The Oshawa Times, 8 Feb 1960, p. 4

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OBITUARIES THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 8, 1960 § T-V-RADIO COLUMN WILLIAM O. DENISON William O. Denison died in Whitby Saturday, Feb. 6, He had been in failing health for several years. He was born in Forest Mills, in Lennox County, Ontario, The deceased, who was in his 66th year, was the son of Anson and the late Hannah Denison. He was married in 1915 at Ux- bridge to the former Annie Mor- den. He has lived in Whitby for the last two years and, prior to coming to Whitby, operated a garage in Myrtle for 15 years. He Wednesday in his 70th year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 11 am. Saturday, Feb. 6. Rey, 8. J. Hillier, minister of Brooklin United Church, conduct- ed the services. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were James Randall, Ted Mantle, Walter As- ling, Marshall Knipe, Les Bennett and Charles Reader, RONALD JAMES SMITH The death occurred at the Osh- awa General Hospital on Satur- William Bendix Converts In New Western Series on psychiatry. It wasn't a par- ticular witty or even funny play. The plot is one of those mis- taken-identity things. It starts as a bright young man is sent by his company to a psychiatrist. It dirty hat and is shoot- ing pistols at the Indians these days. But don't let it fool you: It's still the old Riley under- neath the cow-country getup. after 12 years just to avoid go- ing to the office Christmas Party. seems he wants to quit his job|paj Plummer in a voice that sounded exactly like Edward Everett Hor- ton's. He's all right, but the psychia- trist is mixed up. It all ends well, and psychiatry will probably survive, too. TV now could do with a play about a psychiatrist who is not all mixed up. It could be a riot, or anyway, a switch. The Man from Interpol, NBC's new international police action series, follows a pretty familiar ttern, except that the action takes place in various European capitals where villains don't snarl also lived in Port Perry for sev, eral years. i A member of the Myrtle United Church, he is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. E. Wood (Beatrice) of Toronto, and Mrs. L. Atchison (Luella) of Rex- idale, also by his father of Nap- anee, and by a grandson (Gary 1 4 Mitchell). ; 7 i i 7 Gide Zi ai i Also surviving are one sister and three brothers: Mrs. F. Me- DRIFTING SNOW CAUSES RASH OF ACCIDENTS Fanae Ones of Sey, an plough and a gasoline truck. | snow, from the six feet high | It- took the combined services io. of North Bay, and DL als The collision Blocked the Sens » Bb He pa Bin of two tow trucks and two (Selby, highway for more than an rastic effects. As the visibil- iran . | . ha and traffic was held up | ity was zero, the cars, held up | manned panied poi Re | joe body 12 go os i ime. Visi- | by th d block, caused a | J ' or that period of time, Visi i re ~ get traffic on the 'move. {for service in the chapel, Tues- bility at the time was zero, as | chain reaction of minor col- | i hi t lisi with the cars in front. Photo by Robertson |day, Feb. 9, at 2 p.m, Interment gale force wind whipped the | lisions bg Ei Ln. Inne Police Hold | a duct the services, : Two Youths FUNERAL OF {CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUBJECT PICKERING (Staff) -- Picker- day, Feb. 6, of Ronald James |Smith. The deceased, who lived at 59 Gladstone avenue, had been in poor health since April, 1959. A son of the late William and Ellen Smith, the deceased was born at Weymouth England, Jan. 11, 1916. For the past 10 year: he was loyed as an it {ant by the Patrick Harrison Co., mining contractors, and had trav- elled widely in Canada visiting the mining camps where the firm carried on operations. Predeceased by his father on Dec, 7, 1949, and by his mother on June 3, 1951, Mr. Smith is sur- vived by two sisters, Mrs, W. J. Anderson (Marion) of Oshawa; Mrs. .W A. Fautley (Rosalie), of Hamilton and two brothers, Paul Smith, of Oshawa and Cyril Smith, of London, England. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2 p.m, Tuesday, Feb. 9. Rev. C. D. Cross, rector of St. George's Anglican Church, will conduct the services. Interment will be in Mount Lawn Cemetery. NBC's new entry in its 7 p.m. spot made its bow Sunday and, in spite of Bendix, promises to be just another horse opera. The first episode certainly dropped some fancy wild-west names: Cole Younger was the villain; Belle Starr was his com- panion in crime. Next week, Bill will vanquish the James boys. Overland Trail, apparently, will be a two-man operation--Bendix, as superintendent of a stage line, and Douglas McClure as the young handsome stage driver. It probably will be a successful series--it's got everything the other successful westerns have, plus Bendix, Tony Webster had something to say about loneliness and alcohol in Call Me Back," which Art Carney did a few weeks ago, He was the author of a comedy, After Hours, Sunday night, and apparently was just off on a writer's frolic. The NBC Sunday Showcase of- fering was heralded as a spoof UNU Gains Wide Lead In Burma RANGOON, Burma (AP)-For- mer premier U Nu"s supporters held a wide lead today in early returns from parliamentary elec- tions to end military rule in Burma. U Nu's so-called "clean" 'fac- tion of the Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League had captured 59 seats so far in the 250-member parliament as opposed to 11 for the AFPFL's "stable" wing. The Communist-line National United Front and the independents had taken only one seat each. It ap- peared certain U Nu would again head the government. The AFPFL, which had ruled Burma since it won independence from Britain in 1947, split two years ago. As a result of the fac- tional feuding that followed, U Nu handed over the premiership 16 months ago to a houseclean- ing military regime headed by Lt.-Gen, Ne Win, the army com- mander. In the election campaign the cleans claimed support of the masses, while the stables were backed largely by businessmen and industrialists. The cleans promised to preserve and eon- tinue the military regime's cleanup of corruption that plagued the previous parliament- ary regime, The stables ensure stability of the future. It will take a week to complete tabulation of the vote, since com- munications from outlying dis- tricts. are slow. U Nu easily won election to the {chamber of deputies. His 26,369 votes were more than four times the combined total of his oppon- ents. Top leaders of the NUF suf- red defeat early in the ballot- 8 The bright young man was|' "Fuzz," which apparently. means played by Canadian Christophericops now. + DINKY TOYS Y TOY Launching the 196 +: parade of ZF DINKY . Imagine . . . @ Rocket you con actually fire! That's right--the Dinky Toy " ' Corporal missile fires several 3 feet in the oir. Moulded in nylon, this exciting rocket has o soft rubber nose cone «Is spring operated , ., and it's oodles of fun! So close to reality, the erector vehicle is gear filed ollowing the boom #6 raise the missile onto the launching platform, An exact replica of the British Army's Corporal missile, this Dinky Super-Toy is a must for space lovers young and old. S (oh ¢ I T 1508.0 @ ¢ Here Is a picture of a five vehicle collision on Highway 12 five miles south of Man- chester, at about 2 p.m. Sun- day. Three cars were actually damaged to a minor extent. Also involved were a snow WEATHER FORECAST 1038.5. & ai woh I) | | | | CHARLES J. PIRIE The funeral of Charles J. Pirie, Universal brotherhood was a ing township police are holding theme dealt with at Christian 1538.5. @ sob ¢ SA AMNIQ Missile Price. ...$5.98 As sleek ond realistic as the real thing! The Kormomn Ghia, a Dinky Toy Collector's item hos two-tone colouring, windows, wrapped round bumpers ond independent wheel suspension. # 187-Kermann Ghis Coupe Price....$75 Accurately scaled this Shell tanker is fitted with windows and one-piece, no-scrafch wheels. A Dublo Dinky Toy for HO /00 model railways and 'collectors of miniatures. # 070-Shell Tanker Price. ...$.49 At your authorized Dinky Toy Dealer ww MECCANO FOR FREE BOOKLET SEND TO _.0 Ltd., Dept. 2-0, 675 King St. W., Toronte DINKY TOYS « DINKY TOYS + DINKY TOY THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT (Open Daily Until Midnight--Sundeys Included) KING ST EAST at Town Line PHONE RA 5-2178 SUDDARD"S PHONE RA 5-3979 DINKY TOYS » + SAOL AMNIA DINKY TOYS » E0050. 5 Gb died & I) J o , Toronto Cloudy today and Tuesday. Oc casional snow today, snowflurries| Seek Return Of $400 Tax HAMPTON. -- The Darlington ROCKET TELEVIEWER Township Ratepayer's _ Associa- STAMFORD: Conn. (AP) -- A tion, at a meeting held in Hamp- high fidelity televiewer that ean ton Saturday, discussed at SOME | ride a rocket and flash pictures Jongh the oud separation tax|of the planets back to earth was Jjosed on lot sales prior 10 gescribed Sunday by Columbia . Broadcasting System labora- The Wav 1b Sollect the taxi ioc The first of the super-ac- was rescin by last year's orate picture systems has been -|St. Catharines ...... Hamilton ........... Muskoka .... (Killaloe ...... {Sudbury .... | Earlton North Bay . {Kapuskasing , {White River , Moosonee | BRBls gus ETT Tr 495 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | | hand SWAN'S IA HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE RA 5.7513 fer in, STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be, closed for construction today: Stevenson Road north, closed from Marion Avenue to Malan Avenue; also Madison Avenue closed from Stevenson road north to Fernhill Blvd. Whenever possi- ble these streets will be partially opened to permit movement of local traffic. LEARN TO BE POPULAR FUNERAL OF ALFRED ERNEST SEARS The memorial service for Al fred Ernest Sears, who died last It's "Arthur Murray's" 2nd ™ Anniversary \ YOU WHO NEVER FINISHED HIGH SCHOOL pre invited to write for FREE booklet. Tells how you cam earn Your High School Diplome AT HOME IN SPARE TIME AMERICAN SCHOOL 100 DUNDAS ST. DESORONTO, ONT. pend Me Your FREE 55-page High Schoo! Booklet and Somple Lesson, This is @ Canadian High School Course, | RUMMAGE Sale--in basement of Knox some problems which are repeti- i . Presbyterian Ch i |considered." But nothing at all {Frestytenian ren on Wednesday, tions and a re-hash of problems th ont ator at] | . i pam |considered at other sessions of the on the urgent need for at least { Legislature, |diagnostic services which the pre-| | KINSMEN BINGO | Imier described as important even| {LARGE SCHOOL GRANTS | before hospital insurance was es-! JUBILEE PAVILION | For example, the government tablished. This is unnecessary| . |acknowledges the need for sub- procrastination. When a province TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9 : FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES {stantially larger school grants. It|of more limited means, like Jackpot Nos, 57 and 50 T B i Storm Io Bring 3 ri Chae) He . away in the Oshawa General Hos-| er Cold Air a MRS, CLIFFORD MCPHERSON V two youths, one a juvenile under Science services on Sunday, Feb.|the McIntosh Funeral Home at| The death occurred suddenly arrest on several charges of car|7. Peter's awakening to a higher|s ; ny Saturday, Feb. 6. | A : coe street north, of Ruth Peever, 11 am: Tuesday, Winds sala 3 to-| tion i a ditched oa i the) Spirit". awa for 54 years and for 46 years|beloved wife of Clifford McPher- t r y . |second concession, eas Synopsis: .A storm centred|day northwest 30 to 40 Tuesday. WASTEBASKET FIRE ing eastward at 35 m.p.h. is caus- and Tuesday. Snow beginning this| / he was considered an excellent 45th year, was born at Cobden, % rer rn a : The ditched car proved to be|believed started by a cigaret, in : s ¢ N ing snowfalls over northern and afternoon changing to snowflur-| © that was reported stolen earl-|a home at 643 Hortop avenue craftsman prior to his retire- Ont, She was a daughter of Harry over southwestern Ontario. Strong siderable drifting. Milder becom- ? X For many years he had taken|resident of Oshawa for 40 years, 5 sonsider: : my {the Altona road, police came the Oshawa Fire Department | A . fd | 4 : winds are causing considerable/ing colder again on Tuesday. 2CTOSS €V idence than an attempt over the weekend. Department|3 Very keen interest in Masonic/she was married in Toronto on ji red ove . i seni ifti i Al . Sm Wil be cout oo we east: Bai hag Bini Bay car. Believing the culprits were |a total of 17 ambulance calls. master in Cedar Lodge, AF and! prs McPherson came to Osh g a : 3 5 still on foot in the area a second [Pena Crater. RAM. a a RO a southeastward across Manitoba ginkiand Lake, Timmins-Kapus- = | " Sn. Allama road aX an {his wife, the former Letitia Janelemployed for seven years. She place the mild air now covering, .v." Cloudy today and Tuesday. |g ft ar was. stopped] ¥ |Labadie, in 1941. He is survived|was a member of Northminster Ontario. Northwest winds reach-|g, "ohanging to snowflurries oon a er a Pu wa Stopes § and the driver taken into 3 |(Marie), of Hamilton; Mrs. H.|Lodge, No. 3. bring much colder weather with p10" quisting, Milder becoming i . took. the suspect | Pounder (Clarice), of Peterbor- David Fleming drifting to all regions | (Lillian), of Oshawa and one son arents, Mrs. McPherson is sur- : ga Winds southeasterly 25 to 35 shift-|¢; aceiv abit { (LL ' , fn Se tion received the second boy was| AJAX (Staff)--An Ajax manic. ion pirie also of Oshawa. He Sproule (Shirley) and a som, midnight Tuesday White River region: Cloudy] The final count, four charges) Hospital Saturday evening in an|'E% PreUeCeast Reith, Oshaya. Lake Erie, Niagara regions: with snow today. Tuesday cloudy|of car theft, two in Pickering|ynconscious condition after he|"" stn 2 : 2 ; o |Mrs. John Dyer (Mary), an and Tuesday. A few snowflurries able drifting clearing in the even-| of property under $50. The youths aq collided with another auto- children and five great-grandchil- A Masonic service was held Fri of Oshawa and a brother, Harold | ight and Tue y with 7, Wi rly 25 35! five ch f theft, lice | , hw. Ll I £ flurries tonight and Tuesday with Tuesday. Winds easterly 25 to 35|five charges of car theft, police ood avenue and Highway 2,|,.0 70a SUAS WER Sig ned children, Timmy and Debbie coming much colder on Tuesday: tonight | Under arrest is~Douglas Ray-| 'Suffering concussion, head and| ' Sproul. Winds southwest 30 today, north-| | mond Bunyan, 16, of Gladys Ave. facial lacerations Robert Patter. | The service on saa Riis [Sonaacted bY Rev. John K. Nol! at the McIntosh Funeral Home at Lake Huron, Georgian Bay re-| Low tonight High Tuesday | Ajax, is reported today to be in| 2% |2 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9. Rev. Tuesday. Occasional snow today|st Thomas Oshawa Bo Is Police said the Patterson car|Was a faithful member, United Church, will conduct the : er. A' L. Haverson, J- H. Con.|services. Interment will be in Osh- erable drifting on Tuesday. Winds| *" when it struck an eastbouond car |g EF Farrow Ww. Lackie and " southerly 30 becoming northwest. Wingham driven by John: Erie Shreve, 283, (BOF %. ¥. y Ye The members of Rebekah : BOWMANVILLE -- A 13-year.| Neither Mr. Shreve, or his pass-|Oshawa Union Cemetery. Lodge No. 3 will conduet a me at 7 pm. today. 5.55 p.m. Sunday when the car in| The Patterson car s home P y which he was a passenger was east of the intersection in the| The death occurred at Windsor, THOMAS PHELPS Ont., on Sunday Feb. 7, of Alice 2 at Preston sideroad. | was found lying about 16 feet in ber, 1958, Thomas Phelps died at Joseph Csedreky was examin-|front of the vehicle val S. Washington. The deceased, |." » i) | who had been in poor health for Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Satur. {The car, driven by his father.|were bad. A wet snow was falling year | Andor Csedreky, of Third Ave. !and visibility was poor. year. . i Born in Darlington Township in Born in Belleville, Mr. Phelps ision with a ear driven by Alex.|dent is asked to get in touch with 1880, the deceased had lived in He had lived at Raglan for the |ander, RR 3, Bowmanville. !the Pickering Township Police. [Windsor for more than 35 years. iy 2 hed ae he worked United Church, Windsor. June 6, 1954 by. her He leaves a sister, Mrs, Eliza- | survived by a son, Ralph A, beth Heaps, of Oshawa, and a 19 L J 1 hd Washington, of Windsor; a broth- egislative cripiev, Harod A. Weehngoh pe Scio Sumera Home, a > dren. "he : Oe has been left to the present ( 'o ttees Bus will conduct the services. council to pig what to > with BOMB SCARE mini | Windsor, at 2 p.m. Tuesdav, Feb. [9 Interment will be in Zion Ce- ¢ : 3 ; i y 9 i : i .111.15 a.m. Wednesday Feb. 10. in the area where it was col-lcarrying 76 passengers, including] During the past week, the work who leave employment with In-|1 lected. Lomhldn, tp gers, sid pics 1) the members of the legislature| adequate pension; and it deplores| Rev. Dr. George Telford, minis- will conduct the committal ser- of these was to call a meetin@/bomb was found and the plane/Committee work is mow one of tolerable economic waste of vice. of those people who have paid|resumed its flight three hours|the important phases of the legis- human talent." But why not ac- |sessions will be fully occupled bills this session for the establish- | with committee work. ment of a portable pension and {work to be accomplished by the| NIGHT OF CARDS TONIGHT CPT Bingo, 20 games $6, $8; | ombers then this present ses UN ECESSARY on Tuesday, February 9 Y, vy | son |The Throne Speech A : | {out-patient services are being CENTRE STREET Under the auspices of the pital Wednesday: Feb. 3, follow-| ing a short illness, was held at! H Ee Saturday morning, Feb. 6 at the TORONTO (CP) -- Foretasts Tuesday, considerable drifting.jand property thefts . sense of brotherhood highlighted Mr, Pirie, who was born in|Simpson-Sears Limited store, Sim- issued by the weather office at/Mild becoming much colder early] The arrests followed investiga-'the Lesson « Sermon entitled | port Credit, had lived in Osh- 13 He Pinetin: township} was employed at General Motors|son, 30 Sunset drive, for Jo i % . | in, N ICH 0 8 north of Lake Superior and mov-| Haliburton region: Cloudy today| coe ay oniBibiiy | A fire in a plastic wastebasket, in the paint department where! The deceased, who was in her id y i 4 y wi wy i central Ontario and snowflurries ries about noon Tuesday with con ler in Scarboro. Further down was the only call answered by | ment in 1952, and Nina Peever, of Oshawa. A drifting in most regions. This Winds southerly 15 increasing to had been made to steal another ambulances were kept busy with | Work and served as worshipful Nov. 5, 1934, by Rev. C. E, Cragg. AM, as well as first principal inlgwa from Renfrew and was em-| cold air that is now sweeping|ing, : 4 nod to block off ill FAG Srsniitalo | | Mr. Pirie was predeceased by|Sears Store where she had been west of the storm centre will re- kasing regions; North Bay, Sud-| The hunch proved correct! i le f Tuesd aq |by three daughters, Mrs. H. Keller| United Church and of Rebekah| ng gale force on Tuesday willy ocqay morning with consider-| Costs Zicholl hn , onstable Peter Nicholls and | flurries d considerab) urt n Ids | M A b Besides her husband and her snowfurrles anc Considerable colder again Tuesday morning. to the station. Acting on informa- ough 2nd Mrs. 1. Pincombe | | i vived by a daughter, Mrs. James Regional forecasts valid untiliing to northerly late tonight picked up at his home. was taken to the Oshawa General aya ivi Also surviving are two sisters Windsor, Hamilton: Cloudy today with snowflurries and consider-|township and two charges of theft was thrown from his car which| Also surviving are two grand- dr Mrs. Bruce Terwillegar (Clara), today becoming frequent snow-/ing Milder today colder again|are wanted by Toronto police on| mobile at the intersection of Har- 4's Peever, of Sarnia and two grand- nsiderable drifting. Mild be- i ai § consiae: e drifting becoming northerly 20 to 30 late said Ajax. {of Cedar Lodge. The funeral service will be held sday. Forecast Temperatures i y yi h west 30 to 40 Tuesday pe: © Highland Creek, and the juvenile.| con 50, of 109 Exeter street,| of Simcoe Street United glons; London: Cloudy today and Windsor ...... | satisfactory condition. [Church of which the deceased js, A. Mellow of Northminster frequent snowflurries with consid; =. was northbound on Harwood Ave.| The pallbearers were E. 8. Al- OHCON. 4 xve I Cc h awa Union Cemetery. Hurt I as of 871 King street east, Oshawa,|W. B. Archer, Inierment was in id b y lightly injured at er was injured | morial service at the funeral OD NaS a igrel 3 enter var 'ar stopped just MRS. ALICE M. WASHINGTON involved in a collision on Highway | middle of the highway. Patterson, : | Maud Washington, widow of Nor- In failing health since Septem {ed by a doctor and then released. Weather conditions at the time 4 | y several years, was in her 8lst day, Feb. 6 He was in his 7st | Oshawa, was involved in a colli-| Anyone who witnessed the accl.| was a former resident of Oshawa. She was a member of St. Paul's as a marker Zargenes, He attend- ed Raglan United Church. IN THE LEGISLATURE by er husband number of nieces and nephews. er-in-law, Harold A, Washington, The funeral service will be at council. While it was in force| lowed by interment in Oshawa : a: |delivered to the U.S. government, | The funeral service will be held some money was collected. It lat the. Ellison Funeral Home, Union Cemetery. S. G. Saywell this money. It was originallyy WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. i stipulated money should be spent|(AP)--A National Airlines plane| By T. D. THOMAS, MPP the hardship faced by persons/metery, Darlington Township, at A number of suggestions were|James R. Hoffa, landed here Sun-|has been mainly devoted to or-|the difficulty faced by those over| ter of St. Andrew's United Church put forward, The most popular/day night for a bomb search. No|ganizing the different committees. forty to get employment -- *in the $400 to discuss the problem. later. [lative activities. In all there are|tion instead of mere weeping and 119 committees and the morning wailing? The CCF will introduce COMING EVENTS If the contents of the Throne|to make discrimination because Speech. are an indication of the of age illegal. five $25 H . Sh . fv A amr on 130,22 Sat clon should be, a very busy one, PROCRASTINATION | | | Thirdly, 'the implications of 8 p.m. at the refers to | LEGION HALL Ladies Auxiliary Tickets 50¢ Prizes and refreshments. in OSHAWA WOODVIEW PARK MONSTER BINGO $1,300 PRIZES $100 DOOR PRIZES JACKPOT NOS. | NEARLY NEW SHOP 50-57 THURSDAY & FRIDAY TONIGHT 29 P.M. then states that contributions will | Saskatchewan, is moving toward be made to school sites, effective|full health insurance -- includ- January, 1959. Why the delay? services, as well as full medical This change in policy was an-|coverage, there is no reason why nounced a year ago. An election|the wealthy province of Ontario has been fought on it. Scores of cannot move. The CCF will, school boards have been waiting therefore, introduce a bill calling in vain for grants on sites for for the extension of our hospital new schools -- yet after a full insurance to full medical cover- year, nothing has yet been age. sesense PE TT TET PTE PP | | ADDRESS .......... EE PP PPP RPP) ¢ done. Secondly, the government's "foremost aim' is the extension of portable pensions. It laments RED BARN ST. GERTRUDE'S 690 KING ST, E. Fourthly, the government proudly announces plans for 1,600 public housing units and 'others that are in the planning stage". {It is now admitted that one-third of our housing needs can be met only at the rental levels possible This month marks the in Osh Since thet time we have had the pl i, ds of men and women young end old, Some of these have b , many others came Back to join our parties and dances. Others have risen to prominent positions in our organization. The of the of our I's is on indi prominency end growth of our d ond the 1! of our of i tion, OSHAWA LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND ELECTION OF LADIES' AUXILIARY EXECUTIVES WED., FEB. 10th 1960 -- 8 P.M. E. A. LOVELL SCHOOL, CENTRE STREET GUEST SPEAKER: VERNON SINGER, M.P.P. {in public housing, yet the govern. {ment announces only 1600 against |private construction of 50,000 or | more. We would like to publicize thanks to the many people we have had the pleasure of teaching. We look forward te their visits end their sttendance ot our many social functions. We enticipate many more years of teaching those whe will find thet doncing is one of the finest forms of recreation known. My boy is as smart as a whip! Yes sir, a regular chip off the old block. Why, already he's saving his money so he can goto college, That's right. Yes sir, a chip off the old block. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets to be a big star on the football team. He's just like the old man. Now, boy, tell 'em where you're saving your money. Speak up, boy! WHEN YOU DANCE AT ARTHUR MURRAY'S Vv YOU PARTICIPATE IN REGULARLY SCHEDULED PARTIES AND SPECTAL EVENTS ARTHUR MURRAY 11% Simcoe s. RA 8-1681 OPEN | TO 10 P.M. DAILY -- SAT, 10 AM. TO § P.M. ROBERT'S - SYRUP Ps cL E20 Ug 8 oY f Getrid of that cold before it becomes something worse. It is 8 syrup that has gained an enviable reputation through its success in treating coughs, colds, or bronchitis BREAKS UP COUGHS

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