Ont. Fed. Women Teachers Establish Fellowship Grant TORONTO -- At a Leadership|of the Federation of Wome Conference held in Toronto the|Teachers' Associations of On- 'GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES read from Mrs. Norman Wirsch- ing, past president of King Street WMS and Mrs. Harvey Skinner. FRIENDSHIP GROUP The Friendship group of Cour- tice United Church WA met for a pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Harold Stainton to cele- games for entertainment, and of course a can opener. played the sody" and the Mrs. Cecil Tindal read the scrip- ture lesson. . Mrs. Skuce expressed her ap- Denny Zaporozan, accordionist, |preciation for the co-operation of the Best of Whatever You Are." Mrs. George Parm sang two solos: "The Prayer Perfect", accompan- ied by Miss Effa Wright. Skuce gave a reading on Stew- Mrs. Edward Sills read "Be ardship entitled "What Shall It Be?" "Green Pastures" and Mrs. Superfluons Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED the members of the group during "Hungarian Rhap- her term of office and asked "'Sharpshooters' Federation of Women Teachers' ed the establishment of a three thousand dollar Fellowship for study in the School of Graduate Studies at the Ontario College of Education. In announcing the new Fellow- ship, Miss Ruby Kinkead, Toron- to, convener of the Federation's Fellowship Committee, said: "The Federation, representing as it does 20,000 public school women teachers in Ontario, re- the value of professional level + teachers and "SISTER AND BROTHER Children of Mr. and Mrs. | children of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Claude Statham, Olive avenue, | Stratton and Mr. and Mrs. are Diane Kathleen and Dan- i " Claus. Digne, 11 years old, | Arclie Statham, all of Oshawa, and Daniel, five, are the grand- (Photo by Hornsby) Canadian Children Send $200,000 As Nation-Wide Gift to UNICEF the fact that women teachers should be encouraged to under- take positions of leadership in : |the professional world. "This new Fellowship is tan- gible evidence of our conviction that women in professional life should receive encouragemnet to improve their professional status, and at the same time, be fitted to be better teachers and admini- Association of Ontario announc-| tario, or approved by the Feder- ation; be enrolled in the School of Graduate Studies as a candi- date for a degree in Education and preferably for the degree of Doctor of Education. Miss Kinkead pointed out that the awarding body is to be the Senate of the University of To- ronto "on the recommendation of the School of Graduate Studies and on the advice of a special Committee nominated by the head of the Department of Edu- cational Theorv." The Federation has led the way in the establishment of stu- dent-teacher bursaries, 45 having been awarded to Ontario women students since 1954. . It has also been instrumental in the convening of provincial and regional conferences designed to improve the qualifications and status of public school women teachers. Since 1953 thousands of Ontario women teachers have taken advantage of these confer- brate the group's first anniver- sary. The rooms were decorated to coincide with the Valentine season. An anniversary cake cen- tered the tea table. cups. At the close of the dinner a cup and saucer was presented to Mrs. Stainton in appreciation of the help she had given in the formation of the group. She is joining a sister group for the coming year. MacGregor, opened the meeting with a short poem. Mrs. W. C. Pierson presided . for the devo- tional period. Mrs. William Me- Knight read the scripture lesson. Mrs. Horace Vetzal read the min- utes also the minutes of the meeting held one year ago. and means to raise funds for church work. Fifteen new mem- berships for WA were paid at the meeting. March". Mrs. Robert Lewis presided for the meeting. She gave a report on the very successful ice car- nival held recently. Mrs. Arthur Sargant read the minutes and Mrs. William Watts, the treasur- er's report. Refreshments were served by the mothers of the pupils ih Grades 1 and 2. Open House will |} be held in March. . GIRL GUIDE ASSN, Prizes were given for lucky The president, Mrs. James Mrs. Bert Howlett, elected leader, to preside. made, as follows: the WMS Pres- byterial in Simcoe Street United Church, February 24; The World Day of Prayer in King Street United Church, March 4 at 2.30 p.m.; the WMS St, Patrick's Tea March 15; the family party, April L ROYAL JELLY Royal Jelly, a safe, natural food pro- duced by the Honey Bee and fed to the Queen Bee, increasing her life span 20 times. Send $1.00 or we will ship you C.0.D. (plus Postage) 24 Royal Jelly capsules os a trial offer, regular price $4.95. If you don't feel like a different person when you finish 24 capsules, return the empty bottle and we will refund your $1.00. Pioneers in Royal Jelly ROYAL JELLY ENTERPRISES the newly Several announcements were MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshawa et the Genosha Hotel, February 16-17th n King Street United Church, PHONE RA 3-4641 BOX 202, OWEN SOUND, ONT. for n (Adelaide District) The regular meeting of Ade- laide district of the Girl Guide Association was held recently at Guide House with Mrs, W. E, Gardiner, Commissioner presid- ing. The seeretary's and treasur- er's reports were given by Mrs, D. J. Bowler and Mrs. L. G. Lloyd. Mrs. Gardener four bers and the following conveners: Golden Plans were discussed on ways enrolled : {sity; be a certified teacher who ences. The Federation on many occasions has opened its confer- ences to educationists and citi- zens interested and concerned with the education of Ontario's younger citizens, strators." To be eligible for the Fellow- ship, the applicant must be a graduate of a recognized univer- is fully qualified; be a member! Women, Dial RA 3-3474 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 16, 1960 In 1959 a gift of $200,000 was dren and mothers in 104 coun- raised for the United Nations Chil-| tries were aided, and allocations dren's Fund by youngsters across| totalling $28,000,000 were approv- Canada who participated in "'Hal- ed by the thirty-nation Executive Jowe'en for UNICEF", a sub-|Board which governs UNICEF's stantial increase over the 1958/financial assistance programs. total of $135,000. In addition, pur-/The countries which received chases of UNICEF cards increas- help, matched UNICEF's contri- ed some 50 per cent over the 1958 butions by an equal amount or PERSONALS vision street, were weekend versaries, comings and goings, guests at the home of their son, |are always very acceptable and Mr. Eric Lang, and Mrs. Lang/for which there is no charge. figure of $79,000. These totals|more thus proving their eager- were announced today by Mrs. ness to attain a better standard Jean Arnold Tory, National Chair-/of living. man of the United Nations Asso-| Through the increased sale of| ciation in Canada, committee for UNICEF greeting cards and the|on Sunday afternoon, February daughters, Janie and Rossie, King| © tv." FFCF are the joint con-| the|yq, following the christening of | street east, were in Peterborough| ye nerg of this forthcoming event| in Cana-| for UNICEF. *'As a result of the substantial participation success of these two programs," Hallowe'en program, the commented Mrs. Tory, "thou-/dian Committee for UNICEF was|in St. George's Anglican Church. (tended the funeral on Monday of| sands of additional youngsters in|again able to report in 1959 that|The godparents were Miss Val-|Mr. Grose's eldest brother, Mr.| and children in Napanee. |Please write or telephone RA 13-3474, local 18. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tansley,| Baldwin street, entertained at tea their baby son, Michael Charles,|on Sunday and Monday and at- underdeveloped countries will millions of our citizens had con-|erie How and Mr. Peter How of Norman Grose of Tweed. benefit from the milk and medi-|tributed to the health and happi- eine which UNICEF provides." EVERYONE GIVES UNICEF cards have become a and the western provinces, to the cards helps to buy the things|Carlo, and which are needed in underdevelop- Robert McWilliams, Toronto. thriving cities of Ontario ) Quebec all participated ined countries to alleviate hunger UNICEF's Hallowe'en program. and disease among children. In most cases, the groups of chil- or churches, scout and guide|each day for a week. Educational programs prior to|cjfe to protect 300 children Hallowe'en stressed the condi-|ggainst tuberculosis. which two-thirds of the world's children live with constantly. RCAF Assn. Dances | . v | nelped to complete the idea of On Valentine's Eve | how UNICEF aid meant better lions of youngsters each year. Wing, held a Valentine dance on Facts such as these inspired for- Saturday night at the Oshawa Airport. Door prizes were won by Br io tous.|Mrs. W. T. Swarbrick and Mr.| aged thousands of new UNICEF by Mr. and Mrs. T. Murphy, Mr Children saw the Hallowe'en su Mrs Jack Jeo Jur. ane Mrs. | program as an opportunity to"py, [adies' Auxiliary served| others as well as to have fun in a| "g., dancing were Mr. and group project. Through the inter- ar... 'pred Fernley, Mr. and Mrs, Jority of Canadian citizens were|patp Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Jack able. to help children all over thei ee Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Robert- I [brick Mr. and Mrs. Reginald CHILD DELEGATE | ' In March, a child will travel/Xent, Mr. and Mrs T. Murphy, New York to present a cheque (379 i No Fy a UNICEF official. The ohild |BLuse Sontey, M $M Ms : groups, or by civic clubs. lo boxes supply enough vac- tions of disease and malnutrition/------ Films, stories, maps and posters and more productive lives for mil-| The RCAF Association, 420] | mer UNICEF supporters to sur- Lew Terry and spot dance prizes contributors to participate. share some of their benefits With| 0.2) Valentine refreshments. | est of these youngsters, the ma-|j "n1 wakely, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- world on October 31. son» Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Swar- to the United Nations Building in| MY; ad Mrs. D. McLaren, Mr. for Canada's Hallowe'en gift tol; who will be chosen from among|ci.immings, Mr. and Mrs. R. the UNICEF participants in New- Wright, Dr. D. Bowerman, Miss| i foundland, will be representing parhara Henry, Mr. and Mrs, all the children of our country william Vince, Mr. and Mrs. who shared their Hallowe'en Norman Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. benefits with others. In previous Donald Winn and many others. years, youngsters from the cen-| \ tral and western provinces have| been selected as Canada's dele-| SOCIAL NOTICE. gates in this venture. | -- UNICEF is the organization 5 " which specializes in the improve-| ENGAGEMDNT ment of the welfare of children| The azagoment 1 announced . argaret Anne and mothers in under-developed J; 140¢ are a oh ar les) Soumirigs. Ji 1s supported Snileely) Andrew Grassie of Port Col- by volun ey eon! Fibutions %!borne and the late Mr. Grassie, ee 24 Be 4, dividuals] '0 Mr. William Gordon Vance, son : \Y-lof Mr. and Mrs, W. Harvey ing medicine, food and equip- Vance of Owen Sound. The mar- ment for maternal 'and child riage is to take place in Whitby welfare services, _ (United Church, on Saturday, Last year over 55,000,000 chil- March 12, 1960, at 3 o'clock. {ness of "all the world's children". | McWilliams, ) J {happy blending of great art andithe Reverend and Mrs. Communities ranging from the , great need. The proceeds from|!Cross, Oshawa, Mr. and small villages of Newfoundland every box of UNICEF Christmas| Thomas How and Miss Kathleen, Peterborough and Mr. Robert| wn anq4 Mrs. F. J. Skinner of Toronto. Other| a Ww guests were Miss Lois Cullis apalOSiawa, were Simons (he Events Clinton| ponte over the weekend. Mrs. Members of the Catholic Wom- Peterborough, of St. Mary of The People Church i You are invited by the Socialjare combining their efforts this|Roesche, tables; Mrs. John! One box of cards will give 45 Department to send in any little| Thursday evening when they will| Brady. candy: and Mrs. Leonard | dren were sponsored by schools|children a large glass of milk items of interest, News of teas,/be holding their annual Night of 4 ici 4 " § ao basic i A... iY *WED IN DOUBLE-RING CEREMONY Pictured after their marri- | and Mrs. Michael Shody, Osh- age recently at St. John's Orth- | awa and the bridegroom is the odox Ukrainian Church are Mr. | son of Mr. and Mrs. John Po- and Mrs. Michael Posacki. | sacki of Poland. Formerly Miss Marion Shody, (Photo by Ireland) Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Lang, Di- surprise parties, showers: anni-| Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Grose and £ and Mrs. en's League and Federation Des|jubenville, tickets: Femmes Canadiennes Francaises|Gibbs, refreshments; Mrs. J. L.| Officers' names for the com- ing year are: President, Mrs. James MacGregor; vice - presi- dent, Mrs. F. A. Chumbly; secre- tary, Mrs. Horace Vetzal; treas- urer, Mrs. Kenneth Ellis; social convener, Mrs. E. C. Halcomb; {flower convener, Mrs. Percy Dalby; flower convener for pres- ent WA; Mrs. .W C. Pierson; press reporter, Mrs. S. W. Bur- gess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Horace Vetzal and court whist will be played at the close of the meet- ing. Hand, Mrs. . W. Jarvis; Brownie Efficiency, Mrs. H, L. Kells; convener for Guides 1st Class, Mrs. J. McMullan; pro- ficiency, Mrs. F. C. Parry and Mrs, Fred Smith; Mrs. Blake Walls, badge secretary; and Mrs, Theo Lakin, needlewoman, Sev- eral new testers are assisting. Miss Shirley Temperton is to be issued her District Guider's Bar and three new warrants are issued in Adelaide, The schedule for Guide and Brownie testing has been changed as follows: Brownies for Golden Hand, the first Saturday SOUTH SIMCOE H AND § [of the month at 2 p.m.; Guides, Civil Defence was the theme|the 2nd Saturday, 10 a.m. 1st for -the February meeting of|Class; Proficiency at 2 p.m. South Simcoe Home and School] Reports were presented by the Association. representatives of the 2, 10, 11, 16 WO2 A. W. Nichols, of the in- Brownies, 2, 10, 11, 16 Guides, structional staff at Army Head-|2 10, 11, 16, 17 group commit- quarters in Oakville, gave a short |tees. talk and showed a film on home| February 21 is "Thinking Day" tvpe bomb shelters. These bomb|and each Guider will make her shelters tould be made in a base-lown church service arrange- ment o®dug into the back yard. ments, Besides the necessary articles) The next meeting will be held |such as food and water, it is very March 9. |important to have tools; battery |operated radio; flashlight, includ- LOYAL WORKERS Mrs. C. C. Skuce presided for ling extra bulbs and batteries; - |the first portion of the February he Meeting of the Loyal Workers | [{Cards. Mrs. Max Coleman of t [CWL and Mrs. Richard Lacroix group of King Street United Church. Mrs. Bert Howlett read the {Plans by the various conveners/minutes and Mrs, Edward Sills |are now being finalized by Mrs.|[reported on finances for last| Lucien Chamberland. tickets; meeting and for 1959. { |Mrs. Howard Gimblett, refresh-| Letters of appreciation werel WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY! 80 DRESSES TO BE CLEARED Regular 25.00 to 55.00 FINAL 0 00 CLEARANCE ALTERATIONS EXTRA ALL SALES FINAL Frankling of) Oshawa 64 Simcoe St. North RA 5-6682 |ments; Mrs. John Cardinal, |prizes; Mrs. Viateur St. Pierre, tables; Mrs. J. F. Vincent, |dy; and Mrs. Paul Rochefort, |publicity; for the FFCF, the| |committees are Mrs. Russell | Mrs. Ronald | Mrs. Clifford | Dodds, prizes; Weeks, publicity. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON H a Supplement the Family Diet with AND SPECIALS Shop Tomorrow Afternoon SAVE "PABAMETTE" | SYRUP "PABAMETTES" JUNIOR than glue. As seen on AR 21 Vitamins; Minerals NEW INSTANT GRIP Amazing chemical discovery faster and stronger 79¢ TUBE TV. and Trace Elements DRUGS 28 KING STREET EAST RA 3-4621 Regular City-Wide Deliveries from, beautiful colors, the bride is the daughter of Mr. MIT 'g | y SWACOE ST. NE. [VEE EVEN | SIMCOE AT ATHOL | Chiropractic treats POLIO egyeezeuety/ for the finest in draperies, curtains, and venetign blinds. Fully qualified interior decorator to help you at any time. WARD'S "Decorating Oshawa Windows Since 1919" FINE PRINTED TABLECLOTHS Cotton and spun rayon, six patterns to choose Reg. 1.29. SALE PRICE .. 88¢ size 50" x 50". SPECIALS WILLARDS window shades STRE SPORT Will fit sizes 814 NEW SPRING PATTERNS 7-PC. BATHROOM SETS A grand opportunity to come pletely decorate your bathe room with a professional decorator look and at a very special price . . . 2 NEW PATTERNS -- each [ GIRLS COTTON AND NYLON Sale Price 3 pr. for 1.00 BISKETTE BAR Chocolate-coated with biscuit centre. LB. 49¢ BLANCHED PEANUTS LB. 29¢ tasty TCHY to 11. White only. set comprised of | -- 6' x 6' Shower Curtain, 1 pair 54" Window Drapes, 1 pair Tie- backs, 1 Chenille Mat and 1 Chenille lid cover . . . in matched patterns 4 colors of Blue, Rose, Beige, Green, Orchid or White. "KISMET" A MODERN 'LAMP DESIGN on a silk effect plas- tic ground. 7-pc. set 9.95 Set "BUTTERLY" A lovely design on textured fabric type plas- tic. 7-pe. set 11.95 Set We carry other "KLEINEST" and "McGREGOR" BATH- AAAAAAAAA Is whi ' THREE PIECE PLASTIC { MIXING BOWL SET Colors of yellow, white and blue Reg. 1.98. SALE PRICE .. 98¢ % 4 4 y Roop SETS from 4.98 to 24.95. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA DIAL RA 5-1151 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE EE --_--_.