The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 4

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On Tuesday, Benno M. Bech-|since 1984, and whose father and|field of the farm implement busi- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Feb 5, 1960 3 . 4 -- 1'00y, Yobrunry -------- H Alexander |Canada In Need Re al Est ate hold, president, told the com-|grandfather and other family re- ness. . | y pany"s annual meeting at Brant-(latives had headed it before him,| In 1958 English Transcontinen- i | {ford that Cockshutt is buying alll Mr, Cockshutt and the other re- tal Ltd., a British firm, acquired AT DARLINGTON Dies In U S | of Farm Program | - {the issued capital of N.K. Win-|tiring directors had apparently (control of Cockshutt, apparently : we REGINA (CP)--Canada needs| ead etal S ston-Sanson Florida Corp. in re-|lopposed the Florida proposal as through buying shares on the | FRENCHMAN'S BAY -- Word|® positive program to help per- " |turn for 380,000 Cockshutt shares. being too far out of the ordinary open market. sons leaving farms, «says the The value of the Winston-San- {has been received of the death of om i R ate a ers Po S00 A |Harry Alexander on Jan. 20 In ult. He deparmen: of age Re uested {son real estate holdings was said Augusta, Ga. His wife, the late Agricultural College, Giielph. qa [to be about $18,000,000. D A NCE June Alexander, died on Jan. ij : ' - and Mr. Alexander left the fc!-! Prof. D. R, Campbell said TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto At Tuesday's meeting four dir I hd lowing week to make his home|Thursday such a program would kr Fx : "ectors did not offer for re-elec- T n 1l with his daughter Augusta, He/include schools to train those (SOCK Facuauge Kas assed Cock tion, suffered 3 heart attack two dayslleaving farms Ip business flelds| cupply details of its proposed ac-| They included C. Gordon Cock- : after arriving and was confined|or to give them trades. |quisition of Florida real estate|shutt, chairman of the board, i to the hospital until the time of | In the last 10 years there has|interests. who had headed the company THIS FRIDAY--FEB 5 HAMPTON (Staff) -- At itsymembers of the planhing board, ion some form transporta- his death. Funeral services were heen a 37-per-cent drop in thel . February meeting, Darlington|she stated. on would be supplied. {held in Augusta, Mr. and Mrs. farm population of Canada. ) township council was again faced| i | Her last question was what Alexander had lived in Detroit, on Pop also a great need for| i TO BILTMORE RECORDING ARTIST with a question raised on behalf INFORM PRESS |about the sign for Prestonvale Mich., until the time of hi re-| esearch into agricultural policy| THE 4 of the Township Ratepayers' As-| The spokesman wanted to know |yoad giving its name, which the tirement from General Motors 4,14 the sociology of 'arm living, | sociation and subitted by the as-(if planning board meetings were people have been after and which|there. At that time they moved he 5aid in an interview. J COLUMBIA PICTURES sociation secretary and spokes-(open to the public, : was brought to council somelto their new home af French-| ® research : 7 wi, lly man, Mrs, B. Budai, "What has| Reeve Rickard told her it was nonths ago, man's Bay, about two years ago.| If there had been a research vs J : SAL ' A B Y council decided to do about the|Siggested the board do as coun- oN pApER OTHER NOTES policy, price support his agi 2 Mineo AND HIS CANA IAN R NCH $400 land separation taxes which |? is Oiag, aul hold poe, Meet: Township clerk Walter E, Run-| Mrs Hart Smith of Markham could have been operate he 2 ; - BENE KAN were collected? 3 Jes Ried prin] to the general|die informed council he had a re-|yisited Mrs. John O'Brien last vey a Rig ave agin ; id SUSAN __ JANES (He played for the Queen at Ottawa) The RPA has been asking that| Tl le and pret He sant oF the ply from the department of high-| Sunday. ues KOHNER- DARKEN : | Pescinded ifs bylaw' last fal to| meetings are not open to the pub- CL SCCELTE, Bbd Moms for| Mir and Mee H. Lod of Tol Admission 300 | separ {lic and press, the press should at| i Taf: ronto visiied Mr. Rhodes Faw- | . | R Sollget the $40 for the separation) = 2 i Ee ee a e sadi he was informed by .eit on Sunday- ; | | $1.00 per person : X |the depariment it will supply and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Salt enter y ; To date coungil has been un-|iS happening at board meetings, |oreot any road signs for the town. |, 20d Mrs. Stan Salt enter- : (Teg able to come up with an an- (In, pres That pe publie may be ship if council will advise what ajped Hele Diienge 3 home Sab , g ) E j RUPA swer to the question, but has pro-|k€t informed of what is happening gion et wiches. y thei Ly } {so far as planning in Darling- iy : . teenth wedding anniversary and . Pp: As he thanked Mrs. Budai for also the birthday of Bob Holobon 2-Nights Weekly-2 : Va Srory [a t t work some- A thing. hh iiichig > oy Jownship Js Soucerned. t her attendance at council and her ge Batis Gobi bu Some of the typical problems) Oars ae started anything presentation of the ratepayer oe pny ~ dectaton as to what todo. with| Tew so far this year, Reeve Rick- 5 pacers Reeve Rickard told her) gi yy niighs, ~--FRIDAYS -- Added | Chow the money, (which is being kept|ard replied he didn't know, but he| joe" fo ice 06. 8® 80% SUBBSS | "api" Jack Buck entertained 20 R ds Unli it d A i OW S... in a special township account) is|didn't think they would have yeat. | ice to have them put on paper, ladies from the Lions' Club at a ecorus uUniimiie | THREE STOOGES that when the bylaw was passed, |as like Soien they have onl hae "We have out committees now, |SPaghetti dinner at her home' dh STAG DANCE i the money collected could only be[one monthly meeting so far this 4 come of these problems could |W ednesday |! 'COMEDIES ! I PY fi used for - services, excluding) YOO dat. offered a e discussed in committee, and! Mr id, principal of the | The latest and greatest played schools, in the area in which dor ii Bw al o ene. ha ng os his would be of assistance to Bay R Sh ol took Grades 5 on hi-fi : acted. A 'oblem |tion that no oue is indispensibl neil in suoplving " .</gnd 6 on a skating party on Mon- was collected. Another problem|:°" © hens) ® council supplying the answers| 4nd 6 ating party is, if council decides to refund therefore the RPA felt there ; "4 association," said the day. They cleaned the snow off | meeeeSATURDAY Smee FE ye Ce mer ake ene | TD ANGE PARTY | GROADWAYS MUSICAL SMASH. NOW THE PERFECT |. Exotic SPECIAL ON Irs. J. Henderson and Mrs. J. (COUPLES ONLY) | J FUN-AND- MUSIC MOVIE! } } i) \ ' Will it be returned to the per- rb ) son Who paid it n the township REACH AGREEMENT | : led the Tor Oriental BANQUETS joes, or wii 1 20 lo the pt "Concerning the high school sit- e rvarv ee awl attende the oro 0 d son who originally own the uation, the executive of the RPA reshytery Unitec an land separated, or to the present or iards hey ave ach X Church sem? aprial convention DON PIERRE . B : , 3 c . LUNCHEONS owner? . 5 is t} 21g} n Toronto on Tuesday. The meet- 3 B 3 sax ..|an agreement, is that true?" she | Reeve Garnet B ickard told ar Held By H-S {ing included a tour of Woodgreen AND HIS CELEBRATED | ) | AY n } ' i anadian CHINESE FOODS | Mrs. Budai although the present| "po .ve Rickard pointed out a: {Recreational Centre which was ORCHESTRA y i d council has been in office for, .eament had been reached as| AJAX -- The February meet. |Very impressive. Mrs, McGowan, +1 h ; only four weeks, it has been tar as two of the proposed schools of the Lord Elgin Hime and|@ summer resident here, also at-| Table Accommodation k , TAKE-OUT studying the problem. He stated|.:e concerned, but said the high Schoo! Assoclation was held on tended. | Fa ORDERS he was going to suggest an OPEN school board was having water Mondaj Happy Birthday wishes to little For 600 i v 4 0 | dit 1° meeting with council, the pa difficulties at the proposed loca-| The meeting opened with - the Robin Gildner who was two years > ", ) io ; / OUR ning board, raiepayers , the a tion for the Darlington school. [singing of the 'Queen', followed 0d on Feb, 2 : "a 'o SPECIALTY mahiager, townsnp solicitor - and| gg stated the last he had heard |by the Lord's Praver. Mrs. B. J.| Young Tony Jones still has his [ D- x 5 \ "5 hn mi o ae department |g, ficient water supply had been Severs presided in the absence of foot in a cast as a result of a f (| AN b J I 2 \ DIAL : iene Atal } oC found on the site, but pointed out|the president, Mrs. G. W. C hone in the heel sustain- 4 id ( | A ES what could be done with thelih.i is a school board problem (wood, and spoke a few words of ed When he fell on the ice at his, 4 J ; 3 ' es \ RA 5-2543 yo money. |rather that council's. concern. [welcome home. | INTEREST GROWS "Will. the new school be ready| Mrs. Hood's room won the at-| "| { STD IND ESE SUBS HOMD AE SRW Eee He stated not only would they for the start of the next school /tendance banner with a count of ATTIRE. rir «0 LR LAL RY ov NW Tem 19 KING ST. W. discuss the $400 land separation term. We ubderstand the pupils|15 parents present, X OSHAWA monies, but all township financial from Darlington will not be per-| Mrs. P. Robinson introduced " 4 ---- NS problems, with the hope of seeing mitted to attend Donevan Colle-|the guest speaker, Reeve John VALEKTINE / CANADA'S MOST ' g what can be done to save the giate next year, due to the in-/Milis, who gave a very interest. "" UNUSUAL BALLROOM NEW 1:30 - 3:30 | township money in all its econ-|crease of high school age studentsiing and informative talk on the COLOR 5:25-7:25 | omic endeavors in Oshawa, Where will the stu- history of Ontario County, from DANCE | CARTOON a 9:35 | Another point brought to light dents Hom here bo, as the ge Osh-|the early days of its formation, | - | | by the association spokesman is awa students will have to be ac-to the present day, briefly out at | > 3 30 24 J 24 26 2 20 2 X62 the interest accumulated on: the /commodated first?" Mrs. Budai lining some of the achievements -DO NOT Mi | g . OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE land Separation taxes as it sits asked of the County Council, and telling POLISH NATIONAL | iy ay 9 $$ la i untouched in the bank. : 'Here again is a school board how Ajax is affected by being an | 105] PRESENTS be done with 57 Surely. Imerest bor said, our. yulents Wii here, Dart of the count UNION HALL | Hiei ROBERTSON DAVIES' os MX oa TY Rn Sai. ur sluconis wi Mrs. Severs thanked Mr, Mills | C PN) p | jas accumulated by now," Mrs. Je sble 10 3iiena Donevan," sald on behalf of those present. Jed BANTING AVE. | 4 AN IAN YOUTH! LOVE! "oe and COLOR! " " tok , . v lexAr Accompanied by Mrs. Jane | Reeve Rickard assured her alll apg Budai told him she has Greer, Mrs. Severs favored with Friday, Feb. 12 | 3 i OVERLAID that is being taken nto considera. not only read it in the paper, two lovely vocal selections fion in council s study of the prob-lj,yy yas alsy heard it from the] Next month It nomination , o Sponsored by : $s . CRO DIRECTED BY JEAN SHERIDAN lem. He stated he felt it may| ina that Donevan will not meets qd. all. members are Polish National Union | " g "ay | . have been a mistake to levy the sve © for Darling t eting, an | members are Ww. 's Club \ he land separation fee, a second mis-| or lariinglon BW-asked to attend. A complete omens "lv | } a 4 LUCILLE FLETCHERS' hird ai ents year | membership list is available from fb: 4 3 4 take to stop it, and the third move ! p 18 DANCING 9 TO 1 must be correct in every detail] She also wanted to know if stu- which nominations ean be made. | . b. i" n Before council makes > *--|denis will be suppied with trans. "The meeting 'adiourned on 4 | Mitchell Zaleski's | AMMONITE of SORRY, WRONG NUMBE The second question raised bv {portation to the new school when motion from Mrs. C. Mills, and a| Orchestra ; : ' the RPA was that it understood|it is complete. To this Reeve|Valentine lunch was served by the ' BS 4 # DIRECTED BY DOLORES VICTOR two members of the planning Rick stated he jnegined 5 soc 8 cornu oe under the direc SPOT DANCE PRIZES 1 3 { board have completed their time lf they were over the two mile tion of Mrs. J. Jamieson. ADMISSION 1.00 ' | . for which they were appointed to|™ = Epa | The Home and School Associa- | eoME AND BRING A FRIEND - A ANTON CHEKOVS serve, 'How do we stand with the | . fon oaventon wl . be ed La . \N IT] 1" lanning board? Will those two I t he Royal York Hotel, Toronto, - re-appointed, or will ose new mmigran S on April 20 and 21 ! members replace them? Mrs -- - £5 / Budai asked H] d DIRECTED BY PATRICK MONAGHAN Reeve Rickard told her council raise ana a A makes appointments for a three| £ GREGORY AVA at year term each year, therefore GO RORIO0 Lop These Cana- 5 PECK GARDNER [oY Y two members of the board are dians were like messengers from : : ; ) completing their terms each|heaven," sald Josef Moravski,| =f FRED ANTHONY © : hi E81 WLS i Bo i McLAUGHLIN LIBRARY THEATRE year. He admitted the two mem- head of one of the 16 tuberculosis] » ASTAIRE PERKINS a > wizia ¢ . we] bers have been considered for re- refugee Tathilies who arrived 7 - - ; FEBRUARY 10, 11, 12 AND 13 appointment {here Thursday. 3 : . ' ' . . ii A "Single He pointed out the two whose| He was referring to the Cana- 2 4 © em A 4 . FEBRUA ¥ . term is finished this year have dian immigration officers who 3 ; 5 4 RY at A 8.30 P.M. SHARP been among the two most valu-|vigited his refugee camp several 1:50. 4:15 > . Ca Gi y ' able members of the board. He weeks ago and selected himself 6:45.9:10 iy 4 - . ; stated their locations contribute and his wife and nine-year-old TODAY * £Y : : much i their value on the plan daughter to come here in World (except Sunday) ! Lae * BOX OFFICE AT HENDERSON'S BOOK STORE ning board, as one is a resident| Refugee Year . \ ST A 4 : ME-STEVENS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 -- 8:30 AM. to 6:00 PM he : z N-ARTH! NN @ a D0DIE STEVENS : 30 4, 00 PM, Sowaship and The other a evident The fomiltes gt rt " = *Seen. most wonderful C ART WHITHAN " Hk oro tl a > Wb: MONDAY, TUESDAY, FEB, 7, 8 -- 4 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. of the northern corner of the|%nt © wo Thien in Drone pre-season showing of the ow. ON NIGHTS OF PERFORMANCES -- AT THEATRE, 7 P.M. township hig vi i as > = = x = : = A 5 est and finest of everything in |! To this Mrs. Budai told council |{"€"® $his Year fic ald: th Si Hulls, Engines, Hardware . | GENERAL ADMISSION $1.00 some people in Darlington have Immigration Sica. ne he Accessories for Cruisers, Run- not been happy about the mem- ye ig abouts, Yachts, Outboards and s h » Bonn due to a mix-up in, docu- Hs h 4 anid i Ie Diamine bond. id and will be flown here| COME ALONE OR BRING A FRIEND Marine Engines. ! se t - | | - yers" didn't like the faces of the|later. . to the T HE C A N A D | A N jormer council that it did not| Five of the families stayed] elect them, but because they did here with the remainder going to not like the former council's ac-|London, Ont, Hamilton and tions. The same holds true with|Kitchener. a 9 TO 12 P.M il Weekdays -- v y STEVE BACKWELL TRIO 6 10:30 pow, Dine at the Saturdays -- : i " A ; ro a i 4 3 : m-- : RESTAURANT Y.W.C.A. | 10.30 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. lk -- | 199 CENTRE STREET ADULTS 50; CHILDREN 25 : CHOICE OF FOUR MERCURY SERVICES TO THE WEST 14%; King St. East (Upstairs) - ONLY TCA FLIES NON-STOP TO OSHAWA, ONTARIO |= -- ES ER VANCOUVER, EDMONTON AND CALGARY PACIFIC MERCURY daily ex. Mon. & Wed.; leaves Toronto 10.10 a.m. EST; arrives Vancouver 3:30 p.m. PST WILSON & LEE daily ex. Thurs.; leaves Toronto 4:15 p.m, EST; arrives Edmonton 9:00 p.m. MST; EDMONTON MERCURY arrives Vancouver 11:05 p.m. PST LIMITED -- i q daily ex, Sun.; leaves Toronto 12:45 a.m. EST; arrives Calgary 5:30 a.m. MST; | CALGARY MERCURY arrives Vancouver 7:00 a.m. PST Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments -- IR a re ewe gio: rr aily; leaves Torontn 3:00 p.m. ; arrives Winnipeg 5:55 p.m. CST; WESTERN MERCURY arrives Vancouver 9:10 p.m. PST SAXOPHONE ® CLARINET 8 ACCORDION ® HAWAIIAN SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT OR @® VIOLIN GUITAR TRANS-CANADA AIR LIN IN TORONTO, HAMILTON OR LONDON SPANISH GUITAR e TROMBONE ES POPULAR PIANO eo VIOLA raw" al FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Our 6-week beginner's course on the accordion é at $1.50 oi includes the FREE use of an Domestic and World Wide Travel Arrangements accordion during that period which is taken § 57 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA RA 8-6201 home for practice. ENJOY YOUR SUNDAY DINER mo "DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE canal .~ HERE | NO CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICE othe in i ot a " 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY MO 8-3304 or RA 5-4831 Chi deftly and graciously in @ pleasant ot nese mosphere, enhanced by romantic musie. Food, Everything perfect! | SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT PJAL SIC STORE 2B | oncom 195 | | scot sr. worm © th sar MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE orders All the trimmings ... 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA Thomas Meadows Co. Canada Ltd. RA 3-9441

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