The Oshawa Times, 24 Feb 1960, p. 16

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3 i 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 2, 1960 |50--Articles For Sale |52--Legal Notices |52--Legal Notices F % i I t itis Imports in thelr country! Ca 1 Chessm ; | "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING [+i w8& vonce ro ceomons | meavowsroox | & LULL AIMPOTT [fen ee gris 20 i bs - - tires, most all sizes, $3 and up AND OTHERS {mons. But in an interview" later D G It (Continued from Page 15) B. Goodrich Stores, RA 3433. | (ion ond: others having HOMEBUILDERS |he indicated the government's in- enies ul i » {PORTABLE typewriter, electric IBM | hee . | tention is to provide itself with J . i ORT i | claims against the estate of CO-OPERATIVE LTD. i: are el SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--C. . 50--Articles for Sale '50--Articles For Sale tr kanes ean register.] THOMAS H. CORY, late of | [stand-by powers in case they are| °° : ay {cheap. RA 3-4434 the City of Oshawa are re- invite {needed. He said there is no im- Chessman says a dead man can a SINGER sewing machine treadle, good GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup- walnut din-| quired to send full particulars OTTAWA (CP) -- The govern-|below-normal levels late in their mediate intention of applying the prove h eis not guilty of the ser vy style table, of such claims to the under- TENDERS ment Side. zemed lly with rowing BOasU law and that he has no specific crimes for which he was sep- s 10 per cent| FOR SALE -- Nine : condition, $15. 201 Southlawn Avenue plies, new and used pant ink room sulle. Refer % fter 5 p.m. down. Dominion T ore, 48 Bon eA i. ! ] i { OW, a {seats 12 extended. Telephone RA 3-| gigned, solicitor for the Exe- strong new powers against low- eas _iproducts in mind. tenced 11% years ago and he has : USED three - piece bathroom set $45, ---- rong new powers St 1 The problem in the past has |3766. 34 Frank Street. [ cutrix, on or before the 18th fro He added that the section--if it informed Governor Edmund : 3 ; 19 BE m building sub-trades in riced Americ resh fruits and pee ® i : lier U.S | ; i Avply 207 Simcoe Street South. Tele-| PAINT, interior, ext Cows. |SKATES, new and used, largest selec-| gay of March, 1960, after EL He ian. a! iced American 1 ashy iis an "been that, with the earlier U.S. ly 4 peen in force last year-- Brown of the whereabouts of the i phone RA 55132. ~~ All colors. G ced, flat, S-ition in town. Most reasonable prices. ici c he Ei ; 2 vegelables--powers demanded bY season, these low prices have oc-' le B body, The News-Call Bulleti id i EE |Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8), Rr ooion "aot "90s Bond street] Which date the Estate's assets of their 28 home sub-division |Canadian growers but protested ; . would have affected only a few body, The News-Call Bulletin sai : CAR radio_Fit Ford 43 io '51 000d cuureii Street. BA 37624 | East ¥ dad will be distributed having re- in the Garrard R rea this for States i sured Just as thé competitive p.oducts of minor importance. Tuesday. i condition. $15. Telephone 0211, fem me -------------- emg err a i ft 4 4 20. Srates P + Canadian crop ripens. In : : SABY carriame. $20: Kitehen sulle. $40; | GAS conversion burner, used just a SAVE money -- Beautiful reversible gard only io tigims that have year. Closing date for tenders Revenue M:nister Nowlan in- P Tipe |The revenue department had car-| Chessman did not explain what BABY carriage: en Su {few mon cost $250 will sell $50. rugs, for turning in old clothes and been received. will be March 19th, 1960. |formed the Commons Tuesday/U.S. COMMENT {ried out of a study of how the the body has to do with his case. couch, . od 5-936 er 6 p.m ra 2 t lors. J. Fredin. RA h ih Saari) Barks lseeti oul /e work: : : 209 Sharbot Street. RA 59364 after 6 p.m a -- fags. 12 decwra or colors di ERNEST MARKS, 0.C., Interested parties ore invited |ihe government had brought into] A U.S. Embassy official in- section would have Worked ou, In an interview at San Quentin bills dos Sg 3 rans sedroom suite, 5. ai oo ; a : 4 g g ; y y pp or GURNEY four-burner gas stove. in|, i . of drawers. KROERLER Three = piece sectional | Solicitor, fo write to P.O Box 102, (force a section of the Customs|dicatéd the American govern-|, ne il met. o ra Selon Prison, Chessman said he men- 1 good condition. Apply 516 Drew Street. ono" oown, size 14, suit, ete.|suite, high grade, just ree years| 17 King St. East, Oshawa, or telephone RA |Act aimed at preventing an in- ment--which was given advance, n ad ition to an exis ag Soa tioned the body in a letter he ENGLISH pram, "Pedigree", like new, (Terms. 19 Ritson Road South. __'old. Cost $479, sacrifice $150. 597 Grier- Oshowa, Ontario, 8-1473 after 6:00 p.m. for |flux of American produce at be- warning of Tuesday's move--is sona tari protection, hy €reby sent to Brown Friday, hours bee $20; chrome kitchen set, table, two gaye General Electric, four-bur. Son Street, * | __ ir --f ----------| further information. low-normal prices just at the opposed to the principle of the Canada can impose special extra fore his scheduled execution. chairs, $10. Telephone RA 8-0837. ner, new. 214 Ar- HIGHEST prices paid for used furni-| i ---- [start of the Canadian growingl|law. tariffs on specific vegetables dur-| py. governor reprieved the GREY plextone finish baby crib = thur RA hm ture, also sell and exchange. Contact ATTRACTS TOURISTS season 2 hen fhe 'sebtion. was: writes iE the Canadian growing 58500. oonmrot So or Oo Diy i 1 st size, four position, knee | pFARULOUS tw or one, 3 Store, 1 A § sea "Hon : : le sect] as itten 60 phen dli hge "5107 after 6 p.m. Pasi os sp fled mattresses, no| Street. Phone RA 8-1131 The section empowers him tolinio law in 1958, a U.S. diplo-| {hours before he was to be put to ufts. Guaranteed con-| FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super. gular $39.50, now two for|nariet, Ritson South. Open daily to 10 ngs same price. Wilson|, pm Free parking and delivery. Free Te, Church Street. ~~ premiums with purchases. Seli-serve TIONAL cash register, meats, fruits, vegetables. Airlines 'and steamship COM-leet customs valua'ions on im- matic note profesied that it was FAMED COMPOSER |death. panies now make it easy for tour-(norted fruits and vegetables at inconsistent with the principles| The last public concerts of Chessman said "It's the body ists to visit the old French colony|'he average import price for the and provisions of the General Frederic Chopin's career wereiof a man who could be linked to of St. Pierre-Miquelon, a few|preceding three years. This can Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, given in Britain in 1848, the year/me and to certain other activities "-- tires, bat- 5 miles from the southeast tip of|be done when he feels prices of which said that tariff valuationsbefore the Polish composer'sithat were going 'on at that time rator, tele Newfoundland. American produce have fallen to should be based on fair market death. {(when he was arrested)." Thrifty Budget Plan. RA 5-4543, -- ET To priest V9 ggi| DEPARTMENT OF -- tas the purchase of any piece of unfini ; PUBLIC WORKS BEDROOM suite, maple, double bed, buttons, no five drawer chest, five drawer vanity and bench. Telephone RA 5-5201 MARCONI 21" console tel overhauled, picture tube under : tee, $125; girl's bicvcle, 12 years ori, older, $15; child's walker, $3. RA 5-7921| after 6. Ask for Stan i CHROME high chair, also two cribs, complete with springs and mattresses, | gp 8, F. GOODRICH Stores Kelvinat refri We'll buy it. Re-| 4" finiture. Chest of drawers, $I like new. Telephone RA 57208. Ty 's Rising is nos desks, $14; bookcases, { PLACK Barathea dress suit with satin i or top cash » CO0|dressers, $26, Wilson Fur trim, fit youth 13-13, in new condition. tact 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 3-131 |Cuuroh Street Co | TENDERS Bargain. 365 a Read South iB -- BABY bargai =~ rg 7.30 p.m. Phone R 5072 E wo o lels of ) ines ood - - lectrohome, R.C.A. Victor, |mod + dl a ro - VACUUM cleaner, repairs, all ma Admiral, Westinghouse. The [Price $1688: ~springfille :| SEALED TENDERS, addressed ~~ " id tihng machines. Estimates free.| finest in T.V., Hi-Fi ond (chairs, $7.88; strollers, $5.86, Wilson's| 10 the Office Manager and Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser-| service Furniture, 20 Church Street. | endorsed Re a . yice, RA 30) anviime. FRIGIDAIRE reirig "and _siove,| MOVING OF EQUIP AWNINGS, pian sors or gar mpes,] PARKWAY T.V. ERA mer rotiage, 3 HP sloc.y FURNITURE FROM ULC. J Prompt service. Free est tes. Order 8 SIMCOE NORTH tric motor, geared water pump, water| (OSHAWA, Ontario," will be now for early delivery. Chair and table 918 S Re ater element and thermostat, drapes. | 000 Sho office of the te) ® : PRICED for quick sale, w : a | RA 3-304 | TRE -- Eres District Manager, Property ED for quick sale. washing ma} -- mere | TF PEW R, Sm crona, also; i ' chine, good condition, $30. MO 8 i | adding ma ood buy. Tele and Sulding Mansgement after -5 p.x 1 | phone RA | Branch, partment © bli USED refriger a | SHOP NOW sali 1 Works; 225 Jarvis Street, To- televisions, rad cord e | ronto 2, Ontario, until 3:00 Best oer' Guaranteed roars to 8 ANDY SAV/E| | SEE HOME APPLIANCES | PM' "Monday, 7 March, | : houshold appl es and oe ns | . OSHAWA LTD | 1960. | All tubes and parts available. Barons' | HA D. 0. | lect 3.2263 [ Radio sod Blectrie Lid. RA oot NO DOWN PAYMENT| 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR | pions and/or Specifications | ONE man's overcoat, new, size 46 ta FRIGIDAIRE I a oations a RA 8-0412 w | 5IDAIRE can be seen and obtained at ale ¥ er 136 MONTHS TO PAY | SALES AND SERVICE | the office of the District he DE aa Po Domestic and Commercial | Manager, Property and Build- op, Telepho io R | 13' moulded Boat, windshield, | a ina Management Branch, aot WE ike to clear f use "I croerir Eontt lights, | RA 5-5332 | the above mentioned address, Many Sargaius, Lire oy Hn 25 h.p. motor, |=--m---- - --| or ot the office of the Care- - -- | add lif ackets | to t r d ILETS, st $2 r f i jockets and | JANUARY SALE oker ot Fede al Bldg. ® systems $25 trailer. All new . | OSHAWA, Ontario, stainless steel s 0 | Iv 995.00 | Alum num s of the ace, space heatel rill, | i | best quality at best | The lowest or any tender not | A tric pop cooler, » hot water New 40 h.p. Electric | prices, fully teed. | necessarily accepted. | tank, piping and inn, Motor 596.95 Double hung wi only | | Hillside and Park Ro Nee tf Fi Flostiie | 1 | DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC | sat Parkway Television, 918 Sim. Motors .. . 79900 | © Call now | WORKS coe Street North. Used 60 h.p. Clectric | Lymer Morsnum Co. | WALKER H. KAYES, bli highest Pretty In the ie i io M rs [RA g et ---- District Manager, used furniture r A ~ » " { F er ture Store, RA 1 ' coe § 1 < | SALE roperty & Building | "OEE LINAAE ANCES | Management Branch. | SEE HOME APPLIANCES 4 We don't promise any bonus, OSHAWA LTD trailer, C | i didn iA ; i Toronto, February 19th, 1960 ~ | we promise only number one ------ ---- -- AD FO v By an | | self-storing aluminum doors . | n d, guaranteed, only Third Large UK. Aluminum double- y | hung stom windows. ony Brewery Merger | | $18.50 installed. Now try | the best in town. Call us for RA 5.5332 ON | ---------- 36 to 60 H FOOD AND FR USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN $15.40 ao week LONDON (Reuters) -- Plans| i for Britain's third big brewery quick service. RA 3-9851 [merger within a week were an- y of A Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St, nounced Tuesday night. Merger] | ! f | = rong discussions have been started by! 3 y AJAX N \ARINE {52--Legal Notices Scot $2 r vl cass i 24- Janis ttish breweries of Edinburgh freezer. No down NO. " HWY AT AJAX ce cn wa " ms n n A a i Fo Hp ( Ph. 1266 | date, Feb. 20, 1960. Alfred 'Lagace os £36,000,000 on} '| wish every day was ry day : 'Model illustrated: Dynamic 88 Celebrity Sedan ps 2 A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Oldsmobile"s astounding "Regular" Rocket is engineered to bring you spectacular savings=in more ways than one! From the way this brilliant performer leaps to do your bidding you'd never guess you're commanding the savingest Rocket ever. Yes, Oldsmobile's Regular Rocket brings you two-stage power. On those humming highway miles it coasts along, breathing easily. . . . & Dynamic new design, coupled with the thrifty Expressway axle, lets | this super-efficient engine pace itself like a born athlete. And you | i drive past more gas stations than you'd believe possible. But the in- : stant you need raw, flashing power, with no apologies, this Rocket i Gia = i : really lives up to its name. DYNAMICALLY NEW "DISHED" PISTONS PRECISION-CALIBRATED ECON-0-WAY "os : PERMIT THE USE OF LOW-COST CARBURETOR MAKES SPARING USE Sample Oldsmobile's unparalleled thrift and thrust today. Your REGULAR GASOLINE! OF FUELI Oldsmobile quality dealer will be glad to arrange a test. Take to the . road in this strong, silent, saving car. See how miles fade into : memories, more smoothly, more economically than you've ever known before. Just a very few minutes, a few miles, will convince NEW MININUM-OVERLAP CAMSHAFT HAS BEEN ENGINEERED 10 you that Oldsmobile is beyond compare. See and drive an Oldsmobile INCREASE VALVE EFFICIENCY---FURTHER BOOSTS GAS MILEAGE. today at your local dealer's. The most satisfying car you can own! Be an Angel, Mom... OLDSMOBI/ILE 60/7 ; - treat the family to : See your Quality OLDSMOBILE dealer TODAY! ' Aunt Jemimas ns AE all through Lent, coo! "ZH | || ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD HARRY DONALD LIMITED : T oy / 140 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. WHITBY, ONT.

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