12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Februery 10, 1960 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange TORONTO 11 AM. srocxs By The Canadisn Pi Toronto Stock otemiidend) 5 SSuiations in in cents unless marked §. =~ Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- id A ai ) INDUSTRIALS Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Abitibi pr Acad-Atl Alta Dist Alta Gas Algoma Algonquin Aluming Alu Am 100 BCE 5% pr BC Pow Brown Bullochs B SEulSR sR BENE el ~S§eseganEpe yy 1 E - ne, EEE Chrysler Cockshutt Col Cell Con Gas Corby vt Crush Int Creative Tel Dist Ssag D Bridge D Fndry Dom Stores Dom Tar Dom Text Fam Play Fr Pet: pr Gatineau GP Drill A GS Wares Net Stock Sales High Low 11 s.m. Ch'ge 100 840% 40% 40% 5 838% 8% 8% --% 10 Goodyear pr GL Paper GN Gas wis 180 Greening » Hard Crpt =%0 Hendshot pr z10 H Smith pr 100 Imp Bank E-3 Imp OH wm Imp Tob pr 330 Ind Accep 180 180 Net Ch'ge ! "« Inglis Inind Gas Inter PL 75 ++ ER 3 + ¥ 5 28 40 S41% 41% $16% 16 $100% 100% 180 120 a $40 40 $39% 39% 315% 15% $15% 15% 145 BS &F Nat Drug pr z15 N Star 57 wt 112 150 NO NGas 235 314% 14% Page Hers 80 $26% 26% 817% 17% $70% 79% 870 0 $6 9% 16% ) ! + * F Ld 7% 10% 250 30% 100 255 258 240 195 100 35 8 aw Silverwd A B.vaiva B Simpsons SKD Mig Spartan § dren Steel Can 450 bwenbg A 225 Tor-Dom Bk 30 52% T Fin A z15 35 Tr Can PL 2220 23% 200 15% 225 ks} 100 200 100 gi 4 Asbestos 2% D Sug 8! 18% C Marconi 100 $5% 5% 200 36% U% U% Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge C Paper 10 S40% 40% 40% Dupont 5 1% BU BY% Int Ut 125 834 MM Lob Ine 25 $13 13 13 Price Br 3 1% A% 1% Chib Jae Chrom Coch Will Coin Lake £ Beta G Callinan C Denison C Den wis C Discvry C Fen Con Gillies 180 --10 -% is RTI TIT sedgs8isl E38 Ce 3 41% --~ % 16 100% 18) zn © - 3% + % 15% 15% 150 us 26% - % 17% 79% "» sEFgeued EEE e ~10 sessile iiensnnnsstsy Westates Acad Uran Hud Bay Inspiration Int Nickel Irish Clip Jellicoe Jonemith Jowsey Kerr Add Kilembe L Dufault Langis 88gzrss * 2 Ss Ssus Ss x Eiab Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 505 48 4 48 500 425 415 425 300 310 310 310 1000 13% 13% 13% 15433 10 "4 2000 300 5500 2% 500 1000 +3 2% 16 6% 10% 0 6 10 11 100 $26% $49% 42 $101% 175 "ibn 14 37 20% 340 7% 90 400 139 5% 16 267 27 Stock MacLeod Madsen Maralgo 1000 15 Maritime 120 Meybrun 1 Mcintyre Mciien cWat Mentor M'n-Ore Mt, Wright Nama Cr New Ath New Bid 100 100 293 100 O'Brien Opemiska Orchan Sherritt Biscoe Stdcona Stanleigh Sinigh wis Starratt Step R Sullivan Syivanite Teck-H Tombill Ventures Violam West Surf In Willroy Wiltecey Winch Wr Harg Yk Bear Zula 100 24 Bales fo 11 a.m. 52,000, Net Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge -1 -3 | Tobacco Sales 12,547,881 Pounds | TILLSONBURG (CP) -- Growers Marketing ported sales Tuesday of 2,547.8 at an average price cents a pound. Sales to da rice of 55.91. The| | Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco hog prices likely will drop sub- Board re-| stantially during the next few ,653,886 pounds at an aver- Tuesday. Hog Prices May | Drop Substantially |: WINNIPEG (CP) -- Canadian a1 {months as a result of the lifting] of a ban on United States pork of imports, the president of the Meat | te packers Council of Canada said| | J. K. Carroll of Winnipeg said STOCK MARKET removal of the ban on the cheaper American pork products will com. bine with recently established OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS Dunns took ti Clarks this MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL sect | con from Week as Acadians took their Thate | from | Hn City one. Westmount two and left Genosha with ove, The high trivle for the night was by R. Jay with 854 (263, 308, 283), Only two other scores were in the 700 group and they were J. White with 759 (228, |, 280, 251) and ¥. Goguen 718 (280, 187, 251). We had a good showing in the 600 ( (226, 210, 227), A. Goguen "639 (208, 1, , Winacott 639 (226, 187, 226), A, , 168), J. Gow 635 608 (201, 212, 195), D. Solomon 603 (173, 189, 241), 1, Welsh 603 (198, 237, 167) and R. McGillis 603 (226, 165, 212), Gi ere only Sver ha mented --- 5 Webster 261, P, Hereia 238, K. 246, 8. Weeks 29, "& * Roddick 2 5 Hart W. Lawson 226, K .Brown sid 222, J. Dunn 219, W. Markus 219, R. sloward 217, J. Bell 216, E. Henry | niyo. 215 and A, Craig 211. We had four stalwart members of the Lemon League this week with grand totals of less than 100. They were G. Stickwood 88. 1. Phinney 92, R. Ding. | 737 man 95 and D, Howard 96. Bowling for the night on the whole went pretty fair and absentees were negligible, We'd still lke to see those points being fought for a little harder boys, so let's hustle, Bandit Gets $3000 Loot In Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- A bandit escaped with $3,000 Tuesday after he shot a bank teller, held the manager at gunpoint and eluded him in a car chase. Police Inspector Bernard Love- ridge said he believed the shoot- ing was accidental, He said the gun went off after the robber tossed a bag over the teller's cage in an Imperial Bank of Canada branch in suburban Don Mills and said: "Fill her up." The bullet struck Colin Beales, 23, in the head, knocked him un- conscious and bounced off into a ceiling tile. Doctors said Beales {has a fractured skull but was not |seriouslv injured. As Beales slumped, Douglas O. Dunning threw himself on the burglar alarm. The bandit jumped on the counter, brand- ished his gun and ordered Mr. and | some good triples id 675 (258, H, Doyle A Cite, 6, 158), V. Claus 663 | Cobbledick Joyce Porter 229, NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES | Congratulations to the "Duds" for winning the second section! We had this week. Betty Pearse was our top bowler with a 723, followed by Mid Muir with a 718 and] Marion Dingman with a 708. High Srivios; Betty Pearse 723 (132, 0, 284), Mid Muir 718 (319, 210), arfjon Dingman 708 (281, 272), Chri, Coline 604 (240, 208, 2¢6), Doreen men 661 (279, 227), Hel (225, 238), Ev Cam Molly DePr: urras 271, May , Olive League: Trudy MacDonald 95, Phoebe Walters. 91, iim Fi Ph; PB ri To Oh a Hy Gray and Team Standings: Gems 20, Duds 21, Stinkers 19, Sauatiers 19, Jays 7, Bell- ringers 18, Jokers 17, Deadbe un, 14 and Stars 11 STORIE PARK LEAGUE Nes Scott was best Saturday night (220, 255, 262), John Cameron 673 (211, 205, 257), 8id Loscombe 668 (209, 292), Don Collins 621 (223, 237), Eddie Gresik 611 (220), Joe Parsons 605 (212, 229), and Millis Cameron 602 (253), OVER 200 --- Gord Scott 211, 248, Peggy Waylett 71, ms 204, George Arkwright 222, Ann Williams 214, Eileen Barrett 222, Esme Kornylo 209, Harry Williams 211, Harry Korn) 201, Albert Porter 227, Mabel Worsley 205, Olive Morrison 223, Ralph Boneham 207, Bea Hudson 204, Joan Bienkowski 216, Nellie Oyler 210, Jean Gresik 215, Bill Short 209, and Blanche Norton 215, Team standing -- Burtons 3, Simcoes 3, Colleges 3, Cromwells 2, Hillsides 2, Cuberts 2, Hibberts 2, Mills 1, Oxfords | land Tresanes 1 . 5 654/11, Union AUX. 27 UAW LEAGUE Doubles -- M, McNeil 493, 283, 211. Singles -- E. McCabe 257, H. Baker 219, M. Mclsaac 216, D. Bradley 218 and E, Burrows 204. Hi Jinks took 2 points, Pixies 1; Lulu's took 2 points, Blewitts 13 Go- Get! took 2, Jetts 1 and Union Ma! took 2, Champs 1. Team standing ~-- Jetts 11, Lulu's 11, Champs 11, Pixies Maids 9, Hi Jinks § and Blewitts 8 HUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE We hope our ill bowlers are back next week, High bowlers for this week -- Ada McDonough (95, 132) 227; Mary Leach (102,, 76) 176 and Sonia Diachinke (66, 58) 124 With handicap ~Clars Suddard (78, 59) M04. FRIENDLY 48 LEAGUE Doubles -- Marge Jacklin 487 (264, 223), Winnie Scott 468 (212, 256), Edna Wilson 453 (289), Joan Slater 524 (226), 80, 14nd Elsie Bathe 404 (3 y Singles ~~ Ruby 206, Nellie Ricketts 23, Edna Watson 212 and Mabel Blow 208, Jets 3, Slowpokes 0; Whirlwinds 3, Six Luckles 0; Foils 3, Pinups 0; Bees 2, Bombers A ~ Jets 13, Hopefuls 10, Bees 8, Bombers 8, Slowpokes 7, Whirle winds 7, Pinups 4 and Six Luckies 3. RAINBOW LEAGUE Standing White 14, Yellow 13, Red 10, Purple 10, Tan 10, Orange 9, Brown 9, Lime 9, Pink 8, Coral 8, Jade 8, Mauve 7, Blue 7, Silver 7. Rose 7, Maroon 6, Green 5, Black 5, Beige & Grey 4, Gold 3 and Navy 3. High doubles --R. Mack 513 (238, 277); P. Branton 490 (230, 260); P, John. son 464 (271), 8. Stead '438 (205, 233); B. Colvin 436 (263), Ee Schoeneau ts (254), E. Baker 427 (225, 202), J. llson Go (18) and D. 412 (236), L. Brain 405 (234), High singles -- R. Reddock 240, E, Wilson 233, T. Knight 231, F. Russell 225, B. Reesor 223, M, Pirie 223, M. Wright 221, 'E. Biddulph 220, C. Allen 219, R. Welsh 214, M., Irwin Ay M. Rea 206, M, Bmart 204, E. Sol ay 203, J. Kelly 202 and Be Par i 201, Premium Quality VIGOR OSHAWA NEW REDUCED PRICE STOVE OIL Courteous, Prompt Delivery OIL CO. For Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone WHITBY federal deficiency payments on Canadian pork te push prices down, RA 5-1109 BROOKLIN OL. 5-3221 MO 83644 AJAX 550 Dunning to "get the money from the safe." "I went Into the vault room and convinced him I couldn't open the vault," Mr, Dunning sald in an NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS | American pork in the past has Investors Syndicate of Canada |Peen too fat for the taste of Cana- Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1959, dian consumers, he said, "but if|interview. "I told him to take $2,348,651, $1.41 a share; 105g, |the price difference was big|what was in the till and get out." $1,828,184, $1.10, enough they might be willing to The man fled after stuffing his | ignore that." I pockets with money. WHY THIS NEW PLYMOUTH ENGINE IS the most remarkable "6" of the sixties High 8.6:1 compression ratio squeezes regular fuel into a light, come pact volume; makes it burn more owerfully, efficiently. No Six in ymouth's class offers a higher com- pression ratio. BIG CHANGES AND FAMOUS FEATURES MAKE "60 PLYMOUTH A BIGGER VALUE Six or V-8. . , whatever's under the CANADIANS ON PATROL OVER DESERT An Otter aircraft of the | Unit, which flies in support of | Force is shown patrolling in the RCAF's 115th Air Transport | United Nations Emergency | Sinal desert. One highly impor- tant role of the UNEF in Egypt is the constant Hig patrol along the Israeli and Egyptian borders. (CP Wirephoto) 48 HOURS Here's the Six that goes them all one better! It saves you money . ..and it brings you an exciting new kind of p and power all its own. With ymouth's new 30-D Economy Six, you'll enjoy big fuel savings with no sacrifice of power. See for yourself, 'Test this remarkable new engine now! 80-degree inclination allows new Sun Life Company Sets New Record Sun Life Assurance Company of holders and beneficiaries totalled Canada sold more than one bil-|$179 million in 1959 -- $705,000] lion dollars of new life insurance for each working day -- an in- | last year, a record for a Can-|crease of $20 million over 1958 adian Company, J. B. J. Wan:|payments. | sink, C.L.U. manager of the Sun Life branch in Peterborough an- nounced following the company's 89th annual meeting in Montreal. Mr. Wansink said the record year and increased earnings will result this spring in adoption of increased dividends to the holders of most classes of participating policies, About $38,700,000 will be paid in policy dividends in 1950. The Sun Life sold $1,041 million Income from all sources was | $372 million. Mr, Wansink said the Sun Lite| continued its policy during the year of investing funds in com: | munity projects, such as hous-| ing developments, shopping cen- tres, industrial plants and public works. Residential mortgages comprised, an important part of new investments bv Sun Life in 1959. Asets at year end amoun- T0 GO! THERE'S JUST 48 HOURS TO THE END OF DOVER'S BUSINESS YEAR -- BUT THE manifold fuel intake hood, it's a cinc for each cylinder, No cylinder gets too lormance is much or too little gas. smooth, remarkably thrifty, Lightweight design cuts gas- t sacrifice of strength. Trim, modern castings plus generous use of aluminum combine to bring you this important advantage. 4 h your new '60 Plymouth will deliver plenty of solid satisfaction. You get the silence and safety of solid new Unibody construc- wasting tion . . . the contemporary smartness of Plymouth's luxury-look styling . . . the smoothness of Torsion-AIRE Ride. See your dealer now for the whole remarkable story! of life insurance in 1959, 5-2 per|ied to $2.307 million -- $92 mililon| tant Toke than hb 2, bringing more hi a year ago hig? Which| e in force wi e| company to $8,938 million. Group| $551 million was in morizages. life insurance accounts for $3319 million of the total, and new group life insurance sold in 1959| was $312 million, PAYMENTS UP Payments to Sun Life policy- LAST 12 HOURS PLYMOWUTH...solid for'60 ARE GOING TO BE HONEYS! a A QUALITY PRODUCT OF CHRYSLER CORPORATION ENGINEERING PIONEER MINE The first regular coal-mining | operation in North America was at Port Morien near Glace Bay, Ns. in 1720 Watch Tomorrow's Paper | Bees FOR ALL THE MONEY SAVING DETAILS. WE > HAVE TAKEN STOCK AND THERE ARE BROKEN i LINES AND SEASONAL MERCHANDISE THAT . WE WANT OUT AND WE MEAN OUT SO IN 12 SELLING HOURS, FROM 6 P.M. FRIDAY TO 6 P.M. SATURDAY YOU WILL GET TERRIFIC VALUES IN TOP QUALITY MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. 6 P.M. FRIDAY.T0 6 P.M. SATURDAY OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE nM. MACKIE €O. LIMITED Distributors of Petroleum Products ANNOUNCE CHANGE OF ADDRESS From 79 Wilkinson Ave. To 22 Bloor St. East For your prompt and continuous Service and Quality Products CALL RA 5-5954 New Distributors for B.P. Canada Lid. Heating Fuel, Gasolings, Motor Oils and Greases CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES ESTABLISHED (1919 -- bel PARK ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO