¢ Mould Goalie's Mask From Glass Marbles MONTREAL ( CP) -- Pick up Pr" a handful of glass marbles and 20 you have the makings of a face mask like that worn by goalie Jacques Plante of Montreal Cana- diens. When you're finished with the Job you will have something that, can withstand the impact of a puck travelling 100 miles an hour, SQUAW VALLEY, C: An international fie! letes [rom 25 countr| inal hard winter Olym training Eight days remain and snow during the days in fired from 15 feet. have When a puck strikes Plante on Hee F skaters the mask -- as he has found out --the impact from the blow is only general, He can't tell at just what point the puck struck The process of constructing the mask is highly interesting in it- self. Essentially it is the same for both the old - type and new type mask worn by Plante. PROTECTS FACE The old type covers the face fully, except for holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. The new type has the appearance of bars something like a baseball cat cher's mask. It has 30 open spaces Advantages it provides over the old type are more air, a nmin mum of perspiration and, if any thing, better vision Bill: Burchmore, of the "sales promotion department of Fiber glas Canada Limited, is the fel low really responsible for the mask. He has been collaborating , 2 with Plante since last summer / / 7s wi i, Burchmore's company makes only fibre - glass as such; it does, not make an end product. It sells 300.000 arena flood threat, the area However, skiing was only on Panoose Peak and women's men's downhill is sch mained closed. HOPE FOR LETUP "We can have them inches of new snow | mile valley Ander! Molterer, or fria's best men skiers sn n than slide down a coup anyway." (centre foreground) melted in out in the a furnace at 2400 degrees tem- coach Hermann Gamo! the fibre - glass to other com- perature, The heated marbles might -catch cold panies for manufacture into var- ited. Montreal, is the become long threads of glass Cross-country skiers ious products. In the mask - mak- hind the scenes in the current . with 30 open spaces, Burch- fibre and these are bunched West Germany, Brita ing, Burchmore is on his own. He! National Hockey League trend . more is shown here marking a into rope-like sections over the pan worked on a prac has spent his own money and has {, goalie face masks, Burch- = plaster mould of Plante's face ' plaster mould. After the bars at McKinney Creek. 1 protected his types of mask by pore has been collaborating | to determine the position of the have hardened, the mask is hastily but gave the d MASK MAKER ~-- Bill Burch- ) last summer in developing the | more of Fiberglas Canada Lim- glass fibre masks. His latest » man be- style (right) js a bar-type mask Eight Days Bway From lympics hopefully today for clearing weather and the chance for some final har int pic Games Lig ays rema before the ec Oo } & Feb, 18 opening ceremony. Rain is high Sierra Valley stically curtailed prac- SUtilt) Chamberlain broke the Na-|five field goals inside of th ptions are the figure. tional basketb all Association's minutes, is the ti who work inside the $3,- all Despite Monday's storm and day night against the Detroit Pis-| scoring 2,001 poinis in the ually returning to normal. women's slalom and giant slalom, |29 the old record of 2.105 estab- and Squaw Peak, where the days after the storm clears," said to add to the record h, PE Willy Schaeffler, director of ski Syracuse Nations defeated Cin- ew Or ~ events. Predictions were for a cipnati Royals 117-111 in the open- a Ma letup in the storm today, with 35|ing game of the Olympia Stadium 4 - ow ist good and it isn't bad. ond period with a jump shot from ! At any rate, you can't do more the key. The game was stopped adiiim Austria's girl skiers didn't snowstorm because | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 10, 1960 11] Basketball a, an = Scorin ies loo ked Shop f= WOOLWORTH' Se First! ---- FOR YOUR Vite JY i FOR HER! last three DETROIT (AP) -- Wilt (The the final moments by swishing in rd player to time single season scoringicrack the 2,000-poi nt harrier record with a 41-point burst Tues-| George Yardley was the was grad. tons: but the Philadelphia's War- geason with the Detroit riors lost the game 122.113. Pettit did it last vear permitted. The fabulous rookie now "has cinnati's Jack site of the scored 2,134 points, breaking by good chance to do | Chamberlain also a league . scene of the men' s giant lished last season by Bob Pettit rebounding record for one ason : li downhill, (of the St. Louis Hawks, His 16 rebounds Tuesday nighi > First ua ity Pettit set his record over a 72- gives him 1,613 for they prot * . eduled, re- game span This was the War- better than the mark set last saa % | rior's 57th game, though Wilt has son by Bill Russell of the Boston wl 3 only played in 56, so the seven Celtics. % A foot = two phenomenen, only 2 \ 23. ] 1 ' ] -- -- ier ready two years old, has 18 games in which 5 gauge 5 denie Featuring the Zebra Top Sizes 82 to 11 n this 2'%2- doubleheader witnessed by a crowd of 8,201 d ie of Aus Chamberlain broke the record said: "The in the early moments of the sec- anes TX pair 79¢ Wb ww Save 1.28 -- 1/3 Off Wilt accomplished his feat un- had proposed that New York tak Famous Brand n said they der trying circumstances. Several over Yankee Stadium, « b of his teeth were jammed into his|lease or purchase, instead of cor from Italy, lower jaw when he was hit in the structing a city I th N Y LON S in and Ja- face in Sunday's game at St. old World Fair Gr Kl ice course Louis. He said he hasn't eaten|ing Meadows t was built anything solid since, | In a letter to Mayor istance sk Chamberlain wore a plastic|Wagner, Arthur Friedlund Nick Kerbawy presented Wilt] NEW YORK (AP) -N¢ Yorl je of - and Pistons' general manager W.| £0|with the basketball. Yankees disclosed Tuesd i Nationally Selling at 1.28 a pair or 3 pairs for 3.87 : patent with Jacques Plante, netminder | bars. The material in the bars | trimmed and sanded ers a chance for work. Others, mask used by hockey goalies' |kees' general counsel y Let's get back to the glass mar- ith Montreal Canadiens, since | is made from glass marbles | CP Photo including the Finns, limbered up when he was working out in pre- the city either take ove the PORTIONED TO FIT SPECIAL FOR VALENTINES bles and build an old - type mask loth.) This t I | d 1 i f : by skiing around Squaw Valley. game drills, but tossed it aside club's lease or buy the entire light layers of woven glass cloth Nis lime the glass sirands are ie inside o either can i when the gam tart roperty and then incre: th = STRANDS OF GLASS . The first weave also contained bunched into rope - like pieces padded with sponge or other ma SQUAW VALLEY, Calif en tie same aan oN ds ot) pre Dp ane vv and a Vio: 3 airs The marbles are melted in a some nylon or bars of the desired thickness. terial, if found necessary, at par- (AP Postpone the winter his team back into the game in Yextra rs space, or . j E y to a bar in ticular points Olympics? Plante's mask has a bar from It can't be don Thoreau: managing « furnace of 2,400 degrees temper: . z There are 540 "'ends' ature and become hair - like fila- HOLES DRILLED Plante's mask ments or strands, One marble] When the layers -- now one The ropey, still - flabby bars forehead to point of nose. There makes a single strand of 97 miles. solid piece -- have hardened they are saturated in the polyester|is a series of bars from forehead the games, said Tues The glass strands then areare lifted from the mould. They resin, The hardening chemical is to chin, along sides of the face| cific events can be woven into a cloth. There are are sanded, to make them aqded as the bars are laid upon and around the eyes, and three! from time to time various types of weave, depend- smooth, and the holes for eyes, the face mould in the required bars from nose point to chin ing upon the use required and the nose and mouth are drilled pattern, which can be marked on There are four bars across the specified 10-day peric impact to be withstood Lhe mask then may be (ried ihe mould . forehead and one from ear to Meanwhile, a- plaster of Parison and checked for vision. The' when the bars have hardened chin on each side mould of the face is needed. next step is re - sanding and an he complete mask is lifted and Burchmore now is working on of precedent for Plante had his first one made at application of a resin coat to seal the trimming and : sanding and a type of fibre - glass arm pads events. In the 1952 a hospital. A home - made mould in all the fibres can readily be turned out. Vase- There's your mask. The fin- Both asks fit the face e snugly. and bulkier types at present used line first is applied to the face, ished product is 80 to 85 per cent -- - a then the plaster. When the plaster glass. Plante's old mask weighed horeau said ther hardens the mould is lifted 13 ounces and was three-six- Now for the mask. Layers of teenths of an inch thick. The new, rwin T0SS the woven Glass are combined bar-type mask weights 10 ounces. with a solution called polyester The bars are about one-quarte: resin. A hardening chemical is inch thick added as the layers are placed, The working mould -- the sanie fa SL on the mould. In his first mask plaster mould of the face Plante had five heavy and three/used for the bar - type mask. KITCHENER (CP)--Ken Laufl- 1p man of the Olympic-bound Kitch-! a ener - Waterloo Dutchmen has TORONTO (CP)--The future of ing, that "it's likely | Association Senfor A action but bounced his retirement from the onto." {has slipped only three points be- National Hockey League six days' Punch Imlach, mar hind the leader in the individual ago, was up in the air again to-/of the Leafs, said he hoped to Joe Melnick, defending holder scoring race day. use Kelly here tonight against Belko Redy-Mix, tied for first J place in the UAW Hockey League in the netminders' goals-against! Irwin Gross of Windsor Bull-| It was announced here Tuesdav Montreal Canadiens, standings with defending cham- average, has reclaimed top spot dogs took over the league leader- night that Kelly, a star with De- ; i : pions Tony's Refreshments, still in this department in his weekly ship according to official statis. troit Red Wings for 13 seasons, DEAL' FELL FLAT hold top spot in the individuallbattle with Belko's Ross Hawe. ties, including Sunday's games, had been traded to Toronto Maple I'he year-old Ke scoring, in accordance with fig- Melnick allowed Belko's a mere yeleased today. He has 29 goals Leafs in exchange for rearguard ures released today by scorerione goal in last Sunday morn: ang 46 assists for 75 points Marc Reaume. Kelly balked last |When Detroit genera Jim Shaw ing's upset 4-1 victory, which [a fman. who will not be back Friday when Wings traded him Jack Adams announc The Redy-Mix production trio moved Tony's into a first place until the Senior A loop begins/to New York Rangers but was made up of rightwinger 'Syd tie. Melnick holds a nifty 88 playoffs: has 25 goals and 47 as- happy to join Leafs. Arnold. centre Dgn Armstrong average. ; including one shutout. sists for 72 points, five more than However and leftwinger George Westfall, Hawe has 2 respectable + 3:00 Ted Power of Chatham Maroons Clarence Campbell said the deal Shack are currently holding down the average per game. who has 24 goals and 43 assists. couldn't go through immediately | top three places in the individual y © ac UE STANDING Jim Connelly of Chatham and because Kelly was on waiver I'he two Rangers jp scoring derby. With only onc WLT F A PTs, Whitby Dunlop's Bob Atiersley and couldn't be traded for a five- 2} ones), ®! dle al put game remaining in the l18-game p.),, 14 4 0105 50 26 are tied for fourth place with 63 day period. Campbell said in a The til Rad Ley, lo and schedule, the threesome has col- Tony's 13 4 0 91 49 26 |points each. Both are on loan to|telephone interview from West he trade Jas ca ed off anc lected a total of 139 points made- pg, , 0g 710 0 81 93 14 [the Dutchmen and also have Palm Beach, Fla, where the "Cither Kelly nor M played since wp of 3 gous ald Wasi Goodman's 116 0 59 104 2 [missed a week of league play. NHL board of governors is meet- with a league high in goals with GOALTENDERS AVERAGE 23 along 20 assists gives him 43 GA SO AVE. points. Westfall is next with 36 Melnick, Tony's 49 1 2:88 points on 24 assists and a dozen Hawe, Belko 42 0 3:00 tallies. Big "Army" has notched piclder, Bradley's 85 1 5 14 scores and set up 16 others. Kunkel, Goodman's 70 0 7: Neil McMahon .slapshot artist. Robinson, Gdman's 38 0 9:50 | also of the Cementmen, is tied with Armstrong a like number of TOP TEN SCORERS Leafs received perm the Wings to talk with day. Reaume, 26, sought by Wings earlie son | The complications cause Kelly had been a waivers by Campbel {liminary te placing h voluntarily retired 30 points. Gordie Bannon is next G A PTS. ¢ with 29 points on 14 goals and 15 Arnold, Belko 23% 43 means that should Kelly decide assists, Three players are tied for G. Westfall, Belko 12 24 36 [to play in the NHL, sixth spot each having 28 points.| Armstrong, Belko 14 16 30 Chicago Black Hawks Bob Harmon of Tony's, Jerry McMahon, Belko 14 16 30 | ton Bruins, in that or Robinson of Belko and Joe Reid Bannon, Bradley's 14 15 29 | have a right to his services be- | of Tony's share the honors, Keith Harmon, pors 14 14 28 | fore Leafs. West is in the ninth position with Robinson, Belko 10 18 28 | ¥ . . oi 26 points and Keith Bradley, cen- Reid, Tony's 919 28 COULD BE HURRIED tre man with Bradley's, is tenth West, Tony's 719 26 Campbell said these waivers with 25 points Bradley, Bradley's 15 10 25 are Wildiout men of 5 first." But, he added, be done "in five minu SPORTS IN BRIEF COULD LOSE TITLE | SEEK RULING PROVIDENCE, R.1. (AP)--The VANCOUVER (CP) The National Boxing Association an- WIFU B.C. Lions will ask com- nounced Tuesday night it will missioner Svd Halter to rule on strip Archie Moore of his light- a dispute with Whnipeg Blue | heavyweight title unless he Bombers over quarterback' Mike agrees by Friday to defend the Davies. The Canadian player was crown against Harold Johnson of released hy Lions and played in- Philadelphia termediate- football. Bombers Anthony Maceroni, NBA presi- have placed Davies on their ne- dent, said he had told Moore as : far back as September that he gotiation list but Lions claim they would have to agree to the match are allowed to protect 12 inter- with Johnson, the No. 1 con- mediate players until July. tender, by Feb. 12, he "He also was told of the NBA's | TH SEASON firm intention to enforce the six-| MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Del month rule calling for defences Crandall, Milwaukee's = durable; by champions in all divisions," | National League all-star catcher, | Maceroni said signed Tuesday for his 10th sea- ~ . son with the Braves. The con- SIGN BACK tract called for an estimated $37,- EDMONTON (CP) Edmon- 500. ton Eskimos of the WIFU an- . a nounced Tuesday the signing of HONOR PRONOVOST back Howie Schumm, 20. MONTREAL (CP) -- Marcel Schumm, an Edmonton product, Pronovost, veteran defenceman may switch to fullback from half- with the Detroit Red Wings of back for his sophomore year the National Hockey League, will 3 ; a ' be honored by a group of his SIGN THREE STARS Quebec province fans when the WINNIPEG (CP)--Three 1959 Wings play the Montreal Cana- WIFU all-stars with the Grey Cup diens here March 5 champion Winnipeg Blue Bomb er ers have signed their 1960 con ALL AGREED | tracts despite overtures from; DALLAS, Tex. (AP)--Commis- | Dallas of the American League, sioner Joe Foss of the American Bombers announced Tuesday. Football League said Tuesday he| Larry Diminici (left), an as governors, Leafs can't play him cleared. If they did, just be an automatic Toronto and Detroit satisfaction with the trade i Simcoe, Ont, first all-star team six Adams said *'Reaur type of player I want ol Aurel Joliat, the i winger of Montreal Joliat retired at the e season, his 16th in the "Mighty Mite" WATCH THAT LEFT a a 530 soa boxing card at Maple Leaf Gar- are fullback arlie Shepard, the National League, Big Four Columbus Boys' Club shopts a gressive tacKes Diminici lost sed centre and linebacker. Garland land Western Interprovincial Foot- powerful lef at Joev Saunders the tight on a technical knock. la Warren: and guard and defen- ball Union that there would be no of Stanley Park in the opening sive end Herbie Gray. (raiding of players, extent, by the | bout of the annual newsboys' | CP Wirephoto 'cer Society. nes must be held in their | other minor jobs are done for Plante to replace the heavier, Oslo, hockey and figure skating sessions were change. To Join Leais Imissed a week of Oniario Hockey defenceman Red Kelly, who an-|will approve the deal with Tor- trading headlines last Thursday and forward Billy MeNeill had been dealt to Rangers in ex- change lor defenceman Bill league president Gadsby and forward Eddie day's meeting of the board of Told that Imlach intended to| use Kelly tonight, Campbell said Leafs would get a player who! has been a frequent all-star and trophy winner. Kelly, a native of has been on the § the second team once. He has won the Lady Byng Trophy three] times and the James Norris Trophy, awarded the most valu-| able defenceman, once. He's voung, aggressive and has good years ahead of him." REMEMBER WHEN. ie 'By THE CANADIAN PRESS played his 700th game for the Habitants 22 years ago tonight. weighed only 135 pounds in his best playing days but finished with an NHL scoring : I Canadian scientists are playing The three, all living in Dallas, had reached an agreement wigh! piring 80-pound terror from the | dens, Torontp. Despite his ag- a prominent role in cancer r¢ A s rch. They are supported, to a e, HD lirector of lay. Spe- postponed ! but the 'Ladies' First Quality STRETCHY NYLONS Sizes S-M-L. i pair 79c¢ od -- Feb, | | e's plenty switching games at d SPECIAL FOR HIM! 100% HI BULK ORLON HOSE Shrink and Moth Proof, Washable Soft and comfy 7 colors to the board nager-coach | choose from. Sizes 10 to 12. Only 1.00 pair FOR HIM! CAR WASHING BRUSH Serviceable Dependable Lightweight Only 1.77 lly hit the | manager | ed that he a ci. NBA TITLE FIGHT Seventh - ranked middle | happy about the arrangement weight Joey Giardello (left) | is matchmaker Laurel Brown ission from Smiles after signing a contract | (centre):of the Intermountain Kelly Sun-| to fight NBA middleweight | Boxing Club, which will pro- had ~ been| champ Gene Fullmer (right) | mote the bout sr this sea-| April 20 in Montana, = Also --AP Wirephoto plavers ap- Kelly and| wuld retire, cNeill bas arose be- | placed on | las a pre. | im on the list, This New York, |' and Bos der, would Fresh from the word go--the breathtaking PARISIENNE symbolizes the ultimate in perfection of Pontiacs. Here is incom- parable luxury matched with refinements of detail to satisfy the most dis- cerning--perfarmance to please the mostdemand- ecall. This be cleared | this could | tes" at to-| until he is it "would loss." : mg driver. expressed | And only by driving a "'maybe' PARISIENNE will you begin to measure its magnifi- cence. Available in five elegant models--at your Pontiac dealer's, now! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE PARISIEN NIE [VVHN 00 C000 WANT IN A FINE GAR times and Parisienne Hardtop me is the n my club. AND ALL THESE FEATURES ARE STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON EVERY PARISIENNE MODEL Electric clock « Deep-pile car- peting « Foam cushion seats « Panel-litashtrays « Stainless steel side trim « plus the many other features standard on Strato-Chief and Laurentian models. great left Canadiens, | nd of that NHL. The "\. SEE YOUR.PONTIAC DEALER TODAY! Canadian mn ahd iad ' ' ¥ 3 out in the third round public through the Canadian Can hd pt