nl Sea-horse 3 h.p.--they are the long period when it Wwas|caid the department hopes by : ] abeolutely the jn outhourd : : BR # : barely able to rise above the|proyiding summer courses in eX ! s P and dependability. lower limit of $2.78. n terms of | Eastern and Western Ontario "'we - 4 : - 2) Canadian currency, the pound attract into the teaching pro- . 4 A : . LLM El £00 Jd 5 THE LATEST IN BOATS Industrial production in 1959 from the communities in these ; was almost nine per cent abave areas." --_-- a - Boats an 3 Por fishing, cruising, water-skiing--t0 caswy two the previous vear. The cost of] "If the courses are successful," HOW T0 CLEAN SLICED OR BY THE PIECE ophs d motors will be people or ten--you'll see all the newest in boats on living held almost stable while pe added, "we may anticipate the} - on display at Smith Sports dieglay cgbd now at you Joboeon dealer's. s were up, the stock market | establishment of permanent col- % . was booming and the trade gap|jeges of education in these WALL-TO-WAL i, Supertest Station just be- parrowed. areas." ; HOW jar Comers. son Be. Hlesred 1bs. low the Stud Farm, as well EW water sports EQUIPMENT PAID DEBTS fectly right on the fl : P The sterling area's reserves of : us A in Re oc . micol ot as at our store at 353 Check the new look in marine hardware, in water iq nlile rurcnase d i: : . gold and convertible currency did We do in-plant cleaning, to King St. West skiing and skin diving equipment, in boat trailers and well during the year. And al- g of. S! ear-top earriers, in exeiting, colowsful accessories So though the £1,062,000.000 was Trial Evidence NU-WAY : eomaplete yom boating. outfit. y lower than at the end of e was explained by the fact! BRAMPTON (CP)--A Supreme FRESH MADE THE AMAZING NEW that Britain was able to pay off Court murder trial jury was told SUP F( R THE Mi some of her debts ahead of time. Thursday a sales slip for a .22- Rug and Upholstery Counir Sausa ') ORS 75 ALL FA Y Unemployment was down to calibre matic rifle signed Cleaners . g i h.p. You and your whole family can be suse of a warm less than two per cent of the Bob Longg was in John Harti - a _ welcome and lots of fun at your Johnson dealer's working population of more than ford's handwriting. RA 5 0433 Buy 5 Ibs. at Reg. Price $1.00 = Bw All-Family Outboard Boat Show. Check his advertise~ 23,000,000 but 250,000 jobs were| Hartford, 19, of Port Credit - | 7 a this Sor the ot th of his $i waiting to be filled. There were!was charged with murder after 421,000 out of work in December. the shooting of James Beverly 174 MARY STREET GET 5 LBS. FREE! ~- The coal industry in Scotland and Wright, 29 of Oakville, a Trans- i. [Jorrsar y the cotton industry in Lancashire Canada Air Lines clerk wi se = 2 " e were isolated black spots of un- hody was found in the company's| employment. The government in- operations office at Malton Air- 1 troduced a bill to direct new in- port, Nov. ) . ELS og the AMAZING 75 kh SUPER SEA-HORSE dustries to the depressed areas expert Roy Pack- ) _ Pp. Handwritin, Prosperity is reflected in the ard of the attorney-general's de- A SPACIOUS RAVINE SETTING standard of living. What Britons partment said a Cooksville > One of seven dazzling mew once thought of as luxuries now registration card sig d (Bill Seahorse models from 3 to are becoming necessities. One Longg was also in Hyrtfprd's . 75 h.p. Absolutely the finest family in nine now has a refrig- handwriting, 3 FOR THE HOME OF YOUR DREAMS outboards ever bulls! TO BE DESIGNED AND BUILT FOR Syme "ACT NOW ...SEE US! YOU IN AN ESTATE OF PREPAID i = 2 and bring an SERVICED LOTS . .. Come and see : || ERE the family --see Money Making Opportunity Rips sally = what's really for --L new in RETIRE ON A LARGE LOT | mens tt GISR Dn SUMMER FUN ------F" ommer fm WITH NUTRIA-BREEDING STOCK RANCH -- SPLIT LEVEL -- TWO-STOREY HOMES FROM $16,900 First Of Its Kind In Canada BIRECT. ENQUIRIES TO JOHNSON MOTORS rirrrsoroven, camase division of OUTBOARD MARI PHONE ANYTIME SCHOFIELD INS. ASSOC, RISTOW & OLSEN REALTORS : . AE. Corpopotion of Cynude 1H. 12 PRINCE ST. v9 ATHOL ST. We naon's LARGHT MANUFACTURSR OF OUFBOARD MOTORS PICKE' ING 394.) --e-- AJAX 57R RA 3.2265 RA 5.6165 353 KING ST. WEST RRS RL WAS

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