14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1960 SCISSORED SPORT Belko Players Chicago Black Hawks Uranium Centre Jack Gauthier, an Elliot Lake, As empty store fronts line mod- PRESERVE STYLES pioneer, says the government ern shopping plazas the Elliot] WORCESTER, England (CP)-- should have warned the United Lake residents find only irony in |The corporation of this city will States it would order removal of the one new building now being |build new houses in old - fash. defence installations unless the|constructed -- a $350,000 govern- |ioned style, to preserve the his- | » F ights | (®) Last U.S. continued buying Canadi {ment post office. torical aspect of the community. i uranium. Snare Honors Recall BuBlalo Cenire | Luu ys on, - movies mse oreo Fiiommars rpm (mode! ity--its -{ S 2 ¥ i x |istence d by the imminent ment's committee on nuclear en-|000, also faces added financial Belko Redy-Mix, pace-setters in[Richards, Belko 16 11 7 18 0 | CHICAGO (AP) -- Chicago TRYOUT WITH ALS = 0500 of district uranium mines|ergy to visit here as soon as ftoubles. It hus a debenture gobi NEW REDUCED PRI the UAW Hockey league stand-| "Bray's Black Hawks of the Nationall MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal) jas decided to fight to the last! possible. lof between $13,000,000 and $14,- ds { : ings, individual scoring and goal-|Brabin. Goodman's 13 9 & 17 2 Hockey League Tuesday recalled| Alouettes announced Tuesday the asp. ne 1 d to !000,000 . D. Corkerton 6 5 12 17 4 A Buffalo] ign 11 to gasp. Invitations are also to] tenders' averages today were of-|D: (Bradley's) centre Phil Maloney from Buffalo|signing of end Jerry Nowe F | "Some 3,300 uranium miners are|ask Opposition Leader Pearson! wa C -- ' ficially named champions in all|perwick, Tony's '* 6 10 5 13 ¢ |of the American Hockey Leagueliryout contract with the Big Four| Ch Ww LICE LES Fm BEE Bian eel te Bo] three divisions in accordance with|Grant, Goodman's 15 6 8 14 22 |to replace injured Stan Mikita. |football club. Nowell, from Miami ing the next 12 months as only|Ottawa, and John Fullerton, dis- P i statistics released today by Jim| PSC 0, 1 § § 1; 3 | Maloney, who played 22 games University of Ohio, is the club's two of six Rio Tinto mines in the|trict member of the legislature, (§ remium VE IL Shaw, league statistician. |Steffan, Belko 13 3 9 i2 35 with the Hawks at the start of 13th new import for the 1960 sea-| oh =v, ® 0 ii® © OTE Tih meer mo conmitiee, li The Cementmen cop the league Yourth, Belko i 210 13 4 the season, i ploy against the son. nium by 1961. Three will fold and| Mr. Pearson has expressed Quality nnant however last season's" f , Rangers in New York tonight. y : hh | wills io . ». Champions, Tony's Refreshments, s. westiss Sara's 2 9 1s [Mika suffered a fractured lefil JACKSON HEADS GUESTS a Jourth will swish ne rues to vidk Jers Sundon Courteous, Prompt Delivery elaimed an identical record post- Sibson, Belko Ie $ 3 J 2 hand Sunday night. i SUMMERSIDE, PEL XT oT yi Meh br bn Min bili theming ht ular ing 14 wins, four losses in the 18|pry" Goodman's 17 5 4 9 ¢ Maloney: 32, scored six goals Russ Jackson, siar quar act 1.000. will close this (U0 amd iskee regular scheduled games. The Price, Goodman's 17 3 6 9 3 and three assists with the Hawks of the Ottawa Rough Riders ai Clostugs result. from' a United! Thore has been eriticism of tlie] Redy-Mix squad was awarded fume Tove = 17 3 & 2 16 this season and at Buffalo Sod (ane, of Severs] Spotts Selebnities States decision not io renew ura-|government's attitude to the dis-|f§ Sat bd 0 t of their , ? 5a 3 7 15 goals and 32 assists in attend a $25-a-pla € A 8 BOL 4 j20vel le : aoater number of goals. scored ium" coamans 4 4 3 7 3 |kames He will centre Ted Lind: Tuesday night at the Canadian/ im eontracts of Cauadian ro fiefs problems, For Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone 109 compared to Tony's 97. McCabe, Tony's 14 8 7 7 0 cay and Eric Nesterenko. Legion, says "the real heroes of cures Zier Tos. he WOmeh ofl cries EXPORT VALUE STOPS Syd Arnold, a former Scottish|R" Myles, Bratley's B 3 231 TURF RECORD Sete of a oo oni of this community of 25,000 at a| 'Jt seems clear the govern- LEAKS OSHAWA WHITBY ¥ L in-| 3 , athlete y a > : 4 dna B i and OFA perormer, won [he |p WSSU, 1 yy 4 ARCADIA, Calf (NP)--Flec( Sues boys mu, hav. ropes mash meen today. (ment doest appreciate ou po- rit RA 5-1109 MO 8-3644 dividual scoring. Arnold, Rorabeck, Brdy's, 17 1 4 5 18 |Nasrullah, piloted by U.S. riding|leadership and they can best get| At the same time. the FElliot|* , mm i handed shooting rightwinger on|Delves, Goodman's 14 0 5 5 19 : " North Shore Emer-/man Robert C. Hart. "It does not anded shooting right f Cap- Corbeil, Belko 12 1 1 4 & |champion Willie Shoemaker, set a|it from their dads. Lake and North Shore Emer- a Oe ir ny ERNIE CAY Bekos Production ito Sav Mills, Goodmans 1 3 0 3 2 |U.S. turf course record for 1% gency wei en, Digg gins en Baba owport trade BROOKLIN AJAX n Jac Lrg Hubble, Goodman's 2 2 1 1 0 les Tuesda at Santa Anita. in wi mee 0 strengthen its ex- L ° ¥ Wesll, war the lays lop Cory Goodin: 2 3 2 3 3 lo "oered the amance. | NO CF Position [ecutive ana pian sirotesy. of 800006. We do ol know | LUMBER COMPANY OL 550 niper wi GO » "4k ® '3 Agama S 1 ain, grin aly os rly co may jid6 43 in winging the Jeature P Plan", NVITE MINISTER preciate what is so obvious tol] 33 ALBERT RA 5.0122 all total of 44 points. Line-mates (Bradley's) . jrace Wie Rie record of On New arty an The committee intends to in-lus." i Westfall and Armstrong We iin, Bradiev's Hii:n 11 Pr 2-5, set by Poona II OTTAWA (CP)--H. H. Han-| ER a Fa -_ unning 2nd and 3rd with 38 and|G d, Gdman"s, 2 0 2 2 0 fis amt oF tha Ciavmett H we respectively. | Graham, Gaman's. 1 ° 2 2 0 | ESKS SIGN PUNTER pam, president 2 le Can afin w Belko's made a clean sweep of |Gurka, Tony's 1% 0 3 3 3 | EDMONTON (CP) -- Edmon-|pbcetolon & ARACTE, ation | the triple - crown winnings, as|LeBlanc, Brdy L 1 0 1 0 ton Eskimos of the WIFU an-i;.."t ven no stand on the forma- 2 their classy netminder Ros S Bobble, Tony's. % 7 8 1 1 1 [nounced Tuesday Vic Chapman, |iion of a new Canadian political Hawe claimed the goalie's trophy |gurgess, Bray's. 4 0 1 1 2 (one of the top punters in the eon- (party. with a nifty 2.30 goals-against| Yan, Goodman's 2 0 4 1 0 |ference, had signed his 1960 con-| He said the federation never : average per game, including one|JIov; Heke 2 vi: tract for his second year with the has been approached on the sub- shutout. Joe Melnick of Tony's|Olesniuk, Gdman's. 3 0 1 1 0 'Esks. ject of the new party being Was Tapper-up with a 3.05 aver. mur. formed by the CCF and the Cana- age. Melnick and Bradley's Mert dian Labor Congress. Fielder divided the other league BIDDY LEAGUE "The CFA has taken no posi- shutouts, ition on the matter," he said on Steve Gyurka, rugged rear- ' - |e ches televised program e000 guard of Tony's, spent the most ess Conference Si tne an wes| IMlundinger; Parts-Service ms festa u i me i ' for an organization such as the minutes to be the loop's bad , man, CFA to avoid ties with such a LEAGUE STANDINGS ! il " d F T S t movement. LT F APIS. | ome iret OI Ted For Top po Bradiey's S13 0 ot % 0 Err i Goodman's 16° 0 62146 4 The Y's Men's Biddy League 11-10 win over the Centre Street 2 (x) awarded first place on total goals GOALTENDERS' AVERAGES played at the Simcoe Hall gym|Cubs GP GA SO AVE. PIM Saturday morning saw Parts and. The teams stayed on even Vanstone, Betko 7d - : 3% : Service and Mundinger gain vic-|terms during the first quarter, Melnick, Tony's. 18 33 1 3:05 o |tories. howeves Monduger ed Wi Nicholishen, slight advantage as ey 5 "Bradley's 1 4 0 40 0 PARTS BOYS RECOVER 34 he halfway mark Fielder, Bradley's 16 #9 1 5:51 19 In the first game, Parts and . . Kunkel, hin) % ; : Centre St. came very close in Goodman's 10 70 © 7:00 3 (Service finally got back on the knotting the score several times Morden, win trail as they trounced South-|;, "yy. Yoh 'nalf but just could mot Goodman's 2 17 0 8:50 0 minster Cubs 24-3. i Jus Robinson, | find the hoop. Gdm's, Brdy's 5 44 0 8:80 0 | Parts, who had lost their last MUNDINGER: Coach, Paul Go ofticial winner six starts, broke the gate wide Goldstein: John Warren; Pete| GP G A PsP Open in She early Mines 2 |Plob; Terry Brady; Harold| Arnold, Belko 18 24 2 4 17 |continued to overpower the Cubs|Genge: Ricky Sawyer: Ken Mc-| Armatrons. Belk 18 16. 11 3 ai |throughout Ye eojest and ye Kissock; Gary Morrison, 2; John| Harmon, Tony's 18 15 17 32 10 male Hed with Mundinger for Bone, 4: Roland Liebregts, 5: | McMahon, Belko 16 14 16 30 10 first place. Ted Boivin, Total 11. 3 Reid, Tony's" © 17 '9 2 2 4 | PARTS AND SERVICE: Coach, CENTRE ST. CUBS: Coach, | Robinson, Belke 15 10 18 28 37 Marcel Boivin; Doug Howe; Ken Walt Bathe; Altinos Felix; John | Decay, Tony's u 8 » x 3 Hoar; Tom Tullock; Barry Law- Baran, 4; Gary Slute, 5; Laverne] Bradiey, Bradley's 17 15 10 25 5 (rence; Bruce MacLeod; Nicky Muirhead; John Den Boef; Jim| A Myles, Tony's is u i » 3 Corneal, 8; Walt Skywarchesky, Clement; Bob Fenner: Bob Lei-| , Bradley' 2 e ; ino: tn . { Pe er: BD eB R 2p Mario Bombino; Eric Burke, bregts, 1; Larry Cockerton. Total Brown, Goodman's 18 10 11 21 o [8. Total 24. 0 A aN Scott, Tony's s 101 2 ¢ | SOUTHMINSTER: Coaeh LEAGUE STANDINGS or Poaey® 1 32 14 13 1% |Hank Dressing; Bill Swindell, 1: W L PTS Steve Alderton; Dennis Myles; [Mundinger 9 618 Monte Rose; Marion Steffaniak,|Parts and Service 9 618 3 ' 2. Total 3. Southminster 8 718 anadiens i : it ONE-POINT MARGIN | Games this Saturday, Feb. 20, The second game was a much|8:30 a.m. Southminster vs {closer game in which Mundinger |Centre St. and 9:00 a.m. -- Parts {managed to squeeze ont a close and Service vs Mundinger. Line-Up For Your Convenience STOVE OIL is available in any quantity at the followin . , , VIGOR OIL SERVICE STATIONS ® OSHAWA eo 78 BOND ST. WEST SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ot Lakeview Park KING ST. EAST at the Townline ® WHITBY e 500 BROCK ST. NORTH ® AJAX eo HARWOOD AVE. N. ® BROOKLIN eo JCT. 7 & 12 HWYS. In Harness | MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal | Canadiens coach Toe Blake got| some good news Tuesday: Some! of his injured players are back] in harness. | Centre Henri Richard and left winger Marcel Bonin definitely | will play here Thursday night when Detroit Red Wings visit Canadiens. There is a better than even ehance that star centre Jean Beli- | vean will return but left winger | Dickie Moore still suffers dizzy | spells from a eoncussion he sul-| fered Feb, 6. | Richard lost four (eeth Yast | Sunday. Bonin will be returning two weeks to the day after suf-| fering an eye injury. Beliveau | has been out with a groin injury. | The club announced that utility | player Reg Fleming and forward | Cec Hoekstra, called up 10 days ago, have been returned to King- ston, of the Eastern Professional | Hockey League and Rochester | Americans of the American : Hockey League, respectively. Canadiens recalled winger Billy | Micke from Rochester. He was sent down a month ago after a stomach injury. NOW. . . Never Beautify Your Home at Great Lakes | Diversion Phase Ends CHICAGO (AP)---The first Chi- ®ago phase of a new Greal Lakes water diversion hearing ended Tuesday with two New Vork en- gineers contending that three Chi- eago suburbs need no water sup- ply from Lake Michigan Judge Albert B. Maris, special Ler Now . . . just in time for Spring remodelling. The opportunity to buy tile at our lowest price ever. Sparkling, rich eolors will add beauty and life to any room in your home, We need space for new stock ond these tile must be eleared this week end, master of the US Supreme I n Six master of the US. Supreme Glamorous Colors: ings, recessed the session to BEIGE GREEN March 14 in Niagara Falls, N.Y Maris said he expects to resume | PINK the Chicago hearing early in YELLOW April Richard Hazen and George Buck: the engineers, had been GREY BLUE hired by New York state to study the ground water supply of three western Chicago suburbs. They attempted to show-that the sub- urbs do not have to draw water from Lake Michigan to supple-| ment their water needs The judge said he expects the state of New York to introduce testimony next month that water drawn from the lake by Chicago hampers the efficiency of hydro- electric plants at Niagara Falls by lowering lake levels. | Hearings are being held in an action brought by six Great Lakes states against the city of Chicago to compel Chicago to re- turn to the lake water drawn from it for sanitary purposes The six states are Minnesota, New York, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania. SPECIAL CLEARANCE PRICE ... Don't Forget To Look At Jaspe Linoleum Tile In Excitingly (West side, next to Jack Frase OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ll Such An Opportunity... -- during our -- WALL TILE THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY | Harleigh Supplies | Before Low Cost Our New Colors. r) RA 5-3012 Privaay. 3a igin III FigiE Sihiiikididgis Sik Shik sy ' when you nudge the accelerator ..when you touch the brake! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE The mcomparable smoothness of turbine drive . . . the reliability of Air-flo aluminum brakes. .. make Buick 60 the best performer ou the road today. md Models smstyated : LESanre 2-Dook Hanover With Buick # happens the moment yon leave the curb--an amazing sense of responsiveness and control, a feeling of absolute confidence, the knowledge of complete road mastery. Buick's power to please starts with the jet-smooth get up-and-go-ability of exclusive Turbine-Drive transmission. No jerks, no gears - - « just silent-spinning turbine blades. And it stops with the power of Buick's swift-acting Air-flo brakes . . . heat-shedding aluminum in front, fin-cooled front rear. Go for the drive of your life in the new Turbine-Drive Buick 60 , s » a your local Buick dealer's --today! ALE For the best in drama see "General Motors Presents weekly. Check local TV Wsting for thme and ch CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED WHITBY MOTORS LIMITED 266 KING ST. WEST #0 BUICK 50) 4 OSHAWA WHITBY, ONT.