The Oshawa Times, 8 Feb 1960, p. 15

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Please Note DEATHS 440--Rooms For Rent 45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 47 --Automobiles for Sale 50--Articles For Sale | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 8, 1960 15 ONE furnished room, suitable for lady [FIVE - 620 Simcoe ofl furnace, A fence around Street , Apply Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memorioms, Cords of Thanks == 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 LOCKE'S FLORISTS or North. SINGLE and double rooms for gentle men with privileges. Apply 135 Colina Street. 224 Chi 135 LOTS, 10 x 160°, 8 Couties. Paved close . |room, MASSON Street, five rooms, brick bungalow, natural fireplace in living built-in bookcase, wall-to-wall broadloom, family size dining room, modern kitchen, nicely decorated, al- uminum storms and screens, Full price $11,900. Mary Hobbs, RA 3.9868, J. Wacko Realtor. Flowers ond arrongements for all occasions. Oshawa Shopping Centre West Side PHONE RA 8-6555 BIRTHS GABOURIE -- Ya and Margeurite (nee Sachy) wish to announce the ar- al of their daughter, Brenda Ann, on ay, February 5, 1960, at t! he Os General Hospital. Tha WASHINGTON -- Entered into rest in Windsor, Ontario, on Sunday, Feb, 7, 1960, Alice Maud Campbell, widow of {Norval §. Washington, and sister-in law of Harold A. Washington, Oshawa, in her Sist year. Memorial service in the Ellison Funeral Home, Windsor, Tuesday, F 2 p.m, Interment Zion Cemetery, Darlington tow awa es LONGAUER -- Danny and Margaret (nee Lyons) are happy to announce the | arrival of a son, on Thursday, Feb. 4, 1960. A brother for Lanny and Stephen MILLER ~~ Warren and Babs (nee Reesor) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their daughter, Rebecca Faye, on Saturday, Feb. 6, 1960, at the Osh- NG © General Hospital. A sister for DEATHS DENISON, Wilbert In health for several years at Whitby on| Saturday, Feb. 6, 19° Vilbert 0. Den | nison, of 912 King § Whithy, be-| loved husband of An Morden and dear father of Mrs. E trice) of Toronto; Mrs (Luella), of Rexdale, and grandfathe of Ga Mitehe". in B at Resti at the W. C. Town Fu Chapel, Whithy. For sorvies in Chapel on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2 pm terment Uxbridge Cemetery. H. H. Mutton, t, Me7HERSON ~Suqdenly in Oshawa on | Feb. 6, 1960, Ruth eloved wife of Clifford A I ng moth er of Mrs. Jas, Spr riley), and er of Mrs. John Dver (Mary) Terw!llegar (Cla and Harold Peever, Satn'a, daurhter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peever, in her 46th year. The late Mrs, McPherson is rest ing at Mcintosh Funeral Home. Ser. vice in the Chapel on Tuesday, Feb 9, at 2 p.m, Interment Union Cemetery (Rebekah Service on Monday ev vening | 7.00 o'clock) PHELPS--At Fairview Lodge, Whitby, | 6 on Saturday, Feb , 1960, Thomas Henry, beloved son of the late Daniel and Irene Phelps, and loving brother of Mrs. Elizabeth He ps, Oshawa, in We 71st year. The late Mr. Phelps is rest ing at McIntosh Funeral! Home. Service in the Chapel on Tuesday, at 3.30 p.m. Interment Union Cemetery PUNSHON ~-- Entered into rest in the Ontario Hospital, Whitby on Mon- day, February 8th, 1960, Mervyn Pun. shon, beloved son of the late Perey | P. and Maria D. Punshon, uncle of John Morley Punshon, RCAF, Germany and Jocelyn May Punshon of San Francisco. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in thé chapel Wednesday, Feb- ruary 10th, 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. REMMER, John Dougall -- Entered | into rest at Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, on Sunday, February 7, 1960, John Dougall Remmer, beloved hus- band of the late Charlotte Rowson, of Pickering, and dear father of John H. Remner, of Pickering, and dear grand. | father of Jean (Mrs. E. Harley), of West Rouge, Frank Remmer, of High- land Creek, and Jack Remmer, of Ajax, and great.grandfather of Douglas and | Wendy Remmer, and Linda Harley. Mr. Remmer is resting at the New McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 King street west, Pickering. Funeral ser. vice in Pickering Presbyterian Church, on Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 2.30 p.m. In. terment Erskine Cemetery, (Casket will be open in church from 1.30 p.m. until time of service, SNOTH -- Entered into vest in the Oshawa General Hosgital, on Saturday, February 6, 1960, Ronald James Smith, beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs, William James Smith, and brother 4 ok Mrs. W. J. Anderson (Marion), awa, Mrs. W. A. Fautley PRusane). Hamilton, Paul of Oshawa and Cyril of | London, England, in his 45th year, at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. Funeral service Tues. day, February 9 at 2 pm. Inter ment Mount Lawn Cemetery. MN GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price, yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET, WEST USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS failing | a the |; o . Minister | Wednesday, Feb. 10, |(For further particulars ¢ prir "iple, interest, taxes. RA 8-5376. -12 ACRES of fertile land, with many 45--Real Estate For Sale SloRzy and half h BUILDERS TERMS LOTS OF LOTS PREPAID SERVICES READY TO GO $3,200 AND UP SOME RAVINE LOTS ouse, large lot, close of a separate and high schools RA 3-97 IMMEDIATE possession, six room brick farmstead, hydro, sewer, water. Full price $4800 terms. 447 Farewell Avenue, city. May be seen anytime. WILL take anything useful, value $1,400 as down payment on house in Hillside Heights. RA 59466. SPACIOUS five-room bungalow, Extras. Less than two years old. Within walking of high, public, separate schools, bus, Suoppity, Choice east end location. Six NHA mortgage, $85 a month, rows of young raspberry bushiss sit. |strong Funeral Home. RA 85173). IN MEMORIAM FERRELL -- In loving memory of a dear husband, Norman who passed away February 8th, 1950. My lips cannot tell how I miss him My heart cannot tell what to say, God only knows how I miss him In a home that is lonesome to-day. ~Lovingly remembered my wife Edith. JOHNSTON - In loving a dear mother and Phoebe Jane Johnston, memory of grand st r, who passed Gone but not forgotten For God has her in His keeping. ~Ever remembered by son, Jack, and loving memory of ! MOREY -- In { Mo cy, who passed away Lida C ds a J do a We will keep you 1y8 For it's love that holds it there Always remembered by Sagar, Jane and family. piety E Oke, who passed away February 8 1952 Within our store of memories She holds a place apart, For no one else can ever be More cherished in our hearts | --Ever remembered by husband Blake {and family. WRIGHT -- In loving memory of a 'red A, Wright, who pas- y 1958 and family, | WRIGHT -- In loving memory of a father, Frederick A: Wright, who pass. |ed a Feb. 8, 1938. The call was swift and sudden No chance to say goodbye, But memories always linger As the years roll by. ~Sadly missed and never forgotten by daughter Gladys and son-in-law Tom, Sharon and Randy, |44a--Rooms For Rent | ROOM for lady or gentleman, close to [SHinner"s, Werner's, G.M. RA 51214. |TWo single rooms, one upstairs, one on main floor, suit gentlemen or ladies. |Close to hospital and bus. RA 8-6387. 327 Kingsdale Avenue. | THREE private rooms, a8, suitable for nurses or working girls, just north of | hospital. Private entrance and bath, kitchen and dining room facilities. Tele- phone RA 8-0362. TWO unfurnished rooms, stool and hand bashbasin in basement, laundry | facilities, newly decorated. RA 3-2163. SINGLE room, also 'double room, twin beds, close to business section, hospital, North General Motors, clean, no cook- ing. Al Arply 114 Elgin Stree st. ONE large furnished room, sink "and stove in kitchen, suitable for one or two ladies. Private entrance. Dial RA 5:3923 after 5. room, use of re- frigerator, Also two-room furnished {apartment. Centrally located. Apply 20 |Elgin East. RA 5-4150 SINGLE room for gentleman, central. |38 Nassau Street, SINGLE furnished bedroom for busi- ness man, in quiet home, breakfast optional EJ Colborne Street West. ROOM for two gentlemen, single beds, | corner store, William and Mary Streets. Telephone RA 5-0906. LARGE, warm double room, single beds with or without breakfast, kitchen privileges, close to downtown, avail: able immediately. Telephone RA 8.0852. ROOMS by the week, tiled shower and bath, maid service. RA 3-641, Genosha Hotel. ONE large, unfurnished room, n, private ath, centrally located, young lady only. ly 163 Warren Avenue. TRAL -- Well furnished, warm | bedroom, board optional, quict Jame, | Gentleman. Parking. RA 5-3 ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, ll |abe in private home, 82 Park Road North, 5-7 57 pom. RA 8671. ONE or two furnished rooms fo rent, near Donevan Collegiate or Duke of Edinburgh School. Phone RA 5-7709. TWO "housekeeping rooms. Apply 48 Drew Street. RA 3-4152 after 6 p.m. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR apartment private bathroom. Adults only. 321 Palace Street. plus Apply iryer parking space. Phone MO FOR RENT--Six-room duplex $78 monthly. 142 Perry Strpet. MO! 82261. : ROOM and board in clean, quiet Home, nieg¢ location, 15 minutes to SGM Want, single, one Byron Street South, A Apply John Vandenhoogen 66 Church! Pickering. E--21inch TV Chrome suites Refrigerators from $49; Washing ma « ines from $29; Bedroom suites { $69; Beds and springs from only $5.6 new mattresses $19; new crib matire ses fram $6.95; Cribs from $17.50; heavy duty stove, Moffat, $99; Daven Jota chesterfields from $69; oil stoves rom $12. Call Midtown Furniture, Street, 8-5740. FoR SALE -- Electric clothes dryer, | le new, $110, Phone Mo 8-3659, for SALE -- Colonial garage, newly constructed with overhead door. Phone | MO 8-2129 after 6 p.m. FOR RENT -- Three - room, seli-con. tained apartment, unfurnished. Refrig erator and stove supplied. Small child welcome. Phone MO 8-2776. "--in new building one. + bedroom apartments, electri: cally equip ed, TV outlet and ample! parking. MO 8-3591. FOR RENT -- nturidaned bachelor apis ment, self-contained Mo 82 FOR RENT heavy a chain BAW, saw, $10 a day. $2 per hour. Also eustom cuti'ng. Wilde Rental Service, MOhawk | MO 83226. #LEX D HENRY. General Contractor Repairs, Alterations. Cement. Carpen try RA 54548 FOR RENT Six-room central. MO 8.3785. FOR RENT -- Six-room house, oil heat, newly decorated. 720 Centre North. MO 38-2600. apartment, ror CI1L. Call PAINT DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 Byron Street South MO 8.5231 113 8 Byron Street South, MO 8.4981 or MO |L wanted. Jake LIVE popltry also feathers Highest arket prices paid, Parker, MO 8 3644 collect. FOR SALE -- Used doors and windows, wrecking old building, apply hi old County Jail or phone MO 8-2 PANT ¢ TE and ladles' wear, 11013 Centre Street, FIVE ~ and heat and alterations for 'men's R.. H. MacDonald, MO 8.3360 ow for rent, hydro 95 a month. Phone room bu supr : Todern brick in- tment. 231 Pal. two rooms, g room and and stove, lace Street FO $1300 DOWN Tn "this e-room brick | bungalow, situated on a large landscap- ed lot in one of Whithy's better areas. For full particulars call RA 23 and ask for Jim Cruikshanks vd Realty, 101 Simcoe Street North, | Osh: . List with Lloyd then call your Seven-room, heated house, all conveniences. Telephone MO 8-4707 or apply 701 Cochrane Street, Whitby. 1 r. FOR RENT - | NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft., lor 1Ises, parking lot facilities. Whitby Professional Building, Feb 12 3731; evenings, MO 8-4003 FOR RENT -- Large newly ly finished, one-bedroom apartment, heated, outlet, private entrance, in Port Whit by. Available immediately. Call RA 5-3090. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the s Jalitary way, new .tanks installed. Walter Wa 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. AOUSE and bungalow - wanted, Good do », payments W MeAuley Realtor 3231, 1, Oshawa f RA 312 Call MO 8 .|FOR RENT -- Box and cabin trailers, power saws, drills, grinders, sprayers, ets. Wilde Rental Service. MOhawk 8 A. FOSKETT & SONS 540 DUNDAS ST. E. MO 8-234] WHITBY Roofing, Sheet Metal Work, Chimney Flash, Eovestroughing, Painting, Decorating All Work Guaranteed, RA 5.6544 JOHN BOLAHOCD EXCLUSIVE AGENT JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS If INSURANCE LOYD REALTY uated Oshawa and Terms, Joseph Bosco Realtor, RA 5.9870. NEAR NORTH G.M., 2-storey brick, with garage. Why rent, when you could own this moderately priced house? Well main- tained,, nicely decorated. Owner will carry ot $80 a month, principal and interest, Vacont end ready to move in. To see, call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Large living room with na- tural fireplage, spacious din- | | OKE -- In loving memory of Maud | Phone RA 5-4330 ing yoo, 3 goed sized bed- ms, tiled ho m and a madarn Homily kitchen, Very attractive 10 x 13 recreo- tion. room, rubber tiled, end with bar. To see, call Roy Flintoff, RA 5.3454, NORTH END Interested in an older house? Why not tcke a few minutes of your time to see this 7- room, 1Va-storey brick? Cen- trolly located, quiet residen- tial street. 17-ft, living room, 10 x 13 dining room, large, bright modern kitchen, plus family room and 3-pc. owder room on first floor. 3 good sized bedrooms and a 4-pc. tiled bathroom on second floor. $6,000 down payment required. To see, call Mrs, Winter, RA 5-1256. LUCAS PEACOCK Member Oshawa ond District Real Estate Board OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS NEAR ST. GREGORY'S LOW DOWN PAYMENT Asking $12,500 for this smart 10-year-old, 6-rcom brick home, . No need for buses for the buyer of this well-kept home. Decorated throughout, good-size dining room, all aluminum storms ond screens, paved driveway, lot completely fenced-in. Call Bill Millar, at RA 8-5123, 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW $9,200 FULL PRICE With four bedrooms, modern kitchen, 3-pc. bath, garage, TV antenna, close to school and bus service. $70.00 monthly. Act fast! Call Dick Young, RA 8-5123. [{ for 10 acres of choice land, east of Oshawa with 665' frontage, 22 acres now in raspberries with plenty of room for more. For full por- ticulars, call Dick Young, RA 8-5123. WORDS CAN'T DO JUSTICE This home is up to the min- ute in construction, is beauti= fully decorated, large thermo« pane window, aluminum storms ond screens. Com- pletely landscoped and fenced. Call Gerry Osborne, RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET RA 8-6286 BUNGALOW WITH 2 ACRES OF LAND In good condition and avail able for immediate posses- sion, 3-piece bath, oil heats ing and all the conveniences of city living. Monthly pay- ments of onl y365, 00 ond the taxes do exceed $71.00. Asking $8, 950 with a low down payment. Call Bob Stevenson at RA 8-6286. FULL PRICE ONLY $7,500 frame bungalow in tip-top condition on a lorge IT N. $700 - DOWN - $700 SECURITY Had enough of paying rent? Then move into this five room storey and half home. Needs some renovating but for $70 "18-1715. $1195, '55 Mercury, tudor hardtop, power equipped, excellent condition, one owner. Phone OL 5.3189. "60 VAUXHALL, 6-cylinder Crests, fully equipped, miles, e at 5, Cash, trade or terms. Call RA '54 PONTIAC, four-door, two-tone, cus- tom radio, signals, washers, snow tires, Excel condition throughout. Wii trade. RA 3- 3000. '57 PONTIAC Laurentian sedan, 6; radio, two-tone, spotiess condition, low mileage, 31400, Apply 88 Cadillac Av- enue South per month your security is bought. Just $800.00 down, '53 PONTIAC sedan, in good condition, radio etc., $550. Teiephone RA 8-8808, TOILETS, sump pumps $20; pressure systems $25; three-piece bath sets $70; stainless stee! sinks $13.95; floor furn- ace, space heater, servall grill, elec- tric Pop cooler, skill saw, hot water and fittings, all kinds. corner end Park Road South. VANITY dresser, 30 w volumes, of Am- | ericana encyclopedia, record player | 45, and dictaphone. RA 88806 after 5 pn. ™WO men's coats, one « brown and grey, | sizes 38-40, in new condition. Phone RA 3-3514. 10 BENCH saw in good { condition, Apply 170 Athol Street East, Oshawa, between 8 a.m, and 4 px fow terms, immed posses sion. Call John Rowe. RA 8- 1287. 's5 HEV. automatic, power brakes, custom radio, washers, Jery clean, $995. Easy terms. XS "Stew" Mike Starr's Garage. RA 5-5646 10 ROOMS, ideal for sub- letting, roomers, boarders, or large family home. Low down payment with good financing. Brick, centrally located, oil heat. Marvellous opportunity for young or old to enjoy, rent free living. Don't wait CALL NOW. Sally Wallace. '51 PONTIAC 6, $125, Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's Garage. RA 5-5646. '97 PONTIAC customs rg white walls, $1195. Easy terms. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's Garage. RA 5-5646. VACUUM cleaner repairs, al makes; parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- vice. RA 8-0591 | anytime. PORTABLE typewriter, electric BM ypewriter, adding machine with credit alance, McKaskey cash register, cheap, RA 3-4434. 57 METEOR, Niagara 300, A-1 con- dition. Phone MO 8.3000, '571 METEOR Rideau, 8 automatic. One owner, excellent condition, phone RA 37329. RA 8-1287 DOUGLAS 1. GOWER 53 MONARCH, radio, power brakes, back-up PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.98 All colors. Guaranteed, flat, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Stre et. RA 3-7624. AUNGRY! Order fish and chips, "ham- burgs. We deliver 23¢ extra, Town Lunch, 522 Ritson South, RA 58978. lights, ete. Perfect $550. OLiver 5.3149. Real Estate RA 8-1287 LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS $4,000 DOWN PUYS THIS THREE PLEX All renting for $230.00 per month. Bolonce on private mortgage, carrying for $140 a month, Secure your future with one of these dividend paying properties. Act quick ly by calling Jim Cruikshanks at RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 46--Real Estate Wanted PARTY would like lot in city, prefer. ably n north end. Telephone RA 5-5516. ALL kinds of property wanted for clients, some with all eash or your equity Call W. McAuley Realtor, 26 Prince Street, Oshawa. RA 3-2512 or Whitby MO 8-3231. URGENT We need homes for sale, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE 47 --Automobiles For Sale "53 Morris Minor, sedan, good condi- tion, two new snow tires, mew slip- covers, appearance good. Telephone RA 3-3067. 1951 DODGE Sedan. Good condition. Call Hampton COlfax 3-2302. '57 PONTIAC coach, excellent condi tion, $1195 Telephone RA 5-4513. '89 DKW two-tone station wagon, show- room condition, 10,000 miles, fully Sq iPpec, extras, private, Phone Tom, er 2.3405, Uxbridge, after § p.m. LATE model wreck for sale, with radio, good opportunity for body man. Phone RA 3-7618 after 6 p.m. '59 BEL AIR Chev. sedan, or "57 super Olds sedan with power equipment, low mileage, 172 Winona. RA 5-8471 1957 Pontiac sedan, low tone, automatic with and other extras. Tele- ONE owner, mileage, two lot just outside the city limits Just the property for a young couple starting out. All conveniences including heavy duty stove cable. Low monthly payments. Call Henry Yurko at RA 8-6286. MOVE IN NEXT WEEK and you will enjoy the prox- imity of schools, bus and shopping. 5-room brick bungalow in a nice residen- tial area. Ceramic tile bath, aluminum storms and screens Landscaped ond decorated. "ONLY $1,500 DOWN. Call Harold Segal at RA 8.6286, ATTACHED GARAGE WITH A PAVED DRIVE ASKING $12,900. This bun- galow is only a few years old and has had the best of care. Complete with a YOUNGSTOWN kitchen, We are positive that you will like it. Call Glen MacKinnon at RA 8-6286 for an immed- iate appointment. GETTING READY FOR SPRING then call this office tonioht for the home of your choice. You will be more than plets- ed with service you will re- ceive, : N.H.A. Approved lots in all sections of the City avali- oble for building in the _ Spring. LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS TWO FIVE PLEXS Builder will consider home or property--tis part down pay- ment. Now rented on lease with income of one thousand dollars monthly. Equipped with electric stoves and re- frigerators, T.V. antenna, washers ond dryers. For ep- pointment to inspect, call Irwin Cruikshanks or Lloyd Corson at RA 8-5123. INCOME PROPERTY ON DIVISION ST. $3,000 DOWN buys this three, five-room apartments with private en- trances now rented. This is on ideal opportunity for the aggressive couple to insure their future security, For ap- pointment to see, call Irwin Cruikshanks or Lloyd Corson ot RA 8.5123, Lloyd Realty Ltd. Realtors 101 Simeoe St. N. RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD LLOYD METCALF 3V Simcoe St. S. Dial RA 3-9329 or RA 5-6551 REAL ESTATE EMERALD AVE 1.year-old rench-style bungalow -- 'just listed immediate possession. $12,500 with $1,250 down -- balance on 1 N.H.A. mortgage. HARMONY ROAD NORTH . Just off King Street East -- eute 2-bedroom bungalow -- large kitchen with separate dinette -- large living room -- loads of cupboards -- decorated -- landscaped -- storms and screens -- stone's throw from «= ¢lose to separate, public end high i Asking g only B11, 500. After 5:30 call Joe Maga SAVE 5 YEARS OF MONTHLY PAYMENTS IN HARMONY HEIGHTS Only 1 left of the ranch-style bungalows built Son Ltd, in this good location -- complete b veneer bunga- lows wih partial stone fronts, aluminum_storm and screens, 2 alumin storm doors, kitchen fan, ceramic tiled bathroom, sodded lowns -- Hollywood kitchens. $13,495 with $1,864 down. Yes! the mortgage is only 6%. CRESTVIEW GARDENS 4 left -- 6% mortgages = walkout basements «<-- dining room ~--=panorami¢ sashless windows with storms and streens -- com- plete in every woy even to hooded fan in kitchen. Immediate occupancy on some homes. "$13,470 with $1,925 down. Act fast ond save yourself $1,600 in extra interest charges. AFTER 5:30 CALL S. Jackson & Joe Maga--5-9191 Marion Drew--5-7610 Dick Berriage ' |__ THEN CALL YOUR MOVER power phone RA 34033, 'ss PONTIAC coach, good condition, RA 3-4564, '59 DODGE Mayfair, 6-cylinder, stand. ard transmission, radio, seat covers, 5000 miles. Excellent condition, best of. fer, will trade, can arrange finance. Telephone RA 8-8465 after 6:30. '57 PONTIAC Station Wagon, V8, au- tomatie. All extras. $1600. Cash or terms, Telephone RA 5.9145, | TRUCK, curb side style, good condition. Sacrifice, R. Polson, RA 35-0218 FIAT SALES & SERVICE DON ROBINSON ESSO BRUCE AND SIMCOE ST. A 3-9531 new motor, $995. Phone BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST.--OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SCUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: RAndolph 3-3461 | ANY MAKE, ANY MODEL at low prices. Cash counts,' but will consider $25 down to reliable persons. Before you buy, give Stew a try. RA 5-5646 or RA 5-1667 QUALITY USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF WILBAK MOTORS 137 KING ST. WEST RA 5-0732 ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES - BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING ST. W. OSHAWA RA 3-7132 '56 'HALF-ton Chevrolet panel, new snow paint, R MUSKERAT coat, full length, size 18-20, also grey Borg jacket, size 14. Both like new. Phone RA 8-5885. tires and 57488. '56 SPECIAL Buick two-door hard top, two tone black and white, tires like new. Consider older ear. Telephone RA 5-2616. "5 VAUXHALL station wagon, 12,000 miles, perfect condition, snow tires, pri- vate. RA 5.4925 after 6 p.m. 58 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, excellent WE pay highest prices in the city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- ture Store, RA 3.3271, 444 Simcoe South. USED refrigerators, ranges, ges, washers, televisions, radios and record players, best offer. Guaranteed repairs to all houshold appliances and televisions. All tubes and parts Hallas, Barons' Radio and _Ejectric Li 3.2263. "GUNS, ammunition and ating ~sup- condition, low mileage, one owner, no trade in. Phone Port Perry YU 5-2060. 5 PLYMOUTH Belvedere convert- ible, two-tone, peach and black, automati Power steering. Tel 32122, 3 51 PONTIAC custom, 4-door Showroom condition. Must sell, 1239 Meadowvale Street. ALLSTATE Auto Inurance., Save up to 20 per cent, Six months to pay. For| personal service at your home call RA 5-2802. RA "sedan. Apply | CUSTOM built car radios, complete] with aerial and installation, transistor | models from $4995 Terms $5 down Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. RA 511 9 CHEVROLET four- door | two-tone, automatic Tow Many extras. Phone RA 5-4049 48---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want ears for wrecking. Highest prices paid RA 5-1161 or RA 5-1182 BUYING OR SELLING SEE MACKIE MOTOR R.R. 4, KING ST. E. We urgently need 10 cors weekly for out of "town dealer RA 5-5743 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good, clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S, RA 3-9421 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. veiTA '52--Legal Notices | Laughlin Biv. Oshawa. I WILL NOT be responsible yA -y debts contracted in my me, wife Bernice, on or after this ha February 8th, Pini without my fii cons: Tony Caruana, | NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF HAR- VEY FRANKLIN CROSSMAN, Farmer, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Harvey Franklin Crossman, 'ate of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, who died on or cbout the 7th day of December, 1959, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the 22nd day of February, 1960, full partic ulars of their claims, Immed- iotely after the soid date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which she shall then hove notice, DATED ot Oshawa this 21st day of January, 1960. LAURETTA MAE CROSSMAN, by her Solicitors, plies. new and used, terms 10 cent down Dominion Tire Store, Street West. RA 5.6511, E double t eve ing gown, s'ze $ Terms. 196 Ritson Road South. |SEE the spertacular mew Buccaneers 13 to 35 np with two starting models Come in and chonse yours mow. Trade] and terms Cy Preece Garage, Gliddon {at Verdun Road $0-INCH continental, like mew, custom | rubberized cover, two 30-inch air foam ushions with matching covers, RA 8.0291 |B. TF GOODRICH | Stores -- tires, bat- re slectric razor parts, also leutting heads, cords ete. for other | makes of electric razors. Meagher's, {5 King Street West RA 3.2425 {LARGE selectic of re-conditioned {TVs at Parkway Television, 918 Sim- coe Street North, FOR qua ality nsed ed clothing, eo 102 William Street East, furniture. WINE and cider barrels, a0 sizes, solid ou lowest Pest. Sativa Hard- 8 Church. RA 3-7624 FINE foods for Tess, at Glecofl Super- market, Ritson South, open daily to 10 p.m. Free parking and delivery. Free premiums with purchases. Self-serve meats, fruits, groceries. REF RIGERATOR, R, Hotpoint, feet; 30 inch Beach electric Reasonable. RA 3.9287 J t, new, size 46 tall, come to Also used 8 cubie range. CONFIRMATION ¢ dress, once, size 12. RA 5-619 TABLE with extension and four r chairs. RA 5.6190. HIGHEST prices paid for r used furni- worn y only Street. Phone RA 8-1131 SKATES, new and used, largest selec:| tion in town. Most reasonable prices East, WINTER sale of room lots of King West, opposite Dominion Store. BEAUTIFUL hand made coffee ta solid hardwood construction, various sonable. Call RA 5-1400. 9--Automobile Repairs 1271 SIMCOE NORTH Specialists in Ford Service and parts. Wheel alignment, wheel balance with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES LTD. PHONE RA 3-4675 50--Articles For Sale FOR SALE ~-- Quantily of mixed wood. 8 and 10 foot lengths. Approximately 9 cords. Dial RA 3.9945. PEANUT vending machine, new linoleum tile. Telephone 81928 after 6 p.m. SHOP NOW AND SAVE! also 200 RA 36 MONTHS TO PAY 13' moulded Boat, windshield, steering, controls, lights, hardware, 25 h.p. motor, paddles, life jockets and trailer. All new for only .. 995.00 New 40 h.p. Electric Motors 5 New 60 h.p. Electric Motors Used 60 h.p. Electric Motors . . . 69. 1 Only -- 16-ft. Moulded ly. Boat, 40 h.p. electric motor, fully equipped with trailer, Only 1495.00 See and Demonstrate the all- new 7V2 hp. Scott. Only 36-1b. heavy. A fisherman's dream, Only . 295.00 FULL LINE 1960 MOTORS ON DISPLAY 3.6 to 60 H.P. USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN AJAX MARINE NO. 2 HWY AT AJAX Ph. 1266 FOOD AND FREEZER PLANT $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approximately 90 per cent groceries and freezer. No down payment. For appointment (no obliga tion)--phone RA 5.370 SALE We don't promise any bonus, we promise dnly humber one self-storing aluminum doors installed, guaranteed, only $4495. Aluminum double- hung storm windows: $18.50 installed. Now try the best in town. Call us for -. quick service. RA 3-985] Alex Vojda, 481 Drew St, 96.95 9.00 5.00 Only NO DOWN PAYMENT | the purchase of any piece of unfinish- ed furniture. Chest of drawers, desks, $14; bookcases, $5.99; dressers, $26. Wilson Furniture, Church Street. BABY carriage, car playpen, lady's electric shaver, alts m good con- dition. RA 5-76003, Toronto Avenue. RA 5 SELLING furniture? hc ee it. Re- frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer, econ- Prince Street. Phone RA $-1131. AW 8, plain colors or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and jabje rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe Nort NEARLY new wall to wall living room drapes, also dining room and three bedroom drapes, Burma TV aerial with|. fol, ny J. Goyne. RA 3-2265 or RA plain blower, slightly used, id side- walks or driveways. RA 3.9810. SKATES, new and used, Targest selec. tion in town. Most reasonable prices. Avrly Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street LLOYD baby pre=rrTy and mattress, white-blue lining, good conditiay. Best Stee. , or over; also oblong piay-pen, A 5-2595 NINE - piece diting room suite, AH © T 3 oe. FRIGIDATRE refrigerator and stove, walnut dinette suite, 7 #t. 6" by 9 #t floral rug and pad; drapes; water heater, elements and control; % hp electric motor; water pump; 34 ft. ex- tension ladder. RA 5-3627 ONE man's overcoat, new, size 46 tall Rensonable. RA 8-0412. SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 Electrohgme, R.C.A. Victor, Admiral, Westinghouse. The finest in T.V.,, Hi-Fi ond service. PARKWAY T.V. 918 SIMCOE NORTH RA 3-3043 JANUARY SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully . guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18 Call now Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 52---Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors und others having cloims . against the Estate of JOHN KRAWCHUK, late of the City of Oshawa, are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the under- signed, solicitor for the Executrix, on or before the 1st day of March, 1960, ghte er which date the Estate's ts will be d stribt ted hav- ing regard only to claims that have been received ERNEST MARKS, Q.C. Soliciter, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. Bond | $45. | ture, also sell and exchange, Contact| . Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince ug Apply Drayton Cycle, 204 Bond Street 1959 wallpaper, 10-roll bundles at $2.95, $3.95, at Edgar's Paint and Wallpaper, 34 fone designs, Y plate glass tops, ren: VPAINTED bookcases only .99c. with $17; ni USED furniture, bought + and d sold. 218 [Mrs. McGibbon & Basetde, Barristers & Solicitors, ;| Bishop Dibelius Defends Criticism BERLIN (Reuters) -- Bishop Otto Dibelius, head of the All- German Evangelical (Protestant) Church, said in a sermon in East : Berlin Sunday that as a young student he had supported critic. ism of certain aspects of Jewery, Anyone who had known the sit- uation in Berlin in the last two {decades of the 19th Century would understand that, he told a congregation of several thousand in St. Mary's Church, He maintained that such critie- ism had nothing in common with the aggressive Nazi racialist ate titude toward Jews. From the moment the Jews be gan to be persecuted "we had to give our help to them, and we did that," he said. RCMP Labor Inquiry Asked VANCOUVER (CP) -- Twe members of the Seafarers Inter- natiohal Union (Ind.) have asked for a full-scale RCMP investiga. tion info alleged Communist in- filtration of the labor movement in Canada. G. A. Hughes and Tom Os. borne, claiming to represent about 50 SIU members, also said 20 Simcoe Street North, 0 hawa, Ontario. they fear that Norman Cunning. ham, SIU port agent here, is in \danger of personal attack. They NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF Wil- LIAM JOHN LAWRIE, Den- tal Technicion, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William John Lawrie, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Intario, Dental Technician, deceased, who died on or about the 29th day of De- cember, 1959, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Repre- sentatives of the said de- ceased on or before the 22nd day of February, 1960, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Repre- sentatives will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice DATED at Oshawa this day of January, 1960 JENNIE LAWRIE and WILFREF JAMES LAWRIE, by their .dlicitors, McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Os shawa, Ontario, Hoax Story About 18 Seafarers 22nd with the Seafarers International Union, had arrived in Vancouver to help fight the independent union on the B.C. coast appar: ently was a hoax. describing himself as a spokes. man for the group, but asking that his identity not be used told a reporter that thé men were ousted from an SIU - controlled he freighter on the Great Lakes Dec. 21 after questioning SIU policies. The reporter also was told that the men switched their allegiance to the rival Canadian Brother. hood of Railway, Transport and General Workers (CLC) and came here Thursday in a chart- ered plane The alleged source of the story later denied that he had talked with reporters and the Vancouver International Airport said there had been no such chartered flight Alinto Vancouver Thursday. The CBRT and its allied union, :|the National Association of Ma- rine Engineers, have been fight- ing the SIU since last June. VANCOUVER (CP)--A report that 18 seamen from the Great) Lakes, professing disillusionment The report arose when a man !supplied no details. | | CBC Counterclaim On Artist Imports TORONTO (CP) -- The CBC claimed Saturday that the Asso. ciation of Canadian Radio and Television Artists included 58 Canadians in the list of imported performers it submitted to back up its complaint that native tal. ent is being squeezed out of tele vision by imported ariss. The CBC denied the associa tion's\etdim that 76 performers were imporied between October and December last year, and stated that only 18 were brought in, H. G. Walker, general manager of the English network, said per- |formers who appeared in Janu ary productions were included in the list. He said it also included Canadian citizens Lee Paterson and Murray Matheson. Adoption Plan Angers Comedian LONDON (AP) -- A retired schoolteacher suggested on a ra- nine | @i0 program that movie star Diana Dors give away her new- born baby boy. "She should get it adop said Mrs. Mary Stokes, 67, in a panel discussion. The suggestion angered Diana's husband, comedian Dickie Daw- 0! mn. The 29-year-old Diana, who be- came a mother for the first time two days ago, has drawn some criticism over her memoirs now being published in a Sunday paper, The memoirs tell of wild parties at Diana's country man. sion where she and her friends played some lively variations of strip poker. Investigation In Woman's Death HESPELER (CP)~Crown Wt. torney H. L. Daufman of Kitch ener is conducting an investiga- tion into the death of Mrs. W. H. Kinzel, #4, found dead from three bullet wounds in her apartment Thursday night. An autopsy showed two bullets in her chest and one in her head. Her husband, the town assessor and justice of the peace, dis- covered the body. Returning home after an evening out, he found a semi-automatic 7.65-mm pistol under the body. Police said suicide was prob. able. Mr. Daufman has not yet decided whether to hold an in quest. The Kinzels collected guns and Mrs. Kinzel was a keen hunter, By M. HORN HAMPTON -- The annual open meeting and family night of the Women's Institute was held Tues- day in the new Sunday School hall with president Mrs. Wilfrid| Smale in the chair. It was suggested that two short plays be presented for the March 17 program. Mrs. Caverly assisted by Mus.| Harold Salter were appointed to| obtain musical numbers for the rogram, Sewing groups were asked to se- cure required material needed for quilts and other articles, Mrs. Theron Mountjoy presid- ed for the program arranged by! the Centre group. Mrs. Caverly led In a sing song with 'Miss N. Horn at the piano. Adamson presented a humorous reading and Mr. Keith Smith showed pictures of garden flow- ers and shrubs. A short discussion on florieul Mrs, E.| Hampton W.L Family Night votions and scripture was read by Mrs. Axford with prayers by Mrs. Caverly. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull assisted Mrs. Blanchard in the program. New officers were installed by |Rev. W. Reed as follows -- Presi- |dent, Mrs. F. Reed; first vice president, Mrs. S. Kersey; second | vice-president, Mrs. A. L. Blan. |chard; recording secretary, Mrs. |Harold Salter, assistant secre. tary, Mrs. Trull; treasurer, {Mrs. A. E. Billett; correspond- ling secretary, Nancy Johns; As. soclate members secretary, Mrs. J. R. Knox; supply secretary, Mrs. Caverly; Christian Citizen. {ship and Temperance, Lulu Rey- |nolds; Christian Stewardship and Friendship, Mrs. K.- Caverly; . !planist, Mrs. M. Mountjoy; Mis- slonary Monthly, Mrs. Axford; press secretary, Mrs. M. Mount. joy; Birthday and Gift Box, Mrs. Hoskin Smith; cards, Mrs. G. Ad- cock, Baby Band leader, Florence ture followed. Douglas Dewell provided music lat the plano and a social hour o: lowed WMS MEETING The January meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the church parlor with Mrs. A. L. Blanchard in the chair, Plans were made . for quilting) and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy and S.- Kersey were appointed as a committee with representa- | |tives from Eldad and Zion to ar range for the World's Day of Prayer service, March 4, Mrs. Blanchard conducted de-! February meeting will be held at the church, [PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley, Solina, visited Mr. and Mrs. 8id Cornish, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Eddyvean, Orono, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray, Jan etville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mer. vin Mountjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Trull visited Russell Perkins, Zion. Marie Prescott, Toronto, spent the week end at home here

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