The Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1960, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Februery 26, 1960 158 Fe Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate for Sale HOMES NEEDED [PRIVATE sale, central, six-room brick|NEW six room solid brick bungalow. OVER A QUARTER 'home, finished attic, electric stove, re-| Down payment $100. Full price $13,000 cash| --Partly f shed. MO 8-5174. CENTURY OF SERVICE offer accepted. RA 30437 after 5 Fah a NO 8 To meet the ,-démands of people calling everyday. | BUY OWNER Many of these people have 45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate for Sale $8800 for this five - room Quik brick bungalow, with gar: ge, situated on large well kept lot. Owner will accept low down payment, For appointment to| | Dick Young, RA 8-5123, 101 Simcoe |45--Real Estate For Sale NOW in your hands -- an easy way to fill needs: The Classified section! See the Want Ads NOW for whatever you want. 45--Real Estate For Sale TWO new split level homes, Burns Street, Whitby. iow down payment; near schools. Phone RA 5-3406, eve- nings RA 3-2044. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR--RA 5-9870 44--Houses, Apts, Flots For Rent TWO - room upstairs apartment, bath, | suitable for couple, one child welcome. SIMPSON -- In loving memory of ay Will take care of child while mother dear brotherlin-law and uncle. Mr. Rob-| p------ inson Simpson, who passed away Feb- pwgo . ruary 26, 1959 | bath, water, hydro included. One year has swiftly passed away, |now, RA 8-0964 But still we don't forget, } AR | For in the hearts that loved you best, TWO - room furnished apartment, Please Note in effect Deadlines now for this column: Births, Memoriams, Thanks -- 9 AM DEATHS three- newly carport, double driveway, fully landscaped, four piece colored bathroom, storm win. dows, aluminum doors, $13,000, $2000 Cards of mr ---- a-------- m-- =r room brick bungalo: SPACIOUS five-room bungalow. Extras. 1 Less than two years old. Within walking of high, public, separate schools, bus, {shopping. Choice east end location. Six room, furnished apartment with ARS Available LOTS N.H.A. approved, full pre- paid services, builders terms. SAME DAY 109 Alma AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 Your memory lingers yet |three - room unfurnished or partly fur. | --Sadly missed and always remember- nished, heavy wiring, adults. 72 Cadil- |ed by Irene, Sam, nieces and nephews, |1ac South. | y Si y and Marilyn, | Aureen, Vern, Sammy FURNISHED five - room bungalow, on BIRTHS THREE-, and two - room apartments, furnished or partly furnished, near GM, children Phone RA 8-1776 CARD OF THANKS GORRIF pital on February 24, 1960, to Don ai Beryl, the gift of a daughter, Christi Elizabeth, A sister for Tommy to Dr. King FLYNN---Jack and Neta to announce the birth of at the Oshawa General Wednesday, Feb, 24th, for Larry, Janice and are hap Hospital 1960. Joanne MoLEOD ~ Hugh and Edna MclLe are happy to announce the arrival their daughter, 8 Ibs. 7 ozs., nesda February 24, awa General Hospital Anderson. WORONA -- and Worona (nee Lack) Joseph topher Joseph, 7 lbs. 13 ozs., at t Oshawa General Hospital, Al Oshawa General dos Thanks a daughter, A sister on Wed- 1960 at the Osh. Thanks fo Dr Eleanore 6-ROOM are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their son Chris- k ion. Phone CO 3-2192, jafter 5 p.m, MOORE. In the sida of pur sor. |SMALL apartment for two Fa row we wis X] L thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends, and neighbors, for| -- -- -- . . their many beautiful floral offerings, 3 ROOM basement apartment, private | cards, kindness and sympathy shown entrance, heavy duty wiring. $50 month- | to us in the loss of a dear husband ly. RA 57471. hbo and father Our most sincere thanks FOUR large rooms, upper duplex, new- to Ihe pallbearers. also Zev G. Tel |v decorated, electrically equipped, sep- ford for his consoling words of com- ary front and rear entrance; tiled fort; fo the McIntosh Funeral Home |yaihyoom and kitchen, parking space, for their kindness and efficient service. |g ndeck, $105 per month, suitable for The Moore Family. | couple only. Call after 6 p.m. RA 37202. separate entrance, with all conveni- nd ences, RA 8-0283. | ne py on od 3 of | HOUSE for rent with option to buy. {Close fo South GM, furnished if de- |sired. Telephone RA .3-3989 after 5. 44--Houses & Apts. For Rent --|44g---Rooms For Rent decorated 10 PWO unfurnished, newly Tele- Tecrea- | rooms, semi-private entrance. RA 8-1545.| shone RA 58193 or RA 5-9946. ---- |ONE furnished room, with refrigerator PARTLY furnished three rooms, avail-jand stove, everything included, 10 min- able March 1. Parking facilities. RA utes' walk from South GM. RA 3-2408, ranch bungalow, close schools, churches, TV aerial, tion room, drapes. $110. Available April 1. he DEATHS | 3-6192. N FURNISHED single room, also double ~~ | 00m, twin beds, newly decorated, clean THREE - room furnished apartment, home, very central, 114 Elgin East. RA | suitable for one or two girls, in quiet) 3.97 Entered into rest CAMPBELL -- me son, Stanley Campbe! y Cam Ma Lor a Fun ser jary i Union Cem MARSHALL Helen After Whitby) be GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL FLORIST ral OSHAWA CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 PPING pro hawa General] ROS, Private bathroom central. Phone | i, NGLE furnished room, tw at -- =~ - [from bus. 255 Athol Street E IL| FIVE - room apartment, with bath, {oN COLBORNE Street West, »| ground floor, heated, heavy duty, $90 a |goivic and one small furnis Ap-{month, RA 50186 room, use of kitchen. Young business HR | gentlemen preferred. RA 3-4935 | minutes ry ne "| PARKWOOD | MANOR APARTMENTS ox, TOO much SAGUENAY AVENUE |T00 much (PARK. RD. & KING ST oe ¥ also one to share, gentlemen prefer- bus, light Avenue TWO single rooms, e for ladies housekee FURNISHED front bedroom, good lo- cality, central. RA 5-5748 housekeeping room with gentlemen, also park. 156 Agnes Street rnishe fo Apply room? Rent Rent ads; get A the surplus steady in- rge furnished - house town area, an 114 Athol E DEK Al efrigerator | OPEN FO | Quie sink, child Telephone | ed rooms monthly board, close to RA 3 ROOM ¢ and ¢ of cit 9589 A BED s rn ro tht hou drapes, parking I ne e to hospi dow Rents from $85 mont . n and to north) RA Close couple RA 7 RA 5-5787 PARK LANE mms te APTS, mrs ws e RA 35-9630. OSHAWA'S FINEST rooNS the wee emen 0 and Kit and Three | d shower and maic 3-4641, Genosha furnished, warm | tional. quiet home Gentleman ft ng RA 5-3879 ATTRACTIVE shed rooms, avail abe in private 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m 1 t ROOM E corner § Telephone fur home, RA 8 two gentlemen, single beds, William and Mary Streets, | tA 5-0006 | -ELEVATOR SERVIC PRIVATE BALCON STOVE & FRIG ~WASHERS & DRYER STORAGE LOCKER PAVED PARKINC SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi-| pess. man. in home, breakfast 1. 38 Colborne West itable for lady mcoe Street option Apply 620 § ONE furn or gentleman {North Centrally located only 12 minutes walk from downtown |SINGLE and double rooms for gentle men with cooking privileges. Apply 135 Celina Street aw ONE or two furnished rooms to rent, GENT Donevan Collegiate or Duke of CONTACT RENTAL A burgh Sche IN MEMORIAM hool." Phone RA: 5-7709. LARGE, war beds with or privileges | DON HOWE nemery of SIMPSON dear husband (F his actions kind; left s a pattern to those the best for reasons divine | (Opposite Hotel Genosha) mories last until the end missed by his wife, Mrs passed away Ethel | REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 Bive 67: KING. ST. E. furnished room for gentle. ate. home. 444 Fernhill] 7070. rooms, including | space heater, THREE heavy dul $40 monthly |35__Real Estate For Sale | nfurnished range, large RA 5-5035. of PRIVATE sale income home twelve | licenced for' rooming and | double garage, double paved| AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3-9692 WHITBY CLASSIFIED =: duty wirinz, natural forced to move stment heavy gas, Owne Av TOY Terriers, T ( e. Elk Ho and Labradors Fre deliver Beaverton 69193 evenings FOR rent Street Sout der BUNGALOW ¥ ny decorated om ni MO 8-503 nveniences wanted HOUSEWORK or 1, five week. Pho Dutch y Brooklin OLiver 5-3866 sewing days a Now Mary suites renting Street, Wh modern FOR RENT apartment building by. two bedroo every respect, range, refrigerator. A services. Only $85.00-$100.00. Also room modern house to rent, $95.00 A Schatz, Realtor. MO 83337. Contact A. Daly, evenings. MO 8-4775 APARTMENT ng room four-piece private kitchen bath, laundry Whitby. on Adults preferred. MO 8-4507 FOR RENT rtment one room, et, central quiet room unfurnish apa MO 8.4360 RE -- Completely furnish e bath FOR stove, MO 8.3692 FOR RENT Two bedrooms, liv room, use of kitchen, one or two chil- dren welcome. MO FOR RENT -- Heavy duty chain sa day g. Wilde Rental Service ROOM and board in clean, quiet home, treet, 3 5 minutes to SGM plant. | NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft. single, one op nice lozation, 1 king facilities, two ouble room. MO 8.5092 athers ke paid f LIVE Highest Parker ia Ja MO 8 set s from $19.0 Washing mac SALE-21 Tv Chrome FOR $79.95 ators frog from $99; Dave $69: oil stov n Furniture MO 5.4981 or N SEX D HENRY Re Altera Genera ns, Cement FOR RENT 2-BEDROOM MODERN APARTMENT 605 GREEN ST. MO 8-3762 ) nds | FOR rent Registered, inoculated, |self contained. Heat and hot wi GArfield |8-4426 ireh | ROOM new six entrance, liv bedroom, TV out- street private en- no children Also custo A . MOhawk FOR SALE -- Large modern brick in wanted from suites fron only $5.95; b mattres $17.50; r 3 ac Contractor Carpen- ent MO small three room ap: RTH self contained fur a Phone MO 2-1610 hom and board for pl MO 8 FOR rent--3 room | nished apartment SIMCOE NO Ideal family or inc heated, meal central n,| FOR RENT -- House in Brook all lern bungalow, th bedrooms living room, fireplace, four-pie, attached garage, near schools Oliver 5-4530 ROOM and board for Walnut Street, Whitby it. FOR RENT New "duple in/3 bedrooms, large picture an TV tower, 2 private entrances matic washer, dryer optional ' J. | professional or executive. MO 8.5 jo) J. BUNGALOW for rent Four rooms and bath, unfurnished, hydro and heat supplied. Apply 933 Byron North Whit by, February 28 - March 2 ROOM and board for gentleman 901 Walnut Street FOR RENT -- Three room unfurnished apartment, convenient location. Call evenings and weekends, MO 8-5183 FOR RENT In Whitby, three-bed t 4 L house. Avilable March 1 MO C oN TACT MRS. T1ERNEY RA 5-5207 HOWE Real Estate RA 5-7732 ee by ne gentleman VAN HERWERDEN REALTOR ; St. E., Oshawo A 33-4471 LEADING COKER Apply ed on ed in | room 8-3723 UNFURNISHED -- Three-room apart. ment; also bachelor apartment, both self-contained MO 8-2503 excellent ype with all con- venience 3 creeks; very productive clay loam s0il A wonderful et-up. Ask information barn oR 5 Central PANT cuffing and alterations for men's , and ladies' wear. R. H. MacDonald 'mi 1013 Centre Street, MO 8.3360 200 acres General Farm, ex- rg cellent for beef< cattle, on paved road, loam soil, barn 100 x 40 feet, 10-room brick house, with hydro heavy wir- ing, bathroom, hot and cold water. Asking p $28,000 with term Good investment. 23 Whitby home Street, come ace Call MO 8 Feb 12 facilities Building, 4003 less, Whitby 1731; evenings ke FOR RENT - Large newly finished one-bedroom apartment, heated, TV outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit Available immediately Call , RA 3090. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks installed Walter Ward 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 18-2563 parking lot Professional MO 3 ce 160 acre barn 110 x 32 house with hydro and heavy wiring. Very good farm close to Loke Ontario Farm feet: B8-room 00; nn a 38 nc of Land. Right on HOUSE down payments MO 83231. Osh 10 FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, power saws, drills, grinders, sprayers Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8 wanted. Goo | A ) and bungalow i roric mi Realtor Jian 2 mie Wi W MeAule from » RA 2 es C ol Wonderful view Asking price $500 on ocre Term INDUSTRIAL WHITBY ROOM and BOARD From 1 10 8 acr SITES Railway for information 6- bunga- awa, on room with For young businessman a nice veneer entral location desired + 4 } Phone 9 tc MO 8-5818, WHITBY p.m Well, well $13,000 PAID or C.JL. 1 outside ( | N ol )shaw in district with DODD & SOUTER And $500 PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byfon Street ) MO 8.523) with LIST WITH US ON PHOTO CO-OP $12,900 WEST OF GOLF CLUB | FEATUPES -- a kitchen any woman will enjoy working in, Natural sisined mahogany cupboards ond woodwork throughout. Lovely hardwood floors. 3 bedrooms and large living room, Close to separate or public schools. Many other extras for your comfort. IMMACULATE VERY NEAT 3 bedroom brick bungalow carefully planned and built. Features selected natural mahogany cupboards and double stainless steel sink in the deiigiitfully different kitchen. Sliding closet doors, extra electrical outlets, cer- omic tiled bath with vanity, divided basement, extra clo- set at side entronce. Pierson sliding windows and alumin- um doors. Iron railing. 6% N.H.A. Mortgage only $13,- 700. 511,200 6 house approx years Spacious living room and dining room. Hot water oil heat. Taxes only $157 yearly. Monthly pav ments only $60. PHOTO CO OP LISTING 15 room old Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board STUPENDOUS OUTSTANDING BARGAIN estate Three room bung awa locatio and transportation bedrooms, solid brick, stone front, private drive, forced air heating, four-piece col- ored cercmic bathroom, fully decorated, one mortgage, 6% for 25 years (No second mort- gage). Selling below cost by some two thousand dolla Compare this unheard f price value. Full price $12 - 249.00 cosh payment 1.- 072.86 Monthly $94.00 forced to only new six s in good Osh- se to schools Three Builder's quidate iding in- pr pal and taxes E>{CLUSIVE AGENTS A. J. SCHATZ REALTOR WHITBY MO 8-3337 Contact J. A. Daly evenings MO 8-4775 CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Located in north end of Oshawa near Ross- land Rd, E DOZENS OF DESIGNS --Ranch Bungalows --Split Levels --~Two Storey CHOOSE YOUR OWN N.H.A. Financing Prepaid Services Underground Utilities Workmanship guaran- teed CONTACT DON HOWE REAL ESTATE RA 5-7732 67 KING ST. E. (Opposite Hotel Genosha) AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL RA 3-9692 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 18Q acres -- 7 room brick house, full basement, furn ace, bathroom. L-shape barn, garage. A verv clean farm, Price only $13,000.00. 100 acres north of Bowman- ville, 10 room fully modern house. L-shaped barn. Very qood soil. Owner will sell or trade on house 6 acres with 7 room stone house. Large L-shaped barn Cood location. Price only $10,500.00. Terms 1742 acres with 8 room brick house, two bathrooms, mod ern kitchen, Near Bowman ville, facing highway 2. Price $12,000.00. Easy terms 1Y%2 acres on Lake Sturgeon 10 bedroom lodge, large kit- chen, 7 single cabins, 2 double cabins, 3 boats. A real buy at $17,000.00 Terms We have a good list of houses, some with very low down payment 191 SCUGOG STREET BOWMANVILLE Phone MA 3.3644 yalesrman G BLYLEVEN--MA 3.5300 peo Yu | | | | RISTOW & OLSEN Realtors RA 5-6165 -- RA 5-3412 19 Athol St. West LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 $1,500.00 DOWN -- N.H.A resale, 8 years old, 5-room brick bungalow on Highland Ave,, nice condition through- out, 4-pce. bath, oil heating, oak and tile floors, large living 'room, kitchen, dining room (or extra bedroom), 2 bedrooms, completely land- scaped and decorated. Full price only $11,500.00. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254 $1,200.00 DOWN -- Glad- stone Ave. -- Large 6-room brick home suitable for sub- letting, 4 rooms on main floor with 3-pce. bath, 2 rooms up, new modern cupboards in kit- chen, oil heating, garage Make an offer. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. $1,950.00 DOWN -- Ridge- way Ave. -- Only $68.00 monthly to carry principal, interest and taxes, 6% mort- gage, 5-room bungalow, oil heating, hardwood and tile floors, garage. Central to all schools, bus and shopping. To inspect call Ozzie Addiscn RA 3-2254. Full price only $10,500.00 $2,250.00 DOWN -- Albert Street--Good rental location, 6-room brick home in very good condition, oil heating, 3-pce, bath, garage. Reduced for quick sale to $10,200.00. Coll Ozzie Addison, RA 3- 2254 Spacious 6-room brick and stone bungalow, custom built, truly must be seen to be ap- preciated, many extras in- cluding colored bath fix- tures, built-in vanity, cove ceiling and built-in valonce box in large living room, e haust fan in kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, Pierson windows plus storms, aluminum door front and back, high divided basement, forced air oil heat ing, wide eaves, stcne plan- ter. Ordinarily much higher priced, but it's yours for only $12,900--terms. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254 Commercial -- right on Sim- coe St. N. Lot 75 x 124 ft, with 6-room brick, 2-storey home, oil heating, 3-pc. bath, hardwood and tile floors, gar- age. Excellent location for small business; asking $3,- 500 down Co-op listing. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254. per cent NHA mortgage, $85 a aonth, principle, interest, taxes. RA 8-5376. | | | | LLOYD Metcal REAL ESTATE 3% Simcoe St. S. Dial 3-9329 or 5-6551 OPEN HOUSE IN CRESTVIEW GARDENS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1960 1:00 TO 5:30 P.M. 6% MORTGAGES 4 DIFFERENT HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM At lost with L-shaped and dining. room prices. Large kitchen plenty of eating space inciud- ing hooded fan, 3 good bed- rooms, ceramic tiled bath. room walls and floors, sast less windows with storms and screens, storm doors, also split level entrance, walkout basement, ravine lots, sodded lawn, oil heating $13,470.00 down and NHA 6% 6-room bungalows living room poobuiar with $1,920.00 on with balance mortgage You can save over $1,600 on one of these homes with a 6% interest rate which equals 5 years of monthly payments DIRECTIONS -- Drive north on Wilson Rd. off King St. E. to Lonsdowne Drive, then turn east to Model Home sign AFTER 5:30 CALL Joe Maga 5-9191 Dick Barriage 5-6243 Wes Elliott 8-0581 Marion Drew 5-7610 Everett Elliott .....3-9290 Lloyd Metcolf .... 5-6983 A JS REALTOR CHATZ GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8-3337 SMALL FACTORY In Whitby, suitable for small scale manufacturing. Solid bloc} building with brick front, concrete floor and 20 years bonded roof, two washrooms, heavy duty wiring ond office space. Room for expansion. Full price $10,800 with $3,000.00 down and easy monthly poyments on balance MO 8-3253. Call Bill Schatzmann, evenings WHITBY 12 ACRES Territic value, $11,500 full.price, 3 years old modern bungalow, featuring: huge kitchen with numerous built-in cupboards, good size front room with large picture window, 2 bedrooms, 4 piece bathroom coloured and tiled. 18 apple trees, 2 pear trees and raspberry bushes $2,000 down payment, balance can be ar- ranged. Taxes $110. This one won't last Call Helen Simpson to inspect this immaculate home aot RA. 5-7420 SNACK BAR With Gray Coach franchise. Good steady business. Excellent for ambitious young couple to start a business of their own. Price $7,500 with terms. Call Bill Schatzmann, evenings MO 8-3253. BLOOR STREET, OSHAWA 4 room bungalow close to new GM plant Ideal for GM employee $2,000 down, $10,500 full price $65.00 monthly including interest on one mortgage. Call Bill Schatzmann, evenings MO 8-3253. WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP PLANNING TO BUILD OR BUY A NEW HOME? If you are, call us for assistance with plans, loca- tion, price, etc. Courteous attention D. BERKUTA, BUILDER AFTER 6 P.M. CALL RA 3-9813 J.A VONDETTE REAL ESTATE & GENERAL INSURANCE 104 DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY $500.00 DOWN Three bedroom house, with a large living-dining room, four piece bathroom, modern kitchen, hardwood throughout, storms ond screens, fully landscaped. Full price $11,400.00 : $1,467 DOWN Beautiful home, completely decorated, large lot close to schools, aluminum storms and screens, tiled bdthroom, large living and dining room area, modern kitchen, carries for $77.00 per month, principal, interest and taxes $5,000.00 DOWN With 2a acres of land. This beautiful well kept house for sale, This must be seen to be appreciated. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY C lose to Whitby. Dry goods, shoes, tailoring and dry cleaning. Low overhead, $1,750.00 will buy LOTS We have some well $1,900.00 up appointed lot in exclusive area | --CA SCHOFIELD | substantial down payments. We will valuate your property without obligation LL-- ASSOCIATES LIMITED DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 EVENINGS--RA 5-1726 U. JONES 6Y2 PRINCE ST. RA 5-6412 or RA 8-1566 LOTS FOR SALE $55.00 per foot, King St. E., on main bus lines. City ser~ vices now in. Builders terms N.H.A. approved. Sizes 50° and up. Buy now and have your choice Member - of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board NSURANCE | © R VICKERY | | REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ARE YOU THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? IF SO, READ THIS CAREFULLY!!! | have clients anxious to buy certain types of houses in particular areas. If your house meets the following qualifi- cations. -- 1. 3 Bedrooms, North-East district, close to Separate School, reasonable price, OR 2. 3 Bedrooms, good size dining area, within walking distance of Duplate OR 3. 6 or 7 rooms, | or 2 storeys, garage, private drive, Central Collegiate vicinity. OR that can be used separate dining North Simcce 4. 4 rooms as bedroom room, close tc School OR 5. 3 Bedrooms, 1Y2 storey, garage, private drive, near a public school CALL EVELYN WALKER after 5, RA 5-1442 LLOYD Metcal REAL ESTATE 32 Simcoe St. S Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 SAVE 5 YEARS OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN | HARMONY HEIGHTS Only 1 left of the ranche style bungalows built by S. Jackson & Son Ltd., in this good location complete brick veneer bungalows with portial stone fronts, alumi- num storms and screens, 2 aluminum storm doors, kit- chen fan, ceramic tiled bath- room, sodded lawns -- holly= wood kitchens. $13,495.00 with $1,864.00 down. Yes! the mortgage is only 6%. HORTOP ST. BELOW SWITZER DRIVE é-room ranch-style bungalow just 3 years old and com- pleted in every way. Paved drive, landscaped, decorated, aluminum storms ond screens aluminum storm doors. Good- sized living room with L. shaped dining room, large modern kitchen, ceramic tiled bathroom, 3 nice bed- rooms, forced air with oil heating, early possession can be arranged. Owner moving out of town. Just listed at $15,000.00 with $5,000 down and balance on 5% % NHA mortgage. Call for ap- pointment to see this fine home in a good area at once. EXECUTIVE HOME One of those rare privileges to secure a custom built home completed in every way, only 2 years old, and ready to move into, plus a top lo- cation. Seven large rooms plus attached garage, includ- ing beautiful den, natural fireplace, ceramic tiled bath- rcom, tiled powder room, separate shower, breakfast nook off large kitchen plus large dining room Broad- loom, beautiful electrical fix~ tures, stove, refrigerator, gar- bage disposal unit, all in- cluded. Aluminum storms and screens, paved driveway, beautiful stone planter, pleas- ingly landscaped. A home any person would be pleased to own. Contact this office for an appointment SEMI-SUBURBAN $2,000 DOWN Attractive ,5-room 3-bedroom home plus 2 finished rooms in basement, on large lot, plenty of shade trees, freshly painted, living room 20° x 13' -- taxes only $190.00 and very close to separate and public schools -- a real buy at $10,200.00. After 5:30 call Dick Barriage at 5-6243 AFTER 5:30 CALL-- Lloyd Metcalf 5-6983 Joe Maga 5-9191 Dick Borriage 5-6243 Wes Elliott 8-0581 Marion 57610 Everett 3-9290 Drew Elliott RANCH STYLE BRICK BUNGALOW Three-bedroom, centre hall plan, home attractively lond- scoped. Has stone fireplace, attached garage, hot water heating, 6%2% mortgage. PRICE $18,200 Convenient terms can be ar- ranged. This executive home is well worthwhile viewing. PHONE RA 5-1705 or see--652 GIBBONS ST. down. Possession April 1. treet, and-half, sewer and water in, full price $6000. W. McAuley, Realtor, 26 Prince Street, RA 3-2512 or MO 8-3231. PRIVATE sale, $12,900, five-room bun- galow, bedrooms, large kitchen and living room, large recreation room, handy to bus stop and school. $13,900-- |six - room bungalow, three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dinette, care | port, handy to schools. RA 3-3167. | ---- | EXCHANGE VALUABLE {COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | BROOKL! | | | Baas HARRY MILLEN REAL ESTATE 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 THRIVING GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS Situated on main highway close to Oshawa. Buildings, inventory ond equipment if desired. Buildings consist of eleven room rented. Business has very large turn-over. All Owner will consider selling business confidential information call Charles Smith day RA 8-1679; after 5 p.m. store and separate room house with apartment modern equipment. separately. For RA 8-8254_ TOP VALUES Dollar for dollar we feel that these Eost end homes are hard to beat. Three bedroom brick bungalows, some with attached garage or carports. Others with Hollywood kitch- ens, ceramic bathrooms with vanities, exhaust fans, storms and screens, Down payments from $2,000.00 ond better still 6% mortgages. To in- spect call RA 8-1679. $900 DOWN $900 Located on Cromwell $7500. Carries for ing out RA 3-2006. Ave. Three room bungalow, clean os a pin. Oil furnace, twe piece bath, modern kitchen with lots of cupboards, new tile floors throughout. Paved drive, god size lot. Full price $75 monthly, one mortgage held by owner. Suitable for older couple or young couple start- Call Winse Bradley on King St. W. near Shop-. ping Centre, for other prop- erty in Oshawa or Toronto, RA 3-7322 after 6 p.m. JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTOR INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 NEW DUPLEX 1100 SQ. FT. ON EACH FLOOR $19,900 Terrific value, 5-room suites, ceramic 4-pc tiled bath, 2 large bedrooms, step-saving kitchen, dining room, and large living room. Private rear and front en- trance. 2 meters, etc. Com- plete and ready for inspec- tion. Call John Bolahood at RA 5-6544. $500 DOWN $500 -- IF YOU QUALIFY -- Finished rec-room, aluminum storms and screens, chrome fixtures, ultra modern kit- chens with .mahogany cab- inets, exhaust fan, sodded front and back, see tHe model and be sure. 'Call John Bolahood at RA 5.6544. RA 5-6544 Open Evenings. Oshawa Estate 80 ACRES All under cultivation, 9 room house, new barn, Myrtle district, $18,000. 640 FT. FRONTAGE No, 7 Highway at Green- wood. 29 acres, (1214 rasp- berries, 1Y2 strawberries), S-room house, barn and hen house. of Real Members District ond Board 6% N.H.A, OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd RA 3-2265 or 8-1624 HIGHWAY PROPERTY AT COURTICE Very modern S-room brick bungalow with attached gar- age, situated on a picturesque treed ravine lot. 3 picture in kitchen, double stainless steel sink in a large kitchen with cupboards galore. Low taxes. Oil heating, owner has left city. Anxious to sell. For de- Henry Stinson, Twindows. Exhoust fen tails, call evenings, RA 5-0243. "CLOSE TO RITSON ROAD SCHOOL 7-room brick 2-storey home with garage, located on Osh- awa Blvd., extra large kitchen N 4 with emphasis on cu NEW HOMES Four choice locations, near schools and shopping. Selling from $13,000. Low down payments, LOTS Up to 10 acres, reasonably, priced. Choice of locations. G. NEWELL BROKER 216 BROCK ST, S., WHITBY MO 8-4703 PICKERING 142 or 143 TORONTO EMpire 2-3625 46--Real Estate W. FIVE or six room brick house -- § Pedros ay Lin ground floor -- near 5 . Prefer private b: Box 309, Oshawa Times. "7. Wie ONE or two acres land, with or with out small house, north of a, G. Fowler, Box 925, Ajax. ALL kinds of property wanted for clients, some with all cash or your Sadity, Sul oA Realtor, 26 ice Stree! shawa. R. 2513 Whitby MO 83231, Asie LOT with 53° frontage, or larger. Pl reply to RA 5.4871. Sena tod space. 4 bedrooms Home is newly decorated throughout. New furnace. Owner has pur- chased a new home and is anxious to dispose. Low down ond bolonce as cheap as rent. For further in- please call Russ payment formation, Reeve, evenings, RA 5-4840, BROOKSIDE ACRES 6-room ranch bungalow with atached garage, located on Glencairn Ave., on a fully landscaped lot 66 x 127°. 19' living room with stone fireplace, joins with a sep- arate dining area. Extra large kitchen, 3 bedrooms all with good size closets. 4 pc. tiled hath with built-in vonity, Price includes, wall to wall broadloom in living end din- drapes throughout home. Large rec- ing room area, reation room orea in base- ment. For further informa- tion call Bill McFeeters, evenings RA 5-1726. 5-room brick bungalow with attached aarane. 20° living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 pe. bath. Toxes $178.00. Low down payment. Balance like rent. For a real buv in a suburban home, call Jay Goyne, eveninas RA 5-578, A LLITTLF BFALITY WITH INCOME 5-room brick bungalow with near extra size garage. Lo- cated on a ravine lot 41' x 265' deep On a quiet street, off Park Road S. This. spot- lessly clean home hos a base- ment apartment with com- pletely separate entrance. Kitchen and bath facilities. A substantial down payment is required, ond the aport- ment would carry the balance of payments. For further de- tails please call Don Strad- eski, evenings RA 8-8423. LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE MEMBER OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BQARD N - 4 YEARS 47--Automobiles For Sale ALMOST new, 1956 Pontiac, one own- er, new tires, body in excellent condi. tion, 33,000 original miles, RA 8-1550, "51 BUICK De-luxe, fully equipped, One previous owner, Must sell S195, F, Johnson, RA 5-4272, except Saturday, | Sunday. 46 BUICK sedan, clean inside, good Jransportation $55. Apply 283 Porter FOR sale or rent, 30 watt portable, s portable, TA amplifier, twp mic's and two phono controlled inputs. Used 10 hours, cost $175. Make offer. RA 3-943, REFRIGERATOR, stove and television all in excellent condition, telephone RA 8-1751, RU! ? We deliver Fish and Chips, Hamburgs, Barb-b-qued Chicken. Town Lunch RA 5-8978, '47 CREVROLET, good condition, $95, Phone RA 8-5674. 59 VAUXHALL Victor Super, 9000 miles, radio and many other accesso. es like new condition. Phone RA '55 CHEV. Bel Air, auomatic, Must ell, fet condition. Apply 20 Church et. '83 DODGE fordor sedan, radio, tutone; leaving Canada, must sell; best cash offer or take over payments. RA 3-2649 after 5. '48 DODGE special deluxe, good transe portation, cheap. Apply 237 Etna Street after 4 o'clock. '54 PONTIAC four door Laurentian, good running car. Make us an offer. Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd.,, 574 Ritson Road South. RA 5.6518, "37 PLYMOUTH Belvedere, automatic, 8 cylinder, radio, nice clean car. Drive this one. Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South. RA 35-6518, 59 DODGE Mayfair hardtop, auto. matic, well equipped, just like new, Very good looking model. Robinson Motors (Oshawa) Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South. RA 5-6518. 534 PONTIAC deluxe sedan automatic transmission, radio, excellent condition, price $675. Terms arranged. RA 5-1038. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent, six months to pay. For personal service at your home, call RA 57413. "57 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, black with whitewalls, red leather upholstry, ex. tras, Spare tire never used. Can finance, $250 down. RA 5.7545. '59 FORD CUSTOM 300 Coach, radio, undercoated, nylon tires, low mileage, only $2,095. Terms or trade RA 5-4035 (Continued on Page 16)

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