The Oshawa Times, 10 Feb 1960, p. 7

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0] A i nN LEANNE AND LORNE Children of Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs, Peter Bolenchuk, Osh- Lorne Sykes, Glengrove street, | awa, and Mr. and Mrs. Da are Leanne Jeanette and Lorne | Sy kes, Toronto, and 7 Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Women, Francis J. Francis, music teacher, bandmaster and condue- tor, of Oshawa Symphony Orches- tra, demonstrated on Monday af- ternoon that *'Music hath charms to soothe the savage, or little savages," to paraphrase the bard. Editor Dial RA 3-3474 In a talk on the development THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 10, 1960 7 of a junior band, he presented a brass band of boy musicians from Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whit- Cedardale H&S At Candlelighting Ceremony | The 36th birthday of the Cedar- |dale Home and School Associa {tion was celebrated at the Feb- ruary meeting. | A delightful social evening, ar- {ranged by Mrs. George Thomson, was enjoyed by a larger attend- |ance of parents and teachers. "The Home and School Creed, |read by Mrs. Adrian Hill, pre- ceded the program. | Mrs. Earl Hoy, a vice-presi- | dent, of Home and School Council, brought greetings from Council land stated that the February 23 meeting will be a 'Presidents meeting" held in the E. A. Lovell School. Mrs. Hoy read "The Ten [Commandments for Mothers to {Their Children", by public schools. The boys who have been playing together for less than a year, acquitted themselves well. Mr, Francis intreduced the various instruments and those demon- strating were Dale Fessenden, first cornet; John Krasinski, sec- on each person or organizaitioniond cornet; Ricky Shoreyko, flu- (honored by a lighted candle, gel horn; Paul Shoreyko, tenor pointing out the aims and ach- horn; Larry Gannon, euphonium; The first candle, lighted by Mrs. | Douglas Webster, trombone; Adrian Hill, was in memory of Douglas Jose, base trombone; Mrs. A. C. Curtis, founder of the|Michael McGuire, David O'Con- 1916 Home and School Movement. |nors and Martin Jamieson, tubas. The second candle, lighted by| Mr. Francis put the band Mrs. Gordon McQuaid, honored through simple exercises demon- the National Federation of Home strating rhythm, melody and har- and School Council. | mony. The third candle, lighted by| Transferring the printed mote Mrs. Frank Singer, Jr., honored|into sound is a mental exercise the Ontario Federation of Home|(hat teaches concentration. Boys and School Association. who can play a musical instru- The fourth candle, lighted by ment develop self-confidence and the presiding president, Mrs. grow up into fuller characters," Alyn Elliott, honored the Cedar- he explained. Marks Birthday bs Boy's Band Under F.]. Francis Entertains Lyceum Club by Mrs. R. B. Reed and Mrs. J. H. McDiarmid, members took the opportunity of viewing the ex- hibition of paintings by local ar- tists which the Lyceum Club is sponsoring. GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES which was held at home of Mrs. H, A. Whiteley. High score winners were Mrs. John McQuade and Mrs. H. F. Stéphens, and low score winners were Mrs. N. Smith and Mrs. PILOT CLUB The regular meeting of the Pilot Club of Oshawa wpe ea' 4 to order by president, Miss Lil- lian Beamish, Miss Mary MacLean gave the treasurer's report. Mrs. Russell Commentator To Address Club On Ballet The speaker this evening at the February meeting of the Univer- sity Women's Club is the well known authority on ballet, Mr. Fraser MacDonald. Mr. Mac- Donald's program, 'Ballet Club" has been a weekly radio feature on the CBC for eighteen years and there are few Canadians so familiar with the ballet reper- toire. Fraser MacDonald was born In Toronto but was brought up and educated in Alberta. He moved ack to Toronto in 1941 to study composition and took a position with the CBC. His arrival in To- ronto coincided with the appear- ance of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo and the Original Ballet Russe: The enthusiasm dale Home and School Associa-| The program progressed Trom on, Mrs {simple hymn tunes to sprightly created by these companies has never waned and was instru- bert | Mrs. Alyn Elliott presented Hoy with a corsage and| Hoy presented corsages to | Mrs. Alyn Elliott, Mrs, Daniel Shutka and four of the past presi dents, Mrs, Lyman Gifford, Mrs. : . John Flinto'f, Mrs. Frank Singer, * Yalentine Decorations Add Color Jr., and Mrs. George Thomson. was the candle-lighting service. JDouglas. Leanne, who is one | granddaughter of Mrs. Ro and a half years old, and | Sykes and Mrs. Caroline War- | Mrs. Lorne, five and a half, are the | wick, Oshawa; and Mr, and |Mrs, grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. George Smith, Toronto. 'Arthur Gladman and Mr. and --Photo by Hornsby The president, Alyn El- liott, presided for a short busi- |ness session. The minutes were German and French folk tunes,|mental in'the inception of a regu- three shanties in which the audi-|lar ballet program on the radio. {read by Mrs. Harty Blanchard. |ence took a hand and the first | Mr. MacDonald implemented |The treasurer's report was given, movement of the Happy Day his interest in ballet by studying by Mrs. Gordon McQuaid. |Suite. The boys showed fine style|dancing for three years with The annual convention will pein their concluding rendition of held on April 20-21 with two dele-| © Canada". : gates attending. | Mr. Francis, who was introdue- Th b ted to hold aed by Miss E. M. Holmes was Be members void 1 Md 4 warmly congratulated and thank- candy sale at the March meeting. |. by Mrs. S. V. Barlow who pre- The highlight of the evening - Vv : PT A beautifully decorated cake, : *10 duccessiu ar arty flank ers took the spotlight as four M ter, members participated in the can. atw dle-lighting service to commem- orate the birthday celebration. Mrs. Thomson spoke a few words - | The Catholic Parent-Teacher As-|Mrs. R. Rorabeck * sociation of St. Gregory's Roman|Dowe: Miss G. + Catholic Church held a successful! W. D. Perry, Mrs, : St. Valentine bridge and euchre|hart, Mrs. Jack Lawrence, fn St. Gregory's auditorium last/Robert Calder, Mrs, Norman Fry, Jrogh, I vives: was Mrs. Mrs Lous av Fron, Mrs. J. Moz! ter door prize winners were ; a " I, |Mrs. A. Howston, Mrs. M. Wilton, The tables with their covers of| The first door prize was a new | re T. Barrett, Mrs. C. Vezine, fed and many wee valentine|gaster honnet which was won and Miss Claire White and Mrs. V. 0 ed by four candles and flow-| The room prize was awarded 10|gided for the business meetin [Ms Mary Peters, Kindergarten| ja followed. g ° ass. : | She announced that the Opera | Games were played with prizes study Group would meet at the given. Refreshments were served home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. {by the executive. Wright, Lauder road, on Tuesday | {ie sad of La Travis LODGES AND | um. ¢ SOCIETIES favors complemented the displav| modelled hy Miss Evelyn Annis. Bond of prizes wrapped in red and| _ . white. Prize conveners were Mrs.| J. J. Spencer and Mrs. Francis| = -- { M. Gilmore. The ticket convener was Mrs. | J i Douglas Blair assisted hv Mrs.| $a | rnest Marks: Mrs, &. McLaugh-| - | n and Mrs. Owefi Gifford. 33 ¢ Mrs. William Poissoin, past-| | | president, assist by the six . hostesses, Mrs, J. A. Yanch, Mrs. | § Russell Pleau, Mrs. Bernard) . aw, Mrs. M. Barron, Mrs. John| * mm and Mrs. Victor Me- . Adam, welcomed the 500 players. | ger Mrs. William A. Clarke, presi-| * dent, thanked the many who at-|? tended for their patronage and in- troduced Mrs. Clifford Harper, who was warmly applauded. Mrs. Fred Lawless convened the | refreshment committee assisted by Mrs. John Brady, MS. ames O'Regan. Mrs, otz, Mrs. Chester . | W 4 Easton Egerer» Mrs. Paul Char- § trand, Mrs. Reginald Kavaneugh, |' Mrs. C. A. Cover, Mrs. Dermot + Conway. Assisting in serving + were Messrs: Paul Chartrand, William Boissoin, J. A. Yanch, © Clancy Barrett, Jack Lawrence,|' William Clarke, Clifford Harper! Fred Lawless and Alex McNeil. . Candy in colorful con'ainers "was in the charge of Mrs. Elmer "Gibson assisted by Mrs. George| Fi "Barrett, Mrs. Edward McNeely sold Mrs. Daniel Fudge. : decorations were arranged + by:Mrs. Cl'fford Harper and pub-| by Mrs. William A. Clarke. "The Reverend L. T. MeGough | 2 presented the euchre prizes an drew the winning tickets for the! "3 pew y " ¥uchre prizes were won by «Mrs. John Westlake, Mrs. Harry "Irwin, Mrs. John Cardinal, Mr. wJ, D McCrea, Miss Emelie Mac- "chi, Mrs. Pauline Mitchell, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs.»J. Fairhart. Pa ge draw prize winners were Mrs. Robert Arms'rong, "Mrs. Dennis Healey, Mrs. Wilbur Kimgston: Mrs. Bernard McAllis- ter, Miss E. Annis, Miss J. Sa- , very, Miss R. J. Murphy, Mrs. K. MacDonald, Mrs. Ernest Marks, Mrs, Kenneth Franklin, Mrs. R. Clarke, Mrs. Chester Borek, Mrs. Douglas Blair. General draw prize winners were Miss Elaine Ferguson, Mrs. BROTHER AND SISTER SUITS Outfits for the young set, | obtain the knitting instructions, knitted in cotton! The matching | simply send a stamped, self- pullovers have short sleeves, | .. ° ribbéd around' the edges, and | 2ddressed envelope plus ten R. Reid, Mrs. S. Collins, Mrs.| are worked in a loose pattern | cents for handling, to the D. J. Kennedy, Mrs. R. White, stitch to produce horizontal | Needlecraft Department of this Mrs. Joseph Reid, Mrs, Peter| stripes. The skirt and pants are | paper, requesting BROTHER solid white. Instructions are for Fekyta, Mrs. Donald Sutton, Mrs. | A size 1-2-3. If you would like to W. Kolesnik, Mrs. J. H. Long, | AND SISTER SUITS, Leaflet NO. K-P.K. 8975, For that special occasion or day- after-day, you will find our hair style for you exactly right Call us for an appointment. RA 3-4212 All Work Done Under Supervision CHARGES . . . FOR MATERIAL ONLY P a) Oshawa School of Heiidnessing 16A ONTARIO ST. Operated under Government Licence AOR BORN RIS ¥ iwon by 'Mabel B : LR WE OTR: Mrs. G. D. Conant spoke of} VICTORIA LODGE the meeting of the Historical So- | ) I The Victoria Loyal True Blue | Boris Volkoff and has made an intensive study of scores and choreography of the many new ballets which have heen present- ed. His subject, "The Birth of Modern Ballet" promises to be a most interesting one. Flutter read the minutes. Mies Beth Miller, chairman of the next meeting on February 18, asked the members to be as- sembled by 7 o'clock at Simcoe Hall for a school of instruction. Reports were given by the various commitiee ghairmen, Sev- eral of the members planned to accept the invitation of tha Buel. ness and Professional Women's Club to its International Ni° ~ meeting on February 156. The nomination committee for 1960 officers was elected with Mrs, Leslie rrigs chairman, Mre Kenneth an and Mrs, Fred Lindsay as with Miss Muriel Wilson and Miss Beth Miller as alternates. Miss Madeline Guscott was welcomed to membership in the club, It was announced that annual reports have to be prepared by March 1 CONNAUGHT PARK AUX. The regular meeting of Con. naught Park Auxiliary was held recently at the home of Mrs. ay Wellman with the president, Mrs, Herbert Braiden, presiding. The meeting was a Valenline box social, Roll eall showed 12 Harry Poloz. Another court whisl party was planned for this month. Arrangements were made for a euchre party to be held on Feb- ruary 20 at Woodview Park in aid of Connaught Park building fund, Lucky draw was won by Mrs. John Peaker. Later autograph bingo was enjoyed. Cultivate Lilies For Easter Bloom With Easter not until the middle of April this year, this should be about the right time to tend to potted bulbs, Raise the temperature of Easter lilies to 65 degrees F., advise horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. During growth, provide plent: of light and a moist soll. Un the small buds start to form, light spraying with a syringe is beneficial; after bud set, mois. ture around the buds may cause rot. When the plants are six inches high, feed them with a complete soluble fertilizer, or a light nitrogen fertilizer such as ammonium sulphate, every two or three weeks. When the buds are just visible, the plant requires five weeks to flower if grown at 80 degrees F. When the buds start to bend over, two weeks elapse until bloom. If the plants are late, raise the tem-! the perature to 65 degrees or even 70 degrees F, Blasting, or drying of the unopened flowers, is cause ed by too high a temperature of too dry an atmosphere. Splitting of the flower may be due to @ severe check in growth, After flowering, the bulbs are useless for forcing again. How. ever, if the bloom is cut off and the bulbs are planted outdoors after frost, they may bloom agais in the fall and sometimes will winter over if protected. Diep * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY 7 RICKS . RUGS . SPREADS | bers present includi two inew members, { Secretary's report was read by Mrs. Edward Hubbell and treas- urer's report by Mrs. H. A. Whiteley. The secretary read a thank - you card from little {Stephen Poloz. Treasurer reportéd on the {profit from the court whist party ciety, to be addressed by Profes- | Lodge No. 55 held i's regular] MODEL SHOE STORE Clearance' Sale IS STILL ON sor Edward Carswell on February and invited members of the meeting in the Orange Temple, | Bruce street, recenily with wor- ,yceum Club to attend During the tea hour, hostessed | chinful mistress Sister Mary Thompson presiding assisted by Sister Ru'h Gatchell, y Baby's i" % » - ecaiee, evn, toners Constipation Sicter Gertrude Logan. When baby's bowels are overloaded with Minutes were read and roll call| waste, the entire digestive process may be of officers and past mistresses affected. Little tummy often becomes sour | and upset, baby suffers gassy pains, gets | sters. ever ¢ tral: viz given anil Biot pn dL eds, Vo wise) and ters Florence White reported to) mms. sive Baby's Own Tablets and see if | T t ON DI i | be in hospital. A card was Sent way baby feels ¢ npr Change in the to Philip Skinner, a juvenile in|Baby's Own Tablets are thoroughly depend: | Sick Children's Hospital. able. Youll find chem especially helpful, Banquet plans for March 18 from digestive er romp felis were SiS used au also a fall ha nes, colic pains and other nor ailments zaar. Bingo and home baking sale 3boue Baby's Own Tobin oe SUT. doctor reports were given. today Fog Sus Tobie, Gets paige The evening draw prizes were. ® NEW! BABY'S OWN COI a H UGH SYRUP isters Ina Milgate and|mede especially for babies. Soothi i low. | oliaving... pleasant: won't voter Sigestton Ladies' Special FOR THIS SALE HIGH QUALITY SIZES. PAIR LADIES' LARGER SIZES 1.98 to 4.95 ONLY SMALL 1.00 32 SIMCOE (CORNER ATHOL & SIMCOE) ST. SOUTH WL PR RR RT QP | > 3 APHRODISIA "Woon UE Se & > ad y 4 . Quartetie Jr. four fash soap exquisitely boxed color aerosols 3.75 . Shower Kit of cologne, Travel Case 4.50 28 Ki RA "TIGRESS STRAW MAT WERE © ER EWE 0 A RR a sighed for giving... silver and gold moire'd gift box 3.75 . Bath Powder in luxurious fabric-topped box with colorful lamb's wool ballet puff 4.50 . Savon Extraordinaire three cokes of perfumed . Cologne Spray in festive golden-capped and Bath Powder shaker... all in a waterproof ion fragrances in 2.50 soap in Travel Compact, NG ST. E. 3-4621 ACT Iv! "FLAMBEAU | | | and because of our tr fixtures. Naturally, Before Christmas we day. VALUE SAVE 30.00. NOW not this little beauty at hi Price; REGULAR VALUE 27. Half Price! | oa FOR YOUR Ms fT Ka 9" FROM LIGHTING UNLIMITED These fixtures are designed for us exclusively, you can save as much os 50%. We invite you to shop around, check styles end prices. You will realize for yourself the truly sensational savings when you visit Lighting Unlimited, the leader in lighting prisms the crystal ond imported from Czechoslovakia. Repeat of a sell-out , . . this all crys. tal, 5-light chandelier, is back again, disappointed many of our good customers, sO . d to the wise, don't delay anothe sesnsseéscnre To compliment your dining room fixture or just to add charm ond sparkle to your halls, hy alf 5, 3.95 The very latest . , , this com- bination of gold and crystal, mokes this chandelier a most P.S. Not sure of her taste? Give a "Lighting Un- limited" Gift Certificate When In Doubt! : LIGHTING UNLIMITED Canada's Leading Chain of Home Lighting Specialists OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE buying power, ore hand-polished 87.50. 7.50 desirable addition to any home. Will toke five 25 or 40 watt bulbs. REGULAR VALUE 79.95 SAVE 30.00, NOW Only Open Fridays To 9 P.M. Wed. Until 6 P.M. RA 8.0922

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