The Oshawa Times, 5 Feb 1960, p. 14

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TS EN 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 5, 1960 Contribution Of Electricity February 7th to 13th is National Electrical Week, marking the 113th anniversary of Thomas Fdison's birth, Edison brought electricity out of the laboratory and into practical use for the benefit of all mankind. He work- iringly to develop the first p ical electric light bulb, and with it, the equipment needed to bring it into our homes. Edison founded an industry that has be- come one of the nation's largest and most vital . .. an industry that has put the magic of elec- tricity to work in a thousand ways that contribute to the strength and prosperity of the nation. An industry that switch. It brings you entertain- ment, cooks your food, does your| washing and in so many ways| makes your life easier and more| enjoyable, Have you ever thought just how inexpensive all these| electrical servants are? The! average - size living room can be vacuumed for about half al cent. With the flick of a switch, electricity does a week's wash! for the average family for less than a nickel. National Electrical Week has been officially declared by many of our premiers and mayors -- a/ salute to the 200,000 skilled Cana-| dians of the electrical industry whose products and services are Symbol Marks [Electric Power High Standard The conception of a Medallion in either Gold or Bronze to indi-| cate a house which has been built and equipped to meet a high standard of electrical excellence has eaught on in Ontario with amazing results during the past year. The Bronze Medallion is the next step above the well known Red Seal Standard of Wiring of the Electrical Service League of Ontario and indicates .a house which, in addition to an adequate wiring installation, has had pro- vision built in for extra ap- pliances and advanced lighting. The Gold Medallion, known as the "Mark of Electrical Excel- lence" indicates a house which is completely electrical with the exception of the heating system. €On- | designed to serve the highly spe-|It is fully expected that in view tinues to play an increasing part|cialized needs of our growinglof the wonderful acceptance by in Canada's developmest -- pro- viding equipment for four-fifths work in manufacturing for wle. Yes, from forest and juation. | GOOD LIGHTING the public of electricity as a heat source that in the not too distant future the Gold Medallion Home will include electric heating and Key To P | As Canada celebrates National Electrical Week, Feb. 7-13, under {the banner of 'Electricity Sparks {the "60s", citizens of Ontario can look to Hydro to help them achieve a better way of life dur- | ing the next decade -- through an abundance of low-cost electric power. Hi Ld and h k LL] in this most densely populated of all the provinces, will be offered an increasing number and var- ety of time-saving, work-elimin- ating electric appliances and equipment. In addition, home im- provements such as ultrasoric lighting, mural television, panel lights, electrostatic dusting wands, and ultra-modern heating and cooling systems will prob- ably be in general use. FLIP A SWITCH Before the Centennial of Can- ada as a Dominion in 1967, it may be possible for the man of the house to discard that instru- rogress memory or brain may be avail-| able to housewives to retain and give information on menus and| recipes, CARD FOR HOUSEWIFE By pressing the appropriate button, the housewife will get a punched card with instructions stamped on it. She will insert this card in the slot of her multi- storage cupboard and all the necessary ingredients will be automatically measured out. An electric mixer will then take over, and finally, the card will instruct the oven on the cooking procedure. There will be extensive use of wide array of new appliances, important developments will be taking place in the suprly of power to the people of Ontario. STEADY EXPANSION With the urban development of | Ontario, the municipal electrical | utilities associated with Ontario] Hydro in the distribution of elec- tricity, will maintain a steady expansion of residential and in- dustrial services. In mid-1961, Canada's first nu- clear-electric power will flow into Hydro's Southern Ontario trans- mission network. This power will be indistinguishable from energy produced by presently con- ventional means, but it will be symbolic of the quiet revolution in power production in the '60s. In late 1964 or early 1965, the first full-scale nuclear power sta- tion will be in operation in On- tario. Uranium, a mineral in which home freezers and irradiated foods, capable of being stored for several years. Fly swatters will be "collected as antiques, as homes, commerce, and industry, (especially large dairies), will use electric fly-traps. Electric toilet systems will eliminate sew- the province is rich, will be used as a fuel to an increasing degree as nuclear energy begins to play an important part in Hydro's generating pattern. New hydraulic developments will help to meet some of the power requirements of the '60s, ects will be the innovation of the extra - high - voltage transmis- sion of power from many of the province's more remote sites. To carry the output from these iso- lated sites (it is estimated that 2,000,000 kilowatts of hydraulic power is still undeveloped), Hydro is planning an EHV net- work in Northeastern Ontario, which will transmit power at 460,000 volts -- double the pres- ent highest voltage used in On- tario. The coming decade will bring many changes, but the aims of both Ontario Hydro and local electrical utilities will remain the same: to provide a constant and abundant supply of electric power to the homes, farms, and factories of Ontario. | | Service League Aids Consumers and side by side with such proj-| The Electric Service League of Ontario is a non profit, education- al organization created by the electrical industry as a whole for the sole purpose of assisting the people of the province to enjoy the benefits of electrical living through the use of the many won- derful electrical labor saving de- vices which are available to them and to raise still further the already high standard of living existing in Ontario. The approach to this objective is made through the home. Act- ing upon the realization that the achievement of this objective rests upon the adequacy of the electric wiring installation, the League has in almost 40 years |concentrated upon improving the public awareness of the desir ability and necessity of improved house wiring and to convince the builder that the house which he builds will, if properly wired, have greater appeal to his cus- tomers and will permit the use of modern appliances without costly revisions to the installation, RED SEAL To enable the general public to recognize a home which is ade. quately wired, a standard of wir- ing is maintained and is identi- fied by a 10-point Red Seal bear- ing the words "Red Seal Stan- dard of Wiring." The house which bears this sea! will be a house which is easier b sell and at a higher dollar value. | age disposal plants, while home to end-products, "'electricity| HAS 3 PURPOSES will then be truly a "Mark of 1ilds jobs". during National Electrical adequate fixture Week t the wc lighting are; So to provide tasks Gold d's most versatile serv-|lumination; second, electricity. Electricity light for certain visual and s you warm in the winter, such as cooking, reading, sew- Homes have been built in various 0 It turns|ing; and third, to provide accent|parts of the province, many in|® in the summer. into day at the flick of allight to enhance interior decor. [subdivisions of from 12 to 50 -- g During CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Girl's name 5. Viper 30. German river 11. French river 12, Garment 13. Come 15. Sachet powder 7. Door handle 16. Flimsy 18, Strikes 19. Like {houses. Week 65 of 4. Skilled public. tradesman 5. Wing 6. June bug 7.Daggers 8. Ireland (poet.) 9. Six-shooter 14. Motor y torpedo craft 31. Land (Brit) mease ure 83. Farewell 24. Male sheep 25. Eve. ning |cal Week. in just over The three main purposes of pacirical Excellence." year, Canadians saulte|first, to cast general room il-|ON DISPLAY During 1959 approximate! ing many which are electrically| that heated, were on display to the| come. It is anticipated that a further 20 will be open for in- spection during National Electri- | This amazing progress by a| Dishwashers will remove all {new conception of modern living | orange and matter from dishes strikingly the desire of the house| means of high-pressure sound |buying public for comfort and convenience which|water. All types of garbage will| only the use of electricity in the| pe pulverized home can give. It really permits| powder by a compact electric in- us to Live Better--Electrically. lean back watching the snow| In the bedrooms of tomorrow melt as fast as it falls, thanks to|a radiant heating pad will be the cables carrying electricity|suspended above the bed to keep ly 450 under his driveway. In the not|sleepers comfortable without t distant future he may be able| blankets. The panel may include bring his electronically steer-la TV monitor screen to enable car from his garage to his|parents to keep a close watch on [door without getting out of his|junior in the nursery. Electrica! | chair. | heating and cooling systems will However, it is in the kitchen|provide year-round residential the real revolution will air-conditioning. The kitchen of the future| But behind the switches of this {will be built around four units, | teach with an electrically refrig-| erated drawer, for storing, pre-| paring and cooking the family's meals. Bronze Medallion| 00 Home National | includ-| these houses, a year indicates very| and utensils within seconds by| BETTER WITH FULL the greater waves which will agitate the| into disposable cinerator. A small 21. Behold 20. Let 22. Elevate 22. Beneficial 25. Mrs. Peron 23. Agree- 26. Jargon able 27. A girder bolt 29. Nether lands river 80. Nail drivers 32. Music note 33. Aweigh (naut.) 84. Second- hand 86. Records, as a TV show 40. Vampires 43, Location 44, Family member 45, Dispatched 46. More accurate 47, Epochs DOWN 35. Arab chieftain 37. Whart 38. Spirit lamp weight NEW REDUCED PRICE ¢ Premium Quality VIGOR OIL CO. For Delivery by Metered Trucks Phone RA 5-1109 =| HOUSEPOWER "Full housepower'"" means that safe, complete wiring is installe ed in your home. It means that your home will be completely equipped with enough circuits, outlets and switches to handle future expansion and additional appliances. Let us advise you on full housepower for your home. SHARP ELECTRIC CO. STOVE OIL Courteous, Prompt Delivery WHITBY MO 8-3644 OSHAWA 1. Crazy (slang) 2. Fragrance 3. Shakese pearian king BROOKLIN OL. .5-3221 AJAX 140 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 550 | 5 * oe o ment of torture, the snow shovel. | precipitators will rid us of all He will merely flip a switch and| domestic dust and dirt. | ® se t,t tA | « « « When You're Living Better Electrically! vort ve | IT'S NATIONAL ELECTRIC WEEK FEB. 7-13 | | RA 8-8214 so large. Choose the size and price that best suits you . . weather worries all year 'round. All Kenmore Dryers Dry by Convection Heat . . . No Hot Spots A--KENMORE DRYER, MODEL 9880. Fully auto- matic with 3 drying cycles to suit every fabric. Delicate cycle for shorter dry time . "wash 'n wear' cycle with 10-minute cool-off period for wrinkle-free finishing. 6 dry settings and 'infinite heat Built-in line trap, sun-fresh lamp, door safety switch, 2149 269.95 14888 SIMPSON'S OSHAWA APPLIANCE STORE PHONE RA 3.7543 B--KENMORE DRYER, MODEL 9890. Completely automatic with full-width fluorescent lighted con- trol ponel. Finger-tip selection of fabric setting. 11 dry cycles including' air ahd dampener cycles Sun-fresh lamp. Built-in lint filter. Each C--KENMORE DRYER, MODEL 9800. 24-inch bud- get-price space saver model with B-pound capacity. Constant temperature. Door sofety latch. Converts quickly for use on either 110 or 220 volts. Each YOU GET MORE VALUE IN A KENMORE DRYER You have fine drying weather at your finger tips when you have a Kenmore automa- tic dryer. Whenever needed, you get a fast drying that is scorch free and sun fresh. Grand for children's clothes because with Kenmore drying, wardrobes need not be . and be free of washday | D--KENMORE DRYER, MODEL 9850. Fully auto- matic with infinite heat settings from room tem- perature to 195 degrees 5 distinct settings for guidance. Built-in lint trap. Sun-fresh lamp. In- terior light. Safety door. Each 199.95 154.95 E--KENMORE DRYER, MODEL 8800. Constant temperature and electric time controls. Drum painted for extra smoothness. Door safety switch 5,600 watt element. 10-pound capacity. Lint trap. NO DOWN PAYMENT on Home Appliances at Simpson's Sons Just pennies a day! That's all it costs to operate your electric refrigerator, range, water heater, washer, dryer, . in fact, all your electric appliances. And electricity does all these jobs so well--better than ever. Electricity is quick, clean, safe, quiet--and above all, TV, radio . . ELECTRICITY DOES SO MUCH economical. You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity. five better ELECTRICALLY. . . the safe clean modern way! P 0 m. Boddy, hairfan ELECTRICITY SPARKS THE BLIC UTILITIES COMMISION F THE CITY OF OSHAWA General Manager Geo. F. Shreve,

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