The Oshawa Times, 26 Feb 1960, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 26, 1960 Two Courses For Teachers TORONTO Biography Of Queen Mary Proves Fine, Moving Story This well-written and detailed biography is based on hitherto un- published material in the Royal Archives, on private papers in other hands, and on Queen Mary's private diaries and corre- spondence. grounds, whatever, was to her un- thinkable. As for a lady, with two husbands living, her eldest son and becoming Queen Consort this was out of the question, Here is what she A fine, moving story of a be- loved Royal personage of modern imes is contained in a new book "QUEEN MARY 1867-1953" (Thos. Nelson and Sons) by James Pope-Hennessy. | Despite the fact that this is her | summers, Robarts announced Thursday. (CP)--Two special eight-week summer courses for secondary school teachers will be inaugurated this year to replace courses of 10 and five weeks re- marrying spectively, taken in successive Education Minister : ; S The regular September-to-May wrote in her diary of her meet- courses at the Ontario College of Pulp And Paper Defence Motions MONTREAL (CP)--Mr, Justice Harry Batshaw of Superior Court Thursday took under advisement defence motions for non-suit sub- mitted at the trial of 17 pulp and paper companies charged with conspiracy to fix prices of pulp- wood. The case was adjourned after Mr. Justice Batshaw said he will rule next Thursday on one gen eral motion of non-suit and five individual motions of non-suit. Should the general motion be upheld the trial would end. A positive decision on the individ- ual motipns would reduce the number of defendants but the trial could continue. The Crown charges that the companies conspired to limit il legally competition by setting among themselves prices to pay farmers for pulpwood in Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick be- tween 1947 and 1954. ing with the Duke of Windsor in | Education will be continued with her drawing room immediately no change in the program, he after her son's meetings with Mr. |gaid, Baldwin on the question of tid First of the special eight-week cation: courses will begin July 5 at Lon- "Rather foggy day. At 1.30 with don, Kingston and Toronto. After Mary to meet David (on business) | completing a second eight-week at the Royal Lodge. Back before course in 1961, the graduates will ry 5. George and Marina dined." [receive an interim high school ppg on. grr For many months after his de- assistants teaching certificate. 4 by 'OPERATION PETTICOAT parture from England, Queen| For teachers - in - training who testing JOAN O'BRIEN - DINA MERRILL - GENE EVANS vin 'bx aor ARTHUR TON Mary's relations with her eldest |took the special course of 10 doy FEATURE SHOWN AT son were not harmonious; for al- |weeks in 1959, a further course 1:00 - 2:55 - 5:05 TOMORROW! FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! though it was he who had won in {of five weeks will be offered this that great conflict of realities, inni year only at Toronto beginning 7:20 - 9:35 p.m. suuing BARRY f ANG ! i his mother: could never conclude (J, y 4, ULLIVAN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT official biography, it is in no sense a restricted one and before the reader has covered its 670-| ; : < p i sion to give up the throne with odd pages Se will oe given 2lconsternation, with anger and first-han eg Up oi {he lormer;,;, pain. To other members Queen Md er. ith d . lof the family she declared both i au) x Sales W) eep > at that time and subsequently sight, isplays fine research, |y,.¢ no single event in her life as he tells the story of her some-| "upon 'had not been a happy what impoverished girl-hood as one -- had caused her so much Princess Mary of Teck, through real distress or left her with so a very significant reign, to her deep a feeling of "humiliation", Place ot te oud = We uuives 'Even the pride she felt in watch- ni Semin er. Gi ihe ing the development as King and ager. Queen of her second son and of i MANY SURPRISES his wife failed to obliterate for This book contains many sur-|{her the memory of the shock prises for those readers who|Which King Edward's abdication thought they were previously well had caused. informed on details of Her Maj: | s WARE OF LOVE esty's life. ol Her te was esentialy dram, 2S 10 JE SS (tic and consisted in part of a train | 0 hah Bodog ie 1 of tragedies, Deginning with the |, od never discussed the matter death of her first fiance, the Duke with him, hoping that with time of Clarence, in 1892, and included | strength of the emotion might e abdication of her 'eldest son, sho nad. even urged as well as the deaths of her hus- Fiber to take some sort of ba I ne sons. ore |action before Mrs. Simpson's + |divorce came up for hearing. This book records that Queen Mary greeted her son's deci- TONY CURTIS Thy Sore TWh A that he had been right. They kept{ 1, order to facilitate the obtain- up a somewhat sporadic corre-|i,o Af a specialists certificate, spondence. She would write: to provision is also to be made in say She Sposed, he mus be 1961 for a third special summer very lonely in Austria and to as- iTht Ww sure him Yothat ve are all out course of eight weeks. to help you in every way we can." That the abidcation was now an accomplished fact was, to Queen Mary, in itself a reason for not disclosing it on paper any more. She would send her son small Vem: of - personal news such) Directors of Houdaille Indus- "I went to two premieres last tries, Inc., has declared the reg-| week in aid of charities and have [ular quarterly cash dividends of also been to two pl It was 25 cents per common share and rather an effort at first, as you |36% cents pre cumulative pre-| can imagine, not having been out|ferred share, payable April 4 to for a year, but I had such a stockholders of record March 18. charming welcome from the % crowds that I felt quite encour- NO TIDES aged." Although strong winds Pope-Hennessy was invited to cause variations in water levels, | undertake the writing of this book there are no tides in the Great in August of 1955. The private Lakes. papers of Her Majesty had al- - ready been moved from Marlbor- ough House to the Royal Arch- ives at Windsor Castle, where they are still being catalogued. He was given full access to these materials and pay He had the KEDRON -- A capacity con-|cially installed on the Board of advantage of being able to speak gregation filled Kedron Church|Stewards. ; . with surviving relatives and Sunday morning for the special The Adult Bible Class will hold|frierds. PE i : » "9!la Sadie Hawkins euchre party| This is a book to be read and being in- service for Guides, Brownies, Monday, Feb. 29, at the home of treasured and it is one that should lenials, he had Scouts, and Cubs of the com-|Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee. Countryfind a place on thousands of er the matter pn, ity The processional hymn, style dress suited to the occasion, Canadian bookshelves. It pro- in the NATO "Onward Christian Soldiers' was|will be the attire' demanded. vides a good close-up of a beloved sung by the congregation as the| The Community Club dinner, monarch who was not always un- e Canadian representative color parties placed their flags at|was cancelled for Saturday eve- derstood. informed him no such dis- the altar. Girl Guide Lynd a|ning, will be held this Saturday,| == cussions had taken place there. Scott read the Lesson and spe-|Feb, 27, at 6 p.m. in the lower Canada intended to raise the cial music was provided by the hall. matter there--"it may have been Brownies who filled the choir PERSONALS raised today." chancel. Soloist was Lynda Hop-| J. Starr injured his hand at Opposition Leader Pearson kins, under direction of Mrs. work last week, necessitating sur- ra the commun- ,cred whether Canada had been|R. S. Bishop, with Mrs. R. E./gery. , and its ity. The 'r States are informed by any individual NATO Lee at the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and "a com- bound to consider their economic member of moves to obtain bases| In charge were Guide leaders family, Yelverton, were Sunday ( market be established for policy as a matter of common in-ii;, gpain before appearance of Mrs. R. Patte, and Mrs, Craw-|guests of Mr. and Mrs. William all commodities and for atomic terest, and lo consult regularly press reports on the matter. ford; Brown Owl Mrs, Parfitt,|Werry. energy. .Britain had observers on joint action in this field. . Mr. Green said no and "Can-|and Tawny Owl Mrs, William| Mr. and Mrs. James McNally but they could make no The SIX nations give up their 24a doesn't like that because Milne; Cub mistress Mrs. R. are proud parents of a baby boy, Sovereignty entirely in revation lo this cguniry believes in the full-/ Dale, and assistant Cubmistress|James Allan, born Thursday,| t tariff negotiations, trade agree- ost consultation among NATO Mrs. C. Hopkins; with Scout-|Feb. 18, at Bowmanville General Comm n ments, liberalization export pol-| members. master William Werry, and as-| Hospital. Eura- ey Sn] proiscHion BSainst dump [sistant Scoutmasters Roy Robin-| Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Craig had ters will be Sivan over 10 the territories and dependencies of S00 and Ross Petes, 17 teen-agers as guests following TC These ter-| The sermon, preached by the the skating party held recently rusay § LCL0SE | C arket C i the member nations, toad | $88 8 8 884 WRX HX 1 ommon Market Commission. ritories have a population of 53 minister, Rev. Ronald H. Love, for Teen Town members, { ket Commissions is to eliminate SPECIAL AGENCIES million, to be added to the 165/Was addressed especially to the| Karen Pascoe, Brooklin, was a| all internal custom barriers and| There are three special million within the six nations, young people with the theme | weekend guest of Marlene Wood. quota restrictions in three stages agencies for social and political making the Common Market ap- "Allegiance." Scouts and Cubs Yvonne Hicks was honored with ears each. Already Ifare within the community. plicable to a population of 218|received the offering. a supper party on the occasion of of cutting down the tran- The European Social Fund pro- million people. | A brief installation ceremony her birthday, given by her par-| 1 period. One important con-|vides an employment service,| This is a feature which has was held for new stewards, in|ents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hicks, cession was made in January, |transportation for workers, voca- caused the outside world much|which Robert Dale, Douglasiat their home, Guests were 1959, when all quotas granted by|tional training, social security, misgiving, particularly in other Love, Lyle Noble, Edward Maid-| Karen Pascoe, Joan Hamilton, one country within the commun-|health and safety measures. | African countries which export/man and Orvil Selleck were offi-' Marlene and Sylvia Wood. ity were declared open to all The European Investment Bank, to the Common Market nations. other countries in the group. |with a capital of one billion dol-| To aid in the development of Just as important is the re.|'ars, Houdaille Gives Cash Dividends BUFFALO, Feb. 23--The Board THEY MEAN BUSINESS tario Indian Reserve Hockey | jeft are Bill Nahnabin, Vern Gray, Cal. Adams, Chuck Mu- ness and Ernie Plain. --CP Wirephoto Five players from the Sarnia Indian Reserve entry in Tournament in Sarnia look as the | third annual Southwestern On- | if they mean busine From | ADDED--SAT. MAT. ONLY! "Fort Vengeance" IN TECHNICOLOR : LL Cat On A Hot Tin Roof"A¢* "Tunnel Of LOVER urictes | LAST 44 DAY: ay Chow's... C DANCE PARTY DON PIERRE and His Orchestra was set after nce at Me ly to the ec up, mn a 3 rmans ar base Restrictions to after SPECIAL ON DINNERS . BANQUETS LUNCHEONS CHINESE FOODS Exotic Oriental and Canadian Dishes , agencies have and important and influential role in : |the affairs o fthe British Mon-| Her views on divorce were Ol t i I | 101 1 ar Re alla a Qe S | strict; one divorce {than has been generally assumed | could seldom or never be justi-| A ] ° ° Pl Infor ation 'by her millions of subjects. fied, and to divorce twice, on any ial to The Oshawa Times and the political. Workers will be ° SSELS, Belgium The able to move freely within the] OTTAWA (CP)--FExternal Af- B : wy Blg Crow yrought into. k g by the in any one of them. They y Canada inlends to 'get to} aty of Rome is institution have social security bene root' of reported attempts by| than is generally known by those they may be working. Trans ain bases in Spain. Kedron ( 'hurch who have not made a close study! tion from one country to another| provided forthe Spanish and German govern-| workers and their families. ments have denied that the West one to sile s in Spain removed He said that, ked on d been |archy during the last three reigns clear and M. McINTYRE HOOD ters. into the realm of the social On Base Deal | Juropean Common Market, which Six countries and to take s fairs Minister Green said wi much wider ramifications Which will follow them w Vest Germany and France to ob- : He told the Commons that both | of that treaty. for jobs will be con- in the movement ( e seeking air or mis- and formed of t neil, in the Cc ity, Its task is e of unifying in every detail 'S onomics of the coun- é 1ally abolishing all ¢ s on their 1700 miles ¢ mal frontiers. raised SIX countries, y.4 also lays down pro- in was invited to send a Visions for common rules to pro- to the Messina Con- vide fair competition, for a com- in 1955, but declined to do mon pol agriculture, and a committee was set up for tré | JOSEPH E. LEVINE THE MOST sas DIABOLICAL MURDERER OF ALL TIME! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "THE BIG NIGHT" TAKE-OUT ORDERS OUR SPECIALTY DIAL RA 5-2543 Eo N t recommended tt & a H 0) P S U E Y e ADDED THRILL HIT! o 19 KING ST. W. OSHAWA , the Commission and tom came into existance, REMOVING BARRIERS The task of the Common Mar- HO By Popular Demand! DIGGER DAVE (In Person) RADIO CKEY'S TOP PERSONALITY --Presents-- "PLATTER PARTY" Friday, February 26th (tn "Canada's Most Unusual Ballroom" DANCE THIS FRIDAY NIGHT TO ANOTHER NEW BAND TAN MEAROW AND HIS SATELLITES RED BARN ADMISSION $1.00 PLEASE NOTE: The Satellites were scheduled to appear last week, but due to the storm in the Niagara peninsula, their appearance had to be cancelled until this week, aids investments in the these overseas territories of the| quirement that by the end of the |under developed regions within six nations a fund has been crea- | {ransition period there will be a|the community, and helps finance ted, with a capitai of $581.25 single import tariff for all six |modernization and new activities million, to be expended in the countri reed to be negotiated | of general Community interest. next five years in specific pro- between the . or by averaging! There is one aspect «. the Com- jects for development and pro- the external tariffs of the six. mon Market which very little duction, and social projects such . has been heard. as hospitals, schools and training SOCIAL AND POLITICAL Under the Treaty of Rome, all institutes. This aid will be con- The Treaty of Rome, however, the provisions of the Common !fined specifically to the territories goes far beyond mere trade mat- Market also apply to the overseasiwhich are named in the treaty, Everybody's Going To The DANCE - TO-NIGHT 9 TILL 12 P.M. Dancing to the music of The Blazers Y.W.C.A. 199 CENTRE STREET - PLUS - LOVER! ROVER! ®fiRom GOD'S 7 COUNTRY Saris GEORGE MONTGOMERY Regular Admission $1.00 DANCING 12 p.m. TECHNICOLOR SINBAD DALE ROBERTSON - SALLY FORREST TI0TARKS Fo " OLOR bcloxe ---- - Marjorie MAIN- Tr & AN ALLIED ARTISTS PICTURE NOW PLAYING gt RT A 4 ( Arthur HUNNICUTT Dine at the RESTAURANT 142 King St. East (Upstairs) OSHAWA, ONTARIO HIGH FIDELITY TELEVISION The Tampico Al MUSIC STUDIOS Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments 4 WILSON & LEE LIMITED Provides a fresh look in slim console de- sign and a sharp, clear 21" picture. All new 21 tube Electromatic MKI11 chassis delivers interference-free picture. High fidelity reproduction through a two- speaker sound system. Phono jack and switch-AC outlet--illuminated channel selector. $10 EXTRA 3999 "ome PARKWAY TELEVISION 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 "The Finest in T.V., Hi-Fi and Service" MEMBER OF SERVICE OPERATOR'S ASSOCIATION ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET CLARINET HAWAIIAN GUITAR TROMBONE VIOLA CELLO Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion at $1.50 weekly includes the FREE use of an accordion during that period which is taken home for practice. WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH IN WALNUT OR MAHOGANY Always a good choice YOU'LL FAVOR THE FLAVOR OF OUR WONDEPFUL FOODS on our sparkling menu your urge to enjoy your favorite food and plenty of it diréct to this restaurant, Large steaks and chops, fresh sea food , . . you name it, we have it . . at its very best! HOME DELIVERY FREE for orders over $5.00 in City Limits WE SPECIALIZE IN SUNDAY# FAMILY DINNERS Follow specialize in . Chinese Food. DIAL RA 3.9422 for take-out orders A Sr --------

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